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Methodologies for simulating impacts of climate change on crop production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecophysiological models are widely used to forecast potential impacts of climate change on future agricultural productivity and to examine options for adaptation by local stakeholders and policy makers. However, protocols followed in such assessments vary to such an extent that they constrain cross-study syntheses and increase the potential for bias in projected impacts. We reviewed 221 peer-reviewed papers that used crop simulation models to examine diverse aspects of how climate change might affect agricultural systems. Six subject areas were examined: target crops and regions; the crop model(s) used and their characteristics; sources and application of data on [CO2] and climate; impact parameters evaluated; assessment of variability or risk; and adaptation strategies. Wheat, maize, soybean and rice were considered in approximately 170 papers. The USA (55 papers) and Europe (64 papers) were the dominant regions studied. The most frequent approach used to simulate response to CO2 involved adjusting daily radiation use efficiency (RUE) and transpiration, precluding consideration of the interacting effects of CO2, stomatal conductance and canopy temperature, which are expected to exacerbate effects of global warming. The assumed baseline [CO2] typically corresponded to conditions 10-30 years earlier than the date the paper was accepted, exaggerating the relative impacts of increased [CO2]. Due in part to the diverse scenarios for increases in greenhouse gas emissions, assumed future [CO2] also varied greatly, further complicating comparisons among studies. Papers considering adaptation predominantly examined changes in planting dates and cultivars; only 20 papers tested different tillage practices or crop rotations. Risk was quantified in over half the papers, mainly in relation to variability in yield or effects of water deficits, but the limited consideration of other factors affecting risk beside climate change per se suggests that impacts of climate change were overestimated relative to background variability. A coordinated crop, climate and soil data resource would allow researchers to focus on underlying science. More extensive model intercomparison, facilitated by modular software, should strengthen the biological realism of predictions and clarify the limits of our ability to forecast agricultural impacts of climate change on crop production and associated food security as well as to evaluate potential for adaptation.  相似文献   

Crop model projections and historical data analyses have shown that global warming may cause serious decrease in crop productivity, however, many uncertainities remain on the impact quantification due to the unclear understanding of actual crop response. Therefore, we performed a three-year field warming experiment with free air temperature increase (FATI) facility to investigate the actual response of midseason rice growth in East China. There were four treatments (AW: all-day warming; DW: daytime warming; NW: nighttime warming; CK: ambient control) with three replicates. This FATI facility presented a good simulation of the local air temperature pattern with an increase in the daily mean temperature of about 1.1-2.0 °C during rice whole growth duration compared to the ambient control. Warming shortened the pre-heading phase respectively by 3.3 d, 1.7 d and 2.0 d in the AW, DW and NW plots, while the post-heading phase stayed almost unchanged. During the three years, warming slightly decreased the aboveground biomass by an average of 9.1%, 10.3% and 3.3%, and the grain yield by an average of 0.9%, 6.4% and 6.1% in the AW, DW and NW plots, respectively. Warming tended to decrease rice photosynthesis rate and stimulate the nighttime respiration rate. It also enlarged the flag leaf area and increased its chlorophyll content. No significant difference and interaction in the actual response of rice growth were found between the warming regimes. The above evidences suggest that the expected warming less than 2.0 °C may not cause significant decrease in rice productivity in East China.  相似文献   

Favourable prices and new technologies have recently stimulated the adoption of wheat–soybean double crops in the south-eastern Pampas. To assess the largely unknown long-term performance of this strategy, we used CERES-Wheat and CROPGRO-Soybean with slight adaptations to account for double cropping. Models and climate records were combined to analyse management practices allowing for earlier soybean sowing, which was assumed to be the key for high soybean yield and whole-system performance. Practices investigated were: (i) short-season wheat cultivars; (ii) non-selective herbicides for faster drying of wheat before harvest; (iii) relay double cropping, where soybean is sown on standing wheat before crop maturity in contrast to sequential cropping where soybean is sown after wheat harvest.  相似文献   

