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It is known that rock fragments on the surface of soils can enhance infiltration and protect the soil against rainfall erosion. However, the effect of rock fragments in natural forest soils is less well understood. In this article, we studied the influence of rock fragment cover on run‐off, infiltration and interrill soil erosion under simulated rainfall on natural bare soils in a Spanish dehesa (managed holm oak woodland). We studied 60 plots with different rock fragment cover ranging from 3% to 85% under three simulated rainfall intensities (50, 100 and 150 mm/h). Surface run‐off appeared later and sediment yield values were smaller in soils with greater rock fragment cover. Rock fragment cover also increased infiltration rates. The final infiltration rates were 54–98% at a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/h, 31–88% at 100 mm/h and 20–80% at 150 mm/h. The interrill soil loss rates were decreased by rock fragment cover and increased with rainfall intensity. The soil loss rate was always small (0.02–1 Mg ha/h) when rock fragment cover was 75% or more. Rock fragment cover was related to soil loss rate by an exponential function.  相似文献   

Forest management policies in Mediterranean areas have traditionally encouraged land cover changes, with the establishment of tree cover (Aleppo pine) in natural or degraded ecosystems for soil conservation purposes: to reduce soil erosion and to increase the vegetation structure. In order to evaluate the usefulness of these management policies on reduced erosion in semi-arid landscapes, we compared 5 vegetation cover types (bare soil, dry grassland, shrublands, afforested dry grasslands and afforested thorn shrublands), monitored in 15 hydrological plots (8 × 2 m), in the Ventós catchment (Alicante, SE Spain), over 4 years (1996 to 1999). Each cover type represented a different dominant patch of the vegetation mosaic on the north-facing slopes of this catchment. The results showed that runoff coefficients of vegetated plots were less than 1% of the precipitation volume; whereas runoff in denuded areas was nearly 4%. Soil losses in vegetation plots averaged 0.04 Mg ha− 1 year− 1 and increased 40-fold in open-land plots. The evaluation of these forest management policies, in contrast with the natural vegetation communities, suggests that: (1) thorn shrublands and dry grassland communities with vegetation cover could control runoff and sediment yield as effectively as Aleppo pine afforestation in these communities, and (2) afforestation with a pine stratum improved the stand's vertical structure resulting in pluri-stratified communities, but reduced the species richness and plant diversity in the understorey of the plantations.  相似文献   

湿润速率和粘粒含量对红壤沟间侵蚀的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An aggregate stability test and a simulated rainfall test were conducted on four representative Ultisols from southeastern China. The soils selected, with clay contents ranging between 117 and 580 g kg-1 , were derived from shale and Quaternary red clay. The stability of aggregates (2–5 mm in diameter) obtained from the soil samples were determined by the Le Bissonnais method. For determination of infiltration, runoff, and erosion, the soil samples were packed in 30 cm × 60 cm trays, wetted at rates of 2, 10, and 60 mm h-1 , and then exposed to simulated rainfall at 60 mm h-1 for 1 h. The results indicated that both aggregate stability and slaking caused by fast wetting increased with increasing clay content. The effect of wetting rate (WR) on infiltration and seal formation varied with clay contents. In the soil with low clay content (sandy loam), the infiltration rate was affected slightly by WR due to low aggregate stability and slaking. In the soils with medium clay content (silt clay loam and clay), WR affected infiltration significantly due to the high aggregate slaking force. In the soil with high clay content, the effect of WR on infiltration was significant, but not as evident as in the soils with medium clay content, which may be related to high aggregate stability by wetting partially compensating for slaking force. The effect of WR on soil loss was similar to that of runoff, but more pronounced. The findings from this study indicated that the relationship between wetting rate and clay content should be considered when predicting interrill erosion in Ultisols.  相似文献   

