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除草剂助剂对药液物理性状及对磺草酮药效的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为了探讨除草剂助剂对药液物理性状的影响与其对除草剂药效影响之间的关系,室内分别采用滴重法、接触角仪测定法、液滴干燥法、紫外分光光度仪测定法测定了4种常用除草剂助剂药笑宝、885、机油乳剂(机油标号N32)和信德宝药液的表面张力、接触角、干燥时间以及在叶面上的滞留量,以温室盆栽法测定了这些助剂对磺草酮防除反枝苋、稗草的药效增强作用。结果表明,药笑宝可显著降低药液的表面张力、减小接触角、缩短液滴干燥时间以及增大药液在叶面上的滞留量,其次是885助剂,而机油乳剂、信德宝效果略差。温室测定结果表明,药笑宝对磺草酮药效的增强作用最大,其次是885。说明助剂所致上述物理性状的变化与对磺草酮药效的增强呈现一定的相关性。  相似文献   

为了评价不同喷雾助剂对苯唑草酮减量施用下的增效作用,采用仪器分析和田间试验的方法研究了7种助剂对30%苯唑草酮悬浮剂的药液特性和杂草防效的影响。结果表明,7种助剂均能显著降低药液的表面张力、接触角和干燥时间,增加药液铺展直径。其中,杰效利对表面张力和接触角的影响最大,迈丝和渗透者对干燥时间的影响最小。田间试验结果表明,添加迈丝和渗透者对苯唑草酮的增效作用好于其他助剂,苯唑草酮的田间用量可以减少30%以上。  相似文献   

双环磺草酮是一种以对-羟苯基丙酮酸双氧化酶 (HPPD) 为作用靶标的双环辛烷类化学除草剂。为明确其在水稻田的应用技术,采用温室盆栽法测定了双环磺草酮的杀草谱、除草活性及对8个水稻品种的安全性。结果表明:在有效成分360 g/hm2剂量处理下,双环磺草酮对水稻田常见杂草稗草Echinochloa crusgalli、雨久花Monochoria korsakowii、异型莎草Cyperus difformis的地上部分鲜重抑制率均高于90%,对主要秋熟杂草稗草E. crusgalli、牛筋草Eleusine indica、雨久花M. korsakowii、千金子Euphorbia lathyris、田皂角Aeschynomene indica和异型莎草C. difformis的GR50值为有效成分48~196 g/hm2,除田皂角外,除草活性均高于对照药剂硝磺草酮。双环磺草酮对8个水稻品种的安全性研究结果表明:在有效成分720 g/hm2剂量处理下,隆两优华占、皖垦糯1号、皖稻68和绿旱粳1号4个水稻品种对双环磺草酮耐药性较高,徽两优882、C两优608、皖稻119和Y两优1号4个水稻品种的株高和鲜重受到不同程度的抑制。双环磺草酮在隆两优华占、皖垦糯1号、皖稻68和绿旱粳1号4种水稻与异型莎草、稗草和雨久花3种杂草之间的选择性指数分别为3.66~4.37、4.50~5.37、3.36~4.01和3.29~3.93,明显高于对照药剂硝磺草酮。研究表明,双环磺草酮对多种秋熟杂草防效较好,且对供试的3个粳稻品种及5个籼稻品种中的隆两优华占安全。  相似文献   

为了明确水稻田除草剂三唑磺草酮(QYR301)的最佳施药条件,以稗草Echinochloa crus-galli和水稻Oryza sativa作为测试靶标,采用温室盆栽法研究了其施药适期、耐雨水冲刷性、温度和光照强度对其除草活性的影响。结果显示:三唑磺草酮对不同叶龄水稻具有较高的安全性,在有效成分360 g/hm^2的剂量下,对2叶期以后的水稻干重抑制率为0%;其除草活性与稗草的叶龄显著相关,其中2~3叶期的稗草最为敏感,有效成分30 g/hm^2的三唑磺草酮对其干重抑制率为95%~98%;三唑磺草酮具有一定的耐雨水冲刷能力,药后降雨间隔达到8 h以上,其除草活性与药后降雨间隔时间无显著相关性,在有效成分30~120 g/hm^2的剂量下,对稗草的干重抑制率为75%~93%;在20~35℃区间,三唑磺草酮药效稳定,对稗草的GR50值在44.6~51.4 g/hm^2之间;相较于中度光照(45%)和低光照(4%),高光照(100%)条件下三唑磺草酮对稗草的干重抑制率显著增加。分析表明杂草叶龄、降雨、温度和光照会显著影响三唑磺草酮除草活性,为使其发挥最大药效,应选择在水稻2叶期以后至稗草2~4叶期,天气晴朗,气温高于20℃的情况下施药;如药后8 h以内遇降雨天气,则需进行补喷。  相似文献   

在温室条件下研究了磺草酮与莠去津混用对稗草、反枝苋的防效.结果表明,磺草酮 莠去津的用量以300 900g/hm2和400 800~900g/hm2即可,因此,磺草酮与莠去津配比为1:2~3较为适宜.  相似文献   

