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朱鹮是世界上最为稀少的一个禽类物种,为留鸟,为中国级保护动物,已被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录。天敌、生存环境、疾病及人类活动等因素严重影响其生存和种群数量。本文通过对上述外界因素的分析,提出应保护和恢复朱鹮栖息地,加强朱鹮疾病研究,扩大人工种群规模,逐步野放更多的人工孵化鸟,补充野外种群并扩展新的保护区。  相似文献   

野生东北虎保护现状及保护对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周晓禹 《野生动物》2008,29(1):40-43,46
目前中国野生东北虎数量仅有20只左右,分布在吉林、黑龙江两省的3个不相连的"孤岛状"分布区内.人为干扰导致的栖息地破碎化和猎物种群下降是造成野生东北虎濒危的主要原因.有效的野生东北虎保护计划包括改善虎栖息地质量、控制猎物种群、开展环境教育、解决人虎冲突、完善保护区网络等多方面措施.  相似文献   

朱哀皿鸟是世界上最为稀少的一个禽类物种,为留鸟,为中国Ⅰ级保护动物,已被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录。天敌、生存环境、疾病及人类活动等因素严重影响其生存和种群数量。本文通过对上述外界因素的分析,提出应保护和恢复朱哀皿鸟栖息地,加强朱哀皿鸟疾病研究,扩大人工种群规模,逐步野放更多的人工孵化鸟,补充野外种群并扩展新的保护区。  相似文献   

绿孔雀(Pavo muticus)属鸟纲,鸡形目,雉鸡科,在我国仅分布于云南,野生种群数量稀少,被列为国家I级重点保护野生动物,具有较高的观赏和食用价值?1?。野生绿孔雀人工饲养后因环境发生改变,容易暴发一些禽类常见的传染病,一旦发病往往造成严重的损失。2006年云南省野生动物收容拯救中心饲养的部分绿孔雀发生  相似文献   

扎龙湿地丹顶鹤种群数量调查及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据野外调查以及人工驯养繁育丹顶鹤的数量统计,研究了近30 a(1981~2010年)扎龙湿地丹顶鹤种群的变动。结果表明,扎龙保护区野生丹顶鹤数量维持在300只左右,是我国最大的野生丹顶鹤繁殖种群,占世界迁徙野生丹顶鹤总数的25%,而这些主要得益于扎龙保护区再建区30 a来,通过严格管护、科学研究、社区共建、环境教育及实施有效补水等一系列举措,使保护区核心区生态完整性和原始性得以保持,湿地面积占保护区总面积的75.7%,为丹顶鹤等珍稀濒危鸟类提供了良好的栖息繁殖场所。同时保护区在人工饲养繁育丹顶鹤领域积累了丰富的实践经验,丹顶鹤人工驯养种群达到300多只,已成为中国丹顶鹤人工驯养繁育科学研究基地,保护区探索出的人工繁育丹顶鹤的野化途径和方法,对野生丹顶鹤种群数量的补充起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

洪河自然保护区东方白鹳人工招引及种群恢复的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者于1992年2月-6月,1995年2月-6月在洪河自然保护区进行了东方白鹤数量调查,人工招引及种群恢复研究。目前保护区内仅余一天然巢。两年共建人工巢16个,已被利用6巢,利用率为37.5%。同时将建立濒危鸟类种群繁殖、恢复基地,恢复、扩大野生种群。  相似文献   

