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This paper describes four cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Cat 1 showed polydipsia and polyphagia. Diabetes mellitus was initially diagnosed As the animal appeared to be insulin resistant, pituitary and adrenocortical function tests were performed and the diagnosis of hyperadrenocoricism was made. Resistance to the high‐dose dexamethasone suppression test was noticed in this cat. Pathological examination revealed a pituitary chromophobe adenoma.

Cat 2 presented with diabetes mellitus, which was treated with insulin. The animal had a pendulous abdomen and its coat was in a poor condition. The low‐dose dexamenthasone suppression test demonstrated hyperadrenocorticism. Necropsy findings of pituitary tumour and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex confirmed the diagnosis.

Cat 3 showed clinical abnormalities indicative of hyperadrenocorticism, for instance, muscle weakness, alopecia, multiple abcesses. The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was confirmed by the results of the lowe‐dose dexamethasone suppression test. Pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma.

Cat 4 presented with polydipsia. The cause of this symptom was not found initially. One and a half years later additional symptoms, such as nephritis and polyphagia developed Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed because of a palpable mass cranial to the left kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by the results of the lowe‐dose dexamethasone suppression test and the necropsy findings  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal stenosis secondary to chronic upper respiratory tract infection is described in four cats. The stenosis is caused by a thin but tough inflammatory membrane which develops across the proximal nasopharynx, partly or completely occluding it. Diagnosis is aided by use of a dental mirror for caudal rhinoscopy, together with test passage of a fine catheter through the ventral nasal meatus. All four cases were treated successfully by surgical resection of the membrane through an incision in the soft palate. Nasopharyngeal stenosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of all chronic upper respiratory disease in cats.  相似文献   

This paper describes four cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Cat 1 showed polydipsia and polyphagia. Diabetes mellitus was initially diagnosed. As the animal appeared to be insulin resistant, pituitary and adrenocortical function tests were performed and the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was made. Resistance to the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test was noticed in this cat. Pathological examination revealed a pituitary chromophobe adenoma. Cat 2 presented with diabetes mellitus, which was treated with insulin. The animal had a pendulous abdomen and its coat was in a poor condition. The low-dose dexamethasone suppression test demonstrated hyperadrenocorticism. Necropsy findings of pituitary tumour and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex confirmed the diagnosis. Cat 3 showed clinical abnormalities indicative of hyperadrenocorticism, for instance, muscle weakness, alopecia, multiple abscesses. The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was confirmed by the results of the lowe-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma. Cat 4 presented with polydipsia. The cause of this symptom was not found initially. One and a half years later additional symptoms, such as nephritis and polyphagia developed. Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed because of a palpable mass cranial to the left kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by the results of the lowe-dose dexamethasone suppression test and the necropsy findings.  相似文献   

Preparturient hypocalcemia was identified in 4 cats in a specific pathogen-free colony between 1995 and 1996. All cats had an acute onset of clinical signs, 3 to 17 days prior to parturition. Signs of depression, weakness, tachypnea, and mild muscle tremors were the most common clinical signs, following by vomiting and anorexia. Additional abnormalities included hypothermia, third eyelid prolapse, dehydration, pallor, lethargy, flaccid paralysis, and hyperexcitability. Hematologic abnormalities included leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphopenia. Hypocalcemia was documented in each queen. Common serum biochemical abnormalities included high aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities. All cats responded to IV or SC administration of 10% calcium gluconate. Queens were then given calcium orally prior to and following parturition. The queens did not have additional complications for the duration of the gestational or lactational periods.  相似文献   

Four cats presented with clinical signs suggestive of respiratory disease, including dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis, inspiratory stridor, coughing, and gagging. Radiographs revealed intratracheal masses. Bronchoscopy allowed for lesion localization and collection of samples for cytopathological and histopathological evaluation, which confirmed a diagnosis of lymphosarcoma. Cats treated with systemic chemotherapy or radiation were able to achieve complete remission and long-term resolution of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Feline primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (pIMT) is a rare hematological disorder. Platelet-bound antibody assays for cats have variable specificity and sensitivity and are not widely available. Diagnosis of pIMT is made on the basis of exclusion of other identifiable causes of thrombocytopenia and the response to immunosuppressive therapy. This report describes four cats with severe thrombocytopenia and no detectable underlying disease. One cat was euthanased because of pulmonary hemorrhage, while the other cats had frequent relapses, two of these cats developed diabetes mellitus due to long-term corticosteroid therapy. In these cats IMT had a chronic course and responded poorly to therapy with prednisolone. Alternative immunomodulatory drugs may be considered in the treatment of feline IMT.  相似文献   

