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Beef has a requirement for refrigerated storage up to 14 d to achieve adequate aging and a tender product. To achieve this aging with little spoilage and no surface drying, vacuum packaging is attractive, because it is inherently simple and offers a clear indication to the packer when the process has failed or there is risk of spoilage. However, there is increasing pressure on the meat industry to limit the use of packaging materials in view of their cost and the cost involved in their recovery and recycling. The purpose of this report was to evaluate an alternative storage system in containers using modified atmospheres at reduced pressure (approximately 25 kPa). The quality of the meat for both container- and vacuum-packed treatments was measured during chilled storage for up to 3 wk. Storage time had the most significant effect on quality characteristics, irrespective of the packaging method. Storage in containers under a 70%N2:30%CO2 gas mixture gave characteristics similar to beef stored under vacuum. Storage in containers under 100% CO2 produced less drip loss than under 70%N2:30%CO2, but generally container storage produced 3 times as much drip loss as vacuum packaging. Shear force of the LM was unaffected by the type of packaging, and at d 2 after slaughter (i.e., before the storage trial was begun), sarcomere lengths of muscles intended for container storage were similar to those destined for vacuum storage. During the packaging treatment, the comparison between the storage systems was always done within 1 animal using one carcass-half for container storage and the other half for vacuum packaging; all bulls were shackled from the left hindleg during bleeding. The majority of the muscles from the left sides had lower shear force values than those from the right sides at the earlier storage times (2 and 9 d after slaughter) but had similar values after longer storage (16 and 23 d after slaughter). This is the first report that shackling beef carcasses from the left side can result in more tender meat in the LM from that side. The increased tenderness in the LM from the shackled side probably resulted from an early decrease in pH and an increase in calpain activity after mechanical strain of the muscles on the shackled side. This effect of shackling should be taken into account when designing systematic comparisons of tenderness in beef.  相似文献   

Numbers of mesophilic bacteria were estimated on carcasses of 25 heifers and 25 steers of beef breeds in a modern, high-line-speed abattoir. One side of each carcass from each sex was sampled at the end of the kill-floor, before the carcass wash, on each of 25 visits. Two adjacent excision samples (5 x 5 x 0.5 cm) were taken from each of ten sites and processed for automatic enumeration of aerobic bacteria on hydrophobic grid membrane filters. The effects of sex and carcass weight on bacterial counts were examined. Groups of carcasses were examined to determine the sample size required for future assessments of kill-floor hygiene. The log10 of the most probable number of growth units (MPNGU)/cm2 did not differ significantly between heifers and steers (average over the ten sites of 2.2) and there was no effect of carcass weight on bacterial counts for nine of the ten sites. There were, however, highly significant (p < 0.001) differences in the counts between sites and the counts from the ten sites clustered into five homogenous groups. The between-carcass component of variation at a site was generally larger than the within-carcass component. We conclude that, to estimate the mean log10 MPNGU/cm2 at a site to within +/- 0.5 units, future group-carcass evaluations require about 200 samples from 10 (two adjacent samples/site) or 20 carcasses (one sample/site).  相似文献   

Canadian beef quality audit.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A study was conducted in 4 Canadian processing plants in 1995-96 to determine the prevalence of quality defects in Canadian cattle. One percent of the annual number of cattle processed in Canada were evaluated on the processing floor and 0.1% were graded in the cooler. Brands were observed on 37% and multiple brands on 6% of the cattle. Forty percent of the cattle had horns, 20% of which were scurs, 33% were stubs, 10% were tipped, and 37% were full length. Tag (mud and manure on the hide) was observed on 34% of the cattle. Bruises were found on 78% of the carcasses, 81% of which were minor in severity. Fifteen percent of the bruises were located on the round, 29% on the loin, 40% on the rib, 16% on the chuck, and 0.02% on the brisket. Grubs were observed in 0.02% of the steers, and injection sites were observed in 1.3% of whole hanging carcasses. Seventy percent of the livers were passed for human food and 14% for pet food; 16% were condemned. Approximately 71% of the liver condemnations were due to liver abscesses. Four percent of the heads, 6% of the tongues, and 0.2% of whole carcasses were condemned. The pregnancy rate in female cattle was approximately 6.7%. The average hot carcass weight was 357 kg (s = 40) in steers, 325 kg (s = 41) in heifers, 305 kg (s = 53) in cows, 388 kg (s = 62) in virgin bulls and 340 kg (s = 39) in mature bulls. The average ribeye area in all cattle was 84 cm2 (s = 12); range 29 cm2 to 128 cm2. Grade fat was highly variable and averaged 9 mm (s = 4) for steers and heifers, 6 mm (s = 6) for cows, 5 mm (s = 1) for virgin bulls, and 4 mm (s = 0.5) for mature bulls. The average lean meat yield was 59.7% in cattle (s = 3.4); range 39% to 67%. One percent of the carcasses were devoid of marbling, 1% were dark cutters, and 0.05% of the steer carcasses were staggy. Six percent of the carcasses had poor conformation, 3.7% were underfinished, and 0.7% were overfinished. Yellow fat was observed in 4% of the carcasses; 10% of carcasses were aged. Based on January 1996 prices, the economic analysis showed that the Canadian beef industry lost $70.52 per head or $189.6 million annually from quality nonconformities. Methods identified to reduce these nonconformities included improvements in management, animal identification, handling, genetic selection, marketing, grading, and information transfer.  相似文献   


1. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of pathogens and the development of spoilage microflora in organic chicken meat originating from a small poultry slaughterhouse and stored for 14 days at 2°C aerobically (control) or in one of two modified atmosphere packaging systems (MAP1: 80% O2, 20% CO2 and MAP2: 70% N2, 30% CO2).

2. Campylobacter jejuni survived well during storage; and was found on the skin in 95% of samples (262/276).

3. In general, both the skin and meat samples showed a good initial microbiological quality with total viable counts of less than 3 log cfu/g in meat and approximately 5 log cfu/g on skin.

4. No difference was found between breast and thigh samples during the experiment.

5. Shelf life was limited mainly by the development of mesophilic and psychrotrophic microflora on skin which were found at 7-day storage for the control and MAP1 and 10 days for MAP2.  相似文献   

In order to determine the safety of milk produced by smallholder dairy goat farms, a farm-based research study was conducted on commercial dairy goat farms to compare the microbiological quality of milk produced using 3 different types of dairy goat production systems (intensive, semi-intensive and extensive). A survey of dairy goat farms in and around Pretoria carried out by means of a questionnaire revealed that most of the smallholder dairy goat farms surveyed used an extensive type of production system. The method of milking varied with the type of production system, i.e. machine milking; bucket system machine milking and hand-milking, respectively. Udder half milk samples (n=270) were analysed, of which 31.1% were infected with bacteria. The lowest intra-mammary infection was found amongst goats in the herd under the extensive system (13.3%), compared with 43.3% and 36.7% infection rates under the intensive and semi-intensive production systems, respectively. Staphylococcus intermedius (coagulase positive), Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus simulans (both coagulase negative), were the most common cause of intramammary infection with a prevalence of 85.7% of the infected udder halves. The remaining 14.3% of the infection was due to Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteriology of bulk milk samples on the other hand, showed that raw milk obtained by the bucket system milking machine had the lowest total bacterial count (16,450 colony forming units (CFU)/ml) compared to that by pipeline milking machine (36,300 CFU/ml) or hand-milking (48,000 CFU/ml). No significant relationship was found between the somatic cell counts (SCC) and presence of bacterial infection in goat milk In comparison with the herds under the other 2 production systems, it was shown that dairy goat farming under the extensive production system, where hand-milking was used, can be adequate for the production of safe raw goat milk.  相似文献   

为研究真空包装冷鲜牛肉在0~4℃贮藏期间的品质变化规律,对贮藏期间冷鲜牛肉汁液流失、p H值、菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、色差值(a*)、蒸煮损失等指标进行定期测定。结果表明:在贮藏期间,冷鲜牛肉失重率增加,p H值呈先上升后下降再上升趋势,菌落总数和TVB-N均呈增加趋势,红度值a*先上升后下降,蒸煮损失增大。结合菌落总数和TVB-N,真空包装冷鲜牛肉的货架期为21d。  相似文献   

Drinking water is the primary source of water for most cattle. Unfortunately, water frequently contains various solutes and suspended particulate matter that can influence its appearance, odor, taste, and physical and chemical properties. Animals often react to such water impurities by decreasing water intake, and therefore feed intake, which diminishes animal performance. Thus, water quality can have a profound impact on animal health and performance. Routine monitoring of water sources and appropriate intervention can provide beef producers with a desirable return on investment. Careful thought should be incorporated into any capital improvements. This article discusses some of the most common factors that impact water quality for beef cattle and the methods of monitoring water quality, and proposes management solutions to address water quality concerns.  相似文献   

