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以银狐、蓝狐、南貉、美洲貉、紫貂、水貂为试验材料,观察特种经济动物狐、貉、貂毛绒纤维的超微结构,利用扫描电镜法比较其鳞片层结构特征。结果显示:银狐针毛翘角平均值为34.6°;鳞片高度平均值为10.88μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.48μm,银狐绒毛翘角平均值为25.3°,鳞片高度平均值为11.59μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.51μm;蓝狐针毛翘角平均值为33.1°,鳞片高度平均值为15.09μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.63μm,蓝狐绒毛翘角平均值为25.0°,鳞片高度平均值为9.80μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.55μm;南貉针毛翘角平均值为35.1°,鳞片高度平均值为14.54μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.67μm,南貉绒毛翘角平均值为32.7°,鳞片高度平均值为16.41μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.65μm;美洲貉针毛鳞片高度平均值为6.05μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.26μm,美洲貉绒毛翘角平均值为25.5°,鳞片高度平均值为13.04μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.51μm;紫貂针毛鳞片高度平均值为10.18μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.54μm,紫貂绒毛鳞片高度平均值为9.24μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.52μm;水貂针毛鳞片高度平均值为11.50μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.60μm,水貂绒毛鳞片高度平均值为22.33μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.59μm。不同种的动物纤维具有独特的形态特征,在超微结构上存在明显的差别。不同种的动物纤维,其鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度差异显著(P<0.05),同一种动物纤维其针毛与绒毛的鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

以6种野生杂皮类动物毛纤维为试验材料,测定其鳞片结构及元素组成,并利用扫描电镜比较其超微结构特征.结果显示:6种动物的鳞片结构均有差异(P<0.05),其横截面特征各异.6种野生杂皮动物毛纤维的鳞片高度、鳞片厚度、鳞片翘角等指标各异,同一种动物的毛纤维和绒纤维的鳞片层的鳞片高度、鳞片厚度、鳞片翘角等指标也不尽相同;针、绒毛中均含C、O、S、Ca,而C、O的含量比例均差异不大,针毛所含的Ca较多,而S元素较少,绒毛所含的S较多,而Ca元素较少.可依据毛纤维超微结构特征进行6种动物毛皮种类的鉴别.  相似文献   

为了区别北极狐和貉毛皮,采用哈氏切片法快速制取北极狐、南貉和北貉皮毛纤维横切片进行毛纤维组织结构观察。观察发现,貉毛皮的绒毛鳞片翘角大,呈刺状伸出毛干外,鳞片高度大;而北极狐绒毛的鳞片紧贴毛干,呈环形排列。因此,对于北极狐皮和貉皮的鉴别可通过其毛纤维的显微结构进行区分。  相似文献   

貂皮价格昂贵,特别是紫貂皮。市场上假冒貂皮和紫貂皮很多,从感官上很难鉴别。本文使用光学显微镜对麝鼠、国产水貂、进口水貂、紫貂的针毛和绒毛鳞片层、髓质层和细度进行研究。结果表明:麝鼠、水貂和紫貂的绒毛和针毛在鳞片结构以及细度等方面有较明显的差异。通过比较毛纤维组织结构,达到对这几种裘皮进行鉴别的目的,为裘皮质量鉴定和物种鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

1评定依据獭兔毛皮质量的好坏,主要从被毛品质、色泽、板质、面积、换毛情况等五方面加以评定。1.1被毛品质起决定作用的是被毛存厚与平整度,要求被毛丰厚度和平整。丰厚度受品种、营养水平、季节、年龄、性别等影响,通常冬季优于夏季;北方优于南方;营养条件愈好,被毛愈丰厚;青年兔优于老龄兔。平整度是绒毛与针毛的均稀程度,要求针毛、绒毛长短一致。如果针毛多而突出于绒面就失去獭兔皮的特色。1.2色泽对颜色的基本要求是符合本色型特征,毛色纯正而富有光泽。色泽的纯正度受遗传、年龄、饲养管理等因素的影响。1.3皮板…  相似文献   

