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The objective of this study was to assess the host status of African buffaloes, Syncerus caffer, for the one-host tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus. To this end the R. (B.) decoloratus burdens of ten buffaloes examined in three north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN) nature reserves were compared with those of medium-sized to large antelope species in these reserves and in the southern Kruger National Park (KNP), Mpumalanga Province. The R. (B.) decoloratus burdens of the buffaloes were considerably smaller than those of the antelopes in the KNP, but not those in the KZN reserves. The life-stage structure of the R. (B.) decoloratus populations on the buffaloes, in which larvae predominated, was closer to that of this tick on blue wildebeest, Connochaetes taurinus, a tick-resistant animal, than to that on other antelopes. A single buffalo examined in the KNP was not infested with R. (B.) decoloratus, whereas a giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, examined at the same locality and time, harboured a small number of ticks. In a nature reserve in Mpumalanga Province adjacent to the KNP, two immobilized buffaloes, from which only adult ticks were collected, were not infested with R. (B.) decoloratus, whereas greater kudus, Tragelaphus strepsiceros, examined during the same time of year in the KNP harboured large numbers of adult ticks of this species. African buffaloes would thus appear to be resistant to infestation with R. (B.) decoloratus, and this resistance is expressed as the prevention of the majority of tick larvae from developing to nymphs.  相似文献   

The tortoise tick Amblyomma marmoreum was collected from large numbers of reptiles and other animals during the course of numerous surveys conducted in South Africa. A total of 1229 ticks, of which 550 were adults, were recovered from 309 reptiles belonging to 13 species, with leopard tortoises, Geochelone pardalis being the most heavily infested. The 269 birds sampled harboured 4901 larvae, 217 nymphs and no adult ticks, and the prevalence of infestation was greatest on helmeted guineafowls, Numida meleagris. Only two larvae were recovered from 610 rodents, including 31 spring hares, Pedetes capensis, whereas 1144 other small mammals yielded 1835 immature ticks, of which 1655 were collected from 623 scrub hares, Lepus saxatilis. The 213 carnivores examined harboured 2459 ticks of which none were adult. A single adult tick and 6684 larvae and 62 nymphs were recovered from 656 large herbivores, and a total of 4081 immature ticks and three adults were collected from 1543 domestic animals and 194 humans. Adult male and female A. marmoreum were most numerous on reptiles during January and February, and larvae during March. The largest numbers of larvae were present on domestic cattle and helmeted guineafowls in the Eastern Cape Province during March or April respectively, whereas larvae were most numerous on helmeted guineafowls, scrub hares and the vegetation in north-eastern Mpumalanga Province during May. In both provinces nymphs were most numerous between October and December. Amblyomma marmoreum appears to be most prevalent in the western regions of the Western and Eastern Cape and Free State provinces, and the north-eastern regions of the Northern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumulanga and Limpopo provinces.  相似文献   

Twelve Hartmann's mountain zebra, Equus zebra hartmannae, were shot for arthropod parasite recovery during the period June 1980-June 1981 on a farm in the Khomas Hochland region of South West Africa/Namibia. Four species of Gasterophilus larvae, 1 species of Rhinoestrus larvae and 3 ixodid tick species were recovered. The seasonal prevalence of the Gasterophilus species larvae and of Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus was determined. Three horses examined on the same farm were infested with larvae of 2 Gasterophilus species and with the same ixodid tick species as the zebras.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to make an inventory of the ixodid tick species infesting wild animals in three western, semi-arid nature reserves in South Africa. To this end 22 animals in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, 10 in the West Coast National Park and 16 in the Karoo National Park were examined. Fourteen tick species were recovered, of which Hyalomma truncatum, Rhipicephalus exophthalmos and Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum were each present in two reserves and the remainder only in one. The distributions of two of the 14 tick species recovered, namely Rhipicephalus capensis and Rhipicephalus neumanni, are virtually confined to the western semi-arid regions of southern Africa. Hyalomma truncatum, R. capensis and R. glabroscutatum were the most numerous of the ticks recovered, and eland, Taurotragus oryx, were the most heavily infested with the former two species and gemsbok, Oryx gazella, and mountain reedbuck, Redunca fulvorufula, with R. glabroscutatum.  相似文献   

The tick burdens of 10 crowned guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), shot at approximately 3-monthly intervals in the Mountain Zebra National Park, and of 21 crowned guinea fowl from the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, the majority of which were shot at monthly intervals, were determined. No adult ticks were recovered from any of the guinea fowl. The birds in the Mountain Zebra National Park harboured 4 species of ixodid ticks of which Amblyomma marmoreum was the most abundant and most prevalent. Three birds also harboured Hyalomma marginatum turanicum. Six ixodid tick species were present on guinea fowl in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve. Of these Amblyomma hebraeum was the most abundant and all the birds were infested. Most of these birds were also infested with A. marmoreum and Haemaphysalis silacea and some harboured Hyalomma marginatum rufipes. The seasonal abundance of ticks on crowned guinea fowl is discussed.  相似文献   

