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Four diverse sorghum hybrids (yellow, cream, hetero-yellow and red) and corn grain were dry-rolled and fed in an 85% grain diet to Angus-Hereford steers (241 kg) equipped with ruminal and double L-type duodenal and ileal cannulas to compare the effects of grain source on site and extent of digestion. Yellow (yel) has a homozygous yellow endosperm, with a yellow seed coat, whereas cream and hetero-yellow (het-yel) have a heterozygous yellow endosperm with white and red seed coats, respectively. Red has a homozygous white endosperm with a red seed coat. Diets were fed at 2% of initial BW (DM basis) in a 5 x 5 Latin square. Total digestive tract starch digestibility (%) was greater (P less than .05) for corn (92.5) than for red (84.3), yel (84.3) and het-yel (82.9) but not greater (P greater than .10) than for cream (87.9). Ruminal starch digestibility (%) was greater (P less than .10) for corn (85.8) than for sorghum hybrids (69.1). Pre-cecal starch digestibility (%) was greater (P less than .05) for corn (90.6) than for het-yel (76.2), red (74.8) and yel (74.1). Ruminal escape (%) of grain N was greater (P less than .10) for red (79.9) than for het-yel (69.2), cream (66.5) and yel (66.1), with corn (53.6) being less (P less than .10) than sorghum hybrids. Pre-cecal and total tract non-NH3 N digestibilities (%) were not altered (P greater than .10) by grain source. Hybrid of sorghum altered site and extent of starch digestion and ruminal escape of grain N; hybrids had estimated gain:feed ratios that were 81 to 93% of those of rolled corn grain.  相似文献   

Five steers (385 kg) fitted with permanent abomasal cannulae were used to compare Ca source (limestone or dicalcium phosphate) and corn level on site and extent of digestion. Diets contained 50, 70 or 90% corn, with corn silage and supplement to provide .70% Ca from either limestone or dicalcium phosphate. Limestone did not affect ruminal digestion, but postruminal starch and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestion were higher (P less than .05) for limestone compared with dicalcium phosphate, which suggests that starch utilization may be increased postruminally by a compound with buffering capacity. As a percentage of total starch intake, total tract and ruminal starch digestion increased (linear, P less than .01) while postruminal starch digestion decreased (linear, P less than .01) with corn level. Neutral detergent fiber digested in the rumen decreased (linear, P less than .01) and postruminal NDF digestion increased (linear, P less than .01) when level of corn in the diet increased. Effects of corn level were not different when organic matter and starch intake were included as covariates.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of blends of high-moisture harvested sorghum grain (HMS) and dry-rolled corn (DRC) on site and extent of digestion, high-grain diets were fed to Angus-Hereford heifers (315 kg) in a 5 x 5 latin square. The grain portion consisted of ratios (HMS:DRC) of 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25 and 100:0. Heifers were equipped with ruminal, duodenal and ileal T-type cannulas. Digestibilities of OM (P less than .05) and non-ammonia nitrogen (NAN; P less than .01) in the total tract declined linearly as HMS replaced DRC. Chyme flow (liters/d) through the duodenum increased linearly (P less than .01), and true ruminal OM disappearance tended to decline linearly (P less than .10) as HMS replaced DRC. A quadratic response (P less than .05) in extent of starch disappearance (g/d) in the rumen was noted; blends were lower than either individual grain. Ruminal escape of feed N tended to be quadratic (P less than .10); values for individual grain types were greater than blends. Microbial efficiency increased linearly (P less than .05) as HMS replaced DRC. Extent of starch digestion in the rumen averaged 82.7% compared to only 2.9% in the small intestine and 5.7% in the large intestine. Altering the ratio of HMS to DRC appeared to have more effect on ruminal fermentation than on digestion in the small intestine; most starch and nitrogen responses were quadratic. Increases in ruminal pH and chyme flow, potentially caused by increased salivary flow, may cause non-linear changes in the solubility of proteins in HMS and DRC, when fed as blends, altering the digestibility of protein and starch from values predicted from the individual grains.  相似文献   

