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2009-2012年,利用菌核病田间人工病圃对当年参加全国油菜新品种区域试验(区试)的品种(系、组合)进行了菌核病抗性鉴定,以中油821为抗病对照,将参加区试的品种分为抗、感病两种类型,高、中、低抗和高、中、低感六个等级.本文对其中91份综合性状较好、连续两年参加了区试的材料(建议报审的材料)进行了菌核病抗性分析,结果表明:91份材料中抗(耐)性品种仅有31份,并且全部表现为低抗;按参试区域,长江上、中、下游及黄淮组和早熟组的参试品种中抗(耐)性品种所占比例分别为22.73%、37.5%、50%、28.57%和0;按类型,参试的10份常规双低类型材料中抗(耐)病品种有4份;81份杂交双低油菜品种中抗性品种所占比例仅为33.33%.以上研究结果说明,我国亟需加快油菜抗病育种的进程,培育更多适应性广、抗性强的新品种.  相似文献   

为了鉴定评价油菜根肿病菌致病性的分化与甘蓝型油菜品种资源的抗性,利用Williams鉴别寄主系统鉴定了分离自安徽等6个省病区的16个根肿病菌菌株的生理小种(致病型),并利用温室人工接种技术鉴定评价了12份油菜抗性材料的差异、病圃鉴定了176份油菜品种资源的抗性。结果表明,来自安徽(休宁、黟县、广德)、湖北(沙阳、当阳)、四川(广汉、眉县、邛崃)和贵州金沙的油菜根肿病菌菌株为4号小种,安徽宁国、云南楚雄、湖南桃江、辽宁沈阳和黑龙江阿城的菌株为2号小种,安徽绩溪的菌株为5号小种,湖北黄陂的菌株为7号小种。在温室人工接种条件下,12份抗性资源对2号、4号和5号小种等表现出不同程度的抗性,其中抗性材料CR5对来自安徽休宁、黟县、广德和四川广汉的4号小种、安徽宁国2号小种和安徽绩溪5号小种均表现出完全的免疫抗性。田间病圃鉴定结果表明种都油998和蓉油9号两个品种表现抗病(R),富油杂118等11个品种表现中抗(MR)。  相似文献   

小麦品种在西藏的抗条锈性变异监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解不同小麦品种在西藏的抗锈性表现,于2009-2011年在西藏林芝西藏农牧学院实习农场,对来自全国小麦条锈病菌变异观察圃的46份已知抗性基因小麦品种、45份生产及后备品种和由西藏农牧学院保存的26份西藏小麦种质资源(包括生产品种、引进抗源品种及区试材料)进行了田间自然诱发抗条锈病鉴定。结果表明,在小麦条锈病菌变异观察圃中,46份已知基因品种中33份表现为抗病,3份表现为感病,10份抗性不稳定;45份生产及后备品种中20份表现为抗病,12份表现为感病,13份抗性不稳定;26份西藏种质中,22份表现为抗病,3份表现为感病,1份抗性不稳定。调查表明,大部分材料表现出较稳定的抗病性,但目前在西藏高原麦作区实际生产中应用却较少。为减轻小麦条锈病的发生危害,应进一步加强抗病品种的选育和推广。  相似文献   

为掌握陕西省科企联合体小麦区试品种抗病性水平,对2019—2023年度连续5年参加联合体区试的114份品种,采用大田人工接种的方法进行小麦条锈病、白粉病、赤霉病、叶锈病和纹枯病等5种病害的抗性鉴定与评价。结果表明,供试的114份品种对鉴定的5种病害抗性程度差异较大,表现为对条锈病抗性水平较高,对白粉病和赤霉病抗性水平最差。供试品种中,对条锈病表现免疫-中抗的品种61份,占供试品种的53.51%;对白粉病表现免疫-中抗的品种27份,占供试品种的23.68%;对赤霉病表现抗-中抗的品种21份,占供试品种的18.42%;同时鉴定出2份对5种病害均表现抗病的品种,分别为西农968和金麦207。对21份高感条锈病的品种均按陕西省区试品种试验要求终止了试验。  相似文献   

