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Staphylococcus hyicus strains with different phage types, plasmid profiles, and antibiotic resistance patterns were isolated from piglets with exudative epidermitis. The strains could be divided into virulent strains, producing exudative epidermitis, and avirulent strains, producing no dermal changes when injected in experimental piglets. The results showed that both virulent and avirulent strains were present simultaneously on diseased piglets. This constitutes a diagnostic problem. Concentrated culture supernatants from nine virulent strains injected in the skin of healthy piglets produced a crusting reaction in all piglets. Acanthosis was observed in the histopathological examination of the crustaceous skin. Concentrated culture supernatants from nine avirulent strains produced no macroscopic or microscopic skin changes. Protein profiles from all virulent strains and seven out of nine avirulent strains showed a high degree of protein band homology. An approximately 30 kDa protein present in all concentrated culture supernatants capable of producing skin changes, could not be detected in samples that did not produce skin changes. No other protein showed a similar association. It is concluded that crusting reaction of piglet skin is a suitable indicator of virulence in S. hyicus in relation to exudative epidermitis, and that virulent strains produce a 30 kDa protein, absent in concentrated culture supernatants from avirulent strains. This 30 kDa protein might be an exfoliative toxin.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus hyicus (MRSH) was investigated for czrC, a gene conferring zinc-resistance. The czrC gene was identified in 50% (14/28) of MRSH isolates, representing 14 pigs with exudative epidermitis from 8 farms. Newly weaned pigs, which are particularly susceptible to exudative epidermitis, are commonly fed high levels of zinc oxide.  相似文献   

Exudative epidermitis (EE) is a common skin disease of young pigs, caused mainly by Staphylococcus hyicus. Increased prevalence of EE and poor response to treatment are reported. Common strategies used by Ontario pork producers to treat pigs with EE were determined using a survey. Injection of penicillin G was reported as the most common parenteral antibiotic choice. Antimicrobial resistance patterns of S. hyicus and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical cases (30 herds with samples from approximately 6 pigs per farm) showed that 97% of S. hyicus isolates were resistant to penicillin G and ampicillin; 71% of these isolates were resistant to ceftiofur. Similar resistance was noted among S. aureus isolates. Antimicrobial resistance has become a problem in the treatment of EE in Ontario.  相似文献   

Exudative epidermitis (EE) is an acute, often fatal skin disease of piglets caused by Staphylococcus hyicus. Clinical and histopathological manifestations of EE are similar to those of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS), a human blistering skin disease, in which exfoliative toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus digest the extracellular domains of desmoglein (Dsg) 1 and cause loss of epidermal cell-cell adhesion. The aims of this study were to isolate and characterize cDNA for full length of swine Dsg1, and to determine whether the extracellular domains of swine Dsg1 produced by baculovirus (sDsg1-His) could be digested by four isoforms of exfoliative toxin produced by S. hyicus (ExhA, ExhB, ExhC and ExhD). Nucleotide sequencing revealed that swine Dsg1 cDNA consisted of an open reading frame of 3138 bp, encoding a precursor protein of 1045 amino acids. Deduced amino acid sequence of the swine Dsg1 precursor were highly homologous to corresponding bovine, canine, human and murine sequences. Immunoadsorption assay with a secreted form of sDsg1-His revealed that sDsg1-His specifically absorbs the immunoreactivity of 10 human pemphigus foliaceus sera against swine keratinocyte cell surfaces, suggesting its proper conformation. When sDsg1-His was incubated in vitro with Exhs, all four isoforms of Exh directly digested sDsg1-His into smaller peptides, whereas removal of calcium from sDsg1-His completely inhibited its proteolysis by these four Exhs. Recognition and digestion of calcium-stabilized structure on the extracellular domains of swine Dsg1 by Exhs indicated that EE shares similar molecular pathophysiological mechanisms of intra-epidermal splitting with SSSS in humans.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus hyicus, the cause of porcine exudative epidermitis, could be clearly differentiated from S. aureus, S. epidermidis and from other staphylococcal species. This was based on cultural, biochemical and serological properties. A positive coagulase reaction in porcine plasma, the detection of protein A like IgG Fc-receptors and the specific reaction of the cell wall teichoic acid allowed further characterization of this species. S. hyicus additionally produced enzymes with bacteriolytic properties.  相似文献   

