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Hepatozoon americanum cystozoites from experimentally infected, laboratory-raised rodents were fed to a Hepatozoon-free dog. Gamonts were detected by examination of blood smear 42 and 56 days post-exposure. PCR analysis of blood was positive for the 18S rRNA Hepatozoon gene on days gamonts were demonstrated. Meronts were detected histologically in a skeletal muscle biopsy 90 days after ingestion of cystozoites. Sequencing confirmed that the parasite in the dog was H. americanum. Xenodiagnosis was conducted by replete feeding of Ambylomma maculatum larvae on the dog; 40 days after detachment, sporulated oocysts were recovered from recently molted nymphs.  相似文献   

Nine dogs were fed Hepatozoon canis-exposed Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks; 6 showed clinical signs suggestive of canine hepatozoonosis, and the parasite was found in sections of muscle tissue from 2 of the dogs. Schizont-like cysts were found in the skeletal muscle of both infected dogs as were gametocytes in the circulating leucocytes. Periosteal new-bone lesions were seen in 1 dog. Attempts to infect a raccoon, 3 cats, 6 laboratory mice, and tick- or canine-cells in vitro, failed.  相似文献   

There is no labeled treatment for dogs with American canine hepatozoonosis (ACH), but the drug therapies discussed in this article, although not rapidly curative, may be successful in alleviating acute clinical signs, prolonging life, reducing the number of clinical relapses, and enhancing quality of life. This article also describes a pilot trial conducted to assess the efficacy of a novel treatment approach with ponazuril as a stand-alone parasiticide administered for 4 weeks without follow-up decoquinate treatment. Although extended ponazuril treatment in combination with NSAID administration did ameliorate acute clinical signs associated with ACH, the parasite was not completely cleared with this treatment protocol alone. Long-term decoquinate therapy remains a critical component of successful treatment of ACH.  相似文献   

Canine hepatozoonosis, caused by Hepatozoon americanum, is an emerging tick-borne disease of dogs in North America. In addition to the skeletal and cardiac myositis that are prominent features of the disease, there is disseminated periosteal bone proliferation in most dogs that manifest clinical disease. Each of six experimentally infected animals (four dogs and two coyotes) and seven of eight naturally infected dogs had gross or histopathologic osteoproliferative lesions. Experimental animals were 6-9 months of age when exposed. Naturally infected dogs were 8 months to 11 years old when subjected to necropsy. Lesions occurred primarily on the diaphysis of the more proximal long bones of the limbs; however, flat and irregular bones were frequently involved. Lesions involving metacarpals, metatarsals, and digits were infrequent. The earliest observed periosteal lesions were in an experimentally infected dog 32 days after exposure to sporulated oocysts of H. americanum. There were hypertrophy and hyperplasia of osteoprogenitor cells, and osteoblasts appeared in the cellular zone of the periosteum. Spicules of woven bone oriented perpendicularly to bone cortex followed. Later yet, periosteal new bone was remodeled and tended to become oriented parallel to the cortical bone. Horizontally oriented zones of remodeled, condensed bone sometimes occurred in multiple layers on the original cortex, forming "pseudocortices." The osseous lesions of American canine hepatozoonosis, with few variations, are remarkably similar to those of hypertrophic osteopathy in domestic dogs and other mammalian species, including humans.  相似文献   

American canine hepatozoonosis is caused by Hepatozoon americanum, a protozoan parasite, the definitive host of which is the tick, Amblyomma maculatum. Infection of the dog follows ingestion of ticks that harbor sporulated H. americanum oocysts. Following penetration of the intestinal mucosa, sporozoites are disseminated systemically and give rise to extensive asexual multiplication in cells located predominantly in striated muscle. The parasitized canine cells in "onion skin" cysts and in granulomas situated within skeletal muscle, as well as those in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), were identified as macrophages by use of fine structure morphology and/or immunohistochemical reactivity with macrophage markers. Additionally, two basic morphologic forms of the parasite were observed in macrophages of granulomas and PBLs. The forms were presumptively identified as merozoites and gamonts. The presence of a "tail" in some gamonts in PBLs indicated differentiation toward microgametes. Recognition of merozoites in PBLs supports the contention that hematogenously redistributed merozoites initiate repeated asexual cycles and could explain persistence of infection for long periods in the vertebrate host. Failure to clearly demonstrate a host cell membrane defining a parasitophorous vacuole may indicate that the parasite actively penetrates the host cell membrane rather than being engulfed by the host cell, as is characteristic of some protozoans.  相似文献   

