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In situ length and width of both testes and body weight were recorded on 40 Chester White, 60 Landrace, 60 Large White and 62 Yorkshire boars born in the spring and on 57 Duroc, 54 Hampshire, 57 Pietrain and 50 Spot boars born in the fall. Testicular biopsies on one-half of the boars in each breed group were evaluated for percentage of tubules with complete spermatogenesis and for diameter of tubules. Testicular volume of both testes was estimated at 98 and 154 d of age and 36 and 81 kg. Breed effects were significant for all testicular traits except testicular volume at 36 kg in the spring farrowing and testicular volume at 98 d of age in the fall farrowing. The estimate of heritability for testicular volume was low at 98 d of age (.12 +/- .14) but large at 154 d of age (.55 +/- .12). Heritability estimates for testicular volume were lower at constant weights (.11 +/- .14 and .14 +/- .12) than at constant ages (.12 and .55). Heritability estimates for traits measured by biopsy were moderate to large (.22 +/- .22 to .78 +/- .18). Phenotypic correlations of in situ testicular volume with traits measured by biopsy were moderate and positive when estimated within a breed (.16 to .52). Genetic correlations of testicular volume at constant ages and weights with traits measured by biopsy were moderate to large and positive (.58 to greater than 1.0); similar correlations among bred means were quite variable (-.35 to .91). Selection for increased testicular volume would not be antagonistic to selection goals for growth and backfat. However, selection for improvement in traits measured by biopsy may result in undesirable changes in growth rate and backfat probe. Genetic correlations of testicular traits with age at puberty and litter size of females were not consistent in magnitude or sign between the two estimation procedures.  相似文献   

No significant relationship (p greater than 0.05) was found between age at puberty in heifers and the age and scrotal circumference at puberty in related bulls. There was a significant effect (p less than 0.01) of genotype and sire on age at puberty of heifers and a significant effect (p less than 0.05) of genotype on weight at puberty in heifers. There was a significant effect of genotype on age (p less than 0.01) and weight (p less than 0.05) at puberty of bulls. A significant difference (p less than 0.05) in age at puberty of bulls was found between the 2 methods of assessing puberty. It is possible that the assessment of puberty of heifers at 2-month intervals may not have been precise enough to detect such a relationship and/or that the variation in genotypes and ages in this study were too great to establish such a relationship.  相似文献   

