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Indoxacarb (DPX-MP062) is a recently introduced oxadiazine insecticide with activity against a wide range of pests, including house flies. It is metabolically decarbomethoxylated to DCJW. Selection of field collected house flies with indoxacarb produced a New York indoxacarb-resistant (NYINDR) strain with >118-fold resistance after three generations. Resistance in NYINDR could be partially overcome with the P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide (PBO), but the synergists diethyl maleate and S,S,S-tributyl phosphorothioate did not alter expression of the resistance, suggesting P450 monooxygenases, but not esterases or glutathione S-transferases are involved in the indoxacarb resistance. Conversely, the NYINDR strain showed only 3.2-fold resistance to DCJW, and this resistance could be suppressed with PBO. Only limited levels of cross-resistance were detected to pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate or chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in NYINDR. Indoxacarb resistance in the NYINDR strain was inherited primarily as a completely recessive trait. Analysis of the phenotypes vs. mortality data revealed that the major factor for indoxacarb resistance is located on autosome 4 with a minor factor on autosome 3. It appears these genes have not previously been associated with insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular basis of resistance in a strain of house fly (BJD) from Beijing, China. This strain showed 567-fold resistance to commonly used deltamethrin. Flies were 64-fold resistant to deltamethrin synergized by piperonyl butoxide (PBO). The 5′-flanking sequence of the cytochrome P450 gene CYP6D1 in BJD strain had a 15-bp insert as in the LPR strain. Two mutations (kdr, super-kdr) in the voltage sensitive sodium channel (VSSC) were also detected in the BJD strain. Our results showed that a combination of resistance alleles for CYP6D1 and VSSC existed in deltamethrin resistant house flies in China.  相似文献   

In recent years, imidacloprid was introduced to control the housefly in China and it was documented that the housefly indeed showed signs of resistance to imidacloprid somewhere but not in China. Therefore, a housefly population collected from filed (IFS) was selected continuously with imidacloprid to establish the resistant strain (IRS) and the basic characteristics were investigated in this study. After continuous selection over 21 generations, the resistance ratio increased from 9.01 to 140, and different levels of cross-resistance were developed to beta-cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, chlorfenapyr, acetamiprid and azamethiphos in the IRS strain. The realized heritability of resistance was 0.10. The synergistic ratios for IRS pretreated with DEF, DEM and PBO were 1.68, 1.52 and 2.53, and the corresponding ones for IFS were 3.17, 1.87 and 2.67, respectively. Synergistic and biochemical assays suggested that the cytochrome P450 may play an important role in the imidacloprid resistance comparing with GSTs- and carboxylesterases-mediated detoxification in the IRS strain, and there might be additional mechanisms (e.g. reduced target-site sensitivity) contributed to imidacloprid resistance in the IRS strain.  相似文献   

