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The present taxonomic revision deals with Neotropical species of three entomopathogenic genera that were once included in Hypocrella s. l.: Hypocrella s. str. (anamorph Aschersonia), Moelleriella (anamorph aschersonia-like), and Samuelsia gen. nov (anamorph aschersonia-like). Species of Hypocrella, Moelleriella, and Samuelsia are pathogens of scale insects (Coccidae and Lecaniidae, Homoptera) and whiteflies (Aleyrodidae, Homoptera) and are common in tropical regions. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from nuclear ribosomal large subunit (28S), translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF 1-α), and RNA polymerase II subunit 1 (RPB1) and analyses of multiple morphological characters demonstrate that the three segregated genera can be distinguished by the disarticulation of the ascospores and shape and size of conidia. Moelleriella has filiform multi-septate ascospores that disarticulate at the septa within the ascus and aschersonia-like anamorphs with fusoid conidia. Hypocrella s. str. has filiform to long-fusiform ascospores that do not disarticulate and Aschersonia s. str. anamorphs with fusoid conidia. The new genus proposed here, Samuelsia, has filiform to long-fusiform ascospores that do not disarticulate and aschersonia-like anamorphs with small allantoid conidia. In addition, the present study presents and discusses the evolution of species, morphology, and ecology in Hypocrella, Moelleriella, and Samuelsia based on multigene phylogenetic analyses.Taxonomic novelties: New genus: Samuelsia. New species: Hypocrella disciformis, H. hirsuta, Moelleriella basicystis, M. boliviensis, M. cornuta, M. evansii, M. madidiensis, M. umbospora, S. chalalensis, S. geonomis, S. intermedia, S. rufobrunnea, and S. sheikhii. New combinations: M. castanea, M. colliculosa, M. disjuncta, M. epiphylla, M. gaertneriana, M. globosa, M. guaranitica, M. javanica, M. libera, M. macrostroma, M. ochracea, M. palmae, M. phyllogena, M. rhombispora, M. sloaneae, M. turbinata, and M. zhongdongii.  相似文献   

The internal colonization of Brassica napus plants by Metarhizium anisopliae was demonstrated and the endophytic and direct effects of the fungus against Plutella xylostella larvae were assessed. Internal colonization of the plant by the fungus was shown by re-isolating the fungus from leaves, petioles and stems of the plant that were not the initial site of inoculation. Results indicated that significant differences (at P = 0.05) were obtained in mean % successful re-isolation of the fungus from leaves, petioles and stems at 2, 3 and 4 weeks after inoculation. To assess the endophytic effect of the fungus, larvae of P. xylostella were introduced onto plant leaves distant from the initial site of inoculation with the fungus (one leaf per plant). Results indicated that significant differences (at P = 0.05) were obtained in mean % mortality of larvae that were introduced at 2, 3 and 4 weeks after inoculation compared to the non-inoculated control. Similar significant results were obtained when the direct effect of the fungus against the larvae was assessed. In conclusion, this research provides evidence for the first time of the endophytic action of M. anisopliae against P. xylostella larvae and the ability of the fungus to colonize the internal tissues of B. napus plants.  相似文献   

During 2002–2006, nymph bands of Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) were treated by ground and aerial applications in 6000 ha of grasslands and the nearby beach of Yellow river using a soybean oil miscible suspension ULV formulation of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum isolate CQMa102. The formulation was also applied in Tianjin, Henan, Hebei, Shandong and Shanxi provinces of Northern China by ground and aerial applications. During field studies, cage tests were carried out in corresponding field plots in order to estimate the mortality accurately. Doses of 3.3×1012 and 5.0×1012 conidia ha−1 were equally effective and caused 90% mortality 9–13 days after treatment. In the ground spray trial, 3.3×1012 conidia ha−1 killed >90% of L. migratoria manilensis 11–15 days after treatment in a wide variety of vegetation and weather conditions. The decline of locust populations was slower where vegetation was taller and denser. In the aerial spray treatment, the final percent survival of locusts was lowered to 10% at 11 and 14 days in the field cage and open field locusts, respectively. Furthermore, the M. anisopliae oil miscible suspension formulation did not appear to harm natural enemies of locusts in the field.  相似文献   