Records for yearling scrotal circumference (SC; n = 7,580), age at puberty in heifers (AP; n = 5,292), age at first calving (AFC; n = 4,835), and pregnancy, calving, or weaning status following the first breeding season (PR1, CR1, or WR1, respectively; n = 7,003) from 12 Bos taurus breeds collected at the Meat Animal Research Center (USDA) between 1978 and 1991 were used to estimate genetic parameters. Age at puberty (AP) was defined as age in days at first detected ovulatory estrus. Pregnancy (calving or weaning) status was scored as one for females conceiving (calving or weaning) given exposure during the breeding season and as zero otherwise. The final model for SC included fixed effects of age of dam at breeding (AD), year of breeding (Y), and breed (B) and age in days at measurement as a covariate. Fixed effects in models for AP and AFC were AD, Y, B, and month of birth. Fixed effects in models for PR1, CR1, and WR1 included AD, Y, and B. For all traits, random effects in the model were direct genetic, maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental, and residual. Analyses for a three-trait animal model were carried out with SC, AP, and a third trait (the third trait was AFC, PR1, CR1, or WR1). A derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood algorithm was used to estimate the (co)variance components. Direct and maternal heritability estimates were 0.41 and 0.05 for SC; 0.16 and 0.03 for AP; 0.08 and 0.00 for AFC; 0.14 and 0.02 for PR1; 0.14 and 0.03 for CR1; and 0.12 and 0.01 for WR1. Genetic correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects within trait were -0.26, -0.63, -0.91, -0.79, -0.66, and -0.85 for SC, AP, AFC, PR1, CR1, and WR1, respectively. Direct genetic correlations between SC and AP and between those traits and AFC, PR1, CR1, and WR1 ranged from -0.15 (between SC and AP) to 0.23 (between AP and WR1). Estimates of heritability indicate that yearling SC should respond to direct selection better than AP, AFC, PR1, CR1, and WR1. Variation due to maternal genetic effects was small for all traits. No strong genetic correlations were detected between SC and female reproductive traits or between AP and the other female traits. These results suggest that genetic response in female reproductive traits through sire selection on yearling SC is not expected to be effective.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for feed efficiency traits of 740 Wagyu bulls and growth and carcass traits of 591 of their progeny, and the genetic relationship between the traits of bulls and their progeny were estimated with the residual maximum likelihood procedure. The estimations were made for the test periods of 140 days (77 bulls), 112 days (663 bulls) and 364 days (591 steer progeny). Feed efficiency traits of bulls included feed conversion ratio (FCR), phenotypic residual feed intake (RFIphe) and genetic residual feed intake (RFIgen). Progeny traits were bodyweight at the start of the test (BWS), bodyweight at finish (BWF), average daily gain (ADG), rib eye area (REA), marbling score (MSR), dressing percentage (DRS) and subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT). The estimated heritability for MSR (0.52) was high and for BWS (0.35), BWF (0.40) and ADG (0.30) were moderate, whereas REA, DRS and SFT were low. Positive genetic correlations among BWS, BWF, ADG and SFT and negative genetic correlations between MSR and DRS and between REA and SFT were found. The genetic correlations between residual feed intake (RFIphe and RFIgen) of bulls and bodyweights (BWS and BWF) of their progeny ranged from ?0.27 to ?0.61. Residual feed intake was positively correlated with REA and DRS and negatively correlated with MSR and SFT. No responses in ADG and weakly correlated responses in REA and DRS of progeny were found to select against feed efficiency traits of bulls. The present experiment provides evidence that selection against lower RFI (higher feed efficiency) would be better than selection against lower FCR for getting better correlated responses in bodyweights.  相似文献   

Background: Beef cattle breeding programs in Brazil have placed greater emphasis on the genomic study of reproductive traits of males and females due to their economic importance. In this study, genome-wide associations were assessed for scrotal circumference at 210 d of age, scrotal circumference at 420 d of age, age at first calving, and age at second calving, in Canchim beef cattle. Data quality control was conducted resulting in 672,778 SNPs and 392 animals.Results: Associated SNPs were observed for scrotal circumference at 420 d of age(435 SNPs), followed by scrotal circumference at 210 d of age(12 SNPs), age at first calving(six SNPs), and age at second calving(four SNPs). We investigated whether significant SNPs were within genic or surrounding regions. Biological processes of genes were associated with immune system, multicellular organismal process, response to stimulus, apoptotic process, cellular component organization or biogenesis, biological adhesion, and reproduction.Conclusions: Few associations were observed for scrotal circumference at 210 d of age, age at first calving, and age at second calving, reinforcing their polygenic inheritance and the complexity of understanding the genetic architecture of reproductive traits. Finding many associations for scrotal circumference at 420 d of age in various regions of the Canchim genome also reveals the difficulty of targeting specific candidate genes that could act on fertility; nonetheless,the high linkage disequilibrium between loci herein estimated could aid to overcome this issue. Therefore, al relevant information about genomic regions influencing reproductive traits may contribute to target candidate genes for further investigation of causal mutations and aid in future genomic studies in Canchim cattle to improve the breeding program.  相似文献   