虎(Panthera tigris)是全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种和保护伞物种,在维持健康自然生态系统功能中占据不可替代的重要地位,虎种群的有效保护和可持续生存对中国乃至全球生态安全具有深远意义。我国现分布有印支虎(P.t.corbetti)、孟加拉虎(P.t.tigris)、华南虎(P.t.amoyensis)和东北虎(P.t.altaica)4个虎亚种,其中最有希望恢复野生种群的就是东北虎。虎的保护也面临着巨大的挑战,包括虎种群数量和分布区的动态变化不清;适宜栖息地面积不断缩小退化、扩散通道受阻;缺乏针对虎生态景观系统保护的实施规划及国家财政建设资金的保障;人虎冲突严重;虎生态保护与管理科学研究薄弱等。鉴于此,本文从两个方面提出了虎及其栖息地保护的对策。(1)在栖息地景观保护与恢复方面:推进虎保护区网络的建设,增大其栖息地的受保护面积,形成保护区群;同时构建廊道,使保护区群网络化;建立跨国生态廊道,实现景观水平的保护,并且加大虎猎物种群及其栖息地恢复力度。(2)在虎种群保护与恢复方面:启动虎种群专项调查与常态监测;推进虎的野化放归;设立"老虎生态保护特区";修改完善相关法律法规,探索和完善适应新时期新常态的虎保护模式。  相似文献   

洪河自然保护区东方白鹳人工招引入种群恢复的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔于1992年2月-6月,1995年2月-6月在洪河自然保护区进行了东方白鹳数量调查,人工招引入种群恢复研究,目前保护区内仅余一天然巢,两年共建人工巢16个,已被利用6巢,利用率为37.5%,同时将建立濒危鸟类种群繁殖,恢复基地,恢复,扩大野生种群。  相似文献   

盐城越冬丹顶鹤栖息地保护与经济发展之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕士成 《野生动物》2009,30(1):37-39
江苏盐城国家级自然保护区丹项鹤越冬数量已由建区前的230只增加到2000年春的1128只,但近几年分布数量呈下降趋势,2008年1月仅有640只。未来于本区越冬的丹顶鹤种群在核心区的栖息仍然保持稳定及增加趋势,另有部分群体继续向异地迁移的可能。各种类型的工农业开发项目导致栖息地大范围缩小,生境破碎化,是盐城越冬丹顶鹤种群数量下降的主要原因。根据该地区滩涂自然规律,在保护区核心区外允许开发的区域规划和实施人工湿地生态经济系统,协调保护与开发之间的矛盾,实现栖息地保护与经济发展双赢的目标。  相似文献   

李斌  天庆 《野生动物》2002,23(3):2-3
被誉为“东方宝石”的世界濒危珍禽朱鹮,经过科技人员20年的精心保护和管理,使野生朱鹮种群和人工饲养朱鹤种群有了较大的发展。目前,秦岭南麓洋县的野生朱鹮种群数量达 145只,洋县的省人工救护饲养中心有朱鹮达143只,北京动物园朱鹮馆人工饲养繁殖朱鹮28只,另外日本佐渡朱鹮饲养中心有朱鹮18只。世界朱鹮种群数量已达334只。 20世纪初,朱鹮广泛分布于中国、日本、朝鲜、前苏联等亚洲东部国家,20世纪30年代后,由于森林被砍伐,环境恶化、朱鹮在一些国家己销声匿迹了,甚至于灭绝。1960年世界鸟类保护会议…  相似文献   

利用笼养种群在适宜栖息地开展再引入工作是保护和恢复濒危动物野外种群数最的有效方法.近交衰退是影响笼养种群健康程度的主要风险,因此需要在开展再引入项目前对笼养种群的近交程度进行评估.本研究以微卫星为遗传标记,对我国特有濒危雉类——黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)的一个笼养种群和一个野外种群的近交水平进行了评估和...  相似文献   

貉(Nyctereutes procyonoides)是一种重要的经济动物。经过50年的人工驯养繁育,国内养殖种群不断扩大,但对其遗传多样性和结构了解很少,难以开展有效的遗传管理。本研究分析了东北、华北地区养殖貉种群(N=160)的线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因和控制区(CR)序列,并与已经发表的同源序列进行比较。结果定义了5个Cyt b基因和6个CR序列单倍型,其中与俄罗斯产乌苏里亚种共享单倍型分别是3个和4个。种群遗传多样性分析表明,养殖貉种群单倍型多样性处于临界点(Hd=0.50)、核苷酸多样性处于较高水平(Pi>0.5%),但二者均明显低于俄罗斯野生乌苏里貉种群。这种遗传多样性模式可能主要是由奠基者效应(founder effect)导致的。此外,红褐色型貉遗传多样性水平显著低于野生型和白色型貉。系统发育分析表明国内养殖貉种群分为3个世系,主要是乌苏里亚种、与同亚种的俄罗斯野生种群亲缘关系密切。研究还发现有1个单倍型(CH5-DH5)与越南产指名亚种共享同一个单倍型世系。这说明建群引种中可能偶然引入了华南地区分布的指名亚种。综上分析,我国养殖貉种群已经出现遗传多样性下降的迹象,需要监控种群遗传多样性的变化,引入具有新基因型的野生貉种,制定科学的交配模式,避免近交衰退。  相似文献   

