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Plasmid profile analysis of bovine isolates of Pasteurella haemolytica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pasteurella haemolytica isolates, obtained from cattle with respiratory tract disease, were characterized as to serotype, antimicrobial susceptibility, and plasmid content. Strains isolated from 2 groups of cattle were compared. Remarkable similarity was seen in the plasmid profiles of isolates of the same serotype. In contrast, isolates of 2 different serotypes had totally different plasmid profiles.  相似文献   

Pasteurella haemolytica A1 leukotoxic culture supernatant was evaluated for its ability to induce histamine release from bovine pulmonary mast cells isolated by enzymatic dispersion of lung tissue. Histamine was measured by a radioimmunoassay technique. Leukotoxic culture supernatant of P. haemolytica significantly released histamine in a time and concentration-related manner. This effect was lost when culture supernatant was heat-inactivated or preincubated with leukotoxin neutralizing rabbit serum. Preincubation of the mast cells with propranolol or p-bromophenacyl bromide reduced the histamine-releasing effect of leukotoxin, while verapamil enhanced release. Experimental infection of calves with P. haemolytica A1 reduced the total histamine content of pulmonary mast cells recovered at postmortem. Histamine release induced by P. haemolytica leukotoxin is likely an important factor in the pathogenesis of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

Bovine pulmonary artery cells in cell culture were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) purified from Pasteurella haemolytica serotype Al. This resulted in severe membrane damage, which caused a time- and dose-dependent release of lactate dehydrogenase that was first detected 4 hours after exposure and reached a maximal mean release of 67% after 24 hours of exposure to 1 micrograms of LPS/ml. Mean release of 51chromium followed by a similar pattern and reached a maximum of 61% following 24 hours of exposure to 10 micrograms of LPS/ml. Morphologically, endothelial cells responded to LPS by marked cell membrane retraction, the formation of numerous cytoplasmic blebs, and ruffling of the cell membrane. Subsequently, the cells became round and detached. Cell detachment reached a mean of 95% following 8 hours of exposure to 1 micrograms of LPS/ml. These studies demonstrated that P haemolytica LPS is capable of causing direct damage to bovine pulmonary arterial endothelial cells, which may be important in the pathogenesis of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine whether Pasteurella haemolytica capsular extract (CE) damages bovine pulmonary endothelial cells (EC) directly or through neutrophil-mediated mechanisms. Chromium 51-labeled EC were treated with the following variables: CE (1, 10, and 100 ng of protein/ml), CE and bovine neutrophils (10(6) cells/well), and CE and polymyxin B (500 U/ml). Although only minimal damage to EC occurred by 5 hours after treatment, by 22 hours after treatment, the 10-ng and 100-ng CE dose produced severe damage to EC, as indicated by 51Cr release, cellular detachment, and loss of monolayer confluency. The component in the CE that was toxic to the EC was lipopolysaccharide, evidenced by effective neutralization of the toxic effect with polymyxin B. Neutrophils inhibited the CE-mediated EC toxicity and were activated, as indicated by shape change and adhesion to EC monolayers. We concluded that the lipopolysaccharide component of CE causes direct damage to EC, which can be attenuated by neutrophils and polymyxin B.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to determine mechanisms of pulmonary tissue damage mediated by Pasteurella haemolytica and interaction with bovine neutrophils. Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell monolayers were treated with various combinations of P. haemolytica factors including bacterial culture supernatant (CS) and purified LPS, with and without bovine neutrophils. Damage to endothelial cells was monitored by 51Cr release, cell detachment rate, and morphological changes. At 5 h post-treatment (PT) bacterial factors produced very little toxic change in cells, however, by 22 h PT both crude leukotoxin and LPS caused high levels of cytotoxicity and detachment. Neutrophils did not augment toxicity mediated by LPS, but actually protected endothelial cells from low levels of LPS. When the LPS component of CS was neutralized with polymyxin B, leukotoxin mediated neutrophil killing resulted in extensive endothelial cell damage. These results suggest that LPS may directly injure endothelial cells and this toxic effect may be reduced by neutrophils. However, neutrophil killing by leukotoxin may also contribute to endothelial cell damage in the absence of LPS.  相似文献   