Eight cannulated Holstein steers (average BW: 251 kg) were used in 2 simultaneous 4 x 4 Latin squares in a split-plot arrangement to test the effects of processing method [dry-rolled (DR) vs. steam-flaked (SF); main plot] and vitreousness (V, %; subplot) of yellow dent corn (V55, V61, V63, and V65) on site of digestion of diets containing 73.2% corn grain. No vitreousness x processing method interactions were detected for ruminal digestion, but ruminal starch digestion was 14.4% lower (P < 0.01) for DR than for SF corn. Interactions were detected between vitreousness and processing method for postruminal (P < 0.10) and total tract digestion (P < 0.05). With DR, vitreousness tended to decrease (linear effect, P < 0.10) postruminal OM and starch digestion. With SF, vitreousness did not affect (P > or = 0.15) postruminal digestion of OM and starch. Postruminal N digestion tended to decrease (linear effect, P = 0.12) as vitreousness increased. Postruminal digestion was greater for SF than for DR corn OM (25.7%, P < 0.05), starch (94.3%, P < 0.10), and N (10.7%, P < 0.01). Steam flaking increased total tract digestion of OM (11%, P < 0.05), starch (16%, P < 0.01), and N (8.4%, P < 0.05) but decreased total tract ADF digestion (26.7%, P < 0.01). With DR, total tract starch digestion was lower for V65 (cubic effect, P < 0.10) than for the other hybrids. With SF, total tract starch digestion was not affected (P > or = 0.15) by vitreousness. Fecal starch and total tract starch digestion were inversely related (starch digestion, % = 101 - 0.65 x fecal starch, %; r2 = 0.94, P < 0.01). Ruminal pH was greater for steers fed DR than for steers fed SF corn (6.03 vs. 5.62, P < 0.05). Steam flaking decreased (P < 0.01) the ruminal molar proportion of acetate (24%), acetate:propionate molar ratio (55%), estimated methane production (37.5%), and butyrate (11.3%, P < 0.05). There was a vitreousness x processing interaction (P < 0.01) for acetate:propionate. For DR, acetate:propionate tended to increase (linear effect; P < 0.10) with increasing vitreousness. With SF, acetate:propionate was greater (cubic effect, P < 0.01) for V65. Starch from more vitreous corn grain was less digested when corn grain was DR, but this adverse effect of vitreousness on digestion was negated when the corn grain was SF. Of the 19% advantage in energetic efficiency associated with flaked over rolled corn grain, about 3/4 can be attributed to increased OM digestibility, with the remaining 1/4 ascribed to reduced methane loss.  相似文献   

Effects of extent of barley rolling on chewing activities, ruminal fermentation, and site and extent of digestion were evaluated for feedlot finishing cattle diets in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Four Jersey steers (452 kg), cannulated in the rumen and duodenum, were used. Barley grain was temper-rolled to four extents: coarse, medium, medium-flat, and flat, which were expressed as processing index (PI, volume weight of barley after processing expressed as a percentage of its volume weight before processing, DM basis) and equivalent to 82, 75, 70, and 65%, respectively. Diets consisted of 9.7% barley silage, 86% temper-rolled barley, and 4.3% other ingredients (DM basis). Steers were offered ad libitum access to a total mixed ration once daily. Dry matter intake was not affected (P > 0.15) by PI of barley. Digestibility of OM in the rumen and in the total tract were numerically lower (P = 0.13) for steers fed coarsely rolled barley than for steers fed more extensively processed barley. Digestibility of starch in the total tract was linearly increased (P = 0.02) with grain processing, but NDF digestion was not affected by processing (P > 0.15). Digestibility of CP did not differ in the rumen but tended (P = 0.08) to increase in the total tract with increased processing of barley. Flow of microbial nitrogen to the duodenum was approximately one-third lower (linear effect, P = 0.06) for steers fed coarsely rolled barley than for steers fed further rolled barley. Increased grain processing tended to decrease (linear effect, P = 0.08) rumination time without affecting eating time. These results indicate that optimal degree of rolling for barley fed to feedlot cattle corresponded to a PI of 75% or lower. Coarsely rolled barley is not recommended because it resulted in the lowest digestibility and lowest microbial protein synthesis. Processing barley to attain a PI less than 75% resulted in marginal improvements in feed digestion, but rumination time decreased, which could lead to problems associated with acidosis if lower-fiber diets are used.  相似文献   

