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Direct-seeded rice systems are increasing in Asia as farmers respond to the high labor cost and shortage of water. Echinochloa crus-galli is one of the most problematic and competitive weeds in direct-seeded rice systems. Because of concerns about excessive herbicide use, there is an interest in developing cultural weed management strategies. However, the design of such strategies requires a better understanding of the weed response to crop density, nutrition, and water regime. A study was therefore conducted in pots to determine the effect of water (flooded and aerobic), nitrogen (N) fertilization (0, 100, and 200 kg N ha−1), and rice density [0, 4 rice plants (≈20 kg seed ha−1), and 16 rice plants (≈80 kg seed ha−1)] on the growth and reproduction of E. crus-galli. When grown alone, the growth and seed production of E. crus-galli were higher in flooded conditions than in aerobic conditions. However, no such differences were observed when E. crus-galli was grown with rice interference. E. crus-galli growth and seed production increased with increases in N rate. Irrespective of water regime and N rate, the growth and seed production of E. crus-galli declined with increases in rice density. At 100 kg N ha−1, for example, E. crus-galli shoot biomass and seed production decreased by 84–86% and 82–87%, respectively, when grown with 16 rice plants compared with its growth without rice interference. The results suggest that growth and seed production of E. crus-galli can be greatly reduced by increasing rice seeding rate. However, there is a need to involve other weed management strategies to achieve complete control of E. crus-galli and other weed species.  相似文献   

Retention and/or reincorporation of plant residues increases soil organic nitrogen (N) levels over the long-term is associated with increased crop yields. There is still uncertainty, however, about the interaction between crop residue (straw) retention and N fertilizer rates and sources. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of straw management (straw removed [SRem] and straw retained [SRet]), N fertilizer rate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha−1) and N source (urea and polymer-coated urea [called ESN]) under conventional tillage on seed yield, straw yield, total N uptake in seed + straw and N balance sheet. Field experiments with barley monoculture (1983-1996), and wheat/barley-canola-triticale-pea rotation (1997-2009) were conducted on two contrasting soil types (Gray Luvisol [Typic Haplocryalf] loam soil at Breton; Black Chernozem [Albic Argicryoll] silty clay loam at Ellerslie) in north-central Alberta, Canada. On the average, SRet produced greater seed yield (by 205-220 kg ha−1), straw yield (by 154-160 kg ha−1) and total N uptake in seed + straw (by 5.2 kg N ha−1) than SRem in almost all cases in both periods at Ellerslie, and only in the 1997-2009 period at Breton (by 102 kg seed ha−1, 196 kg straw ha−1 and by 3.7 kg N ha−1) for both N sources. There was generally a considerable increase in seed yield, straw yield and total N uptake in seed + straw from applied N up to 75 kg N ha−1 rate for both N sources at both sites and more so at Breton, but the response to applied N decreased with increasing N rate. The ESN was superior to urea in increasing seed yield (by 109 kg ha−1), straw yield (by 80 kg ha−1) and total N uptake in seed + straw (by 2.4 kg N ha−1) in the 1983-1996 period at Breton (mainly at the 25 and 50 kg N ha−1 rates). But, urea produced greater straw yield (by 95 kg ha−1) and total N uptake in seed + straw (by 3.3 kg N ha−1) than ESN in the 1983-1996 period at Ellerslie. The N balance sheets over the 1983-2009 study duration indicated large amounts of applied N unaccounted for (ranged from 740 to 1518 kg N ha−1 at Breton and from 696 to 1334 kg N ha−1 at Ellerslie), suggesting a great potential for N loss from the soil-plant system through denitrification and/or nitrate leaching, and from the soil mineral N pool by N immobilization. In conclusion, the findings suggest that long-term retention of crop residue may gradually improve soil productivity. The effectiveness of N source varied with soil type.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of rice straw management and application of different types of organic fertilizer on growth and yield of dry direct-seeded rice grown under rainfed conditions. The experiment was conducted in a farmer’s field at Muang Yai village, Khon Kaen province in 2005. A split-plot design was used, with the main plot under rice straw management (incorporating into the soil and burning), and sub-plots by type of organic fertilizer (green manure, cattle manure and powder organic fertilizer) and one plot under no-fertilizer application. It was found that rice straw incorporated into the soil had no significant effect on grain yield when compared with the effect of burning. Organic fertilizer of cattle manure and powder organic fertilizer significantly increased grain yield over that of green manure and no-fertilizer application. This paper is listed as a series of articles of the special issue “Water and Food” 6(1), March 2008.  相似文献   