Leukotoxin activity from culture supernatants of Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 in logarithmic growth phase caused rapid (less than 5 min) release of intracellular K+, uptake of extracellular Ca2+, and swelling of cultured bovine lymphoma cells (BL3 cells). Release of 51CrO4(2-) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from BL3 cells began after 15 minutes of incubation with leukotoxin at 37 C and was completed between 60 and 120 minutes of incubation. In addition, leukotoxin exposure of BL3 cells resulted in cell aggregation and adherence to glass surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that after 10 minutes of leukotoxin exposure, BL3 cells increased in size, and large membrane defects developed between 20 and 60 minutes of exposure. The rate of release of LDH from leukotoxin-exposed BL3 cells was proportional to the amount of leukotoxin added. At high cell concentrations, the activity of LDH released at completion was directly proportional to the amount of leukotoxin added. Leukotoxin-induced release of LDH required a divalent cation, whereas K+ release and cell swelling did not. The addition of Ca2+, Mn2+, and Ba2+ resulted in increased leukotoxin-induced release of LDH. Divalent cation concentrations of 0.5 to 2.5 mM resulted in 50% of maximal stimulation. Ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid blocked increased release of LDH caused by Ca2+ addition, but had no effect on K+ release or cell swelling. Leukotoxin action on BL3 cells (K+ release, cell swelling, Ca2+ uptake, and release of LDH) was prevented by incubation at 4 C.  相似文献   

Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAEC) were labeled with 3H-arachidonic acid. Exposure of the labeled BPAEC to Pasteurella haemolytica lipopolysaccharide (LPS) resulted in a time- and dose-dependent release of radioactivity. The release was inhibited by 5 mM indomethacin, but inhibition was not caused by less than or equal to 500 microM indomethacin or hydrocortisone, which suggests that the release was caused primarily by a mechanism other than cyclooxygenase or phospholipase A2 metabolism of arachidonic acid. Pasteurella haemolytica LPS also caused increased adherence of bovine neutrophils to BPAEC through independent effects on both cell types. The increased adherence was inhibited by treatment of either cell type with cycloheximide or actinomycin D prior to LPS exposure, indicating that de novo protein synthesis was required in both cell types to promote the LPS-induced adherence. Lipopolysaccharide may be an important factor in neutrophil-mediated effects in pneumonic pasteurellosis by causing increased neutrophil adherence and, thus, the vascular sequestration of neutrophils. Together, these experiments provide additional evidence for the involvement of LPS in pneumonic pasteurellosis. Moreover, they provide evidence of LPS-induced endothelial activation, which could have broad ramifications in the inflammatory and immune responses of pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

Bovine lung explants were used in a study designed to compare the pathogenic effects of Pasteurella haemolytica type 1, a nonpathogenic organism Neisseria subflava, or the crude leukotoxin of P. haemolytica on alveolar macrophages and lung parenchymal cells. Concentrated, purified peripheral blood neutrophil suspensions were added with the bacteria to some explants. Duplicate pairs of cultures from each treatment group were fixed at regular intervals up to 24 hours after seeding and morphological changes were assessed by light and electron microscopy. Pasteurella haemolytica caused deterioration of alveolar macrophages within one hour but did not affect parenchymal cells for more than 12 hours. Neisseria subflava did not affect alveolar macrophages initially, but caused an accelerated deterioration after four hours. After 24 hours, bacterial overgrowth caused similar deterioration of all cells in explants seeded with either bacterium. Alveolar macrophages phagocytosed large numbers of N. subflava but rarely ingested P. haemolytica. Added neutrophils did not have any discernible effect on any of the explants and did not potentiate bacterial effects. Addition of crude leukotoxin of P. haemolytica to the culture medium significantly accelerated alveolar macrophage deterioration without apparent effect on parenchymal cell survival. These results support the hypothesis that the severe tissue destruction of fulminant pneumonic pasteurellosis is not a direct result of bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Calves were vaccinated by intrabronchial or subcutaneous injection of formalinized Pasteurella haemolytica. Antibody in serum, nasal washings, and bronchoalveolar washings was titrated sequentially before and after calves were vaccinated and then challenge exposed with live homologous bacteria. Bronchoalveolar washings were collected by fiberoptics bronchoscopy, and antibody was titrated by indirect (antiglobulin) bacterial agglutination. Responsiveness to vaccination was related in initial serum antibody concentrations. Calves with serum antibody titers of 1:20 or more were nonresponsive, whereas with few exceptions, calves having titers of less than 1:20 responded to vaccination. Results indicated that serum and lung antibody were induced by subcutaneous or by intrabronchial inoculation of formalinized P haemolytica. By either route of immunization, serum antibody was more persistent than was lung antibody, and pulmonary challenge exposure with live P haemolytica did not alter existing titers.  相似文献   

