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本文阐述了南京市红山森林动物园以提升动物福利和便于日常管理为目标而开展的亚洲象展区丰容改造项目。对丰容改造设施的实际使用情况以及访客对于结合展区改造而设计的教育信息关注度和信息接收情况进行评估,发现展区设施的使用情况直接影响访客对相关教育信息的理解;大众对于有实物模型展示、文字表述简短的科普信息兴趣度和信息接受完整度更高。  相似文献   

本研究利用问卷调查收集了上海动物园游客类型与特征、游园目的、游客游览时获得野生动物科普知识的途径、游客对现有科普活动的评价、对科普教育的需求、游客满意度、意见与建议等,并进行了研究。结果表明,大部分(66.02%)游客为本市居民和暂居本市的中青年。近9成(89.51%)游客携带孩子游览动物园,其中超过半数(52.34%)为父母与孩子共同出行。游客游园目的主要为观看动物、游玩娱乐和让孩子学习动物知识。观察动物和阅读动物科普说明牌是游客学习动物科普知识的主要途径。互动类和深度游类项目,是游客最愿意参加的活动类型。游客更希望园方从动物科普设施、饲养员讲解、志愿者讲解这3方面提升其教育功能。总体而言,游客对上海动物园感到满意,超过半数(53.81%)表示很满意。具体而言,动物说明牌的满意度最高,其次是路面状况和路标指示牌。基于研究结果,提出以下建议:提升科普活动的内涵和互动性;提升游园体验,延长游览时间;寻找迎合和引导的平衡;完善基础设施。  相似文献   

在畜牧动物养殖过程中,畜牧动物疾病一直是影响畜牧产业发展的主要问题,以生猪养殖为例,常见的猪病就有猪瘟、繁殖与呼吸障碍综合征等疾病,这些疾病会严重影响生猪养殖产业的发展。而抗生素药物可对多种猪病有着较好的治疗效果,所以也是猪病防治的常用手段。但是抗生素药物不能盲目使用,缺乏用药合理性,就会造成副作用,不仅达不到有效治疗的效果,也会引起病原菌耐药性的提升,进而加大猪病的防治难度。本文总结了目前猪病防治工作中抗生素类药物使用问题,并提出了正确使用抗生素药物的方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

现如今,新闻报道越来越广泛的使用现场报道的形式来进行新闻的解说,这就对新闻出镜记者有了更高的要求。新闻出镜记者必须有效掌握播音主持的技巧,从而发挥出其语言的感染力,吸引受众,使得新闻报道的效果有效的体现出来。本文就新闻出镜记者播音主持技巧进行了简要的探究,仅供同行交流和探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术快速发展,公众对科普需求越来越多样化。面对不同的参观群体提供个性化服务,实施符合不同受众特点的讲解策略,是最大限度发挥科普馆科学普及和科学教育作用的必要手段。文章从受众需求分析、制订精细化讲解方案、创新讲解语言和形式等方面对如何实施气象科普讲解策略进行分析探讨,以期对基层气象科普工作者有所启发和帮助,从而更好地提升气象科普服务水平,深化气象在防灾减灾中的第一道防线作用。  相似文献   

《格桑花开》是首次以情景剧形式进行人兽共患病防治宣传而拍摄的科普影片。影片开播后,各省组织农牧民,通过集中播放或自行观看等方式进行防治知识宣传。为评价《格桑花开》的宣传干预效果,播放1年后,在新疆、青海、甘肃、四川4省区抽取农牧民进行包虫病防控知识、态度、行为问卷调查。结果显示:与干预前的基线调查相比,养殖户的包虫病防治相关知识、态度和行为平均得分分别上升了8.4%、16.5%和15.2%,各调查省区干预后的平均得分均有提升。结果表明,在文化水平偏低、少数民族语言使用较多的地区,用情景剧方式对动物疫病进行防治宣传教育效果较好。  相似文献   

