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The “triad” approach was suggested by Chapman [22] for assessing the risk of contamination of bottom deposits. We applied this approach for the analysis of urban soils under different loads from motor transport. On its basis, the results of chemical analysis (heavy metals, biogenic elements, and pH), bioindication parameters of the communities of microorganisms, and the results of toxicological investigations with the use of test-organisms were generalized to obtain an integral index of the soil status (IS). A comparison of IS values for test plots at different distances from a highway in the city of Kirov (58.3729–58.624722 N, 49.3743–49.628611 E) showed that the ecological status of the soils could be qualified as disturbed on the plots adjacent to the highway and as slightly disturbed at distances of 30–200 m from the highway. The IS calculated on the basis of data of three disciplines (chemistry, ecology, and toxicology) seems to be a more comprehensive characteristic for assessing the ecological status of urbanozems as compared to Zc indices of the chemical contamination of soils (suggested by Saet) or indices of the integral biological characteristics of soil quality.  相似文献   

Urban recreation areas of different sizes were investigated in the city of Vladimir. The degree of their contamination with heavy metals and oil products was revealed. The content of heavy metals exceeded their maximum permissible concentrations by more than 2.5 times. The total content of heavy metals decreased in the sequence: Zn > Pb > Co > Mn > Cr > Ni. The mass fraction of oil products in the studied soils varied within the range of 0.016–0.28 mg/g. The reaction of soils in public gardens and a boulevard was neutral or close to neutral; in some soil samples, it was weakly alkaline. The top layer of all the soils significantly differed from the lower one by the higher alkalinity promoting the deposition of heavy metals there. As the content of Ni, Co, and Mn increased and exceeded the background concentrations, but did not reach the three-fold value of the maximum permissible concentrations, the activity of catalase was intensified. The stimulating effect of nickel on the catalase activity was mostly pronounced at the neutral soil reaction. The urease activity increased when heavy metals and oil products were present together in the concentrations above the background ones, but not higher than the three-fold maximal permissible concentrations for heavy metals and 0.3 mg/g for the content of oil products. The nitrifying activity was inhibited by oil hydrocarbons that were recorded in the soils in different amounts.  相似文献   

评价城市土壤磷素淋溶风险的化学指标   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Soils from urban and suburban areas are normally enriched with phosphorus (P). Sixteen urban soils with a wide range of total P concentrations under typical urban land uses were sampled and analyzed for extractable P concentrations using water, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. Meanwhile the soils were artificially leached in columns and P concentrations in the leachates were determined. With linear regression a two-stage linear relationship was found to exis tbetween concentrations of P in the leachates and soil P contents obtained by various chemical measurements, i.e., there was a “change-point” denoting the critical threshold value for extractable P between the regression lines, above which concentrations of P in leachates increased substantially. These threshold “change-point” values were 1.5 mg kg^-1 for water-soluble P and CaCl2-P, 25 mg kg^-1 for Olsen-P, and 250-350 mg kg^-1 for citric acid-P with the sharpest change and the best predictor [τ2 (upper) = 0.928, τ2 (lower) = 0.807] appearing for Olsen-P. These “change-points” were considered important criteria in assessing the risk of P leaching from urban soils and could be used as standards to delineate and target hazardous areas in urban and suburban areas.  相似文献   

The results of the Internet discussion on the classification of urban soils aimed at evaluating their possible inclusion into the modern Russian soil classification system adopted by a wide range of specialists are presented. The first step was to address the urban diagnostic horizons as the basis for identifying soil types according to the rules of the Russian soil classification. New diagnostic horizons were proposed for urban soils: urbic (UR), filled compost-mineral (RAT), and filled peat (RT). The combination of these horizons with other diagnostic horizons and layers of technogenic materials correspond to different soil types. At the subtype level, the diagnostic properties (qualifiers) that may reflect both natural phenomena (gley, alkalinity) and technogenic impacts on the soils (urbistratified; phosphatic; or poorly expressed urban—ur, rat, rt) are used. Some corrections were proposed for the system of parent materials in urban environments. Urban soils formerly described in another nomenclature—urbanozems, urbiquasizems, and culturozems—are correlated with the taxa in all the trunks of the system. The proposals accepted can be used for the next updated version of the new Russian soil classification system.  相似文献   


The sulphur status of 98 soils was assessed using nine methods, some of which were designed to include mineralizable sulphur. A close correlation was found between various direct extraction methods all using phosphate, though the turbidimetric method of analysis appeared to overestimate soil S values. Extractions following short term incubation with cysteine correlated significantly with direct extraction methods indicating that the soil sulphate pool is directly related to the soil's ability to mineralize readily available organic S. In contrast, incubation with elemental S gave no correlation. A respirometric method following amendment with cellulose gave only a poor correlation with two other methods. A Neubauer plant bioassay was most closely correlated to Ca (H2PO4)2‐extractable S, CaCl2‐extractable S and to extractable S following incubation with cysteine. The value of the various methods for routine use is discussed.  相似文献   