The classification of Pleosporales has posed major challenges due to the lack of clear understanding of the importance of the morphological characters used to distinguish between different groups in the order. This has resulted in varied taxonomic treatments of many families in the group including Melanommataceae and Lophiostomataceae. In this study we employ two nuclear DNA gene markers, nuclear ribosomal large subunit DNA and translation elongation factor 1-alpha in order to examine the molecular phylogenetics of Pleosporales with strong emphasis on the families Melanommataceae and Lophiostomataceae. Phylogenetic analyses recovered Melanommataceae, Lophiostomataceae, Hypsostromataceae, and a few others as strongly supported clades within the Pleosporales. Melanommataceae as currently circumscribed was found to be polyphyletic. The genera Byssosphaeria, Melanomma, and Pseudotrichia were recovered within the family, while others such as Ostropella and Xenolophium nested outside in a weakly supported group along with Platystomum compressum and Pseudotrichia guatopoensis that may correspond to the family Platystomaceae. The genus Byssosphaeria was recovered as a strongly supported group within the Melanommataceae while Melanomma was weakly supported with unclear relationships among the species. The genera Herpotrichia and Bertiella were also found to belong in the Melanommataceae. Lophiostomataceae occurs as a strongly supported group but its concept is here expanded to include a new genus Misturatosphaeria that bears morphology traditionally not known to occur in the family. The strongly supported clade of Misturatosphaeria contains nine species that have gregarious, papillate ascomata with lighter coloured apices and plugged ostioles and that vary in ascospore morphology from 1- to 3-septate to muriform. Along with a strongly supported Lophiostoma clade, also within the family are Thyridaria macrostomoides based on new sequences from Kenyan collections and Massariosphaeria triseptata, M. grandispora, Westerdykella cylindrica and Preussia terricola based on GenBank sequences. The family Hypsostromataceae was recovered as a strongly supported monophyletic group nested within the Pleosporales.Taxonomic novelties: Misturatosphaeria Mugambi & Huhndorf, gen. nov., M. aurantonotata Mugambi & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. claviformis Mugambi & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. cruciformis Mugambi & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. kenyensis Mugambi & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. minima Mugambi, A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. tennesseensis Mugambi, A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. uniseptata Mugambi, A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf, sp. nov., M. uniseriata Mugambi, A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Species of Eucalyptus are widely planted as exotics in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere and to some extent in southern Europe, for timber and fibre production. Species of Mycosphaerella are commonly associated with leaves and twigs of Eucalyptus and can result in defoliation, dieback, and even tree death. In the present study, numerous isolates of Mycosphaerella species were collected from leaf litter, living leaves exhibiting leaf spot symptoms or severe Mycosphaerella leaf blotch symptoms. Isolates were compared based on DNA sequence data for the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1 & ITS2) and the 5.8S gene. These data, together with characteristics of the fungal growth on three different media, morphology of the anamorph and teleomorph structures as well as ascospore germination patterns were used to describe 21 new species.Taxonomic novelties: Colletogloeopsis stellenboschiana Crous sp. nov., Mycosphaerella davisoniellae Crous sp. nov. (anamorph Davisoniella eucalypti H.J. Swart), Mycosphaerella eucalyptorum Crous & M.J. Wingf. sp. nov. Mycosphaerella gamsii Crous sp. nov., Mycosphaerella perpendicularis Crous& M.J. Wingf. sp. nov., Mycosphaerella pluritubularis Crous & J.P. Mansilla sp. nov., Mycosphaerella pseudafricana Crous & T. Coutinho sp. nov., Mycosphaerella pseudocryptica Crous sp. nov. (anamorph Colletogloeopsis sp.), Mycosphaerella pseudoendophytica Crous & G. Hunter sp. nov. (anamorph Pseudocercosporella sp.), Mycosphaerella pseudosuberosa Crous & M.J. Wingf. sp. nov. (anamorph Trimmatostroma sp.), Mycosphaerella quasicercospora Crous & T. Coutinho sp. nov., Mycosphaerella scytalidii Crous & M.J. Wingf. sp. nov. (anamorph Stenella sp., synanamorph, Scytalidium-like.), Mycosphaerella secundaria Crous & A.C. Alfenas sp. nov., Mycosphaerella stramenti Crous & A.C. Alfenas sp. nov., Mycosphaerella stramenticola Crous & A.C. Alfenas sp. nov., Mycosphaerella sumatrensis Crous & M.J. Wingf. sp. nov., Mycosphaerella verrucosiafricana Crous & M.J. Wingf. sp. nov., Septoria eucalyptorum Crous sp. nov., Septoria provencialis Crous sp. nov., Stenella pseudoparkii Crous & M.J. Wingf. sp. nov. (teleomorph Mycosphaerella sp.), Stenella xenoparkii Crous & M.J. Wingf., sp. nov. (teleomorph Mycosphaerella sp.).  相似文献   

