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D. Tuesca  E. Puricelli 《Crop Protection》2007,26(12):1765-1770
The effect of exclusive application of glyphosate and glyphosate in combination with residual herbicides on weed species density and composition in summer crops was studied over 2 years. Field experiments consisted of three rotations including soybean and maize glyphosate-resistant cultivars in two tillage systems. Regardless of the tillage system, both glyphosate application alone and in combination with residual herbicides had a pronounced impact on the reduction in density and richness of summer herbaceous annual weeds, but the effect was greater with glyphosate in combination with residual herbicides.  相似文献   

Crop growth and development as well as yield are the result of the efficiency of the chosen agricultural management system within the boundaries of the agro-ecological environment. End-of-season yield results do not permit the evaluation of within-season management interactions with the production environment and do not allow for full understanding of the management practice applied. Crop growth and development were measured during the 2004, 2006 and 2008 crop cycles with an optical handheld NDVI sensor for all plots of the different management treatments of a long-term (since 1991) sustainability trial in the highlands of Mexico. Cropping systems varying in (1) tillage (conventional vs. zero tillage); (2) residue management (retention vs. removal); (3) rotation (monocropping vs. a maize [Zea mays L.]/wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] rotation) were compared. The NDVI-handheld sensor was evaluated as a tool to monitor crop growth and development and was found to be an excellent tool for this purpose. There was a strong relation between NDVI and biomass accumulation of maize and wheat. The measurement with the handheld sensor was non-destructive and fast so that a representative plot area could be measured easily and time-efficiently. Zero tillage induced different crop growth dynamics over time compared to conventional tillage. Zero tillage with residue retention is characterized by a slower initial crop growth, compensated for by an increased growth in the later stages, positively influencing final grain yield. Also crop rotation influenced early crop growth, with lower NDVI values for crops sown after wheat than crops after maize. Zero tillage with residue removal had low NDVI values throughout the growing season. Zero tillage with retention of crop residues results in time efficient use of resources, as opposed to conventional tillage, regardless of residue management, and zero tillage with residue removal. The results indicated that different tillage, rotation and residue management practices influence crop growth and development. It is important to monitor and understand crop growth under different management systems to select the right varieties and adjust timing and practice of input supply (fertilizer, irrigation etc.) in a holistic way in each cropping system.  相似文献   

The effect of continuous applications of poultry litter on root diseases, nematodes, and weeds with different tillage practices in vegetable production in Georgia was investigated. Litter treatments (noncomposted and composted broiler or breeder litter) applied 3–5 weeks before planting were compared with no litter. In sweet corn and snap bean there were differences among years, and tillage and litter treatments had a variable effect on yield, post-emergence damping-off and plant stand. Crown and brace root rot in corn induced by Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 increased after 3 years conservation tillage, but there were no differences among litter treatments. Population densities of R. solani AG-4 were increased by conservation tillage before planting snap bean the first year but not in later years, while litter treatments had no effect. After 3 years, populations of Pythium spp., Fusarium solani, and Fusarium spp. did not differ among treatments, but noncomposted broiler litter increased populations of saprophytic fungi in soil compared with no litter. Population densities of stylet-bearing nematodes were low and usually not different among treatments. After 3 years of sweet corn populations of Meloidogyne incognita increased with conventional tillage compared with conservation tillage, populations of Paratrichodorus christiei were reduced by litter treatments and populations of Helicotylenchus dihystera were reduced by noncomposted broiler litter compared with no litter. Weed infestation increased in both tillage systems with time, but in snap bean there was a greater infestation in conservation tillage than in conventional tillage. Litter treatments had little effect on weed infestation.  相似文献   

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