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A GA deficiency mutant was previously described in a single population ofSolanum tuberosum ssp.andigena (adg). A representative sample of 120 adg populations in the US Potato Genebank was screened for the dwarfing mutant. Up to 500 seedlings of each adg population were evaluated. Dwarfs were detected in 14 populations from a minimum of 0.2% to a maximum of 27.7%, indicating that the allele is not particularly rare or at risk of loss from the Genebank.  相似文献   

Tests were made on lines ofSolanum tuberosum spp.andigena to determine 1) whether resistance to potato virus Y exists in the Andigena germplasm, 2) the nature of its inheritance, and 3) the type of resistance. Results of the isolation and identification studies indicated that the pathogen involved was a common strain of potato virus Y. Under field conditions susceptible plants frequently escaped infection. However, field exposures over two seasons resulted in the same ratios as tests in which the same progenies were mechanically inoculated. Mechanical inoculation at the seedling stage proved to be a reliable means of transmission and resulted in accurate screening for resistance. Of 641 tub × tub clones tested, all were susceptible to the virus. Of 366 tub × adg clones tested, 170 were resistant and 196 were susceptible. This fits a 13:15 ratio, assuming random chromatid segregation and a single dominant gene conferring resistance. Plants that were resistant following mechanical transmission were also resistant when inoculated by aphids, indicating the reliability of mechanical transmission as a means of screening for resistance. To determine the type of resistance, top-graft and approach-graft tests were made. Failure to recover the virus from resistant plants inoculated by either grafting method suggests that immunity is the type of resistance involved.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ergebnisse systematischer Prüfung auf relative Resistenz der Knollen von 1274 Herkünften der ssp.andigena (adg) genenüberPhytophthora infestans werden mitgeteilt. Die Methode des Kn?llchenstestes erm?glichte dabei das Eindringen des Pilzes direkt ins Knollenmark oder über die intakte Schale. Nur etwa 1% der Herkünfte enthielt einen Anteil von >25% Idiotypen mit gutem Resistenzniveau. Eine Analyse der Fundorte ergab keine Anhaltspunkte für die gezielte Suche von Resistenzquellen. Ergebnisse aus der züchterischen Nutzung von adg betreffen die ph?notypische Resistenz der Nachkommen und weitere Merkmale.
Summary Results are reported of late blight resistance inS. tuberosum ssp.andigena (adg) and its use in breeding. Tests were carried out on material of the gene bank in Gross Lüsewitz (GLKS). Seedlings were cultivated under glass cover in a 6-years test period. To examine tuber resistance toPhytophthora infestans the following test was set up: 2–5 tubers per idiotype, up to 8 idiotypes per accession and year of test were taken and 1274 different accessions were examined with an average number of 23 idiotypes and 59 tubers from each. Inoculation was made by fresh deep cuts to the pith and by subsequent immersion in a solution of zoospores, 6–9×104 ml−1 with a mixture of the pathotypes (, and at a temperature of 16–18°C and at an air humidity of >90%. Evaluation of the presence of aerial mycelium and browning after 7 days allowed the calculation of a resistance score (BK): grade 9 (highly resistant) to grade 1 (highly susceptible). The mean values derived from the accessions (Fig. 1) revealed that a medium level of susceptibility is dominating and that they rarely exceed average levels of cultivars. Approximately 1% of the accessions contained ≥25% of idiotypes with BK ≥6 and these may be interesting for breeding purposes. Table 1 shows the analysis of accessions with the most favourable mean values. Geographic evaluation did not yield indications for a more purposeful search for sources of resistance, since detailed reports on find-spots were missing (Table 2). Combination tests withPhytophthora-resistant genes of adg for crosses of adg withS. demissum (dms) andS. stoloniferum (sto) proved to be more useful as they partly showed good heritable resistance to haulm and tuber infection ofP. infestans (Table 3). The problem of the possible role of unknown r-genes is discussed. Only a few crosses with ssp.tuberosum (tbr) generated a progeny with sufficient resistance. Selection from such progeny over several years resulted after the second year in rejections, mainly because of susceptibility for viruses, too small tubers and lack of flowering (Table 4). Results of varietal research of the former German Democratic Republic proved that with the use of suitable parents in breeding for nematode resistance,Phytophthora susceptibility from adg could be balanced off (Table 5). The cultivar Auralia is a good example of the importance of adg in achieving a high level of resistance to late blight.