Ion exchange resin methods were applied to 78 different soils to assess their phosphorus (P) status for predicting their response to P fertilization. The techniques used were anion exchange resin membranes eluted with hydrochloric acid (HCl) (AEM) and cation‐anion exchange resin membranes eluted with HCl (CAEM‐HC1), sodium chloride (NaCl) (CAEM‐NaCl) or water with directly color development (CAEM‐H2O). Greenhouse studies were conducted with the same soils in order to validate laboratory data. Ryegrass was grown with two levels of P: nil and 150 mg P kg‐1 of soil. Results indicate that soil P levels are significantly correlated (p<0.001) if extracted with AEM or CAEM, both eluted with HCl, although the CAEM technique had extracted larger amounts of P. Concerning the type of elution, results did not show significant differences (p<0.05) between CAEM‐HC1 and CAEM‐NaCl, but both were significantly correlated (p<0.001) with the results obtained with CAEM‐H2O. All the techniques used to measure extractable P correlated significantly with relative yield and P uptake by ryegrass, showing their ability to predict soil P availability. Nevertheless, CAEM extraction had higher values of r2. Among the three techniques for elution, the levels of correlation with the biological parameters were equivalent. From these results, it was concluded that: (i) exchange resins, specially CAEM, is an accurate method to assess the P fertility status of soils, and (ii) the traditional step of elution can be avoided, allowing the process to be less time consuming, thus more suitable for routine use.  相似文献   

Urban soils (constructozems) were studied in Moscow and several cities (Dubna, Pushchino, and Serebryanye Prudy) of Moscow oblast. The soil sampling from the upper 10-cm-thick layer was performed in the industrial, residential, and recreational functional zones of these cities. The biological (the carbon of the microbial biomass carbon, Cmic and the microbial (basal) respiration, BR) and chemical (pHwater and the contents of Corg, heavy metals, and NPK) indices were determined in the samples. The ratios of BR to Cmic (the microbial respiration quotient, qCO2) and of Cmic to Corg were calculated. The Cmic varied from 120 to 738 μg C/g soil; the BR, from 0.39 to 1.94 μg CO2-C/g soil per hour; the Corg, from 2.52 to 5.67%; the qCO2, from 1.24 to 5.28 μg CO2-C/mg Cmic/g soil per h; and the Cmic/Corg, from 0.40 to 1.55%. Reliable positive correlations were found between the Cmic and BR, the Cmic and Cmic/Corg, and the Cmic and Corg values (r = 0.75, 0.95, and 0.61, respectively), as well as between the BR and Cmic/Corg values (r = 0.68). The correlation between the Cmic/Corg and qCO2 values was negative (r = −0.70). The values of Cmic, BR, Corg, and Cmic/Corg were found to correlate with the ammonium nitrogen content. No correlative relationships were revealed between the determined indices and the climatic characteristics. The principal component analysis described 86% of the variances for all the experimental data and clearly subdivided the locations of the studied soil objects. The ANOVA showed that the variances of Cmic, Corg, and BR are controlled by the site location factor by 66, 63, and 35%, respectively. The specificity of the functioning of the anthropogenic soils as compared with their natural analogues was clearly demonstrated. As shown in this study, measurable biological indices might be applied to characterize the ecological, environmental-regulating, and productive functions of soils, including urban soils.  相似文献   

A ^32P isotope kinetic approach was used to describe the chemical status and bioavailability of phosphorus in 32 acidic soils from subtropical China.By determining the residual radoactivity,rt,in soil solution at different time,t,after introduction of the isotope in an amount of R into the steady soil-water system,a well-defined isotope kinetic model was established,and upon this model the decrease rate ,n,of log(rt/R) with respect to logt,the mean sojourn time of phosphate ions in solution,the mean exchange rate and the mean flux of phosphate ions between soil solid and solution phases were calculated.Other parameters,such as the exchangeable P within the first minute of isotope exchange(E1),and P in various compartments that could be exchanged with solution phosphte ions at different perods of time,were also obtained.For these acidic soils,the r1/R had a significant correlation with the contents of clay and free Al2O3 where r1 is the radioactivity in solution 1 minute after introduction of the isotope into the system.Parameter n also had a significant correlation with clay content and a neagtive correlation with soil pH,E1 values and Cp,the P concentration in soil solution,also Significantly correlated with clay and sesquioxide contents of the soils.these indicated that these isotope kinetic parameters were largely influenced by P-fixing components of the soils.For the soils with strong P-fixing ability,the E1 values overestimated labile P pools and hence their correlations with A values and plant P uptake were not significant .The other iostope kinetic parameters also had no significant correlation with plant P uptak.On the other hand,the convetional chemical-extracted p correlated better with plant P uptake .It was concluded that the iostope kinetic method could assess the p chemical status yet it would inappropriate in predicting plant available P for soils with a high P-fixing ability as the problem of an overestimation of soil lable P in these soils was inevitable.  相似文献   

