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Summary Five parents from each of four race groups of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were hybridized to produce five crosses within each group. Also, five crosses were made for each of the six possible combinations among four groups. Parents, F1 and F2, and parents, F2 and F3 were evaluated for seed yield in 1990 and 1991, respecitively, at two locations in Colombia.Yield of parents belonging to Middle American races and crosses among them was higher than that of races of Andean origin. Positive correlations were found among the mid-parent value, F1, F2 and F3. Also, the mid-parent value predicted the mean seed yield of all possible lines that could be derived from the F-generation in 42 out of 47 crosses. Four crosses, all between common bean races of Andean and Middle American origin, indicated a possible loss of favorable epistatic parental alleles. On average, mean yield of interracial F1 hybrids was higher than that of intraracial ones.Positive heteroris (26.4%–123.8%) over the mid-parent in 31 crosses, and F1s yielding higher (23.7%–91.8%) than the high parent in 20 crosses and yielding higher (22.1%–53.2%) than the highest control among all parents (MAM 13) in 12 crosses, were found. Heritability, estimated by the parent-offspring regression, ranged from 0.42± 0.07 to 0.49±0.04. Expected and realized gains from selection (at 20% selection pressure) ranged from 10.3% to 21.0% over the mean of F1 hybrids and F2 and F3 population bulks.  相似文献   

Summary Evaluation of Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm bank materials and progenies from a large number of crosses using red- or yellow-colored, BCMV-susceptible bean lines, crossed to purple- or grey/brown-colored, hypersensitive-resistant lines, suggested strong trait association between seed color and BCMV resistance. The cross of red-mottled I+I+ (susceptible) BAT 1255R to isogenic purple-mottled II (resistant) BAT 1255M was made to study the segregation of the two characters and to recover red-mottled resistant progenies. No recombinant genotypes were observed among 353 F3 families inoculated with BCMV-NL3, suggesting that linkage of purple-mottled seed color and dominant BCMV resistance is very close.Contribution of the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical.  相似文献   

Summary Eighty-three F2-derived F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) randomly selected from a population (TY 8419) of two common bean genotypes (Pinto UI 114 x ICA Pijao), the two parents, and a control cultivar (Topcrop) were screened for their reaction to bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) under glasshouse conditions. A randomized complete block design with two replications was used. Data were recorded for disease incidence, foliar yellowing, number of pods and seeds, and yield.Significant (P<0.05) differences among the 83 RILs were recorded for all traits. Of these RILs, 11 lines did not develop any symptom, 24 lines had a mean disease incidence of 8%, 28 lines had a disease incidence of 26.6% and developed intermediate mosaic symptoms, and 20 lines were more susceptible (>50% disease incidence and severe yellowing) than either of the parents, which had 25% to 38% disease incidence and moderate symptoms. Heritability for disease incidence was 0.54±0.01, for foliar yellowing 0.36±0.13, for pods plant-1 0.69±0.01, for seeds plant-1 0.54±0.09, and for yield plant-1 0.49±0.01. Gains from selection (at 20% selection pressure) for these traits were 49.5%, 31.6%, 24%, 0%, and 20%, respectively, over the mean value of all RILs. Correlation coefficients between disease incidence and foliar yellowing and among yield and its components were positive. Disease incidence and foliar yellowing showed negative associations with yield and its components.  相似文献   

Summary Male sterile bean plants were discovered at Embu Agricultural Research Station, Kenya. The character is controlled by one recessive gene.The Grain Legume Project is a joint project of the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture and The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  相似文献   

