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The main goal of this article is to identify and classify institutional barriers which prevent the use of urban green spaces (UGS) at three levels: availability (whether a UGS exists), accessibility (whether it is physically and psychologically accessible, e.g., not fenced off), and attractiveness (whether it is attractive enough for potential users to visit). We reviewed the impacts on UGS provision exerted by different actors (individuals, formal and informal groups, community councils, city authorities, national governmental and non-governmental organizations), along with the relevant institutional foundations of those impacts. As a result, we identified and classified the different barriers for which these actors are responsible in the case of fifteen UGS types in our case study city, Lodz (Łódź) in Poland. The main barriers at different levels concern conflicting interests, physical barriers (private green spaces), and the lack of funds, together with legal and governmental failures (public green spaces). These barriers result from the different actors’ mandates or lack thereof. Our analysis has implications for the operationalization of UGS availability, accessibility and attractiveness, and, in particular, for mapping UGS and setting the relevant indicators and thresholds for UGS availability, accessibility and attractiveness.  相似文献   

As cities become more densely populated, urban green spaces (UGS) are increasingly important due to the environmental and social benefits they provide. Cities are confronted with the challenge of equitable supply of high-quality urban green that meets the demand of residents. This is particularly relevant in lower-income neighborhoods, which tend to suffer from the lowest supply of (high quality) UGS. In this paper, we perform spatial analysis on the responses of an online user survey to explore how UGS frequency of use, choice, and satisfaction differ by use pattern and place of residence in the Brussels Capital Region. Additionally, we identify the “push-pull” factors of individual UGS by identifying the desirable (pull) and undesirable (push) qualities that may attract or repel the use of a UGS. We find that use pattern is related to choice and experience of UGS. Compared to people who use UGS for social purposes, those who use UGS for nature-oriented reasons more often choose to visit UGS that are substantially farther from their home but are more often satisfied with the UGS they use. Our findings also show that respondents living in areas with higher proportions of disadvantaged groups tend to travel substantially farther to reach their UGS and are more often dissatisfied with the UGS they visit. Finally, our push-pull analysis indicates that characteristics that are important to nature-oriented users, such as quietness and calmness, are often more negatively experienced in dense city center UGS. Our research thus demonstrates the need to bring more green, particularly green that elicits a feeling of “naturalness”, to areas of the city where low green space quality and quantity overlap with areas inhabited by vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

Environmental child-friendliness is affected by how built environments and green spaces are planned and designed, but also by their ongoing management, including both development and maintenance. This study examined children’s perspectives on their local environments with focus on green spaces and their management in an urban village. Five groups totalling 16 children aged 10–11 were interviewed through child-led walks. Both the qualities of the village as a whole and of specific places within it added to the child-friendliness of the local environment. The children showed planned and managed spaces including playgrounds and parks, and unmanaged places such as abandoned gardens. They found many qualities in multifunctional planned places with a varied, rich content. In unmanaged areas the lack of management was seen as positive for exploration, play possibilities and for the place to be children’s own. The findings suggest that children’s perspectives can play an important role not only in planning and design, but also in the ongoing process of landscape management, including the provision of more variation in local green spaces.  相似文献   

Noise pollution has been recognized as one of major threats to the health of urban residents. Increasing green space availability can create a natural buffer to the adverse effects of living in an urban environment. These positive effects of urban green space can be directly related to an objective reduction of noise levels and – indirectly – to the subjective perception of noise exposure. In our study carried out in Lodz, Poland, we explored the relationship between objective noise levels and the subjective perception of noise exposure by urban residents in relation to urban green space availability. We refer to objective noise exposure expressed as GIS modelled Lden derived from noise maps (compliant with the Environmental Noise Directive, 2002/49/EC), and subjective (self-reported) perception of noise exposure as declared in a questionnaire-based survey. We compared the percentage of green space in a buffer, the objectively measured noise level, and the perceived exposure to noise to find the most appropriate radius of the green space buffer. We decided to choose the green space coverage which is not correlated with an objective noise level to avoid potential multicollinearity in regression models. This contrasts with most studies, in which the radius of the buffer is set a priori. We thus compared the selected buffer of green space coverage – 300 m (representing green space availability) – with perceived noise exposure. We used the spatial error probit model to differentiate the impacts of objective and subjective noise indicators, at the same time including also the factor of green space availability. We found out that the direct effect of objectively measured noise levels, education, the presence of noisy neighbours, and building characteristics were the most important variables influencing the self-reported perception of noise by urban residents. The indirect effect of green space availability on noise perception was not strong, yet statistically significant. Although our study does not provide clear-cut evidence, it indicates that the indirect, psychological effects of urban green spaces can positively affect the life satisfaction of urban residents.  相似文献   

