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<正> 葡萄环菌广泛地分布于自然界,是皮肤的常在菌,多引起人畜皮肤脓肿。我们在工作中除已见实验兔由葡萄球菌引起的皮肤脓肿外,尚遇到几种极少发生的葡萄球菌病例,兹介绍如下。一、病例介绍(一)皮下脓肿:某实验动物房种兔(大耳白和青紫兰),笼养,每笼1只,  相似文献   

兔葡萄球菌病由金黄色葡萄球菌通过皮肤和粘膜外伤等途径感染而引起的,由于金黄色葡萄球菌在自然界中分布广泛,因此是家兔的一种常见病、多发病。主要临床表现为在体表部位形成脓肿,严重时可引起内脏器官脓毒败血症而死  相似文献   

接诊福建省龙岩市某肉兔场患皮肤脓肿肉兔14只,采集患兔耳缘静脉血进行血常规检测,并无菌采集肉兔脓肿液进行病原菌分离纯化培养、染色镜检、PCR检查以及对所分离菌株进行药敏试验。结果表明:肉兔皮肤脓肿病为金黄色葡萄球菌感染所致。经手术和药物相结合治疗,并加强兔场的疫病防控后,患病肉兔恢复良好。  相似文献   

家兔是一种对葡萄球菌最敏感的动物,而葡萄球菌在自然界中又广泛存在,所以,家兔的葡萄球菌病是一种常见的、死亡率很高的传染病。葡萄球菌可以通过各种途径进人动物体内,因而有各种症状表现,它们分别为:1.皮肤和内脏器官脓肿。皮肤损伤感染了葡萄球菌后,可在损伤部位形  相似文献   

兔疥螨病与葡萄球菌病都是兔的常见病和多发病。疥螨病又称“生癞”,是由螨虫寄生于兔皮肤而引起的体外寄生虫病。葡萄球菌病是由金黄色葡萄球菌引起,以败血症或各种器官的化脓性炎症为特征的传染病。最近,本市某个体养兔场饲养的兔发生了以皮肤炎症、脓肿,母兔乳房炎,仔兔急性死亡为特征的疾病,根据临床症状病理变化及实验室检验,初步诊断为疥螨病与葡萄球菌病混合感染。  相似文献   

正猪葡萄球菌病主要由葡萄球菌和金黄色葡萄球菌引起,可分为急性、亚急性和慢性。金黄色葡萄球菌可引起猪乳腺炎、坏死性皮炎及乳房脓肿等。1临床症状葡萄球菌一般感染出生2~50d的仔猪。病猪有渗出性皮炎,皮肤发生病变较快,开始仅一小片皮肤病变,但一天或几天内全身就会出现发病。病猪食欲明显减退,初期嘴、耳、鼻及面颊周围出现创伤性红斑,红斑逐渐蔓延至背部、腹部、  相似文献   

羊葡萄球菌病是由金黄色葡萄球菌引起的局部化脓性传染病。主要是以皮肤和组织器官发生化脓性炎症为特征。但由于侵害部位不同,病情不完全一致。经破裂和损伤的皮肤、黏膜、汗腺、毛囊感染的羊一般表现毛囊炎、皮下脓肿、脱毛或乳腺炎等,经消化道感染可引起食物中毒和胃肠炎,经呼吸道感染可引起气管炎、肺炎。1病因分析由于葡萄球菌广泛存在于自然界,常通过损伤的皮肤、断脐或不规范的注射治疗等侵入体内,引起感染发病。例如,山羊在山中林地放牧,常被树枝等  相似文献   

<正>有一种犀鸟,身形很小,专门停在犀牛的背上为犀牛找皮肤缝隙间的寄生虫,这样既可以以虫为食,又可以让犀牛来保护自己。而对于犀牛,他既可以因此减少皮肤里的寄生虫,又可以凭借小犀鸟灵敏的感觉来获知临近的危险。他们各自发  相似文献   

脓肿是组织或器官内由于化脓感染局限化,病变组织坏死、溶解,并形成完整的腔壁或化脓病灶。根据脓肿所在部位的深浅可分为浅部脓肿和深部脓肿。脓肿常继发于各种急性化脓性感染,如皮肤或粘膜损伤后感染、蜂窝织炎、淋巴结炎、血肿等,也可从远处的原发感染灶经血流、淋巴管转移而来;是各种化脓菌通过损伤皮肤或粘膜侵入感染所引起的局限性炎症过程,如肌内或皮下注射消毒不彻底,外科手术或尖锐物的刺伤造成污染等。脓肿常由葡萄球菌、链球菌、化脓棒状杆菌等引起,有时为混合感染。1临床症状急性脓肿常伴发急性炎症症状。如果病灶在浅表时,局部…  相似文献   

<正>在宠物兔的疾病诊治中,皮肤脓肿较为常见,且可能发生于身体中的任何部位,从单个浅表到多个深层串联等多种形式造成机体创伤,脓汁很厚,黏着力强。脓肿患兔一般食欲和精神较为正常,但治疗十分困难,且治疗后复发者较为多见。1发病原因脓肿初期多为小肿块,数天后肿块迅速增大。脓肿是一个脓液的口袋,是化脓菌攻击后细胞破坏的结果。蓄积的脓液多为死亡的巨噬细胞、坏死的细胞组织、活的或死的细菌等。随着脓液量的增加,  相似文献   

