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Solar vegetable greenhouse soils show low soil organic carbon content and thus also low rates of soil respiration. Processing vegetable residues to biochar and mixing biochar with maize straw might improve soil respiration and increase soil organic carbon stocks, while preventing the spread of soil-borne diseases carried by vegetable residues. In an incubation experiment, we tested how additions of maize straw (S) and biochar (B) added in varying ratios (100S, 75S25B, 50S50B, 25S75B, 100B and 0S0B (control)) affect soil respiration and fraction of added C remaining in soil. Daily CO2 emissions were measured over 60 days incubation, the natural abundance of 13C in soil and in the added biochar and maize straw were analysed. Our result shows that (a) soil CO2 emissions were significantly increased compared to soil without the straw additions, while addition of biochar only decreased soil respiration; (b) cumulative CO2 emissions decreased with increasing ratio of added biochar to maize straw; (c) the abundance of soil 13C was significant positively correlated with cumulative CO2 emissions, and thus with the ratio of straw addition. Our results indicate that incorporation of maize straw in greenhouse soils is a meaningful measure to increase soil respiration and to facilitate greenhouse atmosphere CO2 limitation while producing vegetables. On the other hand, additions of biochar from vegetable residues will increase soil organic carbon concentration. Therefore, the simultaneous application of maize straw and biochar obtained from vegetable residues is an effective option to maintain essential soil functions for vegetable production in sunken solar greenhouses.  相似文献   

[目的]探究生物炭配施化肥对不同粒级团聚体中微生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)含量和胞外酶活性的影响,分析影响团聚体胞外酶活性变化的主控因素,为提升土壤质量提供科学依据.[方法]田间微区试验在河南现代农业研究基地进行,供试土壤为石灰性潮土.设置4个处理:不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、单施生物炭(BC)和生物炭配施化...  相似文献   

Biochar is obtained by the pyrolysis of biomass, and contains abundant carbon and minerals. Biochar supplementation of soils can greatly improve soil health and quality, but these beneficial effects typically develop slowly over time. Depending on the quality of the biochar and the soil to which it is applied, it may take years before positive effects are apparent. This is because organic substances are slowly sorbed onto the biochar over time, and the biochar eventually becomes part of the sorption complex of the soil. It is therefore advisable to apply biochar together with some organic material. We examined the effect of co-application of different doses of biochar with manure on soil dehydrogenase activity (DHA), soil oxidizable carbon (COX), cumulative soil respiration, soil buffering capacity, the soil exchange reaction (pH/KCl) and the production yield of winter rape seeds. We also determined seed production when artificial granular fertilizers were added to biochar and manure. The results showed that the application of biochar and manure significantly increased grain yield, DHA, the soil exchange reaction and cumulative respiration. Thus, application of biochar with organic material can increase seed yield and some properties of agricultural soils. However, the positive effect of biochar on seed yield was not directly proportional to biochar dose, in that the seed yield was lower for a biochar dose of 45 t/ha than 30 t/ha.  相似文献   

Steam‐activation increased CH4 emission of stover biochar but decreased it for wood biochar by 14%70%. Biochar generally increased CH4 emission but reduced N2O emission by 10%–41%. Emission of N2O was 17% lower for maize‐stover biochar compared to Eucalyptus‐wood biochar, and 3% lower for 350°C compared to 550°C pyrolysis temperature. Emission of CH4 was 21% higher for activated stover biochar compared to Eucalyptus‐wood biochar and 10% lower for 350°C compared to 550°C pyrolysis temperature. No difference in net CO2 equivalent was observed among biochar grades.  相似文献   

pH与石灰性水稻土铁氧化还原过程的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
光照和pH是调控土壤铁氧化物厌氧生物氧化还原的关键环境因素。本文采用恒温厌氧培养试验研究了黑暗、光照条件下土壤pH的变化及pH对铁氧化还原的影响,探索了pH与Fe(II)和水溶性无机碳的关系。结果表明,光照可改变土壤厌氧培养过程中pH的变化趋势,避光培养时土壤pH呈降低趋势,光照时呈先降低后增加趋势。pH介于4~9之间均可发生铁的还原反应,pH=7时还原量最大,128.5μmol g-1,pH调至4和9均可抑制避光条件下的铁还原。光照条件下pH 6~8时可发生Fe(II)的再氧化,控制初始pH为7时可使其再氧化量增加77.13%,达49.17μmol g-1。厌氧培养过程中Fe(II)与水溶性无机碳在避光时存在显著线性正相关关系,pH与Fe(II)和水溶性无机碳之间均存在显著线性负相关关系。  相似文献   

