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Anoxia germinability (AG) of 35 rice varieties was evaluated under different temperature and water submergence conditions. The shoot (including coleoptile) length of seedlings germinating under 30℃, 0.2 m water submergence for 5 days could be used as an optimal criterion for the AG evaluation of all the varieties. Differences were observed among the AGs of 359 varieties from different regions and subspecies with the optimized method. Moreover, 81 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross of Kinmaze (japonica)/DV85 (indica) were used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring AG. A total of five QTLs for AG in the recombinant inbred population were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 5 and 7, respectively. Phenotypic variations explained by each QTL ranged from 10.5% to 19.6%. Based on the directions of the additive effects, the alleles at three loci qAG-1, qAG-2 and qAG-7 from Kinmaze increased AG, while alleles at loci qAG-5a and qAG-5b from DV85 increased AG. Meanwhile, three pairs of epistatic loci were found to be located on chromosomes 2, 3, 5 and 11 with significant effects ranging from 16.7% to 48.8%, and the highest one 48.78%, was detected between C563–X182 on chromosome 3 and R830–X208 on chromosome 5.  相似文献   

In many plants, phytic acid (phytate, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexakisphosphate) is one of the main storage forms of phosphate. About 80% of phosphorus (P) in cereal plants, including rice is stored as phytic acid [1-2]. P in phytic acid can’t be utilized by monogastric animals including human, while it was estimated that only 1/3 of the total P in most of the vegetal feedstuff could be efficiently utilized by the livestock. Therefore, for animal feed with P supplementation is expected to meet the d…  相似文献   

The full-length OsCS encoding citrate synthase was isolated from rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp, japonica), OsCS is 1477-bp long and encodes a 474 amino acid polypeptide, Its putative protein sequence is highly identical to Daucus carota, Nicotiana tabacum Beta vulgaris subsp., Arabidopsis thaliana, and Citrus junos (〉70%). The deduced amino-terminal sequence of OsCS showes characteristics of mitochondrial targeting signal. Southern blot analysis using ORF of the OsCS as the probe indicated that this gene exists in multiple copies in rice genome. The band with predicated size of 82 kD was detected by Western blot after being induced by 0,4 mmol/L IPTG.  相似文献   

To understand the responses of flag leaf shape in rice to elevated CO2 environment and their genetic characteristics,quantitative trait loci(QTLs)for flag leaf shape in rice were mapped onto the molecular marker linkage map of chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs)derived from a cross between a japonica variety Asominori and an indica variety IR24 under free air carbon dioxide enrichment(FACE,200μmol/mol above current levels)and current CO2 concentration(Ambient,about 370μmol/mol).Three flag-leaf traits,flag-leaf length(LL),width(LW)and the ratio of LL to LW (RLW),were estimated for each CSSL and their parental varieties.The differences in LL,LW and RLW between parents and in LL and LW within IR24 between FACE and Ambient were significant at 1%level.The continuous distributions and transgressive segregations of LL,LW and RLW were also observed in CSSL population,showing that the three traits were quantitatively inherited under both FACE and Ambient.A total of 16 QTLs for the three traits were detected on chromosomes 1,2,3,4,6,8 and 11 with LOD(Log10-likelihood ratio)scores ranging from 3.0 to 6.7.Among them,four QTLs (qLL-6*,qLL-8*,qLW-4*,and qRLW-6*)were commonly detected under both FACE and Ambient.Therefore,based on the different responses to elevated CO2 in comparison with current CO2 level,it can be suggested that the expressions of several QTLs associated with flag-leaf shape in rice could be induced by the high CO2 level.  相似文献   

Physiological indices related to PS II photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and membrane lipid peroxidation were measured in leaves of indica rice cv Shanyou 63 and japonica rice 9516 at different temperatures and light intensities for four days. No obvious changes in Fv/Fm and MDA were observed in both indica and japonica rice at moderate temperature and medium PFD, implying neither photoinhibition nor photooxidation happened in these cases. In indica rice either at medium temperature with higher PFD or at lower temperature with medium PFD Fv/Fm dropped obviously with no changes in MDA contents, and photoinhibition appeared while photooxidation did not occur. However, D1 protein, Fv/Fm, (A Z)/(A Z V), and SOD activities dropped, and O2 - production and MDA content increased accordingly, as well as both photoinhibition and photooxidation appeared in two rice varieties at lower temperature and higher PFD. Experiment with inhibitors at lower temperature and higher PFD showed that as compared with japonica rice the decrements appeared in D1 protein contents, SOD activities, and (A Z)/(A Z V) ratios, the xanthophyll cycle and non-photochemical quench (qN) were inhibited in a more degree, as well as increments of MDA content were greater, thus exhibiting more distinct photoinhibition and photooxidation in indica rice. It is suggested that Fv/Fm and membrane lipid peroxidation product-MDA were the key indices to predict and diagnose photooxidation.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-eight microsatellite markers showing polymorphism among parents were used to survey the introgressed segments in the 50 near-isogenic lines of F1 pollen sterility. Two hundred and sixty introgressed segments were detected in 50 near-isogenic lines, each carrying 5.2 introgressed segments on an average. Among the 260 segments, one hundred carrying F1 pollen sterility loci concentrated on the region of F1 pollen sterility genes, and the remaining one hundred and sixty without F1 pollen sterility loci distributed randomly over 12 chromosomes.Both the average number and length of the introgressed segments decreased along with the increase of backcross generations. The number of introgressed segments was less than four and the length was less than 20 cM in the near-isogenic lines after backcrossing for four or more times.  相似文献   

