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小动物是指家庭驯养的小狗、猫、鸟或其他玩赏宠物。野生动物和具有形体怪异或易于伤人等特性的动物,如蛇等,不属于小动物范围。  相似文献   

难产是指在没有辅助分娩的情况下,出生困难或母体不能将胎儿通过产道排出的疾病。小动物难产是较为常见的一种产科疾病之一,也是影响动物繁殖率的因素之一,本文从小动物剖腹产的诊断、手术计划的准备、确定合理的手术术式以及术后护理等方面进行了简要的阐述,为小动物剖腹产提供了资料。  相似文献   

骨外固定支架是国外治疗小动物骨折的重要方法之一。目前,国内小动物临床的骨折治疗主要采用内固定、夹板或石膏外固定等方法,而骨外固定支架则少用。其主要原因是人们对骨外固定支架相关知识缺乏足够的认识。因此,本文就骨外固定支架适应症、优点、构成、分类、使用原则,以及应用后的术后护理、并发症处理等作一介绍,以拓宽临床兽医对小动物骨折的治疗思路,提高骨折治疗水平。  相似文献   

《小动物外科学》为动物医学专业的选修课,主要讲授常见的小动物疾病诊疗技术、小动物外科疾病的诊治以及与小动物外科学相关的临床实际操作等内容,课程内容主要根据当前小动物临床外科疾病的特点设置相应的教学内容,实践证明,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

小动物便秘可能由多种病因引发,患病小动物会出现粪便干硬、无法排除的现象,严重时还会出现呕吐、厌食、抑郁等症状,而这对小动物健康生长是极为不利的。本文主要探讨了小动物便秘的病因、临床表现、诊断及防控措施,供参考。  相似文献   

正近几年中小动物患惊厥、抽搐病的比较常见,通常因审病不清、病因不明,治疗不当而造成瘫痪甚至死亡。笔者根据多年临床实践,总结出如下三条治疗措施,共同仁参考。1脑炎是指因感染病原微生物,而引起动物脑膜、脑实质产生的炎症。1.1症状:体温高、呼吸急促,持续均匀的惊厥、局部或全身痉挛性抽搐,兴奋不安或高度沉郁,(犬狂吠),目光比较有神或呆滞、头部下垂,对局部反应迟钝,全身肌肉松软无力,嗜睡等。  相似文献   

<正>骨折是骨组织的完整性或连续性因外力作用或病理因素而遭受破坏的状态,骨折的同时伴有周围软组织不同程度的损伤,它是小动物临床最常见的骨骼疾病之一。1病因犬、猫骨折以四肢骨多发,多数由外界损伤所引起,即外界直接暴力如车辆冲撞、踩踏、轧压、摔碰、锤砸和门挤挫等引起,少部分也可因奔跑、扭闪、急停等肌肉强烈收缩而造成。如缺钙、骨质疏松、佝偻病、骨软症、骨肿瘤、骨感染,以及营养障碍时,即使外界的作用力不大,也常能造成病理性骨折。  相似文献   

犬、猫异物肠梗阻是一种常见急腹症。常因肠管在异物作用下引起机械性阻塞或狭窄而致病。我诊所对此病治疗多例 ,都为食入异物所致。一般在犬、猫食入异物后 2~ 3天开始发病。临床特征为顽固性呕吐、进行性消瘦、脱水、贫血及腹痛等症状。1 诊断1 .1 通过问诊向畜主询问、了解小动物是否食入异物及异物类型、小动物排便情况 ,小动物是否已将异物排出体外。1 .2  根据症状 ,如顽固性呕吐、进行性消瘦、脱水、食欲废绝、后期排粪少或不排粪 ,用药物治疗不见效果 ,触诊腹部敏感 ,在没有继发感染的情况下一般体温变化不大等特征 ,可作出初步…  相似文献   