A housefly strain, originally collected in 1998 from a dump in Beijing, was selected with beta-cypermethrin to generate a resistant strain (CRR) in order to characterize the resistance and identify the possible mechanisms involved in the pyrethroid resistance. The resistance was increased from 2.56- to 4419.07-fold in the CRR strain after 25 consecutive generations of selection compared to a laboratory susceptible strain (CSS). The CRR strain also developed different levels of cross-resistance to various insecticides within and outside the pyrethroid group such as abamectin. Synergists, piperonyl butoxide (PBO) and S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF), increased beta-cypermethrin toxicity 21.88- and 364.29-fold in the CRR strain as compared to 15.33- and 2.35-fold in the CSS strain, respectively. Results of biochemical assays revealed that carboxylesterase activities and maximal velocities to five naphthyl-substituted substrates in the CRR strain were significantly higher than that in the CSS strain, however, there was no significant difference in glutathione S-transferase activity and the level of total cytochrome P450 between the CRR and CSS strains. Therefore, our studies suggested that carboxylesterase play an important role in beta-cypermethrin resistance in the CRR strain.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases (P450s) are an important enzymatic system that metabolizes xenobiotics (e.g., pesticides), as well as endogenous compounds (e.g., hormones). P450-mediated metabolism can result in detoxification of insecticides such as pyrethroids, or can be involved in the bioactivation and detoxification of insecticides such as organophosphates. We isolated (from the JPAL strain) a permethrin resistant strain (ISOP450) of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, having 1300-fold permethrin resistance using standard backcrossing procedures. ISOP450 is highly related to the susceptible lab strain (SLAB) and the high resistance to permethrin is due solely to P450-mediated detoxification. This is the first time in mosquitoes that P450 monooxygenase involvement in pyrethroid resistance has been isolated and studied without the confounding effects of kdr. Resistance in ISOP450 is incompletely dominant (D = +0.3), autosomally linked, and monofactorally inherited. It is expressed in the larvae, but not in adults. Cross-resistance to pyrethroids lacking a 3-phenoxybenzyl moiety (tetramethrin, fenfluthrin, bioallethrin, and bifenthrin) ranged from 1.5- to 12-fold. ISOP450 had only limited (6.6- and 11-fold) cross-resistance to 3-phenoxybenzyl pyrethroids with an α-cyano group (cypermethrin and deltamethrin, respectively). Examination of cross-resistance patterns to organophosphate insecticides in ISOP450 showed an 8-fold resistance to fenitrothion, while low, but significant, levels of negative cross-resistance were found for malathion (RR = 0.84), temephos (RR = 0.73), and methyl-parathion (RR = 0.55). The importance and uniqueness of this P450 mechanism in insecticide resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Insecticides have been extensively used for house fly control in China, with dichlorvos and deltamethrin being widely used. Knowledge about the current status of insecticide resistance and the underlying genetic changes is crucial for developing effective fly control strategies. The susceptibility to dichlorvos and deltamethrin, and the frequencies of genetic mutations involved in insecticide resistance were studied in five field populations of the house fly collected across China. Bioassay results show that flies exhibit 14- to 28-fold resistance to dichlorvos and 41- to 94-fold resistance to deltamethrin, indicating that dichlorvos and deltamethrin resistance are common in house fly populations in China. Molecular analysis reveals that flies from the five various locations carry resistance alleles at multiple loci and have diverse allelic types, different relative frequencies and combinations of each allele. Four non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (i.e. V260L, G342A/V, F407Y) in acetylcholinesterase (Ace) and two mutations (W251L/S) in a carboxylesterase (MdαE7) were commonly present in the field house flies. The L1014H rather than L1014F mutation in the voltage sensitive sodium channel gene (Vssc) was widely distributed in Chinese house flies. CYP6D1v1, which confers pyrethroid resistance, was found in all the five tested populations in China, although its frequency in house fly from Shandong province was very low. Our results suggest that resistance monitoring and management of house flies should be customized for a given location.  相似文献   

Evolutionary plasticity of monooxygenase-mediated resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cytochrome P450 monooxygenases are an important metabolic system involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics, and are thus one of the major mechanisms by which insects evolve insecticide resistance. However, comparatively little is known about the evolutionary constraints of this insecticide resistance mechanism. We investigated the genetic basis of resistance in a strain of house fly (NG98) from Georgia, USA that had evolved 3700-fold resistance to the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin, and compared this to other permethrin resistant strains of house flies from the US and Japan. Resistance in NG98 was due to kdr on autosome 3 and monooxygenase-mediated resistance on autosomes 1, 2, and 5. These results indicate that the genes which evolve to produce monooxygenase-mediated resistance to permethrin are different between different populations, and that the P450 monooxygenases have some degree of plasticity in response to selection. Monooxygenase-mediated resistance appears to evolve using different P450s, and possibly different regulatory signals controlling P450 expression, even in strains selected with the same insecticide.  相似文献   

对家蝇残杀威抗性(RR)和敏感(SS)品系乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetylcholinesterase,AChE)(RR-和SS-AChE)的生化特性研究后发现,RR- 和SS-AChE存在着明显的差异:1)RR- 和SS-AChE最适反应温度分别为37℃和34℃,但最适pH值均为7.4; 2)AChE催化底物的能力不同,RR-AChE水解碘化硫代乙酰胆碱(ATCh)、碘化硫代丁酰胆碱(BTCh)、碘化硫代丙酰胆碱(PTCh)的活力高于SS-AChE,其相应的最大反应速率(Vmax)比分别是SS-AChE的2.22、1.08和3.41倍; 3)从双分子速率常数(bimolecular constant,Ki)来看,RR-AChE对4种氨基甲酸酯类抑制剂(残杀威、克百威、甲萘威、灭多威)的敏感度分别是SS-AChE的46.77、28.15、66.15和15.00倍,对4种有机磷类抑制剂(马拉氧磷、甲胺磷、氧乐果和氧化三唑磷)的敏感度分别是7.66、12.13、3.81和2.25倍; 4)上述抑制剂与RR-AChE分子相互作用的亲和力常数(Ka)均大于与SS-AChE的值; 5) RR-AChE的磷酰化或氨基甲酰化常数(K2)值都低于SS-AChE的值。 表明RR-AChE的性质已发生变化。  相似文献   