Three digestion experiments and one growth experiment were conducted to determine site, extent and ruminal rate of forage digestion and rate and efficiency of gain by cattle offered alfalfa haylage supplemented with corn or dry corn gluten feed (CGF). In Exp. 1, eight steers were fed alfalfa haylage-based diets with substitution of corn for 0, 20, 40 or 60% of haylage in a 4 X 4 latin square. Increasing dietary corn substitution increased (P less than .05) OM, NDF and ADF digestion by steers but decreased (P less than .05) rate of in situ alfalfa DM digestion. In Exp. 2, five heifers were fed alfalfa haylage-based diets with increasing dietary levels of CGF in a 5 X 5 latin square. Increasing dietary CGF increased (P less than .05) OM, NDF and ADF digestion by heifers. In Exp. 3 and 4, cattle were fed alfalfa haylage-based diets containing either 20 or 60% corn or CGF. In Exp. 3, supplementation increased (P less than .05) OM and NDF digestion but level X supplement source interaction (P less than .05) occurred, with added CGF increasing OM and NDF digestion more than added corn. In Exp. 4, supplementation improved (P less than .05) DM intake, daily gain and feed efficiency. Dry matter intake and daily gain were greater (P less than .05) for 60% supplementation than for 20% supplementation. Overall, whereas increasing the level of dietary supplement increased (P less than .05) OM, NDF and ADF digestion, only corn addition decreased (P less than .05) rate of in situ alfalfa DM digestion. Daily gains and feed efficiencies were similar in cattle fed either corn or CGF with alfalfa haylage.  相似文献   

Hetero-yellow (HY), red (RED) and brown (BR, high tannin) sorghums were fed dry-rolled or reconstituted (RED and BR only) to evaluate the effect of variety and reconstitution on the site and extent of starch and protein digestion in steers fitted with ruminal, duodenal and ileal cannulae. Processed grains were incorporated into 88% sorghum (DM basis) diets fed at 2% of body weight in a 5 X 5 Latin square. Ruminal fermentation of organic matter, starch and protein tended to be lower for the dry-rolled RED than for either the dry-rolled HY or BR sorghum. Digestion of organic matter (OM) and starch in the small intestine was very low for dry-rolled sorghums. Total tract starch digestibility was lower for the dry-rolled RED sorghum (86.9%) than the BR (90.8%) and HY (91.4%). Nitrogen (N) digestibility ranged from 53.1% for the dry-rolled BR to 64.5% for the HY. Tannins were extensively (95.2%) degraded in the rumen, which may have enhanced fermentation of the BR sorghum. Reconstitution increased (P less than .05) total-tract starch digestion of the RED and tended to increase starch digestion of the BR as well. Total N flow to the duodenum tended to increase with reconstitution, with most of the increase being due to greater (P less than .05) microbial-N. Reconstitution also increased (P less than .05) total-tract N digestibility of the RED. The response to reconstitution for the RED sorghum appeared to be due primarily to an increase (P less than .10) in the extent of fermentation of organic matter and starch in the rumen. Reconstitution of BR, however, enhanced disappearance of starch from the small intestine. In both cases, most (97.3%) of the digestible starch of the reconstituted sorghums had disappeared before the terminal ileum. In contrast, 14.5% (621 g) of the digestible starch of dry-rolled RED disappeared in the large intestine. Sorghum grain variety and reconstitution appear to alter site and extent of starch and protein digestion, which may result in variable performance of cattle fed sorghum grain diets.  相似文献   