300 g/L呋喃磺草酮·氟酮磺草胺悬浮剂是拜耳股份公司生产的新型稻田除草剂,为了明确其在直播水稻田使用的除草效果以及对后茬作物生长的影响,开展了本试验。结果表明,300 g/L呋喃磺草酮·氟酮磺草胺悬浮剂对稗草、耳基水苋、鸭舌草和异型莎草等均有较好的防治效果,且对供试水稻品种沪早香软1号生长安全。300 g/L呋喃磺草酮·氟酮磺草胺悬浮剂防治直播水稻田杂草的适宜剂量为90~108 g a.i./hm2。直播水稻田使用300 g/L呋喃磺草酮·氟酮磺草胺悬浮剂后,后茬可种植油菜、小麦和蚕豆等作物。  相似文献   

农用有机硅对五氟磺草胺防治稗草的增效作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确有机硅对五氟磺草胺防治稗草的增效作用和增效机理,本研究采用室内与田间试验测定有机硅助剂对五氟磺草胺的增效作用,并采用滴重法和HPLC方法分别探索有机硅对五氟磺草胺药液表面张力和吸收的影响.室内生测表明,有机硅对五氟磺草胺防治稗草具有显著的增效作用.当五氟磺草胺用量为7.5 g/hm2,有机硅添加浓度为0.04%时...  相似文献   

本文采用高效液相色谱法,以乙腈+磷酸溶液为流动相,使用以ZORBAX SB-C18、5μm为填料的不锈钢柱和二极管阵列检测器,在285nm波长下对呋喃磺草酮原药进行分离和定量分析。结果表明,该分析方法的线性相关系数为1.000 0,标准偏差为0.31,变异系数为0.31%,平均回收率为100.27%。  相似文献   

磺草酮在土壤中的淋溶特性研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
基于所建立的土壤中磺草酮残留的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱分析方法,通过土壤薄层层析试验研究了磺草酮在中国3种典型土壤中的淋溶特性。结果表明:添加水平为1和10 mg/kg时,磺草酮在土壤中的添加回收率为80%~104%,相对标准偏差为1.2%~8.1%,最低检测浓度为0.1 mg/kg。磺草酮在河北潮土、湖南红土和吉林黑土中的比移值(Rf)分别为0.563、0.101和0.422,其在潮土和黑土中的移动性为中等,在红土中为不易移动;磺草酮在土壤中的淋溶特性与土壤理化性质密切相关,主要影响因素是土壤p H值及黏粒组分含量。  相似文献   

Potential genotoxicity of sulcotrione 2-(2-chloro-4-(methylsulfonyl)benzoyl)-1,3-cyclohexanedione, a selective triketonic herbicide was evaluated on Vicia faba seedlings in hydroponic culture conditions. Sulcotrione (10−5, 10−4 and 2 × 10−4 M) treatments for 45 h, caused a dose dependent increase in micronuclei frequencies in root meristematic cells. Cytological analysis of root tips cells showed aneugenic effects of the sulcotrione on the plant root meristems. Sulcotrione induced chromosomal alterations at the lowest concentration used (10−5 M) when incubated for 42 h, indicating the potent mutagenic effect of this element. This is the first report for the genotoxicity of such a sulcotrione herbicide.  相似文献   

The concept 'green adjuvants' is difficult to define. This paper formulates an answer based on two approaches. Starting from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) definition for green chemistry, production-based and environmental-impact-based definitions for green adjuvants are proposed. According to the production-based approach, adjuvants are defined as green if they are manufactured using renewable raw materials as much as possible while making efficient use of energy, preferably renewable energy. According to the environmental impact approach, adjuvants are defined as green (1) if they have a low human and environmental impact, (2) if they do not increase active ingredient environmental mobility and/or toxicity to humans and non-target organisms, (3) if they do not increase the exposure to these active substances and (4) if they lower the impact of formulated pesticides by enhancing the performance of active ingredients, thus potentially lowering the required dosage of active ingredients. Based on both approaches, a tentative definition for 'green adjuvants' is given, and future research and legislation directions are set out.  相似文献   

The behaviour of sulcotrione, a recently introduced triketone herbicide, in various soil types was studied under laboratory conditions. In particular, degradation and sorption processes were examined on Ghent and Perpignan soils. Kinetics showed that the degradation of sulcotrione was influenced by biotic and/or abiotic factors. Half-lives ranged between 45 and 65 days. Among the degradation compounds identified were 1,3-cyclohexanedione (CHD) and 2-chloro-4-mesyl benzoic acid (CMBA), previously described as hydrolysis products, and, under special conditions, a derivative of phenylheptanoic acid (PHD). This new degradation product suggested that sulcotrione could follow two possible pathways in the soil, as in water. During the sorption study, a moderate retention of sulcotrione and CMBA relative to CHD and PHD, which were highly adsorbed whatever the soil type, was reported. Experiments carried out under the same conditions for sulcotrione and mesotrione, another triketone herbicide recommended in maize culture, made it possible to compare the two triketones and to conclude that they exhibited relatively similar behaviour in the soil, i.e. that their leaching potential needs to be properly addressed and risks evaluated. Copyright (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