A large proportion of rainfed lowland rice in Southeast Asia is grown in gently sloping areas along toposequences with differences in elevation of a few meters. These small differences in elevation can lead to differentiation in soil properties and hydrological conditions, which in turn may affect crop performance and yield. It may be appropriate to replace blanket crop management recommendations in rainfed areas with toposequence-specific management recommendations. However, thorough statistical analyses of the relationships between toposequence position and field and crop conditions are lacking. In this paper, we statistically analysed the effect of toposequence position on soil properties, hydrological conditions, yield, and yield increase due to weed control and/or fertilizer management in rainfed areas in four villages in Indonesia and Thailand each in 2000–2002.  相似文献   

Production gaps exist in vegetable crops at the farm level in inland and coastal regions of Bangladesh and these gaps could be minimized using different innovative/new agricultural technologies and improved crop management practices. The present study was conducted to compare yield, yield components of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), and income of smallholder vegetable farmers within different innovative technology practices (with plastic mulch and indigenous microorganism (IMO) vs. without plastic mulch and IMO) at Baliakandi, Rajbari (inland region); and Dashmina, Patuakhali; and Charfession, Bhola (coastal region) in Bangladesh. Yield and gross margins of cauliflower and tomato with plastic mulch and IMO were higher compared with no plastic mulch and no IMO, regardless of location. At Baliakandi, Rajbari, cauliflower yield with plastic mulch was 42.5 t ha–1, which was a 24.3% improvement over cauliflower yield obtained without plastic mulch (34.2 t ha–1). At Charfession, Bhola, the highest yield of tomato (57.6 t ha–1) was obtained with IMO compared with tomato yield (49.2 t ha–1) without IMO, indicating a 17.1% improvement in yield. Similar trends were obtained at Dashmina, Patuakhali. The difference in gross margin between tomato with and without plastic mulch was US$ 1146 ha–1 at Dashmina, Patuakhali. Similar trends were obtained in other locations. Innovative agricultural technologies have the potential to increase yield and income of smallholder vegetable farmers in inland and coastal regions of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

麦茬旱稻不同播量对产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年在沂水、费县以早稻65为材料进行了6个播种量处理的试验。结果表明.随着播量的增加。群体逐渐增大.穗数明显提高。合理的播量。形成了适宜的群体结构.光能利用率提高,光合产物增加.最终产量较高。试验认为以播量75~90kg/hm。较适宜。  相似文献   

Crop yield losses due to weeds can be described by empirical models. The objective of this study was to compare empirical models to predict interference by a mixed population of Echinochloa colona and E. crusgalli. in irrigated rice. Three experiments, one under field conditions and two under greenhouse conditions, were set up during the growing season of 2005/2006. The treatments tested in the field were 6 rice cultivars: BRS Atalanta, IRGA 421, IRGA 416, IRGA 417, Avaxi; and BRS Fronteira and 10 Echinochloa spp. densities, naturally present in the soil seedbank under field conditions. The variables soil cover, shoot dry weight of the Echinochloa spp. and their relative mass were evaluated in relation to the rice cultivars. The greenhouse experiments were carried out both in monoculture and replacement series to evaluate shoot dry mass and leaf area production, both for the crop and the weed species. The data obtained for the variables were analysed using linear and non-linear regression models. The fitting of the data to the empirical models varied as a function of the rice cultivars and variables tested. Among the models describing crop yield loss as a function of the evaluated variables, the single-parameter empirical model presented a better prediction than the two-parameter model. For the two-parameter models, yield loss estimation was obtained by the evaluated variable. In general, shoot dry mass of the weed was a better predictor of irrigated rice yield loss than soil cover.  相似文献   