Data from 528 male and 645 female progeny of 63 sires were used to estimate genetic correlations between female and male reproductive traits. Data were from two Hereford herds involved in a long-term selection program of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Service. Testicular measurements of circumference, diameter, length and volume were obtained on bulls at 205 and 365 d. Testicular growth measures were defined as differences between 205-and 365-d measurements. Heifers were placed in the breeding herd as yearlings and given two breeding seasons to produce a calf. Traits utilized from females were three age-at-first-breeding traits, two age-at-first-calving traits, two pregnancy rate traits, rebreeding interval and calving interval. Genetic correlations were estimated from half-sib and from sire-daughter analyses. Seventy-five percent or more of the correlations of testicular measurements with pregnancy rats, age at first breeding and age at first calving were in the favorable direction. Average correlations were .62, -.55 and -.66, respectively. For each of the remaining female traits, approximately 50% of the correlations were favorable and the average correlations were small. Correlations were summarized by testicular measurement with favorable correlations given a negative sign. Testicular diameter had more favorable correlations (80%) than length, volume or circumference (70%). However, average correlations were similar (-.31, -.30, -.34 and -.26, respectively). Testicular measurements taken at either 205 or 365 d had the same percentage of favorable correlations (72%), while testicular growth measurements had a slightly higher percentage of favorable correlations (78%). Average correlations of 365-d measures were higher (-.38) than either 205-d or growth measures (-.25 and -.28, respectively). Heritabilities for testicular measurements tended to be moderate to high, while those for female reproduction tended to be low to moderate. These results suggest that selection for increased testicular size would lead to improvement in female reproduction, particularly an increase in calving rate and a decrease in age at first breeding.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between three leptin gene polymorphisms, and indices of reproductive performance--age at first calving, days open, calving interval, number of inseminations per conception, and gestation length in Jersey cattle. A total of 219 cows were tested for the R4C, A59V and C(-963)T mutations using the PCR-RFLP technique. The following allele frequencies were found: R4C--0.80 (C) and 0.20 (T), A59V--0.67 (C) and 0.33 (T), C(-963)T--0.83 (C) and 0.17 (T). The statistically significant correlation (P < or = 0.05) was found only for the A59V mutation. Cows with the TT genotype were characterized by shorter calving interval and time of days open than animals with CT and CC genotype. Also, the number of inseminations per conception was lower in A59V--TT homozygotes compared with two other genotypes. The association analysis did not reveal any significant correlations for both R4C and C(-963)T polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits of purebred and crossbred pigs produced in a four-breed diallel mating system using the Duroc, Landrace, Spotted and Yorkshire breeds were collected for five consecutive farrowing seasons (two farrowing seasons/year) beginning in fall 1976. Paternal half-sib heritabilities and genetic correlations for testicular traits (120 boars from 36 sires), serum testosterone (TE) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations before and after treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH; 131 boars from 37 sires) and breeding performance traits (151 boars from 38 sires) were estimated. Heritability estimates were generally small to moderate except for sperm/gram testis (SGT), LH concentrations before (LHO) and at 3 h (LH3) after treatment with GnRH (.73 +/- .48, .61 +/- .46 and 1.19 +/- .45, respectively). A large positive genetic correlation was found for LHO with LH3 (.94 +/- .39), while a negative relationship existed for LH3 with TE concentrations at 3 h after GnRH injection. The genetic correlation between a boar's average first service conception rate and average conception rate also was significant (.82 +/- .54). Genetic correlations among littermate traits would suggest that selection for decreased age at puberty in gilts could cause an increase in LH concentrations in boar offspring, before and after GnRH injection, and may also have adverse effects on their ability to settle females. Selection for increased weight at puberty of gilts could cause TE concentrations of boar offspring to increase while having little effect on their breeding performance.  相似文献   