A 10-day-old female southern white rhinoceros calf (Ceratotherium simum simum) was diagnosed with a patent urachus after urine was observed dribbling from the umbilicus. After being separated from its mother, the animal was sedated with i.m. butorphanol and anesthetized with isoflurane in oxygen for surgical correction of the patent urachus. Mild postoperative complications involved seroma formation and partial skin incision dehiscence, which necessitated three follow-up immobilizations for reevaluation and treatment of the surgical site. Histopathology did not reveal an infectious etiology as the cause for the complications or for the patent urachus. The etiology of the patent urachus in this animal remains undetermined. This report represents the first documented case of a patent urachus in a white rhinoceros.  相似文献   

A captive 33-year-old male white rhinoceros with seasonal dermatitis was diagnosed with a malignant squamous cell carcinoma on the right flank. Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from the skin lesions. No fungal or yeast was isolated. The dermatitis was treated with a combination of oral antibiotics (trimethoprim-sulphadiazine) and topically with weekly chlorhexidine washes and a mixture of a zinc oxide, balsam peru and bismuth oxide cream. Under azaperone and butorphanol anaesthesia, the skin tumour was surgically removed. The tumour was excised with wide margins and allowed to heal by secondary intention as primary wound closure was not possible. A post-mortem performed 2 years later for an unrelated condition revealed no metastases or recurrence of the skin tumour. It was presumed that chronic irritation or trauma may have contributed to the development of the skin tumour. This is the first detailed report of the successful treatment of a squamous cell carcinoma not associated with the horn in a rhinoceros.  相似文献   

Invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae is an emerging disease of humans characterized by abscesses in the liver or other sites involving bacteria with the unique hypermucoviscosity phenotype. Over several months, 7 African green monkeys in our research colony developed abscess formation in multiple locations and succumbed to disease. K. pneumoniae was identified by bacterial culture in 6 monkeys and immunohistochemistry in 1 additional monkey. All monkeys had been housed in, or had contact with monkeys housed in, 1 animal room in our facility. All affected monkeys had 1 or more abscesses, most notably in the abdomen, but also affecting the lungs, cerebellum, and skin. Abdominal abscesses and associated adhesions entrapped loops of bowel, forming palpable masses. Abdominal masses were located at the root of the mesentery, the ileocecocolic junction, or the pelvic inlet. In 1 case, culture, serotyping, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the bacterial isolate identified K. pneumoniae expressing the hypermucoviscosity phenotype and capsular serotype K2 and determined that the K. pneumonia was genetically rmpA(+)/magA(-).  相似文献   

探究中药对兔子大面积皮肤缺损的治疗效果。本研究对1例流浪兔子腰荐部皮肤大面积缺损,在不借助抗生素控制感染的情况下,仅通过中药白芨膏外敷治疗,简便包扎,通过6~7周的精细护理,完全痊愈。结果显示,此方法操作简便,疗效确实,中药对该病治疗具有一定的优势,这为临床应用中药治疗此类疾病提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

A captive black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) with a hoof abscess was treated with long-term antibiotic therapy. After 9 months of treatment, there was rapid deterioration, marked weight loss and reluctance to stand. Profuse, bilateral epistaxis developed accompanied by collapse and the animal was euthanased. Necropsy revealed pulmonary aspergillosis with concurrent Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Though a well-recognized disease of black rhinoceros, fungal pneumonia has not been reported in this species in Australia. The cost and efficacy of treatment have been questioned, however, prophylactic antifungal drug administration will be considered in any further cases of chronic, debilitating illness in black rhinoceros at Western Plains Zoo.  相似文献   

A study was conducted opportunistically to evaluate the potential of rescuing immature oocytes from the ovaries of the Sumatran rhinoceros postmortem. Recovered oocytes (n = 30) were placed in maturation culture for 36 hr and inseminated with frozen-thawed homologous spermatozoa. After culture, evaluation of nuclear maturation status revealed that a large number of oocytes were degenerated (n = 21), but nine oocytes were assessed at the germinal vesicle (n = 3), metaphase I (n = 3), and metaphase II (n = 3) stages. Frozen-thawed Sumatran rhinoceros spermatozoa were capable of binding to the zona pellucida of in vitro matured oocytes, but no fertilization or cleavage resulted. In conclusion, relatively large numbers of oocytes can be obtained by ovarian follicular aspiration postmortem in the Sumatran rhinoceros, and some of these oocytes are capable of achieving nuclear maturation in vitro. However, additional studies are required to improve maturation success and achieve fertilization in culture.  相似文献   

