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本文主要论述了我国主要植胶区土壤和橡胶叶片的钾素营养状况,分布特点以及对橡胶树生长和产量的影响。  相似文献   

<正> 云南植胶区地处:北纬21°09′—25°51′,东径97°30′—105°28′,包括西双版纳、临沧、德宏、红河、文山、思茅等六个专区(州)。橡胶树主要种植在西双版纳、红河两区。因为这两区具有热量高、雨量充沛、土地肥沃、静风等适宜胶树生长的优良环境条件。云南植胶区是我国引种巴西橡胶树最早的地方。目前已植胶70多万亩,占全国总植  相似文献   

<正> 施肥不当会导致橡胶树的营养失调,不仅影响生长和产量,也会造成肥料和劳力的浪费,增加生产成本,降低经营效益。云南植胶已有30多年,但合理施肥问题并没有完全解决,迄今的施肥推荐还带有习惯性的平均施肥方案。为了适应当前生产上的要求,我们根据长期的肥料试验结果和橡胶树的营养诊断以及土壤肥力状况,拟就西双版纳地区开割胶树的施肥问题提出如下意见,供商榷。一、西双版纳植胶土壤概况西双版纳热区自然资源极为丰富,是我省天然橡胶生产的重点开发区。本区宜  相似文献   

云南垦区橡胶树大面积高产的气候学基础王利溥(西南林学院·昆明·650224)云南植胶区1994年橡胶创大面积平均单位产量每公顷1549.95千克的世界先进水平。若扣除云南植胶区生态条件的次适宜区、基本适宜区的开割面积和产量,则1994年云南垦区适宜区...  相似文献   

<正> 云南宜胶地的气候考察,在一类型区的丘陵山地已进行多次。资料较充分。而二、三类型植胶区,特别是对坡地橡胶林内的气候考察很少。这次考察主要为了解气象要素、橡胶树生长量、产量和物候等随海拔高度的变化规律,并试图找出理想的植胶海拔高度以及橡胶林内外气候差异等因素。  相似文献   

对云研277—5单行(2m×10m)、双行(1.5m×4m+24m)、三行(1.5m×4m+4m+34m)三种种植形式橡胶树产量、生长、树皮发育情况,以及一些生理参数测定的结果,均以单行种植形式的最佳。表明在西双版纳植胶区橡胶树的种植形式仍以宽行密植形式为好。  相似文献   

<正>全省农垦系统橡胶林地整顿现场会,于一九八一年四月,在景洪召开。 橡胶林地整顿应以中央农垦部颁布的“橡胶栽培技术规程”和云南省农垦总局制定的“实施细则”为依据。离开了“规程”和“细则”,林地整顿就失去方向和目标。 云南垦区植胶28年来,为四化建设作出了巨大贡献。1980年11月已向国家提供了17,976吨干胶。云南垦区植胶100万亩,(不包括民营胶园),橡胶树生长较快,产量较  相似文献   

不断提高植胶科技水平,促进橡胶产业持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
半个世纪以来,云南农垦依靠科技进步,建成了我国最好的天然橡胶高产基地。为了促进橡胶产业持续稳定发展,必须不断提高植胶科技水平。当前要重点做好橡胶树良种引进、选育推广;提早抗旱定植,缩短非生产期;全面推广营养诊断指导施肥;进一步深化割制改革,提高劳动生产率;加强胶乳生理参数诊断研究,科学指导割胶生产;全面推广抗病增胶灵作新割制刺激剂;加强死皮病综合防治技术研究及推广;加强病虫害流行规律及防治技术研究和抓好橡胶树综合开发利用等九个方面的工作。  相似文献   

云南河口垦区的冬季低温与橡胶树寒害   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过河口垦区历次橡胶树寒害调查总结,对导致橡胶树寒害的冬季气象条件及植胶环境和胶树内在的生理状态进行了系统分析,阐明了橡胶树寒害与低温及其它气象因素的相互关系,而橡胶树受害的轻重又与树皮的组织结构和水分含量及淀粉含量等生理差异有关。据此,对本区抗寒植胶提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