Ticks were collected at approximately bi-monthly intervals between June 1996 and June 1997 from crested francolins, Francolinus sephaena, and from the vegetation on a mixed cattle and wildlife farm in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The birds were infested with the immature stages of 13 tick species, of which Amblyomma hebraeum, Amblyomma marmoreum and Hyalomma marginatum rufipes were the most numerous and prevalent. Ten ixodid tick species were collected from the vegetation, of which the immature stages of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus and Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi were the most numerous. No adult ticks were collected from the birds and only two from the vegetation. The restricted home range of crested francolins implies that they could serve as a source of tick infestation only for other animals within the same habitat as the birds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the species spectrum of ixodid ticks infesting birds in Free State Province, South Africa. To this end a large number of birds belonging to several species were examined for ticks and a total of 180 birds belonging to 39 species at 17 localities were infested, and ticks belonging to eight species were recovered. The immature stages of only two, namely Amblyomma marmoreum and Hyalomma marginatum rufipes, were sufficiently prevalent and numerous to safely assume that they regularly use birds as hosts. Helmeted guineafowls, Numida meleagris, were the most heavily infested and one harboured a total of 319 larvae and four nymphs. Amongst the other species an eastern clapper lark, Mirafra fasciolata, was infested with 69 larvae and a nymph, but no other bird harboured more than 40 ticks. The larvae and nymphs of H. m. rufipes were most numerous on birds from April to August.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty-five small mammals belonging to 16 species were examined for ticks in Free State, Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces, South Africa, and 18 ixodid tick species, of which two could only be identified to genus level, were recovered. Scrub hares, Lepus saxatilis, and Cape hares, Lepus capensis, harboured the largest number of tick species. In Free State Province Namaqua rock mice, Aethomys namaquensis, and four-striped grass mice, Rhabdomys pumilio, were good hosts of the immature stages of Haemaphysalis leachi and Rhipicephalus gertrudae, while in Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces red veld rats, Aethomys chrysophilus, Namaqua rock mice and Natal multimammate mice, Mastomys natalensis were good hosts of H. leachi and Rhipicephalus simus. Haemaphysalis leachi was the only tick recovered from animals in all three provinces.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites were collected from impalas, Aepyceros melampus, at four localities within the Kruger National Park, namely Skukuza, in the Biyamiti region, Crocodile Bridge and Pafuri. Animals were also examined at Skukuza during a severe drought and at Skukuza and Pafuri towards the end of a second drought. Parasite burdens were analysed in relation to locality, sex, age class, month and drought. The impalas were infested with 13 ixodid ticks species, including two that were identified only to genus level. Except for four animals at Pafuri, all were infested with Amblyomma hebraeum. The highest intensity of infestation with larvae of this tick occurred from April to June and during November and December at Skukuza and in the Biyamiti region. Infestation with nymphs was highest during late winter. All animals were infested with Boophilus decoloratus, and the intensity of infestation was highest during spring. The intensity of infestation with Rhipicephalus appendiculatus was highest at Crocodile Bridge and at Pafuri, and that of Rhipicephalus zambeziensis at Skukuza. With both the latter species the intensity of infestation of larvae was highest from April to August, of nymphs from July to September or October and of adults during February and March. Rhipicephalus kochi was present only at Pafuri. The impalas also harboured five louse species and two species of hippoboscid flies. The intensity of infestation with lice tended to be greater during late winter and spring than during other seasons and greater on lambs than on yearlings on which it was greater than on adult animals.  相似文献   

Eighty yellow mongooses, Cynictis penicillata, from five localities in South Africa were examined for arthropod parasites. Ten ixodid tick species, of which Haemaphysalis zumpti was the most abundant, prevalent and widely distributed, were collected. The mongooses were also infested with two mite species. Echidnophaga gallinacea was the most abundant of the eight flea species collected. It and Ctenocephalides connatus were present at every locality. A single biting louse species, Felicola cynictis, was recovered and it was the most prevalent ectoparasite on the mongooses.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventeen scrub hares, Lepus saxatilis, were examined for ixodid ticks in various regions of the Cape Province. They were infested with 18 tick species and the seasonal abundances of the immature stages of Amblyomma hebraeum, Amblyomma marmoreum, Hyalomma marginatum rufipes, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum and all stages of Rhipicephalus oculatus and the adults of a Rhipicephalus sp. (near R. oculatus) were determined. Seventy-two scrub hares on 3 farms in the Orange Free State harboured 10 ixodid tick species and the seasonal abundances of the immature stages of H. marginatum rufipes and Hyalomma truncatum and all stages of Rhipicephalus punctatus were determined. Thirty Cape hares, Lepus capensis, examined in the northern Cape Province harboured 5 tick species and the seasonal abundances of the immature stages of H. marginatum rufipes and H. truncatum were determined. Thirty-four Cape hares examined in the south-western Orange Free State carried 6 tick species and the seasonal abundance of immature H. marginatum rufipes was determined on these animals. Twenty-eight Smith's red rock rabbits examined on 2 farms in the south-western Orange Free State were infested with 7 tick species.  相似文献   