Golden hamsters were selected for large (high selection direction: H) and small (low selection direction: L) testis size, as measured in live males at age 13 weeks over six generations. The selection response and correlated responses in female reproductive traits were evaluated in terms of the divergence between H and L lines for testis size. In males, the differences in testis size at 13 weeks, testis weight at 19 weeks, and body weight at 13 and 19 weeks were significant at the 1% level from generation 1 onward. The realized heritability of testis size, as estimated from regression of the selection responses on effective selection differentials, was 0.29. This was similar to the heritability estimated by using the multiple‐trait animal model restricted maximum likelihood (0.30). In females, significant differences in ovulation rate at the 5% level were detected in generations 5 and 6. Litter size 1 day after birth also diverged between the H and L lines, but the difference was not consistently significant. The realized genetic correlation between testis size and ovulation rate was 0.67.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for carcass traits of 1774 field progeny (1281 steers and 493 heifers), and their genetic relationships with feed efficiency traits of their sire population (740 bulls) were estimated with REML. Feed efficiency traits included feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI). RFI was calculated by the residual of phenotypic (RFIphe) and genetic (RFIgen) regression from the multivariate analysis of feed intake on metabolic weight and daily gain. Progeny traits were carcass weight (CWT), rib eye area (REA), rib thickness (RBT), subcutaneous fat, yield estimate (YEM), marbling score (MSR), meat quality grade, meat color, fat color, meat firmness and meat texture. The estimated heritability for CWT (0.70) was high and heritabilities for all the other traits were moderate (ranged from 0.32 to 0.47), except for meat and fat color and meat texture which were low (ranged from 0.02 to 0.25). The high genetic correlation (0.62) between YEM and MSR suggests that simultaneous improvement of high carcass yield and beef marbling is possible. Estimated genetic correlations of RFI (RFIphe and RFIgen) of sires with CWT (− 0.60 and − 0.53) and MSR (− 0.62 and − 0.50) of their progeny were favorably negative indicating that the selection against RFI of sires may have contributed to produce heavier carcass and increase in beef marbling. The correlated responses in CWT, REA and RBT of progeny were higher to selection against RFI than those to selection against FCR of sires. This study provides evidence that selection against RFI is preferred over selection against FCR in sire population for getting better correlated responses in carcass traits of their progeny.  相似文献   

Luteinising hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) share a common receptor in gonadal cells. The receptors have also been detected in several nongonadal but reproduction-associated tissues of pigs, cattle, and other species including the uterus (myometrium, endometrium), oviduct, cervix, blood vessels, mammary gland and other tissues. The main role of LH/hCG receptors in the myometrium is stimulation of growth and hyperplasia, and relaxation of uterine motility; hCG also boosts blood flow in the uterine artery. LH and hCG can increase production of prostaglandins in the endometrium, oviduct, and blood vessels. We suggest that the preovulatory surge of LH plays an important role in controlling oviductal contractions. Awareness of LH binding to many tissues of the female reproductive tract and integration with embryonic factors may lead to the elaboration of new strategies for improved reproductive efficiency in domestic species. Mammary glands also possess LH/hCG receptors through which gonadotropins can affect the metabolism of steroid hormones and could play an inhibitory role in mammary carcinogenesis and in the growth of breast tumours. A novel approach to target and ablate carcinoma cells through LH receptors is described.  相似文献   

A multigeneration crossbred Meishan-White composite resource population was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for age at first estrus (AP) and the components of litter size: ovulation rate (OR; number of ova released in an estrous period) and uterine capacity (UC). The population was established by reciprocally mating Meishan (ME) and White composite (WC) pigs. Resultant F1 females were mated to either ME or WC boars to produce backcross progeny (BC) of either 3/4 WC 1/4 ME or 1/4 WC 3/4 ME. To produce the next generation (F3), 3/4 WC 1/4 ME animals were mated to 1/4 WC 3/4 ME animals yielding half-blood (1/2 WC 1/2 ME) progeny. A final generation (F4) was produced by inter se mating F3 animals. Measurements for AP and OR were recorded on 101 BC, 389 F3, and 110 F4 gilts, and UC data were from 101 BC and 110 F4 first parity litters. A genomic scan was conducted with markers (n = 157) spaced approximately 20 cM apart. All parental, F1, BC, and F4 animals but only 84 F3 animals were genotyped and included in this study. The QTL analysis fitted a QTL at 1-cM intervals throughout the genome, and QTL effects were tested using approximate genome-wide significance levels. For OR, a significant (E[false positive] < .05) QTL was detected on chromosome 8, suggestive (E[false positive] < 1.0) QTL were detected on chromosomes 3 and 10, and two additional regions were detected that may possess a QTL (E[false positive] < 2.0) on chromosomes 9 and 15. Two regions possessed suggestive evidence for QTL affecting AP on chromosomes 1 and 10, and one suggestive region on chromosome 8 was identified for UC. Further analyses of other populations of swine are necessary to determine the extent of allelic variation at the identified QTL.  相似文献   