The distribution of leukocytes in bovine bronchoalveolar lavage fluids was determined in 15 calves at various times after aerosol exposure to Pasteurella haemolytica. For comparison, 10 calves were exposed to aerosols of phosphate-buffered saline solution; 15 calves, to Staphylococcus epidermidis; and 10 calves, to Salmonella typhimurium endotoxin. At 10 minutes after inhalation exposure for each group, the predominant cell type was the macrophage. Macrophages remained the predominant cell type throughout each lavage interval for calves exposed to phosphate-buffered saline solution and Staph epidermidis. For calves exposed to P haemolytica, there was a decrease in the percentage of macrophages detectable by 30 minutes after exposure, with a corresponding increase in the percentage of neutrophils. Sixty minutes after the inhalation exposure to P haemolytica, the percentages of macrophages and neutrophils in the lavage fluid were equal. By 240 minutes after exposure to P haemolytica, greater than 90% of the cells in the lavage fluids was neutrophils. The increase in the percentage of neutrophils in lavage fluids from calves exposed to S typhimurium endotoxin was similar to that seen for the calves exposed to P haemolytica.  相似文献   

Lysis of bovine platelets by Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pasteurella haemolytica A1 culture supernatants caused rapid cytolysis (less than 5 minutes) of isolated bovine platelets as measured by leakage of the cytoplasmic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LD). The platelet lytic factor had several features similar to P haemolytica leukotoxin. Like P haemolytica leukotoxin, the platelet lytic factor was produced by P haemolytica during logarithmic growth phase, was heat-labile, and was active against target cells (platelets) from ruminant species (cattle and sheep), but not from non-ruminant species (horses, pigs, and human beings). Additionally, the platelet lytic factor was neutralized with antileukotoxin rabbit serum. The amount of LD leaked by a fixed concentration of bovine platelets was proportional to the amount of toxin added at low toxic doses and became maximal at 88 +/- 11% of the total platelet LD activity for high doses of toxin. When a fixed dose of toxin was used and the platelet concentration was varied, LD leakage was initially proportional to the platelet concentration, but plateaued at higher platelet concentrations. The platelet lytic factor required Ca2+ and was inhibited by addition of the Ca2+ chelator ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid. Toxin-mediated platelet damage may be important in thrombi formation and fibrin exudation typically associated with P haemolytica pleuropneumonia of cattle.  相似文献   

In vitro interactions of bovine pulmonary lavage cells (PLC) and pathogenic isolates of Pasteurella haemolytica biotype A, serotype 1, were examined, using a luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL) assay. The PLC containing high concentrations of bovine alveolar macrophages were incubated with living and heat-killed P haemolytica at bacteria to PLC ratio of approximately 1:1. Kinetics of the mean LDCL response of bovine PLC to heat-killed P haemolytica cells were characterized by a gradual increase in the amount of light emitted over 150 minutes followed by a slight decrease at 180 minutes. In contrast, the LDCL responses of reaction mixtures containing living P haemolytica were characterized by the development of a maximal response at 60 minutes followed by a continued precipitous decrease in light emission to background values by 150 minutes. Differences were not noticed in the LDCL response of PLC suspensions from the same cow to 3 P haemolytica isolates. In each instance, reaction mixtures containing heat-killed bacteria had a similar LDCL profile that was characterized by continuous production of light over 180 minutes, whereas all reaction mixtures containing living bacteria underwent a precipitous decrease in light emission, which eventually resulted in a complete cessation of chemiluminescence. The PLC suspensions from different cattle did not respond to bacterial stimuli uniformly, with respect to the amplitude or detailed nature of the LDCL profile. The time that lapsed between the addition of living P haemolytica to PLC suspensions and the complete cessation of chemiluminescence varied for different cows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An in vitro 51Cr-release assay was used to compare the susceptibility of various leucocytes from normal cattle to Pasteurella haemolytica cytotoxin. Neutrophils were found to be more sensitive than mammary or bronchoalveolar macrophages. Neutrophils induced with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and mammary macrophages activated in vitro with LPS were as sensitive as homologous untreated cells. Bronchoalveolar macrophages from adult cows were significantly more resistant than those from calves. Sub-cytolytic concentrations of cytotoxin did not impair killing of para-influenza-3 virus infected MDBK cells by mammary macrophages.  相似文献   

