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While there is an increasing number of studies on the experience of urban forests, few have examined the similarities and differences between first time visitors, repeat visitors, and local residents in their perceptions of urban forests for leisure. This study fills this research gap using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), based on data collected on-site from a year-long survey of 1090 participants in Washington D.C. Results indicate that participants are generally positive on urban forests’ value for leisure and are highly satisfied with their leisure experience in the city, with “beliefs in parks and gardens” and “beliefs in street trees” being assessed the highest and lowest, respectively. The study also finds that interaction effects do exist between gender, season, location, and past experience, suggesting respondents’ visiting experience with urban forests is multidimensional, contextual, and situational. Specifically, the older the respondents are, the more positive their responses would be. A location with diverse and dense urban forests is more likely to stimulate positive perceptions, particularly for first timers. In addition, residents tend to focus on recreational aspects of urban forests as opposed to visitors, especially repeaters who are more likely to value the visual and aesthetic aspects of urban forests. This is not only evidenced by the ANCOVA results whereas fall and summer, the best seasons for pursuing outdoor activities, are highly positively perceived by residents, but also by the SEM analyses which show that street trees significantly contribute to repeaters’ satisfaction via their perceptions of “leisure value of urban forests” while no such relationship exists for first timers and residents. Urban parks and gardens are found to significantly and positively contribute to respondents’ visiting experience, which, in turn, leads to satisfaction for each respondent group. Finally, research limitations and theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of the first comprehensive study on perception of and satisfaction with urban forests and green space in seven Southeast European cities are presented. The aims of the paper are to analyse 1) citizen perceptions of the current state of urban forests and green space in their cities, 2) to what extent current urban forests and green space meet their needs and how this can be improved. A cross-sectional study was conducted by using a common face-to-face survey questionnaire. Respondents were selected based on census data though a stratified sampling procedure by taking into account age, gender and city district (n = 384 in each city). The results showed that citizens genuinely care for urban forests and green space in their cities, but are not satisfied with their current state. The respondents found issues related to misbehaviour of other users, the presence and quality of facilities, as well as the presence and quality of management or maintenance the most pressing. There were more statistically significant differences than similarities between cities. Socioeconomic variables explained perceptions only to some extent. Citizens were very supportive of educational campaigns about the importance of urban forests and green space as well as of better enforcement of the existing regulations though having more community wardens that were expected to tackle current unsatisfactory situations. Urban planning and urban forest and green space management in these cities are facing many problems characteristic for post-socialist countries. Study findings are expected to contribute to decision making in urban planning and natural resource management.  相似文献   

Urban street trees provide many benefits to surrounding communities, but our ability to assess such benefits relies on the availability of high-quality urban tree data. While these data are numerous, they are not available in an easily accessible, centralized place. To fill this gap, we aggregated public and private data into a single, comprehensive inventory of urban trees in California called the California Urban Forest (CUF) Inventory. These data are offered to the public (aggregated to ZIP code) via an online data portal, which at the time of publication contained over 6.6 million urban tree records. In this study, we first describe the assembly and utility of the inventory. Then, we conduct the most comprehensive assessment of the diversity and structure of California’s urban forest to date at statewide, regional, and local spatial scales. These analyses demonstrate that California’s urban forests are highly diverse and among the most diverse urban forests in the world. We present a new and intuitive metric of species diversity, the top diversity or TD-50 index, which represents the cumulative number of species accounting for the top 50 % abundance of trees in an urban forest. We used species abundance data from 81 well-inventoried cities to demonstrate that the TD-50 index was a robust metric of diversity and a good predictor of comprehensive metrics like the Shannon Index. We also found that small-statured trees, such as crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia cv.) dominate California’s urban forests. This aggregated inventory of one of the world's largest urban forests provides the data necessary to assess the structure, diversity, and value of California’s urban forests at multiple spatial scales. The inventory’s presentation to the public and the information that can be gained from its analysis can be a model for urban forest management worldwide.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of China’s landscape by roads and urban areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China’s major paved road-ways (national roads, provincial roads, and county roads), railways and urban development are rapidly expanding. A likely consequence of this fast-paced growth is landscape fragmentation and disruption of ecological flows. In order to provide ecological information to infrastructure planners and environmental managers for use in landscape conservation, land-division from development must be measured. We used the effective-mesh-size (Meff) method to provide the first evaluation of the degree of landscape division in China, caused by paved roads, railways, and urban areas. Using Meff, we found that fragmentation by major transportation systems and urban areas in China varied widely, from the least-impacted west to the most impacted south and east of China. Almost all eastern provinces and counties, especially areas near big cities, have high levels of fragmentation. Several eastern-Chinese provinces and biogeographic regions have among the most severe landscape fragmentation in the world, while others are comparable to the least-developed areas of Europe and California. Threatened plant hotspots and areas with high mammal species diversity occurred in both highly fragmented and less fragmented areas, though future road development threatens already moderately divided landscapes. To conserve threatened biodiversity and landscapes, we recommend that national and regional planners in China consider existing land division before making decisions about further road development and improvement.  相似文献   