A large number of actinomycetes (hundreds, thousands, and millions of CFU/g of soil) were isolated from saline soils in the territory of the landscapes of the Ber hillocks. A significantly smaller quantity of actinomycetes was isolated from the soda saline soils and sor saline soils that formed at the bottom of the ephemeral salty lakes in Buryatiya and in the estuary of the Syr-Darya River. Actinomycetes were represented in the studied soils by the Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Actinomadura, and Nocardiopsis genera. Among streptomycetes, the species of the Albus section and the Albus series predominated. The activity of the consumption of substrates by cultures of actinomycetes was largely influenced by conditions of preincubation. Obviously, the influence was related to the alteration in the metabolism of actinomycetes as one of the mechanisms of adaptation to the increased osmolarity of environment. The alcalotolerance, thermotolerance, and xerotolerance of halotolerant actinomycetes of the saline soils of arid territories were experimentally revealed.  相似文献   


A pot experiment with soils from Austria (Mollisol and Alfisol) and Brazil (two Oxisols), quite different in pH values and organic carbon contents, was carried out. Several soil tests for aluminum (Al) were evaluated and compared for their ability in predicting plant growth reductions and plant Al concentrations. Concerning the efficacy of the extradants in solubilizing soil Al, the amount of Al extracted decreased in the following order: 0.03M LaCl3> 1M KCl > 1M NH4Cl > 0.01 M CaCl2. Only AlCaCl2 and Al saturation correlated significantly with shoot yield of Poa pratensis (r = 0.76*** for CaCl2; r = 0.84 *** for Al saturation) and Phaseolus vulgaris (r = 0.65** for CaCl2; r = 0.83** for Al saturation). The results indicated that soil organic matter and the nutrient status of the soil had an important effect as diminishing Al uptake and improving growth of both Poa pratensis and Phaseolus vulgaris. Interactions between Al and magnesium (Mg) were also observed.  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》1987,10(2):103-112
The influence of sowing and cultural methods in pearlmillet production on the crust formation and seedling emergence in natural field conditions is described. In drill sowing, higher penetration strengths of 108–128 K Pa were recorded on Day 3 which slightly decreased on Days 4–5 and again increased to 162–172 K Pa on Day 7 after sowing during the years of crust formation. Minimum penetration strengths (64–74 K Pa) were recorded where farm yard manure (FYM) was applied over seed furrows. High rates of emergence (19–20 day) and ultimate emergence (65–69%) with a low mean period of emergence (3.5–3.6 days) and seedling mortality (30–34%) were recorded with FYM applied over seed furows. Furrow planting in a ridge and furrow system improved emergence parameters as compared with drill sowing and was dependent on the compactness of the ridges. Application of FYM over seed furrows gave significantly higher yields compared with drill sowing, seed soaking and mixed sowing with legumes. The mixing of FYM in the soil gave a higher number of plants than did mixed sowing of pearlmillet and a legume in the years of crust formation, although yields were the same.  相似文献   

By the examples of four typical catenas in the East European Plain, the role of lessivage in the development of automorphic and hydromorphic loamy and clayey soils with light-colored acid eluvial horizons and with different degrees of gleyzation has been studied. It is found that characteristic features of lessivage are often observed in the soils without hydrological barriers hampering or preventing the vertical migration of soil water and mass transfer processes. The hydrological barriers may be represented by the shallow horizons of temporarily perched water, or by the ascending capillary fringe of the ground water, or by the water-saturated horizons, in which the volume of free pores does not exceed 2–4%. It is shown that light-colored acid eluvial horizons may be formed in the profiles of loamy and clayey soils without any signs of lessivage. The development of strongly gleyed soils (gleyed soddy-podzolic soils and pseudogley soils (Stagnosols)) is not related to colmatage (silting of their illuvial horizons through lessivage); it is conditioned by the actual hydrological regime of these soils. The role of lessivage, podzolization, and gleyzation in the development of clay-differentiated soils is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the ability of bicarbonate-extractable P (Olsen P) to estimate total plant-available P (TPAP) in reclaimed marsh soils (Aeric Endoaquepts) which differed widely in P buffering capacity (PBC). Total plant-available P was estimated as the cumulative P uptake for a final concentration of 0.02 mg P/L in the soil solution which is the typical P requirement for field crops. The Olsen P estimated for that concentration was adopted as the critical level for crop production. We found that TPAP was better predicted by anion exchange resin-extractable P (AER-P) (65% of variance accounted for) than by Olsen P, probably because the effectiveness of the AER depends on the soil P buffering capacity, a factor that greatly influences the availability of P to plants. The critical Olsen P level was found to depend on those soil properties affecting the relationship between sorbed P and P in soil solution, viz. the P buffering capacity of soil, the Na/Ca mole ratio in the 1:1 soil:water extract, which explained 63 and 84% of the variance in the critical level, respectively, and the affinity of the sorbing surfaces for P. These properties must be taken into account when using Olsen P as the P index for fertilizer management.  相似文献   