Summary Solanum tuberosum x tuberosum (TxT) families were compared withS. tuberosum x andigena (TxA) families as progeny mean, heterosis and heterobeltiosis for ten important agronomic characters by evaluating 72 cross combinations (36 of TxT and 36 of TxA, from 18 common female parents), for three successive seedling and clonal generations under short day sub-tropic conditions. TxA families had more vigorous progenies, higher tuber yield, higher number of tubers, larger tubers and better general impression than TxT families. The TxA families were inferior to the TxT families for characters such as tuber colour and uniformity of tuber colour, but their progeny means were within the acceptable range. High progeny means of TxA families were associated with high heterosis and high heterobeltiosis in these families, although there were a few exceptions. High mean performance for tuber yield and tuber number were associated with high variance of these traits in TxA families. It is concluded that, unlike under long day environments, andigena adapted to short days can be used advantageously for exploiting heterosis in the potato breeding programmes of short day subtropic environments.  相似文献   

An extensive collection of 1527 clones ofS. tuberosum subsp.andigena was screened in 1973 in unreplicated plots to test for resistance to the Colorado potato beetle and potato leafhopper. All clones were susceptible to the beetle. Of 17 clones selected in the 1973 tests for resistance to the potato leafhopper, 7 selections were significantly more resistant than the control (Katahdin) in a replicated experiment in 1974.  相似文献   

Summary The major geneH1 confers resistance in potatoes to the golden potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). No direct effect of the gene on resistance to the white potato cyst nematode (G. pallida) was found, but factors increasing resistance toG. pallida were detected and it is possible that these are linked to theH1 gene. The implications of such linkage are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Salt tolerance in Andean potatoes can be a source for this trait in cultivated potatoes or be exploited to expand potato cultivation to more marginal areas. The purpose of this study was to determine salt tolerance in twelve Argentine Andean potato varieties through the response of nodal segments cultured in vitro and to evaluate whether changes in Na+, K+ or proline accumulation associate with salt tolerance. Genotypes Bianca, Airampia, Sisa Sani and Cuarentilla were the most tolerant. The most susceptible varieties were Balcacha, Runa Rosada, Collareja, Overa, Bianca Redonda and Papa Baya, while Cuarentona and Colorado Ml comprised an intermediate group. These results indicate that variability for salt tolerance exists in this germplasm, and highlights its potential use in breeding programmes. No association was found between the salt tolerance rating and changes in K+, Na+ and proline accumulation in a salt gradient, thus precluding the use of these parameters as predictors for salt tolerance of these species in in vitro studies.  相似文献   

Solanum tuberosum Group Tuberosum plants grown in a non-nutritive media exhibit a shoot inhibition which follows the normal tuber bud dormancy. The shoot inhibition is characterized by very slow growth of the aerial portion of the plant with little leaf development. An external source of nitrogen, either nitrate-N or ammonium-N, applied to the roots of Iopride plants overcame the inhibition while only a nitrate-N source was effective in overcoming the inhibition of Kennebec plants. Group Phureja and Stenotomum and otherSolanum species evaluated did not show the shoot inhibition phenomenon.  相似文献   