Herbicide resistance or tolerance in weeds mediated by cytochrome P450 monooxygenase is a considerable problem. However, cytochrome P450 mediated resistance or tolerance in weeds was less studied. Thus, in this work, the role of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase in the different responses of Poa annua and Alopecurus aequalis to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl was studied. We found that the effect of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl could be synergized by piperonyl butoxide (PBO) in P. annua, but not by malathion. After being treated with fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (containing mefenpyr-diethyl), the contents of cytochrome P450 and cytochrome b5 in P. annua increased significantly compared to plants treated with mefenpyr-diethyl only or untreated plants. However, the increase was less in A. aequalis, which was susceptible to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl. The activities of ρ-nitroanisole O-demethylase (PNOD), ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), ethoxycoumarin oxidase (ECOD) and NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 reductase mediated by cytochrome P450 monooxygenase increased in P. annua after treatment with fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, especially the activities of ECOD and cytochrome P450 reductase. Besides this, cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity toward fenoxaprop-P-ethyl in P. annua increased significantly compared to untreated or treated with mefenpyr-diethyl plants and treated or untreated A. aequalis. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase may play an important role in the different responses to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl in P. annua and A. aequalis.  相似文献   

Adult, 20-week-old, rats from a Danish bromadiolone-resistant strain of rats (Rattus norvegicus) over-express the cytochrome P450 genes Cyp2e1, Cyp3a2 and Cyp3a3 upon bromadiolone exposure. Furthermore, adult female rats of this strain over-express the Cyp2c13 gene and suppress Cyp2c12, while males over-express the Cyp2a1 gene. The altered gene expression has been suggested to be involved in the bromadiolone resistance by facilitating enhanced anticoagulant metabolism. To investigate the gene expression of these cytochrome P450 genes in rats of different developmental stages we compared expression profiles from 8-, 12- and 20-week-old resistant rats of the Danish strain to profiles of anticoagulant-susceptible rats of same ages. The three age-groups were selected to represent a group of pre-pubertal, pubertal and adult rats. We found expression profiles of the pre-pubertal and pubertal resistant rats to concur with profiles of the adults suggesting that cytochrome P450 enzymes are involved in the Danish bromadiolone resistance regardless of developmental stage. We also investigated the relative importance of the six cytochrome P450s in the different development stages of the resistant rats. The P450-3a2 and -3a3 isoforms were proposed to be of higher importance in adult male resistance than in pre-pubertal resistance. In contrast, the P450-2c13 and -3a2 isoforms were proposed to be more important in sexual immature female resistance, while the P450-2e1 and -3a3 isoforms were suggested to play a more significant role in adult female resistance.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of resistance and cross resistance to the juvenoids methoprene and R-20458 in the house fly, Musca domestica, were examined. Radiolabeled methoprene was found to be metabolized faster in resistant and cross-resistant house fly larvae than in susceptible larvae, and methoprene and R-20458 penetrated more slowly into larvae of the resistant strain. In vivo and in vitro metabolism of methoprene was largely by oxidative pathways followed by conjugation in all strains examined, and little or no ester change of methoprene was noted in vitro. In vitro oxidative metabolism of methoprene, R-20458, juvenile hormone I, and several model substrates was higher in resistant and cross-resistant larvae than in susceptible larvae. Juvenoid functionalities susceptible to metabolic attack by resistant strains are indicated.  相似文献   

The sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae), is an invasive and damaging pest of field crops worldwide. The neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid has been widely used to control this pest. We assessed the species composition (B vs. Q), imidacloprid resistance, and association between imidacloprid resistance and the expression of five P450 genes for 14–17 B. tabaci populations in 12 provinces in China. Fifteen of 17 populations contained only B. tabaci Q, and two populations contained both B and Q. Seven of 17 populations exhibited moderate to high resistance to imidacloprid, and eight populations exhibited low resistance to imidacloprid, compared with the most susceptible field WHHB population. In a study of 14 of the populations, resistance level was correlated with the expression of the P450 genes CYP6CM1 and CYP4C64 but not with the expression of CYP6CX1, CYP6CX4, or CYP6DZ7. This study indicates that B. tabaci Q has a wider distribution in China than previously reported. Resistance to imidacloprid in field populations of B. tabaci is associated with the increased expression of two cytochrome P450 genes (CYP6CM1 and CYP4C64).  相似文献   