The effects of applying nitrogen (30 or 40 kg N/ha) to wheat crops at and after anthesis, after 200 kg N/ha had already been applied to the soil during stem extension, were studied in field experiments comprising complete factorial combinations of different cultivars, fungicide applications and nitrogen treatments. Actual recoveries of late-season fertilizer nitrogen (LSFN), as indicated by 15N studies, interacted with cultivar and fungicide treatment, and depended on nitrogen source (urea applied as a solution to the foliage, or as ammonium nitrate applied to the soil) and year. These interactions, however, were not reflected in apparent fertilizer recoveries ((N in grain with LSFN − N in grain without LSFN)/N applied as LSFN), or in the crude protein concentration. Apparent fertilizer recovery was always lower than actual recoveries, and declined during grain filling. Fertilizer treatments with higher actual fertilizer recoveries were associated with lower net remobilisation of non-LSFN (net remobilised N = N in above ground crop at anthesis − N in non-grain, above ground crop at harvest). LSFN also increased mineral nitrogen in the soil at harvest even when applied as a solution to the foliage. These effects are discussed in relation to potential grain N demand.  相似文献   

Triticale often out-yields wheat in both favourable and unfavourable growing conditions. Observed traits suggested for the higher yields in triticale include greater early vigour, a longer spike formation phase with same duration to flowering, reduced tillering, increased remobilization of carbohydrates to the grain, early vigorous root growth and higher transpiration use efficiency. To quantify the impact of these traits systematically across seasons and contrasting rainfall regions and soil types, these triticale traits were introduced into a wheat model (APSIM-Nwheat). The impact of each individual trait and their full combination was analysed in a simulation experiment for three Mediterranean growing environments, two contrasting soil types and long-term historical weather data. The simulated impact of these traits was compared with measured impacts from a range of field experiments across several environments. Simulated responses of various crop characteristics including yield, were in general similar to responses observed in wheat-triticale comparison field experiments across a large range of growing conditions. The simulation analysis indicated that the yield response to the incorporation of the triticale traits into wheat was positive, in both low and high yielding growing conditions, similar to measured differences, but the simulated benefit was on average lower than the range observed in data of triticale and wheat. This suggests that other traits might also be involved in higher-yielding triticale, or the magnitude of some of the traits may be underestimated in field experiments due to ‘trait by environment’ interactions. The simulation results suggest the highest yield benefit can be achieved from increasing transpiration use efficiency in wheat, but early vigour, remobilization of stem carbohydrates and early root growth also contribute positively to a yield increase in the different growing environments. The yield benefits from the triticale traits increased in the future climate change scenario in particular on soils with high water-holding capacity from contributions of increased early vigour, remobilization of stem carbohydrates and transpiration use efficiency, and remained stable on the lighter soils.  相似文献   

中国北方麦区冬小麦物候期对气候变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为评价中国北方主要冬麦区小麦关键物候时间变化和主要影响气象因子的区域差异,基于1992-2013年间57个站点资料,在分析黄淮海平原、黄土高原和西北内陆冬小麦返青和成熟期时空变化的基础上,探讨影响北方麦区冬小麦关键生育时期的主要气象因子。结果表明,1992-2013年,北方冬小麦整体呈现返青期延后,成熟期提前,但总体趋势不明显,且存在区域差异;生育时期变化幅度随经度增加而增大。月平均温度和月最低温度分别是影响黄淮海平原冬小麦返青期和成熟期的主要气象要素,而黄土高原冬小麦生育时期主要受月平均温度变化的影响,但在西北内陆,返青期与月最低温度的负相关性最显著,而成熟期则主要受月平均温度变化的影响。月日照时长、月温差和月降水对小麦生育时期的影响在黄淮海平原/黄土高原和西北内陆相反。在黄淮海平原和黄土高原,月日照时长和月温差变化与小麦生育时期呈正相关,月降水与冬小麦生育时期呈负相关,但在西北内陆,月日照时长和月温差与小麦生育时期总体上呈负相关,月降水增加对西北内陆冬小麦生长有利,可延缓因干旱导致的物候提前。  相似文献   

