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尖镰孢菌(Fusarium oxysporum)的快速分子检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 由尖镰孢菌(Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.)引起的大豆枯萎病是危害大豆生产的主要土传病害[1]。该菌在土壤和病残体上均可长期生存造成危害。快速准确地在发病初期植株和带病土壤中进行鉴定和检测对防治该病害至关重要。  相似文献   

应用PCR技术检测玉米中的禾谷镰刀菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验通过用PCR方法来实现对禾谷镰刀菌的快速检测,经对霉变玉米样品、玉米茎腐病组织及玉米穗腐病标本的检测,证明该方法是一种高效、灵敏的方法,具有重要的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

荒漠植物PCR模板3种制备方法的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用2×CTAB法、NaOH法及直接PCR扩增法,以准噶尔无叶豆[Eremosparton songoricum(Litv.)Vass.]为例,对沙生植物PCR模板制备方法进行了比较研究.结果表明:2×CTAB法提取的DNA产量及质量较高,PCR扩增谱带稳定、清晰,但方法繁琐,单个样品处理时间长,耗时耗力;NaOH法制备模板DNA简单快速、经济高效,在1~2 h可提取10~20个样品,比常规方法快3~5倍,并可产生稳定、可靠、重复性好的PCR扩增谱带;直接扩增法是一种更加快速、简便、廉价的制备方法,适宜制备大批量的PCR模板.研究结果对其他荒漠植物,尤其是叶片极端退化或珍稀濒危植物的PCR模板制备具有指导意义.  相似文献   

The distribution and co‐occurrence of four Fusarium species and their mycotoxins were investigated in maize samples from two susceptible cultivars collected at 14 localities in South Africa during 2008 and 2009. Real‐time PCR was used to quantify the respective Fusarium species in maize grain, and mycotoxins were quantified by multi‐toxin analysis using HPLC‐MS. In 2008, F. graminearum was the predominant species associated with maize ear rot in the eastern Free State, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu‐Natal provinces, while F. verticillioides was predominant in the Northwest, the western Free State and the Northern Cape provinces. In 2009, maize ear rot infection was higher and F. graminearum became the predominant species found in the Northwest province. Fusarium subglutinans was associated with maize ear rot in both years at most of the localities, while F. proliferatum was not detected from any of the localities. Type B trichothecenes, especially deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone were well correlated with the amount of F. graminearum, fumonisins with F. verticillioides, and moniliformin and beauvericin with F. subglutinans. This information is of great importance to aid understanding of the distribution and epidemiology of Fusarium species in South Africa, and for predicting mycotoxin contamination risks and implementing preventative disease management strategies.  相似文献   

感染内生真菌的禾草在牧草和草坪业上具有重要的生态和经济意义,家畜采食感染Neotyphodium coenophialum和N.lolii的苇状羊茅和多年生黑麦草会发生中毒。本研究收集天津口岸1998年以来进境的部分苇状羊茅和多年生黑麦草种子,对经镜检确认带有内生真菌的种子进行分离培养,对疑似菌株的菌丝用改进的Moiler等方法进行基因组DNA抽提,测定浓度及纯度,对照原方法,DNA的纯度有较大提高,浓度略有上升。Tubulin2基因的引物IS1-IS3扩增结果显示为单一的条带,结合形态学和序列比对,分离培养得到的菌株可以基本确定为N.coenophialum和N。lolii。根据Genbank中N.coenophialum和N.lolii的NC25基因序列设计出引物F1-R1,扩增得到能区分开N.coenophialum和N.lolii的单一条带(相差160bp),建立了N.coenophialum和N.lolii的PCR检测方法,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