In order to develop a new formula for assessing interrill erosion rate by incorporating the soil aggregate instability index, β, erosion plots at seven sites in central Greece were used to measure interrill erosion rate under natural rainfall conditions during a 39-month period. Soils classified as Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols with slopes 7–21%, moderately well to excessively drained, clay to loamy textured, were studied. Runoff and total sediment were collected after each ponding rainfall event. The equation Ei=0.628 β St1.3 e0.0967I30 was finally proposed (R2=0.939,P<0.001) to describe interrill erosion rate. The term, St represents the tangent of the slope angle, and I30 represents the maximum rainfall intensity in 30 min. The addition of the aggregate instability index to improve existing methodologies provide was considered to provide an easy to determine and reliable measure of soil erodibility. Validation with independent data showed that the model predicted interrill erosion well (R2=0.766, P<0.001). Therefore, the proposed model based on the aggregate instability index, β, has the potential to improved methodology for assessing interrill erosion rate.  相似文献   

Five simulated rainstorms, each with a different rainfall intensity pattern but all delivering the same total kinetic energy to the soil surface, were applied to three different soils in a laboratory flume. The storm patterns were: constant rainfall intensity, increasing intensity, decreasing intensity, increasing then decreasing intensity and decreasing then increasing intensity. The three soils were: a clay loam, a sandy loam and a sandy soil. No differences in total runoff were observed that were consistent across the three soil types. However, consistent differences were observed in the amount and size distribution of the eroded sediment. In particular, the constant-intensity storm yielded an average soil loss of 75% of the varying-intensity storms, and the eroded sediment from the constant-intensity storms had a lower clay content than that from the varying-intensity storms. In contrast to the differences in amount and size distribution of eroded sediment, splashed sediment exhibited much smaller differences. Interrill erosion rates are widely assumed to vary with rainfall intensity to the power 2, but this relationship has been obtained from experiments over a range of rainfall intensities, but in which rainfall intensity has been constant in each experiment. The experiments reported here, undertaken using variable rainfall intensity within each experiment, indicates an exponent of 2.55. The experiments demonstrate that the assumption that a given rainfall intensity falling on a given soil for a given amount of time will result in a given amount of runoff and erosion is unsound. They point to the need for a greater understanding of the processes of interrill sediment detachment and transport in order to model successfully erosion under temporally varying rainfall.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine nitrogen (N) loss associated with erosion of forest soils and to explore the role of soil structure and other factors governing N enrichment of sediment to aid prediction of N loss. We measured erosion, size distribution of aggregates in the sediment and N distribution in various aggregate fractions using simulated rainfall on samples of three cultivated forest soils of contrasting structure (repacked in trays) exposed to four erosion conditions. Both sediment loss and N loss increased with slope and kinetic energy of rainfall suggesting greater dependency of N loss on sediment loss than on N concentration in the sediment. Irrespective of erosion treatments and soil type, the bulk sediment and its size fractions were mostly richer in N than those of the uneroded soils. The enrichment ratio (ER) and concentration ratio (CR) of N for sediment cast some doubt on the application of raindrop stripping as a mechanism of N enrichment of sediment for soils of widely differing characteristics. Previously published models of N enrichment of sediment did not predict ER for our soils satisfactorily. However, an empirical model using published data on erosion and N loss agreed well with the results. This predictive method only requires information on sediment loss that can be easily obtained from an erosion model.  相似文献   

The year to year carry-over effects of biomass additions under different plant populations on runoff and erosion are unclear. The objective of this study was to quantify the impact of different plant populations on residue cover to elucidate the effects of residue cover on runoff and erosion. The residue management system involved shredding of corn (maize) biomass after harvest, incorporating the residue in the spring, and leaving the land fallow until it was no-till planted the following spring. Runoff and soil losses were measured on 18 runoff plots with plots arranged in two areas with each having three randomized treatments (0%, 50%, and 100% plant population) with three replications. The two areas were managed as a fallow/no-till corn rotation in two cycles of alternating years. Surface residue cover was highly dynamic with significant changes between cycles and seasons in response to the management practices. The annual soil losses were reduced by 47% and 54% for the 50% and 100% plant populations, respectively compared to the control. However, the annual soil loss even for the 100% plant population was still nearly seven times the tolerable soil loss limit of 7 ton ha−1. The normal erosion protection afforded by no-till practices was lost by the incorporation of residue the previous year.  相似文献   