A healthy population of captive Amur tigers might assist recovery of the wild population in Northeast China if individuals were properly prepared and considered suitable for release in the wild. We analyzed the breeding records of 68 female Amur tigers from 1995 to 2010 in the Hengdaohezi Felid Breeding Center of China and compared the reproductive parameters of this population to wild female Amur tigers. We found that the reproductive parameters of the captive population (the age of first parturition, length of gestation and litter survival rate) were not significantly different from those of wild Amur tigers. Differences in birth date and litter size between wild and captive populations may be caused by management protocols for the captive population or insufficient field data from the wild population. Reproductive parameters of females giving birth after losing a litter were similar to parameters of females that did not lose a litter, except for birth date. These results provide no indication of major problems in using captive females for a breeding program for release of cubs into the wild, but additional information is still needed to assess their suitability.  相似文献   

马来熊是国家Ⅰ级保护动物,其生物学信息缺乏,也缺乏科学的保护和管理对策。本文通过回顾关于马来熊的研究文献,对其研究现状进行总结归纳,并针对种群分布现状提出科学保护和管理对策。关于马来熊的研究主要见于野生种群现状、野外生态及圈养种群的饲养管理等,其中野外生态主要集中于生境选择利用、家域特征、行为节律、食性等,需要进一步深入研究其个体生态学或种群生态学规律。针对马来熊的保护和研究现状,应采取加强立法、推行宣教、提高公众保护意识;加强基础科学研究;建立保护区、缓冲区及森林廊道等以恢复其栖息地等措施来有效保护其野生种群。  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a conservation concern that increasingly threatens the continued existence of some of the world's most endangered species. With an increase in human population, urban sprawl and subsequent encroachment on wild land, human and wildlife interaction has become inevitable. In the majority of cases, this interaction results in a negative outcome for humans, wildlife or both. In China, these key elements, along with a decrease in wild prey species, have resulted in the expansion of HWC encounters, and the need for alleviating this conflict has become a conservation priority. Loss of human life, livestock and/or crops is most often the catalysts that fuel HWC. Techniques to alleviate conflict around the world have included preventative measures and mitigation techniques, such as financial compensation and other incentive programs. Both types of measures have had variable success. We review the current status of human-carnivore conflict management in China, and, drawing lessons from around the globe, we make recommendations for improving conservation management in China. For example, an increase in law enforcement in nature reserves is vital to reducing human disturbance in prime carnivore habitat, thereby reducing conflict encounters. Also, modifications to current wildlife compensation programs, so that they are linked with preventative measures, will ensure that moral hazards are avoided. Furthermore, investigating the potential for a community self-financed insurance scheme to fund compensation and increasing efforts to restore wild prey populations will improve the outcome for wildlife conservation. Ultimately, HWC management in China will greatly benefit from an integrative approach.  相似文献   

为摸清湖南省野生动物救护繁殖中心饲养场笼养蓝孔雀组织滴虫等寄生虫病感染情况,笔者对3个饲养场的48只笼养蓝孔雀进行了调查。通过对发病蓝孔雀的临床症状、死亡病例的病理变化、实验室检查综合诊断,采用饱和盐水漂浮法、离心沉淀等方法对卵囊进行镜检。结果表明:笼养蓝孔雀为组织滴虫等寄生虫病混合感染,异刺线虫感染强度为++,球虫感染强度为+++,蛔虫感染强度为+,死亡率为8.3%。同时,笔者对笼养蓝孔雀感染情况进行综合分析后,制定了防治措施,病情得到了控制。  相似文献   