施用生物炭对紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤水力学性质的影响   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
该研究通过野外坡耕地小区施用1%秸秆生物炭1年后的对比试验,揭示生物炭对川中丘陵区紫色土耕作层土壤水力学参数、大孔隙度及其对饱和导水率的贡献率所产生的影响。试验设对照区与施用生物炭区2个处理,各处理有3个平行小区,耕作层土壤分为表层和亚表层(2~7和7~12 cm)。比较2个处理小区试验结果,可以发现:1)施用生物炭导致植物难以利用的土壤滞留水和易流失的结构性孔隙水的含量(θstr)下降,而基质性孔隙中植物有效水含量显著提高(P0.05),由(0.058±0.003)cm3/cm3增加至(0.085±0.002)cm3/cm3;2)表层和亚表层土壤中对产流起主要贡献的半径125μm的总有效孔隙度分别平均增加54%和8%,其中孔径500μm的孔隙增加最为明显,高达110%和355%;3)表层和亚表层土壤的饱和导水率分别平均增加45%和35%。研究证明,施用生物炭,一方面,能增加土壤有效水的持水量,有利于植物抗旱;另一方面,提高土壤导水率,有利于水分入渗,从而减少地表径流及土壤侵蚀的发生。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of biochar amendment on soil acidity and other physico‐chemical properties of soil in Southern Ethiopia using a field experiment of three treatments: (1) biochar made of corn cobs, (2) biochar made of chopped Lantana camara stem, and (3) biochar made of Eucalyptus globulus feedstock and a control, in which neither of the biochar was used. Each treatment had three levels of 6, 12 and 18 t ha−1. The experiment was setup with RCBD in a factorial arrangement with three replications. In this regard, a total of 36 plots (each 2 × 2 m size) were applied with three replications to the depth of 0–15cm. From these 36 plots, composite soil samples were collected to the depth of 0–30 cm and analyzed for bulk density, total porosity, pH, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, and exchangeable acidity using standard procedures before and after biochar application. Two‐way ANOVA was also used to analyze the impact of the biochars on soil acidity and other properties. For the treatments that had significant effects, a mean separation was made using Least Significance Difference (LSD) test. The results showed the application of biochar significantly reduced, soil bulk density and exchangeable acidity when compared with a control (p < 0.05). Moreover, the total soil porosity, soil pH, total nitrogen, soil organic carbon, available phosphorus, and potassium were significantly increased in the soil. From among applied biochar treatments, Lantana camara applied at the level of 18 t ha−1 had a higher impact in changing soil physico‐chemical properties. In general, the study suggests that the soil acidity can be reduced by applying biochar as it can amend other soil physico‐chemical properties.  相似文献   