A limiting factor to the no-tillage system in arid and semi-arid regions is the possibility of soil densification from lack of tillage. This research examines the extent and duration of the effects of periodic (rotational) zone-tillage over 2 years, on selected soil physical and chemical properties and crop yields. In the first year four tillage treatments were applied: conventional tillage with mouldboard plow (CT), minimum tillage with chisel plow (MT), no-tillage (NT) and zone-tillage subsoiling with a paraplow (ZT). In the second year, the ZT plots were returned to NT to follow the residual effects of ZT. The soil was a loamy sand (Calcic Haploxeralf) from semi-arid Central Spain and the crop rotation was grey pea (Pisum sativum L.)–barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Crop residues on the soil surface after sowing grey pea were 85% in NT plots, 55% in ZT plots and 15% in MT plots. When comparing NT and ZT, the immediate effects of subsoiling on soil physical properties were significant (P < 0.05). Soil strength as measured by cone index approached 3.0 MPa in NT and was reduced to <1.0 MPa by ZT over 300 mm sampling depth. Soil moisture content and bulk density were improved by ZT. No-till and ZT favoured surface accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC), total N and available P and K. Stratification ratio of SOC was not different among tillage systems, but soil N stratification ratio followed the order NT > ZT > MT > CT. Grey pea yields were reduced by 3 Mg ha−1 in the NT and MT compared with ZT. Crop residues on the soil surface after barley sowing were 80% in NT, 56% in ZT, and 12% in MT. At the end of the second year, soil strength, soil moisture and bulk density in ZT declined to NT levels at all soil depths. The positive effect of ZT in increasing SOC in the top layer had also disappeared. However, total N, and available P and K concentrations under NT and ZT were still significantly higher than in MT and CT. Stratification ratios of SOC under NT and ZT were >2 and more than two-fold those under MT and CT. Nitrogen stratification ratio under ZT increased and no significant differences between NT and ZT could be reported. Barley yield was 0.6 Mg ha−1 higher in ZT compared with NT. Our results suggest that ZT improved the physical and chemical condition of the soil studied in months following subsoiling. These positive effects, however, diminished with time and only some residual effects on total N and available P and K content in the top-layer were still evident after 2 years.  相似文献   

The assessment of soil erodibility to water erosion in the field is often expensive and time-consuming. This study was designed to reveal the effects of aggregate breakdown mechanisms on interrill erosion dynamics and develop an improved model for assessing interrill soil loss, which incorporated the soil aggregate stability tests as a substitute for the interrill erodibility parameter, from both disturbed and undisturbed samples for red soils in subtropical China. Six cultivated areas of sloping land with red soils were selected, and topsoil aggregate stability was analyzed using the Le Bissonnais method to determine the different disaggregation forces. Laboratory rainfall simulations were designed to distinguish the effects of slaking (at different wetting rates) and mechanical breakdown (with and without screening) on soil erosion characteristics. Field rainstorm simulations with medium and high rainfall intensities were conducted on runoff plots (2 m 1 m) with slope gradients varying from 10% to 20% for each soil type. A new instability index, Ka, which considers aggregate breakdown mechanisms in interrill erosion processes, was proposed based on the disturbed sample results. Ka showed a close relationship with erosion rates in both disturbed and undisturbed samples. Following from the results of undisturbed sample experiments, Ka was used as a substitute for the erodibility factor, and introduced into the WEPP model, establishing a new erosion predication formula for red soils which had a good correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.89**). This research made a good attempt at estimating the interrill erosion rate on the basis of aggregate stability from simple laboratory determinations. These results extend the validity of soil aggregation characterization as an appropriate indicator of soil susceptibility to interrill erosion in red soils from subtropical China. The formula based on the instability index, Ka, has the potential to improve the methodology used for assessing interrill erosion rates.  相似文献   