Farmers' participatory field trials were conducted at Madhuban, and Taraori, the two participatory experimental sites/locations of the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA), a collaborative project of IRRI and CIMMYT in Karnal district of Haryana, India, during Kharif (wet season) 2010 and 2011. This research aimed to evaluate preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) herbicides for providing feasible and economically viable weed management options to farmers for predominant scented rice varieties. Treatments with pendimethalin PRE fb bispyribac-sodium + azimsulfuron POST had lower weed biomass at 45 days after sowing (DAS). At Madhuban, highest grain yield of scented basmati rice (3.43 t ha−1) was recorded with the sequential application of pendimethalin PRE fb bispyribac-sodium + azimsulfuron POST. However, at Taraori, yields were similar with pendimethalin or oxadiargyl PRE fb bispyribac-sodium and/or azimsulfuron POST. Applying oxadiargyl by mixing with sand onto flooded field was less effective than spray applications in non-flooded field. The benefit-cost ratio of rice crop was higher with herbicide treatments at both sites as compared with the non-treated weed-free check except single PRE and POST applications and sequential application of oxadiargyl PRE fb oxadiargyl PRE. In a separate experiment conducted at Nagla and Taraori sites, scented rice cultivars' ('CSR 30′ and 'Pusa 1121′) tolerance to three rates of azimsulfuron (15, 25, and 35 g ai ha−1) was evaluated over two years (2010 and 2011). CSR 30 (superfine, scented) was more sensitive to higher rates (35 g ai ha−1) of azimsulfuron as compared to Pusa 1121 (fine, scented). Crop injuries were 8 and 28% in case of CSR 30; 5 and 15% in Pusa 1121 when applied with azimsulfuron 25 and 35 g ai ha−1, respectively. Azimsulfuron applied at 35 g ai ha−1 reduced yield in both cultivars but in CSR 30 yield reduction was twofold (11.5%) as that of Pusa 1121 (5.2%).  相似文献   

In India, dry-seeded rice (DSR) production systems are rapidly replacing conventional rice production systems due to various advantages. DSR systems can be managed under zero-till (ZT) conditions or after a preparatory tillage, often referred to as conventional tillage systems (CONT). Although previous reports indicate the contribution of tillage to weed suppression, the effect of one-time preparatory tillage in a DSR system could vary depending on the dominant weeds in the system, vertical seed distribution and the weed seed dynamics. A study was conducted to test the efficacy of ZT and CONT and their interaction with herbicide treatments on the weed population dynamics and rice grain yield in 2010 and 2011. Tillage systems did not affect weed emergence, weed biomass, tiller production and crop yield. However, herbicide treatments varied in their efficacy on individual weeds. Hand-weeding treatments and pendimethalin combined with hand weeding did not effectively control Cyperus rotundus L. and Panicum maximum Jacq. (a perennial grass weed with underground parts). The herbicide combination of metsulfuron and chlorimuron was effective in controlling C. rotundus but not grass weeds. This indicates the need for sequential applications of herbicides for grass weed control or integration of hand weeding to achieve broad-spectrum weed control. Apart from hand weeding (three times), treatment with penoxsulam–cyhalofop and pendimethalin followed by (fb) hand weeding resulted in low weed density, high tiller production and grain yield. The study clearly indicates that tillage does not always lead to weed suppression compared with ZT, and herbicides must be chosen based on the dominant weeds in a system. The results of this study are pertinent as herbicide-resistant weeds are rapidly evolving under continuous herbicide selection pressure, which warrants studies on enhancing productivity through low-input, environmentally friendly and sustainable production technology.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of trifluralin, pronamide, haloxyfop-p methyl, propaquizafop and isoxaben on weed control and oilseed rape yield, a two year field experiment was conducted at Darab, Iran, during 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 growing seasons. Herbicides reduced weed biomass compared with the weedy check. In 2004–2005, at 16 WAP (weeks after planting), application of trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben at 1200 + 200 + 250 g a.i./ha and trifluralin plus haloxyfop-p methyl plus isoxaben at 1200 + 100 + 500 g a.i./ha provided best control (80%) of wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.), compared to other treatments. At 8 and 16 WAP, wild mustard control decreased to 47 and 42%, respectively, when trifluralin was applied alone at 1400 g a.i./ha. In 2005–2006 at 16 WAP, maximum reduction in wild mustard biomass (82%) was achieved with trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben at 1200 + 200 + 250 g a.i./ha. In both years, all herbicide treatments controlled fumitory (Fumaria officinalis L.) 64–96%. In 2004–2005, at 16 WAP, wild oat (Avena fatua L.) biomass reduction by trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben at 1200 + 200 + 250 g a.i./ha was 95%. In 2005–2006, at 8 and 16 WAP, minimum biomass reduction of wild oat (37–53%) was observed with trifluralin at 1200 and 1400 g a.i./ha. In both years, at 8 and 16 WAP, the most effective herbicide treatments were trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben and trifluralin plus haloxyfop-p methyl plus isoxaben regardless of the dose applied and provided maximum reduction in total weed biomass (77–89%) compared to other treatments. Results of both years showed that all herbicide treatments increased oilseed rape grain yield as compared with the weedy check but percentage of oil was not affected by various herbicide treatments. Maximum grain yield was obtained with trifluralin plus haloxyfop-p methyl plus isoxaben at 1200 + 100 + 500 g a.i./ha.  相似文献   

