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Post-traumatic lung insufficiency in dogs was induced by a combination of haemorrhagic hypotension and liver trauma. In one experimental group, lung biopsies were sampled every 4 h. This paper describes the development of gross and light microscopic lunig changes in these dogs, and the lung lesions 12 h after initiation of the trauma in another experimental group. Incipient changes were recognized as early as 4 h after initiation of the trauma. Perivascular and intraseptal oedema, scattered microthrombi, and trapping of leucocytes in lung microvessels were the most conspicuous morphological findings. These changes grew gradually more pronounced towards collapse, when also areas with interstitial haemorrhages, intra-alveolar protein-rich oedema fluid with strands of a fibrinoid material, and an increased number of partly degenerated leucocytes were found in addition to atelectasis.The morphological lung lesions in this experimental model are similar to post-traumatic shock lungs in human patients.  相似文献   



Etiology of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) syndrome in dogs is unknown and histopathologic and microbial investigations have only been performed post mortem.


To identify characteristic intra vitam endoscopic and histologic mucosal lesions, as well as bacterial species, within the mucosa of dogs with HGE.


Ten dogs diagnosed with HGE were included. Eleven dogs with gastroduodenoscopy and different intestinal diseases were used as controls for microbial changes. Dogs pretreated with antibiotics or diagnosed with any disease known to cause bloody diarrhea were excluded from the study.


In this prospective study, gastrointestinal biopsies were collected from 10 dogs with HGE. Endoscopic and histologic changes were assessed according to WSAVA guidelines. Biopsies from the stomach, duodenum, ileum, and colon were investigated by histology and by immunohistochemistry for the presence of Clostridium spp. and parvovirus. The first duodenal biopsy taken with a sterile forceps was submitted for bacterial culture.


Acute mucosal lesions were only found in the intestines, not in the stomach. Clostridium spp., identified as Clostridium perfringens in 6/9 cases, were detected on the small intestinal mucosa in all dogs with HGE, either by culture or immunohistopathology. In the control group, C. perfringens could only be cultured in one of 11 dogs.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

The results of this study demonstrate an apparent association between C. perfringens and the occurrence of acute hemorrhagic diarrhea. The term “HGE,” which implies the involvement of the stomach, should be renamed as “acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome.”  相似文献   


Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss is caused by VHS virus (VHSV), which belongs to the rhabdovirus family. Among the different strategies for immunizing fish with a recombinant vaccine, genetic immunization has recently proven to be highly effective. To further investigate the potential for protecting fish against VHS by DNA vaccination, experiments were conducted to determine the amount of plasmid DNA needed for induction of protective immunity. The time to onset of immunity and the duration of protection following administration of a protective vaccine dose were also analyzed. The dose–response analysis revealed that significant protection of rainbow trout fingerlings was obtained following intramuscular injection of only 0.01 μg of plasmid DNA encoding the VHSV glycoprotein gene. In addition, higher doses of DNA induced immunity to a virus isolate serologically different from the isolate used for vaccine development. Following administration of 1 μg of a DNA vaccine, significant protection against VHS was observed in the fish as early as 8 d postvaccination. At 168 d postvaccination, the fish had increased in size by a factor of 10 and protection against a lethal dose of VHSV was still evident. The results confirm the great potential for DNA vaccination in inducing efficient immunoprophylaxis against viral diseases in aquacultured fish.  相似文献   


To clarify early events in the pathogenesis of enteric septicemia of catfish, 140 channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (8–10 months old) were each infected with approximately 1.0 × 109 colony-forming units of Edwardsiella ictaluri by intragastric intubation. Fish were sacrificed at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h postinfection (PI). Multiple tissue samples at all scheduled sampling times were evaluated by gross observation, light and electron microscopy, and immunohistochemical methods. In addition, at each sampling time, stomach, intestine, trunk kidney, and liver were cultured to quantitate bacteria. Trunk kidney cultures were positive by 0.25 h PI, indicating rapid transmucosal passage. In the intestine, E. ictaluri was seen in contact with the brush border at 0.5 h PI. Also at 0.5 h PI, dilated basilar cells with large intracytoplasmic inclusions were observed adjacent to the basement membrane. From 1 to 3 h PI, occasional necrotic enterocytes were seen on tips of intestinal folds. Proprial leukocytes were rare before 24 h PI but common thereafter. Immunoelectron microscopy showed E. ictaluri in vacuoles within phagocytes as early as 24 h PI in the intestinal mucosa. In other tissues, earliest observed microscopic lesions (48 h PI) consisted of bacteria within vacuoles of phagocytic cells contained within blood vessels. Bacteria were also seen within degenerate vacuoles in enterocytes and hepatocytes at 72, 96, and 120 h PI. This study confirms that E. ictaluri can invade channel catfish within 0.25 h PI by crossing the intestinal mucosa and suggests that the bacterium may have invasion and survival strategies similar to those of other enteroinvasive members of the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the male genital system of 6 prepubertal, 6 pubertal and 6 mature dromedary camels is described. Developmental and comparative aspects of the male reproductive system are discussed. Histologic examination demonstrated the development of spermatogenic and accessory glandular tissues  相似文献   