报道了采自西藏自治区林芝市墨脱县炭团菌科(Hypoxylaceae)3个中国新记录种和7个西藏新记录种。3个中国新记录种为:瘦弱环纹炭团菌(Annulohypoxylon leptascum)、竹生轮层炭壳菌(Daldinia bambusicola)和拟勒农炭团菌(Hypoxylon sublenormandii);7个西藏新记录种为:博韦环纹炭团菌(A. bovei)、启迪轮层炭壳菌(D. childiae)、豪伊炭团菌(H. howeanum)、坚硬炭团菌(H. investiens)、穿孔炭团菌(H. perforatum)、热带炭团菌(H. trugodes)和多形罗杰斯环纹炭团菌(Jackrogersella multiformis),并对它们的宏观和微观特征进行描述及图示。  相似文献   

芝麻隐性核不育材料0176A、54-8A等利用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对芝麻隐性核不育材料0176A、54-8A等利用研究,探寻芝麻雄性不育育性遗传机制,创建隐性核不育高效恢保系统,选育强优杂交种。初步的遗传分析、配合力鉴定、杂交制种试验和F1杂种优势研究结果表明:芝麻不育系0176A、54-8A等雄性不育性状除受细胞核内主效隐性不育基因控制外,可能还受一组微效修饰基因影响;对8份综合性状较好的不育系、6份恢复系及其配组的48个测交F1进行配合力分析,有3份不育系g.c.a>0,17个杂交组合F1s.c.a >0,其中优良组合0176A×0222、54-8A×0221双亲g.c.a及F1s.c.a均较高; 0176A×0222制种最高产量达到640.5kg/hm2;皖杂芝1号(0176A×0222)和合杂芝1号(54-8A×0221)分别于2005年、2006年参加安徽省芝麻新品种区域鉴定试验,平均产量1477.05 kg/hm2和1678.95 kg/hm2,比对照豫芝4号增产8.36%和25.61%,表现出较强的杂种优势,成为安徽省第一个和第二个芝麻杂交种。  相似文献   

Dielectric relaxations of wheat doughs with different water contents and effects of sucrose, NaCl, and their mixture on relaxation temperatures were investigated using dielectric analysis (DEA). All ingredients were dissolved in distilled water used to prepare wheat flour doughs to optimum consistency. Before analysis, samples were stored at room temperature in vacuum desiccators over aw range of 0·225–0·753. Dynamic DEA measurements were made at a heating rate of 2 °C/min from 40 °C below and above the observed relaxation zone. The frequencies used were 0·1, 0·5, 1, and 5 Hz. Steady state water contents varied from 3·21 to 10·89 g H2O/100 g dm over aw range used for the plain dough (flour+water). Added ingredients increased sorption of doughs. The tan δ of DEA showed an α-relaxation (glass transition) in all doughs at all frequencies used. The relaxation peak temperature, taken as Tg, increased with increasing frequency. Added sucrose decreased the Tg of doughs, as well as added NaCl. A dramatic depressing effect of NaCl on Tg was probably due to an increase in conductivity of doughs.  相似文献   