An automatic in vitro gas production technique was evaluated for predicting in vivo fiber (NDF) digestibility and effective first-order digestion rate of potentially digestible NDF (pdNDF) of 15 grass silages. Observed in vivo NDF digestibility of the silages harvested at different stages of maturity during 3 yr was determined by the total fecal collection in sheep fed at the maintenance level of intake. Isolated grass silage NDF was incubated for 72 h in the presence of rumen fluid and buffer to determine the pdNDF digestion kinetics based on cumulative gas production profiles. The digestion kinetic parameters were estimated by a 2-pool Gompertz function. The estimated parameter values were then used in a 2-compartment mechanistic rumen model to predict the in vivo digestibility of pdNDF. A total compartmental mean residence time of 50 h was used in the model, and a further assumption of the distribution of the residence time between the rumen nonescapable and escapable pools in a ratio of 0.4:0.6 was made. To make a distinction between potentially digestible and indigestible NDF, the potential extent of NDF digestion was determined by a 12-d ruminal in situ incubation. The model-predicted in vivo NDF digestibility accurately and precisely (root mean square error = 0.013 units, R(2) = 0.99). Effective first-order digestion rate was estimated from the predicted pdNDF digestibility, and the values were compared with those calculated from the in vivo pdNDF digestibility using the same passage kinetic parameters. The predicted effective first-order digestion rate was strongly correlated with digestion rate estimates derived from in vivo data (root mean square error = 0.006/h, R(2) = 0.86). It can be concluded that a simple first-order digestion rate can be estimated from a complicated gas production kinetic model including 6 parameters. This rate constant can be used in continuous steady-state dynamic mechanistic rumen models predicting the nutrient supply to the host animal.  相似文献   

在美国,玉米、豆粕是大多数猪日粮的基本成分。这些日粮的总纤维含量大约为5%~10%,属中性洗涤纤维(neutral detergent fiber,NDF),而其中约70%的NDF来自玉米。  相似文献   

To compare the effects of sorghum grain hybrids on site and extent of digestion, two yellow (Y1 and Y2), two cream (C1 and C2), and two hetero-yellow (HY1 and HY2) sorghum grains were fed (1.85% BW, DM basis) in an 81% dry-rolled grain diet to steers (342 kg BW) equipped with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas within a 6 X 6 Latin square. Yellow (YEL) hybrids had a homozygous yellow endosperm and a yellow seed coat; cream (CREAM) and hetero-yellow (HET-YEL) hybrids had a heterozygous (partial) yellow endosperm, with white or red seed coats, respectively. Total tract starch digestibility (percentage) was greater (P less than .10) for CREAM and HET-YEL (82.3) than for YEL (78.9), primarily because of greater (P less than .05) starch digestion in the large intestine. Ruminal starch digestibility (percentage) was greater (P less than .10) for HET-YEL (73.2) than for CREAM (66.3) and was a larger proportion of total tract digestion for HET-YEL (90.6) than for CREAM (80.1). Ruminal starch digestion was correlated negatively (r = -.46; P less than .08) with ruminal escape of feed N. Prececal starch digestibility (average 76.2%) was more strongly correlated with ruminal digestibility (r = .69; P less than .01) than with digestion in the small intestine (r = .41; P = .12). Total tract nonammonia N (NAN) digestibility (percentage) was greater (P less than .10) for CREAM than for HET-YEL, greater for Y1 (P less than .10) than for Y2, greater for C2 (P less than .05) than for C1, and greater for HY2 (P less than .05) than for HY1. Flow of NAN to the duodenum was correlated negatively (r = -.55; P less than .05) with prececal starch digestion. Small intestinal NAN disappearance (g/d) was greater (P less than .01) for HY1 (76.0) than for HY2 (52.2). Microbial N flow (r = .88; P less than .01), but not feed N flow (r = .17; P = .52), to the duodenum was correlated with partial NAN digestibility in the small intestine. Hybrids differed in site and extent of digestion. Differences were generally larger for N than for starch.  相似文献   