Background: The range of American canine hepatozoonosis (ACH) is expanding from the southern USA northward. Transmission of Hepatozoon americanum occurs by ingestion of infected Gulf Coast ticks, Amblyomma maculatum. The source of the protozoan for the tick remains undetermined; infected dogs are unusual hosts for the tick. Objective: Compare possible sources of infection by field investigations of 2 multiple‐dog outbreaks of ACH. Animals: Twenty‐eight privately owned dogs (Canis familiaris), 1 coyote (Canis latrans), 31 wild‐trapped cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), 24 wild‐trapped field mice (Peromyscus leucopus), and 9 wild‐caught rabbits (Sylvilagus spp.) from sites in eastern Oklahoma were monitored for hepatozoonosis. Six laboratory‐raised cotton rats (S. hispidus), 6 Sprague‐Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus), 6 C57BL/6J‐Lystbg‐J/J mice (Mus musculus), 6 outbred white mice (M. musculus), 6 New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and 2 dogs were acquired through commercial vendors for experimental transmission trials of H. americanum. Methods: Four of 15 dogs in a rural neighborhood and 5/12 hunting Beagles were confirmed to be infected by blood smear examination, muscle biopsy, and polymerase chain reaction assay of the 18S rRNA gene of Hepatozoon species. Histories and tick host preferences led to field collections of common prey of canids and experimental transmission trials of H. americanum to selected prey (M. musculus, S. hispidus, R. norvegicus, and O. cuniculus). Results: Dogs with ready access to prey (4/15 dogs) or that were fed prey retrieved from hunts (5/12 hunting Beagles) became infected, providing evidence that predation is an important epidemiologic component of ACH infection. Experimental transmission studies identified a quiescent, infectious stage (cystozoite) of the parasite that provides an alternate mode of transmission to canids through predation, demonstrating that cotton rats, mice, and rabbits but not brown rats may act as paratenic hosts of H. americanum. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Predation of prey harboring infected A. maculatum or containing cystozoites of H. americanum in their tissues provide 2 modes of transmission of ACH to dogs, putting unconfined dogs at increased risk of infection in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Objective – To review the clinical epidemiologic and pathophysiologic aspects of Hepatozoon americanum infection in dogs.
Data Sources – Data from veterinary literature were reviewed through Medline and CAB as well as manual search of references listed in articles pertaining to American canine hepatozoonosis.
Veterinary Data Synthesis – H. americanum is an emerging disease in endemic areas of the United States. It is vital that practitioners in these areas become familiar with the clinical syndrome of hepatozoonosis and the diagnostic modalities that can be utilized to document the presence of infection. Additionally, veterinarians must understand the epidemiology of the disease in order to better prevent infections in their veterinary patients. Recent data have been published that shed new light on transmission of H. americanum to dogs; however, much remains unknown regarding patterns of infection and the natural vertebrate host source.
Conclusions – While the prognosis for untreated H. americanum remains poor, for patients in which the disease is recognized and properly treated the outcome is favorable. Understanding the complex life cycle, numerous clinical symptoms, and treatment protocol will assist veterinarians who are treating patients with hepatozoonosis.  相似文献   

Transstadial transmission of granulocytic Ehrlichieae in dogs was attempted using ticks, Amblyomma americanum and Dermacentor variabilis. Ticks were exposed by feeding as nymphs on acutely infected pups; adult ticks then fed to repletion on susceptible adult dogs that were monitored daily for signs of infection. Evidence of transmission was not observed in control dogs or in those exposed to D variabilis. In contrast, dogs exposed to A americanum developed serologic or clinical evidence of infection, but organisms were not seen in blood smears until corticosteroids were administered, causing recrudescence and accompanying parasitemia. At 12 days after subinoculation of blood obtained from donor adult dogs, before corticosteroids were administered, a febrile response, thrombocytopenia, and appearance of morulae in neutrophilic granulocytes were observed in 2 susceptible recipient dogs.  相似文献   