The effects of three preslaughter diets on heifer beef quality were investigated. Heifers (n = 45) were divided into three groups and fed for ad libitum consumption either maize silage, grass silage, or a 50:50 mixture of maize silage and grass silage. Meat quality was determined by measuring color, lipid oxidation, alpha-tocopherol levels, and fatty acid composition. Beef from the maize silage group had poorest color stability (P < 0.05), whereas beef from the grass silage diet had best (P < 0.05) color stability. The visual panel least preferred the maize silage group after 2 or more days of display, and lipid oxidation was significantly (P < 0.001) higher in this group compared to the 50:50 maize:grass silage and grass silage groups. There was a significant (P < 0.001) difference in the alpha-tocopherol levels detected in the meat from the three dietary groups. Alpha-tocopherol levels increased in the order: maize silage < 50:50 maize:grass silage < grass silage, at levels of 2.08, 2.95, and 3.84 microg/g meat, respectively. Fatty acid analysis indicated 18:3 was significantly (P < 0.001) lower in the maize silage-fed group than in the maize:grass silage and grass silage groups. However, 18:3 was significantly (P < 0.001) higher in the grass silage group than in the other two groups. There were no significant differences in all other fatty acids among the three dietary groups. It was concluded that beef from grass silage-fed animals had better overall quality in terms of color, lipid oxidation, and alpha-tocopherol levels than beef from maize silage fed animals.  相似文献   

Sixty-two gnotobiotic pigs were used in three experiments to determine the means whereby two related strains of Escherichia coli colonized the intestinal tract. Pigs were exposed by a method simulating neonatal contamination of the umbilical stump. Bacteremia was produced within one and one half hours, and by 24 hours the infection was generally well established in the gastrointestinal tract. By 48 hours after exposure, the bacteremia had subsided so that only an occasional isolation from organs other than the gastrointestinal tract was made.

Oral exposure of one litter of germfree pigs produced heavy colonization of the entire gastrointestinal tract within four hours. Evidence of intermittent bacteremia was present in pigs of this litter. Diarrhea appeared earlier when pigs were exposed orally than when they were exposed by way of the umbilical stump.


Significant genetic variation exists within and between breeds of beef cattle for age at puberty (AP). In general, faster-gaining breed groups of larger mature size reach puberty at a later age than do slower-gaining breed groups of smaller mature size; breeds selected for milk production reach puberty at younger ages than do those breeds not selected for milk production. Heterosis, independent of heterosis effects on weight, influences most measures of puberty in females and scrotal circumference (SC) in males. Crossbred heifers reach puberty at younger ages and heavier weights than their straightbred counterparts. Scrotal circumference has been shown to be an excellent indicator of AP in yearling bulls. Furthermore, a favorable genetic relationship exists between SC in bulls and AP of female offspring. Beef cattle breeders may take a direct approach to breeding for AP and subsequent reproduction by directly selecting for measures of fertility such as SC. However, an indirect approach, involving selection for an array of traits that provide an appropriate "genetic environment" for the expression of fertility (i.e., size, milk production, calving ease) may be preferred. Although seedstock producers are limited to making change through within-breed selection, commercial producers can take advantage of both within- and between-breed selection as well as crossbreeding to achieve the same goal.  相似文献   

A revised version of the Texas A&M University Beef Cattle Production Model was used to simulate the effects of growth, milk production and management system on biological and economic efficiency of beef production in a northern plains, range environment. Animals varying in genetic potential for birth weight (BWA), yearling weight (YW), mature weight (WMA) and milk production (PMA) were simulated under both a weanling system of management (weaned calves custom-fed in the feedlot) and a yearling system (calves wintered on the ranch, then custom-fed after their second summer). The yearling system of management was biologically less efficient, but economically more efficient than the weanling system due primarily to heavier slaughter weights of fed animals. The advantage of the yearling system was most apparent for smaller genotypes. Herd efficiency improved with decreased BWA and increased YW, but changed little when WMA was varied while other growth traits were held constant. Increased PMA was favored for production of live weight at weaning and for production of slaughter product when feedlot costs were high. Increased PMA was not favored when feed costs for the cow herd were high. Economic weights generated from the simulation indicated the importance of selection for rapid early growth followed by selection for lighter birth weight. While larger genotypes were generally favored in this study, optimal cow size depended on economic conditions. Larger types were more biologically efficient and more economically efficient using standard costs, but medium- and small-size cattle were more efficient when feedlot costs were high. Small cattle were least efficient when feed costs for the cow herd were high.  相似文献   