The objective benefits that humans derive from natural ecosystems and their enduring manifestation in urban green spaces (UGS) is well-know. Nevertheless, citizens’ preference, and perceived necessity of UGS is not always evident and therefore often not accounted for, especially in the context of urban planning decisions, where it could positively influence the effectiveness of greening strategies. This information is especially important in the Mediterranean islands, due to their unique character. Here we address these aspects, including the way they are affected by UGS perceived adequacy, accessibility, maintenance, distance, and other self-reported obstacles using a questionnaire completed by 703 residents of the Island of Crete, Greece. To integrate results, main covariates are compiled into the newly developed public UGS approval index. Survey results show that, 87.82 % of the participants consider public UGS highly necessary for their wellbeing, while only 69.22 % consider private UGS equally necessary. Nevertheless, private UGS were the most frequently visited green at 16.3 ± 0.7 days/month. Public UGS is considered more necessary for female respondents, under 35 years, living in an apartment in the city. However, it emerged that despite the significantly higher need for public UGS in the urban centers of the island, residents consider UGS inadequate and often inaccessible for people with mobility problems. Integration of the results in the new approval index, shows that citizens of Crete, are on average neutral or disapprove of local public UGS. The outcomes can be used for targeted interventions at existing and strategic planning in new UGS.  相似文献   

城市街旁绿地是城市居民利用最为广泛的绿地之一,是城市园林形象的直接表现。南宁是一座无论在自然环境条件还是地方文化底蕴方面都极具特色的城市。为了创造出更宜人的城市街旁绿地空间,需要在园林设计中充分重视景观地域性。景观地域性的表达本质上也是对南宁地方文化的继承与发扬。  相似文献   

Extensive evidence exists on the benefits provided by urban green space (UGS) but evidence is lacking about whether and how socio-economic benefits accrue to all residents or disproportionally depending on their socio-economic status or residential location. We model joint effects of socio-economic and locational attributes on attitudes and use of UGS in Brussels (BE). The analysis is based on a survey conducted along an urban–suburban continuum with respondents sampled across non-park public space. Patterns of use are depicted by the frequency and the distance travelled to the most used UGS. Attitudes are analyzed along three dimensions: willingness to (i) pay for UGS, (ii) trade off housing for green space and (iii) substitute private for public green. Our results stress the importance of separating effects of attitudes from socio-economic and locational effects to quantify UGS use, and suggest endogenous effects of green space with residential sorting.  相似文献   

In this short communication, we discuss European urban green space (UGS) research from an environmental justice perspective. We show that European UGS scholarship primarily focuses on functional values and managerial aspects of UGS, while paying less attention to equity in the enjoyment of and decision-making around UGS. On this basis we discuss potentials for European urban green space research to take up a more explicit environmental justice framing to shed much-needed light on injustices in European cities and inspire change in policy and practice.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of green space health on local flooding based on the analysis of eighty-two watersheds in four Texas metropolitan statistical areas: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. The runoff records in October 2007 and October 2012 were selected for the assessment. The study met the methodological challenge posed by comparison by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets produced based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery of the 250-m resolution as a proxy to represent the health of green space. Two linear regression models were employed to explain the variation in mean daily runoff depth in 2007 and 2012, while controlling multiple contextual variables.Results indicate that watersheds containing healthier green spaces were likely to generate lower amounts of runoff in both periods. Standardized coefficients of green space health also show that the NDVI is a powerful and significant predictor to explain variation in runoff. These findings illustrate the important role of urban green spaces in attenuating local flooding and may provide planners and decision-makers with a method to consider, using this kind of objective greenery index in further developing local and regional green infrastructure and land-use plans.  相似文献   

Ecological corridors and urban parks are created to connect habitats that become isolated due to urban development and integrate ecological, social, and cultural functions. Establishing and implementing the ecological function of urban green structures and conservation plans for urban terrestrial species requires prioritizing developing an understanding of the community structure of urban terrestrial species. However, understanding the appearance and distribution of terrestrial species in urban ecosystems is often neglected or lacking; furthermore, the inaccurate detection of species distribution can create biased estimates of species occupancy. Recently, an applied research method for detecting terrestrial species such as mammals and birds has been proposed based on molecular biology such as environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. We installed artificial water tanks (mesocosm) in urban green spaces (Urban forests; UFs, Urban ecological corridors; UECs, Urban parks; UPs), applying eDNA metabarcoding as a tool to detect wild terrestrial species, and camera traps (CTs) and field surveys were performed in parallel to verify the results. We detected 22 urban terrestrial species only by eDNA metabarcoding and identified 43 species in total by performing eDNA metabarcoding, CTs, and field surveys in parallel. In addition, we identified 31 species of UFs, 13 species of UECs, and 28 species of UPs of urban terrestrial species using the three species survey methods in parallel. We confirmed that eDNA metabarcoding is very useful for detecting small species that are difficult to detect with the naked eye and internal species vulnerable to disturbance. However, since some species were only detected by CTs or field surveys due to DNA false-negative errors or the species’ life-history characteristics, it was judged that the species inventory can be effectively collected using several monitoring techniques.  相似文献   

