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Five different dry and five green plant leaves were tested against Meloidogyne javanica and Rotylenchulus reniformis, as bio-agents in controlling these nematodes infecting sunflower. Data generally, indicated that all the tested manures significantly (P≤0.05) reduced the total number of nematodes in root and soil. The best materials were datura dry leaves on M. javanica and lime dry leaves on R. reniformis which gave very good results against nematodes (86.4 and 95.1% female reduction, respectively). Plant growth was significantly (P≤0.05) better, in most cases, in shoots, roots and flowering discs weight.  相似文献   

Four hardwood barks (HWB) i. e.Acacia arabica (AA),Ficus sycomorus (FS),Morus alba (MA) andZiziphus spinachristi (ZS) were tried as soil amendments at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% rates w/w for control ofRotylenchulus reniformis and improvement of cv. Giza 1 sunflower growth under greenhouse conditions. All HWB with various concentrations significantly (P≤0.01) reduced numbers of larvae in soil, both females and eggmasses on roots, total final nematode population as well as the nematode build-up as compared to control. 1.5% rate of ZS, AA and MA barks were most effective in reducing numbers of larvae in soil, total final nematode population and the nematode build-up. Also, 1.5% rate of each of FS and AA barks were most effective in reducing numbers of females or eggmasses, respectively. On the other hand, the least reduction in the previous nematode stages and rate of build-up was observed with 0.5% dose of FS bark. Shoot weights were increased significantly with both of 1.0% and 1.5% doses of each of FS and ZS barks and only with 1.5% dose of MA bark. Both shoot lengths and root weights increased significantly with 1.5% dose of all HWB or with 1.0% dose of each of AA and ZS barks as compared to control. No significant increase in root lengths was observed. Generally, there were positive significant correlations between doses of HWB, each of the reductions in the previous nematode stages and increases in sunflower growth criteria.  相似文献   

The effect of space on the multiplication of the reniform nematode,Rotylenchulus reniformis on cowpea was determined under green house conditions. Both plant growth as estimated by root and shoot weights as well as its lengths and multiplication of the reniform nematode were greatly affected by the amount of space (soil). The population ofR. reniformis increased with an increase in the amount of space (soil) around seedling; highest being observed at 1,250 g of soil. The growth pattern of cowpea was attaining highest growth in 1,000 g of soil. Population ofR. reniformis increased with an increase in soil up to 1,250 g with 5 seedlings. The growth of cowpea was highest in 500 g of soil with 2 seedlings.  相似文献   

Cotton, linseed, soybean and sunflower oilseed cakes as well as aldicarb were used to study their effect on the reproduction of R. reniformis and growth of cowpea plants under greenhouse conditions. All treatments of oilseed cakes and aldicarb reduced final population, rate of build up and reproduction of nematode than those of untreated soil in all soil types. The reduction in such values varied greatly according to the type of employed oilseed cakes and soil type. In general, cotton and sunflower proved to be the most effective oilseed cakes for controlling. R. reniformis and gave the greatest growth of cowpea plants when, compared with the other tested oilseed cakes in sandy and both sandy loam and clayloam soil, respectively. Aldicarb was superior and very potent inhibitor to the reniform nematode reproduction, when compared to the tested oilseed cakes in all soil types.  相似文献   

The insecticidal activity of acetone extracts ofCymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf.,Momordica charantia L.,Zingiber officinale (Ros.),Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich.,Ocimum gratissimum L. andAframomum melegueta (Ros.) K. Schum against the cowpea aphid,Aphis craccivora Koch was investigated.Z. officinale andA. melegueta extracts had the greatest effect in causing mortality ofA. craccivora and inhibiting its reproduction. Extract fromM. charantia caused high nymphal mortality whilst extract fromC. citratus also caused significant nymphal mortality, reduction of life span of adult aphids and inhibition of aphid reproduction.With 3 tables  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - In Peninsular Malaysia, barn owls (Tyto javanica javanica) have been utilized as biological control of rats since the 1960s. In this study, the impact of introduced barn...  相似文献   

树干注射法防治灰同缘小叶蝉试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灰同缘小叶蝉(Coloana cinerea Dworakowska)是秋枫的重要害虫.用16%虫线清乳油、20%叶蝉散乳油、30%氯胺磷乳油、40%乐果乳油和3%吡虫啉微乳剂原药对灰同缘小叶蝉进行树干注射防治试验,结果表明:40%乐果乳油施药后7d和14 d,防治效果为98.78%和97.88%,防效良好;30%氯胺...  相似文献   

Nutrient status, sapwood basal area (SBA) and sapwood to heartwood basal area (S/H) were measured on second growth Pseudotsuga menztesn trees in western Montana. Armillaria-infected trees had significantly lower S/H ratios, growth, and foliar N and S concentrations than noninfected trees. Our results indicate a general influence of Armillaria infection on nutrient content and physiological status of P. menziesü trees. However, these measurements are not a reliable method to determine the extent of infection.  相似文献   

