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Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) is a common urban tree species in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. This area is forecast to experience a general reduction in precipitation and an increase in temperature, which increases water demand in plants. Because A. hippocastanum is known for its drought vulnerability, the question of the future suitability of this urban tree species in Ljubljana has arisen. To investigate how climate has influenced A. hippocastanum radial growth and how trees responded to extreme climatic events, standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) was used as a proxy for water demand. Climatic signal and its stability through time were calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Additionally, to investigate whether the trees had a common response to extreme climatic events, pointer years were calculated using Cropper values. We sampled 19 trees that were growing in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana. After successful cross-dating of 15 trees, the ring count showed that the trees had up to 201 tree-rings and had 130 on average. Climate-tree growth analysis showed that in July, 3-month SPEI had the strongest influence on radial growth, but its influence on radial growth decreased over time, possibly due to the die-off process of trees. The narrowest tree-rings were a result of unusually dry periods at the time of cambium activity and/or new cell growth. With the forecast of longer, more frequent summer drought periods in Ljubljana, soil moisture stress will increase, and as a result, a decrease in radial tree growth of A. hippocastanum trees from Tivoli Park is expected.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the rate at which trees grow in urban areas is an important aspect to consider as it can influence our quantification and valuation of the ecosystem services provided by an urban forest. This study investigates growth variations in diameter and height for four common urban tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur) across five cities in Great Britain (GB) and how the typical radial growth of two of those species (F. excelsior and Q. robur) changes with climate. Dendrochronology was used to identify tree age and changes in ring width and diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height were measured in-situ at the time of coring. Results indicate a substantial variation in the mean annual growth rates and the relationships between DBH and age or height and age of each species across different cities. However, the multiple factors affecting tree growth seem to influence different species in different ways, with for example A. pseudoplatanus trees showing overall the fastest growth in Peterborough but B. pendula ones showing the slowest. Precipitation and temperature had an effect on radial growth of F. excelsior and Q. robur trees in GB, but the strength and direction of influence varied with time of year, species and city. In particular, low precipitation at the start or during the growing season was found to be a significant factor limiting radial growth. A trend towards a reduction in ring width increment was therefore identified in hot and dry years, primarily in south-eastern cities but in other cities too. This highlights the risk that a changing climate may have on the growth and, consequently, on the ecosystem service provision of healthy urban trees.  相似文献   

Urban trees are frequently exposed to unsuitable soil conditions that can hamper root system development, potentially affecting both tree health and stability. Engineered soil designs have been developed to increase soil volume for trees planted in confined spaces, and past research has shown that these designs improve growing conditions. However, tree stability in these engineered soils has received limited attention from researchers. In this study, we evaluated the stability of two tree species of contrasting soil quality tolerance (Prunus serrulata and Ulmus parvifolia) after 3 years growth in two skeletal soil mixes, in a suspended pavement design (uncompacted soil), and in a conventionally prepared soil pit. Tree stability was evaluated by measuring trunk resistance to a lateral deflecting force applied with a rope winch system under both ambient and near-saturated soil conditions. Although heavily irrigating the experimental soils had no effect on tree stability, species-specific responses to soil mixes were observed. P. serrulata grown in the gravel-based skeletal soil showed greater trunk deflection resistance than trees grown in the other soil treatments, yet the stability of U. parvifolia was unaffected by soil type. These species-specific responses were consistent with earlier observations of root development in which P. serrulata grew up to 60 times greater root length in gravel-based skeletal soil whereas U. parvifolia root growth was similar in all soil treatments. This research provides evidence that certain tree species planted in conventional tree pits may be more prone to uprooting due to poor root development and that root anchorage might be improved for these species by utilizing a skeletal soil mix.  相似文献   