Six cannulated Salers steers (305 +/- 17 kg initial BW) were used in a double 3 x 3 Latin square design to compare the effects of the nature of the cereal (wheat vs corn) and the corn genotype (dent vs flint) on rate, site, and extent of digestion of high-concentrate diets. The cereals were coarsely cracked, and the diets were balanced to have the same percentage of starch (47.7 +/- 2.3%) and CP (14.6 +/- .7%). Differences in ruminal starch digestion were observed between wheat- and corn-based diets (86.6 vs 47.8%; P < .001) and between corn genotypes (60.8 vs 34.8% for dent and flint corns; P < .001). For flint corn, more than half the starch was digested in the hindgut. Total tract digestion of starch was greater (P < .001) by steers fed wheat than by those fed corn and did not differ (P > .1) between the two corn genotypes. Ruminal mean pH (P < .01) was lower and total VFA concentration (P < .1) was higher for wheat- than for corn-based diets. Ruminal acetate:propionate tended to increase with the decrease in the amount of starch degraded in the rumen, but differences were not significant (P > .1). When wheat replaced corn, nonammonia, nonmicrobial N duodenal flow decreased (P < .01), and microbial duodenal flow increased (P < .05), so there were no differences in the duodenal flow of nonammonia N duodenal flow (P > .1). The lower nonammonia N duodenal flow for the dent corn- than for the flint corn-based diet (P < .05) was related to a lower passage of nonammonia, nonmicrobial N into the duodenum. Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis was inversely correlated with the amount of starch degraded in the rumen. Nature of the cereal, wheat vs corn, and genotype of the corn, dent vs flint, alter the site and extent of starch digestion.  相似文献   

Six ruminally and duodenally cannulated Angus-Jersey crossbred steers (450 kg of BW) were used in a 6 x 6 Latin square to evaluate the effect of kernel vitreousness and moisture on intake and digestibility of high-moisture corn. Arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial, diets included a floury (FLO) or a vitreous (VIT) endosperm corn hybrid harvested at 28.1% (DRY), 31.2% (MID), or 35.7% (WET) kernel moisture content. Diet DM consisted of 88.25% high-moisture corn, 6% chopped alfalfa hay, 2% corn gluten meal, 0.75% urea, and 3% supplement. Supplement was included to ensure that the diets contained a minimum (DM basis) of 0.6% Ca, 0.6% K, 0.2% S, 33 mg/kg of monensin, and 11 mg/kg of tylosin. Geometric mean diameter of lyophilized high-moisture corn tended to be less (P = 0.06) for VIT than for FLO, and the calculated particle surface area was 15.8% greater (P = 0.03). An interaction of vitreousness with the quadratic effect of moisture was noted (P < 0.001), such that fraction a and effective degradation for starch tended to be greater for the vitreous hybrid at the least and greatest moisture content but lower for the vitreous hybrid at the intermediate moisture content. Intake and ruminal disappearance of DM, OM, and starch were not influenced by vitreousness or moisture, with ruminal starch disappearance averaging 90.9%. Intestinal starch digestion measured as a percentage of starch entering the intestines averaged 91% and was greater (P < 0.05) for VIT than FLO corn. Averaged across moisture levels, total tract starch digestibility was greater (P < 0.003) for VIT than FLO. Compared with FLO kernels, VIT kernels appeared to be more brittle and therefore shattered more readily when rolled, particularly at the driest kernel moisture level. Furthermore, increased surface area of smaller particles may have been responsible for the greater starch utilization from VIT corn. In contrast with the results from other in situ and in vivo trials with dry-rolled corn grain, in which the starch from vitreous hybrids was less rapidly or completely digested, hybrids with more vitreous starch, when fed as high-moisture corn, had greater total tract starch digestibility, primarily due to greater postruminal starch digestion.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of dry (D); reconstituted and ensiled (R); reconstituted and acid-treated (A); and urea-treated, high-moisture (U) sorghum grain on starch digestibility, four Angus x Hereford steers (means BW = 350 kg) with duodenal and ileal cannulas were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Diets consisting of 69% ground sorghum grain were fed every 2 h in equal portions (8.2 kg/d). Diets averaged 46.5% starch and 12% CP, except for U, which averaged 14% CP due to urea treatment. Ytterbium attached to sorghum was used as a particulate marker. Duodenal, ileal, and fecal samples were taken 1 h postfeeding after a 14-d adaption to diets. Whole samples were analyzed. Preduodenal starch digestion (%) was 89, 83, 76, and 70, and starch digestion over the total tract was 99, 97, 95 and 91 for R, U, A, and D, respectively. Starch digestion proximal to each site (duodenum and ileum) was enhanced (P less than .05) by R and U compared with D. Within the small intestine, there was a linear relationship (P less than .003) between starch digestion and daily starch supply. However, digestibility of starch in the small intestine (mean = 45%) was not different among diets. Apparent digestibility of starch in the large intestine was not significantly different from digestibility in the small intestine. Urea-treated sorghum grain was equivalent to reconstituted, ensiled sorghum in digestion characteristics and was superior to dry sorghum.  相似文献   