种衣剂拌种和地膜覆盖对花生成苗与产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
种衣剂拌种和出苗期盖膜均能明显提高花生成苗率、百果重和荚果产量等,二者具有一定的正向互作效应。在酸性红壤条件下,出苗期盖膜与全生育期盖膜处理比较.单株饱果数、百果重、百仁重等性状值均较高,花生增产15.8%。  相似文献   

Field and pot studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of seven rice establishment techniques {puddling transplanting (PT), no tillage transplanting (NTT), puddling drum wet seeding (PDWS), no tillage drum wet seeding (NTDWS), conventional tillage dry drilling (CTDD), furrow irrigated raised beds system dry drilling (FIRBSDD), and no-tillage dry-drilling (NTDD)} and water submergence stress on weeds and rice yield. The highest yield and least weed abundance were in the PT treatment. The direct seeded rice (DSR), both dry and wet exhibited severe weed infestation, and compared to transplanting showed reduced yield both in the presence and absence of weeds. The yield losses due to weeds in the DSR treatments ranged from 91.4 to 99.0%, compared to 16.0 and 42.0% in the transplanting treatments (PT and NTT). Weeds, including Cyperus rotundus L., Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd., Digera arvensis Forsk., Phyllanthus niruri L., and Trianthema portulacastrum L. which were found in the un-puddled DSR treatments were absent in the puddled plots, particularly the PT treatments. In pot studies, continuous water-submergence (2.5 cm) for 20 days reduced the emergence of C. rotundus, D. aegyptium, T. portulacastrum, and Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. by 99.4, 100, 100, and 24.4%, respectively, compared to alternate wetting–drying. In farmer's field studies, when compared to the PT treatments, the DSR treatments exhibited lower yields (15.8%) with coarse varieties (HKR-47 & IR-64), but fine cultivars (Sharbati & PB-1) exhibited similar yields under both systems. In view of the shortage of labour for manual transplanting, there is a need to develop suitable cultivars for aerobic system conditions (unpuddled DSR and NT machine-transplanting).  相似文献   