The toxicity and influence on chronic development regulation of dietary benzoxadiazole as well as the subsequent action on cuticle enzyme and antioxidant defense system in feed-thru housefly larvae are investigated. Dietary benzoxadiazole shows limited larvicidal activity and weak interference on larval pupation, but strong blockage against the succedent eclosion process. It does not change the content ratio of protein/chitin in the larval cuticle, but strongly regulates the constituents of cuticle proteins. Moreover, chitinase activities in the integument of third-instar larvae, in vivo, are enhanced and gradually decreased whereas phenoloxidase activities are inhibited and the inhibitory rates are gradually increased. Glutathione S-transferase activities are strongly improved whilst peroxidase activities decrease from about 42.25% to 17.36%, catalase activities decrease from about 80.31% to 27.98% and superoxide dismutase activities are almost unchanged during the different treatment procedures. Peroxidase SDS-PAGE analysis shows that band photodensities of 200.0 and 10.3 kDa proteins in feed-thru larvae are significantly weaker than the corresponding control band. Results suggest that dietary benzoxadiazole might exert strong regulation on larvae cuticle metabolism, interfere with cuticle enzymatic browning and protein sclerotization and weaken the self-protection of larvae against endogenetic oxidative damages.  相似文献   

Genomic tools such as the availability of the Drosophila genome sequence, the relative ease of stable transformation, and DNA microarrays have made the fruit fly a powerful model in insecticide toxicology research. We have used transgenic promoter-GFP constructs to document the detailed pattern of induced Cyp6a2 gene expression in larval and adult Drosophila tissues. We also compared various insecticides and xenobiotics for their ability to induce this cytochrome P450 gene, and show that the pattern of Cyp6a2 inducibility is comparable to that of vertebrate CYP2B genes, and different from that of vertebrate CYP1A genes, suggesting a degree of evolutionary conservation for the “phenobarbital-type” induction mechanism. Our results are compared to the increasingly diverse reports on P450 induction that can be gleaned from whole genome or from “detox” microarray experiments in Drosophila. These suggest that only a third of the genomic repertoire of CYP genes is inducible by xenobiotics, and that there are distinct subsets of inducers/induced genes, suggesting multiple xenobiotic transduction mechanisms. A relationship between induction and resistance is not supported by expression data from the literature. The relative abundance of expression data now available is in contrast to the paucity of studies on functional expression of P450 enzymes, and this remains a challenge for our understanding of the toxicokinetic aspects of insecticide action.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of resistance to the chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron were investigated in a diflubenzuron-selected strain of the house fly (Musca domestica L.) with > 1000 × resistance, and in an OMS-12-selected strain [O-ethyl O-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)phosphoramidothioate] with 380 × resistance to diflubenzuron. In agreement with the accepted mode of action of diflubenzuron, chitin synthesis was reduced less in larvae of the resistant (R) than of a susceptible (S) strain. Cuticular penetration of diflubenzuron into larvae of the R strains was about half that of the S. Both piperonyl butoxide and sesamex synergized diflubenzuron markedly in the R strains, indicating that mixed-function oxidase enzymes play a major role in resistance. Limited synergism by DEF (S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate) and diethylmaleate indicated that esterases and glutathione-dependent transferases play a relatively small role in resistance. Larvae of the S and R strains exhibited a similar pattern of in vivo cleavage of 3H- and 14C-labeled diflubenzuron at N1C2 and N1C1 bonds. However, there were marked differences in the amounts of major metabolites produced: R larvae metabolized diflubenzuron at considerably higher rates, resulting in 18-fold lower accumulation of unmetabolized diflubenzuron by comparison with S larvae. Polar metabolites were excreted at a 2-fold higher rate by R larvae. The high levels of resistance to diflubenzuron in R-Diflubenzuron and R-OMS-12 larvae are due to the combined effect of reduced cuticular penetration, increased metabolism, and rapid excretion of the chemical.  相似文献   

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