Based on current literature which commonly associates bovine virus diarrhea virus and Mycoplasma bovis with "pneumonic pasteurellosis," an investigation was conducted into the effect of these two pathogens on the capacity of bovine lung to clear inhaled Pasteurella haemolytica. There was no significant effect (p less than 0.05) of either bovine virus diarrhea virus or M. bovis on the mean clearance rate of P. haemolytica, nor did the time interval of three, five or seven days between the first inoculation and exposure to P. haemolytica and adversely affect the lung clearance rates. However, it was found that the left lungs and a higher bacterial retention (p less than 0.05) than the right lungs.  相似文献   

Mannheimia haemolytica, one of the agents associated with bovine respiratory disease complex, can cause severe lung pathology including the leakage of vascular products into the airways and alveoli. Previous work by this laboratory has demonstrated that bovine lung endothelial and epithelial cells undergo dramatic permeability increases when exposed to adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP). Therefore, we wanted to determine if ATP levels were elevated in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from calves experimentally infected with M. haemolytica. In addition, cultured bovine pulmonary epithelial (BPE) cells were stimulated with heat-killed and live M. haemolytica bacteria, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lipoteichoic acid (LTA), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and zymosan activated plasma (ZAP) to determine whether they might release extracellular ATP during in vitro infection. Calves experimentally exposed to M. haemolytica had an approximately 2-fold higher level of ATP in their BAL samples compared to control. BPE cells exposed to increasing numbers of heat-killed or live M. haemolytica had significantly increased levels of ATP release as compared to time-matched controls. Finally, BPE cells treated with several concentrations of LPS and IL-1 had increases in ATP release as compared to time-matched controls. This increase appeared to be a result of active ATP secretion by the cells, as cell viability was similar between treated and non-treated cells. Neither ZAP nor LTA induced any ATP release by the cells. In conclusion, ATP levels are elevated in lung secretions from calves infected with M. haemolytica. In addition, lung epithelial cells can actively release ATP when exposed to heat-killed or live M. haemolytica, LPS or IL-1.  相似文献   

Toxin neutralizing activity of bovine sera and body fluids against Pasteurella haemolytica type A1 cytotoxin was evaluated by 51Cr release assay using bovine peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes as the target cells. Sera collected from precolostral calves did not exert anticytotoxin activity at 10(-1) or higher dilutions, whereas randomly selected complement fixing antibody-negative sera neutralized on average over 90% of cytotoxin activity at the 10(-1) dilution and less than 50% of the toxin activity at 10(-2) or higher serum dilutions. Nasal secretions and lung washings of some of the cattle tested also contained cytotoxin neutralizing activity. The antibody nature of the cytotoxin neutralizing activity was demonstrated by its neutralization with bovine immunoglobulin G2 purified from pooled seropositive sera. Sera from a group of cattle which were vaccinated with a potassium thiocyanate extract of P. haemolytica, but which subsequently developed fibrinous pneumonia after aerosol challenge with bovine herpesvirus 1 and P. haemolytica, had significantly lower anticytotoxin activity than sera from another group of cattle which did not develop the disease after similar vaccination and challenge. Cattle which survived a natural outbreak of shipping fever had higher anticytotoxin activity than those having fibrinous pneumonia in the aforementioned experimental group, although there was no statistical difference between them and a randomly selected CF seronegative group. It is probable that this cytotoxin neutralizing antibody exerts a beneficial effect in protection of cattle against pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

160 ovine isolates of Pasteurella haemolytica, representing each of the 16 serotypes and also untypable strains, were examined for plasmid content. Plasmid DNA was identified in, and prepared from, strains of serotypes A2, T3, A14 and A16 and also from an untypable strain. The relationship between the plasmids present in the different strains was examined both by restriction fragment profile analysis and by DNA/DNA hybridisation. Both methods gave broadly similar results and showed that each serotype tended to contain either a single plasmid species, or a limited range of species, and that structural similarities could traverse serotype boundaries. None of the plasmid-bearing strains showed any significant level of resistance to a range of antibiotics.  相似文献   

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