橡胶树新品种云研 77- 2、云研 77- 4在云南不同类型植胶区的生长、产胶、抗寒力优于GT1;Ⅱ类型植胶区橡胶幼树生长比Ⅲ类型区的快 ;Ⅲ类型区国营江城农场四队试验点海拔 970~ 10 10m ,属重寒地区 ,1999 2 0 0 0年寒潮 ,气温下降至 - 1.5℃ ,≤ 0℃天数 6d ,橡胶幼树严重受害  相似文献   

经勐腊橡胶分公司3年生产性试验结果表明:抗病增胶灵具有良好的增产效果,降低成本,减轻工人劳动强度,与自配常规复方刺激药剂相比,年平均净增产干胶0.38kg/株,净增产率7.34%,适于推广应用。  相似文献   

生态垫对黄土高原半干旱地区造林的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对黄土高原地区受干旱的制约导致侧柏幼林存活率不高、生长缓慢的现状,研究了铺设生态垫对侧柏幼林地土壤水分、生长速度、光合效率等的影响。结果表明:短期内铺设生态垫对土壤水分影响不大,但可显著促进林木生长,使侧柏根系提早萌动,显著提高林木叶片净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)。  相似文献   

树木抗旱生理及造林技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了抗旱性结构、抗旱生理及抗旱造林措施方面的研究进展。在抗旱性结构方面,树木靠减少叶量和叶面积、增加根系,及叶、茎、根的旱生化结构来提高抗旱能力。在抗旱性生理方面,光合作用与蒸腾作用、酶活性、根系活力及水分参数均随着树木抗旱能力的强弱而发生变化。通过树种选择、提前整地、覆盖造林和使用保水剂等造林措施的实施,均可提高树木的抗旱能力。  相似文献   

Rubber growers in South East Asian countries are facing acute crisis due to the price volatility, sharp increase in cost of cultivation, increasing drought and declining soil fertility. With an objective to generate additional income and improve small-holder welfare by integrating diverse crops in rubber ecosystem, three experiments were conducted in Rubber Research Institute of India during 2001–2014 period. In one experiment, coffee, vanilla on Glyricidia standards, Garcinia and nutmeg were cultivated along with rubber without altering the planting design and density of rubber trees. Growth of rubber was significantly higher under mixed planting and yield was not influenced. Soil moisture status during summer and microbial population were higher in mixed planting system and soil nutrient status was maintained. Yield of all the intercrops was good during initial years. As the shade from rubber canopy intensified, Garcinia perished but vanilla and coffee continued to yield reasonably well. In another experiment, nine shade tolerant medicinal plants were evaluated in mature rubber plantation. All the medicinal plants established well and produced reasonable biomass, but the performance of Strobilanthes cuspida and Alpinia calcarata were comparatively better. In another study, it was observed that short duration vegetables like amaranthus and salad cucumber can be cultivated during the annual leaf shedding period in mature rubber plantations to meet part of the household requirement. The results showed that diverse crops can be integrated with rubber without any adverse effect on growth and yield of rubber. Crop diversification generated additional income, mitigated drought and sustained soil fertility.  相似文献   