一、微型家畜的概念所谓微型家畜,一般是指矮、小、短的家畜,其实它的确切含义应包括两个方面:(一)微型化品种即猪、牛、羊等家畜的矮化、短小或微型化的品种;(二)小动物体尺本来就微小的兔、鸡、鸭、食用蛭、蜜蜂等小动物。二、开发微型家畜的优点微型家畜具有许...  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放的进一步深入和对外交流的日益加强以及世界贸易组织的加入 ,出入境商务、考察、旅游、探亲等人员数量呈逐年增长态势 ,携带伴侣小动物出入境的旅客也不断增加。伴侣小动物种类繁多 ,疫情复杂 ,处理不当便会带来严重后果 ,不但影响动物的健康 ,也危及人类自身健康和安全。例如 ,犬和猫就有可能给人畜传播致死性疾病———狂犬病 ,而鹦鹉、燕、雀等能传播的新城疫 ,则能给养殖业造成严重损失。因此 ,当前迫切需要制订一个切实可行的伴侣小动物出入境管理办法。建议国家质量监督检验检疫总局或会同有关部门尽快制订《旅客携带…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Various bone resorption markers in humans are useful for supporting the diagnosis of malignant skeletal pathology, with certain bone resorption markers appearing to be more discriminatory for detecting cancer-induced osteolysis than others. Canine osteosarcoma (OSA) is characterized by focal bone destruction, but a systematic investigation for determining which bone resorption marker best supports the diagnosis of OSA in dogs has not been reported. HYPOTHESIS: Dogs with OSA will have increased concentrations of bone resorption markers compared with healthy dogs and dogs with orthopedic disorders. Differences will exist among various bone resorption markers for their ability to support the diagnosis of malignant osteolysis in dogs with OSA. ANIMALS: Single time point, cross-sectional, cohort study including dogs with OSA (n = 20) or orthopedic disorders (n = 20) and healthy dogs (n = 22). METHODS: Basal concentrations of urine and serum N-telopeptide (NTx), urine and serum C-telopeptide (CTx), and urine deoxypyridinoline (DPD) were compared among all 3 groups. RESULTS: Compared with healthy dogs and dogs with orthopedic disorders, urine NTx, serum NTx, and serum CTx concentrations were significantly increased in dogs with OSA. For urine NTx and serum NTx, the calculated lower and upper 95% confidence limits in dogs with OSA did not overlap with dogs diagnosed with orthopedic disorders or healthy dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Of the markers evaluated in this study, urine NTx and serum NTx appear to be the most discriminatory resorption markers supporting the diagnosis of focal malignant osteolysis in dogs with OSA.  相似文献   

Serum thyroxine (T4) and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations were determined every 3 h for 12 h beginning at 8 a.m. in 20 healthy euthyroid dogs, 19 dogs with hypothyroidism, and 18 euthyroid dogs with atopic dermatitis. Status of thyroid function was based on history, physical findings, results of thyrotropin response testing, and requirement for thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Mean serum T4 and T3 concentrations did not vary significantly between blood samplings within each of the three groups of dogs. Between groups of dogs, mean serum T4 concentration was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher at each blood sampling time in healthy euthyroid dogs and euthyroid dogs with atopic dermatitis when compared to dogs with hypothyroidism. There was no significant difference in mean serum T4 concentration at any blood sampling time between healthy euthyroid dogs and euthyroid dogs with atopic dermatitis or in mean serum T3 concentrations at any blood sampling time between any of the three groups of dogs. Random fluctuation in serum T4 and T3 concentrations was found in dogs in all three groups. Random fluctuations were more common with serum T3 versus T4 concentrations. Consequently, sensitivity (0.88 versus 0.52), specificity (0.73 versus 0.45), predictive value for a positive test (0.75 versus 0.32), predictive value for a negative test (0.87 versus 0.65), and accuracy (0.80 versus 0.47) were better for serum T4 concentration than serum T3 concentration, respectively, when all blood samples were analysed. Measurement of serum T4 concentration was more accurate than serum T3 concentration in assessing the status of thyroid gland function.