南方镰孢Fusarium meridionale特异性PCR检测方法的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立快速、稳定的南方镰孢Fusarium meridionale特异性检测方法,对已报道的镰孢属reductase-like基因部分序列进行比对分析,寻找特异性SNP位点,设计出特异性检测引物F-Fm/R-Fm3。利用该引物对包括南方镰孢在内的30株镰孢的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增。结果显示仅在7株南方镰孢中均扩增出400 bp左右的特异性条带。PCR灵敏度试验结果表明该方法的检测灵敏度达到500 pg基因组DNA。  相似文献   

为探究蚜虫共生菌基因组DNA的提取方案,以桃蚜为试验材料,比较了目前较为常用的4种蚜虫基因组DNA提取方法,从DNA纯度、完整性、PCR扩增效率及稳定性等方面进行了比较和评价,并通过调整蛋白酶K用量和水浴温度及时间对STE法进行了优化。结果表明,4种方法提取的蚜虫共生菌基因组DNA均可用于共生菌的PCR扩增检测;CTAB法和SDS法提取的DNA纯度较高,条带较完整,稳定性相对较高,不易降解,而STE法和PCR缓冲液法操作简便,适于快速提取单头蚜虫共生菌的基因组DNA,但纯度相对较低;可根据试验条件和要求进行选择。STE法优化条件为:用30 μL STE缓冲液将蚜虫匀浆,加入1.5 μL 20 mg/mL蛋白酶K,于56 ℃水浴1.5 h;再加入0.1 μL 10 mg/L RNA酶,于37 ℃培养1 h,95 ℃下处理5 min,5 000 r/min离心3 min,将提取到的DNA于-20 ℃保存或直接用于PCR扩增。优化后的STE法可作为提取蚜虫共生菌基因组DNA经济而快捷有效的方法。  相似文献   

香蕉枯萎病菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense和细菌性软腐病菌Dickeya zeae的复合侵染为害给香蕉产业发展带来严重挑战, 有必要建立相关病害的多重聚合酶链式反应(multiplex polymerase chain reaction, multiplex PCR)检测技术。本文基于尖孢镰刀菌古巴专化型1号生理小种(F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 1, FOC1)基因组contig 438区间(35 631-37 693 bp)(GenBank: AMGP01000438.1)和4号生理小种(F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4, FOC4)基因组contig 195区间(4 028-6 126 bp)(GenBank: AMGQ01000195.1)存在160 bp插入序列差异设计特异扩增引物FOC-F/-R, 同时以香蕉细菌性软腐病菌D. zeae的促旋酶B 亚单位基因(the subunit B of gyrase gene)(GenBank: JQ284039)序列设计特异扩增引物gyrB-F/-R。多重PCR检测结果显示:本技术可在一次PCR扩增反应内同时检测香蕉枯萎病菌1号、4号生理小种和细菌性软腐病菌; 多重PCR的灵敏度结果表明:检测香蕉枯萎病菌的DNA浓度最低限为0.1 ng/μL, 细菌性软腐病菌的灵敏度为10 3cfu/mL;检测结果稳定可靠。因此, 本研究建立的多重PCR检测方法可有效应用于检测香蕉发病组织中的香蕉枯萎病菌和细菌性软腐病菌, 也可用于香蕉种苗和田间土壤带病菌的监测, 为香蕉种植保驾护航。  相似文献   

