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选取2胎以上的处于泌乳后期200~260DIM的荷斯坦奶牛9头,采用随机试验设计分成3组,随机饲喂3种DCAD值分别为:+15、+20、+25mEq/100gDM的日粮。研究不同DCAD值日粮对泌乳后期奶牛产乳性能、血清矿物元素和尿液离子浓度的影响。结果表明:随DCAD值的增大,奶牛的尿液pH值增加(P<0.05),干物质采食量差异不显著(P>0.05)。奶牛尿液中K+的排泄也增加,其它离子水平变化不显著。DCAD值对泌乳后期奶牛血清矿物离子浓度没有影响。当日粮DCAD值为+25mEq/100gDM时,泌乳后期奶牛4%FCM标准乳产量为(14.40±0.53)kg/d,比日粮DCAD值为+15mEq/100gDM时高出了5.72%。各组间乳糖、乳蛋白和乳脂率等差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

选取2胎以上的处于泌乳中期100~125 DIM的荷斯坦奶牛9头,采用随机试验设计分成3组,随机饲喂3种DCAD值分别为:+25、+35、+45mEq/100g DM的日粮.研究不同DCAD日粮对泌乳中期奶牛泌乳性能、血清矿物离子和尿液矿物离子浓度的影响.结果表明:随日粮DCAD值增大,奶牛尿液中Na+、K+排泄增加,而Ca2+和肌酐的排泄则降低(P<0.05),其它离子水平变化不显著.血清中P3+浓度随DCAD值增大而上升.当日粮DCAD值为+35mEq/100g DM时,泌乳中期奶牛产奶量和4%标准乳产量分别为(29.12±0.65)kg/d和(28.73±0.96)kg/d,比日粮DCAD值为+45mEq/100g DM时提高4.82%和4.66%;而乳蛋白产量和乳糖产量分别为(0.93±0.03)kg/d,1.40±0.02kg/d,比日粮DCAD值为2+45mEq/100gDM时提高10.71%和6.87%.  相似文献   

全混合日粮对奶牛产乳性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验选用了12头奶牛,根据产奶量、泌乳天数和胎次相近的原则分为试验组和对照组,研究全混合日粮对奶牛产乳性能的影响。试验结果表明,试验组4%标准乳产量比对照组提高1 24kg,差异显著(P<0.05),乳脂率及乳脂、乳糖和乳固形物含量也分别比对照组显著提高11.60%、17.50%、13.21%和9.86%(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

鲜啤酒糟是啤酒厂的一种副产品,含有丰富的B族维生素,其干物质中的粗蛋白质的含量高达24.7%、粗灰分3.6%、粗纤维4.3%、钙0.21%、总磷为0.48%、消化能为12.52MJ/kg,是饲喂奶牛的好饲料.啤酒厂附近的养殖户常用啤酒糟再搭配精料直接喂奶牛,从而降低了饲料成本,提高了养牛经济效益.但用鲜啤酒糟喂牛时,由于啤酒糟含水分高,易酸败变质,从而影响和降低饲料的适口性和营养价值.为验证添加小苏打对抑制鲜啤酒糟酸败,增强饲料适口性,中和瘤胃中的酸度,促进瘤胃中的微生物繁殖,提高饲料利用率和产奶量的效果,为当地奶牛饲养户应用本法提供依据,1999年4~5月间,我们在本市高官寨镇,对专业户饲养的泌乳奶牛进行了饲喂鲜啤酒糟加入小苏打的效果饲喂对比试验研究,现将试验情况总结如下.  相似文献   

马铃薯是人们生活中的一种常用蔬菜,其营养极为丰富,据测定,每500克鲜马铃薯蛋白质8.4克、脂肪3.1克、碳水化合物70克、粗纤维6.2克、钙48毫克、铁4毫克、胡萝卜素0.04毫克、硫胺素0.44毫克、核黄素0.13毫克、尼克酸1.8毫克。马铃薯既是一种常用蔬菜,而且又是饲喂奶牛的一种极好的优质多汁块茎类饲料。尤其是在夏季高温季节,由于奶牛怕热不怕冷,当外界气温高于28℃时,就会出现热应激反应,从而导致泌乳奶牛食欲低,采食量少,膘下跌,泌乳量和体质下降等。为减轻高温热应激对奶牛泌乳量的影响,我…  相似文献   