The relationship between estrogen receptor (ESR) genotype and reproductive traits in a population of Yorkshire, Large White, and crossbred animals was studied. Reproductive tract and litter data were analyzed for associations with ESR genotype, parity, and breed. Forty-six Yorkshire, 31 Large White, and 70 crossbred females from the above population were mated to Hampshire boars and slaughtered at 75 d of gestation. Data collected included ovulation rate, uterine horn length, number of fetuses, fetal weight, uterine weight, number of mummies, fetal sex, fetal placement, fetal survival, and fetal space. Data were analyzed using a model that included the fixed effects of ESR genotype, breed, parity, and all significant two-way interactions. Litter data representing 212 litter records were analyzed in a model that included the fixed effects of ESR genotype of dam, parity, farrowing month, dam breed, sire breed, and all significant two-way interactions. The ESR genotype was significantly associated with the total litter weight of piglets born and total litter weight of piglets born alive. Dams with the AA genotype had significantly (P = 0.04) heavier litters at birth (14.44 +/- 0.36 kg) than dams with the BB genotype (13.43 +/- 0.47 kg). Ovulation rate was significantly (P < 0.05) different between animals of parity 1 (17.22 +/- 0.41) and parity > or = 3 (19.92 +/- 0.85). Significant breed effects were observed for fetal weight, with purebred Large White animals having a greater fetal weight per horn (3,909 +/- 114 g) than purebred Yorkshire animals (3,553 +/- 92 g). Notable, but nonsignificant, trends with respect to ESR genotype were also observed for number of piglets alive at weaning and total litter weight at weaning. The ESR gene is positively associated with several previously uninvestigated reproductive traits.  相似文献   

被子植物的繁殖性状在很大程度上被认为是通过传粉者介导的自然选择而进化.为了探究狼毒花性状的适应性,以天祝高寒退化草地狼毒为研究材料,通过检测其繁殖相关性状的选择差和选择梯度,探讨了该物种花表型的适应性及可能的选择机制.结果表明:单花序小花数和冠筒长具有显著的选择差和选择梯度(P<0.05),即受到正的定向选择作用;同时...  相似文献   