In order to screen the Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of Demodex canis, canine acariasis spirit was prepared by Foeniculum vulgare, Fructus cnidii and Bauhinia by water alcohol precipitation and distillation extraction methods. To observe the effect on Demodex canis, canine acariasis spirit was set to high, medium and low concentrations, the content of crude drug were 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5 g/mL, respectively. The experiment of killing Demodex canis was carried out by drop method. On this basis, 12 dogs inoculated with Demodex canis were treated. In order to verify the therapeutic effect, 45 clinically diagnosed dogs with Demodex canis were divided into three groups. The results showed that 3 doses of the traditional Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit all had strong inhibition effect to kill mites, the high dose group could completely kill Demodex canis only 4 h after treatment, the action of 1% ivermectin control group was 8 h after treatment; 3 weeks later, a large number of new hair grew, rash and skin nodules disappeared, the skin lesion had healed in the affected area of high dose group, in 1% ivermectin treatment group, the dog skin improved, only a small amount of new hair grew, it couldn't cure standard; In the high and middle dose group, the average number of the ratio of skin scraping mites and the recurrence rate after drug withdrawal was 0 in one month later; The average number of mites proportion and recurrence rates of skin scrapings in 1% ivermectin treatment group were 10.63% and 9.17% in one month later; After 3 weeks of treatment, the total average eggs negative rate, cure rate and average cure days were 100.00%, 93.33% and 19.56 d in high dose traditional Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit and 1% ivermectin combined treatment group, the results were better than the traditional Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit and 1% ivermectin alone treatment group. The results showed that the effect of the high dose group self-made Chinese medicine canine acariasis spirit on killing Demodex canis in vitro, inoculation of Demodex canis and clinical therapeutic effect of natural infection cases were significantly better than 1% ivermectin control group, canine acariasis spirit as a traditional Chinese medicine preparation would have a good market development prospects.  相似文献   

为筛选具有显著治疗犬蠕形螨的中药制剂,试验将中药小茴香、蛇床子、羊蹄根采用水煮醇沉及蒸馏等提取方法制备成中药制剂犬螨灵,并观察其对犬蠕形螨的疗效。将犬螨灵设为高、中、低3个浓度,其生药含量分别为2.0、1.0和0.5 g/mL,采用点滴法进行体外抑杀蠕形螨试验,在此基础上对12只接种蠕形螨的试验犬进行治疗试验,为验证治疗效果,对临床上已确诊的45只患有蠕形螨的病犬分3组进行临床治疗试验。结果显示,中药犬螨灵3种剂量均有较强的体外抑杀螨虫作用,高剂量组作用后4 h即可完全抑杀蠕形螨,1%伊维菌素对照组则为作用后8 h;高剂量组在治疗3周后,患处有大量新毛生长,红疹结节和皮屑消失,患处皮肤已痊愈,1%伊维菌素治疗组患犬皮肤好转,仅有少量新毛生长,不能达到痊愈标准;高、中剂量组皮肤刮取物螨虫数量平均比例及停药1个月后复发率均为0,1%伊维菌素治疗组皮肤刮取物螨虫数量平均比例及停药1月后的复发率分别为10.63%和9.17%。高剂量中药犬螨灵与1%伊维菌素两种药物联合治疗组,对临床上患病犬进行3周治疗,其虫卵平均转阴率、治愈率与平均治愈天数分别为100.00%、93.33%和19.56 d,其效果均优于中药犬螨灵与1%伊维菌素单独治疗组。结果表明,高剂量自制中药制剂犬螨灵对犬蠕形螨体外抑杀作用、接种蠕形螨试验犬与临床自然感染病例均有显著的治疗效果,优于1%伊维菌素对照组,犬螨灵作为中药杀螨虫制剂具有较好的市场开发前景。  相似文献   

真菌引起的皮肤病是由犬小孢子菌感染为主,较为顽固,且久治不愈,用药后时好时坏。本试验用中药与西药进行对比治疗犬真菌性皮肤病,中药的治愈率为90%,中药毒副作用小,无药物残留,不产生耐药性。试验结果表明,中药治疗犬真菌性皮肤病优于西药组,P>0.01。  相似文献   

A chordoma was removed from the tail base of a 6.5-year-old ferret (Mustela putorius furo). A nodule was observed in the area of tumor development when the ferret was purchased at 3 months of age. Although the nodule did not enlarge for 2 years, slow, steady growth of the tumor was observed for 4 years before surgical removal. Eight months after removal of the chordoma, the ferret developed 2 cutaneous masses. One was adjacent to the vulva, close to where the chordoma had been removed from, whereas the other was in the nasofacial region. After 4 months of slow growth, both masses were removed and both were histologically and immunohistochemically consistent with chordoma. Over the next 8 weeks, additional masses developed in the facial, maxillary gingival, and scapular regions. Enlargement of the gingival mass caused dysphagia, and the ferret was euthanized. Although a necropsy was not performed, these additional masses had a clinical appearance and texture that was similar to the 2 previously removed cutaneous chordomas. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a ferret coccygeal chordoma that developed close to the base of the tail. Ferret chordomas have been reported previously to metastasize to the subcutis overlying the tumor. However, this is the first report of a ferret chordoma that metastasized to a location distant to the primary site of neoplasm development. Cell proliferation indices did not predict this metastatic behavior. It is hypothesized that the long clinical period before removal may have predisposed this neoplasm to metastasis. Observations from this case suggest that chordomas in ferrets may have metastatic potential and so should be removed promptly.  相似文献   

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