Six year-round, all-forage, three-paddock systems for beef cow-calf production were used to produce five calf crops during a 6-yr period. Forages grazed by cows during spring, summer, and early fall consisted of one paddock of 1) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)-ladino clover (Trifolium repens L.) or 2) Kentucky blue-grass (Poa pratensis L.)-white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Each of these forage mixtures was combined in a factorial arrangement with two paddocks of either 1) fescue-red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), 2) orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)-red clover, or 3) orchardgrass-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), which were used for hay, creep grazing by calves, and stockpiling for grazing by cows in late fall and winter. Each of the six systems included two replications; each replicate contained 5.8 ha and was grazed by eight Angus cow-calf pairs for a total of 480 cow-calf pairs. Fescue was less than 5% infected with Acremonium coenophialum. Pregnancy rate was 94%. Cows grazing fescue-ladino clover maintained greater (P less than .05) BW than those grazing bluegrass-white clover, and their calves tended (P less than .09) to have slightly greater weaning weights (250 vs 243 kg, respectively). Stockpiled fescue-red clover provided more (P less than .05) grazing days and required less (P less than .05) hay fed to cows than stockpiled orchardgrass plus either red clover or alfalfa. Digestibilities of DM, CP, and ADF, determined with steers, were greater (P less than .05) for the orchardgrass-legume hays than for the fescue-red clover hay. All systems produced satisfactory cattle performance, but fescue-ladino clover combined with fescue-red clover required minimum inputs of harvested feed and maintained excellent stands during 6 yr.  相似文献   

Two gestating cow winter grazing trials and two lactating cow drylot trials were conducted to evaluate the use of a slowly degraded protein source in corn plant diets for mature beef cows. Gestating beef cows grazing cornstalks were supplemented with .86 kg/(cow.d) of a 20% crude protein equivalent (CPE) pellet (DM basis). In Trial 1 cows fed diets containing 80% dehydrated alfalfa meal (high DEHY) gained more weight (P less than .05) than those fed diets containing 40% dehydrated alfalfa meal (low DEHY) or urea but not more than the cows fed soybean meal (SBM); however, no differences among treatments were observed in Trial 2. Four lactation diets composed of ground corncobs and corn silage were supplemented with either urea, SBM, or two levels of dehydrated alfalfa meal (DEHY) as N sources. The same amount of supplemental N was fed in both trials, consisting of .31 kg of natural protein for the SBM and low DEHY treatments or .42 kg for high DEHY. Ammoniated corncobs replaced 35% of the ground corncobs in Trial 4. Diets were calculated to contain (DM basis) 55% TDN and 9% CPE in Trial 3 and 11% CPE in Trial 4. In Trial 3, lactating cows supplemented with DEHY gained more weight (P less than .10) than those fed the urea supplement but not more than those fed SBM. Gains by cows fed the urea- and SBM-supplemented diets were not different (P greater than .10). Cow weight gains in Trial 4 were not affected by type of protein supplementation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A prototype quality system for ensuring beef tenderness was designed and tested. The test population of cattle was genetically diverse, but it was constrained to include youthful (14- to 17-mo-old) steers with no more than 3/8 Bos indicus inheritance. Feeding and preharvest management of the cattle were consistent with procedures recommended for production of grain-finished beef of an acceptable quality level. In addition, the target endpoint for harvest (11-mm external fat thickness over the longissimus at the 12th rib) resulted in production of mostly Select and low Choice beef carcasses; 92% of the resulting carcasses qualified for these two grade levels. Application of the prototype quality system reduced the expected rate of nonconformance to desired tenderness specifications from about one in four loin steaks (23% for top sirloins and 26% for strip loins) to approximately one in eight loin steaks (13% for top sirloins and 12% for strip loins). Tenderness comparisons among sires suggested that the rate of nonconformance for strip loin steaks might be reduced even further by control of genetic inputs into the system. Use of process control in a quality management system was demonstrated to be an effective approach for assurance of beef tenderness.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of a system for classifying beef for tenderness based on a rapid, simple method of measuring cooked longissimus shear force. Longissimus steaks (2.54 cm thick) were trimmed free of s.c. fat and bone and rapidly cooked using a belt grill. A 1-cm-thick, 5-cm-long slice was removed from the cooked longissimus parallel with the muscle fibers for measurement of shear force. Slices were sheared with a flat, blunt-end blade using an electronic testing machine. The entire process was completed in less than 10 min. Therefore, in commercial application, this process could be completed during the 10- to 15-min period that carcasses are normally held to allow the ribeye to bloom for quality grading. In Exp. 1, the repeatability of slice shear force (SSF), as determined by evaluation of duplicate samples from 204 A-maturity carcasses, was .89. In Exp. 2, A-maturity carcasses (n = 483) were classified into three groups based on SSF (< 23, 23 to 40, and > 40 kg) at 3 d postmortem that differed (P < .001) in mean trained sensory panel tenderness ratings (7.3 +/- .04, 6.4 +/- .06, and 4.4 +/- .20) and the percentages (100, 91, and 28%) of samples rated "Slightly Tender" or higher at 14 d postmortem. Therefore, this tenderness classification system could be used to accurately segregate beef carcasses into expected tenderness groups. Further research is needed to test the feasibility and accuracy of this system under a variety of commercial processing conditions.  相似文献   