为了解2009-2018年陕西省区试小麦品种(系)对条锈病、白粉病和赤霉病三种主要病害的抗性变化趋势,对来自陕西省各育种单位提供的1 200份小麦品种(系)进行三种病害的成株期人工接种鉴定。结果表明,1 200份材料中,879份材料对条锈病表现抗病,303份材料对白粉病表现抗病,295份材料对赤霉病表现抗病,分别占鉴定材料总数的73.25%、25.25%和24.58%。其中,对条锈病表现免疫(近免疫)、高抗和中抗的分别有136份、223份和520份,分别占鉴定材料总数的11.33%、18.58%和43.33%;对白粉病表现免疫(近免疫)、高抗、中抗的分别有7份、111份和185份,分别占鉴定材料总数的0.58%、9.25%和15.42%;对赤霉病表现高抗、中抗的分别有107份和188份,分别占鉴定材料总数的8.92%和15.67%,没有发现对赤霉病免疫的品种(系)。供试材料除抗条锈病频率10年间保持基本平稳外,抗白粉病和赤霉病以及兼抗频率均表现先上升后下降的趋势。西农837、XC-29、西农223、9916、9925、陕943、惠麦286等20个品种(系)对1~3种病害具有较好抗性,可作为抗病品种推广或作为抗源材料。鉴定结果表明,2009-2018年陕西省区试小麦品种(系)对条锈病的抗性水平整体较高,对赤霉病与白粉病的抗性整体较差,应当加强综合抗病育种。  相似文献   

为了筛选大麦抗白粉病资源,本研究了294份供试大麦品种2010-2012年度在昆明点的白粉病抗性表现,以及13份在昆明、丽江、保山和德宏4个不同生态试验点可正常成熟的大麦品种的田间白粉病抗性.294份大麦品种的鉴定结果表明,高抗品种6份,占供试材料的2.04%,抗病品种36份,占供试材料的12.24%,感病和高感品种252份,占供试材料的85.71%;在二棱大麦中高抗和抗病品种的比例达到19.61%,高于多棱大麦品种中高抗和抗病品种的比例.13个大麦品种在不同生态试验点的抗性分析结果表明,不同大麦品种和相同大麦品种在不同生态试验点的田间白粉病抗性存在明显差异.机械裸、义乌八角米麦、Gdcm4和新啤4号在昆明、丽江、保山和德宏均抗白粉病,可用作4个地区的推广品种或育种亲本.  相似文献   

大豆细菌性斑点病是江淮地区大豆生产中常见病害,但大豆种质资源抗性水平及抗源鉴定工作较少。本研究采用对大豆叶片正反面高压喷雾的接种方法鉴定了江淮地区309份育成品种(系)及亲本材料对大豆细菌性斑点病生理小种S1的抗感反应。结果表明:供试材料抗性差异明显,分别鉴定出高抗和中抗材料61和68份,占总数的19.74%和22.1%,表现为感病和高感的材料共有180份,占总数的58.25%。适合淮北和淮南地区种植的140和169份品种(系)中,抗病材料(高抗+中抗)分别有68和61份,感病材料(感病+高感)分别有72和108份,江淮淮北地区抗病品种(系)的比例高于淮南地区。供试材料抗性反应等级与成熟期等性状存在相关性。同时还发掘出徐豆18、南农99-6等高抗品种,及具有高蛋白、高油特性的优质抗性种质材料。  相似文献   

408份小麦品种(系)白粉病抗性的评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解我国黄淮海以及长江流域麦区主推品种及二线材料的抗白粉病性,2008-2010年度在武汉病害鉴定圃对来自黄淮海以及长江流域的408份品种(系)进行了抗白粉病的鉴定。R型聚类分析结果表明,利用表观侵染速率、毒力频率、病程曲线下面积和最后一次病指对白粉病抗性进行评价只需前两个指标即可。根据建立的评价标准,绵麦37两年均对白粉病免疫,绵麦39等15份材料两年均表现高抗,扬麦13等46份材料两年均表现中抗。  相似文献   