The immediate effect of low and high severity wildfires on the main soil properties, as well as their short‐ and medium‐term evolution under field conditions, was examined. The study was performed with three pine forest soils (two Leptosols and one Humic Cambisol, developed over granite and basic schist, respectively), located in the Atlantic humid temperate zone (Galicia, NW Spain). Samples were collected from the A‐horizon (0–5 cm depth) of the burnt and the corresponding unburnt soils, immediately and 3, 6 and 12 months after the wildfires. Most properties analysed exhibit immediate fire‐induced changes and different evolution depending on fire severity and soil type. In general, immediately after the fire pH and soil properties related to nutrients availability increased and cation exchange capacity decreased, whereas properties related to soil organic matter content (C, N, Fe and Al oxides) had a variable effect depending mainly on the soil studied; all these modifications were accentuated by fire severity. These effects were attenuated in the short term in the soil affected by a low severity wildfire, but they lasted for at least 1 year in the soils affected by high severity wildfires, particularly in the Leptosols. The results showed the importance of the fire as a disturbance agent in the dynamic of nutrients and soil organic matter that is directly related with soil quality in the Galician forest ecosystems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that the addition of easily available substrates to soils can affect microbial activity and thus the mineralization of soil organic carbon (SOC). Up to now, little is known about the processes leading to these priming effects and which fractions of organic matter (OM) are affected. The objectives of this study were to determine if SOC associated with isolated soil size fractions showed different susceptibility to priming effects, whether these pools are easily depleted, or whether the amount of substrate addition affects the extent of priming effects. In an incubation experiment, the effect of the uniformly 14C‐labeled substrates fructose and alanine on the mineralization of the SOC of a Bs horizon of a Haplic Podzol was investigated. The soil sample was fractionated into the three soil size fractions sand, silt, and clay by a mild sonication followed by sieving and sedimentation. Additionally, nonfractionated soil of the horizon was included in the experiment. Every soil sample received four substrate additions repeated at weekly intervals with 3.325 μg substrate‐C (mg SOC)–1 and a final addition of 13.3 μg substrate‐C (mg SOC)–1 after 4 weeks. The respiration was determined hourly and 14CO2 was analyzed every 2, 4, and 7 d after the respective substrate addition. After 56 d, between 42% and 58% of the added substrates had been mineralized. Both substrates strongly increased the mineralization of the OM in all fractions (positive priming effects). The priming effects were always higher after the addition of the high substrate dose than during the first 4 weeks when four small doses were added. In general, the priming effects increased with decreasing particle size. Alanine generally caused higher priming effects than fructose in the soil size fractions (up to 280% vs. 231%, respectively). This indicates that alanine serves not only as an energy substrate but also as a N source and, thus, also promotes microbial growth. The strong priming effects in the silt and clay fraction (133% and 125% with fructose, 172% and 168% with alanine) showed, that not only the labile pool of OM is affected, but also a more stable pool characterized by higher 14C ages. We assume that the stability of the OM in these fractions is not only due to recalcitrance or to interactions with the minerals, but that it may also be caused by a substrate limitation of the degrading microorganisms.  相似文献   

Crop growth in sandy soils is usually limited by plant‐available nutrients and water contents. This study was conducted to determine whether these limiting factors could be improved through applications of compost and biochar. For this purpose, a maize (Zea mays L.) field trial was established at 1 ha area of a Dystric Cambisol in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Five treatments (control, compost, and three biochar‐compost mixtures with constant compost amount (32.5 Mg ha–1) and increasing biochar amount, ranging from 5–20 Mg ha–1) were compared. Analyses comprised total organic C (TOC), total N (TN), plant‐available nutrients, and volumetric soil water content for 4 months under field conditions during the growing season 2009. In addition, soil water‐retention characteristics were analyzed on undisturbed soil columns in the laboratory. Total organic‐C content could be increased by a factor of 2.5 from 0.8 to 2% (p < 0.01) at the highest biochar‐compost level compared with control while TN content only slightly increased. Plant‐available Ca, K, P, and Na contents increased by a factor of 2.2, 2.5, 1.2, and 2.8, respectively. With compost addition, the soil pH value significantly increased by up to 0.6 (p < 0.05) and plant‐available soil water retention increased by a factor of 2. Our results clearly demonstrated a synergistic positive effect of compost and biochar mixtures on soil organic‐matter content, nutrients levels, and water‐storage capacity of a sandy soil under field conditions.  相似文献   

Impacts of crop residue biochar on soil C and N dynamics have been found to be subtly inconsistent in diverse soils. In the present study, three soils differing in texture (loamy sand, sandy clay loam and clay) were amended with different rates (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 4%) of rice-residue biochar and incubated at 25°C for 60 days. Soil respiration was measured throughout the incubation period whereas, microbial biomass C (MBC), dissolved organic C (DOC), NH4+-N and NO3N were analysed after 2, 7, 14, 28 and 60 days of incubation. Carbon mineralization differed significantly between the soils with loamy sand evolving the greatest CO2 followed by sandy clay loam and clay. Likewise, irrespective of the sampling period, MBC, DOC, NH4+-N and NO3N increased significantly with increasing rate of biochar addition, with consistently higher values in loamy sand than the other two soils. Furthermore, regardless of the biochar rates, NO3-N concentration increased significantly with increasing period of incubation, but in contrast, NH4+-N temporarily increased and thereafter, decreased until day 60 in all soils. It is concluded that C and N mineralization in the biochar amended soils varied with the texture and native organic C status of the soils.  相似文献   