Proliferative and necrotizing feline otitis externa is a rare disorder of unknown aetiology. This condition was diagnosed by skin biopsy in three adult domestic shorthair cats (3-5 years old) and one kitten (6 months old). The affected cats had large tan to dark brown-black coalescing plaques covering the concave surface of the pinnae and external ear canals. Friable material from the plaques and a thick exudate occluded the ear canals. The cats had a secondary bacterial and/or yeast otitis. Prior to the histopathological diagnosis, all cats received numerous otic preparations as well as oral antibiotics and corticosteroids without resolution. Histologically, all cases had strikingly similar changes; acanthosis with pronounced hair follicle outer root sheath hyperplasia and neutrophilic luminal folliculitis, follicular keratosis and individually necrotic keratinocytes in the outer root sheath of hair follicles. One case was documented via skin biopsy to have persisted for 4 years. The adult cats were treated with topical 0.1% tacrolimus and all showed marked improvement although one cat was lost to follow up. The lesions completely resolved with topical tacrolimus alone in one cat and topical tacrolimus in addition to oral prednisolone in another cat.  相似文献   

Pancreatic trauma and rupture are rare after feline high-rise syndrome; however, should it happen, pancreatic enzymes will leak into the abdominal cavity and may cause pancreatic autodigestion and fatty tissue saponification. If not diagnosed and treated, it can ultimately lead to multiorgan failure and death. In this case series, 700 records of high-rise syndrome cats that presented between April 2001 and May 2006 were analysed, and four cats with pancreatic rupture were identified. Clinical signs, diagnosis using ultrasonography and lipase activity in blood and abdominal effusion, and treatment modalities are reported. Three cats underwent surgical abdominal exploration, one cat was euthanased. Rupture of the left pancreatic limb was confirmed in all cases. Two of the operated cats survived to date. High-rise syndrome can lead to abdominal trauma, including pancreatic rupture. A prompt diagnosis and surgical treatment should be considered.  相似文献   

Four cats developed fibrosis within the retroperitoneal space following renal transplantation. In human transplant patients, retroperitoneal fibrosis is an uncommon complication following surgery and may be secondary to operative trauma, infection, deposition of foreign material in the operative field, urinary extravasation, and perirenal hemorrhage caused by trauma to the allograft. Possible causes of fibrosis in the cats of this report include abdominal inflammation associated with allograft rejection, pyelonephritis, and septic peritoneal effusion. All of the cats of this report were readmitted to the veterinary teaching hospital following renal transplantation because of recurrence of azotemia 1 to 5 months after transplantation. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a 2- to 4-mm-thick capsule surrounding the allograft in 2 of 4 cats, hydronephrosis in 4 cats, and hydroureter proximally in 2 cats. An exploratory laparotomy was performed in all cats to remove the fibrotic tissue causing the ureteral obstruction. Normal renal function was restored in all cats following surgery. Histologic evaluation of biopsy specimens revealed smooth muscle (3 cats) and fibrous connective tissue (4). All 4 cats, regardless of the cause, responded well to surgical resection of the scar tissue that was causing a ureteral obstruction. None of the cats had recurrence of obstruction following surgery.  相似文献   

Ante mortem diagnosis of pancreatitis in four cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ante mortem detection of pancreatitis in four cats is reported. Clinical findings included vomiting, lethargy and constipation in all the cats, diabetes mellitus in two cats and severe jaundice and a vitamin K responsive coagulopathy in one cat. Serum amylase was normal in all the cats and serum lipase was elevated in one azotaemic cat. Ultrasonography revealed predominantly hypoechoic masses in the right cranial quandrant of the abdomen of each cat. The anatomical location of these masses was consistent with the pancreas. Gross examination supported these ultrasonographic observations. The pancreatic lesions were characterised histologically as acute necrotising pancreatitis, acute necrotising pancreatitis with abscessation, chronic active pancreatitis with cystic dilatation of the pancreatic duct causing bile duct obstruction and chronic active pancreatitis with nodular hyperplasia. This report indicates that pancreatitis is a clinically significant disease in cats that may be diagnosed ante mortem.  相似文献   

