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The Elegans fusaria causing wilt disease of carnation. I. Taxonomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distinction of the wilt disease pathogen of carnationFusarium (oxysporum var.)redolens fromF. oxysporum (var.oxysporum) is considered. Previous reports that isolates of both taxa cause indistinguishable diseases in carnation are confirmed.F. (oxysporum var.)redolens andF. oxysporum were found to form one variable complex on morphological criteria. Apparently, host specialization rather than morphological variation reflects the evolutionary relationships in theFusarium sectionElegans. The distinction ofF. redolens fromF. oxysporum does therefore not seem justified, neither at specific nor at varietal level.Samenvatting Het onderscheid tussenFusarium (oxysporum var.)redolens enF. (oxysporum var.)oxysporum als verwekkers van verwelkingsziekte bij anjer wordt ter discussie gesteld. Fytopathologisch onderzoek bevestigde vermeldingen in de literatuur dat voor anjer pathogene isolaten van beide soorten ziekten veroorzaken die niet te onderscheiden zijn; dit is ook bekend voor andere gewassen. Op morfologische gronden blekenF. (oxysporum var.)redolens enF. oxysporum één variabel complex te vormen. Kennelijk geeft de pathogene specialisatie inFusarium sectieElegans de evolutionaire verwantschappen beter weer dan de morfologische variatie. Het onderscheiden vanF. redolens naastF. oxysporum is daarom noch als soort, noch als variëteit gerechtvaardigd.  相似文献   

Current status of vegetative compatibility groups in fusarium oxysporum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-eightformae speciales (ff.sp.) ofFusarium oxysporum which have been subjected to vegetative compatibility grouping (VCG) analysis are listed, along with their updated 3-digit numerical codes. The number of VCGs identified within a forma specialis ranges from one (in 11 cases) to 24. Between two and six VCGs were identified in each of 20 ff.spp., whereas seven VCGs or more were identified in the remaining ff.spp. VCGs to which 4-digit numerical codes have been given are listed for 30 ff.spp.  相似文献   

Isolates ofF. oxysporum collected from symptomless carnation cuttings from Australian carnation growers properties, together with isolates from national collections, were screened for pathogenicity and grouped according to vegetative compatibility and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns. The collection of 82 Australian isolates sorted into 23 different vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Of 69 isolates tested for pathogenicity, 24 were pathogenic to carnations, while the remaining 45 were non-pathogenic. All pathogenic isolates were within two VCGs, one of which was also compatible with an isolate obtained from an international culture collection, and which is known to represent VCG 0021 and race 2. Race status of the two pathogenic VCGs remains unknown. The RAPD assay revealed distinct DNA banding patterns which could distinguish pathogenic from non-pathogenic isolates as well as differentiate between isolates from the two pathogenic VCGs.  相似文献   

