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Enhanced phosphorus (P) uptake from the soil and increased plant growth related to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in pot culture, using sterilized soil, are well-known phenomena. However, these enhancements are not widely observed under field conditions because field sterilization is difficult. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of AM fungi on P uptake and the growth of Allium fistulosum in non-fumigated and fumigated fields, under different levels of P availability. Plants were inoculated with the AM fungus Glomus R-10 and grown in fumigated soil. For the uninoculated treatment, a sterilized inoculum was applied directly. The field was fumigated using dazomet. Superphosphate was applied to the field at the rates of 0 (P0) or 500 (P500) kg P2O5 ha?1. The inoculated and uninoculated plants were transplanted into the fields and sampled three times to measure AM fungal colonization, shoot P concentration, and shoot dry weight of the plants. At the transplanting stage, AM fungal colonization was observed in the inoculated plants (>70%) but not in the uninoculated plants. At the third sampling, irrespective of P treatment, AM fungal colonization was observed both in the uninoculated and inoculated plants in the non-fumigated field, and there was no difference in shoot P content and shoot dry weight between the inoculated and uninoculated plants. AM fungal colonization in the fumigated field was higher in the inoculated than uninoculated plants, irrespective of P treatment; shoot P content and shoot dry weight were both higher in the inoculated plants than in the uninoculated plants with P0. These results suggest that the responses of A. fistulosum to AM fungal inoculation under the low-P and fumigated conditions are similar to those observed in sterilized pot culture conditions.  相似文献   

Straw return can be used to reduce fertilizer input and improve agricultural sustainability and soil health. However, how straw return and reduced fertilizer application affect beneficial soil microbes, particularly arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), remains poorly understood. Here, we conducted a five-year field experiment in a rainfed maize field on the Loess Plateau of northwestern China. We tested four treatments with straw return combined with four nitrogen (N) application rates, i.e., 100%, 80%, 60%, and 0% of the common N application rate (225 kg N ha-1 year-1) in this region, and two reference treatments (full or no N application), with three replicates for each treatment. Mycorrhizal colonization was quantified and AMF communities colonizing maize roots were characterized using Illumina sequencing. Forty virtual taxa (VTs) of AMF were identified in root samples, among which VT113 (related to Rhizophagus fasciculatus) and VT156 (related to Dominikia gansuensis) were the predominant taxa. Both root length colonization and AMF VT richness were sensitive to N fertilization, but not to straw return; furthermore, both gradually increased with decreasing N application rate. The VT composition of the AMF community was also affected by N fertilization, but not by straw return, and the community variation could be well explained by soil available N and phosphorus concentrations. Additionally, 60%, 80%, and full N fertilization produced similar maize yields. Thus, our study revealed the response patterns of AMF to straw return and N fertilizer reduction and showed that straw return combined with N fertilizer reduction may be a promising practice to maintain mycorrhizal symbiosis concomitantly with crop productivity.  相似文献   

试验设置不同施肥量,于播种期分别接种根内球囊霉菌(Glomus intraradices Smith和Schenck,BEG193)和幼套球囊霉菌(Glomuse etunicatum Becker和Gerdemann,BEG168),探索了利用烤烟漂浮育苗技术生产菌根化烟苗和培育壮苗的可能性。结果表明:随着养分供应量的减少,AM真菌的侵染率提高,BEG193的侵染率高于BEG168。减施肥料总体上抑制烟苗生长,使烟苗生物量降低;但接种AM真菌显著促进烟苗生长,烟苗平均生物量比不接种的处理增加了74.38%(BEG168)和48.32%(BEG193)。接种BEG168使烟苗氮、磷、钾含量显著增加;接种BEG193主要是提高了烟苗含磷量。在施肥量减少75%辅以少量追肥的情况下,接种BEG168之后,烟苗生长状况和磷、钾含量超过或与常规施肥的非菌根苗相似。因此,在集约化烤烟漂浮育苗过程中,可采用接种AM真菌BEG168的方式培育壮苗,同时降低施肥量,减轻废弃营养液产生的环境污染。此外,接种AM真菌显著提高基质中的酸性磷酸酶活性,菌根苗基质中的磷酸酶活性随施肥量的降低而逐渐升高。因此,接种AM真菌有益于基质中有机磷的吸收利用,这可能是菌根烟苗含磷量提高的重要原因之一。  相似文献   


Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can increase the growth of host plants, especially under condition of low phosphate (P) availability. Although this effect is shown relatively easily in simplified systems such as pot experiments, it is often hard to show in the field because of complicating factors such as competition with indigenous AMF. We conducted an AMF inoculation experiment with three Japanese soybean cultivars (Enrei, Misuzudaizu, and Akishirome) in an allophanic (Umbric Silandic) Andosol field under the long-term selective application of major nutrients (NPK and -P) and bare fallow. In the inoculation plots, introduced AMF were well colonized in soybean roots at flowering stage. In the -P plots, inoculation tended to increase the shoot dry weight of all the three soybean cultivars; this effect remained until harvest. Although a significant difference is not recognized, there was a tendency of residual effect on Enrei in the following year. In the NPK plots, inoculation did not significantly increase the shoot dry weight. We thought that in the -P plots, the long-term selective application of N and K and the long-term maintenance of bare fallow created the soil conditions of low P availability and poor native AMF. Thus, introduced AMF can benefit soybean growth and yield in the soil with low competitor AMF density and low phosphate availability.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions where salinity is one of the main limiting factors for its production. Thus, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus mosseae, alfalfa rhizobia Sinorhizobium meliloti (R) seed inoculation in the development of salinity tolerance of different alfalfa cultivars (Rehnani, Pioneer and Bami) under a variety of salinity levels. The results revealed that under non-stress condition, root mycorrhizal infection, nodulation (the number and weight of nodules per plant), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and magnesium (Mg) contents of the root and shoot, the value of the K/Na ratio, protein [calculated from the nitrogen (N) content] and proline contents of the shoot and the alfalfa yield were found to be the highest while Na contents of the root and shoot were seen to be the lowest when seeds were double inoculated followed by mycorrhizae, rhizobium and control treatments, respectively. Similarly, under salinity condition, the greatest amounts of mycorrhizal infection, nodulation, root and shoot P contents, the value of K/Na ratio, the shoot proline content and the root Ca content were enhanced with the least amount of leaf Na content related to the cases of seeds which were double inoculated, followed by mycorrhizae, rhizobium and control treatments respectively. The results suggested that inoculation of alfalfa seed with AMF or R, especially double inoculation, causes a considerable increase in alfalfa yield under both saline and non-saline conditions by increasing colonization, nodulation and nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

AM真菌接种对甘薯产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验方法研究了接种AM真菌对甘薯产量和品质的影响。结果表明,种植6周时接种能够提高甘薯的菌根侵染率、生长和吸P量,收获时可提高甘薯的产量和品质。从接种效果看,本地分离的菌株接种效果好于异地分离菌株,混合菌株好于单一菌株。  相似文献   

Yield decline in yam may not only be due to soil nutrient depletion but also to the activity of soil microflora. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis helps in plant nutrition but may be affected by the application of fertilizer. The effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizer rates on the AM colonization, leaf nutrient concentrations, and tuber yields of eleven genotypes of Dioscorea rotundata were investigated at Ibadan, Nigeria. The soil was ferric luvisol. Eleven genotypes were selected from the previously conducted screening of 75 genotypes of D. rotundata for fertilizer response. Four application rates: 0, 200, 400, and 600 kg ha?1 of NPK 15-15-15 were applied in a split plot design with four replications. Fertilizer rate was the main plot and variety was the sub plot. Percentage AM colonization was significantly reduced at 600 kg ha?1 but not at lower rates when compared to zero rate and it was negatively correlated with leaf N, P, and zinc (Zn) concentrations. Leaf N concentrations were significantly increased at 200 kg ha?1 in five genotypes and at 600 kg ha?1 in two genotypes compared to zero application. Leaf P and K concentrations were decreased with the application of fertilizer in most of the genotypes. The NPK fertilizer of 15-15-15 at the rate of 200–400 kg ha?1 gave yield response in eight genotypes of D. rotundata, with minimal or no effect on their AM colonization when compared to zero application. Long term study on the effect of fertilizer application on AM symbiosis in yam is recommended.  相似文献   

