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优种核桃嫁接繁殖技术试验 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
培育优种核桃嫁接苗是实现核桃栽培良种化、集约化、基地化、商品化的根本途径。1999~2001年经过对辽宁1号、鲁光、中林3号、晋龙1号等优种核桃嫁接苗繁殖试验,总结出适合当地的核桃嫁接苗繁殖技术,成活率最高达到98%。 相似文献
通过对本地区核桃优种与蔬菜、药材、粮食、种苗的科学合理间作模式研究,探索出长治市进行核桃立体种植的高效种植技术,以期在山区、丘陵区大力推广,提高农民发展核桃的积极性,实现以短养长、综合利用、立体开发、种植效益最大化。 相似文献
1范围该标准规定了优种核桃生产的建园、土肥水管理、整形修剪、花果管理、病虫害防治和采收与贮藏。该标准适用于燕山地区优种核桃的生产。 相似文献
近年来,阜平县按照东部大枣、西部核桃的林果业发展思路,依托扶贫开发资金、省财政支持核桃生产试点县引导性资金和退耕还林巩固成果产业基地建设资金等项目支持,大力发展优种核桃产业。截至目前,全县核桃种植面积达8.5万亩,年产核桃300万公斤,产值6000万元。2013年元旦前夕,习近平总书记到阜平县考察慰问时,对阜平脱贫致富奔小康做出了重要指示。之后,省、市、县各级领导,专家教授深入阜平乡村进行了大量专题调研和座谈,集思广益谋划阜平脱贫发展之计。 相似文献
<正>遵化市从1997年开始引进优种核桃,近10年发展近2600hm2。经多年观察,发生的主要病害有腐烂病、黑斑病、炭疽病;主要虫害有举肢蛾、木撩尺蠖、天牛和象甲。针对当前绿色优种核桃生产的需要,进行综合防治,取得了良好效果。 相似文献
不同灌水量对“绿岭”核桃生长结果的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了研究绿岭核桃不同生长时期对灌水量的需求规律,以制订合理的灌水措施,以10年生绿岭核桃树为试材,共设4个灌水处理,处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ的灌水量依次设为30、40、50、60 kg/(株.次),研究了不同灌水量对其生长结果的影响情况。结果表明:在展叶期、雄花散粉期、雌花花开初期、坐果期、生理落果期和果实速长期,处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的新梢生长量的差别不大,其生长趋势基本一致,自雌花开放初期至果实速长期,处理Ⅳ的新梢长度均显著高于其他3个处理;5月7日新梢停止生长,处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ的新梢长度分别为10.41、10.72、10.72和12.76 cm,以处理Ⅳ的为最大,显著高于其他3个处理,其他3个处理之间并无显著差异;4个处理的光合速率分别为3.95、3.82、4.36、2.99μmol/(m2.s),以处理Ⅲ的为最大,极显著高于处理Ⅳ,显著高于处理Ⅰ和Ⅱ;4个处理的叶面积指数分别为2.1、2.4、2.7、2.3,以处理Ⅲ的为最大,显著高于处理Ⅰ;4个处理的坐果率分别为71.73%、78.20%、76.73%、82.1%,以处理Ⅳ的为最大,极显著高于处理Ⅰ。 相似文献
三康氨基酸生物液肥对大豆产量的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1材料、方法 1.1材料:三康氨基酸液肥;多克福种衣剂;大豆 87- 9。 1. 2方法:于大豆播前 2天取液肥 80ml(100g)兑水 3. 5kg拌种 80kg,拌匀后堆闷 5~ 6h,灌袋待播, 5月 10日大田播种 100亩,相临两侧为同一品种的种衣剂包衣和白籽 (对照 )播种,播种量和播肥量同于大田,田间管理同于大田, 6月 20日进行化学除草,配方为亩用国产虎威 90g+精稳杀得乳油 70g兑水 25kg,喷药后观察, 6月 21日亩喷施液肥 40ml兑水 25kg,包衣和对照各喷水 14. 5kg,观察受害后恢复情况,最后观察成熟情况,测产。 2结果与分析 2. 1通过对出苗… 相似文献
Uptake and internal cycling of nitrogen (N) in mature walnut trees was studied over a period of 6 years using (15)N-depleted fertilizer and full-canopied walnut (Juglans regia L. cv Hartley) trees. The magnitude of internal N cycling, i.e., the availability of N for new growth from internal N pools, was quantified using both the percent annual depletion (PAD) and the N balance budget approaches. There was good agreement between the two measures, and about 60% of annual N demand was derived from N redistribution from internal pools. The remaining 40% of annual tree N demand was met by an influx of N from the soil/fertilizer pool. Trees were excavated, processed and analyzed after 6 years to determine total tree N content and labeled N recovery. Trees recovered 29.4% of the labeled N applied and, based on previous evidence, we assumed that tree accumulation of labeled N occurred entirely in the first year. Labeled N in the fruits and leaves harvested in the first year represented 26% of the total labeled N accumulated, and the remaining 74% of the labeled N accumulated that year was stored and used to support development of annual organs in subsequent years. In the first year, the early maturing catkins did not accumulate labeled N, indicating their exclusive reliance on internal N. Using the atom% (14)N excess values of catkins and an exponential decline equation to determine turnover rate, the Mean Residence Time (MRT) of storage N in the tree was estimated to be 2.0 years. The size of the cycling pool of storage N in the tree was estimated to be about 50% of the total N content of perennial tree parts. Our data support the hypotheses that: (1) in any given year, mature walnut trees store the majority of soil and fertilizer N absorbed and within 2 years following uptake the N is remobilized and used for new growth, and (2) about half of the total N content of the perennial parts of mature walnut trees is present as nonstructural N and is available for recycling. 相似文献
Characterization of endophytic bacteria with plant growth promotion and biological control potential isolated from walnut trees 下载免费PDF全文
In this study, a total of 68 endophytic bacteria were isolated from different tissues of walnut trees. About 55% and 22% of the strains had the ability to produce indole acetic acid and gibberellic acid, respectively. The capability of isolates to solubilize phosphate, growth on N‐free medium, siderophore, protease and lipase production was varied. Based on phenotypic grouping and plant growth promotion properties, twelve isolates were selected and 16S rRNA gene‐based phylogenetic analysis revealed that strains showed 99%–100% similarity to Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Roseomonas and Streptomyces genera. Amongst the selected strains, PS12, KS54, JS66 and KS74 showed root and shoot growth enhancement of poplar cutting. NS70, KS54 and PL36 strains showed antagonistic activity against Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae;RR47, KS74 and NR69 strains had inhibition effects against Brenneria nigrifluens; and JS66 and RR26 strains had antagonistic activity against both phytopathogens under in vitro conditions. This is the first reported study to elucidate the endophytic bacterial diversity associated with walnut trees with beneficial attributes. 相似文献
核桃试管苗生根培养的研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以新疆绵核桃为试材,对继代培养无根试管苗的生根进行了研究.结果表明:生根诱导方法、外源IBA水平及IBA处理时间、光周期以及试管苗发育状态等均对不定根发生具有明显影响.选取生长旺盛、节间较长,叶片嫩绿的幼态苗,采用间接诱导生根法,即用50~80 mg/L IBA浸渍处理试管苗基部60~90 min,然后转至不含生长调节物质的1/2 DKW培养基,先黑暗诱导14 d,再在16 h/d光照下培养,可诱导试管苗生根率达60%以上. 相似文献