Thirty-fourformae speciales (ff.sp.) ofFusarium oxysporum which have been subjected to vegetative compatibility group (VCG) analysis are listed, along with their updated 3-digit numerical codes. Ten of these ff.sp. are listed for the first time, bringing to 49 the total number of VCG-analyzed, listed ff.sp. New and corrected entries are tabulated for the remaining 24 ff.sp.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt-resistant Novada carnations responded both to stem inoculation with a conidial suspension ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi orF. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici and to root inoculation by planting in soil infected withF. oxysporum f.sp.dianthi by means of a localization mechanism comprising gel formation in the xylem vessels and hyperplasia of adjacent parenchyma cells. Dye translocation experiments showed that xylem transport was limited by the presence of vascular gels, although wilting did not occur. Overcapacity of the vascular system apparently allowed for sufficient water transport to compensate for local vascular dysfunction. Also, vascular regeneration in the hyperplastic tissue next to occluded xylem vessels created new pathways for water transport to compensate for those lost by occlusion. Regeneration of xylem vessels was eventually followed by regeneration of xylem fibers, xylem parenchyma, cambium, and phloem cells.Early Sam carnations, susceptible to Fusarium wilt, responded to stem inoculation withF. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici by similar localization of infection and vascular regeneration. Stem inoculation withF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi, however, resulted in colonization of the xylem vessels followed by lysis of the vascular tissues. Vascular gelation, hyperplasia of parenchyma cells, and vascular regeneration did generally not occur. However, if some hyperplasia occurred in attempted defence, some differentiation of hyperplastic cells into single xylem vessel elements was observed which only rarely resulted in complete vascular regeneration next to colonized xylem. In the absence of hyperplasia, differentiation of medulla parenchyma cells bordering destroyed vascular tissue into xylem vessel elements was even more exceptional. Apparently, vascular regeneration in carnation is a normal defence reaction to fungal invasion.Samenvatting Novada anjers, resistent tegen Fusarium-verwelkingsziekte, reageerden op stengelinoculatie met een conidiënsuspensie vanFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi of vanF. oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici en op wortelinoculatie door te planten in metF. oxysporumf.sp.dianthi besmette grond met een lokalisatiemechanisme dat onder meer bestond uit vorming van gommen in de houtvaten en hyperplasie van naburige parenchymcellen. Uit proeven over kleurstoftransport bleek dat de sapstroom door de gomvorming beperkt werd, hoewel dit geen verwelkingssymptomen veroorzaakte. Overcapaciteit van het vaatstelsel zorgde kennelijk voor voldoende compensatie aan watertransport om plaatselijke verstoring van de sapstroom op te vangen. Daarnaast werd het verlies aan functionele houtvaten ook opgevangen door vaatweefselregeneratie in het hyperplastische weefsel grenzend aan door gommen verstopte houtvaten. Na verloop van tijd werden behalve houtvaten ook houtvezels, houtparenchymcellen, cambium- en floeemcellen geregenereerd.Early Sam anjers, vatbaar voor Fusarium-verwelkingsziekte, reageerden op stengelinoculatie metF. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici met eenzelfde lokalisatiemechanisme en ook met vaatweefselregeneratie. Stengelinoculatie metF. oxysporum f.sp.dianthi echter had kolonisatie en vervolgens lysis van het vaatweefsel tot gevolg. Meestal trad er geen gomvorming, hyperplasie van parenchymcellen of vaatweefselregeneratie op. Als echter bij pogingen tot afweer toch enige hyperplasie optrad, bleken sommige hyperplastische cellen wel tot houtvatelementen te differentieren. Dit leidde echter maar zelden tot totale vaatweefselregeneratie parallel aan het gekoloniseerde vaatweefsel. In afwezigheid van hyperplasie differentieerden mergparenchymcellen vlak naast lyserend vaatweefsel slechts bij hoge uitzondering tot houtvatelementen. Vaatweefselregeneratie bij anjer is kennelijk een gewone afweerreactie op besmetting met pathogene schimmels.  相似文献   

Five methods of stem inoculation of carnations with conidial suspensions ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi were compared for uptake of the suspension, induction of phytoalexin accumulation and wilt development. Inoculation was performed by incision of the stem across droplets of inoculum placed on leaves, or by injection of droplets into the stem. With both methods, higher inoculum dosages led to higher wilting rates and higher phytoalexin concentrations. Injection was more effective than incision since a lower inoculum dosage was required to obtain the same phytoalexin levels. Injection therefore appears the most promising technique for the development of routine screening methods for resistance based on phytoalexin accumulation.Samenvatting Vijf methoden om anjers via de stengel te inoculeren met een sporensuspensie vanF. oxysporum f.sp.dianthi werden vergeleken wat betreft de opname van de suspensie, de accumulatie van fytoalexinen en het ziekteverloop. Inoculatie vond plaats door de stengel aan te snijden dwars door een druppel inoculum die op een blad was gelegd, of door druppeltjes inoculum te injecteren. Bij beide methoden leidden hogere doses inoculum tot heviger ziektesymptomen en accumulatie van grotere hoeveelheden fytoalexinen. Injectie van inoculum was effectiever dan aansnijden, daar er minder inoculum nodig was voor eenzelfde resultaat. Injectie biedt daarom meer perspectief voor de ontwikkeling van routinematige resistentietoetsen op basis van de accumulatie van fytoalexinen.  相似文献   