科普资源作为科普工作的基础和核心,是提升科普能力的重要因素.文章以上海工程技术大学为例,针对地方高校的科普资源现状,分析科普资源开发瓶颈,从科普资源的"科普能力""科普产品"和"科普活动"三个维度分析科普资源开发的可行性,提出地方高校展开科普资源开发的思路并开展实证研究.  相似文献   

一次性使用速效止血包对小型猪止血疗效试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验旨在研究一次性使用速效止血包对动物中动脉血管损伤的止血疗效,并与速效止血粉比较止血效果。选择小型猪9只,按体重随机分为一次性使用速效止血包试验组、速效止血粉对照组、空白对照组,制作前肢肱动脉穿刺出血的小型猪中动脉失血试验模型,应用一次性使用速效止血包、速效止血粉进行止血处理,测定止血时间、创面局部最高温度及动物血压变化,取创面边缘组织,观察组织病理变化。一次性使用速效止血包与速效止血粉均能对小型猪前肢肱动脉损伤有快速止血效果,二者的止血时间无显著差异(P0.05);速效止血粉创面止血温度高于一次性使用速效止血包温度(P0.05),但二者都对创面及周围组织有一定程度的组织损伤。一次性使用速效止血包能对中动脉损伤引发的出血快速止血,是治疗急性出血的一种安全、有效的敷料。  相似文献   

贾涛 《饲料广角》2010,(13):32-34
磺胺嘧啶具有抗菌谱较广、性质稳定、使用简便等特点,所以在畜牧养殖业被用作治疗动物的肠道感染等疾病,但是如果以预防为目的在饲料中长期添加使用,则会使病菌产生耐药性,当细菌产生耐药性后,为达到疗效又不得不加大剂量使用,从而形成恶性循环。长期使用也会使动物体内致病细菌产生变异,给动物疾病检疫与防治带来不利影响,而且也会使磺胺嘧啶残留在被饲喂动物的肌肉等组织中,人食用后对人体健康带来不利影响。建立对磺胺嘧啶的检测方法有利于对违禁药物使用进行有效的监控,本文以高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对饲料中磺胺嘧啶进行检测,经试验:磺胺嘧啶离散系数(CV值)≤1.929%,回收率≥96.90%,回收率标准偏差≤0.94%;标准曲线r值≥0.99967;此方法具有操作简单,回收率较高,重复性好等特点,同时检测所用时间短,适合对饲料样品进行大批量检测。  相似文献   

中国动物园保护教育现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2005年10月~2007年7月采用游客问卷调查法、实地考察法及访问法,调查了我国60家动物园的保护教育情况,对游客受教育途径、效果及意愿等进行调查。结果显示,受教育途径选择通过阅读动物说明牌所占比例最高(34.21%),依次为观察动物(31.54%)、同伴或其他游客(14.43%)、动物园工作人员(5.66%)、科普教育馆(5.26%)及其他途径(9.41%);游客在游园后认识更多动物比例最高(34.03%),依次为了解动物行为方式(21.32%)、认识到保护动物的重要性(16.10%)、了解动物生活习性(15.27%)、了解动物生存环境(12.87%);游客希望配备讲解员占42.93%,希望提高说明牌质量占22.40%,希望有宣传手册占19.77%。方差分析显示,城市动物园、野生动物园及专业类型野生动物园的游客从动物园工作人员(P=0.028<0.05)、科普教育馆(P= 0.011<0.05)获得教育的差异性显著;三者在认识更多动物效果上存在极显著差异(P=0.003<0.01)、了解动物的生存环境存在显著差异(P=0.03<0.05)。针对这些调查结果提出了长期开展动物园保护教育的建议。  相似文献   