Nurseries play an important role providing trees for a variety of managed environments including urban forests. The diversity of urban forests and forest restoration projects are influenced by nursery species availability, and as such, there is a need to better understand tree species diversity at nurseries. We collected tree species lists from 75 nurseries throughout New Zealand, which were used to describe species richness (alpha diversity) and to examine similarity in the composition of native and non-native species assemblages among nurseries (beta diversity) at three spatial scales: island, region, city. Together, the nurseries grew 863 species, 174 of which were native to New Zealand, from 312 genera and 130 families. Nurseries grew significantly more non-native species (μ = 63.5, σ = 60.6) than native species on average (μ = 31.7, σ = 22.7) (t = 2.99, df = 48.45, p = 0.004). Beta diversity for native and non-native tree species were only significantly different at the scale of cities or regions, not at the larger scale of islands. Few species were grown in all cities or all regions and the majority of those that were common were native species. In contrast, non-native species dominated the unique species at all spatial scales, (i.e., species uniquely grown in one city, region, or island). By quantifying tree species diversity in New Zealand’s nurseries, this research provides a basis to better understand the influence that nurseries have on urban and peri-urban tree diversity, and ultimately how that diversity impacts resilience and the provision of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

We explored the role of long-term greenspace deprivation in how children evaluate potential rewards and punishments and use this information to make decisions. We used data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), a large population-based longitudinal birth cohort in the UK. Reward and punishment sensitivity was measured at the age 11 data wave with the Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT). Our sample (N = 1701; 51 % male) included children who, as at the age 11 wave, had lived in the same address in urban England since the beginning of MCS and had valid data on the CGT. Our analysis adjusted for families’ selection into neighbourhoods, children’s pubertal status, sex, ethnicity and cognitive ability but also several important aspects of the home’s and the neighbourhood’s physical and social environments. Even after full adjustment, children growing up in the least green neighbourhoods showed less aversion to risk (they scored higher on risk-taking), and the association was similar across sexes. However, long-term absence of local greenspace was not significantly associated with other aspects of reward and punishment sensitivity, including risk adjustment, deliberation time or delay aversion, even after minimal adjustment. Long-term greenspace deprivation seems uniquely predictive of fast decision strategies in children.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a study investigating the relationship between migration and recreation in urban forests in two German cities. Research in this field is growing in Europe, yet in certain countries, such as Germany, it remains underdeveloped. Until now, it has revealed ambiguities and diverging results. Furthermore, it has been the subject of criticism and calls for more differentiation between and within migrant groups, as well as for more reflection on the categorisation of “migrant” or “ethnic group”. This paper builds on these claims and aims to shed new light on forest recreation and ethnicity through a context-sensitive research approach in the tradition of symbolic interactionism. It draws upon the analysis of 42 qualitative interviews conducted with people with a Turkish, Russian-German and no migration background. The analysis leads to the construction of five narratives, each of them regrouping respondents who share a similar perspective on a specific theme. The narratives show how personal life context and its interlinkages with migration influence the individual's perspectives on and uses of urban forest. They also show how lifestyle and gender shape recreational practices independently from migration background. Beyond the focus on individual experience, collective recreational practices attributed to some groups are expressed in the narratives. This paper addresses the social aspect of leisure and discusses how forest recreation affects the social construction of groups such as migrant groups.  相似文献   

