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从自发到自觉1982年底,陈育新董事长在三位兄弟的支持下,在家门口挂出了“新津县育新良种场”的牌子,带领乡亲们将新津县发展成了全球最大的鹌鹑养殖基地,企业也通过鹌鹑养殖实现了最初的资本积累。1987年,企业成功研制出“希望牌1号奶猪料”,成功实现了从第一产业向第二产业的战略转移。  相似文献   

1动物食品安全问题瞩目惊心 “牛奶三聚氰胺案件”阴魂未散,“猪肉瘦肉精毒瘤又发”,前不久,我国爆发的“速生鸡”,再一次敲响了我国食品安全的警钟,引起了从普通老百姓到中央高层领导的高度关注。中央主要领导亲自批示和发表讲话,再三强调“民以食为天,食以安为先,要确保广大民众吃上放心食品”。  相似文献   

从各个方面来说,到目前为止,世界家禽行业确实已经取得了非常巨大的成功,而且现在家禽行业仍然呈现一派昌盛兴隆景象。从过去到现在,不论是在科学研究、技术教育与推广,还是在信息传递等方面,家禽行业的确曾经辉煌过。这种现象在过去称为“行业传递”,现在则更普遍地是指“技术传递”,用“技术  相似文献   

“视频监控”这一用于交通要道和重要场所的“电子眼”,如今已被浙江省慈溪惠农生猪养殖场成功“复制”到了养猪场。养殖人员坐在办公室里轻点鼠标就能养上万头猪。  相似文献   

近年来,“健美猪”、“注水猪肉”等猪肉安全事件给肉食品行业,特别是猪肉产业的发展带来了严峻考验,遭受到了滑铁卢。安全猪肉的产销涉及养殖生产(环境、种质、兽药、饲料的使用、防疫和疫病监测)、屠宰加工、预冷、配送、销售、包装标识等环节,每个环节都不能有丝毫纰漏。如何提高猪肉的质量和安全,成为了其从农场到餐桌这一条产业链上的各个关键节点政府、行业主管部门以及企业关注和改进的焦点,并且提升到了前所未有的高度。  相似文献   

泰宁县地处福建省西北部,是经济欠发达而旅游资源丰富的闽西北县城。泰宁县旅游业从无到有,从取得“国家4A级旅游区”、创建“中国优秀旅游县”到“世界地质公园”,实现了三次大跨越,从国内走向世界。“泰宁模式”是经济欠发达而旅游资源丰富地区旅游发展的成功模式。文中试图透过其表面现象,探寻其旅游发展的成功经验,挖掘“泰宁模式”的精髓和内涵,分析其发展过程中存在的问题,思考其对三明市旅游发展的启示。  相似文献   

笔者养蜂60年以上,从桶蜂过箱(中蜂)成功―失败―再成功,也尝试饲养意蜂,不知经历了多少艰难苦楚,多少汗水才积累了这些养蜂知识。近几年来养蜂产业扶贫,遍地开花,绝大部分扶贫措施立竿见影,当年就取得效果,不少人成为养蜂大户,年收入几万元到十几万元,但有些户一二年后销声匿迹。笔者“下乡”走访“学习”,耳闻目睹了一些情况,今提出一些看法和建议,以供初学养蜂者参考。  相似文献   

张晶 《猪业科学》2006,23(4):40-43
“资源”是树立在标准化基础上的品牌。从成为世界级连锁超市家乐福的生鲜猪肉唯一中国供应商到种猪成功出口朝鲜、俄罗斯,资源集团正以坚实的步伐迈向国际市场。[编者按]  相似文献   

获悉,到今年年底前,肉类电子追溯系统将覆盖南京市所有农贸市场。 去年底,南京市就已率先对肉类电子追溯系统进行了试点。从实际操作来看,试点很成功。前段时间发生的含“瘦肉精”猪肉流入南京市场事件,相关部门就是凭借肉类电子追溯系统,迅速召回了流向市场的全部含“瘦肉精”猪肉。  相似文献   