赵越  李晓民  王令刚 《野生动物》2013,(6):358-360,365
丹顶鹤是我国著名的文化鸟类,在我国文化历史上具有极高的地位,历来受到全国人民的喜爱。近年来,由于环境变迁和人为干扰,野生丹顶鹤数量逐年下降,全球现存数量仅为2600只左右,而东亚的大陆种数量约1500只左右。国内外就丹顶鹤的研究与保护进行了大量的工作,并取得了明显的成果;丹顶鹤在我国是研究最广泛、最深入的鸟类,从宏观到微观,从个体到群落,从野生到饲养等各个领域;到目前为止,我国发表的涉及到丹顶鹤的文献共1162篇,并对论文发表年代、研究内容、涉及领域进行了统计和分析,并提出了我国丹顶鹤研究和保护建议。  相似文献   

Although the spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca, is one of the most widely distributed species of tortoises, its natural populations are threatened through its whole range. Particularly at south-eastern Spain, the species is mainly threatened by habitat destruction and over-collection, given that this chelonian has been traditionally considered an appreciate pet. As south-eastern Spanish wildlife recovery centers shelter hundreds of captive animals mainly coming from illegal trade or captive-bred, there is a strong debate about what to do with these animals: maintaining them in captivity all along their lives or reintroducing them to wildlife. It is well known that the reintroduction of captive animals supposes a risk for the wild population due to the uncertainty of their genetic origin and to the possible spread of infectious diseases. However, despite the increasing evidence that infectious agents are a potential health hazard for wildlife, little is known about the risk that introduced parasites could suppose for the wild populations of spur-thighed tortoise. The present study investigates for the first time the presence of helminth eggs and worms in faeces from 107 wild and captive individuals collected from mid-March to mid-June 2010, and relates the findings to different environmental and host variables. Sixteen oxyurid species and the ascarid Angusticaecum holopterum were identified. This last nematode and the oxyurid species Tachygonetria palearticus and T. seurati had not been reported in Spanish wild T. graeca previously. The prevalence of oxyurid eggs and worms were 94% and 70%, respectively; while, ascarid eggs and worms were found in 26% and 5% of tortoises, respectively. Ascarid infections affected mostly captive animals and were associated to caparace deformities and symptoms of upper respiratory tract disease (p<0.05). Oxyurid infections were not associated to negative health traits and prevalence increased with age. In free-living tortoises, the distribution of pharingodonid genera also varied according to habitat; moreover, T. longicollis, T. pusilla, T. conica, T. robusta and Mehdiella stylosa where significantly more frequent in wild compared to captive tortoises (p<0.05). Study results highlight important differences in the nematode fauna of captive and free-living tortoises and questions one more time if the reintroductions of captive animals suppose a risk for the wild population since the former ones can harbor and distribute among free populations pathogens like ascarid nematodes.  相似文献   

Understanding population size and genetic diversity is critical for effective conservation of endangered species. The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest felid and a flagship species for wildlife conservation. Due to habitat loss and human activities, available habitat and population size are continuously shrinking. However, little is known about the true population size and genetic diversity of wild tiger populations in China. In this study, we collected 55 fecal samples and 1 hair sample to investigate the population size and genetic diversity of wild Amur tigers in Hunchun National Nature Reserve, Jilin Province, China. From the samples, we determined that 23 fecal samples and 1 hair sample were from 7 Amur tigers: 2 males, 4 females and 1 individual of unknown sex. Interestingly, 2 fecal samples that were presumed to be from tigers were from Amur leopards, highlighting the significant advantages of noninvasive genetics over traditional methods in studying rare and elusive animals. Analyses from this sample suggested that the genetic diversity of wild Amur tigers is much lower than that of Bengal tigers, consistent with previous findings. Furthermore, the genetic diversity of this Hunchun population in China was lower than that of the adjoining subpopulation in southwest Primorye Russia, likely due to sampling bias. Considering the small population size and relatively low genetic diversity, it is urgent to protect this endangered local subpopulation in China.  相似文献   

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