Natural parks are comprised of preserved forested natural areas that are undergoing natural ecological processes. These areas can offer a refuge for local biodiversity and contribute substantially to ecosystem services in both rural areas with relatively low population densities, as well as high-density urban areas. Forested natural parks located in urban areas should experience more stressful environmental conditions than nearby rural areas, yet we know relatively little about how urbanization impacts tree communities within these important natural habitats. To better understand the impact of urbanization on forests, we investigated the species composition, abundance, and diversity of midstory and canopy trees as well as tree seedlings in urban and rural natural parks in and around Cleveland, Ohio. We found that both urban and rural natural parks have similar tree abundance, but midstory and canopy trees as well as tree seedling communities in the urban natural parks included higher abundances of stress-tolerant species compared to rural parks. In addition, this pattern was driven by changes in native tree species, as we observed low abundance of invasive species. More stress-resistant native species in urban areas include Quercus rubra and Prunus serotina, in contrast to rural natural parks which are dominated by Acer spp. and Fagus grandifolia. Lastly, we show that urban and rural natural parks have similar species diversity within plots, but we found higher variation in community composition among urban natural parks compared to among rural parks. Furthermore, Q. rubra and P. serotina were significantly larger in rural natural parks, indicating that both environmental stress and successional stage could drive compositional differences. Thus, we show that urbanization can have unexpected effects on plant community composition and diversity. Our study refutes the idea that these are degraded habitats, highlights the need to conserve them, and suggests that characterization of local variation in self-assembled urban tree communities will provide the most accurate picture of their management needs and potential ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Investments in urban forests have been increasing in many US cities. Urban forests have been shown to provide countless ecosystem benefits with many addressing climate change issues, such as sequestering carbon, reducing air pollution, and decreasing the heat island effect. Individual groups within the American public may not respond to the issue of climate change in the same way, thus engaging each group in climate change solutions will require different approaches. It is therefore important to understand how the public perceives climate change, their values and preferences, and barriers that might constrain their engagement to policy solutions. A mail survey was implemented, focused on households’ willingness to support and pay for urban forests as a climate change mitigation method. Atlanta, Georgia, USA was selected for this study given its environmental issues such as heat island effect and land cover changes, including conversion of forestland, that come with rapid population growth and urban sprawl. A Tobit model was used to model willingness-to-pay as a function of several variables derived from survey results; and a multivariate weighting strategy was used to address nonresponse issues. The analysis showed that Atlanta households are willing to pay $1.05 million to $1.22 million per year, or $5.24 to $6.11 million over a five-year period. The WTP amount was significantly related with the residents’ income, media source from where they received climate information, and the relative coverage of tree canopy around their residence. Results are relevant to city managers who are interested in understanding the public value of urban greening programs and developing strategies or policies to expand urban forests as part of a climate change strategy.  相似文献   

Urban forests provide critical ecosystem services in cities of the Western United States, including regulating thermal extremes, supporting biological diversity, and providing cultural and recreational services. However, these services may come with trade-offs such as heavy water demand in arid environments. Thus, afforestation and its effect on the water budget – as well as other ecosystem services – can be contingent on the species composition of urban forests. Choice of tree species, in turn, is influenced by historical contingencies and development context. The objective of this study was to identify differences in tree species composition between four broad classes of urban development in Heber Valley, Utah, with classes defined by establishment age, lot size, and location within the urban-suburban environment. Publicly available information was used to categorize residential and commercial areas, and standard forestry techniques were used to collect data on trees in a stratified random survey of lots in each category. Older, established housing had the highest tree basal area and species richness per hectare, and exurban (rural, dispersed housing) developments had significantly higher species diversity than new tract housing. Because it appears that exurban communities are being replaced by tract housing, there is evidence that tree diversity may be lost. Another important aspect of community structure in urban forests is the ratio of conifers to broadleaf trees because of fundamental differences in water use patterns. Conifers were twenty-five percent of the average lot basal area in exurban and thirty-five percent in established neighborhoods, as opposed to five percent in tract housing. If functional groups are used as predictors of water use in irrigated urban systems, water demand is likely to increase with the expansion of low-diversity, angiosperm dominated tract forests in the Western US in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Urban forests play a vital role in building soil organic carbon pools in urban areas. In many cases, urban forests are constructed on land previously used for agriculture, parks, or buildings. However, it is still being determined whether historical land use affects soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in these forests. In this study, we asked: 1) How are SOC and its labile fractions (LOC) in urban forests affected by historical land use? and 2) How do SOC and LOC vary with time and vegetation type in urban forests built on land with different histories? We collected soil samples at three soil depths, 0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm, in 48 evergreen and 77 deciduous forest plots in 77 parks in Beijing, all built within the last 30 years. Plots represent two historical land use types, vegetated or non-vegetated, and three planting time classes, young (5–10 years), intermediate (11–20 years), and old (21–30 years). Our findings showed that there were significant differences between historical land use types in SOC and microbial organic carbon (MBC), this may be due to backfill soil before greening on non-vegetated land. Urban forests that were built on vegetated land accumulated SOC over time, while those on historically non-vegetated land did not. Evergreen forests had greater SOC and LOC than deciduous forests only on historically non-vegetated land. In addition, SOC and LOC were found to be negatively affected by increased soil bulk density. However, soil bulk density was not significantly different between both historical land use types and urban forest types. Overall, our study indicates that if SOC sequestration is a high priority in urban forests, cities could concentrate on more efficient management to increase SOC, such as soil rehabilitation and the use of evergreen tree species.  相似文献   