小麦抗赤霉病鉴定及其抗病基因的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦赤霉病是由镰刀菌和禾谷镰孢菌引起的小麦真菌病害,严重影响小麦的产量与品质。为了筛选适合黄淮麦区利用的抗病品种资源,于2017-2018年度利用单花滴注对107份黄淮麦区小麦资源进行田间赤霉病抗性鉴定;同时利用与 Fhb1、 Fhb2、 Fhb4和 Fhb5共4个与抗赤霉病相关QTL紧密连锁的8个分子标记对供试小麦材料进行了检测。经鉴定,扬富麦101表现为抗赤霉病(R),宁麦13、宁麦资119、扬麦16等12个品种表现为中抗赤霉病(MR);分子标记检测发现,这些抗赤霉病品种携带1个或多个抗赤霉病QTL位点,其中 Fhb1基因及其基因组合效应最为明显, Fhb1可以作为主要抗性基因应用于小麦赤霉病抗性育种。  相似文献   

为选育抗线虫花生品种,在北方花生根结线虫分布较均匀的自然病田中种植了102份花生种质,收获时对其进行抗性鉴定调查,得到高感材料14份、中感材料76份、中抗材料12份、耐病材料1份,未发现免疫和高抗种质材料;调查发现种间杂种的杂交后代抗性较强,中抗材料较多;自然病田田间观察发现,紫色种皮花生种质的抗性表现较好。  相似文献   

芜菁花叶病毒是引起我国油莱病毒病的主要毒原。在我国南方冬油菜产区采集了数百个芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV)病株样品,经寄主鉴定和毒原纯化后,选择具有代表性的分离物30个,通过Provvidenti的一套鉴定品种进行株系鉴定,并用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)双抗体夹心法检测以及寄主范围试验,鉴定出三个不同株系即TuMV—CRL、TuMV—CR2和TuMV—CR3。除TuMV—CR3与Provvyidenti,R.在纽约和Green,S.K.在台湾对十字花科蔬菜上TuMV鉴定的五个株系中的TuMV—C1株系相同外,余均不同;与我国以往各地对十宇花科作物上TuMV株系鉴定的结果比较,由于国内鉴定工作未用此同样的鉴定方法进行鉴定,因此尚不能肯定油菜上的三个株系与国内已经鉴定的十字花科蔬菜上的株系的异同。  相似文献   

Many studies have focused on research about impact of time and density of sowing on the agronomic characteristics of different crops. However, the number of studies investigating such a response on the qualitative composition of different types of winter oilseed rape varieties is still limited. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of sowing date and density on yield, protein and oil content and quality of winter oilseed rape varieties: open-pollinated, a typical hybrid of traditional type of growth and a new semi-dwarf hybrid, which biology and yielding have not been thoroughly established. This experiment was conducted applying four sowing dates (August 14, August 25, September 4, September 15), three winter oilseed rape cultivars (PR45D03 -semi-dwarf hybrid, PR46W31 – hybrid, Californium – open-pollinated) and four sowing rates (30, 40, 50, 60 seeds/m2). Among the compared sowing dates, August 25 proved to be optimal for yielding of the tested winter oilseed rape cultivars. Semi-dwarf variety contained less protein and glucosinolate in seeds, but more oil in comparison to other studied varieties (hybrid and open-pollinated). The yields did not differ significantly within a density of 40, 50, 60 seeds/m2, so it is important result, especially for the agricultural practice.  相似文献   

利用RAPD方法和统计学分析方法对代表我国长江中、下游地区的浙江省和湖北省89份白菜型油菜地方品种进行了遗传多样性及其相关性研究.从农艺性状的聚类分析将两省品种划分为独立的两大类群.RAPD指纹图谱以DNA分子水平的聚类分析可以将89份白菜型油菜品种分为2类群和2个簇及3个亚簇,进一步反映品种间亲缘关系,表明地方品种间具有非常丰富的遗传多样性.  相似文献   