Forage and wood yield of Acacia cyanophylla, also known as Acacia saligna, was studied in a 300–400 mm precipitation zone in Tunisia. Yields were measured during and after drought. This short (2–8 m) evergreen leguminous tree is used as a forage drought reserve in frost free regions where mean annual precipitation exceeds 250 mm. The standing crop of leafy forage builds up year after year for at least four years or until the tree is cut. It rapidly regrows after cutting from coppice shoots. The leaves provide high protein forage for sheep and goats during the long dry summer season typical of the Mediterranean climate as well as emergency forage during drought. The tree is used to stabilize moving sand dunes, and as a windbreak to protect cropland. It also provides fuelwood and increasaes soil nitrogen by fixation. The need for supplemental irrigation during establishment is a major constraint. Research in the 350 mm precipitation zone of Tunisia found 3.2 year old trees to yield over 1400 kg of forage standing crop per hectare after a severe drought. Trees harvested at 2.5 years of age in May, during the worst drought in over 30 years, yielded a standing forage crop of 724 kg per hectare. Forage regrowth 8 months after cutting and 4 months after rains returned was 700 kg/ha. The forage standing crop for trees harvested only once during the 3.2 year period was double the amount of forage regrowth from trees harvested the previous year, but mean annual forage yield similar. This demonstrates that it is possible for forage to be conserved as a living forage reserve for later use during drought. Total wood yield was only 1621 kg/ha for trees cut twice compared to 3683 kg/ha for trees cut only once. Annual cutting will substantially reduce the amount of forage available during drought and reduce the production of fuelwood. It may also reduce the vigor, productivity and life of the tree. Acacia cyanophylla alley cropped on cereal farmland can protect the soil from erosion, protect the associated crop from wind damage, fix nitrogen, provide fuelwood and provide a reserve of high quality forage for use during drought. This work was supported by the Government of Tunisia and the U.S.A.I.D. Tunisia Range Development and Management Project (664-0312.8).  相似文献   

海南东部垦区部分农场橡胶树叶片营养元素含量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对海南省东部部分农场PR107和RRIM600不同产量水平的成龄胶园叶片养分分别进行了研究,结果表明,两个品种的高、中、低产胶园叶片养分状况都存有明显差异,PR107品种高产胶园的全氮和全磷显著高于中、低产胶园;RRIM600不同产量水平的胶园中全钾和钙存在显著差异。高产胶园中,PR107和RRIM600品种间叶片养分含量存在显著差异,因此,要因树施肥,合理配比,达到增产的目的。  相似文献   

The profitability to smallholders of rubber production in Imperata infested areas of Indonesia was assessed using an existing bioeconomic model. An Imperata groundcover component was incorporated within the model as follows: tree girth = f(Imperata groundcover) = f(relative shading) = f(crown height, canopy width, tree spacing) = f(tree girth). The first two relationships represent extensions to the original model.Cumulative tree girth was predicted for rubber planting densities from 400 to 1000 stems/ha. At low tree planting rates, competition from Imperata restricts tree growth. At high tree planting rates, Imperata is controlled, but there are negative consequences from inter-tree competition. These two effects of higher planting rates counterbalanced, such that tree girth was approximately constant across the range of tree densities.Tree girth is a driving force in determining latex yield. Latex yield was translated into present value net economic returns within the model, by reference to prices and costs associated with rubber production in South Sumatra, Indonesia in 1995. Economic returns from planting 400 to 1000 trees/ha were calculated. Rubber growing by smallholders on Imperata infested land, was found to be profitable. Maximum profitability was obtained at 600 trees/ha. However, the sensitivity of net economic returns, with respect to tree density, was not great. This was due to the counterbalancing effects of changes in tree density.  相似文献   

3树种抗旱性的灰色关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用灰色关联分析法,对3个树种的抗旱性与9项抗旱指标的相关性进行了分析。关联度分析结果表明:叶绿素含量、叶水势、叶片相对含水量以及电导率与3个树种的关联度分别为0.7674、0.7005、0.6793和0.6287,它们可作为3个树种重要的抗旱评价指标。  相似文献   

Introduction Soil drought not only influences agriculture and forestry production, but also brings much trouble for cultivating plants of gardening in the urban. Although the mean annual precipitation of Kunming City, China is 1079 mm, its distribution is…  相似文献   

橡胶树优良品种海垦 2在云南省热带作物科学研究所、勐捧农场、孟定农场的适应性试验研究表明 ,1~ 11割年平均单株年产干胶 5.2 7kg ,是对照RRIM6 0 0的 12 2 .8% ;单位面积产量为 2 0 96kg/hm2 ,是对照RRIM6 0 0的138.5%。海垦 2干胶含量高 ,产胶潜力大 ,可以在云南省一类型植胶区大规模种植  相似文献   

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