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The concentration of gentamicin in plasma and synovial fluid of normal adult horses was measured periodically for 24 hours after IV (2.2 mg/kg of body weight), intra-articular (IA; 150 mg), and simultaneous IV and IA administrations. Gentamicin also was buffered with sodium bicarbonate (3 mEq) and then was administered IA and simultaneously IV and IA. Synovial fluid specimens were obtained via an indwelling catheter placed into the antebrachiocarpal joint. The peak mean plasma gentamicin concentration (8.30 micrograms/ml) after IV administration was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that (0.69 microgram/ml) after IA administration of gentamicin and that (0.55 microgram/ml) after administration of gentamicin buffered with sodium bicarbonate. Gentamicin concentration greater than a therapeutic concentration was not attained in the plasma after IA administration of buffered or unbuffered gentamicin. The peak mean synovial fluid concentration (1,828 micrograms/ml) after IA administration of unbuffered gentamicin was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that (2.53 micrograms/ml) after IV administration and significantly (P less than 0.05) less than that (5,720 micrograms/ml) after simultaneous IV and IA administration. The peak mean synovial fluid concentration after IA administration of buffered gentamicin, with and without simultaneous IV administration (2,128 and 2,680 micrograms/ml, respectively), was not significantly different than that after IA treatment with unbuffered gentamicin. Mean synovial fluid concentration did not differ significantly between groups after IA administration of gentamicin in any combination at postinjection hours 8, 12, and 24, but remained significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that at the same times after IV administration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Synovial fluid and plasma kinetics of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) and methylprednisolone (MP) after a single intra-articular administration of MPA at a therapeutic dose (111 mg in toto) was measured in five horses. MPA was detected in synovial fluid for two to six days post injection and MP, which results from synovial MPA hydrolysis, was present in pharmacologically significant concentrations for 4.8 to 39 days, depending on the horse. MPA synovial concentration was maximal (289 +/- 284 micrograms/ml) at the first sampling time (2 h after administration) and MP synovial concentration was maximal (from 58.9 to 379.5 micrograms/ml) at the first or second sampling time (2 to 10 h after administration). Thereafter, both MP and MPA declined rapidly. From time of administration to about five days later, MP synovial fluid concentration fell progressively with a half-time of 9.95 h. Subsequently, the MP synovial fluid concentration decreased more slowly with an apparent half-time of 115 h. During the first 24 h following MPA administration, trace amounts of MP (less than 5 ng/ml) were detected in plasma. Plasma hydrocortisone levels were depressed for three to four days after administration but adrenal responsiveness to adrenocorticotrophic hormone tests remained unaffected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare concentrations of gentamicin in serum and bronchial lavage fluid after IV and aerosol administration of gentamicin to horses. ANIMALS: 9 healthy adult horses. PROCEDURE: Gentamicin was administered by aerosolization (20 ml of gentamicin solution [50 mg/ml]) and IV injection (6.6 mg of gentamicin/kg of body weight) to each horse, with a minimum of 2 weeks between treatments. Samples of pulmonary epithelial lining fluid were collected by small volume (30 ml) bronchial lavage 0.5, 4, 8, and 24 hours after gentamicin administration. Serum samples were obtained at the same times. All samples were analyzed for gentamicin concentration, and cytologic examinations were performed on aliquots of bronchial lavage fluid collected at 0.5, 8, and 24 hours. RESULTS: Gentamicin concentrations in bronchial lavage fluid were significantly greater 0.5, 4, and 8 hours after aerosol administration, whereas serum concentrations were significantly less at all times after aerosol administration, compared with IV administration. Neutrophil counts in bronchial lavage fluid increased from 0.5 to 24 hours, regardless of route of gentamicin administration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Aerosol administration of gentamicin to healthy horses resulted in gentamicin concentrations in bronchial fluid that were significantly greater than those obtained after IV administration. A mild inflammatory cell response was associated with aerosol delivery of gentamicin and repeated bronchial lavage. Aerosol administration of gentamicin may have clinical use in the treatment of bacterial bronchopneumonia in horses.  相似文献   