Interactions between tree roots and sidewalks can result in damage to sidewalks and when sidewalk damage is repaired adjacent tree roots are often severed. The objective of this study was to quantify the growth response of urban trees in restricted planting spaces pre- and post-sidewalk construction. The research included four trees species commonly planted along streets in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. Species included were: Acer platanoides, Celtis occidentalis, Gleditsia triacanthos, and Tilia spp. Two street tree populations were sampled: trees adjacent to replaced sidewalk panels (<1.75 m) and trees on streets with sidewalk construction that were greater than 3 m from replaced sidewalk sections. In total, increment core samples from 292 trees were analyzed. Annual rings from each tree were measured and converted to basal area increment (BAI) for analysis. Comparisons of BAI were conducted between the two sample populations to assess differences in tree growth patterns. Pre- and post-sidewalk construction BAI was also evaluated to determine the influence of construction on growth trajectory. Growth response was quantified using resistance, resilience, and recovery indices. Species were found to differ in their response to construction disturbance. Planting space width was also found to influence post-construction growth. Tilia spp. had the highest resilience and fastest overall growth recovery post-sidewalk construction and A. platanoides exhibited the lowest resistance, resilience, and recovery post-sidewalk construction.  相似文献   

Trees provide multiple ecosystem services in urban centers and increases in tree canopy cover is a key strategy for many municipalities. However, urban trees also experience multiple stresses and tree growth can be impacted by urban density and impervious surfaces. We investigated the impact of differences in urban form on tree growth in the City of Merri-bek, a local government area in metropolitan Melbourne, which is the temperate climate zone. Merri-bek has a gradient in population density and urban greenness from north to south, and we hypothesized that tree growth in the southern areas would be lower because trees were more likely to have less access to water with high levels of impervious surfaces. We selected three common native evergreen species, Eucalyptus leucoxylon, Melaleuca linariifolia, and Lophostemon confertus that exhibit differences in climate vulnerability and assessed the tree canopy expansion in four urban density zones in Merri-bek between 2009 and 2020 using aerial image analysis. The differences in urban form did not significantly influence tree canopy growth and all species showed similar canopy expansion rates. However, smaller trees showed a greater relative canopy increase in the ten years, whereas larger trees had a greater absolute canopy growth. Thus, older and larger trees should be protected and maintained to achieve the canopy expansion. Our study indicated that differences in urban form are unlikely to have major impacts on the growth and canopy expansion of well adapted native tree species in open, suburban centers.  相似文献   

Decayed wood is a common issue in urban trees that deteriorates tree vitality over time, yet its effect on biomass yield therefore stored carbon has been overlooked. We mapped the occurrence and calculated the extent of decayed wood in standing Ulmus procera, Platanus × acerifolia and Corymbia maculata trees. The main stem of 43 trees was measured every metre from the ground to the top by two skilled arborists. All trees were micro-drilled in two to four axes at three points along the stem (0.3 m, 1.3 m, 2.3 m), and at the tree’s live crown. A total of 300 drilling profiles were assessed for decay. Simple linear regression analysis tested the correlation of decayed wood (cm2) against a vitality index and stem DBH. Decay was more frequent and extensive in U. procera, than P. acerifolia and least in C. maculata. Decay was found to be distributed in three different ways in the three different genera. For U. procera, decay did appear to be distributed as a column from the base to the live crown; whereas, decay was distributed as a cone-shape in P. acerifolia and was less likely to be located beyond 2.3 m. In C. maculata decay was distributed as pockets of variable shape and size. The vitality index showed a weak but not significant correlation with the proportion of decayed wood for P. acerifolia and C. maculata but not for U. procera. However, in U. procera, a strong and significant relationship was found between DBH and stem volume loss (R2 = 0.8006, P = 0.0046, n = 15). The actual volume loss ranged from 0.17 to 0.75 m3, equivalent to 5%–25% of the stem volume. The carbon loss due to decayed wood for all species ranged between 69–110 kg per tree. Based on model’s calculation, the stem volume of U. procera trees with DBH  40 cm needs to be discounted by a factor of 13% due to decayed wood regardless of the vitality index. Decayed wood reduces significantly the tree’s standing volume and needs to be considered to better assess the carbon storage potential of urban forests.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to evaluate the impact of cultural treatments on growth and establishment of container-grown London planetrees (Platanus × acerifolia’ Bloodgood’). In both experiments, 48 trees grown in 100 l (#25) black plastic containers were assigned at random to one of three root-ball treatments prior to planting; no treatment (Control), outer 3 cm of roots removed around entire root-ball (Shave), or outer circling roots disentangled from the root-ball (Tease). In Experiment 1, half of the trees were fertilized with 400 g of controlled release fertilizer (15-9-12; N-P2O5-K2O) at planting and the remainder of the trees were not fertilized. In Experiment 2, half of the trees were mulched with an 8 cm deep × 2 m diameter ring of coarse ground pine bark at planting and the remainder of the trees were not mulched. In Experiment 1, fertilization at planting increased SPAD chlorophyll content on two of four measurement dates but did not affect cumulative height or caliper growth after two years. After two growing seasons, root-ball treatments (shaving or teasing) increased root growth outside the original root-ball compared to control trees. Both root-ball treatments also reduced circling roots. In Experiment 2, mulching at planting increased soil moisture and cumulative tree height and diameter growth. Shaving increased new root growth and both root-ball treatments improved root architecture and reduced circling roots. Overall, the study demonstrates that root-ball manipulations can stimulate new root growth and reduce circling roots. Mulch is a valuable aid to conserve soil moisture and increase tree growth. Fertilization at planting provided little benefit in this experiment, which may have been related to a high level of soil fertility at the site or nutrient loading of the trees from nursery culture prior to transplanting.  相似文献   