接种丛枝菌根真菌对脱毒马铃薯微型薯生长及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在大田条件下采用混合菌种(Glomus mosseas+Glomus intraradices)作为接种剂,研究了接种丛枝菌根真菌对脱毒马铃薯微型薯菌根侵染、磷吸收和产量的影响。结果表明,接种菌根真菌,马铃薯菌根侵染率增加73.3%,植株吸磷量增加15.4%,块茎产量增加8.0%。上述结果证明,在大田条件下,接种菌根真菌能侵染马铃薯根部,促进植株对磷的吸收,从而增加产量。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can benefit growth and yield of agriculturally significant crops by increasing mineral nutrient uptake, disease resistance and drought tolerance of plants. We conducted a meta-analysis of 38 published field trials with 333 observations to determine the effects of inoculation and root colonization by inoculated and non-inoculated (resident) AMF on P, N and Zn uptake, growth and grain yield of wheat. Field AMF inoculation increased aboveground biomass, grain yield, harvest index, aboveground biomass P concentration and content, straw P content, aboveground biomass N concentration and content, grain N content and grain Zn concentration. Grain yield was positively correlated with root AMF colonization rate, whereas straw biomass was negatively correlated. The most important drivers of wheat growth response to AMF were organic matter concentration, pH, total N and available P concentration, and texture of soil, as well as climate and the AMF species inoculated. Analysis showed that AMF inoculation of wheat in field conditions can be an effective agronomic practice, although its economic profitability should still be addressed for large-scale applications in sustainable cropping systems.  相似文献   

M. SHARIF  N. CLAASSEN 《土壤圈》2011,21(4):502-511
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the action mechanisms of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in phosphorus (P) uptake of Capsicum annuum L.in a sterilized fossil Oxisol.Three P levels of 0,10 and 200 mg kg-1 soil (P0,P10 and P200,respectively) without and with AM fungal inoculation were applied as Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O.Shoot dry matter yields and shoot P uptake increased significantly (P > 0.05) by the inoculation of AM fungi at P0 and P10.Root length and P concentration in soil solution increased with the inoculation of AM fungi but the root:shoot ratio decreased or remained constant.Around 50% roots of inoculated plants were infected by AM and the external hyphae amounted to 20 m g-1 soil at P10 and P200.The hyphae surface area of the infected root cylinder amounted to 11 and 2 cm-2 cm-2 root at P0 and P10,respectively.The increased P uptake of inoculated plants was mainly because of an up to 5 times higher P influx of the infected root.Model calculations showed that the root alone could not have achieved the measured P influx in both infected and non-infected roots.But the P influx for hyphae calculated by the model was even much higher than the measured one.The P uptake capacity of hyphae introduced in the model was too high.Model calculations further showed that the depletion zone around roots or hyphae was very narrow.In the case of the root only 7% of the soil volume would contribute P to the plant,while in the case of hyphae it would be 100%.The results together with the model calculations showed that the increased P uptake of AM inoculated plants could be explained partly by the increased P concentration in the soil solution and by the increased P absorbing surface area coming from the external hyphae.  相似文献   