播期对麦茬大豆生长发育特点及产量形成规律的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了播期对麦茬复种大豆生长发育特点和产量构成各因素的影响。结果表明,在栽培条件相同的情况下,除受品种本身丰产潜力等因素影响外,播种期的早晚是影响麦茬大豆产量的主要因素。要想提高春麦区麦茬复种大豆产量和品质,必须抢时早播,为创造高产提供较充余的生育时间。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2), along with light, water and nutrients, represents an essential resource needed for plant growth and reproduction. Projected and recent increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide may allow breeders and agronomists to begin intra-specific selection for yield traits associated with CO2 sensitivity. However, selection for maximum yield, particularly for cereals, is continuous, and it is possible that modern cereal cultivars are, in fact, the most CO2 sensitive. To test CO2 responsiveness, we examined two contrasting spring wheat cultivars, Marquis and Oxen, over a 3-year period under field conditions at two different planting densities. Marquis was introduced into North America in 1903, and is taller, with greater tiller plasticity (i.e. greater variation in tiller production), smaller seed and lower harvest index relative to modern wheat cultivars. Oxen, a modern cultivar released in 1996, produces fewer tillers, and has larger seed with a higher harvest index relative to Marquis. As would be expected, under ambient CO2 conditions, Oxen produced more seed than Marquis for all 3 years. However, at a CO2 concentration 250 μmol mol−1 above ambient (a concentration anticipated in the next 50–100 years), no differences were observed in seed yield between the two cultivars, and vegetative above ground biomass (e.g. tillers), was significantly higher for Marquis relative to Oxen in 2006 and 2007. Significant CO2 by cultivar interaction was observed as a result of greater tiller production and an increased percentage of tillers bearing panicles for the Marquis relative to the Oxen cultivar at elevated carbon dioxide. This greater increase in tiller bearing panicles also resulted in a significant increase in harvest index for the Marquis cultivar as CO2 increased. While preliminary, these results intimate that newer cultivars are not intrinsically more CO2 responsive; rather, that yield sensitivity may be dependent on the availability of reproductive sinks to assimilate additional carbon. Overall, understanding and characterizing vegetative vs. reproductive sink capacity between cultivars may offer new opportunities for breeders to exploit and adapt varieties of wheat to projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of sowing dates on the yield and yield components of two safflower varieties, an experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Station of Isfahan Kabotar Abad in 2004. A split plot layout within randomized complete block design with three replications was used in the experimentation. Eight sowing dates were in the main plots, consist March 6, March 21, April 6, April 21, May 6, May 21, June 6 and June 21 and two varieties (Isfahan 14 and I.L111) were in the sub plots. The results showed that the number of seed per capitulum and seed yield were decreased significantly as the sowings dates were delayed. The Isfahan 14 variety in comparison with I.L111 produced more fertile capitulum in square meter and also, respectively seed per capitulum. The second sowing date (March 21) produced the highest seed yield (2306.2 kg ha(-1)), whereas the 7th sowing date (June 6) produced the lowest seed yield (622 kg ha(-1)). The effect of variety for seed yield was not significant. Farmers in the Kabotar Abad of Isfahan and in other areas with similar conditions are recommended to plant the Isfahan 14 variety on March 21.  相似文献   

Of the wheat grown in North-West India the majority is consumed as traditional Indian flat bread (chapatti). Chapatti quality is important to consumers and people are willing to pay more for better quality wheat flour, but farmers do not specifically target quality outcomes as the majority of their wheat is sold with no segregation. For farmers the main objective is to harvest maximum yields, but in the last decade productivity growth for wheat yields has slowed in the areas where the wheat is grown in a double cropping pattern. Nutrient depletion and temperature-related stress are possible causes for this decline in productivity growth. Farmers meanwhile are looking to opportunities to maintain profitability and, with consumers willing to pay a higher price for better chapatti wheat, an opportunity exists for farmers to manage their wheat to improve both the yield as well as quality of wheat. In this paper we evaluate management practices that best achieve high yield and better chapatti quality, and assess the temperature environment for the winter wheat growing season. A step-wise analysis of the long-term temperature trend for sites in NW India showed that mean annual temperature has increased by 0.7-1.0 °C during the last decade. Field experiments with wheat varieties (C-306, WH-283, DBW-17, PBW-343, PBW-502, PBW-550, Raj-3765 and WH-1025) were conducted at farmers’ fields under 4 different sequential cropping rotations for the 2007-08 and 2008-09 winter seasons in Haryana (India). C-306 and WH-283 are varieties with excellent chapatti quality but are lower yielding by 15-26% than the more widely grown varieties such as PBW-343 and PBW-502. The replicated experiments involved three sowing times, these being an early sowing (late October to early November, timely sowing (mid November) and a late sowing (early December). A differential response of varieties was observed to sowing time with the yield of C-306 better whereas that of WH-283 and Raj-3765 was poor in early sown conditions. The varieties DBW-17, PBW-343 and PBW-502 were the highest yielding wheat with similar performance under early as well as timely sowing. All the varieties had lowest yield in December sowing. In general, late sowing had lower thousand grain weight but higher protein content. Of the quality measure grain hardness was the only attribute with a consistent positive correlation with chapatti quality. The chapatti score was higher for varieties C-306 and WH-283 compared to the other varieties but grain hardness and chapatti score was not much affected by sowing time. With all varieties included in the analysis there was no correlation between protein and chapatti score, but within an individual variety usually higher protein resulted in a higher chapatti score. There was no association of grain test weight or sedimentation value with chapatti score. From the results shown here it is evident that farmers will be able to manage with variety choice and timely sowing to obtain chapatti quality without losing grain yield benefits.  相似文献   