In recent years, Central European forests and trees have been severely suffered from drought events in the growing season. To examine the tree growth response to drought stress, measurements of annual shoot lengths (ASL) of various tree species with distinct ages and habitats were taken in southeast Germany. The index of relative ASL increase (RAI), which is a standardized ASL increase, was calculated to indicate the growth rate of various tree species between the non-drought (2015–2017) and the drought period (2018–2020). The results showed the ASLs of most early-young trees (< 10 years) significantly showed a decreasing tendency in the drought period, whereas the middle-young (11–15 years) and late-young trees (> 16 years) presented a relatively stable trend. The ring-porous species with anisohydric behavior were likely to have higher RAIs associated with higher drought tolerance than diffuse-porous species with isohydric behavior. However, tree growth rate did not correlate with drought tolerance (resistance) of tree species indicated by leaf turgor loss point (Ψtlp, MPa). Therefore, this study suggested parameters, such as growth rate, age phases, and microhabitats, should be considered to predict tree species’ drought tolerance other than Ψtlp. Finally, we emphasized tree shoot growth responses to drought were affected by multiple internal and external factors, and strongly depended on species- and site-specific characteristics, such as age phases, xylem structure, hydraulic strategy, microhabitat, grafting effect, and competition. ASL measurement can be recommended to be an easy, fast, and effective method to detect tree growth rate and response to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Urban forest managers must balance social, economic, and ecological goals through tree species selection and planting location. Ornamental trees are often popular in tree planting programs for their aesthetic benefits, but studies find that they have lower survivability and growth compared to larger shade trees. To maximize ecosystem services within these aesthetic preferences, it is important to select species carefully based on their ability to grow in each particular climate. However, little locality-specific and species-specific data exist on urban trees in many regions. This study examines the growth, survival, and vigor of three common ornamental street trees in San Francisco’s three different microclimate zones after over 16 years since planting. While we found over 70% survival for all three species throughout the city, there were significant differences in health and vigor among microclimates for each species, likely due to differences in drought-tolerance. While Arbutus had the greatest proportion of healthy trees in the Fog Belt and Sun Belt zones, Prunus cerasifera had the greatest proportion in the Sun Belt, and Prunus serrulata had the greatest proportions in the Transition and the Sun Belt zones. This species-specific and climate-specific information will better equip urban foresters to target both planting and tree-care of these popular species appropriately to maximize the benefits provided by these street trees while still maintaining a diverse canopy. Finally, we argue that simple survival calculations can mask more complex differences in the health and ability of different urban tree species to provide ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The determination of tree age is an important issue for urban green planning, forestry and dendrology; finding non-destructive and quasi-non-destructive methods for this purpose is of great theoretical and practical importance. The resistance drilling method is quasi-non-destructive because the average diameter of an opening that remains after drilling does not exceed 3 mm. Do electrically recording resistance drills allow precise assessment of tree age? The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of determining the number of tree rings based on an examination of this special kind of drilling resistance profiles for three tree species, the pine Pinus sylvestris L., the oak Quercus robur L., and the birch Betula pendula ROTH. In 2015 and 2016, 15 pine trees, 15 oak trees, and 15 birch trees were randomly selected. For each studied tree, a measurement was conducted using the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 with a flat-tipped 1.5/3 mm steel needle (research sample), and an increment core was taken (reference sample). The drill used was not a real Resistograph®. The analysis of the E400-profiles underestimated the number of tree rings; the mean bias error (MBE) values were –6.5, –2.5, and –6.0 years for pine, oak, and birch, respectively. The proportion of investigated trees with less than five years difference between the research and reference samples varied from 38.4 (birch) to 66.7 (oak) percent. The accuracy of tree age determination was lowest for birch and highest for oak. The binomial generalised linear model (GLM) revealed that the most accurate tree age assessments were obtained from tree rings wider than 2 mm. The measurements clearly showed that the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 enables a quick, although approximate, tree age assessment. Future research should concentrate on electronically regulating and recording drills, providing a higher spatial and signal resolution, and a stronger correlation to wood density.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method that allows sorting of tree and shrub species according to their suitability for planting in urban areas of Madrid (Spain). Suitability was determined from a weighted index for each species according to the severity of damage (biotic, abiotic, and anthropogenic; stem wounds are the main problem in trees, while dead plants are the most important problem in shrubs, seasonal flowers, and vines) and to risk, which was obtained from a new measure, observed Species per Green Area per Year (SAYs). The greater the number of damaged SAYs, the less suitable a species was considered for outdoor planting. For this purpose, 49 green areas corresponding to 141 ha were sampled during 2005–2008. The tree species least recommended for planting include Robinia pseudoacacia, Ulmus sp., Acer negundo, Platanus × hybrid, Populus Boolleana. The shrubs least recommended for planting are Nerium oleander, Cotoneaster sp., Euonymus europaeus, Pyracantha coccinea, and Pittosporum tobira. Statistical analysis reveals that native species have a lower percentage of damaged SAYs than non-native species.  相似文献   