 The interaction of plant nutrients, root-soluble carbohydrate availability and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was examined in field grown cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Plant nutrients were altered through application of farmyard (cow dung, sheep manure) and green (sunnhemp, pongamia) manures. Organic amendments increased plant growth, AM fungal colonization, soluble carbohydrate concentration in roots, and spore numbers. Percent total colonization, root length with vesicles and spore numbers in soil were negatively correlated with the concentration of soluble carbohydrates within roots, which in turn were related to tissue nutrient levels. However, a positive correlation existed between soluble carbohydrate concentrations within root and root length with arbuscules. But the mycorrhizal parameters were related more to plant nutrient level and their ratios, indicating that tissue nutrients have another level of control in addition to their effect on soluble carbohydrate concentration in roots. Increased AM colonization due to organic amendment significantly reduced nutrient imbalances. The strong relationship between colonization and root-soluble carbohydrate concentration levels validates the basic assumption that mycorrhizal fungi act as a 'strong sink' for photosynthates. This study indicates that the host influences AM colonization by regulating the formation of AM fungal structures and spore formation via availability of root carbohydrates. Received: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to crop production, it is imperative to move beyond the plow layer to include the full soil profile impacted by plant roots. To illustrate this, we investigated the vertical distribution of AMF biomass and community structure within the top 100 cm of soil in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr., cv: Enrei) rotational systems cropped to wheat (Triticuma estivum L. cv: Bandowase) or left fallow using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) biomarkers and molecular analysis, respectively. AMF biomass, as measured by concentration of C16:1cis11, declined during fallow and with increasing soil depth. Greater than 50 % of the stored AMF biomass was found at depths below 35 cm. Phylogenetic analysis revealed 16 AMF phylotypes, including nine Glomus, two Gigaspora, two Scutellospora, and one each of Diversispora, Paraglomus, and an unknown glomeromycete, at different sampling depths in this study. Cluster analysis based on the number and abundance of each AMF phylotype formed two distinct clusters separating wheat from fallow rotations. There was no distinct relationship with soil depth beyond clustering AMF communities above and below 20 cm under wheat. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and hierarchical cluster analysis demonstrated that AMF communities by soil depth within each rotation were not significantly different. However, AMF communities were clearly influenced by crop rotation, where the distribution of specific AMF phylotypes responded to the presence of the wheat crop.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2010,46(3):138-143
We tested the potential for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to mediate plant adaptation to mine soil conditions utilizing a full factorial experiment involving two fungal communities, two ecotypes of plants and two soil types. We found that plants grew larger with fungal communities derived from mine soil regardless of the soil type in which they were grown. There was no evidence that the plants suffered from aluminum toxicity; however, plants grown in coal tailings produced far less biomass than those grown in low-nutrient clay soil. Andropogon virginicus L. grown from seeds collected from a coal mine had increased allocation to roots in sterile soil. Plantago lanceolata L. grown from seeds collected from a coal mine also showed an increased allocation to roots. We concluded that harsh edaphic conditions may help reinforce the symbiotic relationship between plants and AM fungi, resulting in more beneficial symbionts.  相似文献   

【目的】利用土著丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AM真菌)与作物形成互惠互利的共生关系提高作物对土壤磷的利用效率是解决农业生产中磷供需矛盾的主要途径之一,本研究在大田玉米不同种植密度条件下,研究AM真菌对玉米根系的侵染及磷吸收作用,为揭示集约化玉米高效获取磷的机理提供理论依据。【方法】以大田作物玉米的两种种植密度(5104 plants/hm2和9104 plants/hm2)体系为研究对象,在田间原位埋设PVC管装置,通过测定菌丝生长室中的菌丝密度和有效磷耗竭来确定不同种植密度体系条件下AM真菌对玉米磷吸收的作用。【结果】相对于低密度种植群体,高密度群体显著降低了玉米拔节期土壤有效磷的耗竭量,同时增加了玉米地上部的磷含量,即磷吸收效率,增幅达20%; 在玉米拔节期,增加种植密度使根际的根外菌丝生物量(菌丝密度)降低了4%,而非根际土壤中的根外菌丝生物量(菌丝密度)增加了37%; 高密度玉米种植密度群体中AM真菌的根外菌丝对土壤有效磷耗竭的贡献增加了22%。【结论】集约化玉米生产中土著AM真菌依然帮助植株从土壤中吸收有效磷; 高密度体系下玉米对磷的吸收更加依赖于AM真菌。高密度种植增加AM真菌对玉米的侵染、 根外菌丝量和对土壤有效磷的吸收。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a method to produce carbonized material at relatively low temperatures (180–250 °C) under pressure and aqueous conditions. The product is called hydrochar and can be used as a soil amendment. However, applied in high dosages it may have detrimental effects on plants or soil biota. The potential impact of hydrochar amendment on beneficial soil organisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and earthworms and their interactions are not well understood. The goal of the present study was to determine effects of hydrochar on plant growth and soil biota and to evaluate interactions of earthworms and hydrochar on plant and AMF performance and to identify underlying mechanisms. In a greenhouse experiment, we investigated the effect of hydrochar at different addition rates (control, 1% and 10%, v/v) with or without the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa on the growth of Plantago lanceolata L. and the performance of its AMF. We observed a positive interaction between earthworms and 10% hydrochar on shoot and root biomass: added as a single treatment hydrochar had a negative effect on plant growth at this dosage, but plant biomass increased significantly when hydrochar was added together with earthworms. Root colonization by AMF increased significantly with increasing concentration of hydrochar, but was not affected by earthworms. Contrastingly, extraradical hyphal length of AMF was reduced by earthworms, but not affected by hydrochar. Thus, hydrochar and earthworms affected the performance of AMF, albeit of different AMF structures and in different directions. Our results indicate that earthworms may play an important role in alleviating the negative impacts of high dosages of hydrochar on plant growth; such interactions should move into focus of future research on potential effects of HTC materials.  相似文献   

