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Kernel texture (hard vs soft grain) and more subtle within-class variations are known to have a large influence on end-use properties, mostly through the proportion of damaged starch and subsequent water requirement. In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting kernel texture and dough rheology in a progeny from a cross between two ‘medium-hard’ wheat cultivars were identified and compared to the QTL locations for both traits. One hundred and sixty-five F7 recombinant inbred lines were studied in three environments in 1999. Kernel texture was estimated by both near infrared reflectance (NIR: HardNIR) and the single-kernel characterisation system (SKCS: HardSKCS). Dough rheology, taken as a predictor of end-use quality, was estimated by the empirical parameters measured by Chopin alveograph. The genetic map for this population consisted of 254 loci quite evenly distributed over the wheat genome. Considering only the QTL which were stable (detected in the three locations) and robust (through bootstrap resampling), five genomic regions were found to influence HardNIR, but only two of them are significant for HardSKCS, which was probably due to a less representative measure of the phenomenon. Eight QTLs were found for rheological traits. Some QTLs for dough rheology co-located with those for hardness or grain protein content, particularly on chromosomes 3A and 5B and close to the unlinked marker Xgwm130. According to trait, individual QTLs explained from 5.4 to 26.6% of the phenotypic variation and when taken together up to 46.0% of the variation.  相似文献   

Milling fractions of hull-less barley, and dough and bread with hull-less barley flour (40%) and wheat flour (60%) were analysed in an investigation of how the properties of (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan were affected by milling, dough formation and bread making. Calcofluor average molecular weight (M¯cf) and molecular weight distribution and the cellotriosyl/cellotetraosyl ratio of the (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan were determined. Four different hull-less barley samples were milled to produce straight-run white flours, shorts, bran and whole-meal flours. The molecular weight distributions were unimodal for all fractions, and the (M¯cf) range was between 117×104 and 188×104. These parameters were similar for all barleys, although (M¯cf) was somewhat lower in white flour and bran fractions and somewhat higher in shorts and whole-meal. The cellotriosyl/cellotetraosyl ratio (1.5–1.8) was also similar in all fractions. Doughs and breads were made to study how flour type (sifted or whole-meal barley flour), water content, yeast, mixing time and fermentation time affect (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan. The molecular weight distribution of (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan was polymodal with two or three populations for all doughs and breads, and the (M¯cf) decreased with increasing mixing and fermentation time. These results indicated that (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan was degraded by endogenous β-glucanases in the barley and/or wheat flour. The molecular weight was not significantly affected by bread-baking and other factors. After mixing and fermentation the cellotriosyl/cellotetraosyl ratio was about 1.7–1.8 and was thus not significantly different from that of the flour blends. Thus to retain high molecular weight (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan, which is important for its cholesterol-lowering effect, it is thus important to keep the mixing and fermentation time as short as possible when baking hull-less barley bread.  相似文献   

Bread-making with a composite flour (CF) consisting of 60% wheat flour (WF) and 40% hull-less barley flour, increased the total and soluble (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan and total arabinoxylan (AX) contents of dough and bread samples, but decreased the specific bread loaf volume. A xylanase insensitive to inhibition by Triticum aestivum L. xylanase inhibitor (TAXI) and xylanase inhibiting protein (XIP), increased loaf volume by 8.8 and 20.1% for WF and CF breads, respectively. Xylanase addition not only markedly improved loaf volume of CF bread, but also increased the soluble AX content of the WF and CF dough and bread samples because of conversion of water-unextractable AX into soluble AX. The xylanase had no impact on the extractability and molecular weight of (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan, but (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan was degraded during bread-making probably because of endogenous β-glucanase activity. Taken together, the results clearly show that the combined use of hull-less barley flour and a xylanase active during bread making, lead to palatable breads with high total and soluble AX and (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan contents. The sum of total AX and (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan was 1.70% for WF bread and 3.06% for CF bread, while the sum of soluble AX and (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan was 0.49 and 1.41% for control WF and CF xylanase supplemented breads, respectively.  相似文献   



Within semi-closed areas like the Mediterranean Sea, anthropic wastes tend to concentrate in the environment. Metals, in particular, are known to persist in the environment and can affect human health due to accumulation in the food chain. The seagrass Posidonia oceanica, widely found in Mediterranean coastal waters, has been chosen as a "sentinel" to quantify the distribution of such pollutants within the marine environment. Using a technique similar to dendrochronology in trees, it can act as an indicator of pollutant levels over a timeframe of several months to years. In the present study, we measured and compared the levels of eight trace metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, and Pb) in sheaths dated by lepidochronology and in leaves of shoots sampled from P. oceanica meadows collected from six offshore sites in northern Corsica between 1988 and 2004; in the aim to determine 1) the spatial and 2) temporal variations of these metals in these areas and 3) to compared these two types of tissues.  相似文献   

The introduction of a living cover crop during a cash crop growth cycle (relay intercropping) and its maintenance after the cash crop harvest may help to preserve biodiversity, increase soil organic matter content and carbon sequestration and provide other ecosystem services, such as natural pest regulation or nutrient recycling, by increasing useful biotic interactions within the agroecosystem. We studied the impact of various approaches to manage a red fescue cover crop in a winter wheat crop in terms of light, water and nitrogen competition, using the STICS crop model adapted for intercropping. The STICS model for wheat/fescue intercropping was first evaluated on two years of experimental data obtained in the field. It gave satisfactory statistical results for the prediction of dry matter, leaf area index (LAI) and nitrogen accumulation in the two species, and for nitrogen and water dynamics in the soil. By simulating unmeasured variables, such as transpiration, the model improves our understanding of the performance of the intercrop in the field. For example, we showed that the intercropping system was more efficient that wheat grown as a sole crop, in terms of nitrogen accumulation and decreasing soil nitrogen levels before the leaching period. However, it also resulted in lower wheat yields. We then used the STICS model to compare four intercropping management scenarios differing in terms of the date of red fescue emergence, over 35 climatic years. We found that, in most climatic scenarios, the emergence of the fescue crop during the late tillering phase of the wheat crop gave the best compromise between wheat yield overall nitrogen accumulation and radiation interception.  相似文献   

Establishing Kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum) in mixtures with grass species is challenging, because slow growth of clover seedlings results in low competitive ability. This study examined establishment success by altering time of seeding of the grass component to reduce competition with Kura clover seedlings. Two trials, one of Kura clover–meadow bromegrass (Bromus biebersteinii) and the other Kura clover–orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) mixtures were planted in Edmonton, Alberta. Grasses were seeded at the same time as the clover, or introduced when the clover reached one true leaf or three true leaves, in the autumn of the planting year or the following spring. Species composition varied significantly between treatments. When sown at the same time, Kura clover contributed 31 and 14% of yield in the establishment year when sown with meadow bromegrass and orchard grass, respectively. Delaying grass sowing until Kura clover had one or three leaves gave a higher percentage of Kura clover compared with planting at the same time. Autumn and spring grass sowing resulted in stands of 78 and 80% clover with meadow bromegrass, and 74 and 67% clover with orchardgrass. Altering the competitive advantage of the grass species to produce a more balanced mixture was successfully achieved by delaying seeding of the grass relative to Kura clover. A long interval before introducing the grass (autumn or following spring), was not successful as established Kura clover seedlings have an increased competitive ability.  相似文献   

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