我国称岁首为“元旦,据说是来自三皇五帝之一顼。颛顼。颛顼以正月为元,初一为旦。夏代正式定正月初一为“元旦”。以后,各朝代定“元旦”不断有所变化:殷代定十二月初一为“元旦”;到了汉武帝时,又恢复正月初一为“元旦”,自此历代相沿未改。到辛亥革命成功,孙中山为了“行夏正,从西历”,定正月初一(元旦)为春节,而以西历(公历)一月一日为新年。一九四九年九月二十七日,中国  相似文献   

In December 1996, a questionnaire about farm management and parasite control measures in calves was sent to 956 randomly chosen dairy cattle farmers in The Netherlands. Another 150 farmers in the vicinity of Deventer who had vaccinated their calves in 1995 against lungworm were approached with the same questions. Our objective was to investigate the consequences on worm control of the withdrawal of the lungworm vaccine from the market for reasons of possible BSE contamination of the vaccine. Of the returned questionnaires, 411 (43%) of the `at random' group and 89 (59.3%) of the `Deventer' group were valid. The most important data with regard to the farms of the `at random' group (411) were: mean area 31.6 ha, mean number of calves 23, heifers 23 and milking cows 53. Sheep (mean 37) were present on 18.3% of the farms. With regard to management: 74.5% of the farmers turned the calves in their first year onto pasture, 25.5% kept them indoors. The average time on pasture was ca. 5 months. Rotational grazing was practised on 81.4% of the farms, on 18.6% calves were set stocked. The first pasture of the calves was mown before turn-out on 72.9% of the farms. On 48.2% of these farms, calves were always moved to mown pastures. With regard to treatments: 33.8% of the farmers vaccinated their calves against lungworm in the years 1993, 1994 and 1995. Despite the withdrawal of the vaccine from the market in 1996, 7.2% of the farmers vaccinated their calves as recommended, with two doses, and 13.1% with a single dose. At turn-out, 41.5% of the farmers gave the calves a preventive anthelmintic treatment. Of these treatments, 66.9% were sustained of pulse release long acting devices. During the grazing season, 36.6% of the farmers treated their calves. After housing, 50.3% of the farmers gave a treatment. Signs of lungworm infection were noticed on 18.6% of the farms. Of the `Deventer' group (89 farmers), 96.6% turned the calves out. Of these farmers, 86.0% had used the lungworm vaccine in 1995. In 1996, 52.7% of the farmers had vaccinated the calves: 36.5% with a single dose and 16.2% with the double dose. Of the 35 farmers who did not vaccinate in 1996, 62.9% gave a preventive treatment at turn-out. Clinical signs of lungworm infection were not observed on the 12 farms which vaccinated the calves twice. On 11% of the farms which vaccinated once and on 14% of the farms which did not vaccinate, signs of lungworm infection were observed. It is concluded that more than 80% of Dutch dairy cattle farmers take appropriate measures to control gastrointestinal nematode and lungworm infections in calves in their first grazing season by grazing on aftermath, rotational grazing on mown pastures combined or not with preventive anthelmintic treatments. However, combinations of aftermath grazing and preventive treatment occurred on 30% of the farms. This may be overprotective and may prevent sufficient build up of immunity, causing worm problems at a later age. The withdrawal of the lungworm vaccine from the market did not cause a rise in lungworm problems. Some farmers did vaccinate, despite the withdrawal. The majority used other preventive treatment measures, mainly the application of long acting boli.  相似文献   

Smallholder farmers’ knowledge and practice of dairy calf management on 129 farms with calves less than 10 months of age in Southeastern and Southern Highland areas of Tanzania was assessed. The method of study included both a farm visit and completion of a questionnaire. Most of the farmers were female, with a primary level of education, and majority kept 1–3 milking cows that yielded 6–10 l milk/cow/day. Most of the calves were fed milk using a residual calf suckling system. Weaning age was 3–8 months. Overall, the body condition of the calves was poor, ranged from 1 to 2.5 with a mode of 2. The majority of the farmers believed that helminthosis was the most common disease condition affecting the calves; diarrhea was ranked as the second. Calf death was reported by 20% of the farmers to have occurred in their herd lasting the 2 years prior to the study. Calf body condition score was related to body weight for calves younger than 9 weeks, and older than 23 weeks of age, whereas no such relationship existed in the age group 9 to 23 weeks. The sex distribution was skewed with less male calves being older than 23 weeks. We hypothesize that male calves experience inferior management compared with female calves. This study demonstrates a low level of knowledge on, and poor practices of calf management among the surveyed farmers that suggest the need for educational intervention.  相似文献   