To measure the effects of dietary fat on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and beef appearance, moisture binding, shelf life, and palatability, 168 crossbred beef steers (317 +/- 1.0 kg) were allotted randomly, within weight blocks, to a randomized complete block design with a 3 x2 + 1 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments. Main effects were level of yellow restaurant grease (RG; 0, 3, or 6%) and level of alfalfa hay (AH; 3.5 or 7%), with the added treatment of 6% tallow and 7% AH in barley-based diets containing 15% potato by-product and 7% supplement fed for 165 d (all dietary levels on a DM basis). Dietary treatment did not (P >0.10) affect DMI, LM area, beef brightness, or beef texture. Level of RG linearly increased (P <0.05) ADG from 1.48 to 1.60 kg/d, diet NE(m) from 2.4 to 2.6 Mcal/kg, diet NE(g) from 1.7 to 1.9 Mcal/kg, and internal fat from 2.1 to 2.4%. Level of RG linearly increased (P <0.05) G:F from 0.184 to 0.202, but decreased (P <0.05) beef firmness score from 3.0 to 2.8 and fat luster score from 3.1 to 2.8. Level of AH did not (P >0.10) affect any of the measurements; however, AH interacted with level of RG on fat thickness and yield grade (linear; P <0.05), as well as marbling score and percentage of carcasses grading USDA Choice (quadratic; P <0.05). Fat thickness and yield grade increased with increasing RG level in 3.5%, but not in 7%, AH diets. In steers fed 3.5% RG, marbling scores and percentage of carcasses grading Choice were greatest when fed with 3.5% AH, and least when fed 7% AH. Steers fed tallow had lower marbling scores (P = 0.01) and percentage of carcasses grading Choice (P = 0.066) than those fed RG. Retail storage attributes, including visual and instrumental color, decreased during storage (P <0.01), but were not (P >0.10) affected by diet. Trained sensory panel scores for initial tenderness increased quadratically (P = 0.07) as dietary RG increased, but diet did not (P >0.10) affect drip loss, cooking loss, or trained sensory panel scores for sustained tenderness, initial and sustained juiciness, and beef flavor. Therefore, RG increased diet energy, improved performance, and increased carcass fatness; however, dietary fat and AH did not affect most measurements of water retention, color stability, or palatability of beef.  相似文献   

影响牛肉品质的饲料与饲养因素探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟庆翔  李艳玲 《饲料广角》2005,(1):26-28,30
我国是养牛大国,牛肉产量居世界第3位。但是,长期以来我国养牛主要以役用为主,牛肉大多来自于淘汰下来的老弱残牛,牛肉品质差。为了改变国内高档牛肉市场几乎被进口牛肉所垄断的局面,必须加强牛肉品质的研究。在借鉴发达国家经验的基础上,应当尽快建立我国自己的牛肉品质标准。影响牛肉品质的饲料与饲养因素很多,本文综述了关于出栏时间、高谷物饲喂、抗酸性大肠杆菌污染、谷物籽实中黄曲霉毒素、电解质或铬、维生素、饲料油脂、生长促进剂等对牛肉品质影响的进展。最后展望了我国肉牛生产的前景。  相似文献   

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