To improve soil structure and take advantage of several accompanying ecological benefits, it is necessary to understand the underlying processes of aggregate dynamics in soils. Our objective was to quantify macroaggregate (> 250 μm) rebuilding in soils from loess (Haplic Luvisol) with different initial soil organic C (SOC) contents and different amendments of organic matter (OM) in a short term incubation experiment. Two soils differing in C content and sampled at 0–5 and 5–25 cm soil depths were incubated after macroaggregate destruction. The following treatments were applied: (1) control (without any addition), (2) OM1 (addition of OM: preincubated wheat straw [< 10 mm, C : N 40.6] at a rate of 4.1 g C [kg soil]–1), and (3) OM2 (same as (2) at a rate of 8.2 g C [kg soil]–1). Evolution of CO2 released from the treatments was measured continuously, and contents of different water‐stable aggregate‐size classes (> 250 μm, 250–53 μm, < 53 μm), microbial biomass, and ergosterol were determined after 7 and 28 d of incubation. Highest microbial activity was observed in the first 3 d after the OM application. With one exception, > 50% of the rebuilt macroaggregates were formed within the first 7 d after rewetting and addition of OM. However, the amount of organic C within the new macroaggregates was ≈ 2‐ to 3‐fold higher than in the original soil. The process of aggregate formation was still proceeding after 7 d of incubation, however at a lower rate. Contents of organic C within macroaggregates were decreased markedly after 28 d of incubation in the OM1 and OM2 treatments, suggesting that the microbial biomass (bacteria and fungi) used organic C within the newly built macroaggregates. Overall, the results confirmed for all treatments that macroaggregate formation is a rapid process and highly connected with the amount of OM added and microbial activity. However, the time of maximum aggregation after C addition depends on the soil and substrate investigated. Moreover, the results suggest that the primary macroaggregates, formed within the first 7 d, are still unstable and oversaturated with OM and therefore act as C source for microbial decomposition processes.  相似文献   

Biochar is a carbon-rich product obtained by biomass pyrolysis and considered a mean of carbon sequestration. In this research, a sandy calcareous soil from the Farm of the College of Food & Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, was amended with either woody waste of Conocarpus erectus L.(CW) or the biochar(BC) produced from CW at rates of 0(control), 10, 30 and 50 g kg-1. The effects of the amendments on soil p H, dissolved organic carbon(DOC), microbial biomass carbon(MBC), CO2 emission and metabolic quotient(q CO2) of the sandy calcareous soil were studied in a 60-d incubation experiment. The results showed that the addition of CW led to a significant decrease in soil p H compared to the control and the addition of BC. The CO2-C emission rate was higher in the first few days of incubation than when the incubation time progressed. The cumulative CO2-C emission from the soil amended with CW, especially at higher rates, was higher(approximately 3- to 6-fold) than that from the control and the soil amended with BC. The BC-amended soil showed significant increases in CO2-C emission rate during the first days of incubation as compared to the non-amended soil, but the increase in cumulative CO2-C emission was not significant after 60 d of incubation. On the other hand, CW applications resulted in considerably higher cumulative CO2-C emission, MBC and DOC than the control and BC applications. With the exception of 0 day(after 1 h of incubation), both CW and BC applications led to lower values of q CO2 as compared to the control. The power function kinetic model satisfactorily described the cumulative CO2-C emission. Generally, the lowest values of CO2 emission were observed in the soil with BC, suggesting that the contribution of BC to CO2 emission was very small as compared to that of CW.  相似文献   