Susceptible interactions of Early Sam carnations with races 1,2,4, and 8 ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi differed in pathogenesis, both after stem and after root inoculation. Race 1 induced pallescence and withering of leaves. Affected vascular tissue had a uniform pallid to pale brown colour; though heavily colonized, it was not or virtually not degraded. Defence reactions developed only slowly. Race 2 induced yellowing, of the midribs in particular, and withering of leaves. Affected vascular tissue was white with dark brown margins. Colonized tissue was degraded to leave vascular cavities. At lower heights of colonization, many defence reactions developed, which sometimes resulted in localization of the pathogen. Race 4 induced a similar pathogenesis as race 2, except for less intensive defence reactions. Race 8 induced midrib lesions on, and pallescence, withering and necrosis of leaves. Affected vascular tissue had a uniform light brown colour. Degradation of colonized vascular tissues was rare; instead, many defence reactions were observed, even at high heights in the plants.Races 1, 2 and 4 ofF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi did not induce disease symptoms in Novada carnations, known to be highly resistant to race 2. Stem-inoculated plants localized the infection close to the inoculation site; stems of root-inoculated plants remained unaffected. The localization response also occurred in Early Sam and Novada carnations stem-inoculated withF. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici.Samenvatting Tussen interacties van Early Sam-anjers met fysio's 1, 2, 4 en 8 vanF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi werden verschillen in ziekteontwikkeling gevonden na wortel-zowel als stengelinoculatie. Fysio 1 gaf verbleking en verdroging van de bladeren. Aangetast vaatweefsel was gelijkmatig vaal of lichtbruin van kleur, en werd hevig gekoloniseerd, maar vrijwel niet afgebroken. Afweerreacties kwamen slechts traag op gang. Fysio 2 gaf vergeling, in het bijzonder van de hoofdnerven, en verdroging van de bladeren. Aangetast vaatweefsel was wit met donkerbruine randen. Gekoloniseerd weefsel werd afgebroken, hetgeen leidde tot de vorming van holten in het vaatweefsel. In de lagere gekoloniseerde delen traden veel afweerreacties op, hetgeen soms lokalisatie van het pathogeen tot gevolg had. Fysio 4 gaf eenzelfde ziekteontwikkeling als fysio 2, maar minder afweerreacties. Fysio 8 gaf lesies bij de hoofdnerven, en verbleking, verdroging en necrose van bladeren. Aangetast vaatweefsel was gelijkmatig lichtbruin van kleur. Afbraak van gekoloniseerd vaatweefsel werd zelden waargenomen; veel afweerreacties vergezelden de kolonisatie tot hoog in de stengel.Inoculatie van Novada anjers met fysio's 1,2 en 4 vanF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi had geen ziektesymptomen tot gevolg. Via de stengel geïnoculeerde planten lokaliseerden de infectie ter hoogte van het inoculatiepunt; de stengels van via de wortels geïnoculeerde planten waren onaangetast. De lokalisatiereactie trad ook op in Early Sam en Novada anjers na inoculatie via de stengel metf. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici.  相似文献   

Races were identified among butterhead lettuce isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae collected from three geographical areas of Hokkaido, Shizuoka, and Fukuoka in Japan by inoculation tests using Fujinagas race differential cultivars of lettuce (i.e., Patriot, Costa Rica No. 4, and Banchu Red Fire). Eighteen isolates from Shizuoka and Fukuoka were designated race 3, with two unknown vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) that differed from Ogisos VCG 1 and 2. These two new VCGs were obtained from both Shizuoka and Fukuoka. On the other hand, three isolates from Hokkaido were classified as race 1 and identified as VCG 1, which represents a VCG of crisphead isolates from Nagano.  相似文献   