The administration of antibiotics by aerosol to horses suffering from respiratory infections may partially circumvent the limitations of antimicrobial therapy, e.g. large injection volumes, low bioavailability and risk of diarrhoea. Only injectable formulations are available currently and usually contain other substances that could irritate the mucosa and induce coughing and bronchospasm. In addition, the quality of the aerosol, particularly in terms of the delivery of antibiotics to the deep parts of the lung, is unknown. Although used under field conditions, cefquinome delivered by aerosol has never been studied in horses. This study examined the safety of cefquinome injectable solution, administered by aerosol at a dose of 225 mg/inhalation to 7 healthy horses, by assessing (1) pulmonary function before and 15 min after a single inhalation, at the first day (Day 1) and the fifth day (Day 5) of a 5 day period treatment; and (2) the inflammatory status of the lung, i.e. percentage neutrophils and myeloperoxidase concentration, based on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) at D1 and D5. In addition, cefquinome concentrations were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after aerosol, intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administrations. A single aerosol of cefquinome injectable solution did not induce any immediate nor delayed pulmonary side effects in healthy horses and produced cefquinome concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) within 30 min that were higher than the minimal inhibitory concentration of the main equine respiratory pathogens. These results should stimulate further studies, especially in horses suffering from bronchial hyper‐reactivity. Aerosol delivery of antibiotics may well have a role in equine therapeutics.  相似文献   

Objective— To compare intra-articular (IA) and bone gentamicin concentrations achieved after intra-articular administration or regional intravenous perfusion (RIP).
Study Design— Experimental study.
Animals— Twelve healthy adult horses.
Methods— Horses were assigned to 2 treatment groups (  n = 6/group  ): Group 1, 1 g gentamicin administered simultaneously in both left and right metacarpophalangeal joints and group 2, 1 g gentamicin administered simultaneously in both left and right lateral palmar veins. Serum, synovial fluid, and bone biopsy specimens were collected. Gentamicin concentrations were determined by fluorescence polarization immunoassay. Bone, synovial fluid, and serum gentamicin concentrations were compared over time and between groups using 2-way ANOVA. Significance of all tests were evaluated at   P < .05  .
Results— IA metacarpophalangeal joint administration resulted in higher concentration of gentamicin in synovial fluid than RIP administration. Synovial fluid concentration remained above minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for common pathogens for over 24 hours with IA and RIP administration. Bone gentamicin concentration remained above MIC for 8 hours with both methods; there was no significant difference in gentamicin concentration in bone with either method. Neither IA nor RIP administration had a significant effect on serum concentration of gentamicin.
Conclusions— In normal horses, there is no difference in bone gentamicin concentration obtained with IA or RIP administration.
Clinical Relevance— Based on MIC for common equine pathogens, administration of gentamicin intra-articularly or by regional intravenous perfusion should be useful for treatment of osteomyelitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess gentamicin concentrations in serum and bronchial lavage fluid (BLF) of horses during a 24-hour period after once-daily aerosol administration of gentamicin (GAER) for 7 days and the pattern and degree of bronchial tree inflammation associated with repeated GAER. ANIMALS: 13 healthy adult horses (9 geldings and 4 mares). PROCEDURE: The treatment group comprised 8 horses, and 5 horses were untreated control animals. Gentamicin (20 mL of gentamicin [50 mg/mL]) was administered via aerosol once daily for 7 days. Samples of serum and BLF were obtained from all horses before GAER and 0.5, 4, 8, and 24 hours after the final day of GAER. Gentamicin concentrations were determined for all samples from treated horses, and cytologic examinations were performed on all BLF samples. RESULTS: Peak median BLF gentamicin concentration detected at 0.5 hours was 2.50 microg/mL. Median serum gentamicin concentration was < 0.50 microg/mL at all time points. Significant differences were not observed in total nucleated cell counts or differential cell counts in BLF between groups at any time point. Neutrophil count in BLF for all horses was increased over baseline at 4 and 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: We did not detect evidence of gentamicin accumulation or respiratory inflammation after once-daily GAER for 7 days. This protocol appears unlikely to result in local or systemic toxicosis. Repeated daily GAER to horses appears to be a safe procedure and may have clinical use in the treatment of horses with bacterial infections of the airways.  相似文献   