Paolo Ranalli 《Euphytica》1996,87(2):127-132
Summary The effect of a recurrent selection procedure for improving seed yield per plant was evaluated in common bean. Progress was registered after three cycles of recurrent selection with S2 progeny evaluation performed on the grain yield/plant. Gain from selection was estimated by field testing 45 random S2 lines from each of the C0, C1 and C2 populations. Response to selection for seed yield/plant was 6 g from C0 to C1 and 4.4 g from C1 to C2. The seed yield improvement was due principally to an increase in pods/plant; little contribution was provided by the 1000-seed weight and seeds/pod traits. Broad-sense heritability and genotypic variance for grain yield remained high in all cycles which suggests further gain from additional selection cycles. Grain yield/plant is significantly correlated to pods/plant and seeds/pod traits in all cycles, indicating that plants with favourable combinations of these traits could be identified. The proposed recurrent selection procedure appears to be effective in improving the population and extracting superior genotypes for varietal development.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the yield potential of crosses for several generations and the yield of either the parental varieties or early segregating generations was studied. It was found that if plants were grown at crop densities then a high degree of prediction of cross potential was possible independent of year or generation. Prediction was much less efficient however if either the parents or the early generations were grown as spaced plants. It is concluded that at crop densities an accurate assessment of parental yields is sufficient to determine which crosses are most likely to have a high yield potential and that if any cross proves to be low yielding in early generations it may safely be rejected without fear of losing potentially high yielding crosses. Reasons for the failure of predictions, as reported in the literature, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary OSU 5062, a green bean line with a tendency for pods to become creasebacked (wider than deep) in cross-section, was crossed to near-round-podded cultivars Oregon 83 and Slenderette, oval-podded Bountiful, and flat-podded Roma, to further clarify the inheritance of pod cross-section. Differences among generations in pod cross-section index (PCS), calculated as pod width/depth, were small in the near-round x creaseback crosses (1.07 and 1.01 for Oregon 83 and Slenderette versus 1.20 for OSU 5062). Bountiful (0.63) and Roma (0.50) differed to a greater extent from 5062. Generation means of individual plant PCS of the F1 and F2 were almost identical, were almost exactly intermediate between parents, and strongly supported additive inheritance. Backcross data generally supported additive inheritance, but in some cases indicated degrees of dominance of higher PCS. A generation means analysis indicated additive gene action, but deviations from an additive-dominance model were significant in each cross.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in the Rift Valley, Ethiopia (8°N and 39°E) to determine associations between eight plant traits and seed yield, and to obtain estimates of narrow sense heritability for the traits. Experiment I evaluated seven dry edible bean cultivars/lines at two locations to simulate different soil moisture stress, including, Debre Zeit(non-stress) and Dera (moderate-stress). Experiment II evaluated 25 cultivars/lines in three environments including, Melkassa early planted (non-stress), Melkassa late planted (high-stress), and Dera (moderate-stress). A randomized-complete-block design with three replicates was used in both experiments. Plant traits evaluated were seed yield, pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, 100 seed weight, root dry weight, hypocotyl diameter, plant biomass, plant height and days to flowering. Plant traits that were significantly associated with seed yield were included in a stepwise-regression model to determine which trait or combination of traits provided the best model to estimate seed yield in each environment. An analysis of variance was conducted to test main effects and interactions between plant traits and environments. Significant variation among lines occurred for seed yield and all plant traits in both experiments. Strong positive correlations were observed between plant biomass and seed yield in all environments. Seed yield and pods plant-1 were also highly associated in four of the five environments. Stepwise regression models indicated that the combination of pods plant-1 and plant biomass consistently contributed to seed yield prediction, while other traits did not. Because both plant biomass and pods plant-1 had moderate to high narrow sense heritability estimates and low GE interactions, they should be useful as indirect selection criteria to improve and stabilize seed yield in a breeding program. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of bulk breeding on yield and its components in two high-yeilding and two low-yielding bean populations when grown at crop densities are interpreted in terms of gene action and selection. There was considerable additive variation in the crosses, dominance effects were variable but tended to be negative. The results were compared with results obtained at low density by another worker with the same populations, and this showed that interpretations of gene action in hybrid vigour depend on the test environment used. The interpretations were also compared with plant breeding interpretations made on the same material (Hamblin, 1977), and it was found that a single pattern of response to natural selection, in plant breeding terms, may be explained by more than one genetic interpretation and, conversely, a single genetic interpretation may result in different patterns of response in plant breeding terms. The value of composite crosses in plant breeding are discussed and it is concluded that there is a greater chance of producing improved lines from a large number of simple crosses than from a smaller number of composite crosses.  相似文献   

John Hamblin 《Euphytica》1977,26(1):157-168
Summary The effect of bulk breeding on yield and its components was studied in two high-yielding and two low-yielding bean crosses until the F6 generation. It was found that bulk breeding on the whole did not alter the mean values in the high-yielding crosses, but that there was a steady increase in the mean values of the low-yielding crosses with generation. As well as mean values the use of variance as a determinant of cross potential was also studied. It was found for characters markedly influenced in their expression by the environment, of which grain yield is the prime example, that progeny variance did not differ significantly from parental variance. It was concluded that interplant competition was the factor of the environment responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

Summary Despite the growing industrialization, technification and transformation that is happening in the agriculture around the world, and despite that agricultural research has always concentrated its effort on sole crops, multiple cropping systems have historically been important for common bean production in tropical countries. The reasons for this fact, are economical and social, as well as biological. Bean breeders have always been questioned on their work, because the development of new varieties is usually done in sole crop, but the varieties are grown in either systems. This paper addresses a set of questions that are usually presented to the breeders, in light of the evidence obtained from many trials conducted in Brazil and in the U.S.A.: Will the genotypes bred for sole crop conditions, perform well when grown in intercrop; How different should a genotype be, for cultivation in intercropping compared to genotypes developed for sole crop conditions; Is there a need for special breeding programs for intercropping and How could a breeding program focus the question of multiple (associated) cropping?  相似文献   