1评定依据1.1被毛品质起决定作用的是被毛丰厚度与平整度,要求被毛丰厚和平整,丰厚度受品种、营养水平、季节、年龄、性别等影响,通常冬季优于夏季;北方优于南方;营养条件愈好,被毛愈丰厚;青年兔优于老龄兔。平整度是绒毛与针毛的均衡程度,要求针、绒毛长短一致。如果针毛多而突出于绒面就失去獭兔皮的特色。1.2色泽对颜色的基本要求是符合本色型特征,毛色纯正而富有光泽。色泽的纯正度受遗传、年龄、饲养管理等因素的影响。1.3皮板要求皮板厚薄适中,质地坚韧,板面洁净,被毛附着度牢,不易脱落。一般青年兔在适宜季节…  相似文献   

为了验证是否可以通过观察和分析鼩鼱科动物的尾部针毛表面超微结构对其进行分类鉴定,试验采用扫描电子显微镜对鼩鼱科11个物种尾部针毛表面超微结构进行观察和比较研究,并对鳞片高度、密度和形态等指标进行统计学分析。结果表明:鼩鼱科11个物种尾部针毛3个对应部位鳞片的类型及排列方式具有一定的相似性和稳定性,尾部针毛的鳞片类型大致分为宽瓣形、瓣形、波浪形、杂波形和平滑形5种;鼩鼱科11个物种尾部针毛表面超微结构的种间差异极显著(P0.01),说明尾部针毛表面的鳞片高度、密度和形态等指标均可为该物种的分类鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

<正> 獭兔的被毛和一般兔一样,也是由针毛和绒毛构成。所不同的是:獭兔的针毛极少,均匀地分布在绒毛中间,其长度与绒毛差不多,并不突出于绒毛表面;绒毛细而柔软,由于短而致密及针毛的分布,绒毛是直立平齐的。由于上述特点,獭兔的被毛是浓密而直立,短平而柔软,毛茸茸平齐的毛峰,犹如剪羊绒一样,手感光滑而有反弹力。  相似文献   

为了探讨改良型短毛黑水貂(美国短毛黑水貂与原苏联标准貂杂交4代以上)被毛品质,试验于2012年12月份随机选取公貂、母貂各20只,在每只水貂背部、腹部、臀部分别取1 cm2的毛样,利用刻度尺和数显外径千分尺(型号为MSQ525)测量母貂的被毛密度及公貂和母貂针毛、绒毛的长度和细度,并将结果与其他品种水貂进行比较。结果表明:改良型短毛黑水貂母貂被毛密度为(21 543±303)根/cm2,比金州标准貂大;针毛和绒毛的长度、细度及针毛、绒毛长度比分别为:公貂(21.77±0.24)mm、(14.80±0.17)mm、(43.65±0.22)μm、(4.56±0.16)μm、1∶0.61;母貂(18.50±0.24)mm、(13.77±0.15)mm、(42.42±0.26)μm、(4.28±0.05)μm、1∶0.64;公貂针毛长度与母貂相比差异显著(P0.05),针毛细度、绒毛长度和细度间差异不显著(P0.05);绒毛长度与美国短毛黑水貂相比稍短,但与金州标准貂相比较长。说明改良型短毛黑水貂在被毛密度和绒毛长度方面与金州标准貂相比得到提高,但在针毛长度和针、绒毛细度方面与美国短毛黑水貂相比仍有选育提高空间。  相似文献   