为探讨多胺对共生条件下丛枝菌根真菌及其宿主植物生长发育的影响,本研究以丛枝菌根真菌(Gigaspora margarita)为试验材料,通过施用不同浓度的多胺(Polyamine,PA)及其生物合成抑制剂[Methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone),MGBG]处理接种丛枝菌根真菌的葡萄微繁苗,研究共生培养条件下外源多胺及多胺合成抑制剂对丛枝菌根真菌孢子萌发、芽管菌丝及其宿主植物生长发育的影响.试验结果表明,共生培养条件下,一定浓度的外源PA对丛枝菌根真菌及其宿主植物的生长发育具显著促进作用,丛枝菌根真菌孢子数、菌丝长度、侵染率、丛枝丰富度及菌根化葡萄幼苗生长势均显著提高.MGBG则表现较强的抑制作用.且该抑制作用可被外源PA部分解除,证明外源多胺对菌根化葡萄微繁苗生长发育的促进作用是通过活化根系土壤中丛枝菌根真菌,促进微繁苗丛枝菌根共生体的良好发育,最大程度地发挥菌根化效应得以表现的.  相似文献   

采用盆栽法研究了砷(As)污染条件下(As 0,50,100和200 mg·kg-14个水平)丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)接种对全生育期番茄植株生长及其磷(P)营养的影响。试验中各接种处理均成功侵染,侵染率在11.79%~34.36%之间。砷胁迫显著影响番茄植株的生物量,植株生长过程中各个时期地上部和根系干重均随As添加水平的升高而显著下降。本试验同时发现As 50 mg·kg-1是不接种番茄植株忍受砷毒害的上限,而接种丛枝菌根真菌后,番茄忍受砷毒害的上限上调到100 mg·kg-1;但200 mg·kg-1已达番茄忍受砷毒害的极限。基质中添加砷对番茄植株不同生长时期地上部和根部磷含量有显著影响。除开花期地上部与其不接种处理根部磷含量外,幼苗期和坐果期植株地上部磷含量与根部磷含量均随着砷添加量的增加而呈大致递增趋势。番茄植株生长的各个时期(幼苗期、开花期和坐果期)地上部和根部磷吸收量随砷添加水平的增加呈明显下降趋势。砷污染条件下,接种丛枝菌根在一定程度上促进了植株生长及其对磷的吸收,缓解了砷对植株生长的胁迫。  相似文献   