为加强对罕见疾病假足菌肿的认识,给兽医工作者在诊治相似病例时提供参考,本研究分别从临床症状、诊断过程及治疗方法对1例犬小孢子菌引起的猫假足菌肿的病例进行报道。采集患猫尾荐部样本进行细胞学检查、真菌培养及菌株质谱鉴定。细胞学涂片中可见大量的炎性细胞、真菌孢子和真菌菌丝,诊断为真菌性肉芽肿性炎症。基于细胞学的结果,取样进行真菌培养。对培养出的菌株染色镜检,发现有6个以上分隔的大分生孢子。最后,通过质谱鉴定确定该病原菌为犬小孢子菌。综合以上检查结果,该病例诊断为犬小孢子菌引起的猫假足菌肿。治疗采用外用药浴与口服抗真菌药物相结合的方法。治疗初期,患猫尾部病灶有好转但并不明显,后期持续恶化,并于首诊后7个月死亡,主要死亡原因不明。建议兽医工作者在遇到相似病例时引起重视,采用细胞学检查、真菌培养及菌株鉴定等方法进行综合诊断。在疾病早期使用手术切除与抗真菌药物相结合的方法进行治疗,以提高患病动物的存活率。  相似文献   

Over a period of three years, four domestic shorthaired cats from a breeding colony were presented with a history of acute collapse or short illness leading to euthanasia. Post mortem examinations and histopathology revealed generalised amyloidosis, with severe hepatic involvement and associated liver haemorrhage. The clinicopathological findings are detailed and compared with existing reports of this unusual manifestation of amyloidosis in the cat.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure was diagnosed in 4 cats receiving paromomycin orally for treatment of infectious enteritis. All 4 cats responded to fluid therapy and recovered normal or near-normal renal function; however, 3 of the cats subsequently became deaf and developed cataracts. Toxicoses were attributed to a combination of an excessive dosage of paromomycin and absorption of the drug across injured intestinal mucosal epithelium. Pharmacokinetic studies are needed to further define the disposition of paromomycin after oral administration to cats.  相似文献   

Tortoiseshell colored tomcats are very uncommon. In most cases their phenotype is caused by an aberration of sex chromosomes. In this study, we carried out cytogenetic investigations in four tortoiseshell tomacats. In two cases, an XXY syndrome could be proven. Another tortoiseshell tomcat had an XX/XY chromosomal constitution. One tomcat showed an exclusively male XY karyotype. In two cases the testes were histologically examined. In one XXY phenotypically male cat there was no spermatogenesis present. In the tomcat with XX/XY-chimerism spermatogenesis was seen in some testicular tubules.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure stress levels among cats in traditional and enriched shelter environments via behavioral assessment and urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. ANIMALS: 120 cats in 4 Boston-area animal shelters. PROCEDURE: Cats were randomly selected and observed during 3 periods (morning, midday, and afternoon) of 1 day and scored by use of a behavioral assessment scale. The next day, urine samples were collected for analysis of the urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio. Information about each cat's background before entering the shelter was collected. RESULTS: Stress scores were highest in the morning. The relationships between the amount of time cats spent in the shelter and the cat stress score or urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio were not strong. There was no correlation between the cat stress score and urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio. Urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios did correlate with signs of systemic disease and were significantly lower in cats in the more environmentally enriched shelters, compared with cats in the traditional shelters. Urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio was highest among cats with high exposure to dogs. Of the cats in the study, 25% had subclinical hematuria detectable on a urine dipstick. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In this study, the cat stress score was not a useful instrument for measuring stress because it failed to identify cats with feigned sleep and high stress levels. Urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios can be monitored to noninvasively assess stress levels in confined cats. Environmental enrichment strategies may help improve the welfare of cats in animal shelters.  相似文献   

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