The assessment of grassland degradation due to overgrazing is a global challenge in semiarid environments. In particular, investigations of beginning steppe degradation after a change or intensification of the land use are needed in order to detect and adjust detrimental land‐use management rapidly and thus prevent severe damages in these sensitive ecosystems. A controlled‐grazing experiment was established in Inner Mongolia (China) in 2005 that included ungrazed (UG) and heavily grazed plots with grazing intensities of 4.5 (HG4.5) and 7.5 (HG7.5) sheep per hectare. Several soil and vegetation parameters were investigated at all sites before the start of the experiment. Topsoil samples were analyzed for soil organic C (SOC), total N (Ntot), total S (Stot), and bulk density (BD). As vegetation parameters, aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), tiller density (TD), and leaf‐area index (LAI) were determined. After 3 y of the grazing experiment, BD increased and SOC, Ntot, Stot, ANPP, and LAI significantly decreased with increasing grazing intensity. These sensitive parameters can be regarded as early‐warning indicators for degradation of semiarid grasslands. Vegetation parameters were, however, more sensitive not only to grazing but also to temporal variation of precipitation between 2006 and 2008. Contrary, soil parameters were primarily affected by grazing and resistant against climatic variations. The assessment of starting conditions in the study area and the application of defined grazing intensities is essential for the investigation of short‐term degradation in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

稻草及其制备的生物质炭对土壤团聚体有机碳的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
向土壤中添加生物质炭已被认为是改善土壤质量,增加碳吸存的有效措施。通过模拟实验,利用同位素δ13C标记技术,研究稻草及其制备的生物质炭添加对土壤团聚体有机碳的影响。结果表明:稻草和生物质炭对土壤团聚体中新形成碳和原有机碳的影响截然不同。培养112 d,来自稻草或生物质炭的新碳主要进入到中团聚体(50 ~ 250 μm)中,比例为70.3% ~ 75.3%。与对照土壤相比,稻草添加显著促进了大团聚体(250 ~ 2 000 μm)原有机碳的分解(p <0.05),但对中团聚体和微团聚体(<50 μm)原有机碳的影响并不明显,而生物质炭添加(SB250和SB350)则对大团聚体和中团聚体原有机碳没有显著影响,但SB250处理(土壤中加入250℃热解制备的生物质炭)显著抑制了微团聚体原有机碳的分解(p <0.05),而SB350处理(土壤中加入350℃热解制备的生物质炭)的则无影响。对于同一粒级团聚体,稻草与生物质炭处理的区别,主要体现在新碳分配上,而对原有机碳的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

Biochar has been suggested as a possible means for enhancing soil fertility, including soil potassium (K). However, understanding of the effects of biochar on soil K dynamics remains limited. In this study, a pot trial was conducted to investigate the influence of biochar application (0, 5, 10, and 25 g kg?1 soil) on soil K dynamics and crop K uptake under a winter wheat–maize rotation in two types of soil (an Alfisol, which contained a high initial available K and an Entisol, which contained a high abundance of 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals). Changes in soil K in various forms following biochar application and cropping were determined, and their contributions to plant K uptake were evaluated. Soil microbial activity, especially the development of K‐dissolving bacteria (KDB), was evaluated to obtain insights into its effects on the weathering of K‐bearing minerals in the soils. During the wheat growth period, crop K uptake was more enhanced (13.6–40.5% higher) in the Alfisol than in the Entisol due to the higher availability of water‐soluble and exchangeable K, while K fixation occurred in the Entisol because of the higher content of 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals. During the maize period, crop K uptake was generally higher in the Entisol soil due to the release of non‐exchangeable K. In addition, biochar application enhanced the growth of KDB in both soils, which was associated with changes in soil pH and water‐soluble K. However, improved mineral K release was observed only in the Entisol. It is concluded that biochar application could be a feasible soil amendment to improve soil K availability, but crop K uptake responses may vary depending on soil types. Soils abundant in 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals tend to prolong biochar effects on crop K uptake. Biochar application enhanced the growth of KDB, which may facilitate mineral K weathering in soils with abundant K‐bearing minerals.  相似文献   

Biochar addition can expand soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and has potential ability in mitigating climate change. Also, some incubation experiments have shown that biochar can increase soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents. However, there is no direct evidence for this from the field experiment. In order to make up the sparseness of available data resulting from the long‐term effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fractions, here we detected the contents and stocks of the bulk SIC and SOC fractions based on a 10‐year field experiment of consecutive biochar application in Shandong Province, China. There are three biochar treatments as no‐biochar (control), and biochar application at 4.5 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B4.5) and 9.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B9.0), respectively. The results showed that biochar application significantly enhanced SIC content (3.2%–24.3%), >53 μm particulate organic carbon content (POC, 38.2%–166.2%) and total soil organic carbon content (15.8%–82.2%), compared with the no‐biochar control. However, <53 μm silt–clay‐associated organic carbon (SCOC) content was significantly decreased (14%–27%) under the B9.0 treatment. Our study provides the direct field evidence that SIC contributed to carbon sequestration after the biochar application, and indicates that the applied biochar was allocated mainly in POC fraction. Further, the decreased SCOC and increased microbial biomass carbon contents observed in field suggest that the biochar application might exert a positive priming effect on native soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