A. Krauss 《Potato Research》1978,21(2):183-193
Summary Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) were grown under constant climatic conditions in water culture with continuous and discontinuous nitrogen supply. The effect of N nutrition on tuberization and abscicic acid (ABA) content in various parts of the plants was investigated. With the exception of the stolons, interrupting the N supply caused an increase in the ABA content. After renewed N supply the ABA content dropped within 3 days to the original level. With continuous N supply the ABA content varied only to a limited extent. The ABA content of the stolons was not affected by the mode of N nutrition and remained at an almost constant level despite the fact that exogenous ABA was translocated within the stolon acropetally and accumulated in the tip. After tuberization the ABA content of the stolons and tubers rose considerably. The increase in ABA content in roots. exudate, and shoot after N withdrawal was accompanied by the initiation of tuberization in ‘physiologically old’ plants but not in “physiologically young’ plants of the same age. It is postulated that although ABA is involved in the regulation of tuberization, it is the balance between ‘promoting’ hormones such as ABA and ‘inhibiting’ hormones such as gibberellic acid which is the controlling factor.
Zusammenfassung In Wasserkulturversuchen wurde der Einfluss von kontinuierlicher und diskontinuierlicher N-Ern?hrung auf das Wachstum. die Knollenbildung sowie den Gehalt an Abscisins?ure (ABA) in verschiedenen Teilen der Kartoffelpflanze untersucht. Die Pflanzen wuchsen unter konstanten Klimabedingungen (20 C, 12 h Tagesl?nge). Diskontinuierliche N-Ern?hrung bedeutet eine Unterbrechung des N-Angebotes für 7 Tage mit nachfolgendem erneuten N-Angebot. W?hrend einer N-Entzugsphase und der nachfolgenden N-Aufnahmephase wurden Pflanzen im Abstand von 2–3 Tagen geerntet und auf den ABA-Gehalt im Spross. Exsudat, Wurzel und den Stolonen untersucht. Parallel dazu wurden gleich alte, kontinuierlich mit N ern?hrte Pflanzen geerntet und analysiert. ABA wurde gaschromatographisch bestimmt. Kontinuierliche N-Ern?hrung bewirkte ein stetes Spross-und Wurzelwachstum, Knolleninduktion trat nicht ein. Unterbrechung des N-Angebotes (diskon.-N) beeintr?chtigte sowohl das Spross-als auch das Wurzelwachstum (Abb. 1). Zwei Tage nach Beginn der N-Entzugsphase wurden Knollen induziert. Der ABA-Gehalt schwankt bei kontinuierlich-N w?hrend der gew?hlten Versuchsdauer unregelm?ssig. Dagegen steigt der ABA-Gehalt nach Unterbrechung des N-Angebotes an, und zwar im Spross um das Doppelte, in der Wurzel und im Exsudat um das 10-bzw. 20-fache. Wird danach erneut N angeboten. verringert sich der ABA-Gehalt innerhalb von 3 Tagen auf das Ausgangsniveau (Abb. 2). Diese Beziehung ist unabh?ngig vom physiologischen Alter der Pflanzen und wird auch bei nicht induzierten physiologisch jungen Pflanzen gefunden (Tab. 1). Der ABA-Gehalt der Stolonen wird offensichtlich nicht von der N-Ern?hrung beeinflusst. Er bleibt nahezu konstant und steigt erst nach der Induktion mit zunehmendem Knollenwachstum an (Abb. 2). Die fehlende Beziehung zwischen N-Ern?hrung und ABA-Gehalt der Stolonen kann nicht auf eine mangelnde ABA-Verlagerung zurückgeführt werden, denn ABA (als 2-14C-ABA angeboten) wird in der wachsenden Stolone akropetal verlagert und in der Spitze akkumuliert (Abb. 3). Reguliert wird die Knollenbildung wahrscheinlich vom Gleichgewicht die Induktion ‘f?rdernder’ wie ABA und ‘hemmender’ Wuchsstoffe Ist der Gehalt an ‘hemmenden’ Wuchsstoffen niedrig, kann durch Erh?hung des ABA-Gehaltes. z.B. nach Unterbrechung des N-Angebotes, die Knollenbildung induziert werden. Die Erh?hung des ABA-Gehaltes reicht jedoch offensichtlich nicht aus, um den wahrscheinlich sehr hohen Gehalt an ‘hemmenden’ Wuchsstoffen in physiologisch jungen Pflanzen zu kompensieren und die Knollenbildung zu induzieren (Tab. 1).