Summary Hybridizations between three lines of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and two lines of the lima bean (P. lunatus L.) were attempted in order to transfer characters from the lima bean to the common bean. A total of 115 interspecific hybrid embryos were rescued and cultured, and 7 plantlets were eventually transferred to soil. The most compatible cross was Edogawa XPI164891, which had a high proportion of expanded ovules, and from which we obtained one mature interspecific hybrid. In general, morphological characters of the hybrid were intermediate between the parents, and the chromosome number of the hybrid was 2n=22 the same as that of both parents. The hybrid nature of the progeny plant was confirmed by restriction endonuclease analysis of rDNA. Species specific fragments were detected when total DNA was digested by BamHI, and BamHI-digested total DNA of the hybrid contained all fragments from both parents. Selves and backcrosses were attempted, but no progeny were obtained. The only hybrid obtained was completely sterile and meiosis highly irregular.  相似文献   

Summary A non-destructive method has been developed to select common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants whose growth is less effected at a suboptimal temperature. Shoot weight was determined at a suboptimal (14°C) and optimal temperature (20°C), 38 days after sowing and accessions identified with a significantly lower than average weight reduction at 14°C compared to their weight at 20°C. Weight of primary leaves and of the shoot was correlated with seed weight at both temperatures, but no correlation was found between shoot weight reduction at 14°C and seed weight.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure based on acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (acid PAGE) has been described. Resolution of phaseolin bands appears to be relatively superior to that obtained with basic PAGE system. The procedure discriminates S, T, C, M and B types of phaseolins; S, T and C have been reported previously while M and B types were identified in the present study.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L., inoculated with a commercial inoculum of Rhizobium phaseoli, were grown in a nitrogen-free medium in the phytotron at two temperature regimes corresponding to mid-May or early June seedings. Cultivars differed in their abilities to support dinitrogen fixation under the two temperature regimes. Early June seedings fixed more dinitrogen than mid-May ones when grown for the same growth period. The amount of dinitrogen fixed was correlated with leaf area and leaf and shoot weight. It is proposed that the relationship between dinitrogen fixation and these quantitative yield characters may help bean breeders in selecting plants with superior dinitrogen-fixing abilities.  相似文献   

Frew Mekbib 《Euphytica》2003,130(2):147-153
An experiment was undertaken to determine the stability of seed yield in 21 common bean genotypes representing three growth habits. Seven genotypes in each growth habit (determinate bush, indeterminate bush and indeterminate prostrate) were evaluated in replicated trials at three locations for three years under rain fed conditions in Ethiopia. A combined analysis of variance, stability statistics and rank correlations among stability statistics and yield-stability statistic were determined. The genotypes differed significantly for seed yield and genotype × environment (year by location) interaction (GE). The different stability statistics namely Type1, Type 2 and Type 3 measured the different aspects of stability. This was substantiated by rank correlation coefficient. There were strong rank correlations among Si 2d, Wi 2i 2 and Si 2, where as there was weak correlation between biand Ri 2, Si 2d, Wi 2, σi 2 and Si 2. R2 was significantly and negatively correlated with Wi 2, σi 2 and Si 2. σi 2 is significantly correlated with Wi 2.Yield is significantly correlated with bi and Ri 2.None of the statistics per se was useful for selecting high yielding and stable genotypes except the YS(yield-stability statistic). Most of the high yielding genotypes were relatively stable. Of the 21 genotypes, only 11genotypes were selected for their high yielding and stable performance. Genotypes with growth habit III and I (in determinate prostrate and determinate bush) were generally more stable than in determinate bush. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Methods developed to identify genetically diverse varieties of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were applied to closely related lines that were difficult to distinguish on the basis of seed morphology. Seedling tissues and seeds of black beans, were examined electrophoretically for isoenzyme and cotyledon proteinn protein patterns. Seven enzymes, extracted from seeds or from seedling stem, root or leaf tissues, were compared for polymorphism. Peptidase, polyphenol oxidase, phosphoglucoisomerase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase patterns were the same for all lines. Some differences were observed for acid phosphatase, peroxidase and esterase patterns, but complete discrimination of the six selected lines was not possible on the basis of isoenzyme patterns alone. Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of dissociated 0.1 M acetic acid soluble proteins at pH 3.1 (acid-PAGE), or sodium dodecyl sulphate PAGE (SDS-PAGE) of residual protein extracts, all but one pair of samples in each case could be distinguished from the other samples. Using both techniques all of the lines could be identified unequivocally.  相似文献   