周雪峰  蒋鹏  谢小兵  邹应斌 《作物研究》2013,27(2):108-112,138
于2009~2011年,在湖南长沙进行双季稻不同栽培方式("三定"栽培、免耕摆栽、传统栽培)定位试验,研究了双季稻不同栽培方式对冬闲期稻田杂草生长及土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明:与传统栽培相比,"三定"栽培和免耕摆栽方式下冬闲期杂草的密度、单株干重和单位面积生物量以及土壤表层(0~5cm)的碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量均较高。其中,冬闲期杂草单位面积生物量、单株干重、单位面积密度与土壤表层碱解氮含量呈显著正相关关系,说明冬闲期杂草在双季稻稻田土壤养分循环中起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of twice harvesting of forage rice with the first harvest at the full heading stage on total dry matter yield in the cultivars Taporuri, Mohretsu, and Hinohikari and in line Saikaishi 253 in southwestern Japan. Taporuri produced the highest total dry matter yield, with a value 60% higher than that of Hinohikari. The first crop of Taporuri had a longer duration of vegetative growth than those of Mohretsu and Hinohikari, and had the highest dry matter yield because of its greater weight per tiller than Hinohikari and its more tillers per square meter than Saikaishi 253, which had a similar duration of vegetative growth. The second crops of Mohretsu, Taporuri, and Saikaishi 253 had longer vegetative growth and higher dry matter yields than Hinohikari. Dry matter yields of both crops were closely related to the duration of vegetative growth and the weight per tiller, but not to tillers per square meter. These results suggest that cultivars with a long duration of vegetative growth, high weight per tiller, and adequate tillers per square meter can produce high dry matter yield in both crops. There was a significant interaction (P < 0.05) in total dry matter yield between cultivar or line and cultivation type. The total dry matter yield of Taporuri in twice harvesting was about 10% higher than that in once harvesting, whereas that of Hinohikari was about 10% lower. The suitability for twice harvesting ([total dry matter yield in twice harvesting]/[total dry matter yield in once harvesting]) was significantly positively correlated (r = 0.875) with the increase in dry weight before the full heading stage, but significantly negatively correlated (r = −0.903) with the increase in dry weight between full heading and the yellow ripe stage. Thus, cultivars with a high increase in dry weight before full heading appear to be more suitable for twice harvesting than those with a high increase between full heading and the yellow ripe stage. In addition, our study showed that twice harvesting can prevent lodging in Taporuri, thereby increasing the suitability of this cultivar as a forage rice. Our results suggest that twice harvesting can be performed in southwestern Japan and warmer regions.  相似文献   

Nie  Tangzhe  Chen  Peng  Zhang  Zhongxue  Qi  Zhijuan  Zhao  Jian  Jiang  Lili  Lin  Yanyu 《Paddy and Water Environment》2020,18(1):111-120
Paddy and Water Environment - Irrigation methods and rice straw incorporation (RSI) are two major factors influencing CH4 emissions from paddy fields. However, their effects have never been studied...  相似文献   

以杂交稻F优498为材料,研究了高、低土壤肥力下麦秆覆盖与氮肥运筹对杂交稻主要生育期氮素吸收利用特征、产量及米质的影响,并探讨了不同土壤肥力下麦秆覆盖和氮肥运筹对结实期剑叶SPAD值与稻米品质的形成的影响。结果表明,不同土壤肥力下,麦秆覆盖均有效促进杂交稻各生育时期氮素积累,提高了氮素利用效率以及稻谷产量,增加了稻米蛋白质含量、稻米胶稠度,显著降低了稻米垩白度以及垩白粒率,且高土壤肥力下麦秆覆盖优于低土壤肥力下麦秆覆盖处理。同时,不同土壤肥力下麦秆覆盖处理,均以m基肥∶m蘖肥∶m穗肥为3∶3∶4的氮肥运筹模式最优,均能有效调节水稻灌浆结实期叶片SPAD值,提高水稻氮素吸收利用效率及稻谷产量;但稻米品质方面,高土壤肥力以m基肥∶m蘖肥∶m穗肥为5∶3∶2时最佳;而低土壤肥力可适当提高氮肥后移比例,以m基肥∶m蘖肥∶m穗肥=3∶3∶4最佳。相关分析表明,水稻灌浆期剑叶SPAD值与稻米出糙率、整精米率以及蛋白质含量显著或极显著正相关(r=0.47*~0.90**);与垩百度、垩白粒率负相关,但相关未达显著水平;而高土壤肥力下稻米品质各项指标分别与齐穗后19~27d剑叶SPAD值,低土壤肥力下麦秆覆盖与齐穗后13~19d剑叶SPAD值相关系数最大。  相似文献   

The Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain) is one of the largest wetland areas in the Mediterranean with 65% of its area occupied by rice fields. Because of the crucial role of rice fields in biodiversity and the regional economy, it is essential to find an optimum equilibrium between wetland conservation and rice productivity. The environmental and agronomic effects of three cropping systems with different degrees of farming intensity (organic, agri-environmental scheme and conventional) were assessed. The three cropping systems mainly differed in the use of agrochemicals, type of fertilizer and winter flooding. A 3-year field study was conducted in which agronomic performance and diversity and dynamics of macrophyte community in rice fields were assessed. Agri-environmental system yielded the same as the conventional one, whereas organic system significantly reduced grain yield. Biomass of weeds and macrophytes was the main contributor to yield decline. Both organic and agri-environmental systems, through winter flooding, promote the ecological succession and temporal heterogeneity of the macrophyte community in rice fields, whereas less impact on macrophyte diversity was observed. Filamentous algae were the most abundant group irrespective of the cropping system, followed by Chara vulgaris, Najas minor and Lemna minor in conventional, organic and agri-environmental systems, respectively. The environmental and agronomic benefits of winter flooding are discussed along with the current limitations of organic farming and suggested measures to make it agronomically feasible. This discussion is done under an integrative approach in which the agri-environmental legislation for the last 20 years is examined.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of cultivar (Taporuri, Mohretsu, Tachiaoba, and Hinohikari) on estimated total digestible nutrient (TDN) yield of forage rice in double harvesting. The total estimated whole-plant TDN yield (i.e., of the first crop plus second crop) of Taporuri was the highest in double harvesting. In the first crop, the estimated whole-plant TDN yield of Taporuri was the highest. In the second crop, the estimated whole-plant TDN yield of Taporuri was almost the same as those of Mohretsu and Tachiaoba but higher than that of Hinohikari. We also examined the effects of cultivation method (double harvesting or single harvesting) on estimated TDN yield of forage rice. In Taporuri and Mohretsu, the total estimated whole-plant TDN yield was similar in double harvesting and single harvesting. However, in Tachiaoba and Hinohikari, it was lower in double harvesting than in single harvesting. It is important to maximize the amount of nutrition in leaf and stem rather than panicle because the grain is not digested well by cattle. In the double harvesting, the total estimated leaf blade (leaf) TDN yield of Taporuri was higher than that of Hinohikari and almost the same as those of Tachiaoba and Mohretsu. The total estimated leaf sheath plus stem (stem) TDN yield of Taporuri was the highest. In comparison of the total TDN yield of double harvesting with that of single harvesting, the total estimated leaf and stem TDN yields were higher in double harvesting than in single harvesting in all cultivars except for Hinohikari. Thus, double harvesting of Taporuri is an effective way of reducing the overall loss of nutrition from the crop.  相似文献   

百草枯的控草效果及对光照和油菜产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为明确百草枯在免耕油菜田的应用前景,建立免耕油菜田的杂草管理体系,研究了百草枯对免耕油菜田杂草的控制作用及该药剂对田间光照和油菜产量的影响.结果表明,百草枯对免耕油菜田杂草具有较好的防除效果,药后第5d的总体防效在98.50%~99.49%之间,药效随时间的延长略有下降,160d内的控草效果仍可达85%以上.百草枯对田间主要杂草看麦娘(Alopecurus aequalis)、牛繁缕(Malachium aquaticum)及菵草(Beckmannia syzigachne)的防除效果较好,对通泉草(Mazusjaponicus)的效果较差.使用百草枯能显著提高油菜田间的透光率,随着用药量的增加,透光率逐渐上升.百草枯的施用对油菜株高、千粒重没有显著影响,但对油菜第一分枝高度、单株分枝数、角果数影响较大,能显著提高油菜产量.  相似文献   

为明确不同肥料种类及其相互配合追施提高花生产量的效应,确定适宜的追施肥料种类和配施方式,为花生科学施肥提供理论依据。在大田覆膜滴灌条件下,于花针期设置追施氮、钙、硼肥及其相互配施处理,研究了不同处理对花生生长和产量的影响。结果表明,与单独追施氮、硼、钙肥相比,三种肥料配合施用后单株果针数、结果数和荚果干重分别增加了18.61%~24.0%,12.50%~23.00%和12.13%~21.60%,进而提高了产量,且氮、钙和硼肥配合施用促进了花生的地上部干重、主茎高和分枝数,有利于各器官干物质积累,故以花针期追施一定比例的氮硼钙肥或氮钙肥能够有效促进花生营养生长并提高产量。  相似文献   

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