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Weed management under conservation agriculture (CA), especially when manually controlled is one of the major setbacks for the widespread adoption of CA in southern Africa. This study was conducted at three on-station and three on-farm sites: CIMMYT-Harare, Domboshawa Training Centre and Henderson Research Station (on-station sites), Hereford farm, Madziva communal area and Shamva communal area (on-farm sites). The evaluation focused on the effect of initial herbicide application and succeeding manual weeding whenever weeds were 10 cm tall or 10 cm in length for grasses with stoloniferous–rhizomatous growth habit. Weeds counts, weeding time and grain yields were collected at all on-station sites. At the on-farm sites, weed counts were done before weeding and a number of farmers were timed during weeding. The results showed that herbicides use reduced the weed density and time taken on weeding at all sites. Combining herbicides e.g. atrazine, glyphosate and metalachlor had the lowest weed density and weeding time at all sites. However, the treatments had no effect on maize grain yields suggesting that appropriate and timely manual weeding reduced crop/weed competition. Herbicides treatments had higher input costs than manual weeding due to the additional cost of herbicide but the treatment with manual weeding only had more overall labour days compared to the mixture of three herbicides. In order to achieve economic benefits, smallholder farmers may use the time for value addition e.g. expand cropped land area, use time for value addition, or sell new products on the market. Herbicides use reduces the manual labour needed to control weeds and minimise total crop failure due to untimely weeding hence, herbicides are an important but not the only weed control option under CA systems in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

The ‘push–pull’ technology (PPT), developed in Africa, offers effective control of cereal stemborers and Striga weed in maize-based cropping systems. It involves intercropping maize with desmodium, Desmodium uncinatum, with Napier grass, Pennisetum purpureum, planted as border around this intercrop. Desmodium repels the stemborer moths (push) that are subsequently attracted to the Napier grass (pull). Desmodium also suppresses and eliminates Striga. We assessed economic performance of this technology compared to the conventional maize mono- and maize–bean intercropping systems in six districts in western Kenya over 4–7 years. Ten farmers were randomly recruited in each district and each planted three plots representing the three cropping systems. The cost–benefit analyses were carried out, together with the systems’ net returns to land and labour and their discounted net present values (NPV). Maize grain yields and associated gross margins from the PPT system were significantly higher than those in the other two systems. Although the production costs were significantly higher in the PPT than in the two cropping systems in the first cropping year, these reduced to either the same level or significantly lower than in the maize–bean intercrop from the second year onwards in most of the districts. Similarly, the net returns to land and labour with the PPT were significantly higher than with the other two systems. The PPT consistently produced positive NPV when the incremental flows of its benefits compared to those of the two conventional systems were discounted at 10–30%, indicating that PPT is more profitable than the other two systems under realistic production assumptions. PPT is thus a viable option for enhancing productivity and diversification for smallholder farmers who largely depend on limited land resource. Hence, enhancing farmers’ access to less costly planting materials and promoting quality education and training in the use of this knowledge-intensive technology could stimulate its successful adoption.  相似文献   

75%磺酰磺隆WDG对麦田杂草防除效果及后茬作物的安全性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解75%磺酰磺隆WDG对麦田杂草的防除效果及对当季小麦和后茬作物的安全性,于2010-2012连续两个生长季,设11.25、22.5、33.75和45 g·hm-2 4个剂量水平,于11月中旬小麦越冬前茎叶喷雾,调查喷药后田间杂草生长以及后茬水稻、玉米、大豆、花生、棉花的出苗及生长情况.结果表明,喷施75%磺酰磺隆WDG后15~30 d,田间杂草以黄化为主,死亡率较低,至喷药后120 d(返青期),对看麦娘、石龙芮、碎米荠的控制作用非常好,4个剂量处理的株防效达到93.6%~98.0%;对硬草的控制作用稍差,株防效为64.0%~94.3%.该药对小麦安全,未见药害症状,保产效果较好.后茬水稻在11.25、22.5、33.75 g·hm-2剂量下生长基本正常,在45 g·hm-2处理下生长明显受抑;玉米、大豆、花生、棉花的出苗基本正常,花生和棉花的生长未见明显异常,大豆株高和产量在45 g·hm-2剂量下略低于空白对照;玉米生长在33.75和45 g·hm-2剂量下显著受抑,株高和产量分别降低0.0%~50.5%和8.1%~63.9%.  相似文献   

Ruminant livestock depends primarily on forage and grazing resources from both natural pastures and from cultivated land. Low‐input large‐scale grazing systems constitute a substantial part of what is termed High Nature Value farmland in Europe. Developing a typology of categories of livestock systems within a region is an important step in understanding land uses that involve ruminant livestock systems and their use of feed resources, and in appraising policy options. This study developed a typology based on the municipalities of the region of Aragon in the north‐east of Spain on the basis of the feed resources for ruminant livestock. A clustering analysis was applied to the following three types of criteria: (i) crop types; (ii) vegetation types of uncultivated land and (iii) stocking rate of dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and goats. A total of thirty‐nine variables were used. The cluster methodology allowed relatively homogeneous groups of municipalities, termed territories, with differentiating characteristics to be obtained. A Geographic Information System was applied to locate spatially the territories. From the twelve territories identified, it was concluded that there was a low use of natural pastures and high use of resources of cultivated origin in livestock systems in Aragon.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the evaluation of “summer sowing,” an innovative approach to increase the adoption of recently domesticated species of hard seeded annual legumes in Mediterranean and temperate Agriculture. The research revealed that several species of annual legumes whose seed can be readily harvested on‐farm and which possess natural hard seed dormancy, may be sown into dry soil in late summer without additional processing. These studies proved that the hard seed dormancy was broken down sufficiently in the soil over 4–6 weeks to produce robust legume pastures with more than 150 seedlings per m2 following the first winter rains, in replicated field sites established across wide agro‐ecological zones in Western Australia (WA) and New South Wales (NSW). Ornithopus sativus Brot., O. compressus L. and Trifolium spumosum L. were suitable for summer sowing based on both hard seed breakdown patterns and subsequent seedling survival in WA. While in NSW, in addition to these legumes, Biserrula pelecinus L., T. vesiculosum Savi. and T. glanduliferum Boiss. were also suitable for summer sowing. A 1.5‐ to 10‐fold increase in herbage production was achieved relative to conventionally sown T. subterraneum L. This development represents a step change in forage legume development for renovated pastures in these environments. Importantly, the experiments revealed differences in G x E effects on seedling establishment, total herbage production and seed yield in different climatic zones. The summer sowing approach is presented as a revolutionary method for pasture renovation that overcomes significant barriers to adoption.  相似文献   

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