Yields of large-seeded Andean (A) common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars of Chile and Nueva Granada races are 40 to 60% lower compared to their Middle American (M) counterparts of small-seeded Mesoamerica and medium-seeded Durango races. Our objective was to use the concept of congruity backcrossing between Andean x Middle American inter-gene pool [AM 11833 = A 483 (A)///// A 686 (M) //// PVA 800A(A)/// ‘Carioca’ (M)// Carioca (M)/ G 19833 (A)] and between races within Andean gene pool [i.e., intra-gene pool Andean, AA 11834 = A483 (A)//// ‘Cardinal’(A) /// ‘Blanco Español’(A) // BlancoEspañol (A) / ‘Taylor’ (A)] to compare selection for seed yield improvement of large-seeded Andean beans. Seven hundred sixty seven F2-derived F3 (F2:3) families were produced for each population. Visual appraisal for total plant performance, combined with seed yield from non-replicated plots was used for selection of 551 families in F2:3, 182 families in F2:4, and 91 families in F2:5 in each population. Eight hundred twenty three F5:6 lines were developed from the 91 F2:5 families in each population. Visual selection, combined with seed yield in non-replicated plots was again used to select 294 lines in F5:6 in each population. Similarly, 44 highest yielding F5:7 lines were selected in AM 11833 and 39 F5:7 lines in AA 11834. Thus, single plant selections were made in the F2 and F5, and plants within each plot were harvested in bulk in F3, F4, F6, and F7. Thirty nine F5:8 lines from AA 11834 and 44 lines from AM 11833, parents, and checks were evaluated at Popayán and Quilichao, Colombia in 1998 and 1999. Selected lines in both populations, on average, out-yielded the mean of their large-seeded Andean parents. Mean yield of the lines selected from AM 11833 was 50% higher than AA 11834 lines. Twelve F5:8 lines out-yielded the highest yielding Andean parents G 19833 and A 483 in AM 11833, whereas only one line yielded significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the highest yielding parent A 483 in AA 11834. However, none of selected lines out-yielded small-seeded Middle American parents used in AM 11833 (A 686 and ‘Carioca’). The mean 100 seed-weight of AA 11834 was 36 g compared to 28 G for AM 11833 F5:8 lines. Selected lines had similar days to maturity as parents in AM 11833, and matured 3 d later in AA11834. Correlation coefficients between yield and 100 seed-weight were negative in both populations. Yield and days to maturity were positively correlated in AA 11834.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of resistance to bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) was studied in an 8×8 complete diallel cross of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. The 28F1 hybrids, their reciprocals, and eight parents were artificially inoculated with BGMV under glasshouse conditions. Data were recorded and analyzed for foliar yellowing, plant dwarfing, flower abortion, and pod formation, using a randomized complete block design with two replications.General combining ability (GCA) mean squares were highly significant (P<0.01) and larger than values for specific combining ability for all traits. Reciprocal and maternal effects were nonsignificant. Cultivars Royal Red and Alubia Cerrillos possessed significant negative and positive GCA for all traits, respectively. Porrillo Sintetico also had negative GCA for all traits except plant dwarfing. None of the GCA effects were significant for Great Northern 31 and PVA 1111. Positive associations existed among all traits studied.  相似文献   

A series of field experiments was undertaken in order to determine whether resistance to bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) could be incorporated into genotypes of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) suitable for cultivation in Zimbabwe without recourse to backcrossing. Six inbred genotypes carrying the resistance-conferring alleles at the loci I and Bc-3 were crossed with five locally-adapted inbred genotypes. The first experiment comprised F3 progeny rows, each derived from a single unselected F2 plant, the second, F3 bulks selected for resistance, and the third, a comparison of selected and unselected F2-derived F4 lines. The number of days to flowering and to maturity, the incidence of mosaic and necrosis symptoms, seed yield and seed size were recorded. There was evidence that late flowering and maturity were associated with BCMV resistance in some crosses, though not strongly enough to present an obstacle to plant breeding. The incidence of virus symptoms and seed yield were influenced by genetic factors additional to the major resistance genes, and variation in seed yield was present not only between bulk populations of crosses, but also between single-row plots of lines within crosses. This indicates that early-generation selection for yield in the presence of BCMV, even among progeny selected for BCMV-resistace, is likely to be effective. However, the variation in yield among F4 lines was least in the highest-yielding crosses, which may represent a limit to successful selection for yield. Seed size was partly under additive genetic control, but there was also evidence of non-allelic interactions. There was no association between large seed size, preferred by consumers, and susceptibility to BCMV in the progeny, indicating that the association between these characters in the parent lines is fortuitous and will not present an obstacle to plant breeding. It is noted that a considerable amount of useful genetic information can be obtained without recourse to elaborate crossing schemes, provided that unselected progeny are included in experiments as controls. The evidence presented indicates that resistance to BCMV can be combined with appropriate values of maturity date, yield and seed size without the need for backcrossing.  相似文献   

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