Accurately measuring the biophysical dimensions of urban trees, such as crown diameter, stem diameter, height, and biomass, is essential for quantifying their collective benefits as an urban forest. However, the cost of directly measuring thousands or millions of individual trees through field surveys can be prohibitive. Supplementing field surveys with remotely sensed data can reduce costs if measurements derived from remotely sensed data are accurate. This study identifies and measures the errors incurred in estimating key tree dimensions from two types of remotely sensed data: high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). Using Sacramento, CA, as the study site, we obtained field-measured dimensions of 20 predominant species of street trees, including 30–60 randomly selected trees of each species. For each of the 802 trees crown diameter was estimated from the aerial photo and compared with the field-measured crown diameter. Three curve-fitting equations were tested using field measurements to derive diameter at breast height (DBH) (r2 = 0.883, RMSE = 10.32 cm) from the crown diameter. The accuracy of tree height extracted from the LiDAR-based surface model was compared with the field-measured height (RMSE = 1.64 m). We found that the DBH and tree height extracted from the remotely sensed data were lower than their respective field-measured values without adjustment. The magnitude of differences in these measures tended to be larger for smaller-stature trees than for larger stature species. Using DBH and tree height calculated from remotely sensed data, aboveground biomass (r2 = 0.881, RMSE = 799.2 kg) was calculated for individual tree and compared with results from field-measured DBH and height. We present guidelines for identifying potential errors in each step of data processing. These findings inform the development of procedures for monitoring tree growth with remote sensing and for calculating single tree level carbon storage using DBH from crown diameter and tree height in the urban forest.  相似文献   