大白猪乳头数与繁殖性状的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Genetic parameters and trends in the average daily gain (ADG), backfat thickness (BF), loin muscle area (LMA), lean percentage (LP), and age at 90 kg (D90) were estimated for populations of Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. Additionally, the correlations between these production traits and litter traits were estimated. Litter traits included total born (TB) and number born alive (NBA). The data used for this study were obtained from eight farms during 1999 to 2016. Analyses were carried out with a multivariate animal model to estimate genetic parameters for production traits while bivariate analyses were performed to estimate the correlations between production and litter traits. The heritability estimates were 0.52 and 0.43 for ADG; 0.54 and 0.45 for BF; 0.25 and 0.26 for LMA; 0.54 and 0.48 for LP; and 0.56 and 0.46 for D90 in the Landrace and Yorkshire breeds, respectively. The ADG and D90 showed low genetic correlation with BF and LP. The LMA had ?0.40, ?0.32, 0.49, and 0.39 genetic correlations with ADG, BF, LP, and D90, respectively. Genetic correlations between production and litter traits were generally low, except for the correlations between LMA and TB (?0.23) in Landrace and ADG and TB (?0.16), ADG and NBA (?0.18), D90 and TB (0.19), and D90 and NBA (0.20) in Yorkshire. Genetic trends in production traits were all favorable except for LMA.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth and survival traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya and determine their relationship to milk production and fertility. Performance records of 5,681 animals were obtained from the National Sahiwal Stud and the traits considered were: birth weight (kilogrammes), weaning weight (kilogrammes), pre-weaning average daily gain (grammes per day), post-weaning average daily gain (grammes per day), yearling weight (kilogrammes), mature weight at 36 months (kilogrammes), pre-weaning survival rate (SR), post-weaning survival rate (PSR), lactation milk yield (kilogrammes), age at first calving (days), and calving interval (days). The data was analysed using univariate and bivariate animal model based on restricted maximum likelihood methods, incorporating all known pedigree relationship among animals. The additive direct effects were more pronounced than maternal genetic effects in early and in post-yearling growth performance. The additive genetic variance and heritabilities were low for SR and PSR. The correlation between direct additive genetic and maternal genetic effect were negative for pre-yearling traits. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among growth traits and between growth and milk yield were positive, whilst those between growth and fertility were weak and negative. Correlations between survival and growth were generally low and positive. The estimates obtained in this study provide the necessary technical parameters for evaluating alternative breeding programmes and selection schemes for sustainable improvement of Sahiwal cattle.  相似文献   

This work aims to estimate the genetic parameters of seminal and production traits in a paternal line of rabbits selected for ADG during the fattening period. The considered traits were male libido (Lib) defined as successful mounting of an artificial vagina; presence of urine (Ur) and calcium carbonate deposits (Ca) in the ejaculate; semen pH; individual sperm motility (IM); the suitability for AI of the ejaculate (Sui), which involves the subjective combination of several quality traits; the average ejaculate volume (Vol); sperm concentration (Conc); and the average sperm production per ejaculate (Prod = Vol × Conc). The genetic relationship between all of these traits with ADG is also provided. Male libido and seminal data came either from routine evaluations of the ejaculates in an AI center or from 2 experiments in which bucks from the same population were used. Two consecutive ejaculates per male and per week were collected, leaving 7 d within weekly collections. A linear tri-trait model was used to analyze Conc, Vol, and ADG, whereas linear and threshold-linear 2-trait models were used to analyze male libido and the remaining seminal traits with ADG. A Bayesian approach was adopted for inference. Approximately 38% of ejaculates were rejected for AI primarily due to low IM scores. Variables related to the quality of the ejaculate (Ur, Ca, pH, IM, Sui) and Lib were found to be lowly heritable (h(2) ranged from 0.04 to 0.11), but repeatable. This indicates performance of bucks for seminal quality traits and libido in AI centers would be more strongly affected by management practices rather than genetic selection. Semen production traits exhibited moderate values of h(2) (0.22, 0.27, and 0.23 for Conc, Vol, and Prod, respectively), suggesting the possibility of effective selection for these traits. A moderate to high negative genetic correlation (r(g); posterior mean; highest posterior density at 95%, HPD(95%)) was estimated between Conc and Vol (-0.53, HPD(95%) = -0.76, -0.27). The ADG was estimated to have an h(2) of 0.16, to have a low, positive r(g) with Conc (0.21, HPD(95%) = -0.03, 0.48), to have a low, negative r(g) with Vol (-0.19, HPD(95%) = -0.47, 0.08), and to be genetically uncorrelated with all remaining traits analyzed. Therefore, selection for increasing ADG in paternal lines is expected to have no detrimental effects on Ur, Ca, pH, IM, Sui, and Lib and little to no effect on Conc, Vol, and Prod.  相似文献   

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