对青海的藏羊、青海半细毛羊、新疆细毛羊、牦牛、骆驼以及毛丝鼠的16种毛纤维鳞片进行扫描,分别进行厚度、倾角、高度、密度等测定。结果认为:各种毛纤维随着直径变小,表现出鳞片密度增加,厚度下降;不同畜种的毛纤维鳞片形态及品质有较大差异,但细度接近的毛纤维各测试值接近;在受损程度上,从大到小排列为驼毛、牦牛毛、青海藏羊粗毛;同一毛丛中外层毛的受损程度大于底绒;鳞片之间互相衔接紧密,重叠面深的纤维,鳞片的倾角就小,毛干光滑,光泽强,鳞片相对大、宽、高。  相似文献   

貂出血性肺炎的实验室诊断   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从病死貂的肝、心血中分离到一株革兰氏阴性杆菌,生化试验鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌。动物试验证明,该菌具有致病性。采用试管液体二倍稀释法测定了14种药物对该菌的药敏试验,从中筛选出有效药物,为临床防治该病提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

我们从1997年1月10日至1999年3月5日在绥化市、绥棱县、海伦市、庆安县、明水县、安达市的22个场、户应用貉冻精,累计受配母貉680只,受胎613只,平均受胎率为90.1%,产仔7111只,成活6670只,成活率93.8%,平均窝产仔数11.6只,平均窝活10.9只.现将应用貉冻精对母貉受胎率的影响主要因素探讨报告如下.  相似文献   

主要从影响貂皮质量的初加工工序,如剥皮时间、屠宰方法、剥皮方法、洗皮、晾晒、储存及包装等方面,详细论述了各环节需掌握的关键技术,并提出了获取优质貂皮应对初加工过程中的人为因素加强控制的建议.  相似文献   

为进一步明确貂源冠状病毒与新型人冠状病毒HCoV-19的遗传进化关系,比较了NCBI上公布的3株水貂冠状病毒、5株雪貂冠状病毒以及人冠状病毒HCoV-19和SARS-Cov的全基因组、ORF1a、ORF1ab和病毒表面蛋白Spike的序列同源性,分析了其遗传进化关系,以及组成病毒的结构蛋白和非结构蛋白的种类、基因位置及氨基酸数量。结果显示:貂源冠状病毒与新型冠状病毒HCoV-19全基因组、ORF1a、ORF1ab、Spike蛋白的相似性分别为68%、46.96%、52.44%、47.36%;貂源冠状病毒与HCoV-19不属于同一分支,且亲缘关系较远;同时,貂源冠状病毒与HCoV-19全基因组在蛋白组成、氨基酸数量、基因位置上均存在显著差异。结果表明,貂源冠状病毒与新型冠状病毒HCoV-19不是同一种冠状病毒,此次在人群中流行的新型冠状病毒HCoV-19由貂源冠状病毒重组而成的可能性很小,因此可初步排除HCoV-19来源于水貂和雪貂的可能性。  相似文献   

European bat lyssavirus type 1 (EBLV‐1, genotype 5) is known to endemically circulate in insectivorous bat populations in Germany. In August 2001, a rabies suspect stone marten (Martes foina) was found in the city of Burg (Saxony‐Anhalt, Germany) and was sent to the regional veterinary laboratory for routine rabies diagnosis. Whereas brain samples repeatedly tested negative in the fluorescent antibody test for classical rabies virus (genotype 1), the mouse inoculation test and the rabies tissue culture inoculation test yielded positive results. Rabies viral RNA was also detected in the stone marten brain sample both by nested and heminested RT‐PCR specific for the nucleoprotein gene and for the nucleoprotein phosphoprotein junction of rabies virus. The amplification products were sequenced to genotype the isolate. Sequence data obtained from the first‐round RT‐PCR products were analysed and the suspect stone marten isolate was confirmed as a rabies related virus (EBLV‐1a). Phylogenetic comparison with sequences from recent genotype five isolates from Germany and Denmark showed that it was closely related to a previous isolate of EBLV‐1 from a serotine bat in Saxony‐Anhalt obtained in the same year in an area adjacent to the place where the EBLV‐1 infected stone marten was found. Both EBLV‐1 isolates share a 99.5% identity. This is the first report of an EBLV‐1a spill‐over from an insectivorous bat into wildlife in Europe.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to measure the concentrations of strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), chromium (Cr), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), and lead (Pb) in canine liver, renal cortex, and renal medulla, and the association of these concentrations with age, gender, and occurrence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Tissues from 50 dogs were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Cu, Zn, and Mn levels were highest in the liver followed by the renal cortex and renal medulla. The highest Sr, Cd, and Se concentrations were measured in the renal cortex while lower levels were found in the renal medulla and liver. Female dogs had higher tissue concentrations of Sr (liver and renal medulla), Cd (liver), Zn (liver and renal cortex), Cr (liver, renal cortex, and renal medulla), and Pb (liver) than male animals. Except for Mn and Sb, age-dependent variations were observed for all element concentrations in the canine tissues. Hepatic Cd and Cr concentrations were higher in dogs with CKD. In conclusion, the present results provide new knowledge about the storage of specific elements in canine liver and kidneys, and can be considered important reference data for diagnostic methods and further investigations.  相似文献   