Human preferences for the species in urban greening have greatly facilitated the spread of non-native species, resulting in the homogenization of urban plant communities across spatial scales. We selected 11 major cities along the Yangtze River in China and examined the species composition in their urban plant communities. We found that China’s urban plant communities are becoming homogenized, as urban communities of different cities are highly similar to each other despite the geographical separation. Meanwhile, these artificial communities we investigated have diverged greatly from the natural communities at both the city and the geographic scale. We recorded a total of 91 woody species that have been used in urban greening in all 11 cities. Of those species, 27% were cultivars and introduced species, and 25% were being used outside of their native distribution ranges in China. This may be explained by the market and urban planners who tend to favor greening plants that are highly profitable and have aesthetic ornamental traits, rather than spending time introducing and acclimatizing the native species in each city. Given the current trend of homogenization, measures that recognize the importance of native species should be emphasized with comprehensive urban planning strategies.  相似文献   

With increased demand for outdoor recreational spaces, it is imperative to understand the experience of recreational hikers. This study explored users’ recreation choices and behavior-based setting preferences for certain trails in one forest park. Using on-site intercept surveys, a total of 1019 samples were collected from users of hiking trails and greenways in Purple Mountain Forest Park, Nanjing, China. The results from multiple regressions revealed that visitors’ recreation choices for trail settings, companions, and activities were associated with personal attributes, usage patterns, visitor motivations, and their preferences for the trail’s landscape attributes. The findings provide insights for the design and maintenance of trail settings in forest parks to satisfy the needs of various recreational hikers.  相似文献   

Worldwide migration and integration are current issues facing big cities. Immigrants and their descendants represent an important percentage of today's urban populations. Different policies ranging from labour markets to education, housing or health policies address the specific needs of this part of society. However, public policy and planning concepts related to urban forests rarely focus on immigrants. Very few studies investigate the recreation patterns of immigrants despite the potential influence of their different cultural backgrounds on their perceptions or preferences regarding urban woodlands. In addition, urban woodlands could potentially play a role in the social integration of migrants into the society due to being an element of nature with a strong symbolic identification potential and also a public space for social interactions. This paper discusses the results of a qualitative enquiry carried out in Freiburg, Germany, involving migrants from Turkey, the Balkan countries and Russia-Germans. The results point towards many differences in their recreational use patterns and their perception of urban forests, especially between the Turkish interviewees and the other two groups. Furthermore, the results suggest that the emotional attachment to forests can play diverse roles in the identification process of immigrants to their host country. Finally, social interactions were depicted in the interviews as being an important aspect of a forest visit. Nevertheless, social contact between forest visitors seemed to remain mostly on a ‘small-talk’ level.  相似文献   

The Knoxville Urban Wilderness (KUW) in Eastern Tennessee is part of a larger global trend of acquiring vacant lands within urban landscapes for their natural habitat and recreation value. At 688 ha, the KUW is one of the largest urban wilderness areas in the United States, consisting of loosely-connected land parcels with multiple stakeholders including state, county, and city governments and private foundations. Here we use the KUW as a case study to address critical questions of management that arise for most urban wilderness projects globally: What should these areas be managed for, and how should they be managed? How can multiple stakeholders be efficiently organized to pool their resources most effectively. The KUW is currently used mainly for recreation and its potential for biodiversity conservation and education and ecosystem services is largely unutilized. As a way to promote and manage this unused potential, we began the first ecological inventory, compiling existing data and conducting biodiversity and invasive plant surveys with citizen scientists. We found that the KUW harbors a significant number of plant (250) and bird (193) species, with many other taxa also identified. We also found widespread infestation of invasive plants for which we provide management suggestions. A preliminary visitor survey shows that most visitors (about two-thirds) are from the immediate vicinity, mainly for walking (74.4%) or biking (19.9%). The vast majority (93.7%) of visitors do not want more vegetation management or removal and 98.3% of visitors would like to see the KUW expanded in area.  相似文献   