This study determined the profile of hydrophobic phytochemicals (steroid-like components and lipophilic phenolics) and antioxidant potential (DPPH and Rancimat tests) of wheat grain in relation to sowing date (standard vs. delayed) using six cultivars of Triticum aestivum wheat grown in Poland. The study found that “sowing time” generally had a low impact on sterols, carotenoids, squalene and total lipophilic phenolics in wheat grain. The highest impact of “sowing time” was noted for α-tocopherol, C19:0 alkylresorcinol and campesterol. Delayed sowing reduced their content by up to 9%. The antioxidant potential of grain extracts obtained by the use of water-saturated butanol (WSB) was mostly cultivar-dependent (depending on assay: DPPH 56.3% and Rancimat 75.1% of explained variation, respectively). Wheat grain WSB extracts increased rapeseed oil induction time by up to 21% and their antioxidant capacity was up to 1.24 μM TEg−1.  相似文献   

Tan spot, caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechs., is an important constraint to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in many countries. Since the inheritance of field resistance to tan spot is poorly understood, this study was conducted to determine the genetic control of resistance in the field. Resistance was measured as disease severity caused by P. tritici-repentis race 1 in four crosses involving five wheat parents: parent 1 (P1) = catbird; parent 2 (P2) = Milan/Shanghai-7; parent 3 (P3) = Alondra/Coc//Ures; parent 4 (P4) = Bcb//Dundee/Gul/3/Gul); parent 5 (P5) = ND/VG9144//Kal/BB/3/Yaco/4/Chil. P1, P2 and P3 were resistant and P4 was moderately resistant, whereas P5 was susceptible to tan spot. The F2-derived F3 families and the parents were field evaluated at El Batán, Mexico, in 1996. When all the plants within a F3 family expressed low levels of disease severity similar to that of the resistant parent it was classified resistant (R), otherwise the progeny was classified as susceptible (S). The progeny of the three crosses of the susceptible parent with the resistant and moderately resistant parents P2, P3, and P4 segregated as 3R:13S whereas the progeny in the cross with P1 showed a segregation ratio of 1R:15S. This suggests that each resistant parent possessed two genes conditioning resistance to tan spot severity caused by P. tritici-repentis race 1. Information on the inheritance of resistance measured as disease severity on adult plants under field conditions is of practical importance for wheat breeding programs seeking improvement in tan spot resistance.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress caused by increasing temperature and drought is a major limiting factor for wheat productivity around the world. Wheat plays an important role in feeding the world, but climate change threatens its future harvest and nutritional quality. In this study, grain iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) concentrations of 54 wheat varieties, including CIMMYT derived historic and modern wheat varieties grown in six different environmental conditions, were analyzed. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of water and heat stress on the nutritional value of wheat grains with a main emphasis on grain protein content, Zn and Fe concentrations. Significant effects of environment on protein content and grain micronutrients concentration were observed. The protein and Zn concentrations increased in the water and heat stressed environments, whereas Zn and Fe yield per unit area was higher in non-stress conditions. The results suggest that genetic gains in the yield potential of CIMMYT derived wheat varieties have tended to reduce grain Zn, in some instances; however, environmental variability might influence the extent to which this effect manifests itself.  相似文献   

A 3 years field trial examined the effect of newly and previously applied lime on the growth and yield of two near-isogenic wheat genotypes differing only in aluminium (Al) tolerance (Triticum aestivum L. Al-sensitive line ES8 and Al-tolerant line ET8), and barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Mundak) on an acid soil (pHCaCl2 4.6 in 0–10 cm and pH 4.1–4.3 in 10–40 cm) in the medium rainfall region of Western Australia. The trial consisted of four lime treatments: (i) no lime control; (ii) surface liming at 1.5 t ha−1 in 1999; (iii) surface liming at 2.5 t ha−1 in 1984; (iv) liming in 1984 and re-liming in 1999. Wheat crops were grown in 1999 and 2001, and barley was grown in 2000.