Trace metal contamination in soil is of great concern owing to its long persistence in the environment and toxicity to humans and other organisms.Concentrations of six potentially toxic trace metals,Cr,Ni,Cu,As,Cd,and Pb,in urban soils were measured in Dhaka City,Bangladesh.Soils from different land-use types,namely,agricultural field,park,playground,petrol station,metal workshop,brick field,burning sites,disposal sites of household waste,garment waste,electronic waste,and tannery wast,and construction waste demolishing sites,were investigated.The concentration ranges of Cr,Ni,Cu,As,Pb,and Cd in soils were 2.4–1258,8.3–1044,9.7–823,8.7–277,1.8–80,and 13–842 mg kg^-1,respectively.The concentrations of metals were subsequently used to establish hazard quotients(HQs)for the adult population.The metal HQs decreased in the order of As>Cr>Pb>Cd>Ni>Cu.Ingestion was the most vital exposure pathway of studied metals from soils followed by dermal contact and inhalation.The range of pollution load index(PLI)was 0.96–17,indicating severe contamination of soil by trace metals.Considering the comprehensive potential ecological risk(PER),soils from all land-use types showed considerable to very high ecological risks.The findings of this study revealed that in the urban area studied,soils of some land-use types were severely contaminated with trace metals.Thus,it is suggested that more attention should be paid to the potential health risks to the local inhabitants and ecological risk to the surrounding ecosystems.  相似文献   

Some snakes are highly vulnerable to extinction due to several life history traits. However, the elusive behavior and secretive habits of some widespread species constrain the collection of demographic and ecological data necessary for the identification of extinction-prone species. In this scenario, the enhancement of ecological modelling techniques in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is providing researchers with robust tools to apply to such species. This study has identified the environmental factors that limit the current distribution of Vipera latastei, a species with secretive behavior, and has evaluated how human activities affect its current conservation status, identifying areas of best habitat suitability in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) indicated low marginality (0.299) and high tolerance (0.887) scores, suggesting strong tendency for the species to live in average conditions throughout the study area and to inhabit any of the environmental conditions. The analysis also revealed that this viper tends to select particular Mediterranean habitats, although topographic factors (altitude and slope) were the major environmental constraints for the Iberian distribution pattern of the species. The presence of other parapatric viper species in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (V. aspis and V. seoanei) and two human-related variables (landscape transformation and human density) also had a negative relation with the occurrence of V. latastei. All factors can explain its absence in northern Iberia and its fragmented distribution as currently is found mostly in mountains and relatively undisturbed low-altitude areas. The historical destruction and alteration of natural Mediterranean habitats and several life-history traits of the species contribute to its vulnerability to extinction. The ENFA analysis proved to be an outstanding method to evaluate the factors that limit the distribution range of secretive and widespread species such as V. latastei, updating evaluation of their conservation status.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about the fate and toxicity of herbicides to non‐target receptors and an increasing need to measure these analytes sensitively. The responses of cellular and immunological biosensors to four commonly used herbicides (atrazine, diuron, mecoprop and paraquat) were investigated. In combination, these sensors assess toxicity and quantify concentrations of herbicides present in extracts from soil. The bioluminescence response of the lux‐marked bacterial biosensor Escherichia coli HB101 was determined in aqueous extracts from soil to indicate toxicity. Smaller concentrations caused a toxic response for all four herbicides recovered from the Insch series than for those recovered from spiked water samples, but this was not a result of biodegradation of herbicides in the soil. This suggests that intrinsic soil factors may be altering the bioavailable fraction of herbicides, making them more toxic than equivalent concentrations in water. Herbicide concentrations were determined using immunological biosensors consisting of stabilized recombinant single chain antibodies (stAbs) specific for the four different groups of herbicides. These stAb fragments retain functionality in organic solvents such as methanol commonly used in soil extraction. Anti‐atrazine, mecoprop, diuron and paraquat stAbs were successfully used to identify and quantify herbicides present in aqueous and methanol extracts from soil. The amounts recovered from immunoassay analysis were compared with chemical analysis using high performance liquid chromatography, and the two methods correlated. These stAb fragments might provide a more rapid and sensitive means of quantifying trace amounts of herbicides and their metabolites in aqueous and methanol extracts from soil.  相似文献   

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