Reducing the high nitrogen (N) balance surpluses occurring in oilseed rape production through the cultivation of N-efficient cultivars is imperative for environmental reasons. In this study, seed yield and N efficiency parameters of oilseed rape cultivars grown under three N rates were investigated in field experiments performed during five years. Seed yields differed significantly among cultivars especially at limiting N supply, with significant shifts in cultivar ranking according to the N level. At high N supply, cultivar differences relied more on year effects. The importance of N efficiency parameters for yield varied owing to year and N rate effects. N uptake was an important parameter for yield at all N rates. While at low N, the duration of N uptake was most decisive, shoot N uptake capacity during vegetative growth was relatively more important under high N conditions. N utilization efficiency became more important with increasing N supply. At high N supply, cultivars with low seed N concentrations were superior in yield. Harvest index was also significantly correlated to yield across N rates; however, its importance depended much on environmental conditions. In conclusion, the specification of plant traits that might contribute to enhanced N efficiency in oilseed rape will depend very much on the N supply of the target environment and the target yield level.  相似文献   

Transgenic bromoxynil (BX)-resistant spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was grown commercially in Canada only for two crop seasons – 2000 and 2001. We investigated the persistence of suspected BX-resistant oilseed rape volunteers in a 64-ha wheat field in Saskatchewan, Canada in 2007, 7 years after the BX-resistant cultivar BX Armor was grown. A small oilseed rape volunteer population, estimated at less than 100 plants, was observed in three main areas or patches in the field. These patches were located in low-lying areas that were too wet to plant or spray with herbicides in 2007. Viable seed was collected from 35 mature volunteers and F1 progeny screened with BX at 280 g ai/ha in the greenhouse. Progeny of all of the volunteers were visually rated as BX-resistant; the presence of the Oxy 235 transgene in leaf tissue of progeny of all volunteers was confirmed by PCR analysis. This study has documented the longest persistence of oilseed rape volunteers in Canada. Volunteers were not observed in 2008 or 2009, because of drought conditions in spring of both years. Results support the findings from previous studies that persistence of volunteer oilseed rape populations in western Canada is generally ephemeral or transitory in the absence of seed bank immigration. However, this study shows that oilseed rape transgenes can persist in the environment for a number of years even after all cultivars with the conferred trait are removed from the market.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most important pathogens of winter oilseed rape plants. It causes the white mould disease of rape, thus significantly reducing the yield. The aim of our research was to use a spring oilseed rape variety sown in autumn or an early-flowering variety of winter oilseed rape to predict the infection pressure of S. sclerotiorum in a given year. Field experiments were conducted in 2008–2012 at the experimental station of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague at Červený Újezd, 20 km west of Prague. In the experiment, we used one variety of spring oilseed rape (Lužnice, LU) and one early-flowering variety of winter oilseed rape (Californium, CA). The methodology of the petal test involved isolating pathogenic fungi from fallen petals on a nutrient medium (potato dextrose agar) in Petri dishes. The first term of collection was the beginning of petal fall (BBCH 61) and the last term was the end of flowering (BBCH 69). The dishes with petals were visually analysed after 1 week. The results were compared with the actual occurrence of white mould of rape in the stand. The occurrence of white mould of rape was strongly influenced by the progress of weather conditions over the given year. Infected petals and stems with symptoms of white mould of rape were found to be moderately correlated (r = 0.80). Spread of white mould spores was mostly observed in two terms (BBCH 62 and BBCH 65). Statistically significant differences were not observed in the infection of petals of spring (LU) and winter (CA) oilseed rape. Spring oilseed rape (LU) and early-flowering varieties of winter oilseed rape (CA) can be used to determine the strength of infection pressure of S. sclerotiorum in the stand in a given year, thereby improving protection against white mould of rape.  相似文献   