EcoRI restriction fragments of genomic DNA from the phytoplasma associated with peanut witches'-broom (PNWB) were cloned in plasmid pGEM-3Zf(+). Cloned inserts from seven PNWB-phytoplasma-specific recombinant plasmids and two subcloned plasmids were excised with restriction enzymes, labeled with digoxigenin, and used as probes. Probe PNWB281 and its derivative subclones PNWB281-4 and PNWB281-5 hybridized with DNA from PNWB-phytoplasma infected peanut and periwinkle specifically but not with DNA from healthy plants or plants infected with phytoplasmas associated with sweetpotato witches'-broom (SPWB), loofah, Ipomoea obscura, and paulownia witches'-broom, elm and aster yellows, rice yellow dwarf, and bamboo little leaf disease. Six other probes hybridized with DNA derived from PNWB and SPWB-phytoplasma-affected periwinkle but not with DNA from healthy plants or plants infected with other phytoplasmas mentioned. In Southern hybridizations, four of the nine cloned and subcloned probes could differentiate the PNWB-phytoplasma from SPWB-phytoplasma. Three primer pairs for PCR were synthesized according to the partial sequences at both ends of the cloned inserts and were able to distinguish PNWB-phytoplasma from SPWB-phytoplasma by using PCR for the first time. A minimum of 1 pg and 10 pg of total DNA from diseased periwinkle and peanut, respectively, was sufficient to amplify the specific PNWB-phytoplasma PCR fragments, allowing the detection of PNWB-phytoplasma DNA from healthy-looking periwinkle plants two weeks after graft inoculation.  相似文献   

烟粉虱基因组DNA快速提取方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以B型烟粉虱为材料,应用改进的方法-氯仿/异戊醇抽提法提取了高质量单头烟粉虱基因组DNA。该方法不仅可用于成虫基因组DNA的提取,对烟粉虱拟蛹及卵同样具有较高的提取效果;同时,该方法操作简便、快捷,较常用的醋酸钾抽提法节省时间3~4h,提高工作效率2.5倍。  相似文献   

本文首次采用磁珠DNA提取法对多年保存的昆虫标本DNA进行微量提取。通过对实验结果和所测基因片段进行分析,发现磁珠DNA提取法对于多年保存,DNA微量且已出现断裂的标本具有良好的提取效果,完全满足后续实验需要。  相似文献   

To prevent the entry and spread of the brown rot fungus Monilinia fructicola in Europe, a fast and reliable method for detection of this organism is essential. In this study, an automated DNA extraction method combined with a multiplex real‐time PCR based on TaqMan chemistry was developed for fast, convenient and reliable detection of both the EU quarantine organism Monilinia fructicola and the three other brown rot fungi M. fructigena, M. laxa and Monilia polystroma. Using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene repeat, a Monilinia genus‐specific primer pair and two differently labelled fluorogenic probes specific for M. fructicola and the group M. fructigena/M. laxa/Monilia polystroma were developed. The analytical specificity of the assay was assessed by testing 33 isolates of the four brown rot fungi and 13 isolates of related fungal species or other fungal species that can be present on stone and pome fruit. No cross‐reactions were observed. The assay was found to have a detection limit of 0·6 pg of DNA, corresponding to 27 haploid genomes or four conidia. Comparison of a manual DNA isolation followed by a conventional PCR with an automated DNA isolation combined with the presently developed real‐time PCR showed that the latter method gave improved results when tested with 72 naturally infected stone fruit samples. The detection rate increased from 65 to 97%.  相似文献   

以亚洲小车蝗为研究材料,提出了使用液氮保存蝗虫样本的有效方法,并用基因组DNA提取试剂盒分别对液氮速冻后保存、直接冷冻、无水乙醇保存和干制蝗虫标本进行了基因组DNA的提取和电泳检测。结果表明,在保存3个月后,检测蝗虫样本直接冷冻法和干标本提取的总DNA浓度较低,因而琼脂糖电泳检测亮度低;液氮速冻后保存和无水乙醇保存的蝗虫样本提取的基因组DNA浓度大,琼脂糖电泳检测亮度高。表明液氮速冻后保存和无水乙醇保存的标本适合用于基因组学研究。通过对比,直接冷冻保存与液氮速冻保存结果得出,蝗虫在冷冻胁迫死亡的过程中有DNA降解发生。  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. gladioli (FOG) race 1 infects both large- and small-flowered Gladiolus cultivars. Race 2 isolates infect only small-flowered cultivars but can be present as epiphytes on large-flowered plants. When 160 arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were tested on FOG by PCR to find RAPD markers specific for race 1, the RAPD primer G12 amplified two discriminating DNA fragments, AB (609 bp) and EF (1196 bp), in race 1 isolates only. Both fragments were cloned and sequenced. Two pairs of race 1-specific primers for multiplex PCR were designed. Tests of 112 F. oxysporum isolates by PCR showed that, in almost all cases, race 1 isolates of vegetative compatibility group 0340 could be distinguished with these primers. Seven putative race 1 isolates did not react in multiplex PCR; hybridization studies with labelled AB and EF DNA fragments showed that these isolates belong to separate groups. A bioassay was developed to detect corms that were latently infected with FOG race 1. Gladiolus corms were homogenized and incubated for 5 days at 28°C in a semiselective medium to induce growth of Fusarium . Cultivated mycelium was isolated and subjected to the developed multiplex PCR after standard DNA isolation or disruption by microwave treatment.  相似文献   