In November 2011, the new orthobunyavirus Schmallenberg virus (SBV) was identified in dairy cows that had induced fever, drop in milk production and diarrhoea in the Netherlands (Muskens et al., 2012. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 137, 112–115) and a drop in milk production in cows in Northwestern Germany (Hoffmann et al., 2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (3), 469–472), in August/September 2011. This study aimed at quantifying risk factors for high within-herd prevalence of SBV and SBV-induced malformations in newborn calves in dairy herds in the Netherlands. Additionally, the within-herd impact of SBV infection on mortality rates and milk production was estimated.A case-control design was used, including 75 clinically affected case herds and 74 control herds. Control herds were selected based on absence of malformations in newborn calves and anomalies in reproductive performance. SBV-specific within-herd seroprevalences were estimated. Risk factors for high within-herd SBV seroprevalence (>50%) and the probability of malformed newborn calves in a herd were quantified. In addition, within-herd impact of SBV with regard to milk production and mortality was estimated.Animal-level seroprevalence was 84.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 70.8–92.3) in case herds and 75.8% (95% CI: 67.5–82.5) in control herds. Control herds that were completely free from SBV were not present in the study. Herds that were grazed in 2011 had an increased odds (OR 9.9; 95% CI: 2.4–41.2)) of a high seroprevalence (>50%) compared to herds that were kept indoors. Also, when grazing was applied in 2011, the odds of malformations in newborn calves tended to be 2.6 times higher compared to herds in which cattle were kept indoors. Incidence of malformations in newborn calves at herd level was associated with both within-herd seroprevalence and clinical expression of the disease in adult cattle.The rate of vertical transmission of SBV to the fetus once a dam gets infected seemed low. A total of 146 stillborn or malformed calves were submitted by 65 farmers during the study period, of which 19 were diagnosed as SBV-positive based on pathological investigation and/or RT-qPCR testing of brain tissue. Based on these results combined with calving data from these herds we roughly estimated that at least 0.5% of the calves born between February and September 2012 have been infected by SBV.A drop in milk production was observed between the end of August 2011 and the first half of September (week 35–36), indicating the acute phase of the epidemic. During a 4-week period in which SBV infection was expected to have occurred, the total loss in milk production in affected dairy herds was around 30–51 kg per cow. SBV had no or limited impact on mortality rates which was as expected given the relatively mild expression of SBV in adult cows and the low incidence of malformations in newborn calves.  相似文献   

Toxocara vitulorum infection in large ruminants is endemic in many tropical countries and particularly in South-East Asia. A single treatment of calves with pyrantel at 14–21 days of age effectively controls the parasite. Despite this treatment being readily available, T. vitulorum infection remains common and widespread. To understand drivers of effective control of T. vitulorum infection, we examined treatment practices and knowledge of smallholder farmers of this parasite plus determined annual calf morbidity and mortality and identified potential risk factors for these estimates. Interviews were conducted with 273 smallholder farmers who had calves tested for T. vitulorum 4–6 months earlier. Reproductive rates of 0.6 and 0.4 calf per annum in cattle and buffalo respectively, and annual calf morbidity and mortality of 42.6% (CI 0.38–0.47) and 37.3% (CI 0.33–0.42) respectively, were identified. Interviewed farmers had either none (80.6%) or only minimal (19.4%) knowledge about T. vitulorum and only 2.5% of the farmers treated their calves for T. vitulorum using the recommended control regime. Multivariable logistic regression analyses with random effects showed that the number of adult cattle per household, T. vitulorum infection status of the household herd and farmer knowledge of T. vitulorum were significantly associated with calf morbidity and mortality. Financial analysis using partial budgeting showed a net benefit of USD 3.69, 7.46, 11.09 or 14.86 per calf when treating calves with pyrantel and attributing 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of morbidity and mortality to T. vitulorum infection. The study identified that poor reproduction, high calf morbidity and mortality combined with very limited farmer knowledge and effective control of endemic Toxocariasis, contribute to suboptimal large ruminant production in mixed smallholder farming systems in South-East Asia. The large net benefit per calf achievable by a single pyrantel treatment should drive implementation of this intervention by smallholder farmers, especially as demand for livestock products continues to increase in this region and forces a change to more production oriented farming. To support this, continued capacity building that ensures knowledge transfer of best practice T. vitulorum control to smallholder farmers is required.  相似文献   

