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Human immunoglobulin D: genomic sequence of the delta heavy chain   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The DNA coding for the human immunoglobulin D(IgD) heavy chain (delta, delta) has been sequenced including the membrane and secreted termini. Human delta, like that of the mouse, has a separate exon for the carboxyl terminus of the secreted form. This feature of human and mouse IgD distinguishes it from all other immunoglobulins regardless of species or class. The human gene is different from that of the mouse; it has three, rather than two, constant region domains; and its lengthy hinge is encoded by two exons rather than one. Except for the third constant region, the human and mouse genes are only distantly related.  相似文献   

The dipeptide sequence at the carboxy-terminal of a heavy (micro) chain from a human macroglobulin ( IgM) is tyrosylcysteine, although the reverse sequence, cysteinyltyrosine, has not been rigorously excluded. The presence of cysteine at the carboxy-terminal was predicted from a recognition of the chemical homologies among the polypeptide chains of immunoglobulins, and their probable evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

The size of the gene pool potentially encoding antibodies to p-azophenyl arsonate has been examined. A heavy chain-specific full-length complementary DNA clone has been constructed with the use of messenger RNA from a hybridoma that produces antibodies to the arsonate hapten and bears nearly a full complement of the determinants comprising the cross-reactive idiotype (CRI). The sequences of both the complementary DNA clone and the corresponding immunoglobulin heavy chain have been independently determined. A probe for the variable region gene was prepared from the original heavy chain complementary DNA clone and used to analyze, by Southern filter hybridization, genomic DNA from both A/J (CRI positive) and BALB/c (CRI negative) mice. Approximately 20 to 25 restriction fragments containing "germline" variable region gene segments were detected in both strains, and many are shared by both, Since 35 CRI-positive heavy chains have been partially sequenced thus far and 31 are different, the results of the hybridization analysis suggest that somatic mutation events involving the variable region gene segments of the heavy chain play a role in the origin of the amino acid sequence diversity seen in this system.  相似文献   

罗非鱼免疫球蛋白(IgM)重链基因全长cDNA序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从已经构建的罗非鱼白细胞cDNA文库中测定获得罗非鱼免疫球蛋白(IgM)重链的eDNA序列,全长1885bp,有一个完整ORF阅读框长1770bp,5’UTR为29bp,3’-UTR为86bp,编码588个氨基酸。罗非鱼与大黄鱼、斜带石斑鱼、南极鳕鱼、乌鳢、鳜鱼、伯氏豚[鱼叚]虎鱼、牙鲆、花狼鱼、硬头鳟的IgM重链氨基酸序列有较高的同源性,最高达到69%,表明已经获得罗非鱼IgM重链基因;对所得氨基酸进行二级结构预测发现,罗非鱼IgM重链基因全长cDNA序列所编码的氨基酸分子量为41453.94Da。该试验结果为罗非鱼IgM重链基因功能的实验性鉴定工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the micro, chain of a human IgM immunoglobulin, including the location of all disulfide bridges and oligosaccharides, has been determined. The homology of the constant regions of immunoglobulin micro, gamma, alpha, and epsilon heavy chains reveals evolutionary relationships and suggests that two genes code for each heavy chain.  相似文献   

亚克隆犬α1干扰素(CaIFN-α1)成熟蛋白编码基因并克隆到表达载体pPICZα-A,构建转移重组载体pPICZα-A-CaIFN-α。pPICZα-A-CaIFN-α经SacⅠ酶切线性化后电转化导入毕赤酵母菌株X-33。转化子经PCR分析鉴定后利用甘油增菌和甲醇诱导,实现了CaIFN-α1在毕赤酵母系统中的分泌表达。SDS-PAGE检测结果表明表达产物相对分子质量约为2.7×104,比其推导结果(约1.9×104)大,推测可能是发生了糖基化。酵母分泌表达的CaIFN-α1具有较高的抗病毒活性,约为1.45×106U·mL-1,蛋白含量约为96mg·L-1,比活性为1.49×107U·mg-1。重组CaIFN-α1的生物学活性具有较强的种属特异性,在犬肾细胞(MDCK)上具有很高的抗病毒活性,在鸡胚成纤维细胞上活性较低,而在猫肾细胞(F81)和牛肾细胞(MDBK)上几乎没有抗病毒活性。进一步研究发现,重组犬α1干扰素对犬瘟热病毒和伪狂犬病毒在犬肾细胞中的增殖具有显著抑制作用。  相似文献   