Liming in 1984 increased the pH in both topsoil and subsoil and decreased toxic Al in the subsoil. Liming in 1999 largely increased soil pH in the 0–10 cm in previously unlimed and limed plots, but only slightly increased the pH in 10–20 cm 2 years after application. In 1999, there was an overall 14% grain yield increase by growing ET8, mostly due to much better performance (41%) of ET8 over ES8 in the treatment with surface liming in 1999. In 2001, ET8 had yield 24% higher in the no lime control and 14% higher in the treatment with liming in 1999 compared with ES8. While both genotypes had similar root length density in the topsoil, root length density in acid subsoil was 22–160% higher for ET8 than for ES8. Wheat genotypes produced 23–24% higher yield due to the liming in 1984 compared to the no lime control. In 2000 season, shoot biomass of barley increased by 45–70% in the limed treatments compared with the no lime control. Liming at 2.5 t ha−1 in 1984 or liming at 1.5 t ha−1 in 1999 increased yield by 25%. Liming in 1984 and re-liming in 1999 increased the yield by over 50%. The results suggest that surface liming can ameliorate subsoil acidity as measured 15–17 years after application, and that growing an Al-tolerant crop in combination with surface liming provides a good strategy to combat subsoil acidity. The genotypic variation in response to liming appears to result from the difference in the sensitivity of root proliferation to low pH and high Al.  相似文献   

为了解西藏春小麦物候期变化及其与气候变化的关系,利用1991-2020年西藏日喀则农业气象观测站观测的春小麦生育期和气象资料,采用线性回归、相关系数、Mann-Kendall等方法,分析了西藏春小麦生育期变化特征,并讨论了影响其变化的主导气象因子。结果表明,在1991-2020年期间,西藏春小麦生长季内降水量(Pr)、相对湿度(RH)和日照时数(S)表现为下降趋势,平均最低气温(Tmin)升温率明显大于平均最高气温(Tmax)升温率,平均气温(Tm)、≥0 ℃积温(∑T0)和平均风速(Ws)均呈增加趋势。营养生长期、生殖生长期以及全生育期的热量资源(TmTmaxTmin、∑T0)和Ws都表现为增加趋势,S与RH趋于减少;Pr在营养生长期增多,在生殖生长期减少,在全生育期略有增加。春小麦所有生育时期都表现为推迟趋势,平均每10年推迟2.33~13.36 d,以乳熟期推迟最明显;播种-出苗、拔节-孕穗2个生育阶段天数对气候变化响应不明显,开花-乳熟期天数以11.03 d·10 a-1的速度显著延长,其他生育阶段天数均呈减少趋势;营养生长期、生殖生长期以及全生育期天数均呈减少趋势。除开花期外,其他生育时期都发生了推迟的气候突变,突变时间主要出现在21世纪前10年的中后期;只有三叶-分蘖、分蘖-拔节、开花-乳熟、乳熟-成熟4个生育阶段天数在21世纪初出现了气候突变。影响春小麦营养生长期、全生育期天数的主导因子是Tm,次要因子为∑T0,而∑T0却是影响生殖生长期天数的主导因子,Tm为次要因子。近30年西藏春小麦营养生长期、生殖生长期以及全生育期天数减少,主要是因为Tm显著升高造成的。  相似文献   

A plastic-like material can be obtained by thermomolding wheat gluten protein which consists of glutenin and gliadin. We studied the effect of molding temperature (130-170 °C), molding time (5-25 min) and initial wheat gluten moisture content (5.6-18.0%) on the gluten network. Almost no glutenins were extractable after thermomolding irrespective of the molding conditions. At the lowest molding temperature, the extractable gliadin content decreased with increasing molding times and moisture contents. This effect was more pronounced for the α- and γ-gliadins than for the ω-gliadins. Protein extractabilities under reducing conditions revealed that, at this molding temperature, the cross-linking was predominantly based on disulfide bonds. At higher molding temperatures, also non-disulfide bonds contributed to the gluten network. Decreasing cystine contents and increasing free sulfhydryl and dehydroalanine (DHA) contents with increasing molding temperatures and times revealed the occurrence of β-elimination reactions during thermomolding. Under the experimental conditions, the DHA derived cross-link lanthionine (LAN) was detected in all gluten samples thermomolded at 150 and 170 °C. LAN was also formed at 130 °C for gluten samples containing 18.0% moisture. Degradation was observed at 150 °C for samples thermomolded from gluten with 18.0% moisture content or thermomolded at 170 °C for all moisture contents.  相似文献   