针对同德县草地畜牧业生产存在的草地退化、牲畜超载、草畜矛盾突出的问题,在1996 年制定的草畜平衡生产优化方案的基础上,实施减畜增效益的计划。经过两年的实施,对全县进行了普查和抽样调查。其结果,牲畜出栏率和商品率比1996 年分别提高3.43% 和0.75% ,成幼畜死亡率下降0.48% ,母畜比例提高0.03% ,母畜繁活率提高5.22% ,全县畜牧业总产值提高5.88% ,农牧业人均收入提高18.45% ,达到1040 元。全县饲草资源总量比1996 年增加14.53% ,超载率下降13.09% 。由此可见其效益明显,基本达到了减畜增效的目的。  相似文献   

优质饲用蛋白资源短缺一直是制约养殖业健康发展的一个难题。如何提高杂粕蛋白资源在动物饲料配方中的应用是动物营养与饲料学研究的热点之一。其中棉籽粕的蛋白含量较高,氨基酸组成较为齐全,但其含对动物生长有较大毒性的游离棉酚等抗营养物质且赖氨酸含量较低,限制了其在畜禽日粮中的用量。本文总结了提高棉籽粕饲用价值的有效途径,并对国内外棉籽粕在动物生产中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

青贮制备技术的发展与人类农牧历史紧密相关。青贮作为家畜尤其是反刍动物的重要饲料来源,如何充分发挥其营养价值、提升家畜生产性能,一直是动物饲料科学方面的研究热点。青贮添加剂的出现为实现这一目标提供了机遇。目前,许多种类的微生物青贮添加剂已实现商品化,并且制备开发的新型添加剂也在不断涌现。围绕现有青贮微生物添加剂的发展历史、主要类型、发展现状与发展前景等方面进行了综述,以期为进一步开发新型优良微生物添加剂提供参考。  相似文献   

Studies on stress and its impacts on animals are very important in many fields of science, including animal science, because various stresses influence animal production and animal welfare. In particular, the social stresses within animal groups have profound impact on animals, with the potential to induce abnormal behaviors and health problems. In humans, social stress induces several health problems, including psychiatric disorders. In animal stress models, social defeat models are well characterized and used in various research fields, particularly in studies concerning mental disorders. Recently, we have focused on behavior, nutrition and metabolism in rodent models of social defeat to elucidate how social stresses affect animals. In this review, recent significant progress in studies related to animal social defeat models are described. In the field of animal science, these stress models may contribute to advances in the development of functional foods and in the management of animal welfare.  相似文献   

Research on domestic animals (cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, and aquatic species) at land grant institutions is integral to improving the global competitiveness of US animal agriculture and to resolving complex animal and human diseases. However, dwindling federal and state budgets, years of stagnant funding from USDA for the Competitive State Research, Education, and Extension Service National Research Initiative (CSREES-NRI) Competitive Grants Program, significant reductions in farm animal species and in numbers at land grant institutions, and declining enrollment for graduate studies in animal science are diminishing the resources necessary to conduct research on domestic species. Consequently, recruitment of scientists who use such models to conduct research relevant to animal agriculture and biomedicine at land grant institutions is in jeopardy. Concerned stakeholders have addressed this critical problem by conducting workshops, holding a series of meetings with USDA and National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials, and developing a white paper to propose solutions to obstacles impeding the use of domestic species as dual-purpose animal models for high-priority problems common to agriculture and biomedicine. In addition to shortfalls in research support and human resources, overwhelming use of mouse models in biomedicine, lack of advocacy from university administrators, long-standing cultural barriers between agriculture and human medicine, inadequate grantsmanship by animal scientists, and a scarcity of key reagents and resources are major roadblocks to progress. Solutions will require a large financial enhancement of USDA's Competitive Grants Program, educational programs geared toward explaining how research using agricultural animals benefits both animal agriculture and human health, and the development of a new mind-set in land grant institutions that fosters greater cooperation among basic and applied researchers. Recruitment of outstanding scientists dedicated to using domestic animal models for agricultural and biomedical research, strong incentives for scientists to take advantage of training opportunities to write NIH grants, and greater NIH and USDA cooperation to sponsor the use of agricultural animals as dual-purpose animal models that benefit agriculture and biomedicine will also be necessary. In conclusion, the broad diversity of animal models needed for agricultural and biomedical research is at risk unless research priorities at the land grant universities are critically evaluated and financial support for such research is dramatically increased.  相似文献   