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relationship between endostatin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in cancers of dogs, circulating concentrations of these 2 tumor-associated markers were measured prospectively in healthy dogs (n = 44), dogs with tumors (n = 54), and dogs with nonneoplastic diseases (n = 42 for endostatin; n = 16 for VEGF). A canine-directed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit was used for determination of endostatin, and a human-directed kit was validated for detection of canine VEGF. Concentrations of endostatin for all dogs were 28-408 ng/mL. Increasing serum endostatin concentration was associated with increasing age (P = .0396). Concentrations of endostatin were not different among groups of dogs (P = .1989) when adjusted for age. Mean endostatin concentrations for all dogs were higher in dogs (P = .0124) with detectable VEGF concentrations. Endostatin concentrations, when corrected for age, were related to decreasing PCV (P = .032) but not white blood cell count (P = .225) or platelet count (P = .1990). Measurable VEGF (> or = 2.5 pg/mL) was detected in 3 (7.0%) of 43 healthy dogs. Dogs with tumors had detectable VEGF in 24 (44%) of 54 dogs, with concentrations ranging from 2.5-274 pg/mL; only 1 dog with a nonneoplastic disease process had detectable VEGF. VEGF concentrations for all dogs after correcting for age, endostatin, and disease categories were associated with increased white blood cell count (P = .0032) and platelet counts (P = .0064) and decreased PCV (P = .0017). Linkage between increased endostatin and VEGF concentrations suggests that similar factors may influence concentrations of these markers. Further evaluation of endostatin and VEGF associations in dogs with tumors may provide information on the extent and progression of the disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of free thyroxine (FT4) measured by chemiluminescence in evaluating thyroid function in dogs. Total thyroxine (TT4) concentration measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and FT4 measured by chemiluminescence were evaluated in 30 healthy dogs, 60 euthyroid dogs with concurrent dermatopathies, and 30 hypothyroid dogs before and after intravenous stimulation with 1 or 2 IU of thyrotropin (TSH). Median basal TT4 and median TT4 concentrations at 4 h post-TSH administration were not significantly different (P < 0.0001) between healthy dogs and euthyroid dogs with dermatopathies, but were significantly higher than those in hypothyroid dogs. In healthy dogs, the median TT4 concentrations at 4 and 6 h post-TSH administration were not significantly different. Median basal FT4 and median FT4 concentrations at 4 h post-TSH administration in healthy dogs were significantly lower (P < 0.0001) than those in euthyroid dogs with dermatopathies, but significantly higher than the same parameters in hypothyroid dogs. There was a significant difference between the median FT4 concentrations at 4 h post-TSH administration and median basal FT4 concentrations for healthy dogs and euthyroid dogs with dermatopathies, but not for hypothyroid dogs. Lastly, in healthy dogs, median FT4 concentrations at 4 and 6 h post-TSH administration were not significantly different. Free thyroxine measured by chemiluminescence was highly correlated (P < 0.0001; Spearman r = 0.91) with FT4 measured by the reference method for free hormone analysis, namely, equilibrium dialysis, when sera from 56 dogs were used.  相似文献   