茶叶杀青机的类别及其性能(续)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
权启爱 《中国茶叶》2006,28(5):18-21
三、网带式茶叶蒸汽杀青机 当前生产中所应用的蒸汽杀青机,一种机型称为茶叶汽热杀青机(图3);另一种称作茶叶蒸青、脱水、冷却联合机(图4),均由浙江省的茶机生产企业所开发。云南、广西等茶区也先后开发出此类机型,但在茶区应用不够广泛。  相似文献   

Okra (Hibiscus esculentus) whole seeds and their kernels were analysed for their nutrient composition. They were rich in protein as well as fat. Most of the protein and fat of the seed is accumulated in the kernel while crude fiber is concentrated in the seed coat or hull. Its essential amino acid composition was nearly equal to that of the WHO/FAO reference pattern (1973), but lower than that of whole egg protein; its chemical score was 67. Diets containing whole seed and kernel protein at the 10% level were fed to weanling rats both in the raw and cooked forms for 4 weeks. Dry matter digestibility and protein digestibility of whole seed diets were significantly lower than the kernel diets. Cooking improved PER and NPU values of both the whole grain and kernel diets. These results indicated that dietary fiber present in the hull of Okra seed as well as heat labile antinutritional factors present in the seed hinder Okra seed protein utilization.  相似文献   

The generation of banana triploids from tetraploid-diploid crosses requires knowledge on the influence of the parents on black Sigatoka resistance and agronomic traits to the triploid progenies. The objective of this investigation was to determine the influence of tetraploid and diploid parents on black Sigatoka resistance and agronomic traits in the triploid progenies generated from tetraploid-diploid crosses. The mating scheme was designed as a 4 × 5 North Carolina II mating design. Due to problems in seed set and germination, progenies from 2 male parents with 4 female parents were evaluated at two sites in Uganda. The results showed that the male-parent triploid progeny heritability estimate for the number of leaves at harvest was greater than the female parent estimate. The diploid parents had higher correlation coefficients for the total leaves at harvest with the triploid progenies than tetraploid parents with triploid progenies. Disease development over time took more days in diploid parents than in the tetraploid parents with the triploid progenies as intermediates. These results suggested that diploids transferred black Sigatoka resistance to the triploid progenies as measured by the number of standing leaves and disease development overtime. There was a positive correlation (P < 0.05) between tetraploid female parents and triploid progenies for plant height and bunch weight. The triploid progeny-tetraploid female parent heritability estimates for plant height (0.92) and bunch weight (0.72) were highly significant. These results indicated that the female synthetic tetraploids influenced plant height and bunch weight in the triploid progenies. Therefore, it is important to select the tetraploids with heavy bunches to effectively improve yield in triploid progenies generated by tetraploid-diploid crosses. The tetraploid-diploid progenies had a significant (P < 0.05) family-by-site interaction for bunch weight indicating that new banana genotypes need to be tested across different environments to select stable genotypes to promote to end-users.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a periodical survey of sap-sucking insects of jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] at five locations in the North Central and Central regions of Chile and describes their damage to the plants. The diaspidid Aspidiotus nerii Bouché, which was commonly found in two of the locations (Casablanca, near Valparaiso, and Curacaví, near Santiago) was potentially the most severe pest of the crop, as it damages the fruits directly. Next in importance as pests, because of their reproductive potential, were the aphids Aphis craccivora Koch and Myzus persicae Sulzer, which were found on leaves and young shoots, in Casablanca, Curacaví, and Hacienda Camarones (IV region). Other species of certain importance because of their numbers were the pentatomid Acledra albocostata (Spinola) and the cicadellid Balclutha sp. (both common in Casablanca and Curacaví). When ovipositing, the cicadid Tettigades chilensis Arm. & Serv. (collected in Las Cardas, in the IV region), was found to produce deep wounds with the oviscapt on branches, which affected their vascular system. The scelionid micro-hymenopteran Trissolcus scuticarinatus Costa Lima was found parasitizing eggs of hemipterans throughout the locations studied. Except in Casablanca, the predatory activity on aphids of the coccinellids Eriopis connexa Germ., Hippodamia variegata Guer., and Scymmus bicolor Goeze was observed in all locations surveyed, including Agua Amarilla, a southern location in the IV region.  相似文献   