Analysis of the hereditary Gm and Inv gamma-globulin factors of 1669 New Guineans from the Morobe and Eastern Highlands districts and Bougainville Island demonstrates thatthe frequencies of the three Gm alleles present (Gm(a), GM(ab), and Gm(ax)) are similar in general to those in Mongoloids and in particular to those in Southeast Asians and Micronesians. The New Guinea frequencies are distinct from those in other populations, including Australian aborigines. Highly significant differences in frequencies of Gm and Inv alleles occur between Melanesian-and non-Austronesian-speaking New Guineans.  相似文献   

实验应用凝胶过滤和盐析等方法直接从牛初乳中分离纯化IgG,并应用化学方法断裂回收IgG轻链。分离纯化获得分子量约27.66 ku的IgG轻链蛋白溶液,蛋白质含量为0.105 mg.L-1,浓缩后免疫家兔,获得抗轻链抗血清,效价>11∶6,免疫双扩散和免疫电泳均为特异性条带,表明得到了纯化的IgG轻链及其特异性抗血清。  相似文献   

The Gm and Inv genetic factors, characteristic antigens of human immunoglobulin G, were detected in chimpanzee serums. All animals tested were Gm(a+, x-, b(l)-, b(2)-, b(3)+, b(4)+). Polymorphism was demonstrated for factors Gm(c), Inv(l), and Inv(b). Three of the subclasses of heavy polypeptide chains and both types of light polypeptide chains that are present in human immunoglobulin G were identified in chimpanzee serums.  相似文献   

本文介绍了近年来美国和欧洲对生物固体(废水处理的副产物)的研究情况。研究表明:生物固体施用于农田、林地等,可促进植物生长;生物固体的来源、性质及土壤、气候、植被等都会对施用地重金属的含量、吸收、移动及形态产生影响;植物吸收重金属受土壤有机质含量、阳离子交换量、pH、质地、铁和锰氧化物等的影响;生物固体中绝大部分重金属在施用土壤后就被有机质、碳酸盐结合为稳定的、难移动的形式,被固定的量与土壤pH、粘土矿物和有机化合物的性质有关。  相似文献   

通过RT-PCR技术克隆欧洲鳗鲡(Anguilla anguilla)Ig轻链基因cDNA全长序列,命名为AaIgL,其全长为1 016bp,开放阅读框为714bp,编码238个氨基酸。将该基因片段与pET-his载体连接构建原核表达载体,在大肠杆菌BL21中诱导表达,其表达产物经SDS-PAGE和Western blotting分析,结果表明新增的27ku蛋白条带与预期值相符,且与兔抗欧洲鳗鲡IgM血清发生特异性显色反应,证实了AaIgL基因能够在大肠杆菌中以包涵体形式高效表达;实时荧光定量PCR检测结果发现:AaIgL在欧洲鳗鲡各组织中均有表达,其中脾脏的表达量最高,肾脏和心脏中也有较高的表达水平,而肝脏、肌肉、鳃以及肠中的表达量较低;欧洲鳗鲡经山羊IgG肌肉注射后脾脏和肾脏的AaIgL表达水平明显上升,其峰值分别为第7天和第14天,AaIgL在脾脏的表达量显著高于肾脏,但是第21天后均恢复至正常水平。以上结果表明,AaIgL在欧洲鳗鲡机体免疫防御中发挥重要作用,脾脏是AaIgL基因的主要表达器官。  相似文献   