吉林、辽宁大豆品种(系)对大豆疫病的抗病基因鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用下胚轴伤口接种法评价了吉林和辽宁省49个主栽品种(系)对Phytophthora sojae13个不同致病型标准菌系的抗性。与鉴别寄主的比较分析表明,铁丰29,吉育67,沈农9号,吉育80推导含有Rps3a基因;铁丰31,吉育45,吉育90,九农34,铁豆42,铁豆43,铁豆44推导含有Rps3a和Rps1d双基因;辽豆18推导含有Rps3a和Rps1k双基因;辽豆17推导含有Rps1d和Rps6双基因;辽豆21,辽豆22和辽豆24推导含有Rps1a基因;九农29和九农35推导含有Rps1k基因。  相似文献   

Sustainable strategies for control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on oilseed rape are needed. Here we tested combinations of Trichoderma sp. Tri-1, formulated with oilseed rape seedcake and straw, with reduced application rates of the recommended chemical pesticide carbendazim for control of this pathogen on oilseed rape. The treatment containing the recommended rate of carbendazim provided the greatest reduction in disease when compared with treatments containing individual applications of lower rates of this pesticide or the formulated Tri-1 treatment in all field experiments. Treatments containing formulated Tri-1 combined with carbendazim applied at 50% or 75% the recommended rate reduced incidence of disease to levels statistically similar to the treatment containing carbendazim applied at the recommended rate in two field experiments conducted at the Wuxue County field site where a rice-oilseed rape rotation was used. The treatment containing formulated Tri-1 combined with carbendazim applied at 75% the recommended rate reduced incidence of disease to levels statistically similar to the treatment containing carbendazim applied at the recommended rate in two field experiments conducted at the Wuhan field site where a soybean-oilseed rape rotation was used. Experiments reported here using two oilseed rape production rotations indicate that integration of a biologically based control tactic, such as formulated Tri-1, into a disease management strategy can increase oilseed rape production sustainability through reduction in the use of chemical pesticides.  相似文献   

小麦抗纹枯病种质资源的鉴定与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用土壤接种方法,1996~1999年从国内外小麦资源中筛选抗纹桔病种质。发现小麦品种对纹桔病的抗性存在差异。其中表现抗病的品种(相对抗病指数大于O.80)有8份,都是国外品种,另有26份国外品种表现中抗;国内地方品种有9份表现中抗;国内改良品种纹枯病抗性较差。利用ARz、C112633、Niavt14、Rendezvous等抗源与农艺性状较优的大面积推广品种扬麦158、宁麦9号、淮麦17等杂交,创造新的抗病种质,目前已筛选出一批抗纹桔病的小麦新种质。  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes serious yield losses in oilseed rape and other crops worldwide. Field trials were conducted at two locations to evaluate two formulations of oilseed rape seed containing the plant-growth promoting bacterium Bacillus megaterium A6 for suppression of this pathogen. Treatments containing strain A6 in pellet and in wrap formulations resulted in oilseed rape seed yields that were similar to the chemical control and significantly greater than the untreated seed control at both locations. Treatments containing A6 in pellet and wrap formulations also resulted in an incidence of disease caused by S. sclerotiorum that was similar to the chemical control. Both of these treatments significantly decreased disease incidence relative to the untreated seed control and to the respective formulated seed controls (that did not contain strain A6) at both locations. Strain A6 applied to oilseed rape seed in these two formulations promoted growth in greenhouse pot studies conducted with autoclaved soil. In two experiments, these treatments resulted in significant increases in mean shoot dry weight per pot and mean % total N per plant relative to their respective controls containing formulated oilseed rape seed without strain A6 and to the untreated seed control. Both formulations provided stable B. megaterium A6 (≥106 CFU) and seed germination (>85%) over a six month period at room temperature. Experiments reported here indicate the commercial potential of these formulations of B. megaterium A6 for suppression of S. sclerotiorum on oilseed rape.  相似文献   

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