Vaal ribbok (Pelea capreolus), bontebok (Damaliscus dorcas dorcas) and scrub hares (Lepus saxatilis) were slaughtered in the Bontebok National Park at regular intervals and examined for arthropod parasites. Twelve species of ixodid ticks were recovered; the antelope each harboured 9 species and the hares 11. Rhipicephalus nitens was the most prevalent and most abundant tick. The vaal ribbok also harboured large numbers of Ixodes pilosus and the bontebok fairly large numbers of Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum. The vaal ribbok were infested with 2 lice species and the larvae of 3 oestrid fly species. The bontebok harboured 2 lice species and the larvae of 2 oestrid flies, and the scrub hares were infested with a louse species and a flea species. The host preference and seasonal abundance of some of the parasites were determined.  相似文献   

There are only two species worldwide within the genus Rhipicentor, namely Rhipicentor bicornis and Rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in Africa. Rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in South Africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. Rock elephant shrews, Elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the Free State Province, one in Gauteng Province and two in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Cape elephant shrews, Elephantulus edwardii were examined at two places in the Western Cape Province, and a single specimen of the bushveld elephant shrew, Elephantulus intufi was examined in central Namibia. Small mammals of other species were also examined at two of these localities. The majority of E. myurus at two sites in the Free State, at the locality in Gauteng and both sites in Limpopo Province were infested with larvae and/or nymphs of R. nuttalli, while the single E. edwardii examined at one site in the Western Cape Province and the single E. intufi examined in Namibia were infested with nymphs of this tick. Not one of the other small animals was infested. Although larvae and nymphs of R. nuttalli were present on E. myurus throughout the year, the former were generally most numerous during the period March to September, and the latter during May to October. The preferred hosts of the adults are domestic dogs, leopards, Panthera pardus and South African hedgehogs, Atelerix frontalis. Adult females engorged on Atelerix frontalis in 16-32 days and, after a preoviposition period of 2-4 days, produced approximately 170,00 eggs during the following 60-70 days. The average incubation period of the eggs was 59 days. Larvae engorged on E. myurus in 4-10 days and moulted to nymphs 12-20 days later. Nymphs required 11-15 days to engorge on E. myurus and moulted to adults 32-47 days later. Allowing 14 days for the exoskeletons and mouthparts of each of the three parasitic stages to harden before they can attach to a host, the life cycle took approximately 214 days to complete in the laboratory. The length of this period, considered in conjunction with the times of maximum seasonal occurrence of the immature stages, indicates that the life cycle probably takes a year to complete in the field.  相似文献   

Twenty-six common reedbuck, Redunca arundinum, were shot in pairs at monthly intervals for 13 consecutive months in the Himeville region of Natal. Ten nematode species, 2 cestodes and 1 trematode were recovered from these animals. Cooperia yoshidai was both the most numerous and most prevalent worm and peak burdens occurred during summer. Thirty-one reedbuck, killed at different intervals in various localities within the St. Lucia Reserve, harboured between 4 and 11 nematode species, 1 cestode and 1 trematode. With the exception of 4 reedbuck shot during January 1987, in which Haemonchus contortus was the most abundant worm, C. yoshidai was again both the most abundant and most prevalent worm. Peak burdens of this nematode occurred during autumn to spring. The helminths of 5 impala, Aepyceros melampus, also shot in the St. Lucia Reserve were examined. Some of the worm species of impala were also found in the reedbuck from the same locality and the helminths of the 2 antelope species are compared. An amended list, which includes several new records of the parasites of common reedbuck in South Africa is provided.  相似文献   

Sets of four kudus were shot and examined for arthropod parasites at approximately monthly intervals from April 1981 to March 1983 in the southern part of the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal Lowveld. These animals harboured 10 ixodid tick species of which Boophilus decoloratus followed by Amblyomma hebraeum were the most abundant. The seasonal abundances of these ticks and of Amblyomma marmoreum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were determined. The kudus were also infested with 3 lice and 1 louse fly species, as well as the nymphs of a pentastomid. Sixteen kudus were shot in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, eastern Cape Province and 9 on an adjacent farm. These animals were infested with 12 tick species. A. hebraeum followed by Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum were the most abundant on kudus in the reserve and R. glabroscutatum followed by Haemaphysalis silacea on the animals on the farm. The seasonal abundances of A. hebraeum, A. marmoreum, H. silacea, R. appendiculatus, R. glabroscutatum and a Rhipicephalus sp. (near R. oculatus) were determined on the kudus in the reserve. The kudus were also infested with 3 lice and 1 louse fly species. Two kudus examined in the Addo Elephant National Park were infested with 6 tick, 1 louse and 1 louse fly species.  相似文献   