Tree planting has been favoured in many North American cities, including Montreal which aims to increase its canopy from 20% to 25% in 2025. However, the mortality rate of street trees is especially high in the first few years after planting. Studies have shown that variables that are intrinsic to the tree and those related to its location, the urban form and the socio-demographic characteristics of the surrounding environment are significantly associated either with trees’ survival rate or with vegetation cover. In this research we examine variables that have statistical associations with tree growth, which is the diameter at breast height divided by the number of years on the ground, for approximately 28,000 street trees in Montreal. Independent variables were nested into three spatial scales: the tree (species and physical variables), the street section (urban form variables), and the census tract (socio-demographic variables). Multilevel models reveal that 65.51% of the growth variance is potentially explained by the species and planting physical conditions such as the east and north sides (positive associations with the growth), signage as an obstruction (negative association). 28.54% of the grow variance is potentially explained by the urban form, in our case building age (convex relationship with the growth), mixed zoning (negatively) and residential zoning (positively). At the neighbourhood level, although none of our variables is significant, 6.95% of the growth variance is be potentially explained by other missing variables. New planting programs should hence consider the urban form in order to improve tree growth.  相似文献   

Public housing estates (PHEs) in Hong Kong, accommodating 3.3 million of the 7-million population, have generous landscape planting in their grounds. The independent tree management regime generates a tree stock that deviates from the general urban-tree population. This study evaluated species composition, floristic diversity, importance value, and spatial distribution of trees in 102 PHEs (half of the total) occupying 8.31 km2 (territory land area of 1104 km2), assessed their contribution to urban biodiversity, and developed a species selection strategy to enrich urban biodiversity. 48,823 trees belonged to 232 species, 151 genera and 59 families. Natives contributed 69 species and 10,837 trees. Species profile was skewed toward exotic species and trees. The species were divided into six frequency groups. The signature group had 45 species each with >200 trees. The dominant, common and occasional groups had 20, 26 and 48 species, respectively. 59 species in the rare group and 34 in the solitary group denoted changing and diverse species selections, respectively. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) found that species distribution in PHEs was strongly associated with species diversity, estate area and estate age. However, district and region were not correlated with NMDS. Some 98 species were significantly correlated (Spearman) with one or both NMDS axes. Species groups were analyzed to inform a species selection strategy to improve future planting program and enrich urban biodiversity. The methods and findings could be applied to south-China and other cities to rationalize urban-forest programs with the help of objective research data.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out with newly planted peach trees to determine the influence of both rate and method of application of superphosphate on tree growth and nutrient status during the first growing season. Superphosphate was applied at planting at rates ranging from ¼ to 9 lb per tree, and applications were made either to the soil surface, in the planting hole, under tree roots, or in a band around the tree at a depth of 6 inches. Trees were grown under straw mulch and were irrigated as required.

Results showed that, in this soil of low initial ? content, trees receiving 9 lb superphosphate on the soil surface or in a ring band grew significantly larger than trees receiving ¼ lb superphosphate per tree (this applied for butt circumference only on surface-treated trees), but high rates of superphosphate in the planting hole or under tree roots resulted in tree death. No significant differences in growth were recorded at harvest between surface and ring-banded treatments at any phosphate rate, but leaf analysis in midsummer and tree analysis at harvest showed that the phosphate status of surface-treated trees was significantly higher than that of ring-banded trees.

At low rates of superphosphate (¼ and 1 lb per tree), surface treatment tended to give larger trees at the end of the growing season than band treatment, but differences were not significant. It is thought that this differential response occurred because the phosphate-fixing potential of the soil increased sharply with depth and hence band applications were inefficient unless very high rates of superphosphate were used.

The tree damage observed when high rates of superphosphate were applied in the planting hole or under tree roots was probably due to a combination of osmotic stress, acidity damage to the roots and possibly toxic nutrient levels in tree tissues. Hence high rates of superphosphate should not be placed close to tree roots at planting.