为了比较4种助剂Silwet 806、红太阳A8、激健、安融乐对异丙隆防除菵草Beckmannia syzigachne的增效作用及机制,采用整株生物测定法测定4种助剂与异丙隆混用后对菵草的生物活性及对小麦的安全性;采用仪器分析法测定4种助剂对异丙隆药液的表面张力、叶面接触角、干燥时间和在叶面上的沉积量的影响.结果 表...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sulcotrione is a selective herbicide marketed for use in maize since 1993, but its environmental fate is not yet fully elucidated. A major metabolite resulting from cleavage between the two ring moieties, leading to 2‐chloro‐4‐mesylbenzoic acid (CMBA), has been identified; it presents a rather low toxicity. In photochemical studies this compound has also been claimed to be formed in high proportions. The present authors recently found that, under irradiation, sulcotrione mainly yields a cyclization product (CP). Thus, Sulcotrione photochemistry is still a matter of debate. The aim of the present work was to give an unequivocal answer to this issue. The potential toxicity of CP, CMBA and sulcotrione towards three organisms considered as representative of aquatic ecosystems was also evaluated. RESULTS: The main transformation product of sulcotrione is the cyclization product (CP), and CMBA is formed in smaller amounts. For the toxicological approach, the tested organisms were a bacterium, Vibrio fischeri (Bejerinck) Lehmann & Neumann, an alga, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korshikov) Hindak, and a protozoan, Tetrahymena pyriformis (Ehrenberg) Lwoff. Sulcotrione is more harmful towards the alga, but CP is more toxic to the bacterium and the protozoan. It must be noted that the measured toxicities are nonetheless rather low. CONCLUSION: On irradiation, sulcotrione mainly gives the photocyclization product, which presents a higher toxicity than sulcotrione and CMBA. This cyclization product should thus be considered in sulcotrione environmental risk assessment. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The dissipation kinetics of the herbicide sulcotrione sprayed 4 times on a French soil was studied using a laboratory microcosm approach. An advanced cultivation‐based method was then used to isolate the bacteria responsible for biotransformation of sulcotrione. Chromatographic methods were employed as complementary tools to define its metabolic pathway. RESULTS: Soil microflora was able quickly to biotransform the herbicide (DT50 ≈ 8 days). 2‐Chloro‐4‐mesylbenzoic acid, one of its main metabolites, was clearly detected. However, no accelerated biodegradation process was observed. Eight pure sulcotrione‐resistant strains were isolated, but only one (1OP) was capable of degrading this herbicide with a relatively high efficiency and to use it as a sole source of carbon and energy. In parallel, another sulcotrione‐resistant strain (1TRANS) was shown to be incapable of degrading the herbicide. Amplified ribosomal restriction analysis (ARDRA) and repetitive extragenic palendromic PCR genomic (REP‐PCR) fingerprinting of strains 1OP and 1TRANS gave indistinguishable profiles. CONCLUSION: Sequencing and aligning analysis of 16S rDNA genes of each pure strain revealed identical sequences and a close phylogenetic relationship (99% sequence identity) to Pseudomonas putida. Such physiological and genetic properties of 1OP to metabolise sulcotrione were probably governed by mobile genetic elements in the genome of the bacteria. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The formation of a spray is the result of interaction between the nozzle type and the spray liquid. When adjuvants lower the surface tension, a shift to a finer spray quality might be expected. Increases in viscosity might cause coarser sprays. The spray pressure, nozzle type and spray liquid determine spray performance. Adjuvants that cause droplets of oil in the spray mixture, for example crop oils, petroleum oils and even some water-insoluble emulsifiers and surfactants, may unexpectedly increase the spray droplet size. In cases where a finer spray is obtained, the volume fraction of drops smaller than 100 microm diameter, V(100), is expected to increase, but for some adjuvants a decrease in V(100) is observed. Finally, spray droplets may also differ when the concentration of the applied adjuvants changes. An overview based on reports in the literature is given of the effects of different classes of adjuvants used for agricultural cropping on spray droplet spectra. The effects of these adjuvants on spray formation depend on the type of nozzle in combination with the applied pressure.  相似文献   

P. AYRES 《Weed Research》1987,27(3):195-205
In pot and field experiments the addition of Ethylan D256 surfactant to spray solutions improved control of black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) by diclofop-methyl. Various other surfactants and oil adjuvants enhanced phytotoxicity but, generally, to a lesser extent. Ethylan D256 had most effect with applications made at early growth stages. Control of older plants was generally poor, whether or not the surfactant was added. Addition of Ethylan D256 had little effect on selectivity between A. myosuroides and cereals from lower than recommended doses of diclofop-methyl, but there was a suggestion of yield reduction from higher doses. Tank mixing with esters of ioxynil and bromoxynil sometimes improved control by diclofop-methyl but in other circumstances either had no effect or reduced phytotoxicity. Applications of diclofop-methyl in 60 or 120 1 ha?1 spray volume were as effective as applications in 240 1 ha?1.  相似文献   

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