Rice with low glutelin content is suitable as functional food for patients affected by kidney failure. Low glutelin-content gene Lgc1 in rice has a 3.5-kb deletion between two highly similar glutelin genes GluB4 and GluB5, which locates on the short arm of chromosome 2. To improve the selection efficiency in low glutelin-content rice breeding, two molecular markers designated as InDel-Lgc1-1 and InDel-Lgc1-2 were developed to detect the low glutelin-content gene Lgc1. A double PCR detection indicated that combined use of the two markers could easily distinguish the genotypes of Lgc1 from different rice varieties. Therefore, as a simple and low-cost technique, the molecular marker could be widely used to identify different varieties with Lgc1 gene and applied in marker-assisted selection of low glutelin-content rice.  相似文献   

QTLs for plant height and its components on the substituted segments of fifty-two single segment substitution lines (SSSLs) in rice were identified through t-test (P〈0.001) for comparison between each SSSL and recipient parent Huajingxian 74. On the 14 substituted segments, 24 QTLs were detected, 10 for plant height, 2 for panicle length, 4 for length of the first internode from the top, 5 for length of the second internode from the top and 3 for length of the third internode from the top, respectively. All these QTLs were distributed on nine rice chromosomes except chromosomes 5, 9 and 11. The additive effect ranged from -4.08 to 3.98 cm, and the additive effect percentages varied from -19.35% to 10.43%.  相似文献   

水稻抗条纹叶枯病数量性状座位分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
为探明水稻品种窄叶青8号抗条纹叶枯病的数量性状座位,构建了窄叶青8号/武育粳3号F2群体的分子图谱,采用人工接种和田间自然接种两种鉴定方法,以病情指数比率为表型值,对每个F2单株衍生的F2∶3家系进行了抗条纹叶枯病鉴定。整个群体的病情指数比率均呈偏向于抗性亲本的连续性分布,表明条纹叶枯病抗性受数量性状基因的控制。进一步的QTL分析发现,两种鉴定方法所检测到的QTL完全不同,人工接种(强迫饲毒)方法仅检测到1个抗性基因位点qSTV7,其增强抗性的等位基因来源于窄叶青8号,而田间自然接种方法检测到2个抗性基因位点qSTV5和qSTV1,其增强抗性的等位基因分别来源于窄叶青8号和武育粳3号,暗示抗性亲本窄叶青8号可能携带耐病毒基因和抗灰飞虱基因,而感病亲本武育粳3号经遗传重组后,其抗性基因也得以表现。比较前人研究结果,发现检测到的QTL为新的抗条纹叶枯病基因位点,这些基因不同于抗条纹叶枯病主基因Stvb i,可为防止单一基因广泛使用造成的遗传脆弱性,提供新的抗性基因资源。  相似文献   

水稻种子低氧发芽力的QTL定位和上位性分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
利用35份水稻品种资源,评价了在不同水深、温度等低氧条件下的种子萌发情况,表明水温30℃、水深0.2 m下黑暗萌发5 d为最佳鉴定方法,并以此条件下水稻种子萌发的芽长为鉴定指标,评价了359份水稻品种低氧发芽力地区间、籼粳间的差异。进一步利用81个Kinmaze/DV85 重组自交系群体进行了水稻低氧发芽力数量性状位点分析, 在第1、2、5、7染色体上检测到5 个低氧发芽力QTL,其中第5染色体上存在2个QTL,各QTL的贡献率为10.5%~19.6%。同时进行上位性分析,检测到3对互作位点,分别位于第2、3、5、11染色体上,其中位于第3染色体上标记C563-X182之间的位点与第5染色体上标记R830-X208之间的位点的互作贡献率高达48.78%。  相似文献   

Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Palatability of Milled Rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling palatability in rice were identified using a set of 98 backcross inbred lines (BILs) population derived from a cross between a japonica variety Nipponbare and an indica variety Kasalath. The palatability scores of the population measured by RQ1/Plus Rice Analyzer, showed a continuous and transgressive segregative distribution with a range from 66 to 92. Four putative QTLs for palatability, qPAL-5, qPAL-7, qPAL-8a and qPAL-8b, were detected on chromosome 5, 7 and 8, and they accounted 7.83, 7.03, 11.58 and 7.19% of the total phenotypic variation, respectively. Three alleles qPAL-5, qPAL-7 and qPAL-8b from Kasalath increased the palatability score, whereas only one Nipponbare allele qPAL-8a increased the score. Eight transgressive lines in palatability were selected to make a comparison between phenotypic and genotypic classes. The result explained the possibility of positive QTLs pyramiding through marker-assisted selection of highly palatable rice.  相似文献   