精原干细胞移植技术是一种新兴的动物繁殖技术,可以提高雄性动物的生殖能力.该技术是从适龄雄性供体动物采集精原干细胞,注射入适龄受体动物的生精小管中使其产生精子的技术.精原干细胞移植首先在小鼠试验中获得成功,接着人们将这项技术应用到家畜等大中型动物中并获得成功.随着这项技术的不断深入研究,精原干细胞不但可以在同种间进行移植,而且在异种间的移植也获得成功.通过对培养体系的不断完善,筛选、移植方法的不断改进,可以获得更高的移植成功率.精原干细胞移植为提高优良品种家畜的生产效率、保护野生动物资源、转基因动物的生产及不育症的治疗提供了一种新的方法.  相似文献   

Departments of animal science were established in agricultural colleges of public universities just over 100 yr ago, shortly before the founding of today's American Society of Animal Science. These departments and colleges have been remarkably resilient, changing little structurally. Yet, the future portends significant changes in these departments and colleges in response to shifts in how public higher education is financed and how society views the roles of animals in providing food and companionship. Funding for public higher education will continue to decline as a percentage of government appropriations. Public universities will garner more funding from gifts, endowments, grants, contracts, and tuition but will be held more accountable than today by public officials. Departments of animal science will retain strong constituencies and will be major units of most agricultural colleges; however, their students and faculty will be more diverse. Departments of animal science will focus on more species of animals and on a greater role of animals in society. Disciplines of faculty members in departments of animal science will become broader, and research projects will be more complex and have longer horizons, ultimately focused more on sustainability. Departments will share more resources across state and national boundaries, and there will be less duplication of effort regionally. Departments of animal science will continue to be important academic units of universities into the 22nd century.  相似文献   

Transgenic animal models have been used in small numbers in gene function studies in vivo for a period of time, but more recently, the use of a single transgenic animal model has been approved as a second species, 6-month alternative (to the routine 2-year, 2-animal model) used in short-term carcinogenicity studies for generating regulatory application data of new drugs. This article addresses many of the issues associated with the creation and use of one of these transgenic models, the rasH2 mouse, for regulatory science. The discussion includes strategies for mass producing mice with the same stable phenotype, including constructing the transgene, choosing a founder mouse, and controlling both the transgene and background genes; strategies for developing the model for regulatory science, including measurements of carcinogen susceptibility, stability of a large-scale production system, and monitoring for uniform carcinogenicity responses; and finally, efficient use of the transgenic animal model on study. Approximately 20% of mouse carcinogenicity studies for new drug applications in the United States currently use transgenic models, typically the rasH2 mouse. The rasH2 mouse could contribute to animal welfare by reducing the numbers of animals used as well as reducing the cost of carcinogenicity studies. A better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the transgenic rasH2 mouse will result in greater and more efficient use of this animal model in the future.  相似文献   

Students in animal science and veterinary science at the University of Queensland (UQ) have similar introductory courses in animal handling in year 1 of their degree programs. Veterinary students take animal-handling instruction in farm and companion animals, whereas animal science students are instructed in handling farm animals, horses, and rodents. Veterinary students are introduced to rodents, and animal science students to dogs and cats, in subsequent years of the curriculum. Both cohorts receive additional training, with clinical emphasis for veterinary students in years 3, 4, and 5 of their five-year curriculum. The introductory course is well received by students; both student cohorts appreciate the opportunity provided and the effort that goes into the animal-handling classes. Undergraduates realize that acquiring animal-handling skills will increase their proficiency in their subsequent careers; veterinary graduates recognize that their handling prowess will give their clients confidence in their abilities. Most clients cannot judge the competence of a veterinarian's diagnosis or treatment but will judge their ability based on their handling skills. Ongoing practice allows students to become competent in animal handling.  相似文献   

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