As the world’s population gets increasingly more urban, the preservation of urban green spaces becomes an important issue in the political agenda worldwide. These spaces may mitigate the negative environmental impacts of urbanisation and improve quality of life. Aiming to increase knowledge in urban biodiversity we compared the diversity of vascular plants and soil microbial communities (fungi and bacteria) in two contrasting typologies of urban green spaces (public gardens and remnant forests) in the city of Coimbra (Portugal). We found 252 taxa of vascular plants of which 58% were native and 42% exotic. Although overall diversity indices were similar in both typologies of green spaces, species richness and percentage cover of native taxa were significantly higher in forests than in gardens. Overall, plant communities in the two typologies of green spaces were distinct. We found high variability among gardens, which is consistent with vegetation in gardens being determined by man rather than by competitive or successional processes. Interestingly, the disparity between gardens and forests was also visible for both bacterial and fungal communities indicating an association between above and below-ground communities. We showed that, due to their origin, remnant forests harbour plant taxa with high conservation and ecological values. It also showed that gardens have higher percentage of exotic species, which led us to conclude that native plant species should be given more emphasis in these spaces. City planners should promote urban development by incorporating an ecological perspective into their management plans to enhance human health and global environmental quality.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services (ES) concepts and approaches have become more appealing to practice, such as municipal/urban planning, environmental policies and governance to address sustainable development. Inclusion of this concept in the planning or policy discourses is the first step for further implementation on the ground. Using China’s capital, Beijing, as the case study, this article analyzes how ES (or similar concepts) have permeated China’s urban development history since 1949 when the New China was established and how this has to be with China’s urban green space development. The results show: (1) There were no explicit references to “ecosystem services” per se, but overlapping concepts such as “functions”, “values” and “benefits” can be found in planning documents and, importantly, the lack of the concept per se has not affected the detailed services that emerged in all plans. (2) Among the three ES sections, only cultural services run from the beginning to end although the included services kept changing. Other sections show considerable variation and less continuity – the focal services of each stage changed over time. (3) Through the ES lens, some general patterns regarding China’s urban development can be found such as regulation services gradually become valued for their own sake. The patterns found in Chinese planning documents are then compared with some western regions. This study reveals limitations of the past and opportunities for the future to inform urban development decision-making. Adaptation of old and incorporating new ES concepts can improve the quality of plans and foster cities’ ability to learn from past patterns for future sustainability.  相似文献   

This study, informed by phenomenology and ethnography, explores urban children’s relationship with trees in a garden camp context: what are trees for urban children? Studying Finnish 7- to 12-year-old children, the research employed triangulation: participant and non-participant observation methods with mixed data collection over the course of three years. Engaging in grounded theory analysis after an intermission, the study unites the theoretical constructs of affordance and connectedness to place. Based on empirical observations, this study provides a theoretical framework to clarify the phased process of how urban children’s connectedness to place is evolving. Exploitation of tree affordances during place-based play reflected connectedness to place; utilization of trees became more versatile over time. The results showed trees to be intriguing and multifaceted, satisfying many of the children’s private and social needs. Trees provided the materials, space and often purpose and contents for the actual play that could not have thrived without them. In addition, children learned to manage possible tree-related risks mainly from experience and through scaffolding with peers. Recommendations for supporting beneficial nature contact emphasize allowing child-directed, place-based play time and planning biodiverse, low-maintenance spaces with a wide variety of trees that will invite children to use green spaces according to their needs.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, children have spent significantly less time actively engaged in nature-based outdoor activities compared to previous generations. This has corresponded with them increasingly suffering from a range of psychological problems. Studies have been undertaken to explore the notion that such problems can be mitigated to some extent through exposure to nature within the context of built environmental settings. While much of the literature in this area has focused on adult populations, this article provides a comprehensive review of recent studies addressing this topic targeting children aged 6–12 years old. From an initial search of the literature, a total of 1036 records were identified from which 40 studies addressing this topic were identified and analyzed. Our results show that most of these studies employed cross-sectional rather than longitudinal designs, and most identified positive psychological outcomes associated with children’s exposure to nature, with many yielding statistically significant yet weak to moderate outcomes. We further categorized studies into experimental or observational according to the research design. Observational studies primarily investigated the impact of the accessibility/quantity of natural environments within residential settings. Some experimental-based studies explored children’s active involvement in nature-based activities. In contrast, others investigated passive exposure to nature through views or visual stimuli used as surrogates of actual environments, many of which were conducted in school and public open-space settings. Most of the studies explored terrestrial, or green spaces, within the context of predominately built environments, with water-based settings (blue spaces) being underrepresented. Some differences in research focus and design were evident across different countries where the studies were undertaken. We conclude that further research is needed to unveil the associations between nature exposure and children’s psychological well-being to provide directions for future environmental design strategies, environmental education and policymaking.  相似文献   

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