李琛  卢娜  王芬  李胜利  邵伟 《饲料研究》2021,44(13):1-5
试验研究酵母培养物(YC)对泌乳初期奶牛泌乳性能、血清生化指标和表观消化率的影响.选取泌乳天数(20±3)d,胎次3.20±0.84的荷斯坦奶牛30头,随机分为两组,每组15个重复,每个重复1头牛.对照组为基础日粮,试验组(YC组)在基础日粮中添加酵母培养物30 g/(头·d).预试期7d,正式试验期90 d.结果显示...  相似文献   

用鲜啤酒糟饲喂泌乳奶牛补加小苏打对产乳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

吴凡 《四川奶业》2006,(4):15-16
地瓜又名红薯、山芋、甘薯等。地瓜是一种饲粮兼用作物。其根、茎、叶均是用来饲喂畜禽的优质饲料。据测定,每500g地瓜中含蛋白质288,脂肪0.9g、碳水化合物128.3g、粗纤维2.2g、钙75rag。铁1.7mg、胡萝卜素5.7rag,硫胺素0.12mg、核黄素0.17mg、尼克酸2.2mg、抗坏血酸130rag。由于地瓜富含淀粉,经瘤胃微生物消化后,可为机体提供能量。所以具有良好的催乳作用。笔者为了进一步验证生地瓜对泌乳奶牛的促乳效果,  相似文献   

试验选用荷斯坦泌乳早期奶牛15头,采用3X3复拉丁方试验设计,研究日粮DCAB水平分别为+367、+514、+663mmol/kgDM对奶牛生产性能、血液酸碱平衡和血清矿物质含量的影响。试验结果,不同DCAB水平日粮对奶牛奶产量差异不显著(P>0.05),高DCAB水平日粮可增加奶牛血液标准HCO-3含量(P<0.05),不同DCAB水平对奶牛各种血清常量矿物质含量没有影响(P>0.05)。试验表明,日粮DCAB水平超过+514mmol/kgDM可对奶牛奶产量产生不利影响。  相似文献   

日粮阴阳离子差(DCAD)可调控家畜体内的酸碱平衡。近年来,由于其对泌乳奶牛生产性能的影响而越来越受到研究者的重视。文章就阴阳离子差的计算,阴阳离子差对泌乳奶牛干物质采食量、泌乳量和乳成分、瘤胃参数的影响,及对DCAD在我国泌乳奶牛日粮中的应用的展望作了综合阐述。  相似文献   

本试验研究了日粮阴阳离子(DCAD)水平对围产期的泌乳水牛采食量、尿液pH值、泌乳初期泌乳性能的影响。选择32头2胎以上、品种、上期泌乳量、健康体况相似的处于围产期的泌乳水牛,随机分成4个组,分别饲喂DCAD水平为+139.89、+54.22、-29.11和-110.21mmoL/kg的4种日粮进行试验,试验期为产前21 d开始至产后30 d。结果表明:随着日粮DCAD水平的降低,各组间试验水牛干物质采食量无显著差异,尿液pH值随之显著降低。各组产奶量无显著差异,但可提高水牛产后泌乳量2.50%~4.86%,极显著降低水牛乳体细胞数(P<0.01);乳蛋白率、乳脂率、乳糖率均有显著提高(P<0.05)。综上所述,泌乳水牛日粮适宜DCAD水平为-110.21 mmoL/kg左右。  相似文献   