According to the national policy, overall forest and agroforestry cover in Rwanda is to increase up to 30% land cover by 2020. On the other hand, demographic data reveal that Rwanda's urban areas are among the fastest-growing on the continent. Unfortunately, there is only little information of the effects of such a rapid urbanization on tree cover and green space structure, knowing that data on urban plant assemblages in the country are rather rare. The paper discusses developments in Kigali's green spaces with regard to its rapid rate of expansion. An integrated approach of research, combining results from interview sessions, desk-based investigations, walk-over and vegetation surveys, and photogrammetric analyses of remotely acquired imagery was applied. The findings suggest that the city green space network consists of plant assemblages largely dominated by alien species (75%). Tree cover fraction averaged at around 10–35%. No significant difference was observed between field-drawn and photogrammetric-based fraction of tree cover estimates; making the later a quick but cheap tool for rapid tree cover evaluation. Cultivated forests, urban woodlots and domestic garden tree stands are far the most dominant types of green spaces in terms of coverage of city surface area. Street tree communities and institutional gardens appear to be the most intensively designed green space layouts. Both distribution and species composition in domestic gardens were socioeconomic-driven. For instance, palm trees were characteristic of fortunate quarters while fruitbearing ornamental such as Psidium guajava and Persea americana were common within scattered and informal settlements. Markhamia lutea, Erythina abyssinica, Euphorbia candelabrum, Phoenix reclinata and Acacia sieberiana are among native taxa that thrive to keep a place in the city. Euphorbia tirucalli, a native tree that is widespread in home compound fences within informal settlements, is significantly declining as modern housing expands and concrete-based fences replace live enclosures.  相似文献   

The attribution of economic value to landscape resources is fraught with technical and methodological difficulties. Little is mandated in UK planning policy explaining how economic value should be established. As a result landscape resources have been undervalued, underfunded and marginalised in favour of larger grey infrastructure development. The UK NEA however outlined for the first time a national scale economic evaluation of environmental resources. The Valuing Attractive Landscapes in the Urban Economy (VALUE) Interreg IVB project examined this issue by establishing a toolkit of economic evaluation methodologies for green investments across North-West Europe. Focussing on the returns that investments in green infrastructure can deliver to cities and city-regions, the VALUE project identified economic values that can be used to influence future policy-making. This paper presents an analysis of VALUE street tree investments in Manchester, UK. Using a contingent valuation survey preferences for green investments and associated willingness to pay (WTP) for them were generated. Analysis suggests that willingness to pay is directly related to the size and greenness of the proposed investment and participant perceptions of added value. 75% of respondents were WTP for investments in green infrastructure. Analysis indicates increased WTP and a marked preference for larger and physically greener investments. Payment values ranged from £1.46 to 2.33, a 59.5% variance, between the preferred investment option and the status quo. The paper concludes that although green investments vary in size and function, respondents consider the specific and wider value of green infrastructure resources when asked how much they willing to pay to fund and maintain such investments.  相似文献   

Although there is a common trend towards increasing green space in modern cities, urban green spaces provide not only ecosystem services but also disservices for urban dwellers. However, the relationship between urban greenness and ecosystem disservices has been poorly examined. We aimed to understand the effect of greenness level on the abundance and species composition of hornets – critical pests in Japan and to identify the best spatial scale for estimating their abundance with reference to greenness levels. We used a dataset that contained eight years of abundance data for four hornet species at 11 sites in Nagoya city. The levels of greenness around the hornet sampling points were measured using averages from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with radiuses of 0.1–10.0 km. We analysed the relationship between abundance and species composition of hornets and NDVI at different spatial scales using generalized linear mixed models. Higher NDVI values positively affected the abundance of all the hornet species except Vespa analis. The abundances were estimated most effectively using the NDVI average with a 1–2 km radius for all species. The species composition of hornets drastically changed along the gradient of NDVI values; V. mandarinia was dominant in greener areas (over 0.2–0.3 NDVI average with a 2 km radius) and V. analis in less green areas (below 0.2–0.3 NDVI average). Our study showed that the abundance and species composition of hornets were both strongly associated with the level of urban greenness. This suggests that increases in the greenness of urban areas can increase hornet abundance and alter the species composition of hornets; a more aggressive species, V. mandarinia, may also increase in urban areas, although V. analis is currently the most critical species according to regional consultants. Balancing ecosystem services and disservices has become crucial for the planning and management of green spaces, particularly when urban green space increases. We also demonstrate how human tolerance towards wildlife may have to be improved in order to live in greener environment where wildlife can be expected.  相似文献   