American canine hepatozoonosis is caused by Hepatozoon americanum, a recently described species of apicomplexan protozoan parasite. An immunohistochemical procedure using a polyclonal antibody to sporozoites of H. americanum clearly identified asexual stages of H. americanum in canine striated muscle. The method also detects hepatozoa present in naturally infected coyotes and raccoons and reacts with certain other apicomplexans. Use of this immunohistochemical procedure confirms the canine intermediate host-parasite relationships that were presumptively established using conventional histopathologic methods.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical and pathologic findings before and after short-term (group 1) and long-term (group 2) treatment in dogs with Hepatozoon americanum infection. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 53 dogs with H. americanum infection. PROCEDURE: Medical records of dogs that were treated for hepatozoonosis diagnosed on the basis of meront or merozoite stages in skeletal muscle were reviewed. RESULTS: Circulating gametocytes of H. americanum were identified in 12 of 53 dogs. Dogs were treated with various drugs, including toltrazuril, trimethoprim-sulfadiazine, clindamycin, pyrimethamine, and decoquinate. Mean WBC counts prior to treatment were 85,700 and 75,200 cells/microl in groups 1 and 2, respectively, and 1 month after initiation of treatment were 12,600 and 14,600 cells/microl, respectively. Initial response to treatment was excellent in all dogs. Twenty-three of 26 dogs in group 1 relapsed at least once and died within 2 years; mean (+/- SD) survival time was 12.6+/-2.2 months. Twenty-two of 27 group-2 dogs survived; 11 dogs had no clinical signs and were still receiving decoquinate (mean duration of treatment, 21 months), 11 dogs had no clinical signs after treatment for 14 months (range, 3 to 33 months; mean survival time, 39 months [range, 26 to 53 months]), 2 dogs were lost to follow-up, and 3 dogs were euthanatized because of severe disease. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although no treatment effectively eliminated the tissue stages of H. americanum, treatment with trimethoprim-sulfadiazine, clindamycin, and pyrimethamine followed by long-term administration of decoquinate resulted in extended survival times and excellent quality of life.  相似文献   

Eighteen of 31 (58%) cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and 8 of 24 (33.3%) white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) that were wild-trapped from 4 American canine hepatozoonosis endemic sites in Oklahoma were infected with Hepatozoon species. The predilection organ for merogony of the Hepatozoon species in cotton rats was the liver. Meronts were not detected in any of the white-footed mice. A 488 bp DNA fragment that includes a variable region of the 18S rRNA Hepatozoon gene amplified from blood or tissue of these infected animals. Sequences from eight cotton rats were 100% identical to each other as were sequences from three white-footed mice 100% identical to each other. The cotton rat sequence and the white-footed mouse sequence were 98.8% identical, differing in 6 bp of the 488 bp fragment. The DNA sequence from cotton rats was 97.7% identical to a Hepatozoon sp. described in a large bandicoot rat from Thailand and 97.5% identical to a Hepatozoon sp. in a bank vole from Brazil. The sequence from white-footed mice was 98.6% identical to the bandicoot rat sequence and 98.4% identical to the bank vole sequence. However, the sequences were only 90.6% (cotton rat) and 91.4% (white-footed mouse) identical to H. americanum. These findings suggest that the rodents are obligate intermediate hosts for distinct Hepatozoon spp., but not H. americanum.  相似文献   