The effects of long-term consumption of 1 and 5 ppm of Cd on Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn concentrations in milk and a variety of tissues of first-lactation dairy cows was investigated. Thirty-six Holstein heifers were allocated to three groups and fed similar diets differing only in the concentration of Cd (.25, 1, and 5 ppm) for a 394-d period before calving. One- and 5-ppm Cd concentrations were achieved using CdCl2. Liver, kidney cortex, and muscle were biopsied from one-half of the heifers of each group before Cd supplementation and again from the same heifers within 5 d after parturition. Colostrum and milk were sampled throughout the 150 d of lactation. Urine was sampled after an average of 450 d of Cd exposure. At slaughter (after an average of 554 d), 11 tissues were sampled from 12 cows representing all treatment groups. During the first 394 d, Cd accumulated in kidney and liver with increasing dietary concentrations of Cd but did not further increase by 554 d. However, by 554 d Cd had also accumulated in the adrenal glands, ovaries, spleen, and uteri of cows consuming 5 ppm of Cd. Dietary Cd did not influence the concentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, or Zn in colostrum or milk. However, urine pH, Zn, and K were lower in cows consuming 5 ppm of Cd. Liver Cu was reduced by 1 and 5 ppm of Cd at both 394 and 554 d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined whether mildly altering dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) contributes to the prevention of milk fever in dairy cows. Thirty multiparous cows and ten primiparous cows (heifer group) were used in this study and the multiparous cows were randomly divided into three groups of ten animals each (anion, non-anion and control groups). The cows in the anion group were given supplemental salts that slightly lowered DCAD. These salts consisted of 115 g of CaCO3, 42 g of CaHPO4, 65 g of MgSO4 x 7 H2O and 80 g of CaCl2 x 2 H2O as a daily dose for each cow, using a catheter from 21 days before the expected date of parturition until parturition. The cows in the non-anion group were given only the same Ca, Mg and ip supplement but no sulfate and chloride salts as that in the anion group. The cows in the control and heifer groups were not given any additional supplement. The incidence of hypocalcemia in the anion group decreased to approximately half of those in the non-anion and control groups, while the heifer group did not develop hypocalcemia at all. In addition, the number of days spent for the treatment of hypocalcemia and the number of drug bottles (calcium borogluconate solution) used for the treatment decreased to less than half in the anion group compared with those in the non-anion and control groups. At parturition, the serum Ca concentration in the control (6.2 +/- 1.9 mg/dl, mean +/- standard deviation) and non-anion groups (6.4 +/- 1.7 mg/dl) were significantly lower than that in the heifer group (8.3 +/- 0.4 mg/dl), and the level in the anion group was intermediate (7.3 +/- 1.3 mg/dl). The change in ionized Ca concentration was almost the same as that in serum Ca concentration, but only the concentration in the anion group tended to increase slightly from a week before parturition and was significantly higher than that in all other groups three days before parturition. Urinary pH in the anion group was maintained at a mildly acidic level (6.8-7.0) for the last two weeks before parturition, compared with those in the control (7.3-7.5) and non-anion groups (7.9-8.1), and similar to that in the heifer group (6.3-7.3). The urinary Ca excretion was the highest in the anion group among all groups during the prepartum period. There were no specific changes in the excretion of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in all groups of multiparous cows while the levels of these hormones remained low in the heifer group throughout the experimental period. The data in the present study indicates that the administration of anion salts that slightly lowered DCAD in the preparum period was effective for preventing milk fever in multiparous cows. Safe and mild metabolic acidosis induced by the anion salts could be evaluated by urinary pH (6.8-7.0), and might increase the responsiveness to Ca requirement at parturition through some complex mechanisms unrelated to the excretion of Ca-related hormones. In addition, it was clarified that primiparous cows have a high potential to respond to sudden Ca demand unrelated to hormone excretion, and their Ca metabolism was in some respects similar to that in multiparous cows fed anion salts. Therefore, manipulating mildly DCAD is expected to be an effective, safe and natural method for preventing milk fever in dairy cows.  相似文献   

日粮阴阳离子平衡对泌乳中后期奶牛生产性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
试验选择泌乳中后期奶牛15头,随机分成3组,每组5头,采用3×3重复拉丁方设计,分别饲喂3种不同阴阳离子平衡水平的日粮。其中对照组A(DCAB为DM 77 m eq/kg),B组(DCAB为DM 175 m eq/kg),C组(DCAB为DM 325 m eq/kg)。结果表明,DCAB对热应激奶牛的生产性能具有显著影响,其中B组和C组的产奶量分别比对照组提高6.6%(P>0.05)和0.1%(P>0.05);而4%标准乳产量则分别提高8.3%(P<0.05)和0。DCAB对奶牛的乳脂率和乳蛋白率无显著影响。说明在泌乳中后期当DCAB为175 m eq/kgDM,饲喂效果最佳。  相似文献   

日粮阴阳离子对泌乳前期热应激奶牛生产性能的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
试验选择泌乳前期奶牛15头,随机分成3组,每组5头,采用3×3重复拉丁方设计,分别饲喂3种不同DCAB水平的日粮。其中对照组A(基础日粮,DCAB为83meq/kgDM),B组(DCAB为275meq/kgDM),C组(DCAB为425meq/kgDM)。结果表明,DCAB对热应激奶牛的生产性能具有显著影响,其中B组和C组的产奶量及4%标准乳产量分别比对照组提高10%(P<0.05)和10.1%(P<0.05),3.9%(P>0.05)和3%(P>0.05),但DCAB对奶牛的乳脂率和乳蛋白率无显著影响。说明在泌乳前期当DCAB为275meq/kgDM,饲喂效果最佳。  相似文献   

