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The main task of the individual project number four"Whole genome sequencing, virus-host adaptation, and molecular epidemiological analyses of lyssaviruses "within the network" Lyssaviruses--a potential re-emerging public health threat" is to provide high quality complete genome sequences from lyssaviruses. These sequences are analysed in-depth with regard to the diversity of the viral populations as to both quasi-species and so-called defective interfering RNAs. Moreover, the sequence data will facilitate further epidemiological analyses, will provide insight into the evolution of lyssaviruses and will be the basis for the design of novel nucleic acid based diagnostics. The first results presented here indicate that not only high quality full-length lyssavirus genome sequences can be generated, but indeed efficient analysis of the viral population gets feasible.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus (CPV) has been reported throughout the world since the late 1970s. Published information was reviewed to draw insights into the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of CPV disease in Australia and the role of scientific research on CPV occurrence, with key research discoveries and knowledge gaps identified. Australian researchers contributed substantially to early findings, including the first reported cases of parvoviral myocarditis, investigations into disease aetiopathogenesis, host and environmental risk factors and links between CPV and feline panleukopenia. Two of the world's first CPV serological surveys were conducted in Australia and a 1980 national veterinary survey of Australian and New Zealand dogs revealed 6824 suspected CPV cases and 1058 deaths. In 2010, an Australian national disease surveillance system was launched; 4940 CPV cases were reported between 2009 and 2014, although underreporting was likely. A 2017 study estimated national incidence to be 4.12 cases per 1000 dogs, and an annual case load of 20,110 based on 4219 CPV case reports in a survey of all Australian veterinary clinics, with a 23.5% response rate. CPV disease risk factors identified included socioeconomic disadvantage, geographical location (rural/remote), season (summer) and rainfall (recent rain and longer dry periods both increasing risk). Age <16 weeks was identified as a risk factor for vaccination failure. Important knowledge gaps exist regarding national canine and feline demographic and CPV case data, vaccination coverage and population immunity, CPV transmission between owned dogs and other carnivore populations in Australia and the most effective methods to control epizootics.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling of infectious disease is increasingly regarded as an important tool in the development of disease prevention and control measures. This article brings together key findings from various modelling studies conducted over the past 10 years that are of relevance to those on the front line of the battle against equine influenza. The Summary is available in Chinese – see Supporting information.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder in both dogs and humans. It is refractory to therapy in approximately one-third of canine patients, and even with the advent of new antiepileptic drugs for humans, appropriate treatment options in dogs remain limited. The pathogenesis and pathophysiology of epilepsy is being studied extensively in both human patients and rodent models of experimental epilepsy at the cellular and molecular level, but very little is known about the aetiologies of epilepsies in dogs. In this review, canine epilepsy will be discussed with reference to the human epilepsies and experimental epilepsy research. There is much work to be done in order to classify canine seizure types and breed-specific epileptic syndromes, particularly with reference to electroencephalographic abnormalities and possible genetic abnormalities. The review considers the appropriate use of antiepileptic drugs: phenobarbitone and potassium bromide are effective in most canine patients, although dosing regimes need to be carefully tailored to the individual, with serum concentration measurement. However, a significant proportion of patients remains refractory to these drugs. Work is currently underway to test the efficacy of newer antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of canine epilepsy, and preliminary data suggest that human drugs such as levetiracetam and gabapentin are of benefit in dogs with refractory epilepsy.  相似文献   

Heartworm prophylaxis is currently largely dependent on the ability of avermectins and milbemycins to arrest the development of third and fourth stages of Dirofilaria immitis for prolonged periods, without producing adulticidal effects. Major control programs, dependent on the activity of ivermectin, are being implemented for human onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis. The avermectins and milbemycins act on glutamate-gated and gamma-aminobutyrate-gated chloride channel subunit proteins in nematodes. Ivermectin resistance has been widely described in trichostrongylid nematodes of ruminants. There is evidence that when ivermectin resistance occurs in nematodes, there may be selection on some, but not all of the genes that code for ligand-gated chloride channel subunit proteins as well as on some ABC-transporter genes, whose products may be involved in regulating macrocyclic lactone drug concentrations at receptors, and on some structural protein genes of amphidial neurones. Although ivermectin resistance has not been reported in filarial nematodes, there have recently been reports of suboptimal responses to ivermectin in Onchocerca volvulus. Evidence has been found of ivermectin selection on at least ABC-transporter genes and some neuronal structural protein genes in O. volvulus. To date, there is no evidence of avermectin/milbemycin resistance in D. immitis, also a filarial nematode. Chemotherapy against trichostrongylids of animals, human filariae, and D. immitis, relies on avermectins or milbemycins. However, control involves targeting different stages or processes in the nematode life cycles, different control strategies, different proportions of the nematode population in refugia, and different drug dosage rates. Consideration of the proportion of the D. immitis population normally in refugia, the life cycle stage targeted, and the anthelmintic dosages used suggest that it is unlikely that significant avermectin/milbemycin resistance will be selected in D. immitis with current treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Traditionally and when using objective gait analysis, horses with and without lameness are most frequently assessed trotting in straight lines in hand. Valuable information can be gained from assessment on the lunge and ridden in walk, trot and canter. No studies have quantified lameness during all aforementioned conditions and gaits at once, despite the rapid recent development in equine gait analysis methods. Objective methodologies, previously confined to gait laboratories, are currently being expanded to field technologies using accelerometers and inertial measurement units (IMUs). This publication aims to describe normal gait and the spectrum of pain-related gait abnormalities and other musculoskeletal adaptations to pain that can be observed in walk, trot and canter during in hand and ridden assessment in straight lines and on a circle on hard and soft surfaces. In addition, it aims to describe briefly how IMUs have been used and areas for further research in the light of what we know from subjective lameness examinations and what is possible with IMUs.  相似文献   