A group of 4863 white veal calves reared on six commercial white veal farms in Ontario were followed through production to describe calf characteristics and production levels. Patterns of morbidity, mortality, and culling were investigated at the farm, room and individual level. The majority of the calves were male Holsteins, with approximately half originating from Ontario. The mean average daily gain for shipped calves over the entire production period was 1.1 kg/day (SE = 0.002). The overall percentage of calves receiving at least one individual treatment was 59%, with an average number of treatment days per calf of 3.3. The majority of calves receiving one or more treatment days were first treated between the fourth and seventh week of production. The mortality rate was 3.7%, and 5.1% of the calves were culled. Pneumonia was the largest single cause of death. Peak death and cull losses occurred during the seventh and eighth week of production.  相似文献   

犊牛阶段的生长状况对牛只的生产性能具有重要影响,为提高牧场效益,牧场越来越追求犊牛阶段生长的最大化。通过饲喂代乳粉达到犊牛断奶前1.0 kg日增重,对牛只生产性能的提升具有重要意义。本文主要介绍增加犊牛日增重对牛只生产性能的积极影响,同时根据荷兰Schils的试验对代乳粉的选择和饲喂流程提出建议,以期对牧场合理使用代乳粉,实现犊牛阶段生长最大化提供参考。  相似文献   

A postal survey of worming practices on West Country dairy farms was undertaken and farmers were requested to send faecal samples for nematode egg counts. The majority of the farmers who responded had a nematode control policy which was based on a mixture of anthelmintics and pasture rotation. Sixty-five per cent turned out calves on to the same paddock each year and 57 per cent treated their stock with anthelmintics during the second year. Ninety farms submitted samples for analysis but only 16 samples contained sufficient eggs to justify repeat egg counts and only eight of these produced enough eggs for in vitro tests. The small number of positive samples, even into the latter part of the year suggests a heavy use of anthelmintics with relatively clean pasture. One Somerset farm had larvae which developed in high concentrations of ivermectin, and eggs were still being passed after two treatments with ivermectin at the manufacturer's recommended dose seven days apart. Of 100 male nematodes isolated from two of the calves, 88 were Cooperia species and 12 were Nematodirus species. A controlled trial with this isolate in eight Friesian male calves showed a 44 per cent reduction in egg counts at day 7 but no significant reduction in worm burden postmortem. This is the first reported case of ivermectin-resistant Cooperia species in cattle in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