Cystoisospora spp. from feces in dogs, cats, and raccoon dogs were isolated, sequenced at the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene locus and compared to other Cystoisospora spp. Cystoisospora oocysts from dogs and raccoon dogs were morphologically similar with those of C. ohioensis, and cat isolates were similar with those of C. felis. The sequences from dogs and raccoon dogs, and cats have a homology with C. ohioensis and C. felis, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of the DNA sequences showed that the dog and raccoon dog isolates were nested in a clade with other Cystoisospora spp. including C. ohioensis, C. belli, and C. orlovi. The cat isolate formed a sister group with C. felis that was a separate clade from the dog and raccoon dog group. We report sequence variation in these Cystoisospora sequences and have identified raccoon dogs as another carnivore host for Cystoisospora spp. infecting dogs.  相似文献   

Dogs do not appear to progress from obesity-induced insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Both postprandial hyperglycemia and postprandial hypertriglyceridemia have been proposed to cause or maintain beta cell failure and progression to type 2 diabetes mellitus in other species. Postprandial glucose, triglyceride, and insulin concentrations have not been compared in lean and obese dogs. We measured serum glucose, triglyceride, and insulin concentrations in nine naturally occurring obese and nine age- and gender-matched lean dogs. After a 24-h fast, dogs were fed half their calculated daily energy requirement of a standardized diet that provided 37% and 40% of metabolizable energy as carbohydrate and fat, respectively. Fasting and postprandial glucose and triglyceride concentrations were greater in the obese dogs (P < 0.001), although the mean insulin concentration for this group was five times greater than that of the lean group (P < 0.001). Most of the 0.6 mM (11 mg/dL) difference in mean postprandial glucose concentrations between lean and obese dogs was attributable to a subset of persistently hyperglycemic obese dogs with mean postprandial glucose concentrations 1.0 mM (18 mg/dL) greater than that in lean dogs. Persistently hyperglycemic obese dogs had lower triglyceride (P = 0.02 to 0.04) and insulin (P < 0.02) concentrations than other obese dogs. None of the dogs developed clinical signs of diabetes mellitus during follow-up for a median of 2.6 yr. We conclude that pancreatic beta cells in dogs are either not sensitive to toxicity because of mild hyperglycemia or lack another component of the pathophysiology of beta cell failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of isolation and susceptibility patterns of Staphylococcus schleiferi from healthy dogs and dogs with otitis, pyoderma, or both that had or had not received antimicrobial treatment. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 50 dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were allocated to 1 of 4 groups: healthy dogs (n=13), dogs without otitis but with pyoderma (10), dogs with otitis but without pyoderma (11), and dogs with otitis and pyoderma (16). Bacteriologic culture of ear swab specimens was performed in all dogs. Bacteriologic culture of skin swab specimens was also performed in dogs with concurrent pyoderma. Isolates were identified as S schleiferi subsp schleiferi or S schleiferi subsp coagulans on the basis of growth and biochemical characteristics. RESULTS: S schleiferi was not isolated from any dogs with pyoderma only. Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp schleiferi was isolated from the ears of 2 healthy dogs, and the skin and ears of 2 dogs and the skin of 1 dog with otitis and pyoderma. Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp coagulans was isolated from the ears of 3 dogs with otitis only, and the ears of 6 dogs and the skin of 2 dogs with otitis and pyoderma. One of the S schleiferi subsp schleiferi isolates from ears, 2 of the S schleiferi subsp coagulans isolates from ears, and 1 of the S schleiferi subsp coagulans isolates from the skin were resistant to methicillin. One methicillin-resistant isolate from the ears and 1 from the skin were also resistant to fluoroquinolones. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: S schleiferi subsp schleiferi was detected in healthy dogs and dogs with otitis and pyoderma. Methicillin-resistant and -susceptible S schleiferi subsp schleiferi and S schleiferi subsp coagulans were detected as the predominant organisms in dogs with otitis.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to determine the historical, physical examination, and clinicopathologic findings in dogs with suppurative, nonseptic polyarthropathy and to identify concurrent disorders associated with this syndrome. Medical records of 52 dogs with cytologic evidence of suppurative inflammation in two or more joints were examined retrospectively. Age of dogs was 4.8 years (median, range: 0.5-12 years). There was no clear breed or sex predilection, but most were large-breed dogs (body weight > or = 20 kg [44.4 lbs] in 40/52). Body temperature was 103.0 degrees F (39.4 degrees C) (median, range: 100.0-105.9 degrees F), with 29 of 52 dogs having a body temperature > or = 103 degrees F (39.4 degrees C). Lameness was identified in 42 of 52 dogs. Erosive changes were found in only 1 of 37 dogs that had radiography performed. A clear underlying disease process was not identified in 34 of 52 dogs. Seven dogs had evidence of infectious or inflammatory processes at extra-articular sites; 4 dogs were diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); 2 dogs had gastrointestinal disease; 2 dogs had been vaccinated within 1 month before onset of polyarthritis; 1 dog had cancer; 1 dog had polyarthritis and meningitis; and 1 dog had erosive polyarthritis. Of the 44 dogs tested, 25 had antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi, detected by an ELISA assay, which was significantly greater than the general hospital population (P = .007). Antibodies against Rickettsia rickettsiae and Ehrlichia canis were not definitively identified in the sera of any dog tested in this study (45 and 44 dogs, respectively). We conclude that an underlying disease process is not identified in most cases of suppurative polyarthropathy in dogs and that intestinal disease, neoplasia, and SLE are uncommon causes of polyarthritis. While seropositivity against the causative agent of Lyme disease was common and possibly a cause of polyarthritis in some dogs of our study, evidence of other vector-borne infection was not identified.  相似文献   

The systemic availability of o,p'-DDD was studied in 12 normal dogs and seven dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH). The drug was given by mouth at 50 mg kg-1 and plasma o,p'-DDD concentrations were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. First, six normal dogs were given the drug three times at intervals of one week in a Latin square pattern. Systemic drug availability was found to be very poor from intact tablets in fasted dogs, better with pure drug dissolved in maize oil given by stomach tube, and best with ground tablets mixed in oil poured on dog food. Then six normal dogs and five with PDH were given one dose of o,p'-DDD as intact tablets in dog food. Systemic drug availability was good in the normal animals and, for unknown reasons, better in dogs with PDH. The half-time of elimination was shorter in dogs with PDH than in normal ones. There was evidence of a gradual rise in plasma o,p'-DDD concentrations in seven dogs with PDH treated with 25 mg kg-1 every 12 hours for 14 or 20 days. The interaction between food and o,p'-DDD probably contributes to the variation in clinical response of dogs treated with the drug. The efficiency of therapy with o,p'-DDD should be improved considerably by administering the drug with food.  相似文献   

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