Résumé L'influence d'une nutrition en azote continue et discontinue sur la croissance, la formation des tubercules et la teneur en acide abscissique (ABA) de diverses parties de la plane de pomme de terre a été étudiée dans des essais en hydroponie. Les conditions de croissance ont été maintenues constantes (20°C, longueur du jour 12 h). Une nutrition discontinue d'azote signifie une interruption de 7 jours dans l'apport d'azote. Les plantes ont été récoltées tous les 2 à 3 jours pendant la période sans azote ainsi que pendant la période consécutive. La teneur en ABA a été analysée dans les tiges, exsudat, racines et stolons. Des plantes d'un même age, mais alimentées en azote de manière continue ont été récoltées et analysées en parallèle. L'ABA a été déterminé par chromatographie en phase gazeuse. Une alimentation ininterrompue d'azote a pour effet une croissance constante de la tige et des racines: la formation des tubercules n'est pas induite. L'interruption de l'apport d'azote (procédé discontinu) entrave aussi bien la croissance de la tige que celle des racines (fig. 1). La tubérisation commence 2 jours après le début de la phase de suppression d'azote. La teneur en ABA varie irrégulièrement dans le procédé N-continu pendant la durée de l'essai. Dans le procédé N-discontinu, le taux d'ABA double dans la tige et augmente de 10 à 20 fois dans les racines et l'exsudat. Lorsque l'apport d'azote est à nouveau garanti, la teneur en ABA rejoint son niveau initial après 3 jours (fig. 2). Cette relation est indépendante de l'age physiologique de la plante; on la trouve également sur des plantes physiologiquement jeunes dont la tubérisation n'est pas induite (tab. 1). La teneur en ABA des stolons ne semble pas être influencée par la nutrition azotée. Elle demeure pratiquement constante et n'augmente qu'après l'induction. avec le développement des tubercules (fig. 2). La relatin inexistante entre la nutrition azotée et la teneur en ABA dans les stolons ne peut être attribuée à une translocation insuffisante de l'ABA, car l'ABA (incorporé sous forme de 2-14C-ABA) se déplace acropétalement dans les stolons en croissance pour s'accumuler dans la pointe (fig. 3). La tubérisation est probablement contr?lée par l'équilibre entre les substances de croissance ‘favorisant’ (tel l'ABA) et ‘inhibant’ l'induction. Si la teneur en substances ‘inhibant’ l'induction est basse, une augmentation de la teneur en ABA, par interruption de l'apport d'azote par exemple, peut induire la formation des tubercules. L'augmentation de la teneur en ABA ne suffit pas à compenser la teneur, probablement très élevée, en substances ‘inhibant’ l'induction, chez des plantes physiologiquement jeunes et à induire par là, la formation des tubercules.

Between 1963 and 1976 a population of South American Andigena potatoes was subjected to six cycles of recurrent selection at Ithaca, N.Y. for adaptation to North Temperate conditions. This research was undertaken to measure the changes in adaptation and earliness that have taken place in the process of selection. Field experiments with different harvest dates and a controlled daylength experiment in the greenhouse in Ithaca showed: 1) an increase in percent tuberization, tuber weight and size, and harvest index; 2) no change in total fresh weight (haulm + tuber); and 3) a decrease in fresh weight of haulm. Greatest differences among cycles of selection were observed at the early harvest date. Tuberization on cuttings was well correlated with other measures of maturity. Cycles three and four, which were started from open-pollinated seed, tended to “revert” to the form of the original population in terms of late maturity (or low tuberization and yield at the early harvest date) and low harvest index. These results are interpreted as a gain in photoperiod adaptation and earliness with possible effects of mating system and selection pressure on the rate of progress.  相似文献   