Fertilizer application efficiently increases crop yield, but may result in phosphorus(P) accumulation in soil, which increases the risk of aquatic eutrophication. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) inoculation is a potential method to enhance P uptake by plant and to reduce fertilizer input requirements. However, there has been limited research on how much P application could be reduced by AMF inoculation. In this study, a pot experiment growing asparagus(Asparagus officinalis L.) was designed to investigate the effects of AMF inoculation and six levels of soil Olsen-P(10.4, 17.1, 30.9, 40.0, 62.1, and 95.5 mg kg^-1for P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5treatments, respectively) on root colonization, soil spore density, and the growth and P uptake of asparagus. The highest root colonization and soil spore density were both obtained in the P1treatment(76% and 26.3 spores g^-1 soil, respectively). Mycorrhizal dependency significantly(P 〈 0.05) decreased with increasing soil Olsen-P. A significant correlation(P 〈 0.01) was observed between mycorrhizal P uptake and root colonization, indicating that AMF contributed to increased P uptake and subsequent plant growth.The quadratic equations of shoot dry weight and soil Olsen-P showed that AMF decreased the P concentration of soil required for maximum plant growth by 14.5% from 67.9 to 59.3 mg Olsen-P kg^-1. Our results suggested that AMF improved P efficiency via increased P uptake and optimal growth by adding AMF to the suitable P fertilization.  相似文献   

In Venezuela, low yields of black bean crops are attributed, in part, to the low manganese (Mn) and phosphorus (P) contents in the Quartzipsamment soils where this crop is usually sown. To test this hypothesis, black bean plants were grown in sterilized sand to simulate soil physical properties, were fertilized with increasing Mn concentrations (0.1-20 μM) and inoculated with a commercial mixture of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv phaseoli strains 127K44, 127K89, 127K105 (+Rh), in combination with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Scutellospora heterogama and Entrophospora colombiana (+AMF). Non-inoculated plants fertilized with 6 mM NO3 and 2 mM P served as controls. Plants were harvested at 18, 25, 33, and 40 days after emergence. At all harvests, the greatest growth and highest P and iron (Fe) leaf concentrations occurred in control plants grown in 5 μM Mn. The growth of +AMF plants was promoted at 0.1 μM Mn and inhibited at higher than 1 μM Mn. Whereas, concentrations of 5-10 μM Mn enhanced the growth and the Mn concentrations in leaves of +Rh plants 40 days after emergence. The tripartite symbiosis (+Rh+AMF) decreased growth, nodulation and leaf ureide and chlorophyll concentrations in plants grown in less than 20 μM Mn, imputed to severe ultrastructural alterations in the leaf and nodule tissues. Only +Rh+AMF plants grown in 20 μM Mn were effectively nodulated, AMF colonized and reached the flowering stage, although with diminished growth and low chlorophyll concentrations. Results confirm the high Mn requirement of +Rh plants for growth and nodulation and question the implementation of the tripartite symbiosis to improve yields in early flowering black bean varieties planted in soils deficient in Mn and P.  相似文献   

This study focused on the application of native strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Sinorhizobium in effective crop production during reclamation of coal‐mine spoil banks. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in spoil‐bank clay with a low dose of organic amendment to determine whether the microbial inoculation improves growth and utility qualities of two cultivars of Linum usitatissimum L. (oil and fiber flax). Inoculation with two native AMF isolates (Glomus mosseae, G. intraradices, and their mixture) significantly increased growth and shoot phosphorus (P) concentration of both flax cultivars. Inoculated fiber flax plants produced fivefold more fibers than the uninoculated ones. In oil flax, mycorrhizal inoculation significantly but quantitatively to a minor degree decreased the concentration of nonsaturated fatty acids in the seed oil. A mixture of five native Sinorhizobium sp. strains supported growth and P uptake of oil flax only in the absence of AMF. However, these beneficial effects of the bacteria were significantly lower as compared to AMF. No synergic action of Sinorhizobium strains and AMF was observed, and their interactions were often even antagonistic. Inoculation with AMF significantly decreased population density of Sinorhizobium in the soil. These results suggest that a careful selection of suitable bacterial strains is necessary to provide effective AMF combinations and maximize flax‐growth support.  相似文献   

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