Functioning Tri13 and Tri7 genes are required for the production of nivalenol and 4-acetyl nivalenol, respectively, in Fusarium species producing type B trichothecenes. Mutations have been identified in isolates which are able to produce deoxynivalenol (DON) but unable to convert this to nivalenol (NIV). In such isolates of Fusarium culmorum , the Tri7 gene is deleted entirely. PCR assays specific for functional and nonfunctional/deleted versions of Tri7 and Tri13 were used to determine the ability of 153 single spore isolates of F. culmorum to produce the 8-ketotrichothecenes deoxynivalenol and nivalenol. The isolates were collected from 76 different locations across England and Wales between 1994 and 2002. Four isolates were also obtained from one field in Scotland. Both DON and NIV chemotypes of F. culmorum were identified, with DON chemotypes predominating overall. In addition, all DON chemotypes were shown to produce 3-acetyl DON using primer sets developed to Tri3 . From fields where more than one F. culmorum isolate was obtained, isolates were not exclusively of a single chemotype. Differences in the distribution of DON and NIV chemotypes were identified, with a greater proportion of NIV chemotypes present in the south and west of England and Wales, whereas a greater proportion of DON chemotypes were found in the north and east of England. Seasonal differences in the ratio of DON:NIV chemotypes were indicated. However, these were related to seasonal variation in the distribution of F. culmorum .  相似文献   

 由腐皮镰刀菌(Fusarium solani)引起的生姜枯萎病是一种毁灭性真菌土传病害,其病原菌的快速高效检测,有助于枯萎病的早期诊断及预警。通过回接试验、形态学观测以及系统进化树分析,对湖北生姜产区分离的菌株进行鉴定,获得生姜腐皮镰刀菌(F. solani)。基于镰刀菌属通用引物TEF-1αF/TEF-1αR基因序列,以腐皮镰刀菌基因组DNA为模板进行扩增测序,根据序列信息设计筛选出一对腐皮镰刀菌特异性引物,构建了基于普通PCR的快速高效分子检测方法,并对接种过病菌的生姜植株和土壤进行检测验证。通过病原菌的菌落形态、孢子显微结构观察、真菌通用引物ITS1/ITS4鉴定和致病性测定,确定引起生姜枯萎病的病原菌为腐皮镰刀菌(F. solani)。用设计的特异性引物F8/R8进行PCR,特异扩增获得约381 bp的目标条带,检测灵敏度为454 pg·μL-1,利用该引物对带菌生姜幼苗和土壤进行检测验证,证实可从发病生姜幼苗和带菌土壤中特异性检测到腐皮镰刀菌(F. solani)。本研究明确了引起湖北生姜枯萎病的病原菌为腐皮镰刀菌(F. solani),并建立了PCR快速检测方法。该检测方法简便、灵敏、高效,可用于生姜枯萎病的早期诊断与预防。  相似文献   