Eighteen red duikers, Cephalophus natalensis, from the Charters Creek Nature Reserve and 2 from Fanies Island Nature Reserve were processed for arthropod parasite recovery. They harboured 8 species of ixodid ticks and 2 lice species. All were infested with Haemaphysalis parmata and the nymphs of Rhipicephalus muehlensi. Two bushpigs, Potamochoerus porcus, from the Ndumu Nature Reserve, 5 from the Eastern Shores Nature Reserve and 1 from Cape Vidal were examined for ectoparasites. They were infested with 8 ixodid tick species, of which Rhipicephalus maculatus was the most abundant, and with 1 louse species.  相似文献   

Large numbers of birds, wild mammals and domestic stock from a variety of localities within the Republic of South Africa were examined for infestation with the ixodid ticks Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma marmoreum. Every warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus), Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelli), impala (Aepyceros melampus) and kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) from the Kruger National Park in the north-eastern Transvaal Lowveld was infested with A. hebraeum. In the eastern Cape Province every helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) and kudu from the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve; all but 1 of the 22 domestic cattle examined on the farm "Bucklands"; and all Angora goats plus nearly all Boer goats examined on the farm "Brakhill" were infested with this tick. Most animals examined appeared to be good hosts of the immature stages, and the larger the host species the greater the chances of it harbouring large numbers of adult ticks. The largest animals examined, such as eland, buffalo, giraffe and rhinoceros, harboured very large numbers of adult A. hebraeum. No adult A. marmoreum was recovered from any host. However, 50% or more of helmeted guinea fowl and kudu from the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve; helmeted guinea fowl, scrub hares and eland (Taurotragus oryx) from the Mountain Zebra National Park; helmeted guinea fowl, kudu, domestic sheep, goats and cattle on the farm "Bucklands", and caracal (Felis caracal) from the Cradock and Southwell areas of the eastern Cape Province were infested with immature A. marmoreum. In the Bontebok National Park in the south-western Cape Province more than 35% of scrub hares, vaal ribbok (Pelea capreolus) and bontebok (Damaliscus dorcas dorcas) were infested with immature ticks.  相似文献   

The arthropod parasite burdens of 14 Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra), shot for survey purposes in the Mountain Zebra National Park in the eastern Cape Province, were determined. Three species of Gasterophilus larvae and 9 ixodid tick species were recovered. Larvae of Gasterophilus pecorum were the most numerous of the fly larvae recovered and Margaropus winthemi was the most abundant tick. Two horses examined in the park were infested with 3 species of Gasterophilus larvae and 7 species of ixodid ticks.  相似文献   

In the Central Guinea savannah of C?te d'Ivoire, cattle breeding started only approximately 30 years ago. The impact of parasitism on the overall health status and productivity of the trypanotolerant N'Dama cattle in this area is unknown. In close collaboration with national veterinary institutions and local farmers, we studied spectrum, burden and seasonal dynamics of ticks (including aspects of cowdriosis) on N'Dama village cattle. In a longitudinal study, three randomly selected cattle herds (traditional farming type) of one village were examined repeatedly for ticks. Spectrum, burden, seasonal epidemiology of ticks were assessed. In these traditional herds (which lack (ecto)parasite management), all animals were infested by ticks at monthly counts. Five different tick species were identified; the four genera in order of frequency were: Amblyomma (overall prevalence 96%), Boophilus (47%), Hyalomma (<1%) and Rhipicephalus (<1%). Amblyomma variegatum was the most-abundant tick on cattle in all seasons. Seroprevalence of Cowdria ruminantium was 31% (95% CI: 26, 36%). Most of the animals typically carried low tick burdens. N'Dama cattle seem well adapted to their environment and can resist the tick burdens under this traditional farming system.  相似文献   

A total of 69 warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, were collected from 4 localities within the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal Lowveld. These animals harboured 16 nematode species, 2 trematodes, 1 or 2 species of adult cestodes and the larval stages of 4 cestodes. No pattern of seasonal abundance could be determined for any of the helminths. The warthogs were also infested with 3 flea species, 1 louse species, 8 ixodid tick species, 1 argasid tick and the nymphae of a pentastomid. The seasonal abundance of fleas of the genus Echidnophaga, of the sucking louse Haematopinus phacochoeri and the ixodid ticks Amblyomma hebraeum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus simus and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis was determined.  相似文献   

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