应用Li—6400便携式光合作用测定系统对鸦胆子Brucea javanica雌雄株净光合速率日变化和光合作用—光响应曲线进行了测定,以探讨不同性别树种的光合作用特性及主要影响因子.结果表明:(1)自然条件下,鸦胆子雌雄株叶片净光合速率(Pn)的日变化曲线呈单峰型,无光合"午休"现象,其峰值都出现在12:00时左右.鸦...  相似文献   

One hundred and eight Ophiostoma ulmi sensu lato isolates were collected from field elm trees with symptoms in 14 Prefectures of Greece. The purpose of this study was to assign Greek isolates to species and afterwards subspecies of the DED fungi and to analyse the genetic variability within the Greek populations of these pathogens. Isolates were compared with six reference strains belonging to O. ulmi and the two subspecies of O. novo‐ulmi. The structure of the population has been analysed by means of morpho‐physiological features (growth rates, colony morphology and fertility responses) and by DNA sequencing and PCR‐RFLP amplification of the cerato‐ulmin (cu) and the colony type (col1) gene regions. According to fertility tests, both subspecies of O. novo‐ulmi were detected in Greece, but none of the isolates collected was identified as O. ulmi. O. novo‐ulmi ssp. novo‐ulmi occurred more frequently than ssp. americana (73 and 35 isolates, respectively) and their ranges overlapped. All isolates that behaved as ssp. novo‐ulmi in the fertility tests had the cu, as well as the col1 profile of ssp. novo‐ulmi. Surprisingly, all isolates that behaved as O. novo‐ulmi ssp. americana in the fertility test had the cu, as well as the col1 (with one exception) profile of O. novo‐ulmi ssp. novo‐ulmi. A possible explanation for this inconsistency could be the occurrence of hybridization between the two subspecies in Greece.  相似文献   

对落叶松枯梢病寄主抗病机制进行系统研究发现,易感病品种(如华北落叶松)开始抽新梢时间都提前7~15 d,抗病品种(如日本落叶松)开始抽新梢时间都晚10~15 d;落叶松品种K 、Mn 含量低、儿茶酸含量高时则抗病;证明了落叶松枯梢病的发生与新梢含水率的关系呈正相关。提出利用寄主抗病机制的研究结果鉴定抗病良种的生理生化数量指标为:(1)落叶松不同品种在同一栽植地点开始抽新梢的时间变化:(2)K 、Mn 及儿茶酸的含量。  相似文献   

The effect of amended soil with rabbit, camel, poultry, quail, pigeon, horse, buffalo and duck manures to manage the rice root nematode, Hirschmanniella oryzae on Giza 171 rice plants, and effects of the first five manures in management of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis on Balady eggplants was studied under greenhouse conditions. All treatments significantly (p<-0.01) reduced final populations, rate of build-up and reproduction of both nematodes than in unamended soil. The reduction in such parameters greatly varied according to the type of the tested organic manure and the host plant. Generally, pigeon manure was highly effective against R. reniformis on eggplant followed by quail, poultry and rabbit manures, while camel treatment occupied the least potent manure. Consequently a corresponding statistical increase in eggplant growth resulted. As for managing H. oryzae on rice plants, buffalo dung was very potent inhibitor to its build-up followed by camel, horse, poultry, duck, quail, rabbit and pigeon manures. Percentages increase in the rice growth showed more values when applying duck and pigeon manures followed by quail, rabbit and buffalo. Horse dung improved, to some extent, the growth of rice plants although, none of the other organic manures succeeded in improving the rice plant growth. An explanation has been submitted to discuss the role of both pigeon droppings and buffalo dung on both R. reniformis on eggplant and H. oryzae on rice. This type of control of phytonematodes was considered economical, easy and pollution free.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken at Senehun — Kamajei, a high rainfall region in Sierra Leone, to assess the effects of Leucaena leucocephala, on the growth and productivity of maize, cowpea and sweet potato. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomised design with four replicates of each treatment. The treatments and controls were: (i) pure crops of maize, cowpea, sweet potato, Leucaena clean weeded and unweeded and (ii) intercrops of Leucaena with the food crops, both (iii) with and without applied fertilizers after the first year.The growth of Leucaena was slow but nevertheless tended to reduce grain yields of maize, and tuber and vine yields of sweet potato in the rows in the immediate vicinity of the trees, especially in the nitrogen-treated plots. The maize, in particular, caused an improvement in the early height growth of the trees.  相似文献   

探讨红腹柄天牛危害与罗浮栲、甜槠、细柄阿丁枫3种树种的树皮形态特征、木材含水量、容积重、硬度的关系,结果表明:红腹柄天牛的危害与寄主树皮的粗糙程度有着密切的关系,罗浮栲和甜槠树皮粗糙,适宜于红腹柄天牛成虫产卵,其中罗浮栲有虫株率高达90%,甜槠有虫株率为70%,重度危害;而细柄阿丁枫树皮光滑,有虫株率只有10%,轻度危害。寄主树种的木材基本容积重和含水率均与红腹柄天牛的危害没有直接相关。鲜材、干材硬度高的树种不易受红腹柄天牛的危害,甜槠、罗浮栲材质硬度明显低于细柄阿丁枫,受害较重;同一树种中材质较硬的植株被害程度更轻。  相似文献   