Four Holstein steers were used to evaluate the combination effects of whole crop corn (Cs) or rice (Rs) silage with steam‐flaked corn (Cg) or rice (Rg) grain (four dietary treatments) on ruminal carbohydrate digestion, duodenal nitrogen (N) flow and plasma essential amino acid (EAA) concentration. The ruminal digestibility of starch and nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC) for Rs and Rg diets compared with Cs and Cg diets was greater, but that of neutral detergent fiber (aNDFom) was less. Because the ruminal disappearance of NFC plus aNDFom was similar across four dietary treatments, microbial N flow was not affected by the diets. There was an interaction of methionine (Met) flow by silage and grain sources: greatest for CsRg and least for RsRg diet, and blood plasma concentration of Met after feeding was lower for Rg than Cg diets. Postprandial reduction degree of plasma EAA varied with the diets and individual EAA. The Cs diets compared with the Rs diets tended to be greater in N retention because of greater digestible organic matter (OM) intake. These results suggest that silage source combined with corn or rice grain affects N use in steers through the digestible OM intake, and the kinds of limiting AA may differ among the combination of silage and grain sources.  相似文献   

The experiment was designed to assess whether corn fractions or extrusion of corn can result in feed ingredients with a greater nutritional value than corn. Corn grain (8.0% CP, 0.21% P, 9.8% NDF) was processed by extrusion (82.8 degrees C, 345 kPa steam pressure for 12 s) or by dry milling to derive fractions rich in germ (13.1% CP, 1.19% P, 17.2% NDF), hulls (8.1% CP, 0.27% P, 32.6% NDF), and endosperm, namely tails (6.6% CP, 0.07% P, 3.6% NDF) and throughs (7.4% CP, 0.15% P, 4.5% NDF). Relative recovery in each fraction was 16, 20, 44, and 20%, respectively. Ileal digestibility of DM, P, and amino acids was determined using diets containing 7.0% CP from soybean meal and 5.3% CP from one of the test products. To allow for determination of standardized ingredient, ileal digestibility, basal endogenous AA losses were determined using a protein-free diet (74.6% cornstarch and 18.7% sucrose). Soybean meal ileal digestibility was determined using a diet (12.3% CP) based on soybean meal (23.3%). Eight barrows (27 +/- 2 kg) fitted with T-cannulas were fed 8 experimental diets (5-d adaptation and 2-d collection period) such that each diet was evaluated in at least 5 barrows. Relative to corn (77.9 +/- 1.2%), ileal digestibility of DM was greater for extruded corn (82.5%; P = 0.02), tails (85.9%; P < 0.01), and throughs (85.0%; P < 0.01), but it was lower for hulls (62.2%; P < 0.01) and germ (51.1%; P < 0.01). For P, corn (41.6 +/- 9.5%), throughs (47.2%), and hulls (57.3%) had similar ileal digestibility, but germ (7.9%) had lower ileal digestibility (P = 0.02) than corn; tails (27.6%) and extruded corn (23.5%) were not different from corn or germ but were lower than throughs and hulls. For total AA, corn (84.7 +/- 2.4%), throughs (84.3%), and hulls (85.8%) had similar ileal digestibility, but germ (76.6%) had lower ileal digestibility (P < 0.01) than corn; tails (82.0%) and extruded corn (81.7%) were intermediate. In conclusion, germ and hulls have a low ileal DM digestibility; germ also has low AA and P digestibility. Extrusion improved the ileal DM digestibility of corn. To maximize the ileal digestibility, removal of germ and hull from corn or extrusion of corn may thus be of interest.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the range of variation in the rate and extent of in situ ruminal starch degradation of 14 corns differing in vitreousness and to predict ruminal starch degradability by physical characteristics of corn grains. This study was conducted with eight dent and six flint corns. Ruminal starch degradability was determined by an in situ technique on 3-mm ground grains. Physical characteristics of corn grain were measured: hardness by grinding energy and particle size distribution, apparent and true densities, and specific surface area. Ruminal DM and starch degradabilities averaged 50 and 55.1% and varied from 39.7 to 71.5% and from 40.6 to 77.6%, respectively. Ruminal starch degradability averaged 61.9 and 46.2% in dent and flint types, respectively. The proportion of coarse particles (61.9 vs. 69.6% for dent and flint, respectively), the apparent density (1.29 vs. 1.36 g/cm3 for dent and flint, respectively), and the specific surface area (.13 vs. .07 m2/g for dent and flint, respectively) varied with the vitreousness. Ruminal starch degradability could be predicted accurately by vitreousness (r2 = .89) or by the combination of apparent density and 1,000-grain weight (R2 = .91), a measurement faster than the vitreousness determination.  相似文献   