Research mapping is a method of organising research information as part of a process of formulating a research policy in a specific area. A research mapping project was undertaken in the UK, which aimed to map existing and future research into public and green space, to identify gaps in order to help set priorities for future research, and to develop a freely accessible and searchable database of this research. The mapping was structured around two axes. The first axis was of research themes based on The Value of Public Space but developed further and broken down into sub-themes. The second axis was a typology of green and public space based around Planning and Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17) with elaboration from Green Spaces, Better Places. Research dating back to 10 years was collected together with information on recently completed, ongoing and planned UK research. Only research meeting specific quality criteria was included. Some information was also collected at a seminar where attendees from a range of organisations were invited to offer their perspectives on where research priorities should be directed. All the material was analysed and the main trends were identified. Three key cross-cutting themes common to much of the research were identified. These are the general lack of baseline surveys against which to assess progress over time; methodological issues, especially the need to standardise data collection methods and techniques; the classification of social groups, currently considered to be too crude.It was found that most research has been undertaken on physical aspects, such as planning and on biodiversity. Economic values have also been a focus, but on a smaller scale. Social research is quite well covered but very patchy. Management is better covered than maintenance. By far the weakest area represented in the research is health and well-being, both in terms of social groups and types of green space. Priorities for further research were then identified.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces (UGS) are increasingly acknowledged for their importance for the well-being of urban populations. However, studies are lacking the consideration of the demand and use of UGS by different population groups and connecting UGS with social infrastructure. In an era of worldwide urbanization and ageing, this European study sheds light on the role of UGS for care facilities for elderly. 126 care facilities from 17 cities in Austria, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania and Slovenia took part in an online survey. Administrations of care facilities gave insights on the (1) importance of gardens related to care facilities for the quality of life for the seniors, (2) importance of UGS outside of care facilities for the quality of life for the seniors and (3) the consideration of natural and age-friendly designs and management of ecosystem disservices of UGS. The results emphasize not only the importance of UGS for the quality of life of seniors residing in care facilities, but also for the staff and visitors. UGS contribute to physical activities, recreation, and social interactions. The study found that in particular facilities with an own garden are highly aware of the benefits UGS provide. The study holds important lessons for UGS planning, management and design not only to focus on the quantitative supply of UGS, but also to consider age-sensitive amenities in and access to UGS of high quality for seniors.  相似文献   

As an integral part of the urban environment, urban green space (UGS) is of great significance in maintaining urban ecosystem balance and biodiversity. Spatial accessibility is an important indicator of UGS distribution and can be calculated by the two-step floating catchment area method (2SFCA). However, problems exist in previous studies using 2SFCA: (1) the dynamics in population distributions are ignored when measuring UGS demand; and (2) travel costs are calculated for only a single mode of transportation. To address these problems, this study proposes a dynamic two-step floating catchment area method (D2SFCA) based on the Baidu heatmap and direction application programming interface and compares it with the traditional 2SFCA to investigate the characteristics of and differences in UGS accessibility in the first-ring built-up area of Shenyang, China. The results show the following: (1) the dynamic population distribution data calculated by the heatmap yielded the highest population density raster (581.0–1342.0 p/hm2) in areas with dense road networks and the lowest population density raster (2.0–91.0 p/hm2) in areas with railways and rivers, thereby more accurately reflecting reality and better quantifying the UGS demand than the static population distribution data; (2) the D2SFCA and 2SFCA findings had a slightly different distribution, and the D2SFCA assessment results more accurately reflected actual patterns, especially when the road data were inaccurate. In summary, the D2SFCA is more suitable for assessing accessibility and can identify specific areas that lack UGS. This study provides a scientific basis and methodological support for improving the services level and equity of UGS.  相似文献   