Crop production in Georgia and the Southeastern U.S. can be limited by water. Highly-weathered, drought-prone soils are susceptible to runoff and erosion. Rainfall patterns generate runoff producing storms followed by extended periods of drought during the crop growing season. Thus, supplemental irrigation is often needed to sustain profitable crop production. Increased water retention and soil conservation would efficiently improve water use and reduce irrigation amounts/costs and sedimentation, and sustain productive farm land, thus improving producer's profit margin. Soil amendments, such as flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, have been shown to retain rainfall and/or irrigation water through increased infiltration while decreasing runoff (R) and sediment (E). Objectives were to quantify rainfall partitioning and sediment delivery improvements with surface applied FGD gypsum from an Ultisol managed to conventional till (CT) and to assess the feasibility of using FGD gypsum on agricultural land in southern Georgia. A field study (Faceville loamy sand, Typic Kandiudult) was established (2006, 2007) near Dawson, GA managed to CT, irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). FGD gypsum application rates evaluated were 0, 1.1, 2.2, 4.5, and 9 Mg ha− 1. Gypsum treatments and simulated rainfall (50 mm h− 1 for 1 h) were applied to 2-m wide × 3-m long field plots (n = 3). Runoff and E were measured from each 6-m2 plot (slope = 1%). FGD gypsum plots averaged 26% more infiltration (INF), 40% less R, 58% less E, 27% lower maximum R rates (Rmax), and 2 times lower maximum E rates (Emax) than control plots. Values of INF and water for crop use increased, and R, E, Rmax, and Emax decreased as FGD gypsum application rate increased. Values of INF, R, E, Rmax, and Emax for 9 Mg ha− 1 plots were as much as 17% greater, 35% less, 1.9 times less, 35% less, and 1.9 times less than those from other FGD gypsum plots, respectively; and 40% greater, 40% less, 2.2 times less, 52% less, and 2.9 times less than those from control plots, respectively. Applying FGD gypsum to agricultural lands is a cost-effective management practice for producers in Georgia that beneficially impacts natural resource conservation, producer profit margins, and environmental quality. Agriculture in the Southeast provides a viable market for the electric power industry to convert disposal costs of FGD gypsum into a profitable commodity.  相似文献   

In semi-arid areas under rainfed agriculture water is the most limiting factor of crop production. To investigate the best way to perform fallow and its effect on soil water content (SWC) and root growth in a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop after fallow, an experiment was conducted on two soils in La Segarra, a semi-arid area in the Ebro Valley (Spain). Fallow was a traditional system used in these areas to capture out-of-season rainfall to supplement that of the growing period, usually lasting 16 months, from July to October of the next year. Soil A was a loamy fine Fluventic Xerochrept (Haplic Calcisol, FAO) of 120 cm depth and Soil B was a loamy Lithic Xeric Torriorthent (Calcaric Regosol, FAO) of only 30 cm depth. The experiment was continued for four fallow-crop cycles in Soil A and for two in Soil B. In Soil A, three tillage systems were compared: subsoil tillage (ST), minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT). In Soil B, only MT and NT were compared. In the fields cropped to barley, SWC and root length density (LV) were measured at important developmental stages during the season, lasting from October to June. In the fallow fields SWC was also monitored. Here, evaporation (EV), water storage (WS) and water storage efficiency (WSE) were calculated using a simplified balance approach. The fallow period was split in two 8-month sub-periods: July–February (infiltration) and March–October evaporation (EV). In Soil A, values of WSE were in the range 10–18% in 1992–1993, 1993–1994 and 1994–1995 fallow, but fell to 3% in 1995–1996. Among tillage systems, NT showed significantly greater WSE in the July–February sub-period of 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 fallow, but significantly lower WSE in the March–October sub-period, due to greater EV under NT. Consequently, no differences in total WSE were found between tillage systems. In Soil B, WSE was low, about 3–7%, and there were no difference between tillage systems. During the crop period, the differences in SWC and LV between tillage systems were small. Regarding yields, the best tillage system depended on the year. NT is potentially the best system for executing fallow, but residues of the preceding crop must be left spread over the soil.  相似文献   