A retrospective evaluation of 64 cases of suspected infectious arthritis in horses was undertaken to determine the relations among histopathologic findings in synovial membrane specimens, cytologic findings in synovial fluid samples, and bacterial culture results. Positive cultures were obtained from 55% of the joints, and 18 different bacterial organisms were cultured. Culturing of synovial fluid yielded bacterial growth more often than did culturing of synovial membrane. Histologic evaluation (H&E and Gram stain) of synovial membrane specimens provided little information to help distinguish infected from culture-negative joints. We do not advocate the routine use of closed synovial biopsy in suspected cases of equine septic arthritis.  相似文献   

The serum and synovial pharmacokinetics of amoxycillin (AMX) were studied after i.v. administration at a dosage of 40 mg/kg to normal horses and horses with induced aseptic carpal arthritis. The best estimates of serum and synovial pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by mono or bivariable non-linear regression analysis. A biexponential equation was used to describe the concentration vs. time profiles in both normal and arthritic horses. There were no serum kinetic differences between normal and arthritic horses. There were, however, major synovial kinetic changes between these groups. The rate of penetration from serum to synovial fluid was larger in arthritic animals, indicating better penetration in this case. On the other hand, the rate of disappearance from synovial fluid was larger in normal horses, indicating more persistence of the drug in the diseased joint. Synovial AMX availability increased from 21% in normal horses to 79% in arthritic horses. These findings support the use of AMX for the treatment of infectious synovial joint disease produced by susceptible organisms in horses.  相似文献   

The tarsocrural joints of 11 horses were inoculated with 1.2 to 2.16 x 10(6) viable Staphylococcus aureus organisms susceptible to a trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (TMP-SDZ) combination with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.25 micrograms of TMP/ml and 4.75 micrograms of SDZ/ml. Antimicrobial treatment consisted of oral administration of a TMP-SDZ combination--30 mg/kg of body weight given once daily (group-1 horses) or 60 mg/kg given as 30 mg/kg every 12 hours (group-2 horses). Paired serum and synovial fluid samples were obtained before intra-articular inoculation with the S aureus, after inoculation with S aureus but before antimicrobial treatment, and after inoculation at various hourly intervals after oral administration of the TMP-SDZ combination. The TMP-SDZ combination was administered daily in the 2 dosages for 21 days. Samples were collected after day 3 of repetitive drug administration so that drug steady-state concentration would have been achieved. Serum and synovial fluid samples were analyzed for TMP and SDZ concentrations. Administration of the TMP-SDZ combination at a dosage of 30 mg/kg once daily was not effective in maintaining TMP or SDZ concentrations above the MIC of TMP-SDZ for the S aureus (0.25 and 4.75 micrograms/ml for TMP and SDZ, respectively) in the infected synovial fluid or in maintaining adequate TMP concentration in the serum. The alternative use of the TMP-SDZ combination at a dosage of 60 mg/kg given as 30 mg/kg every 12 hours was effective in maintaining serum and synovial fluid concentrations of TMP and SDZ that were greater than the MIC for the infective organism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objective-To determine the pharmacokinetics of methylprednisolone (MP) and the relationship between MP and hydrocortisone (HYD) concentrations in plasma and urine after intra-articular (IA) administration of 100 or 200 mg of MP acetate (MPA) to horses. Animals-Five 3-year-old Thoroughbred mares. Procedures-Horses exercised on a treadmill 3 times/wk during the study. Horses received 100 mg of MPA IA, then 8 weeks later received 200 mg of MPA IA. Plasma and urine samples were obtained at various times for 8 weeks after horses received each dose of MPA; concentrations of MP and HYD were determined. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic estimates for noncompartmental and compartmental parameters were determined. Results-Maximum concentration of MP in plasma was similar for each MPA dose; concentrations remained greater than the lower limit of quantitation for 18 and 7 days after IA administration of 200 and 100 mg of MPA, respectively. Maximum concentration and area under the observed concentration-time curve for MP in urine were significantly higher (approximately 10-and 17-fold, respectively) after administration of 200 versus 100 mg of MPA. Hydrocortisone concentration was below quantifiable limits for ≥ 48 hours in plasma and urine of all horses after administration of each MPA dose. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Pharmacokinetics of MP may differ among IA MPA dosing protocols, and MP may be detected in plasma and urine for a longer time than previously reported. This information may aid veterinarians treating sport horses. Further research is warranted to determine whether plasma HYD concentration can aid identification of horses that received exogenous glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether peritoneal fluid pH, glucose concentration, and lactate dehydrogenase activity can be used to differentiate horses with septic peritonitis from those with nonseptic peritonitis. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 46 horses, including 10 healthy horses, 15 horses with septic peritonitis, and 21 horses with nonseptic peritonitis. PROCEDURE: Peritoneal fluid and blood samples were analyzed for pH, glucose concentration, and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Complete blood cell counts were performed, and peritoneal fluid samples were submitted for bacterial culture. RESULTS: Horses with septic peritonitis had significantly lower peritoneal fluid pH and glucose concentrations than horses with nonseptic peritonitis and healthy horses. Compared with other tests, serum-to-peritoneal fluid glucose concentration differences > 50 mg/dl had the highest diagnostic use for detection of septic peritonitis. Peritoneal fluid pH < 7.3, glucose concentration < 30 mg/dl, and fibrinogen concentration > 200 mg/dl were also highly indicative of septic peritonitis. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Peritoneal fluid pH and glucose concentration can be used to assist in the identification of horses with septic peritonitis. These measurements can provide an early indication of sepsis, especially if cytologic evaluation of peritoneal fluid is unavailable or results are equivocal and peritoneal fluid bacterial culture results are pending.  相似文献   