瓜黑星病菌、枯萎病菌和蔓枯病菌的三重PCR检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定黄瓜黑星病菌(Cladosporium cucumerinum)rDNA的ITS序列,比对近缘种及瓜类几种重要病原菌的ITS序列,设计出特异性引物HX-1/HX-2,经过对引物HX-1/HX-2PCR条件的优化,可以扩增出1条190bp的黄瓜黑星病菌特异性DNA条带,灵敏度达到1pg/μL。进一步将引物HX-1/HX-2和瓜类枯萎病菌、瓜类蔓枯病菌特异检测引物Fn-1/Fn-2、Mn-1/Mn-2组合,建立三重PCR体系,可一次检测出瓜类黑星病菌、瓜类枯萎病菌、瓜类蔓枯病菌3种瓜类植物重要的病原菌。建立了可以应用于田间瓜类黑星病菌PCR检测技术和瓜类主要病害三重PCR检测技术,对瓜类病害的诊断和防治具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

河南省玉米茎基部镰刀菌的形态和分子鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 为明确河南省玉米茎基部镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)的种群组成及分布, 2011和2012年, 我们采集了河南省14个地市42个县(区)的玉米茎基腐病病样, 分离得到163个镰刀菌单孢菌株。首先对菌株进行了形态学鉴定, 在此基础上使用镰刀菌种特异性引物进行了PCR检测;对于部分PCR检测未能确认的菌株进行了Translation elongation factor 1-α(TEF-1α)基因片段测序及BLAST分析, 最终将163个菌株鉴定到种。结果表明在163个菌株中, 禾谷镰刀菌F. graminearum为优势种, 占44.2%(72株), 其次为层出镰刀菌F. proliferatum和轮枝镰刀菌F. verticillioides, 分别占28.8%(47株)和27.0%(44株)。豫西北的焦作(47.6%)、洛阳(50.0%)及豫中的许昌(45.5%)均以F. verticillioides为主, 豫东的商丘(42.9%)、开封(57.1%)以F. proliferatum为主, 豫北的安阳(66.7%)、濮阳(71.4%)、新乡(62.5%)和豫南的南阳(57.1%)、驻马店(45.0%)以及中部的郑州(57.1%)、漯河(66.7%)则均以F. graminearum为优势种。  相似文献   

Seven spring wheat, 13 barley, 14 oats and 20 winter wheat genotypes were inoculated at flowering in 1993 and 1994 with mixed conidial suspensions of 8 isolates of Fusarium culmorum. Four weeks after inoculation, head blight was recorded in the field. After harvest, seed infection was assessed by a Freezing Blotter Test in the laboratory. Seed samples were also analyzed for deoxynivalenol (DON) content. Differences were found in head blight rating, the levels of infected seeds and the DON content between wheat, barley, and oats and between cultivars. Highly significant correlations were found between the percentage of heavily infected seed and the DON content. The weighted mean value of infected seeds and DON content were also significantly correlated. No significant correlation was found between head blight rating in the field and DON content. The level of infected seeds, as determined by the Freezing Blotter Test, was a better indication of the DON content in the seeds than the head blight rating. This visual assessment of levels of infected seeds gives a reliable estimate of resistance to Fusarium.  相似文献   

为了寻找适合小麦白粉菌基因组DNA微量提取的方法,本试验利用改进的CTAB法、电钻微量研磨一管法、FastPrep DNA试剂盒法和Chelex-100法分别提取小麦白粉菌基因组DNA。比较得出,在微量提取时,CTAB法的提取率较高;在分生孢子量较多时,FastPrep DNA试剂盒方法提取的DNA质量较高,这两种方法提取的DNA均适用于ISSR-PCR。采用正交设计L16(45)法优化了适合于小麦白粉病菌群体的ISSR体系,确定了25μL时优化的反应体系:1×buffer、模板DNA0.5ng、dNTP0.14mmol/L、TaqDNA聚合酶1U、引物1.4μmol/L、Mg2+1.8mmol/L。利用该体系筛选出了一批多态性较好的ISSR引物,为小麦白粉病菌遗传多样性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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