Four phages were isolated and used for typing Staphylococcus hyicus subsp hyicus isolated from pigs with or without exudative epidermatitis (EE) in Japan. Sixty-four (85.3%) of the 75 isolates examined were typeable at either routine test dilution (RTD) or 100 X RTD. Two or more kinds of phage patterns were present in the isolates from each pig with EE. All isolates from healthy pigs showed a single-phage pattern. Fourteen (32.6%) of 43 isolates and 7 (87.5%) of 8 isolates from pigs with EE in Belgium and Czechoslovakia, respectively, were typeable with the 4 phages. None of 180 isolates of S aureus, 7 (6.4%) of 110 isolates of S intermedius, and 2 (2.3%) of 86 isolates of S epidermidis were typeable.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus hyicus-cultures, isolated from piglets and cattle with skin lesions were investigated for their plasmid content and their resistance to antimicrobial agents and heavy metals. Several plasmids of different sizes could be detected in most of the 32 "porcine" S. hyicus-isolates, whereas none of the 20 "bovine" S. hyicus-cultures possessed any plasmid. The "porcine" S. hyicus-isolates were much more resistant to antimicrobial substances than the "bovine" S. hyicus-cultures. However, the "porcine" and "bovine" S. hyicus-cultures did not differ in their resistance to heavy metals.  相似文献   

The extracellular proteases of Staphylococcus hyicus subsp. hyicus were assayed by a zymogram showing caseinolysis and gelatinolysis. Four bands were associated with caseinolysis or with gelatinolysis. The patterns shown by strains isolated from pigs, chickens and cows were compared; isolates from pigs differed from those isolated from chickens or cows but strains isolated from diseased and healthy pigs could not be differentiated.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study, 1538 strains of -haemolysin-producing Staphylococcus species isolated from dermatitis in dogs at three veterinary clinical microbiology laboratories in Norway during 1986–87 and 1993–94 were investigated for their antimicrobial susceptibility. None of the strains was resistant to cloxacillin, cephalexin or the quinolones enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. More than 96% of the strains were susceptible to trimethoprim-sulphonamide, bacitracin and fucidic acid. Between 67% and 89% of the strains were susceptible to erythromycin, lincosamides, tetracycline, neomycin and chloramphenicol. Only 37.9% of the strains were susceptible to penicillin. The frequency of penicillin resistance increased significantly between the first and second periods, from 46.0% to 58.6%. The frequency of resistance to lincomycin, clindamycin and erythromycin also increased significantly between the first and second periods, from 3.0%, 2.1% and 3.3% to 25.5%, 19.5% and 24.8%, respectively. A moderate increase in resistance to tetracycline was also noted, from 20.4% in the first to 27.6% in the second period. On the other hand, the frequency of resistance to trimethoprim-sulphonamide decreased significantly from 4.1% in the first to 0.9% in the second period. Many different resistance patterns were observed in each period. However, the proportion of multiresistant strains increased from 2.1% in the first to 10.2% in the second period. There was a decrease in resistance to the combination of trimethoprim-sulphonamide and penicillin from the first to the second period. Resistance to the combination of lincosamides and pencillin increased. For the combinations penicillin-tetracycline-lincosamides, pencillin-lincosamides-erythromycin, and pencillin-tetracycline-lincosamides-erythromycin, there was a striking increase in resistance between the first and the second periods.Abbreviations CVL Central Veterinary Laboratory - NCVM Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine - NVL Norwegian Veterinary Laboratory  相似文献   

Specimens obtained from pyogenic skin lesions of 210 dogs were culturally examined for staphylococci. A total of 215 isolates of staphylococci were biotyped, using the biochemical tests contained in a commercial staphylococcal identification system. Of 201 coagulase-positive isolates, 197 were identified as Staphylococcus intermedius, 3 as S aureus, and 1 as S hyicus. Of 14 coagulase-negative isolates, 5 were identified as S epidermidis, 5 as S xylosus, 3 as S simulans, and 1 as S hominis. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were done on all staphylococcal isolates, using the standard disk-diffusion method. Staphylococcus intermedius isolates were susceptible to cephalothin, methicillin, and gentamicin. Resistance to ampicillin, penicillin G, and tetracycline was frequent. Antibiotic resistance was not associated with the depth of skin infection. Resistance to ampicillin, penicillin, tetracycline, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was not associated with previous antibiotic use. Increased resistance to chloramphenicol, clindamycin, and erythromycin was associated with previous antibiotic therapy. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of the other Staphylococcus species isolated are reported, but the small numbers of these species precluded making meaningful comparison with S intermedius.  相似文献   