In 2007, bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) re-emerged in the Netherlands and a large number of farmers notified morbidity and mortality associated with BTV-8 to the authorities. All dead cows in the Netherlands are registered in one of the three age classes: newborn calves <3 days, calves 3 days to 1 year, and cows >1 year. These registrations result in a complete data set of dead cattle per herd per day from 2003 until 2007. In this study, the mortality associated with BTV-8 for the Dutch dairy industry was estimated, based on this census data. Default, mortality associated with BTV-8 was estimated for the confirmed notification herds. Moreover, an additional analysis was performed to determine if mortality associated with BTV-8 infection occurred in non-notification herds located in BTV-8 infected compartments. A multivariable population-averaged model with a log link function was used for analyses. Separate analyses were conducted for the three different age groups. Confirmed notification herds had an increased cow mortality rate ratio (MRR) (1.4 (95% CI: 1.2-1.6)); calf MRR (1.3 (95% CI: 1.1-1.4)); and newborn calf MRR (1.2 (95% CI: 1.1-1.3)). Furthermore, in non-notification herds in BTV-8 infected compartments, mortality significantly increased 1.1 times (95% CI: 1.1-1.1) in cows, 1.2 times (95% CI: 1.2-1.2) in calves and 1.1 times (1.1-1.1) in newborn calves compared with BTV-8 non-infected months. Using objective census data over a 5-year period, the MRRs indicated increased mortality associated with BTV-8 infection not only in herds of which the farmer notified clinical signs but also in non-notification herds in infected compartments.  相似文献   

This study was completed to determine the prevalence and distribution of Toxocara vitulorum infection in cattle and buffalo calves and investigate its clinical impact in northern Lao PDR (Peoples Democratic Republic). The results aim to assist decisions on disease control measures that can contribute to increasing cattle and buffalo productivity within smallholder farming systems in tropical areas. A prevalence survey for T. vitulorum in buffalo and cattle calves aged <3 months was conducted between September 2009 and June 2010 in five provinces of northern Lao PDR using a two-stage sampling technique to select 69 villages and 899 calves, with faecal samples collected and examined for T. vitulorum eggs at a local laboratory. At the time of sampling, data on calf morbidity and anthelmintic treatment was also collected. Factors potentially associated with infection and severity of infection were analyzed at univariable and multivariable levels, using T. vitulorum status (positive/negative) and on the positive calves only, faecal egg count levels as outcome variables. The estimated prevalence of T. vitulorum in northern Lao was 22.6 % (95 % confidence interval [CI], 0.17–0.28), and 76.8 % of villages had at least one positive calf. Province was the only significant (p?<?0.05) variable investigated associated with calf infection status. Species (buffalo) was the only variable significantly (p?<?0.05) associated with higher egg per gram of faeces levels among infected calves. Prevalence in calves aged 1–21 days, the reported prepatent period, was 17.5 % (CI 0.11–0.24). Treatment levels were very low (8.2 %) and if treatment occurred it was mostly unsuccessful. The high and wide spread infection of T. vitulorum in cattle and buffalo calves identified in this survey is likely to result in suboptimal cattle and buffalo productivity. Improved management of T. vitulorum infection in cattle and buffalo calves in northern Lao PDR is indicated to reduce potential negative production impacts and enable more efficient development of large ruminant livestock industry as a pathway from rural poverty for smallholder farmers in northern Lao PDR. In addition to quantifying this disease problem in calves, the conduct of this applied participatory research study provided an important opportunity to improve animal health services by increasing the parasite, large ruminant handling and research knowledge and capacity of government animal health staff and farmers.  相似文献   

The nasal mycoplasmal flora of healthy calves and cows.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nasal mycoplasmal flora of 270 healthy cows from 27 herds in the Netherlands and 35 healthy calves from 7 of these herds was examined. Various methods for isolating mycoplasmas were compared. The prevalence of the various species was as follows: Ureaplasma diversum in 3 (9%) calves; Mycoplasma dispar in 14 (40%) calves; M. bovis in 1 (3%) calf; M. bovirhinis in 23 (66%) calves and 16 (6%) cows; M. bovoculi in 8 (23%) calves and 53 (20%) cows; M. canis in 1 (3%) calf; M. equirhinis in 2 (1%) cows; M. conjunctivae in 2 (1%) cows; Acholeplasma laidlawii in 1 (3%) calf and 3 (1%) cows; and A. axanthum in 7 (3%) cows. The noses of healthy calves were less frequently colonized by the pathogenic species U. diversum and contained fewer U. diversum and M. dispar organisms than the noses of pneumonic calves. We concluded that the mycoplasmal flora of calves and healthy cows was quite different and also that cows play only a minor role in the epidemiology of pathogenic mycoplasma species of calves in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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