Root inoculation of susceptible carnations withFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi induced characteristic unilateral wilt only if root woundings and use of a microconidial suspension had not been combined at the time of inoculation. The combination, however, induced atypical and sudden stem breaking soon followed by death. In all cases wilt was due to destruction of the xylem. Unilateral wilt appeared to follow sparse natural infection of single roots. Stem breaking was due to destruction of the vascular tissues all around the stem and is ascribed to multilateral infection caused by translocation of microconidia at inoculation through several wounded roots directly into the stem.Microconidia were carried passively 5–10(–10) cm into stems of susceptible and resistant carnations within 24 h both after immersing cut ends of the roots in a conidial suspension and after pouring a suspension on the soil. Passive spore transport is an inoculation artefact which may severely affect interpretation of experimental results; it seems to be unimportant in natural Fusarium wilt development in carnation.Samenvatting Inoculatie van de wortels van vatbare anjers metFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi veroorzaakte de kenmerkende eenzijdige verwelking alleen als wortelbeschadigingen bij de inoculatie niet werden gecombineerd met het gebruik van een suspensie van microconidiën. Die combinatie veroorzaakte namelijk afwijkende symptomen waarbij de planten plotseling omknakten en vervolgens snel afstierven. De verwelking leek in alle gevallen veroorzaakt te worden door afbraak van het xyleem. Eenzijdige verwelking leek te volgen op spaarzame natuurlijke wortelinfecties. Bij omgeknakte planten bleek het vaatweefsel rondom in de stengel aangetast te zijn, hetgeen toegeschreven wordt aan infectie van verschillende kanten van de stengel als gevolg van passief transport van microconidiën bij de inoculatie door verscheidene beschadigde wortels direct de stengel in.Microconidiën werden binnen 24 uur 5–10(–30) cm de stengels van vatbare en resistente anjers ingezogen wanneer de wortels afgesneden en met het uiteinde in een sporensuspensie gehangen werden, maar ook wanneer de suspensie op de grond gegoten werd. Passief transport van sporen is een inoculatie-artefact dat echter belangrijke consequenties kan hebben voor de interpretatie van de resultaten van proeven. Bij de natuurlijke verspreiding vanF. oxysporum in anjers lijkt passief sporentransport van weinig belang.  相似文献   

The response of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cultivars toFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi (F.o.d.) was evaluated in an artificially infested field from 1988/9 to 1991/2. Disease incidence was highly correlated with disease severity, indicating that disease incidence may be used to estimate the impact ofF.o.d. on the host. Based on the results, the following stepwise procedure was developed for characterizing the response of carnation cultivars toF.o.d. First, the general response of the tested cultivar was classified as resistant or susceptible on the basis of disease incidence values recorded 180 days after planting. Empirical analysis of the data revealed that a disease incidence level of 75% may be taken as a reliable cut-off point for separation of cultivars into the two groups. Within each group, cultivars were then subjected to a more explicit classification: in the resistant group the records of actual disease incidence were used for classification, while in the susceptible group the linear rearrangement of the disease progress curve was calculated according to the Gompertz function, and the value of the intercept was used for classification.Contribution No. 3539-E series, from the Agricultural Research Organization.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt-resistant Novada and wilt-susceptible Early Sam carnations were planted in soil infested withFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi, and their roots studied after five and ten weeks. Both in Novada and Early Sam, the extravascular tissue of undamaged young root parts were scarsely colonized. In roots of Novada, infected xylem vessels were usually occluded with gums and surrounded by phellem tissue. In mature parts of roots, the phellem surrounding occluded vessels often merged with the external phellem surrounding the vascular cylinder, after which the occluded vessels were shed from the roots. The phellem at the root surface appeared to be a strong barrier to fungal invasion. In roots of Early Sam carnations, as well as in a few roots of Novada carnations, the defence responses did not result in compartmentation of the fungus, and colonization and degradation of the vascular tissues followed. Diseased roots finally healthy. Shoots of Early Sam carnations, and eventually a few shoots of Novada carnations, were colonized and developed wilt symptoms.Samenvatting Resistente Novada en vatbare Early Sam anjers werden geplant in grond besmet metFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi. Na vijf en tien weken werden de wortels van de planten bestudeerd. De extravasculaire delen van onbeschadigde jonge wortelgedeelten waren in beide cultivars nauwelijks gekoloniseerd. In de wortels van Novada waren geïnfecteerde houtvaten meestal verstopt door gommen en omgeven door kurkweefsel. In oudere wortelgedeelten sloot het kurkweefsel rond verstopte vaten vaak aan op het kurkweefsel aan de buitenkant van het vaatweefsel, waarna de aangetaste vaten werden uitgestoten uit de wortel. Het kurkweefsel aan het worteloppervlak leek een belangrijke barrière te vormen tegen het binnendringen van de schimmel. In de wortels van Early Sam en in enkele wortels van Novada mislukte het afweerproces, en werd het vaatweefsel door de schimmel gekoloniseerd en vervolgens afgebroken. Aangetaste wortels werden na afloop van tijd hol. De bovengrondse delen van de meeste Novada anjers werden niet gekoloniseerd en bleven gezond. De bovengrondse delen van de Early Sam anjers, en op den duur die van enkele Novada anjers, werden gekoloniseerd en verwelkten.  相似文献   