Lysogeny was readily demonstrated among strains of Staphylococcus hyicus that were isolated from chickens. Susceptibility to phage lysis was affected by prophage immunity, but lipase activity and erythromycin resistance were not affected by the presence of temperate phage. In contrast to previously published results, lipase-negative strains of S. hyicus were relatively common and the use of selective media based on lipase activity would have been unsuitable for detection of the S. hyicus strains examined.  相似文献   

Swab specimens obtained from skin lesions of 45 cats were cultured bacteriologically for staphylococci. Thirty-two staphylococcal isolates were recovered from 30 cats and were biotyped, using biochemical tests contained in a staphylococcal identification system. Of 23 isolates considered coagulase-positive, 16 were identified as Staphylococcus aureus, 5 as S intermedius, and 2 as S hyicus. Of 9 isolates considered coagulase-negative, 6 were identified as S simulans, 2 as S epidermidis, and 1 as S xylosus. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were done on all staphylococcal isolates, using a disk-diffusion method. Staphylococcal isolates were susceptible to clavulanic acid-amoxicillin, cloxacillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, erythromycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Resistance to penicillin G, ampicillin, and tetracycline was frequent.  相似文献   

Several mature Leghorn-type hens with the same genetic background experienced skin and feather problems in a breeder flock. There was almost-total feather loss on the head and neck, as well as thickened, scaly skin, and follicular ostia were plugged with keratin debris. Other individuals exhibited prominent subcutaneous nodules multifocally on the head. Histologic examination of the skin revealed a severe hyperplasia of follicular epithelium with hyperkeratosis and cystic dilation. Numerous clefts and vesicles were detected along the epidermis and follicular epithelium, some containing acantholytic keratinocytes. A mild heterophilic inflammation was associated with these lesions, and few gram-positive cocci were present in the keratin plugs. Bacterial culture of the skin yielded a variable amount of Staphylococcus hyicus. Immunochemistry looking for chicken IgY revealed no intercellular staining in the epidermis or follicular epithelium. All these findings supported a diagnosis of Staphylococcus-associated acantholytic epidermitis and folliculitis. This case suggests that S. hyicus could be a significant pathogen in poultry production. The close genetic relationship among affected individuals could indicate a hereditary predisposition in this line of White Leghorn laying chickens.  相似文献   

In the present study, previously characterized Staphylococcus hyicus isolated in Russia (n=23) and Germany (n=17) were investigated for the prevalence of the exfoliative toxin encoding genes exhA, exhB, exhC and exhD by multiplex PCR resulting in the detection of exhD positive strains among the S. hyicus isolated from pigs with exudative epidermitis in Russia and the detection of exhC and exhD for one and two strains isolated from exudative epidermitis in Germany respectively. The toxin gene negative strains were generally isolated from apparently healthy pigs, from other animals and from specimens where the relation between the isolation of S. hyicus and the clinical symptoms remained unclear. Partial sequencing of the toxin genes of selected exhC and exhD positive strains and comparing the sequencing results with sequences of exhC and exhD reference strains revealed an almost complete identity. The results of the present study were in agreement with the findings of Andresen and Ahrens (J. Appl. Microbiol., 96, 2004, 1265) and Andresen (J. Vet. Rec., 157, 2005, 376) that the presented multiplex PCR could be used to investigate S. hyicus for toxinogenic potential and that there is an association between the presence of toxin genes in S. hyicus strains from exudative epidermitis. However, comparable with the S. hyicus strains isolated in Germany which were investigated previously by Andresen (J. Vet. Rec., 157, 2005, 376), exhD seems to predominate in S. hyicus strains from Russia.  相似文献   

禽源金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从临床样品中分离鉴定得到183株金黄色葡萄球菌,采用微量肉汤稀释法监测其对24种抗菌药物的耐药性。结果表明,183株金黄色葡萄球菌对24种抗菌药物均呈现不同程度的耐药性,对常用的青霉素类、磺胺类药物及甲氧苄啶严重耐药,耐药率高达81%以上;其中检测出MRSA42株,检出率为22.95%。94.00%的金黄色葡萄球菌菌株呈现多重耐药,耐药谱型主要分布在3~8耐之间,以7耐菌株所占比例最大(15.30%),共有119种耐药谱型。  相似文献   

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