The effects of burning on runoff and soil erosion from scrub-bearing hillslopes in northwest Spain were investigated by monitoring of experimental plots over a 4-year period. At the beginning of this period, two plots (BP1 and BP2) were subjected to low-intensity controlled burns, and two plots left as controls; in the year following the controlled burns, however, one of the control plots (plot WF) was burnt in a wildfire of higher intensity than the controlled burns. Runoff and erosion losses from the BP plots were only slightly higher than from the control plot, with the loss in no case exceeding 300 g m−2 yr−1. Erosion losses from plot WF were considerably higher (1314 g m−2 over the 1st year post-burning, 8.5 times higher than from the control plot). These results were compared with those predicted using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) hillslope model (Version 95.7). In general, WEPP predictions of total runoff volume over the study period were acceptable: coefficients of determination for the regression of predicted on observed values were 0.41, 0.68, 0.66 and 0.57 for the control plot and plots BP1, BP2 and WF, respectively. Erosion losses were likewise predicted with reasonable accuracy, though the model showed a consistent tendency to under-estimate, particularly with plot WF.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a surface cover material (e.g. geotextiles, rock fragments, mulches, vegetation) in reducing runoff and soil erosion rates is often only assessed by the fraction of the soil surface covered. However, there are indications that soil structure has important effects on the runoff and erosion-reducing effectiveness of the cover materials. This study investigates the impact of soil pre-treatment (i.e. fine tilth versus sealed soil surface) on the effectiveness of biological geotextiles in increasing infiltration rates and in reducing runoff and interrill erosion rates on a medium and steep slope gradient. Rainfall was simulated during 60 min with an intensity of 67 mm h−1 on an interrill erosion plot having two slope gradients (i.e. 15 and 45%) and filled with an erodible sandy loam. Five biological and three simulated geotextiles with different cover percentage were tested on two simulated initial soil conditions (i.e. fine tilth and sealed soil surface). Final infiltration rates on a sealed soil surface (7.5–18.5 mm h−1) are observed after ca. 10 min of rainfall compared to ca. 50 min of rainfall on an initial seedbed (16.4–56.7 mm h−1). On the two tested slope gradients, significantly (α = 0.05) smaller runoff coefficients (RC) are observed on an initial seedbed (8.2% < RC < 59.8%) compared to a sealed soil surface (75.7% < RC < 87.0%). On an initial seedbed, decreasing RC are observed with an increasing simulated geotextile cover. However, on an initial sealed soil surface no significant effect of simulated geotextile cover on RC is observed. On a 15% slope gradient, calculated b-values from the mulch factor equation equalled 0.054 for an initial fine tilth and 0.022 for a sealed soil surface, indicating a higher effectiveness of geotextiles in reducing interrill erosion on a fine tilth compared to a sealed soil surface. Therefore, this study demonstrates the importance of applying geotextiles on the soil surface before the surface tilth is sealed due to rainfall. The effect of soil structure on the effectiveness of a surface cover in reducing runoff and interrill erosion rates, as indicated by the results of this study, needs to be incorporated in soil erosion prediction models.  相似文献   

The submontaneous tract of Punjab comprising 10% of the state, is prone to soil erosion by water. Soils of the area are coarse in texture, low in organic matter and poor in fertility. High intensity rains during the monsoon season result in fertile topsoil removal. There is an urgent need to control soil erosion in this region so as to improve soil productivity. A field study was conducted to estimate the effect of tillage and different modes of mulch application on soil erosion losses. Treatments comprised two levels of tillage, viz. minimum (Tm) and conventional (Tc) in the main plots and five modes of straw mulch application, viz. mulch spread over whole plot (Mw), mulch spread on lower one-third of plot (M1/3), mulch applied in strips (Ms), vertical mulching (Mv) and unmulched control (Mo), in subplots in a replicated split plot design. Rate of mulch application was 6 t ha−1 in all modes. Compared with Mo, Mw reduced runoff by 33%. Runoff and soil loss were 5 and 40% higher under Tc than under Tm. Though other modes of straw mulch application (M1/3, Ms and Mv) controlled soil loss better than Mo, their effectiveness was less than Mw. Tm was more effective in conserving soil moisture than Tc. Compared with Mo, Mw had 3–7% higher soil moisture content in the 0–30 cm soil depth under Tm. Minimum soil temperature of the surface layer was 1.4–2.4 °C lower under Mw than under Mo. Straw mulching reduced maximum soil temperature and helped in conserving soil moisture. Minimum tillage coupled with Mw was highly effective in reducing soil erosion losses, decreasing soil temperature and increasing moisture content by providing maximum surface cover.  相似文献   