Differentin vivo resistance/susceptibility levels of 14 carnation cultivars toFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi race 2, the causal agent of Fusarium wilt disease of carnation, were also expressed in anin vitro system and assayed as the degree of fungal colonization of callus cultures at 20° C. Temperature influenced thein vitro expression of carnation resistance. An incubation temperature of 27° C increased the colonization of calli derived from both the susceptible (‘Corrida’ and ‘Ambra’) and the resistant (‘Pulcino’ and ‘Pallas’) cultivars. At 15°C, the colonization of calli derived from Pulcino and Pallas diminished significantly more than for Ambra and Corrida. Inhibition of fungal growth on resistant calli was correlated to retardation in hyphal development. Both scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy observations showed that hyphae did not penetrate into carnation cells.  相似文献   

为明确引起马铃薯黄萎病的大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae的遗传变异和致病力的差异,对从内蒙古及其周边地区马铃薯发病株上分离得到的29株大丽轮枝菌的营养亲和群、生理小种和交配型进行了测定,利用伤根接种法进行致病力分化研究。结果表明,供试的29株马铃薯大丽轮枝菌菌株被划分为VCG2B、VCG4B和VCG4A三个营养亲和群,其菌株数分别为11、2和16株;供试的29株菌株均鉴定为单一的2号生理小种和MAT1-2-1交配型。供试的29株大丽轮枝菌菌株间致病力存在一定的差异,其中NCP-1菌株的致病力最强,病情指数为83.33;而NWS-5菌株的致病力最弱,病情指数仅为10.85;不同营养亲和群菌株的平均致病力也存在显著差异,VCG4B型菌株的平均致病力最高,平均病情指数为67.18;其次为VCB2B型菌株,平均病情指数为42.50,而VCG4A型菌株致病力最弱,平均病情指数仅为20.54。  相似文献   

 Fourteen strains of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense were induced to produce 146 nitrate-nonutilizing(nit) mutants on a chlorate-containing medium. Among them, there were 117 nit1 mutants(80.14%), 17 nit3 mutants(11.64%) and 12 nitM mutants(8.22%). These strains were divided into two vegetative compatibility groups(VCGs) by the vegetative compatibility tests. Twelve strains of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense from Musa AAA belonged to VCG1, two trains from Musa ABB belonged to VCG2.  相似文献   