植物的花序结构及其形态特征是影响种子生产性能的重要因素。对于禾本科植物而言,其花序大小、小穗数、小花数及小花的外稃、内稃和芒的性状特征直接影响种子形成和产量。本研究通过测定小黑麦品系C2、C35和黑麦品系C13、C33的花序结构特征,得到以下结果:小黑麦花序[(14.30±0.52) cm×(1.24±0.09) cm]明显大于黑麦[(13.20±0.35) cm×(0.82±0.02) cm],小黑麦花序长而粗,黑麦花序短而细;小黑麦花序的小穗数[(21.35±1.47)个]少于黑麦[(30.20±0.79)个];小黑麦每个小穗的小花数较多,为3~4朵,黑麦的小花数趋于稳定,每个小穗有2朵小花。从花序中部小穗的小花结构看,小黑麦下位护颖长[(1.27±0.11) cm]和宽[(0.26±0.03) cm]、上位护颖长[(1.30±0.09) cm]和宽[(0.23±0.04) cm]均显著大于黑麦下位护颖长[(1.04±0.05) cm]和宽[(0.08±0.01) cm]、上位护颖长[(0.94±0.10) cm]和宽[(0.06±0.01) cm];小黑麦中部小穗第1小花的外稃宽[(0.32±0.03) cm]、外稃高[(0.24±0.03) cm]和芒长[(8.35±0.51) cm]、第2小花的外稃宽[(0.35±0.04) cm]、外稃高[(0.25±0.05) cm]和芒长[(8.37±1.19) cm]极显著大于黑麦相应值[(0.26±0.01),(0.15±0.01),(5.50±0.19),(0.25±0.01),(0.17±0.01)和(5.18±0.23) cm];第1和第2小花的外稃长[(1.35±0.06),(1.37±0.06) cm]和内稃长[(0.84±0.04),(1.41±0.06) cm]均小于黑麦的外稃长[(1.49±0.05),(1.47±0.05) cm]和内稃长[(1.45±0.05),(1.47±0.04) cm]。小黑麦的穗粒数[(52.50±1.80)粒]显著低于黑麦[(58.50±2.50)粒] (P<0.05),但其穗粒重[(2.08±0.04) g]、粒重[(0.04±0.00) g]和籽粒宽[(3.04±0.32) mm]均极显著高于黑麦 (P<0.01),每个花序的籽粒不仅体积大,而且质量较重,其籽粒的生产性能高于黑麦。小黑麦籽粒呈椭圆形或长卵圆形,浅黄色,表皮皱缩,饱满度差;黑麦籽粒呈窄纺锤形,青灰色,表皮光滑,籽粒饱满。小黑麦和黑麦花序结构与籽粒性状的Pearson相关分析表明,小黑麦花序宽和花序基部小穗数与籽粒长显著正相关(P<0.05),花序长与籽粒宽极显著正相关(P<0.01),花序中部小穗的下、上位护颖宽分别与穗粒重和穗粒数极显著正相关(P<0.01);黑麦花序中部小穗第2小花的内稃长与籽粒长显著正相关(P<0.05),外稃高与穗粒数极显著负相关(P<0.01)。研究小黑麦和黑麦的花序结构和籽粒特征,对正确区分二者和了解其籽粒的生产性能具有重要意义,同时有利于小黑麦的示范推广。  相似文献   