The antimicrobials enrofloxacin and oxolinic acid were evaluated under field conditions for treatment of clinical Aeromonas salmonicida infections in salmonids by feeding medicated diets. Treatment of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar with enrofloxacin or oxolinic acid at 5 mg/ kg per day for 5 d was not successful. Monitoring of enrofloxacin-medicated fish revealed low tissue and serum antimicrobial activities. Lack of efficacy in the Atlantic salmon trial may have been due to the low dose, lack of bioavailability of the drug, or lack of acceptance of the medicated ration. Treatment of hybrid brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis × lake trout S. namaycush was successful when enrofloxacin was used at 10 mg/kg per day for 10 d, but not when oxolinic acid was used at 5mg/kg per day for 10 d. Antimicrobial activity in tissues of enrofloxacin-medicated fish was elevated during the 10-d treatment period. No antimicrobial activity could be detected in muscle, skin, or liver of the enrofloxacin-medicated fish at 20 d after the last day of medication.  相似文献   


In November 1989, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) was found for the first time in the Soleduck River at the Washington Department of Fisheries Soleduck Hatchery. The virus was isolated from ovarian fluid and kidney-spleen tissue pools from chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and ovarian fluid pools from coho salmon O. kisutch returning to the Soleduck Hatchery. The virus was identified as IHNV by neutralization assays. In December 1989, the virus causing viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHSV) was found in ovarian fluid and milt pools from wild coho salmon obtained from the Soleduck and Bogachiel rivers and held at the Soleduck Hatchery. The virus was identified as VHSV by neutralization and immunoblot assays. These findings and their implications for routine broodstock sampling are discussed.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 23F was isolated from the blood and synovial fluid of an acutely ill, 15-year-old castrated male cat and from the nasopharynx of that regularly played with it, an infant child. Information presented supports the hypothesis that the infection was transmitted from child to cat.  相似文献   

Infections by the digenetic trematode, Ribeiroia ondatrae, cause severe limb malformations in many North American amphibians. Ribeiroia ondatrae also infects fishes as second intermediate hosts, but less is known about the pathology and immune responses initiated in infected fish, even though reports of infected fish date back to early 1900s. To this end, we experimentally exposed juvenile Bluegills Lepomis macrochirus to three doses of R. ondatrae cercariae and monitored the pathology, parasite infection success, and humoral responses over 648 h. All exposed fish became infected with metacercariae, and the average infection load increased with exposure dose. Histologically, infection was associated with acute hemorrhages in the lateral line and local dermis at 36 h, followed by progressive granulomatous inflammation that led to the destruction of encysted metacercariae. Correspondingly, over the course of 648 h we observed an 85% decline in average infection load among hosts, reflecting the host's clearance of the parasite. Infection was not associated with changes in fish growth or survival, but did correlate with leukocytosis and neutrophilia in circulating host blood. Understanding the physiological responses of R. ondatrae in Bluegill will help to clarify the ecological effects of this parasite and provide a foundation for subsequent comparisons into its effects on behavior, individual health, and population dynamics of Bluegill.

Received March 4, 2015; accepted August 9, 2015  相似文献   

A 1978-79 survey of the incidence of thoracic cavity lesions at slaughter had shown that the overall incidence of pleurisy in Saskatchewan swine was low (2%). Therefore, in the summer of 1979 a comparison was made between the incidence of pleurisy in a herd of pigs chronically affected with Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae pneumonia and in animals from other herds slaughtered at the same time. The incidence of pleurisy in control pigs (3.6%) was slightly higher than in the large scale survey but in the pigs from the Haemophilus infected herd it was almost four times as great (13.3%). In the same herd the survivors of a batch of pigs which had been decimated by more severe disease showed an incidence of 32% pleurisy. The economic implications of these findings are detailed and discussed.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out into the recovery from calf faeces of Bacillus coagulans spores added to the feed as probiotic. For this purpose, Bacillus coagulans spores (9 log10 CFU g?1) were given daily to 10 calves during the whole farming periods; another 10 calves acted as controls. Throughout the trial the faecal spore counts were significantly (P?<?0.01) higher in the treated group than in the controls (averaging 2.1?×?105 vs 3.7?×?104?CFU g?1). Bacterial cells were recovered from faecal samples and ribotyping matched the strain isolated from faecal sample to the clone administered to the animals. In addition, the recovered cells were found to maintain their functionality aspects of acid production, survival in artificial gastric juice and in the presence of bile, and attachment to human intestinal epithelial cells. The results further elucidate the fate of spore formers administered to calves, and this will help in the development of new species-specific nutritional strategies.  相似文献   