Concentration of the complement protein C'lq was determined immunochemically in serums of individuals with a wide variety of immunoglobulin abnormalities. A significant correlation was observed between decreased concentration of C'lq and deficient synthesis of immunoglobulin G; C'lq was particularly diminished in subjects with congenital, sex-linked (Bruton) agammaglobulinemia. In contrast, two to five times the normal concentration of C'lq was found in the serum of three patients with heavy chain disease (subtype immunoglobulin G3). No significant relation was found between C'lq and concentrations of immunoglobulins A and M.  相似文献   

The expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was examined in normal and dystrophic chicken muscle with a monoclonal antibody specific for neonatal myosin. Adult dystrophic muscle continued to contain neonatal myosin long after it disappeared from adult normal muscle. A new technique involving western blotting and peptide mapping demonstrated that the immunoreactive myosin in adult dystrophic muscle was identical to that found in neonatal normal muscle. Immunocytochemistry revealed that all fibers in the dystrophic muscle failed to repress neonatal myosin heavy chain. These studies suggest that muscular dystrophy inhibits the myosin gene switching that normally occurs during muscle maturation.  相似文献   

The role of myosin in the contraction of striated muscle cells is well known, but its importance in nonmuscle cells is not yet clear. The function of myosin in Dictyostelium discoideum has been investigated by isolating cells which specifically lack myosin heavy chain (MHC A) protein. Cells were transformed with a vector encoding RNA complementary to mhcA messenger RNA (antisense RNA). Stable transformants have a dramatic reduction in the amount of MHC A protein, grow slowly, and generate giant multinucleated progeny, indicating an impairment in cytokinesis. Surprisingly, the cells adhere to surfaces, extend pseudopods and are capable of ameboid locomotion. The developmental sequence that is initiated by starving cells is severely impaired by the lack of myosin. The cells are unable to form multicellular aggregates normally and do not undergo subsequent morphogenesis. By changing the food source from liquid medium to bacteria, expression of the endogenous mhcA messenger RNA can be increased relative to expression of antisense RNA. When grown in this way, the transformed cells accumulate MHC A protein, remain mononucleate, and proceed through development normally.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven Bence Jones proteins of immunological type K show a common set of peptides. One 6f the commnon peptides differs in three of the proteins which are the only ones classified by a serological test as Iav(a+). The difference in the peptide analyzed is caused by a valine-leucine interchange; Inv(a+) proteins have leucine, whereas Inv(a-) proteins have valine in position 189.  相似文献   

将7日龄黄羽肉鸡250羽分为5组,即对照组、常规疫苗剂量配合法氏囊活性肽组、常规疫苗剂量减半配合法氏囊活性肽组、生理盐水组和法氏囊活性肽组,每组50羽。通过血凝抑制试验测定血清抗体水平及计算法氏囊指数等试验方法,研究法氏囊活性肽和禽流感H5N1灭活疫苗配合应用的免疫效果及法氏囊活性肽对母源抗体的影响。结果显示,29日龄后,常规免疫剂量配合法氏囊活性肽组的法氏囊指数和血清抗体滴度显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而常规剂量减半配合法氏囊活性肽组与对照组在法氏囊指数和血清抗体滴度上差异不显著(P>0.05);法氏囊活性肽组的母源抗体滴度比生理盐水组高1.5~2个滴度。说明法氏囊活性肽对禽流感疫苗有免疫增强作用,疫剂量减半配合法氏囊活性肽应用可达到常规疫苗免疫效果,法氏囊活性肽对母源抗体有维持作用。  相似文献   

Cells obtained from a patient with mu heavy chain disease synthesize a mu heavy chain fragment with a molecular weight of 55,000. The fragment is detected intracellularly after short labeling times and then is assembled inside the cell and secreted as a disulfide-linked polymer.  相似文献   

为探明毛健夜蛾性二型性现象及代别差异,比较了第1和第2代毛健夜蛾体重和体型,结果表明:(1)室内饲养的第1代和第2代毛健夜蛾均具有性二型性现象,雌性个体大于雄性个体;(2)毛健夜蛾性二型性现象存在代别差异,第1代的性二型性现象比第2代更为明显.这些研究结果初步揭示了毛健夜蛾性二型性现象可因室内饲养的代别不同而异.  相似文献   

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