Seven mature thoroughbred horses, weighing between 400 and 541 kg, were each injected intra-articularly into three joints with 6 mg/joint of triamcinolone acetonide (Vetalog). The fourth joint, the control, was injected with saline. Synovial fluid was taken from all four legs of the horses on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 15 following the injections. Triamcinolone acetonide was assayed by a radioimmunoassay. Blood was collected at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 h and on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 15 following injection of either triamcinolone or saline. Both cortisol and triamcinolone were assayed. The results show that the synovial fluid level of triamcinolone was 7.5 micrograms/ml 1 day following treatment and decreased to 10 ng/ml by the 4th day. These low levels were maintained for approximately 14 days. By the 15th day, the triamcinolone was below a detectable level. Serum levels of triamcinolone increased to 3 ng/ml within 1 h and further increased to a peak of 4.3 ng/ml at 4th h. The level then decreased to 2 ng/ml at 24 h and to nearly an undetectable level in 48 h. The mean level of serum cortisol, on the other hand, gradually decreased as the serum level of triamcinolone increased. As the serum level of triamcinolone reached an undetectable level on the 2nd day, the serum cortisol level gradually increased and returned to the pre-administration level by the 5th day. These results showed that the intra-articular administration of triamcinolone maintained triamcinolone in the synovial fluid for 4-14 days and that the triamcinolone reached the blood within 1 h. The serum level of triamcinolone was maintained for 2 days and resulted in the inhibition of adrenal function for 4 days.  相似文献   

Six healthy mature horses were orally administered a single dose of phenobarbital (26 mg/kg of body weight), then multiple doses (13 mg/kg) orally for 42 consecutive days. Seventeen venous blood samples were collected from each horse after the single dose study and again after the last dose on day 42. Plasma phenobarbital concentration was determined by use of a fluorescence assay validated for horses. Additional blood samples (n = 11) were collected on days 8 and 25 to determine peak and trough concentrations, as well as total body clearance. Phenobarbital disposition followed a one-compartment model. Mean kinetic variables after single and repeated orally administered doses (42 days) were: elimination half-life = 24.2 +/- 4.7 and 11.2 +/- 2.3 hours, volume of distribution = 0.960 +/- 0.060 and 0.914 +/- 0.119 L/kg, and clearance = 28.2 +/- 5.1 and 57.3 +/- 9.6 ml/h/kg, respectively. Results indicated that significant (P less than 0.05) difference in half-life and oral clearance existed between single and repeated dosing. The significant decrease in half-life after repeated dosing with phenobarbital may be indicative of enzyme induction. Significant difference was not observed between baseline serum enzyme concentration and concentration measured on day 42, except for gamma-glutamyltransferase activity, which was significantly increased on day 42 in 3 of the 6 horses. On the basis of increases in oral clearance observed over 42 days, dose adjustments may be required.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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