Stems of the susceptible Early Sam and resistant Novada carnations were inoculated with a conidial suspension ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi. Stem segments of either cultivar were sampled regularly and used for determination of fungal growth and for microscopical investigation.Early Sam showed typicalFusarium wilt symptoms and its stems were colonized intensively. The observed vascular browning appeared to be caused by discolouration of primary walls of infected vessels and surrounding cells. Vessels were rarely occluded with gel. Cell wall degradation led to the formation of stem cavities. Hyperplasia of xylem parenchyma was not seen.In Novada, fungal colonization remained low throughout the experiment. Macroscopic symptoms were absent except for longitudinal bursts in the stem, which appeared to be caused by hyperplasia of xylem parenchyma bordering infection. Vascular gelation occurred in the infected tissues, causing some vascular browning also. Xylem vessel regeneration was observed in the hyperplastic layer. Cavities were not formed, and wall discolouration was rare. Vascular gelation is considered part of theFusarium wilt resistance mechanism. It is followed by xylem vessel regeneration, which expresses a general plant response to vascular dysfunction rather than being part of the resistance mechanism.Although of different origin, vascular browning as such occurs in both susceptible and resistant interactions. In breeding for resistance, care should hence be taken with the current use of browning as an indication of disease.Samenvatting Anjers van de vatbare cultivar Early Sam en de resistente cultivar Novada werden geïnoculeerd met een conidiënsuspensie vanFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi. Van beide cultivars werden regelmatig stengeldelen geoogst om deze microscopisch te onderzoeken en om de schimmelgroei te bepalen.Early Sam vertoonde de voor deze verwelkingsziekte kenmerkende symptomen en werd intensief gekoloniseerd. Aan het vaatweefsel waargenomen bruinkleuring bleek veroorzaakt te worden door verkleuring van de primaire wanden van geïnfecteerde vaten en de hen omringende cellen. Zelden trad er in de vaten gomvorming op. Celwandafbraak veroorzaakte de vorming van holten in de stengel. Hyperplasie van het houtparenchym werd niet waargenomen.In Novada bleef de schimmelgroei gedurende het hele experiment beperkt. Macroscopisch waren er enkel lengtescheuren in de stengel te zien, die veroorzaakt bleken te worden door hyperplasie van aan de infectie grenzend houtparenchym. In het geïnfecteerde vaatweefsel optredende gomvorming veroorzaakte ook enige bruinkleuring. In het hyperplastische weefsel werd regeneratie van houtvaten waargenomen. In de stengel werden geen holten gevormd, en verkleuring van de celwanden kwam weinig voor. De vorming van gommen in de houtvaten maakt waarschijnlijk deel uit van het resistentiemechanisme. De daarop volgende houtvatregeneratie is eerder een algemene reactie van de plant op vaatverstopping dan een deel van het resistentiemechanisme.Vaatverbruining, zij het van verschillende oorsprong, komt voor in zowel vatbare als resistente interacties. Om die reden moet men in de resistentieveredeling bij de anjer voorzichtig zijn met het gebruik van bruinkleuring als ziekteïndicatie.  相似文献   

Three evolutionary lineages of the tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici were found among a worldwide sample of isolates based on phylogenetic analysis of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer region. Each lineage consisted of isolates mainly belonging to a single or closely related vegetative compatibility group (VCG) and a single mating type (MAT). The first lineage (A1) was composed of isolates VCG 0031 and MAT1-1; the second (A2) included VCG 0030 and/or 0032 and MAT1-1; and the third (A3) included VCG 0033 and MAT1-2. Race 1 and race 2 isolates belonged to the A1 or A2 lineages, and race 3 belonged to A2 or A3 lineages, suggesting that there is no correlation between race and lineage. However, for the isolates from Japan, race 1 (with one exception), race 2, and race 3 isolates belonged to A2, A1, and A3 lineages, respectively. These results suggest that the races could have evolved independently in each lineage; and in Japan the present races were likely to have been introduced independently after they had evolved in other locations.  相似文献   