Six ruminally cannulated steers were used to determine the effects of altering dietary concentrates on fiber digestion. Diets contained 30, 60 or 90% of a concentrate based on flaked sorghum grain plus a 50:50 mixture of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. Total tract digestibility of NDF was not altered, but digestibility of potentially digested NDF (PDF) decreased (P less than .05) from 92 to 48% as concentrates increased from 30 to 90% of diet DM. Ruminal passage rate for straw (3.4 and 3.0%/h) and for hay (4.6 and 4.7%/h) was unchanged when concentrate was increased from 30 to 60%, but it decreased by 28 (2.2%/h) and 13% (4.1%/h), respectively (P less than .05), when concentrates were increased to 90%. Passage rate for grain (5.3, 5.1 and 4.4%/h) and fluid (9.3, 10.0 and 8.2%/h) was not influenced by concentrate percentage. Calculated ruminal digestibilities of NDF in individual ingredients did not differ between 30 and 60% concentrates, but they decreased (P less than .05) by 72, 57 and 34% for straw, hay and grain when concentrate was increased to 90%. Because of their relative contribution to total diet NDF, straw, hay and grain accounted for 28, 18 and 54% of the total decrease in estimated fiber digestion. It is concluded that PDF as well as NDF should be evaluated in studies of concentrate effects on fiber digestion, and that dietary concentrate level has more influence on passage rate of low-quality forage than on passage rate of grain or high-quality forage. In 90% concentrate diets, although fiber digestibility was depressed more for forage than for grain, grain accounted for most of the depression in fiber digestion because grain was the primary source of dietary fiber.  相似文献   

Nine Angus x Gelbvieh heifers (average BW = 347 +/- 2.8 kg) with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a split-plot designed experiment to determine the effects of soybean oil or corn supplementation on intake, OM, NDF, and N digestibility. Beginning June 8, 1998, heifers continually grazed a 6.5-ha predominantly bromegrass pasture and received one of three treatments: no supplementation (Control); daily supplementation of cracked corn (Corn) at 0.345% of BW; or daily supplementation (0.3% of BW) of a supplement containing cracked corn, corn gluten meal, and soybean oil (12.5% of supplemental DM; Oil). Soybean oil replaced corn on a TDN basis and corn gluten meal was included to provide equal quantities of supplemental TDN and N. Three 23-d periods consisted of 14 d of adaptation followed by 9 d of sample collections. Treatment and sampling period effects were evaluated using orthogonal contrasts. Other than crude fat being greater (P = 0.01) for supplemented heifers, chemical and nutrient composition of masticate samples collected via ruminal evacuation did not differ (P = 0.23 to 0.56) among treatments. Masticate NDF and ADF increased quadratically (P < or = 0.003) and N decreased linearly (P = 0.0001) as the grazing season progressed. Supplementation did not influence (P = 0.37 to 0.83) forage OM intake, total and lower tract OM digestibility, ruminal and total tract NDF digestibility, or total ruminal VFA; however, supplemented heifers had lower ruminal molar proportions of acetate (P = 0.01), higher ruminal molar proportions of butyrate (P = 0.007), and greater quantities of OM digested in the rumen (P = 0.10) and total tract (P = 0.02). As the grazing season progressed, total tract OM and N and ruminal NH3 concentrations and NDF digestibility decreased quadratically (P < or = 0.04). Microbial N flow (P = 0.09) and efficiency (P = 0.04) and postruminal N disappearance (P = 0.02) were greater for Control heifers and declined linearly (P < or = 0.02) as the grazing season advanced. Depressed microbial N flow seemed to be more pronounced for Oil than for the Corn treatment. Although total digestible OM intake increased with supplementation, metabolizable protein supply was reduced in supplemented heifers. Therefore, feeding low levels of supplemental grain with or without soybean oil is an effective strategy to increase dietary energy for cattle grazing high-quality forages, but consideration should be given to reduced supply of metabolizable protein.  相似文献   

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