东北水稻生长发育和产量对夜间升温的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 采用两套开放式增温系统,在吉林公主岭开展了4年的水稻全生育期夜间增温试验。结果表明,全生育期冠层夜间温度平均升高0.7℃~1.0℃,水稻始花期提前2~3 d,但灌浆时间延长1~2 d。夜间增温对水稻净光合速率无显著影响,但显著提高剑叶面积、花后总绿叶面积和叶面积指数,其中吉粳81和吉粳83叶面积指数提高了40.0%和45.5%。夜间增温下,水稻地上部生物量和籽粒产量呈现递增趋势,增幅皆为10%左右;有效穗数和每穗粒数分别提高7.0%和5.7%。夜间温度升高主要通过缓解低温对水稻生长的影响,其对东北寒地水稻的直接效应将以增产为主。  相似文献   

Einkorn (Triticum monococcum L., subsp. monococcum), emmer (Triticum dicoccum Schuebl [Schrank], subsp. dicoccum) and spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) may be rich in lipophilic antioxidants (tocols and carotenoids), and therefore potential food sources with good nutritional properties. The aim of the present study was to determine the contents of major lipophilic antioxidants beneficial for human health in wheat varieties and landraces for breeding and production. In field experiments over two years, fifteen einkorn, emmer and spring wheat varieties were analysed for the contents of tocols and carotenoids in grain. A high carotenoid content (lutein, zeaxanthin, β-carotene) was typical for the selected einkorn genotypes. Among the analysed wheat species, the highest content was of β-tocotrienol, especially in the einkorn accessions. α-Tocotrienol was abundant in einkorn and emmer wheat species. Higher contents of α- and β-tocopherols were characteristic of spring and emmer wheats. δ-Tocotrienol has been detected for the first time in einkorn and some emmer accessions, although in low concentrations. Significant effects of genotype on the contents of carotenoids and tocols were found with einkorn differing from emmer and spring wheats. The year of cultivation had less effect on the contents of carotenoids and tocols. Selected accessions of einkorn with high contents of carotenoids and tocotrienols as well as spring and emmer wheats with higher contents of tocopherols are good sources of antioxidants with potential health promoting benefits for the production of nutritionally enhanced foods.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the intra-specific variation of wheat grain quality response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (e[CO2]), eight wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)cultivars were grown at two CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) (current atmospheric, 389 CO2 μmol mol−1vs. e[CO2], FACE (Free-Air CO2 Enrichment), 550  ±  10% CO2 μmol mol−1), at two water levels (rain-fed vs. irrigated) and at two times of sowing (TOS1, vs. TOS2). The TOS treatment was mainly imposed to understand whether e[CO2] could modify the effects of timing of higher grain filling temperatures on grain quality. When plants were grown at TOS1, TKW (thousand kernel weight), grain test weight, hardness index, P, Ca, Na and phytate were not significantly changed under e[CO2]. On the other hand, e[CO2] increased TKW (16%), hardness index (9%), kernel diameter (6%), test weight (2%) but decreased grain protein (10%) and grain phytate (11%) at TOS2. In regard to grain Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations and some flour rheological properties, cultivar specific responses to e[CO2] were observed at both sowing times. Observed genetic variability in response to e[CO2] in terms of grain minerals and flour rheological properties could be easily incorporated into future wheat breeding programs to enable adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

Global climate change is increasingly being recognized as an uncertainty of plant diseases. In particular, the increased solar UV-B (280–315 nm) radiation reaching the earth's surface has stimulated considerable studies on plant diseases in recent decades. The effects of UV-B radiation on the urediospore germination of three physiological races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), namely, CYR31, CYR32 and CYR33, and on epidemiological components of wheat stripe rust caused by Pst were investigated in this study. In the germination experiments, seven UV-B intensity treatments including 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 μw/cm2, were set. Under each UV-B intensity, Pst urediospores were irradiated for 15, 30, 45 and 60 min. The results showed that the germinability of Pst urediospores was reduced with an enhancement of the radiation intensity and an increase in the radiation time and that CYR31 was more sensitive to UV-B radiation than CYR32 and CYR33. To investigate the effects of UV-B on the epidemiological components of wheat stripe rust, three treatments with different UV-B radiation doses were set. The results indicated that an enhancement in UV-B radiation could reduce the infection efficiency, lesion expansion rate, sporulation quantity and AUDPC and could prolong the incubation period. The results demonstrated that CYR33 was the most stable and exhibited the strongest tolerance and that CYR31 was the most vulnerable under different UV-B radiation levels. This finding indicated that CYR33 may have more advantages to survive under enhanced UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

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