Sixteen Quarter Horse weanlings were used in a splitplot design experiment to determine the effects of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) on mineral metabolism, osteocalcin concentration and variables of growth. Horses were blocked by age and sex and then randomly allotted to two treatment groups (High or Low). Experimental diets with a DCAD of +325 (High, H) and −52 (Low, L) were formed by supplementing diet H with sodium bicarbonate and diet L with calcium chloride. The DCAD was calculated as meq (Na+K)−(Cl+S)/kg of diet DM. The 25-week trial consisted of three 72 h collection periods at 150, 240 and 330 d of age during which a complete urine collection was taken.Multiple fecal grab samples were collected to represent every 2 h post-feeding during each collection period. Venous blood samples were taken for analysis of serum osteocalcin concentration. Weekly measurements were taken to monitor skeletal growth. Representative samples of feed, feces and urine were analyzed for mineral content and apparent mineral balances were calculated by difference. Although osteocalcin concentration did not differ significantly between diets H and L at 150 and 330 d of age, it was higher (P<.05) at d 240 in horses consuming diet H versus diet L. No difference (P>.05) was detected between treatments in any skeletal growth variable measured. Phosphorus balance and digestibility did not differ significantly between treatments across d of age. However, digestibility of P was lower (P<.05) at d 240 and 330 compared to d 150 in both treatments. Horses consuming diet L experienced an increased (P<.05) urinary and a decreased (P<005) fecal excretion of Ca compared to horses consuming diet H. Apparent daily Ca balance was higher (P<.05) in horses consuming diet L than those on diet H at 240 and 330 d of age. Furthermore, Ca digestibility decreased significantly between d 150 and d 240 and 330 in horses consuming diet H. Horses consuming diet L experienced no difference (P>.05) in Ca digestibility across d of age.These findings suggest that horses consuming a low DCAD diet are able to compensate for the increased urinary excretion of Ca by enhancing intestinal Ca absorption and thereby increasing daily CA balance and digestibility.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to examine the influence of diets containing − 110, + 110, + 220 and + 330 mEq/kg dry matter (DM) of dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) on serum minerals, minerals balance (Na, K, Cl, S, Ca, Mg and P) and hypocalcemia in prepartum Nili Ravi buffaloes in a randomized complete block design during summer. Four DCAD diets were randomly allotted to four groups, five buffaloes in each group. A linear increase in nutrients intake was recorded with increasing the DCAD level. Buffaloes fed − 110 DCAD diet had higher nutrients digestibilities than those fed + 110, + 220 and + 330 DCAD. Blood pH and serum HCO3 also increased linearly with increasing DCAD level. Serum Cl was high in buffaloes fed the − 110 DCAD diet, while serum cation anion difference increased linearly with increasing the DCAD level. Serum Ca increased with decreasing the DCAD level while serum Mg, P and S remained unaffected. Urine pH increased with increasing DCAD level. A constant increase in urinary excretion of Ca, Mg, P and Cl was observed with decreasing the DCAD level. Buffaloes fed − 110 DCAD diet had increased Ca and Cl balance while Mg, P and S balance remained unaltered due to DCAD alteration. Not a single case of hypocalcemia was observed in buffaloes fed − 110 and + 110 DCAD diets. However, one buffalo from each group fed + 220 and + 330 DCAD diets had hypocalcemia. This study indicated that − 110 and + 110 DCAD diets not only increased calcium balance but also prevented hypocalcemia in Nili ravi buffaloes.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty early lactating Holstein dairy cows were assigned to investigate the effect of dietary chromium (Cr) supplementation (0 or 6 mg Cr/head/day from organic preparation) on the productive and reproductive performance as well as on some blood serum parameters under heat stress (35–40 °C). Cows received treatment from 3 weeks pre‐partum through 12 weeks post‐partum. Chromium supplemented diet had lower body weight loss and improved dry matter intake with consequent reduction in the energy balance deficits during the first period after calving when compared with the control group. Chromium supplementation increased (p < 0.05) milk yield by 6.7%, 12.3% and 16.5% at 4, 8 and 12 weeks post‐partum, respectively, whereas milk composition and milk to feed ratio were unaffected (p > 0.05) when compared with the control. Moreover, dietary Cr supplementation had no effect (p > 0.05) on blood serum glucose, calcium and phosphorus concentrations. A reduction (p < 0.05) of non‐esterified fatty acids at 1 week pre‐partum, 2 and 4 weeks post‐partum was also observed. Serum insulin concentration increased whereas cortisol concentration decreased, when compared with the control group, throughout the whole experimental period. Also Cr supplementation showed a trend towards improving reproductive performance as indicated by increased percentage of pregnant cows in the first 28 days of breeding. It could be concluded that dietary Cr supplementation at level of 6 mg/head/day may offer a potential protective management practice to lessen the effect of heat stress in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

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