苗期寄主配置对印度檀香幼苗生长影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of pot host (Kuhnia rosmarinifolia) configuration on the growth of Indian sandalwood (Santalum album L.) seedlings were studied by container culture experiment using split plot design. ANOVA results showed that the configuration time of pot host affected the height (p<0.001), ground diameter (p=0.038), biomass (p=0.039) as well as haustoria amount (p=0.016) of S. album seedlings significantly after 5 months’ growth, while statistically differences were not found for the quality index (p=0.120). The amount of K. rosmarinifolia as well as the interaction between amount and configuration time did not show significant differences on the above indices. Earlier configuration of the pot host was good for the growth of S. album, and it was the best when disposing the pot host in the same time with the transplantation of S. album seedlings from seed bed to containers. In consideration of nursery practices, the ideal pot host amount was 2 or 3, under such a configuration model, the growth of S. album seedlings achieved the best performance for most indices, including an average height of 29.43 cm, an average ground diameter of 0.41cm, an average biomass of 3.06 g, an average haustoria number of 151, and an average quality index of 0.402 after 5 months growth.  相似文献   

采用随机踏查法、性信息素诱捕法和解析受害枝条的方法,在石家庄城区及周边地区调查了国槐小卷蛾的危害树种状况和国槐小卷蛾种群数量的时间、空间消长动态。结果表明:国槐小卷蛾的寄主植物有8种。成虫1a有2次发生高峰,盛发期为5月下旬至6月中旬和8月下旬至9月中旬。第1代幼虫对寄主各部位的危害:复叶>嫩梢>花穗。第2代幼虫对各部位的危害:复叶>荚果>嫩梢。幼虫对寄主树冠不同方位和层次的危害表现为:东、南面重于西、北面,树冠上层重于树冠下层。  相似文献   

影响松果梢斑螟寄主选择的植物挥发物成分研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在松果梢斑螟幼虫转移危害期和成虫产卵选择期,采用XAD2的吸附法和二氯甲烷提取法以及GC-MS分析,研究了虫害诱导后油松和华山松球果或针叶挥发性萜类成分.结果表明:幼虫转移危害期,油松球果虫害后的特异性组分为α-蒎烯、β-非兰烯、β-蒎烯、β-香叶烯、D-柠檬烯、异松油烯、乙酸天竺葵酯,以及大香叶烯-D和石竹烯等9种;球果受害后,倍半萜含量显著下降;但非寄主华山松健康球果和虫害果挥发性萜类主要组分有8种,其组成和含量与油松球果显著不同.成虫产卵选择期,油松健康果和虫害果挥发性萜类成分和含量有很大差异,其中特异性组分是α-蒎烯、β-非兰烯/4-侧柏烯、β-香叶烯、D-柠檬烯,以及未知成分、石竹烯和α-石竹烯等8种;与健康果和虫害果相比,针叶挥发性萜类的特异成分为α-蒎烯、乙酸龙脑酯、莰烯、β-蒎烯、对-薄荷-1(7),3-二烯,以及未知成分、石竹烯和α-石竹烯等8种.幼虫选择和趋向试验表明:幼虫明显趋向和选择油松球果而不选择华山松球果;在油松球果及其提取液试验中,幼虫明显趋向和选择虫害球果.  相似文献   

紫胶虫是南亚热带特有的资源昆虫。它分泌的紫胶是军工、电器、涂料、化妆品、医药保健等方面的重要原料。尽管今天的化学合成工业发展日新月异,但是,合成物尚不能完全取代紫胶的位置。因此,继续深入研究提高紫胶产量和质量的问题仍具有重要的现实意义。为此,本项研究...  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象(Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang)是危害松科植物的重要钻蛀性林业有害生物,对不同的寄主其为害部位不同,造成的损失也不相同。通过实地观察和调查统计分析发现,萧氏松茎象在绥阳县为害湿地松蛀道在松树树干基部4.6 cm的左右位置,连续为害蛀道高度可达41 cm,为害华山松蛀道在树干基部以下2~5 cm,危害马尾松蛀道在基部0.2 cm左右的位置。3种不同的寄主受害后损失也不相同,湿地松受害损失最大,死亡率达到15%以上;对华山松的死亡率达到5%以上;危害马尾松后很少造成死亡,损失最小。  相似文献   

Phytotoxic effects ofGliricidia prunings were tested on maize seedlings in the laboratory and on maize and cowpea seedlings in the field. In the laboratory test, growth of maize seedlings was significantly depressed by addition of leachate ofGliricidia prunings. In the field, leaf, chlorosis of maize and cowpea seedlings occurred when mulched withGliricidia prunings; number of affected leaves increased with increasing mulch rate. Maize was more susceptible than cowpea. This phytotoxic effect, however, did not reduce growth of maize and cowpea seedlings in the field. ApplyingGliricidia mulch one week before planting eliminated the phytotoxic effects on maize.  相似文献   

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