Soil interparticle forces can pose important effects on soil aggregate stability and rainfall splash erosion. Meanwhile, these interparticle forces are strongly influenced by specific ion effects. In this study, we applied three monovalent cations (Li+, Na+, and K+) with various concentrations to investigate the influence of specific ion effects on aggregate stability and splash erosion via pipette and rainfall simulation methods. The specific ion effects on soil interparticle forces were quantitatively evaluated by introducing cationic non-classical polarization. The results showed that aggregate stability and splash erosion had strong ion specificity. Aggregate breaking strength and splash erosion rate at the same salt concentration followed the sequence as Li+ > Na+ > K+. With decreasing salt concentration, the difference in aggregate breaking strength or splash erosion rate between different cation systems increased initially (1–10–2 mol L–1) and later was nearly invariable (10–2–10–4 mol L–1). The experimental results were well quantitatively explained by soil interparticle forces considering cationic non-classical polarization. Furthermore, both aggregate breaking strength and splash erosion rate of three cations revealed a strong positive linear relation with net force subjected to cationic non-classical polarization (R2 = 0.81, R2 = 0.81). These results demonstrated that different non-classical polarization of cations resulted in different soil interparticle forces, and thus led to differences in aggregate stability and splash erosion. Our study provides valuable information to deeply understand the mechanisms of rainfall splash erosion.  相似文献   

This paper reports the influence that vegetation recovery has exerted on the soil behaviour to erosion by water during both the first and eight years after experimental fires. The work was carried out at La Concordia Experimental Station (Valencia, Spain), which includes nine plots (4 m wide × 20 m long) installed on a calcareous hillside representative of Mediterranean shrubland areas. In June 1995 a set of experimental fires were carry out at two intensity levels (high and moderate) with three plots replication for each treatment. The remaining three plots were used as the control. Rain events between June 1995 to June 1996 and from June 2002 to June 2003 were monitored and their effect on soil erosion processes determined. The vegetation changes (biomass amount and plant cover) for each studied period were also assessed.  相似文献   

Application of crop residues to soil and reduced or no tillage are current management practices in order to achieve better water management, increase soil fertility, crop production and soil erosion control. This study was carried out to quantify the effect of wheat straw mulching in a no tilled Fluvisol under semi-arid conditions in SW Spain and to determine the optimum rate in terms of cost and soil protection. After a 3-years experiment, mulching application significantly improved physical and chemical properties of the studied soil with respect to control, and the intensity of changes was related to mulching rate. The organic matter content was generally increased, although no benefit was found beyond 10 Mg ha1 year1. Bulk density, porosity and aggregate stability were also improved with increasing mulching rates, which confirmed the interactions of these properties. Low mulching rates did not have a significant effect on water properties with respect to control, although the available water capacity increased greatly under high mulching rates. After simulated rainfall experiments (65 mm h1 intensity), it was found that the mulch layer contributed to increase the roughness and the interception of raindrops, delaying runoff generation and enhancing the infiltration of rain water during storms. Mulching contributed to a reduction in runoff generation and soil losses compared to bare soil, and negligible runoff flow or sediment yield were determined under just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rate. It was observed that during simulations, the erosive response quickly decreases with time after prolonged storms (30 min) due to the exhaustion of available erodible particles. These results suggest that the erosive consequences of intermediate intensity 5-years-recurrent storms in the studied area could be strongly diminished by using just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rates.  相似文献   

Genesis and micromorphology of loess-derived soils from central Kansas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. Gunal  M.D. Ransom 《CATENA》2006,65(3):222-236
The genesis and micromorphology of three Harney soils from different precipitation regions (from 540 mm to 715 mm) (fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Argiustolls) in the Smoky Hills of central Kansas were investigated. The objectives were to (1) examine the morphological, chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics of Harney soils formed in loess; (2) determine the clay mineral distribution with depth and the origin of the clay minerals present; and (3) investigate the relationship between the clay mineralogy and other soil properties such as soil plasmic fabric, COLE values and fine clay/total clay ratios. Mineralogical and micromorphological techniques were used to evaluate the characteristics of the loess-derived soils. The first pedon was formed in 88 cm of Bignell loess over Peoria loess and the other two pedons were formed from Peoria loess. The chemical properties were similar for the pedons studied. Differences were observed in physical properties, especially in particle size distribution, oven-dry bulk density and coefficient of linear extensibility values. Although the soils were mapped in the same soil series, the geomorphic positions of the pedons and the nature of the parent material affected the characteristics of the soils. Smectite was the predominant clay mineral, especially in the fine clay fraction, regardless of the location in the precipitation gradient. The dominance of smectite increased in the C-horizons. This implies a detrital source of smectite in the B-horizons formed in both Bignell and Peoria loess units. The presence of randomly interstratified mica-smectite and the micromorphological observations of weathering biotite indicate that weathering also plays an important role in the mineralogy of Harney soils. The high content of clay mica in the surface horizons was caused by dust fall in the study area. Thick and continuous argillans were observed when FC/TC and COLE values were low and crystalline smectite was present. In the lower part of the soil profiles, the plasmic fabric was mostly ma-skelsepic (granostriated b-fabric) and smectite was more crystalline as indicated by sharper X-ray diffraction peaks.  相似文献   