Leaf analysis in midsummer and tree analysis at harvest showed that the main effect of superphosphate application was on the ? status of the trees, and maximum tree growth in the surface and band treatments corresponded to a value of approximately 0.28% ? (dry weight basis) in the leaves. The efficiency of uptake of applied superphosphate was very low at all rates of application and was especially so at high rates. However, positive growth responses were recorded to 9 lb superphosphate per tree in surface and banding treatments. It is suggested that, although most of the applied superphosphate could not be utilized, tree growth rate was proportional to the concentration of ? in the soil zone which could be exploited by the roots.  相似文献   

A more precise analysis of the factors limiting pressurized trunk injection using dye solutions, a growth retardant (daminozide, succinic acid 2,2dimethyl hydrazide) and a my cobacteriostatic agent (tetracycline) has been completed. This included methods of drilling injection ports, influence of port diameter, depth, and pressure system. Results of these investigations suggest that trunk injection of aqueous solutions is feasible in many angiospermous species. Injected solutions moved up and down the 1- and 2-year old xylem into major scaffold and secondary branches, into terminal bud tissues of elongating shoots and secondary and tertiary lateral roots. Depending upon species, injection rates varied from 200 to 1800 ml/min at 14.08 kg cm?2 through injection ports 0.63 cm in diameter and 5 cm deep. Inhibition of stem elongation in Prunus persica var. nectarina (Ait.) Maxim and Prunus persica L. ‘Johnson’ and ‘Loadel’ trees was obtained with 5 to 50 g daminozide/tree, using 0.5 to 5% solutions. Tetracycline-induced remission of “pear decline” was achieved with 100–800 mg dosages depending on tree size. Dormant-season injections were effective for controlling growth and/or pear decline.  相似文献   

In dense urban areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, current trends favor covering tree pits with porous-permeable pavement over installing grates or leaving the soil exposed. However, pavement cover potentially modifies soil moisture and temperature, altering tree growth and overall resilience, especially when coupled with heat stress and drought in a changing climate. This study evaluated the response of newly planted London plane (Platanus × acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’) trees to porous-permeable resin-bound gravel pavement and associated alterations in soil water distribution and temperature, in two distinct physiographic regions in Virginia, USA. Simulated urban tree pits were either covered with porous-permeable pavement or left unpaved, and root growth and depth, soil water content and temperature, and tree stem diameter measured over two growing seasons. At both sites, trees in paved tree pits grew larger than trees without pavement. Stem diameters were 29% greater at the Mountain site and 51% greater at the Coastal Plain site, as were tree heights (19% and 38% greater), and above ground dry biomass (67% and 185% greater). Roots under pavement developed faster and shallower, with many visible surface roots. In contrast, unpaved tree pits had almost no visible surface roots, and at the Mountain site only occupied an average area of 7 cm2 within the 1-m2 tree pits, compared with 366 cm2 in paved tree pits. Pavement may have extended the root growing season by as much as 14 days, as the average soil temperature for the month of October was 1.1 °C and 1.2 °C higher under pavement than in unpaved pits. Porous-permeable pavement installations in tree pits accelerated establishment and increased growth of transplanted trees, but may result in shallower root systems that can damage pavement and other infrastructure. In addition, shallow root systems may prevent water extraction from deeper soils, compromising drought resilience.  相似文献   

Healthy and sustainable tree populations require a high diversity of genera and species. This study examined the occurrence and contents of tree inventories in Denmark's 30 largest municipalities. 59% of the municipalities had a tree inventory for street trees, but only about half of these were complete and updated. Only one municipality had a registration for trees other than street trees. Based on data from the tree inventories, the diversity of road side trees was analyzed at genus level and species level. A total of 82,072 street trees are part of the study. 11 different genera account for 92% of the total street tree stock, and 2–6 genera account for 40–80% of the street tree stock in the individual municipalities. Tilia was the most dominating genera (26%). 12 species account for 73% of the total street tree stock. The 6 most common species account for almost 50% of the total tree population. The species representing the largest numbers were Tilia × europaea (12%), Acer platanoides (10.9%), Platanus × acerifolia (7.2%), Tilia cordata (7.2%), Fraxinus excelsior (6.2%) and Sorbus intermedia (5.9%). The four most urbanized municipalities had a surplus of non-native species, but all municipalities apart from one had most street trees belonging to native species. The concluding recommendation of this study is that tree managers need to start working more strategic with their tree stock, in order to reduce the vulnerability, due to potential attacks from pests or diseases and climate change effects. A risk spreading system for the urban tree population is proposed, suggesting that no genera should account for more than 10% and no species for more than 5% of the tree population.  相似文献   