水稻耐盐性数量性状位点的初步检测   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
用RFLP分析技术和分蘖株系法对由耐盐性品种Pokkali和盐敏感品种Peta配制的BC1(Peta/Pokkali∥Peta)群体分别检测水稻苗期和成熟期耐盐性数量性状位点(QTLs)。表型鉴定在含(处理)或不含(对照)60 mol/m3 NaCl的营养液中进行,苗期观测盐害级别、苗Na+含量和鲜重/干重比值3项指标,成熟期测定10种农艺性状处理与对照的相对值。从水稻12条染色体上筛选出43个多态性标记,对上述指标分别作点分析,共检出15个连锁标记。连锁标记的分布特点显示,在研究所涉及的基因组范围内存在4个影响苗期耐盐性的QTL,其增效等位基因均来自耐盐品种Pokkali;影响成熟期耐盐性的QTL分布于7条染色体的1或2个连锁区间上,其有利基因来自双亲;RG678和RZ400B~RZ792附近的2个QTL在全生育期都能表达较强耐盐性。  相似文献   

Grain yield and heading date are key factors determining the commercial potential of a rice variety. Mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in rice has been advanced from primary mapping to gene cloning, and heading date and yield traits have always attracted the greatest attention. In this review, genomic distribution of QTLs for heading date detected in populations derived from intra-specific crosses of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) was summarized, and their relationship with the genetic control of yield traits was analyzed. The information could be useful in the identification of QTLs for heading date and yield traits that are promising for the improvement of rice varieties.  相似文献   

High temperature stress (HTS), an increasingly important problem in rice production, significantly reduces rice yield by reducing pollen fertility and seed setting rate. Breeding rice varieties with tolerance to HTS at the flowering stage is therefore essential for maintaining rice production as the climate continues to become warm. In this study, two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying tolerance to HTS were identified using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between an HTS-tolerant rice cu...  相似文献   

水稻抽穗期QTL及其与产量性状遗传控制的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 产量和抽穗期是评价水稻品种应用价值的基本性状。水稻QTL分析已经历了从初定位到基因克隆的发展过程,并以抽穗期和产量性状最受重视。总结了亚洲栽培稻抽穗期QTL的基因组分布,分析了这些QTL与产量性状遗传控制的关系,为进一步筛选和鉴定具有较高育种应用潜力的水稻抽穗期QTL和产量性状QTL提供参考。  相似文献   

A high-yielding japonica rice variety, Wuyunjing 7, bred in Jiangsu Province, China as a female parent was crossed with a Japanese rice variety Kantou 194, which carries a rice stripe disease resistance gene Stv-bi and a translucent endosperm mutant gene Wx-mq. From F2 generations, a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker tightly linked with Stv-bi and a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker for Wx-mq were used for marker-assisted selection. Finally, a new japonica rice line, N...  相似文献   

水稻籼粳交DH群体白叶枯病抗性的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中抗白叶枯病的粳稻品种春江06、感病品种TN1及其DH群体为材料,接种白叶枯病菌浙173后,考察了该DH群体的白叶枯病抗性,并进行了数量性状座位(QTL)分析。共检测到控制白叶枯病的3个QTL(qBBR1、qBBR3 1和qBBR7),分别位于第1、3和第7染色体上,其中第3染色体上的qBBR3 1和第7染色体上的qBBR7加性效应为正值;而位于第1染色体上的qBBR1为负值,3个QTL的总效应达54.4%。春江06中不存在白叶枯病抗性主基因,它的抗性由微效多基因控制,其中在第3和第7染色体上分别有1个QTL。  相似文献   

以江苏高产粳稻品种武运粳7号为母本,具有条纹叶枯病抗性基因Stv-bi和暗胚乳突变基因Wx-mq的日本粳稻品种关东194作父本配制杂交组合进行聚合育种。利用与Stv-bi基因共分离的SCAR标记及与暗胚乳突变基因Wx-mq紧密连锁的CAPS功能标记对其分离世代进行标记位点的检测,结合田间多代选育、抗性鉴定和籽粒胚乳外观鉴定,将条纹叶枯病抗性基因Stv-bi和暗胚乳突变基因Wx-mq同时转育到高产品种中,筛选、培育出优质、抗病、高产且农艺性状优良的水稻新品系宁9108。利用与水稻优质及抗病基因紧密连锁的分子标记,不仅初步建立了优质、抗病育种的分子标记辅助选择体系,也为水稻优质、抗病、高产育种提供了一种简单、快捷的选择方法和重要的中间材料。  相似文献   

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