Little is known on the hydrological behavior of the volcanic ash soils, which are characterized by extremely high porosities and hydraulic conductivities. In this study the occurrence and hydrological effects of water repellency were investigated at a plot scale for different types of land use and volcanic soils in Mexican volcanic highlands from Michoacan, Mexico: [1] fir, pine and oak mixed forest soils developed from lavas, [2] soils developed from volcanic ashes and pyroclastic sediments under sparse fir, pine and oak forest and shrubland, [3] pine and oak forested soils developed from lavas and pyroclastic sediments, and [4] bare soils on recent ash sediments in plain surfaces. Soil water repellency was assessed using the water drop penetration time test and rainfall simulations were performed on circular plots (50 cm in diameter) during 30 min and at an intensity of 90 mm h− 1 in order to study the hydrological response of each area. The return period for storms with a similar intensity in the area is 10 years. The shape and depth of the wetting front after simulated rainfall was also analyzed. Soil water repellency showed a high variability among the different studied zones. Organic matter content, soil texture and acidity were the most important factors for developing hydrophobicity. A wide range of soil water repellency classes (hydrophilic to severely water-repellent soils) has been found in soils under dense fir, pine and oak mixed forests or shrubland, while inexistent or slight water repellency has been observed in soils under sparse forest or at bare ash-covered areas. At a plot scale, marked differences in the hydrological behavior of the studied land use and soil zones were observed after the rainfall simulations. Soil water repellency contributes to fast ponding and runoff generation during the first stages of rainstorms. Runoff was enhanced in water-repellent forested soils (average runoff coefficients between 15.7 and 19.9%), in contrast to hydrophilic or slightly water-repellent soils, where runoff rates were lower (between 1.0 and 11.7%). Shallow and irregular wetting fronts were observed at water-repellent zones, reducing the soil water storage capacity. The implications of soil water repellency in soil hydrology and erosion risk in the area shed light on the soil hydrology of the studied ecosystems, and can contribute to develop better management policies.  相似文献   

Vegetation patches in arid and semiarid areas are important in the regulation of surface hydrological processes. Canopy and ground covers developed in these fertility islands are a natural cushion against the impact energy of rainfall. Also, greater levels of organic matter improve the soil physicochemical properties, promoting infiltration and reducing runoff and soil erosion in comparison with the open spaces between them. During the 2006 rainy season, four USLE-type plots were installed around representative vegetation patches with predominant individual species of Huisache (Acacia sp), Mesquite (Prosopis sp), Prickly Pear or Nopal (Opuntia sp) and Cardon (Opuntia imbricata), to evaluate soil erosion and runoff, in semiarid Central Mexico. A comparative bare surface condition (Control) was also evaluated. Vegetative canopy and ground cover were computed using digital images. Selected soil parameters were determined. Soil erosion was different for the studied vegetation conditions, decreasing as canopy and ground cover increased. There were not significant differences in runoff and soil erosion between the Control and O.imbricata surfaces. Runoff was reduced by 87%, 87% and 98% and soil loss by 97%, 93%, and 99% for Acacia farnesiana, Prosopis laevigata and Opuntia sp, respectively, as compared to the Control. Soil surface physical conditions were different between the low vegetation cover conditions (Control and O.imbricata surfaces) and the greater vegetation cover conditions (A.farnesiana, P.laevigata and Opuntia sp), indicating a positive effect of vegetation patches on the regulation of surface hydrological processes.  相似文献   

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