Biochar amendments offer promising potential to improve soil fertility, soil organic carbon (SOC) and crop yields; however, a limited research has explored these benefits of biochar in the arid and semi‐arid regions. This two‐year field study investigated the effects of Acacia tree biomass‐derived biochar, applied at 0 and 10 t ha?1 rates with farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM) and mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizer combinations (100 kg P ha‐1), on maize (Zea mays L.) productivity, P use efficiency (PUE) and farm profitability. The application of biochar with organic–inorganic P fertilizers significantly increased soil P and SOC contents than the sole organic or inorganic P fertilizers. Addition of biochar and PM as 100% P source resulted in the highest soil P (104% increase over control) and SOC contents (203% higher than control). However, maize productivity and PUE were significantly higher under balanced P fertilizer (50% organic + 50% mineral fertilizer) with biochar and the increase was 110%, 94% and 170% than 100%‐FYM, 100%‐PM and 100% mineral fertilizer, respectively. Maize productivity and yield correlated significantly positively with soil P and SOC contents These positive effects were possibly due to the ability of biochar to improve soil properties, P availability from organic–inorganic fertilizers and SOC which resulted in higher PUE and maize productivity. Despite the significant positive relationship of PUE with net economic returns, biochar incorporation with PM and mineral fertilizer combination was economically profitable, whereas FYM along biochar was not profitable due to short duration of the field experiments.  相似文献   

Biochar application can improve soil properties, such as increasing soil organic carbon content, soil pH and water content. These properties are important to soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC); however, the effects of biochar on DOC concentration and composition have received little research attention, especially several years after biochar application under field conditions. This study was conducted in a long‐term experimental field where the biochar was only applied once in 2009. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of different biochar application rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 t ha?1) on the dynamics of soil water content, DOC concentration and DOC compositions (reducing sugar, soluble phenol and aromatics) over nine samplings during a 12‐month period in 2014. Our results showed that soil water content and DOC concentration varied from 7.1% to 14.5% and 59 to 230 mg C kg?1 soil during the 12 months, respectively. However, the biochar application rates did not significantly (p > 0.05) affect soil water content, DOC concentration and DOC composition at the same sampling period. The DOC concentration across the biochar treatments was positively correlated to soil water content. Moreover, the DOC composition (reducing sugar, soluble phenol or aromatics) and their concentrations were positively correlated to the total DOC concentration. In addition, biochar did not affect soil bulk density, pH, saturated hydraulic conductivity and crop yields. The results indicated that some benefits of biochar to soil may not persist 5 years after the application of biochar under a field condition.  相似文献   

Agricultural soil CO2 emissions and their controlling factors have recently received increased attention because of the high potential of carbon sequestration and their importance in soil fertility. Several parameters of soil structure, chemistry, and microbiology were monitored along with soil CO2 emissions in research conducted in soils derived from a glacial till. The investigation was carried out during the 2012 growing season in Northern Germany. Higher potentials of soil CO2 emissions were found in grassland (20.40 µg g?1 dry weight h?1) compared to arable land (5.59 µg g?1 dry weight h?1) within the incubating temperature from 5°C to 40°C and incubating moisture from 30% to 70% water holding capacity (WHC) of soils taken during the growing season. For agricultural soils regardless of pasture and arable management, we suggested nine key factors that influence changes in soil CO2 emissions including soil temperature, metabolic quotient, bulk density, WHC, percentage of silt, bacterial biomass, pH, soil organic carbon, and hot water soluble carbon (glucose equivalent) based on principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. Slightly different key factors were proposed concerning individual land use types, however, the most important factors for soil CO2 emissions of agricultural soils in Northern Germany were proved to be metabolic quotient and soil temperature. Our results are valuable in providing key influencing factors for soil CO2 emission changes in grassland and arable land with respect to soil respiration, physical status, nutrition supply, and microbe-related parameters.  相似文献   

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