Having access to and visiting urban green space (UGS) improves liveability and provides considerable benefits to residents. However, traditional methods of investigating UGS visitation, such as questionnaires and social surveys, are usually time- and resource-intensive, and frequently provide less transferable, site-specific outcomes. This study uses social media data (Twitter) to examine spatio-temporal changes in UGS use in London associated with COVID-19 related lockdowns. It compares georeferenced Tweets posted in a 3 month period from 23 March to 23 June for 3 years covering the first lockdown in the UK in 2020, with Tweets for the same period in 2019 and 2021. The results show that (1) the land-use type of Public Park and Garden was the most frequently visited type of UGS, which may be correlated with these UGS areas remaining opening during the lockdown period; (2) the usage of UGS decreased in central London and increased in other areas during lockdown, which may correlated with working from home restrictions; (3) activities were positively associated with Physical activities maybe as a result of allowing people to take a single daily exercise, and (4) people spent more time in UGS areas on weekdays than weekends compared to pre-lockdown. This is the first study to examine social media data over consistent time period before, during and after the lockdown in relation to UGS. The results show that the findings and method can inform policy makers in their management and planning of UGS, especially in a period of social crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

With accelerating urbanization, insect pollinators in urban ecosystems face challenges such as reduced pollen sources, habitat fragmentation, and damage to the nesting environment. Urban green spaces (UGS) are essential for the stability of pollinator communities. However, little is known about the relationship between vertical layer heterogeneity and horizontal layer complexity of vegetation structure in UGS and pollinator communities. The present study aimed to assess how vegetation structure and environmental characteristics shape the insect pollinator community in UGS. To this end, this study was conducted with seven typical vegetation types which were selected according to the biotope mapping classification system (BMCS) in the ring parks around Hefei City, in Anhui province, China. A total of 11,401 pollinators belonging to 6 orders and 34 families were identified during the eight-month survey. Among the seven habitats under the BMCS, mainly successional short-cut shrub and partly open green space, trees two- or multi-layered broad-leaved mixed forest and partly closed green space, and mainly successional tall grass and partly open green space were identified as high-quality insect pollinator habitats. According to the results of the generalized linear regression, the explanatory power of the four best-fitting generalised linear models is relatively high (over 77%). In four optimal models, the effect of vegetation structure on pollinator community was greater than that of environmental characteristics. The redundancy discriminant analysis showed that the flowering abundance of nectar plants, herb richness, and shrub coverage rate were the three most important factors influencing insect pollinator communities, with a cumulative explanatory power of up to 78.8%. Pollinator abundance was positively influenced by spontaneous herbs and low-intensity management. However, high-intensity management, low diversity of plants, low nectar plant richness, ignoring seasonal nectar plant configuration, and dense tree distribution could limit pollinator reproduction and population growth. These results reflect the status of insect pollinator community in UGS in Hefei city and present a possible direction for improving urban green habitats and plant configurations.  相似文献   

The properties of green space for physical and mental health have been widely demonstrated, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, few studies have systematically focused on spatial indicator thresholds that provide a sense of refuge with restoration benefits. Four morphological indicators as area, coverage, enclosure, and the ratio of width to height(D/H), were quantified for thirty-one scenes in outdoor green sheltered spaces in seven urban parks of Harbin in China. The results show that the sense of refuge and the morphological character of a green space constitute elements that influence restorative properties. Green spaces with different morphological indicators have different restorative properties. The morphological indicator ranges that produce better restorative properties were obtained: 250–500 m2 for area, 0.25–0.35 for coverage, 0.3–0.4 or 0.8–1 for enclosure, and 0.7–1.5 for D/H. This can provide references for the construction of restorative activity spaces in urban parks.  相似文献   

Smartphones can help researchers track how people use green spaces and understand how design features impact their behaviors. However, when using this data to evaluate green space designs, researchers should be aware of human perceptions of the features within these environments. We contribute a mixed method approach that allows for comparison between how people report using green space features intended to support wellbeing, with how often they are used in common daily routines. As an illustration of this approach, we present the results of a case study conducted on a university campus that compares how outdoor design features are used by students with how these features are reported as being used. Specifically, we compare perceptions of 362 students about which campus design features create a sense of wellbeing, and which are near locations they report using, with the use of these features recorded by the smartphones of a separate group of 62 students. We found that there were large differences between locations students reported using, and locations tracked students used regularly. Features that were used more often during daily routines (low walls, food retail outlets), did not match features reported as helping create a sense of wellbeing in the questionnaire (benches, trees, and sunshine). Of all the design features we modeled, only water features were positively associated with use in the tracking data and supportive of wellbeing in the questionnaire data. Our findings point to the importance of using tracking data together with response data from questionnaires in mixed-method studies if designers want to locate features that the public consider as supportive to their wellbeing, in locations that will be regularly used.  相似文献   

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