As part of the International Potato Center’s (CIP) virus resistance breeding strategy, a group of 182 selected clones from intercrosses among duplex Potato Virus Y (PVY) immune progenitors derived fromSolanum tuberosum ssp.andigena (i.e., YYyy × YYyy) was sampled. These clones were test-crossed to the PVY susceptible tester 377964.5 (yyyy) to search for triplex (YYYy) and quadruplex (YYYY) PVY immune potato progenitors. Seedlings of each test-crossed progeny were screened for PVY immunity. Genetic analysis of observed ratios for immunity-susceptibility showed that two of the 182 clones segregated as triplex under the assumption of a random chromatid segregation model. The double reduction coefficient, α, and its standard error were estimated from the experimental data, and had values of 0.1566 and 0.0186 respectively. These results indicated that crossovers take place during meiosis between the locus and the centromere, permitting sister chromatids to migrate to the same pole producing a random chromatid segregation. In the population evaluated, no clone was identified as a quadruplex. The two triplex PVY immune genotypes will produce about 96% of progenies with PVY immunity when mated to PVY susceptible advanced clones or varieties. These progenitors have the potential to provide a durable PVY genetic control and diminish the present impact of this virus on the potato crop. Also, immunity to PVY will significantly simplify the seed production process.  相似文献   

Analyses for secific gravity, total solids, total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, and nonprotein nitrogen are reported for 73 seedling samples grown in Maine, and for 10 selections grown in Idaho. The interactions between the various constituents, as indicated by regression analysis, are discussed. These samples indicate a potential for breeding a variety of potato with a higher than average protein content, but further work is necessary to determine the inheritance pattern. This work is in progress.  相似文献   

Tuber protein, starch, non-protein nitrogen and percent dry matter content were measured during tuber development of four Phureja-Tuberosum-Andigena hybrids and two Tuberosum cultivars. Percentages of starch and protein in the tuber dry matter were curvilinearly related to tuber size in all six clones. The amounts of starch and protein in a tuber were linear functions of tuber size. Rates of protein accumulation in some of the hybrids were higher than those of either cultivar. Starch accumulation rates were similar among all six clones. The high protein character of at least one of the hybrids was associated with starch containing storage tissue. Differences between high and low protein clones were mainly related to quantitative differences in the subunit composition of the protein. The ratio of non-protein nitrogen to protein N was similar among the six clones. Relationships between percent dry matter and starch content were not consistent among the six clones.  相似文献   

S. Sabbah  M. Tal 《Potato Research》1995,38(4):319-330
Summary The cultivated potatoSolanum tuberosum cvs Alpha and Russet Burbank and the wild speciesS. kurzianum were compared with respect to salt tolerance. Plants of the wild species were found to be more salt tolerant than those of the cultivated species since their growth was less impaired by the salinity, although they accumulated more sodium and less potassium ions in the shoot. Unlike the whole plant, callus derived from the wild plants was not more tolerant than that from the cultivated species. Differences in the responses to salinity between cultivated and wild plants, and between the whole plants and calli derived from them are discussed. Based on these differences and the similarity of the physiological responses to salt stress betweenS. kurzianum and the wild salt-tolerant relatives of tomato, the former is suggested as a potential source of genes for increasing the salt tolerance of potato.  相似文献   

We identified clones inSolanum tuberosum L. gp. Tuberosum breeding populations that, although susceptible to infestation by potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris), exhibited a tolerance which was manifested by the ability to produce higher than expected tuber yields when heavily infested with leafhoppers. Such tolerance was noted in a number of clones in varying degrees, but one, B6930-1, was exceptional. It sustained only a 19% loss in tuber yield compared to ‘Katahdin,’ a susceptible cultivar, that averaged 33% lower tuber yields under similar infestation levels. We studied the seasonal growth patterns of this clone and compared them to those of Katahdin, and B6705-10, a breeding clone with known resistance to leafhopper infestation. We found that much of B6930-l’s tolerance results from its early, vigorous vine growth and its early and rapid rate of tuber bulking, enabling this clone to escape some of the effects of leafhopper feeding, whereas Katahdin was usually just beginning to tuberize at the height of leafhopper infestation.  相似文献   

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