Breed differences for weight (CW), height (CH), and condition score (CS) were estimated from records (n = 12,188) of 2- to 6-yr-old cows (n = 744) from Cycle IV of the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center's Germplasm Evaluation (GPE) Program. Cows were produced from mating Angus and Hereford dams to Angus, Hereford, Charolais, Shorthorn, Galloway, Longhorn, Nellore, Piedmontese, and Salers sires. Samples of Angus and Hereford sires were 1) reference sires born from 1962 through 1970 and 2) 1980s sires born in 1980 through 1987. The mixed model included cow age, season of measurement and their interactions, year of birth, pregnancy-lactation code (PL), and breedgroup as fixed effects for CW and CS. Analyses of weight adjusted for condition score included CS as a linear covariate. The model for CH excluded PL. Random effects were additive genetic and permanent environmental effects associated with the cow. Differences among breed groups were significant (P < 0.05) for all traits and were maintained through maturity with few interchanges in ranking. The order of F1 cows for weight was as follows: Charolais (506 to 635 kg for different ages), Shorthorn and Salers, reciprocal Hereford-Angus (HA) with 1980s sires, Nellore, HA with reference sires, Galloway, Piedmontese, and Longhorn (412 to 525 kg for different ages). Order for height was as follows: Nellore (136 to 140 cm), Charolais, Shorthorn, Salers, HA with 1980s sires, Piedmontese, Longhorn, Galloway and HA with reference sires (126 to 128 cm). Hereford and Angus cows with reference sires were generally lighter than those with 1980s sires. In general, breed differences for height followed those for weight except that F1 Nellore cows were tallest, which may in part be due to Bos taurus-Bos indicus heterosis for size.  相似文献   

In experiment 1, 6 pregnant mares received a concentrate that contained a trace mineral premix that provided 14.3 mg Cu, 40 mg Zn, 28 mg Fe, 28 mg Mn, 0.08 mg Co, 0.16 mg I, and 0.16 mg Se/kg concentrate (group A). Seven mares received the same concentrate plus 502 mg Zn and 127 mg Cu once daily (group B). No differences (P > .05) in foal growth data, or Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations of mare milk, mare serum, or foal serum were observed. In experiment 2, 6 pregnant mares received the same concentrate as group A (group C), and 8 mares received the same concentrate fortified with 4× the trace mineral premix (group D). Group C mares had higher serum Zn concentration at 1 day (P < 0.01) and 56 days (P < 0.04). Group C mares had higher milk Fe concentration at 28 days (P < .01), and group D mares had higher milk Cu concentration at 56 days (P < .01). Group C foals had higher serum Cu concentration at 14 days (P < .03). The results from this study provide no evidence to indicate that supplementing late gestating and lactating mares with higher dietary trace mineral levels than those recommended currently by NRC has any influence on foal growth and development, or on the Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations of the mare milk, mare serum, or foal serum.  相似文献   

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