Currently, approaches to pain control in horses are a mixture of art and science. Recognition of overt pain behaviours, such as rolling, kicking at the abdomen, flank watching, lameness or blepharospasm, may be obvious; subtle signs of pain can include changes in facial expression or head position, location in the stall and response to palpation or human interaction. Nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (i.e. phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine and firocoxib), opioids (i.e. butorphanol, morphine and buprenorphine) and α2‐adrenergic agonists (i.e. xylazine, detomidine, romifidine and medetomidine) are the most commonly used therapeutic options. Multimodal therapy using constant‐rate infusions of lidocaine, ketamine and/or butorphanol has gained popularity for severe pain in hospitalised cases. Drugs targeting neuropathic pain, such as gabapentin, are increasingly used for conditions such as laminitis. Optimal strategies for management of pain are based upon severity and chronicity, including special considerations for use of intra‐articular or epidural delivery and therapy in foals. Strategies that aim to mitigate adverse effects associated with use of various analgesic agents are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are a group of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders described in both humans and animals, but unlike in other species, in horses they are poorly defined and there is a lack of standardisation of the method of diagnosis. Although there is an impellent need of consensus on the nomenclature, diagnostic work-up, diet, treatment and management of horses with a suspected IBD, the aim of this review is to give initial guidelines for practitioners dealing with suspected cases. It provides a summary of the most relevant literature on the topic and presents the current knowledge on the clinical signs, diagnostic work-up, treatment and prognosis of IBDs in horses.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by Brucella species. Brucellosis research in natural hosts is often precluded by practical, economical and ethical reasons and mice are widely used. However, mice are not natural Brucella hosts and the course of murine brucellosis depends on bacterial strain virulence, dose and inoculation route as well as breed, genetic background, age, sex and physiological statu of mice. Therefore, meaningful experiments require a definition of these variables. Brucella spleen replication profiles are highly reproducible and course in four phases: i), onset or spleen colonization (first 48 h); ii), acute phase, from the third day to the time when bacteria reach maximal numbers; iii), chronic steady phase, where bacterial numbers plateaus; and iv), chronic declining phase, during which brucellae are eliminated. This pattern displays clear physiopathological signs and is sensitive to small virulence variations, making possible to assess attenuation when fully virulent bacteria are used as controls. Similarly, immunity studies using mice with known defects are possible. Mutations affecting INF-γ, TLR9, Myd88, Tγδ and TNF-β favor Brucella replication; whereas IL-1β, IL-18, TLR4, TLR5, TLR2, NOD1, NOD2, GM-CSF, IL/17r, Rip2, TRIF, NK or Nramp1 deficiencies have no noticeable effects. Splenomegaly development is also useful: it correlates with IFN-γ and IL-12 levels and with Brucella strain virulence. The genetic background is also important: Brucella-resistant mice (C57BL) yield lower splenic bacterial replication and less splenomegaly than susceptible breeds. When inoculum is increased, a saturating dose above which bacterial numbers per organ do not augment, is reached. Unlike many gram-negative bacteria, lethal doses are large (≥ 108 bacteria/mouse) and normally higher than the saturating dose. Persistence is a useful virulence/attenuation index and is used in vaccine (Residual Virulence) quality control. Vaccine candidates are also often tested in mice by determining splenic Brucella numbers after challenging with appropriate virulent brucellae doses at precise post-vaccination times. Since most live or killed Brucella vaccines provide some protection in mice, controls immunized with reference vaccines (S19 or Rev1) are critical. Finally, mice have been successfully used to evaluate brucellosis therapies. It is concluded that, when used properly, the mouse is a valuable brucellosis model.  相似文献   

This article examines the changing direction of needed competencies for the veterinary medical professional in food-supply veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

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