对近年来贵州湄潭地区频发的一种茶树粉虱害虫进行了鉴定和初步观察。通过对害虫伪蛹特征的显微和电镜观察,种类鉴定为山香圆平背粉虱Crenidorsum turpiniae(Takahashi,1932),系茶树害虫新纪录种,本文对其伪蛹特征进行了详细描记。通过室内饲养,初步观察和记录了为害茶树的山香圆平背粉虱不同虫态的形态特征和田间为害状。  相似文献   

Four field experiments were conducted over a three-year period in Victoria and South Australia to investigate the effectiveness of pre-emergence (PRE) applications of pyroxasulfone, flufenacet and their mixtures with triallate for the control of Bromus diandrus in spring wheat. Herbicide mixtures of pyroxasulfone plus triallate and flufenacet plus triallate applied PRE to wheat provided consistently high levels of B. diandrus control (≥85%). In contrast, applications of pyroxasulfone and flufenacet applied alone along with trifluralin plus metribuzin (a common farmer practice in southern Australia) provided more variable control of B. diandrus (33–90%). Pyroxasulfone plus triallate treatments had a much lower (≤47 panicles m−2) panicle density of B. diandrus than trifluralin plus metribuzin (42–318 panicles m−2) and the non-treated control (118–655 panicles m−2). PRE herbicides which were safe to spring wheat and provided the greatest level of control of B. diandrus resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher grain yields at Culgoa (120%) and Gama (13%) than non-treated wheat (720 and 1740 kg ha−1). Although flufenacet was effective against B. diandrus, crop phytotoxicity at the higher dose (900 g ai ha−1) reduced spring wheat grain yield. Based on these results, PRE pyroxasulfone plus triallate could play an important role in the management of B. diandrus in spring wheat. However, high cost of these herbicides (AUS$35-$70 ha−1) may limit their adoption in low rainfall and low yielding wheat environments in southern Australia where B. diandrus is most prevalent.  相似文献   

D汕A(B)、丛广41A(B)原种提纯总结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了三系杂交稻亲本D汕A(B)和丛广41A(B)的原种提纯工作。1989-1993年,采用“一选三圃”法提纯D汕A(B),D汕A(B)纯度分别从99.8%和99.98%提高到99.98%和99.997%;1994年至今,采用“一选二圃法”对丛广41A(B)提纯,其纯度分别由96.54%和99.9%提高到99.9%和99.99%;均达到了国家和广东省制定的质量标准。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativaL) endosperm protein was fed, both cooked and uncooked, to mice and sheep, animals that have monogastric and polygastric digestive systems respectively. Both species ate the rice diets; however, neither were able tocompletelydigest the protein. This was evident as undegraded protein bodies and/or faecal protein particles (FPP) were present in the faecal matter. Significant differences between cooked and uncooked rice degradability was found when fed to both the mice and the sheep (P<0·05). The ruminant digestive system of sheep was significantly better (P<0·05) at digesting the rice protein than was the single stomach system of mice. The implications of this study reduces the potential effectiveness of using FPP as carriers of medications or antigens, to a large group of domestic animals.  相似文献   

从河南、北京、山东、河北的花生、刺槐、菜豆、紫穗槐上获得的29个PSV分离物,根据它们引起花生症状的严重程度划分成强、中、弱致病力三种类型。不同致病力类型的PSV分离物在叶片中病毒相对含量及对花生产量影响有明显差异。河南开封和郑州PSV分离物以弱致病力类型为主,河北迁安和滦县PSV分离物以强致病力类型为主,而北京、山东两地PSV分离物3种类型均有  相似文献   