Since the first report of the stain canker agent Ceratocystis platani in 2001 in Geneva, dieback of London plane trees (Platanus × acerifolia) has focused greater attention and an epidemiological monitoring has been implemented, as part of a compelling state directive for stain canker management. Genetic identification was carried out in order to ascertain the presence or absence of C. platani. We report here observations recorded between 2011 and 2013, of samplings from a total of 6 plane trees in 4 locations. Identification of bacteria and fungi was performed by sequencing of the rDNA ITS region for fungi, and of the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria. Fungi belonging to the Botryosphaeriaceae species occurred in almost every sampling, whereas Ceratocystis platani was only isolated in 2 trees. The 4 botryosphaeriaceous species, Diplodia mutila, Dothiorella sp., Diplodia seratia and Neofusicoccum parvum, could be responsible for the observed plane cankers, while other fungi could participate in the dieback symptoms. Since these species have been reported as canker agents on other tree species in Europe, artificial infections were carried out with pure cultures of Dothiorella sp., Diplodia mutila and Neofusicoccum parvum on young plane trees. Only Neofusicoccum parvum managed to provoke cork canker symptoms after a few months, but D. mutila and N. parvum were found in internal necrotic tissues. This is the first report of Dothiorella sp., Diplodia mutila and Neofusicoccum parvum associated with plane tree dieback in Switzerland and the first report of pathogenicity of Neofusicoccum parvum in plane trees. This survey showed that most cases of plane tree dieback in the Geneva region were not caused by C. platani and that other fungi could be responsible for similar symptoms.  相似文献   


Two growth retardants: paclobutrazol (P, Cultar) or 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) were applied once alone, or in mixtures (in a range of 5 to 20 mg per tree) to the collar of maiden plum, sour and sweet cherries and apple trees, in early spring of the second year after planting. Plum and apple trees were also treated with benzyladenine (BA) at 10 mg per tree a.i. in a mixture with P or TIBA. Sweet and sour cherry trees were treated with natural phenolic substances: phloridzin (Phi) and quercetin (Que) alone, or in mixtures with P and TIBA. A mid-stem treatment with P and shoot bending were also applied to the plum and apple trees for comparison. Measurements of tree growth and fruiting were made within 4 or 5 years. The reaction of the four species to the treatments varied according to the growth regulator applied. Plum trees responded mostly to TIBA and its mixtures with P. A strong suppression of tree growth and increased fruit productivity, as well as improved fruit quality, were observed. The TIBA application and its mixtures with P were also effective in causing growth reduction of the sweet cherry trees. Treatments with P alone, or mixed with TIBA, were effective in growth limitation of sour cherry trees. Some increase in the reproductive processes was observed only after the TIBA treatment in both species. The apple trees responded to application of mixtures of TIBA with benzyladenine (BA), or with P, and to P alone, with effective growth reduction. But only the P + BA treatment increased significantly the fruiting of apple trees, while the other treatments resulted in crops proportional to the diminished tree sizes. The mid-stem treatment did not affect plum trees but increased growth of apple trees. Shoot bending had no effect on the plum trees but increased fruiting of apple trees. The addition of Phi to half the lower P dose or TIBA, magnified growth suppression in the sweet and sour cherry trees. When applied alone Que caused a small growth inhibition but Phi produced some increase in growth of sour cherry trees. Results obtained show the possibilities of practical applications of growth regulators to the collar. Their reduced doses mixed with natural phenolic substances are equally effective in growth suppression and make fruit production safer and more profitable, especially in plum and sour cherry trees.  相似文献   

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