One hundred mink with experimental viral plasmacytosis were examined for fibrinoid vascular lesions. Abnormal hyalin deposits were found in glomeruli in all cases of advanced disease. Fibrinoid arteritis occurred only in Aleutian type mink in this study. Seven of 30 experimentally infected Aleutian mink were found to have fibrinoid arteritis, together with other lesions of advanced plasmacytosis. The type of inoculum seemed of no consequence in development of vascular lesions. Equally severe lesions developed after inoculation with cell-free filtrates as were found in mink inoculated with crude tissue suspensions. These observations strengthen the concept of a virus as the primary etiologic agent and confirm the view that Aleutian disease is a convenient experimental model for studies on the collagen diseases.  相似文献   

The earliest sign of osteoarthritis is acute synovitis with joint effusion and elevated intraarticular pressure, which causes compression of the intracapsular vein segments draining the epiphyseal bone compartment. The increased outflow resistance may cause a fall in the regional blood flow and thereby lead to a state of tissue hypoxia. The acute osteoarthritis may also affect the transfer of oxygen to the cartilage across synovial membrane because of the extensive inflammation with hypercellularity and edema.In the present study we have investigated the subchondral P02 and Pc02 in acute osteoarthritis. There was no significant difference between these gas tensions in the normal and osteoarthritic bone. We have also investigated the oxygen consumption and diffusion capacity in the synovial membrane. The latter was decreased by a factor of 4 in the osteoarthritic joints whilst the oxygen consumption was increased by a factor of 3.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four black and white female Saluki puppies developed variably severe hypotrichosis in black haired areas. Histologically, follicles in black haired areas were dilated with keratin and clumps of melanin pigment, and were irregularly shaped. Melanin pigment was also clumped in hair shafts, basal layer of epidermis, epithelial cells of hair bulbs and macrophages around follicles, especially at the base. White haired areas were normal grossly and histologically. Light microscopic examination of dehydrated and cleared primary black hair shafts from one Saluki with black hair follicular dysplasia and primary blue hair shafts from two blue Doberman pinschers with color mutant alopecia revealed that the blue Dobermans had many more visible macromelanosomes than the Saluki. On scanning electron microscopy, cuticular abnormalities were identified in some white and all black hairs from the Saluki. Several black hairs had shallow, oval defects in the superficial cortex. Blue hairs from one Doberman had similar, but more extensive changes. Résumé— Quatre chiots femelles Saluki noirs et blancs ont développé une hypotrichose plus ou moins étendue des zones de poils noirs. Sur le plan histologique, les follicules pileux des zones de poils noirs étalent dilatés, de forme irrégulière et obstrué par des bouchons de keratine et de mélanine. Des pigments mélaniques en motte sont aussi retrouvés dans la lumière des poits, les cellules basales de l'epiderme, les cellules épithéliales de bulbes pileux et les macrophages entourant les follicules pileux. Les zones de poils blancs étaient normales, tant macroscopiquement que micrioscopiquement. L'examen en microscopie optique de poils noirs primaires deshydratés et éclaircis provenant d'un de ces Saluki et de deux Doberman atteints d'alopécle des mutants de couleur a révélé un beaucoup plus grand nombre de macromélanosomes chez les Dobermans que chez le Saluki. En microscopie électronique à balayage des anomalies de la cuticule ont été observées sur quelques poils blancs et tous les poils noirs des Salukis. Plusieurs poils noirs présentaiert des déformations ovales peu profondes de la cuticule. Les poils bleus des Dobermans présentaient le même type de déformation, mais de façon plus étendue. Zusammenfassung— Vier schwarz-weiße weibliche Salukiwelpen entwickelten abwechselnd eine schwere Hypotrichose in den schwarzgefärbten Fellbezirken. Im histologischen Bild waren die Follikel in den schwarzgefärbten Fellbezirken durch Keratin und Melaninpigmentklumpen dilatiert sowie unregelmäßig geformt. Das Melaninpigment war in den Haarschäften, in der Basalzellschicht der Epidermis, den Epitheizellen der Haarbulbi und den Makrophagen um die Follikel, besonders an der Basis, ebenfalls zusammengekiumpt. Die weißen Fellbezirke waren makroskopisch und histologisch unverändert. Die lichtmikroskopische Untersuchung von dehydrierten und aufgehellten Schäften schwarzer Primärhaare eines Salukis mit follikulärer Dysplasie schwarzer Haare und der Untersuchung der Haarschäfte blauer Primärhaare zweier blauer Dobermannhunde mit Farbmutantenalopezie zeigte, daß die blauen Dobermänner viel mehr sichtbare Makromelanosomen als der Saluki aufwiesen. Bei der Untersuchung mit dem Elektronenmikroskop konnten Abnormitäten der Kutikula bei einigen weißen und bei alien schwarzen Haaren des Salukis festgestellt werden. Einige der schwarzen Haare zeigten flache, ovale Defekte in der oberflächlichen Rinde. Blaue Haare eines Dobermanns zeigten ähnliche, aber viel ausgedehntere Veränderungen. Resumen Cuatro cachorros hembra de Saluki negro y bianco se desarrollaron con variable gravedad hipotricosis en areas de pelo negro. Histológicamente los folículos de las zonas de pelo negro fueron dilatados con keratina y grupos de pigmento de melanina, y fueron irregularmente formados. El pigmento de melanina también fue encontrado irregularmente en el cuerpo del pelo, capa basal de la epidermis, células epiteliales de los bulbos pilosos y macrófagos alredador de los folículos, especialmente en la base. Las areas de pelo bianco eran normales en cuanto tanto macroscopicamente como histológicamente. El examen microscópico del cuerpo de pelos negros deshidratados y aclarados de un saluki con displasia folicular de pelo negro y cuerpo de pelo azul primario de dos Doberman pinschers con alopecia de color mutante, reveló que los Dobermans azules tenían muchos mas macromelanosomas visibles que el Saluki. Al microscopio electrónico se identificaron abnormalidades cuticubres en algunas pelos blancos y todos los negros en el Saluki. Varios pelos negros tenían pequenos defectos ovales en la corteza superficial. Los pelos azules de uno de los Doberman presentaban cambios similares pero más extensos.  相似文献   