为明确西瓜生产中一种幼苗新病害的病原菌种类,分离纯化获得菌株XG1601,并测定其致病性,利用形态学特征和rDNA ITS序列分析技术明确了该病原菌的分类地位,研究了不同杀菌剂及干热处理西瓜种子对该病害的防治效果。结果显示,结合形态特征及rDNA ITS序列技术分析最终确定菌株XG1601为尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum。该病原菌为种子传带,引起西瓜种传枯萎病,西瓜种子种皮和种胚的带菌率分别为5.4%和1.7%,在温室中播种30 d左右,幼苗的发病率可达35.7%~41.1%。种子处理对该病害的防治试验结果显示,6.25%精甲霜灵?咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂和2.5%咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂包衣种子对病害的防治效果分别为67.0%和68.6%,80℃干热处理种子72~96 h的防治效果均为100.0%,且对处理种子的发芽势、出苗率和鲜重均无不利影响。说明80℃干热处理种子72~96 h对西瓜种传枯萎病的防治效果最好。  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt is now a major disease of carnation crops worldwide. Methyl bromide, which is used to remedy it, is environmentally unsafe. An alternative approach integrated into biological control is to grow crops in suppressive media. Suppressiveness of seven plant growth media to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi was evaluated in bioassays with carnation (Dianthus cariophyllus) cv. Medea. These media were: (1) grape marc compost, (2) cork compost, (3) olive oil husk + cotton gin trash composted and mixed with rice husk, (4) spent mushroom compost mixed with peat, (5) coir fibre, (6) light peat and (7) vermiculite. In order to look for carnation Fusarium wilt suppressiveness indicators, growth medium pH and β-glucosidase activity were evaluated. Furthermore, F. oxysporum populations were measured in plant growth media at the beginning and end of bioassays. The compost media showed a range of suppressiveness in comparison with peat. Grape marc compost was the most effective plant growth medium in suppressing carnation Fusarium wilt. On the other hand coir fibre, peat and vermiculite were conducive for this disease. β-glucosidase activity and pH were positively correlated with disease severity as in other reports for tomato. Therefore, these two parameters are good indicators for carnation Fusarium wilt suppressiveness, and possibly for other F. oxysporum pathosystems. All composts showed similar F. oxysporum populations at the end of the bioassays to peat and vermiculite.  相似文献   

对尖孢镰刀菌石竹专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi)的生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明,菌落在所供试的培养基上均能够生长,能有效地利用各种碳氮源,以蛋白胨为氮源和可溶性淀粉为最适合碳源。菌落在4~35℃范围均能生长,最适合温度为25℃。在pH 2~9的范围内都能生长,最适合pH 6。全光照条件下生长得最好,全黑暗的条件下生长得最慢。孢子的致死温度为65℃,10 min。生物学特性显示,该菌是一类对营养需求不高,对环境适应力强的病原菌。  相似文献   

The mechanisms of suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by two fluorescentPseudomonas strains were studied.Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas sp. WCS417r significantly reduced fusarium wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi (Fod). Mutants of WCS417r defective in siderophore biosynthesis (sid) were less effective in disease suppression compared with their wild-type. Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas putida WCS358r tended to reduce fusarium wilt, whereas a sid mutant of WCS358 did not.Inhibition of conidial germination of Fod in vitro by purified siderophores (pseudobactins) of bothPseudomonas strains was based on competition for iron. The ferrated pseudobactins inhibited germination significantly less than the unferrated pseudobactins. Inhibition of mycelial growth of Fod by bothPseudomonas strains on agar plates was also based on competition for iron: with increasing iron content of the medium, inhibition of Fod by thePseudomonas strains decreased. The sid mutant of WCS358 did not inhibit Fod on agar plates, whereas the sid mutants of WCS417r still did. This suggests that inhibition of Fod by WCS358r in vitro was only based on siderophore-mediated competition for iron, whereas also a non-siderophore antifungal factor was involved in the inhibition of Fod by strain WCS417r.The ability of thePseudomonas strains to induce resistance against Fod in carnation grown in soil was studied by spatially separating the bacteria (on the roots) and the pathogen (in the stem). Both WCS417r and its sid mutant reduced disease incidence significantly in the moderately resistant carnation cultivar Pallas, WCS358r did not.It is concluded that the effective and consistent suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by strain WCS417r involves multiple mechanisms: induced resistance, siderophore-mediated competition for iron and possibly antibiosis. The less effective suppression of fusarium wilt by WCS358r only depends on siderophore-mediated competition for iron.  相似文献   

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