We report previously undescribed, early lesions in skeletal muscle of dogs experimentally infected with Hepatozoon americanum by ingestion of laboratory-reared, infected Amblyomma maculatum. The earliest muscle lesion was recognized at the first interval of examination 3 weeks following exposure. The lesion consisted of a large, modified host cell whose cytoplasm frequently contained a demonstrable parasite. In skeletal muscle, the cell was consistently located between muscle fibers or in loose connective tissue adjacent to those fibers. Evidence suggesting that the parasite arrives in muscle and other tissue within the host cell cytoplasm is presented. Mucopolysaccharide encystment of the host cell, absent at this early stage, was acquired gradually and approached maximal development 26 weeks post exposure. Completion of the asexual cycle as evidenced by the presence of parasites entering vascular lumens within granulomas and also by the presence of gamonts in peripheral blood leukocytes, occurred within 28-32 days postexposure. Progression of the parasite cycle from meront to passage of zoites into vessel lumens of granulomas can occur in 11 or fewer days. The density with which parasitic lesions occur in one named skeletal muscle compared to other named muscles, although somewhat variable, was not significantly different in either experimentally induced or natural infections. The distribution of developmental stages of the parasite/lesion in four experimental infections (969 lesions) is compared with those in eight dogs with natural infections (557 lesions).  相似文献   

Inadequate rodent control is considered to play a role in Toxoplasma gondii infection of pigs. This issue was addressed in the current study by combining a 4-month rodent control campaign and a 7-month longitudinal analysis of T. gondii seroprevalence in slaughter pigs. Three organic pig farms with known rodent infestation were included in the study. On these farms, presence of T. gondii in trapped rodents was evaluated by real-time PCR. All rodent species and shrews investigated had T. gondii DNA in brain or heart tissue. Prevalence was 10.3% in Rattus norvegicus, 6.5% in Mus musculus, 14.3% in Apodemus sylvaticus and 13.6% in Crocidura russula. Initial T. gondii seroprevalence in the slaughter pigs ranged between 8% and 17% and dropped on the three farms during the rodent control campaign to 0-10%, respectively. After 4 months of rodent control, T. gondii infection was absent from pigs from two of the three farms investigated and appeared again in one of those two farms after the rodent control campaign had stopped. This study emphasizes the role of rodents and shrews in the transmission of T. gondii to pigs and the importance of rodent control towards production of T. gondii-free pig meat.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared larval Gulf Coast ticks (GCTs) (Amblyomma maculatum) were exposed experimentally and found to acquire Hepatozoon americanum infection while feeding on parasitemic dogs. These ticks supported gamogonic and sporogonic development of the apicomplexan, and oocysts from newly molted nymphs were infectious for a dog. Other nymphs from this cohort that were allowed to feed on a blood-parasite naive sheep molted normally; the resulting adult ticks contained oocysts that were infectious for another dog. Merogonic development of H. americanum in the dogs and the resulting lesions/disease appeared similar, irrespective of whether infectious oocysts were derived from nymphal or adult ticks that acquired infection as larvae. In the system previously known, nymphal ticks acquire infection and adults harbor infective oocysts, which vertebrate hosts ingest. Given that larval A. maculatum can acquire infection and nymphs can harbor viable oocysts as demonstrated by this study, the potential variety of vertebrate hosts that can alternate with GCTs in maintaining an endemic cycle is considerably expanded.  相似文献   

Nine groups of four 18- to 24-month-old rams were inoculated with Actinobacillus seminis by the following routes: intraconjunctival, intranasal, oral, intravenous, intramuscular, intraepididymal, vas deferens, intraurethral or intrapreputial. Eight similar rams were left uninoculated as controls. Systemic clinical signs were minimal and were confined primarily to the inoculation sites and the scrotal contents. Mild to severe epididymitis resulted from all the routes of inoculation except intraconjunctival and intranasal. Direct inoculation into the genital tract, especially into the cauda epididymis, was more effective. Intrapreputial and intraurethral inoculation led to ascending urethral infection, and inoculation into the vas deferens resulted primarily in descending infection of the accessory sex glands. A seminis was isolated from 11 of the 36 test rams (30.6 per cent); 26 of the 36 rams, some from each of the test groups except those inoculated intravenously, reacted serologically.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of sarcosporidiosis made in healthy cattle slaughtered at Omdurman Central Abattoir gave an infestation rate of 98 per cent. Transmission of sarcocysts from cattle to mice was accomplished thus confirming the absence of host specificity.  相似文献   

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