The aim of present study was to evaluate antioxidant capacity and cardioprotective potential of leaves infusions and partially purified fractions of Quercus sideroxyla and Q. eduardii (red oaks) and Q. resinosa (white oak). Consumption of polyphenol-rich beverages derived from plants, such as oak may represent a beneficial diet in terms of cardiovascular protection. Infusions from Oak leaves were obtained and probed for total phenolics by Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH and hydroxyl radicals scavenging by DPPH test and Deoxy-D-ribose method, the antioxidant capacity was evaluated by FRAP and ORAC tests, inhibitions of Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) oxidation and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) activity were measured. A HPLC analysis was performed by HPLC-MS. Bioactive polyphenols such as gallic and ellagic acids, catechin, quercetin and derivatives: naringenin and naringin were detected in Quercus infusions. A distinctive HPLC profile was observed among the red and white oak samples. Q. resinosa infusions have exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in comparison with the other species, although in the inhibition of LDL oxidation no differences were observed. In the inhibition of the ACE, Q. resinosa was more effective (IC50, 18 ppm) than Q. sideroxyla, showing same effect as the control Captopril. From the results it is possible to postulate that not only chelating activity is important in these infusions, especially in Q. resinosa.  相似文献   

The bagworm, Metisa plana (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) is an important pest of oil palm, capable of being present as outbreak, which could cause a crop loss of up to 44%. Circumstantial evidence has long indicated that natural enemies play an important role in the population regulation of this pest. However, direct field data on the enemies themselves has been lacking.

A field study on a population of M. plana was made at PORIM Kluang, Johor, Malaysia from September 1988 to December 1992. The population of bagworm was initially high (late 1988, up to 38 larvae/frond, and in early 1990, up to 30 larvae/frond) but remained extremely low in the subsequent period (< 10 larvae/frond).

The population of M. plana was affected by both primary and secondary parasitoids and predators. Among the primary parasitoids, Dolichogenidea metesae was the most pronounced larval parasitoid of M. plana. This parasitoid was commonly attacked by hyperparasitoids, particularly Pediobius anomalus and Pediobius imbreus. A hypothetical life table constructed from the mortality figures of the declining part of the population during late 1988 confirmed that the natural enemies played a key role in suppressing the bagworm population.

The present study confirmed that overlapping generations were vital for the persistence of parasitoids of M. plana. The paper also suggested a possible need of alternative hosts. An active predator, Callimerus arcufer was also commonly encountered.  相似文献   

Polyglycolic acid (PGA) was successfully synthesized via solution and melt/solid polycondensations. PGA was synthesized by solution polymerization under vacuum by using diphenylsulfone as solvent and methanesulfonic acid as catalyst and the inherent viscosity of resultant PGA was 0.2 dl/g. The intrinsic viscosity was obtained up to 0.35 dl/g of the PGA synthesized by melt/solid polycondensation. Whereas, PGA synthesized by longer hours of SSP was insoluble in most of the known solvents, which might have higher molecular weight as well as crystallinity. Crystallographic structure of PGA was confirmed by XRD and the resulting PGA polymer was similar in thermal degradation to that of commercially available polyglycolide (Kuredux), synthesized by ring opening polymerization. Both PGAs were characterized for thermal decomposition kinetic studies using thermaogravimetric analysis (TGA), to investigate the effect of end-group and molecular weight on thermal degradation behavior. TGA was performed at 6 different heating rates from 5 to 50 °C/min and data was analyzed by three different approaches to obtain activation energy. Activation energy from Kissinger’s approach was 112 kJ/mol for lab synthesized PGA and 119 kJ/mol for Kuredux, whereas from Flynn and Wall’s method, it was observed as 115 kJ/mol and 121 kJ/mol for solution-polymerized PGA and Kuredux respectively and activation energies calculated from dynamic experiment method was also comparable of both PGAs. From dynamic experiment method linearity curve starts as low as 1 % decomposition and continues as high as 97 % with decomposition temperature ranges 219 to 380 °C for PGA and 230 to 406 °C for Kuredux. Consequently, Kissinger’s method, Flynn and Walls method and the dynamic experiment method reveal that the thermal decomposition behavior of polyglycolic acids and polyglycolide is similar, regardless of end groups and synthetic routes which is supposed to be random chain cession.  相似文献   

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