Two cases of Amoeba‐like infections in cultured warmwater marine fish are described, an unusual systemic infection in pompano Trachinotus falcatus L. from Singapore and a gill infection in Mediterranean sea bream Sparus aurata L. All pompano showed marked systemic infection of Amoeba‐like parasites in gills, kidney, intestine, pancreas and spleen. The most severe lesions were in the gills and renal tissue with minimal tissue reaction in other organs.  相似文献   

Worm-free sheep were dosed with 8 000, 64 000 or 512 000 infective Ostertagia spp. larvae and killed 4, 7, 10, 13, 18, 24 or 66 days later. Up to day 10 the worm counts ranged from 52 to 86% of the infecting dose and results suggested no substantial reduction either in rate of development or in percentage establishment with increasing dose level. However, a reduction of worm counts, which was substantial at the higher dose-rates but comparatively small at the low rate, occurred after day 10.Gross lesions in the abomasum ranged from little more than the development of a few nodules in the low-dose sheep, to a roughened congested surface with diptheritic membranes and severe oedema in the high-dose animals at days 10–24. These effects had subsided by day 66. Histopathological changes are described.The severity and extent of the reaction was related to the parasite dose-level, but not necessarily to the numbers of worms recovered post-mortem. The rate of return to normality was quicker at the lower dose rates.  相似文献   

Final observations on experimental transmission of chronic wasting disease (CWD) from elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to fallow deer (Dama dama) are reported herein. During the 5-year study, 13 fawns were inoculated intracerebrally with CWD-infected brain material from white-tailed deer (n = 7; Group A) or elk (n = 6; Group B), and 3 other fawns were kept as uninoculated controls (Group C). As described previously, 3 CWD-inoculated deer were euthanized at 7.6 mo post-inoculation (MPI). None revealed presence of abnormal prion protein (PrP(d)) in their tissues. At 24 (Group A) and 26 (Group B) MPI, 2 deer were necropsied. Both animals had a small focal accumulation of PrP(d) in their midbrains. Between 29 and 37 MPI, 3 other deer (all from Group A) were euthanized. The 5 remaining deer became sick and were euthanized between 51 and 60 MPI (1 from Group A and 4 from Group B). Microscopic lesions of spongiform encephalopathy (SE) were observed in only these 5 animals; however, PrP(d) was detected in tissues of the central nervous system by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, and by commercial rapid test in all animals that survived beyond 24 MPI. This study demonstrates that intracerebrally inoculated fallow deer not only amplify CWD prions, but also develop lesions of spongiform encephalopathy.  相似文献   

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