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Despite the lack of universal concepts for species and speciation, both sexual and asexual organisms are expected to diversify into discrete genotypic and morphological clusters. Species-rich clusters of parthenogenetic oribatid mites likely evolved in the absence of sexual reproduction. We used nucleotide sequences of the large and small rDNA genes (18S and 28S) and the coding genes for heat shock protein 82 (hsp82) and elongation factor-1 alpha (ef-1α) for phylogenetic analyses of three morphotypes of the parthenogenetic oribatid mite genus Tectocepheus. DNA sequence divergences of the different morphotypes were similar to those of sexual species in other organisms. Maximum likelihood analyses of single genes and combined data sets were largely congruent in reconstructing the phylogeny of the Tectocepheus species. The results suggest that the different morphotypes of Tectocepheus indeed evolved in the absence of sexual reproduction, and that Tectocepheus minor, Tectocepheus velatus and Tectocepheus sarekensis are best considered distinct species. Further, the results suggest that 18S rDNA, hsp82 and ef-1α are powerful markers for resolving phylogenetic relationships of oribatid mites. Saturation plots indicated that the D3-region of 28S is much more saturated than all other examined genes. This indicates that the D3-region is unsuitable for resolving ancient splits in oribatid mites.  相似文献   

The nuclear 28S rRNA and the mitochondrial COII gene were used to establish phylogenetic relationships among species of the family Neanuridae, with special emphasis on species of the subfamily Neanurinae. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted using genetic distances, parsimony and likelihood methods. The D3-D5 fragment of the rRNA gene was very conserved, both in sequence and in secondary structure features. This fragment supplied little information on relationships at this level. The phylogenetic reconstruction based on 1st and 2nd codon positions of the COII gene was partly in accordance with morphological data, but it was discordant for the placement of some species. Relationships among the subfamilies Frieseinae, represented by the Antarctic species Friesea grisea, Pseudachorutinae and Neanurinae were uncertain. The subfamily Neanurinae and its tribes Neanurini and Paleonurini were shown as monophyletic taxa. Relationships between three species of the genus Bilobella were in accordance with morphological and biochemical data. Relationships between genera within the Neanurini were more controversial. In accordance with morphological hypotheses, a basal position of Thaumanura was suggested, but the molecular data placed Neanura muscorum in a derived position, in sharp contrast with morphological evidence. A close relationship was suggested between Deutonura conjuncta, Cansilianura malatestai and Lathriopyga longiseta. The disagreement between molecular and morphological data suggests that one or both data sets might be affected by a certain degree of homoplasy and that these data should be interpreted with caution in phylogenetic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the nutritive quality of fodder plants in different seasons but few have related this seasonal response to long‐term grazing intensity. Our objective was to examine the effect of long‐term grazing on the concentrations of total nitrogen, δ15N, and total phosphorus in selected forage species from the fescue grassland near Stavely, Alberta. Plants were selected from paddocks that had been stocked at 0 (control), 2.4 (moderate grazing), and 4.8 (heavy grazing) animal unit months ha–1 for 58 years. Plant material from ten species was sampled and analyzed at monthly intervals from May to September in 2007. Total N and P concentrations were not (p > 0.05) affected by grazing for most species, but total N and P concentrations in Poa. pratensis L. were higher (p < 0.05) in grazed treatments than in the control. These results reflect an altered plant phenology through defoliation and illustrate delayed phenology in P. pratensis when grazed. The higher δ15N concentration for most species in the grazed treatments than the control is an indication of accelerated nitrogen cycling through dung and urine deposition.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of fertilizer amendments (organic manure and mineral fertilizers), management practices (fallow and untilled vs. cropped and tilled) on changes of N in bulk soil and N associated with different particle‐size fractions. The long‐term field experiment was conducted since 1962 in Gumpenstein, Austria, on a Dystric Cambisol. The N content of the topsoils changed distinctively during 28 and 38 yr of treatments under both fallow and cropped management practices. Highest increase in total N content was found in animal‐manure (liquid)‐treated plots. The remaining ranking was: animal manure (solid) > cattle slurry > half cattle slurry + straw = PK = NPK. Quite short N‐half‐life values of around 2 yr were found for the cattle‐slurry application, while animal manure exhibited longer N‐half‐lives of around 8 yr. Crop removal of N and mineralization losses in cropped plots obviously were higher than N losses from the bare soil plots lacking a plant cover to keep N in the system. This was confirmed by a consistent shift in the natural 15N abundances. Comparing the mean N contribution of particle‐size fractions to the total N amounts revealed the following ranking after 28 and 38 yr of different treatments: silt > clay > fine sand > coarse sand, with small exceptions. Particle‐size separates showed more significant responses to changes in the N dynamics of the system due to the various treatments than the bulk soil and can be regarded as the better indicators in this respect.  相似文献   

Extensive areas of European peatlands have been drained by digging ditches in an attempt to improve the land, resulting in increased carbon dioxide fluxes to the atmosphere and enhanced fluvial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Numerous peatland restoration projects have been initiated which aim to raise water tables by ditch blocking, thus reversing drainage‐induced carbon losses. It has been suggested that extracellular hydrolase and phenol oxidase enzymes are partly responsible for controlling peatland carbon dynamics and that these enzymes are affected by environmental change. The aim of this study was to investigate how drainage and ditch blocking affect enzyme activities and water chemistry in a Welsh blanket bog, and to study the relationship between enzyme activity and water chemistry. A comparison of a drained and undrained site showed that the drained site had higher phenol oxidase and hydrolase activities, and lower concentrations of phenolic compounds which inhibit hydrolase enzymes. Ditch blocking had little impact upon enzyme activities; although hydrolase activities were lowered 4–9 months after restoration, the only significant difference was for arylsulphatase. Finally, we noted a negative correlation between β‐glucosidase activity and DOC concentrations, and a positive correlation between arylsulphatase activity and sulphate concentration. Phenol oxidase activity was negatively correlated with DOC concentrations in pore water, but for ditch water phenol oxidase correlated negatively with the ratio of phenolics to DOC. Our results imply that drainage could exacerbate gaseous and fluvial carbon losses and that peatland restoration may not reverse the effects, at least in the short term.  相似文献   

Rangeland management can affect plant diversity and plant functional groups of native grassland communities. To improve pasture for livestock grazing from the existing poisonous and ruderal vegetation in the ‘black soil land’ grassland in the headwaters of the Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers (HAYYR) of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, three treatments (fencing‐FT, artificial seeding with local grasses‐ST and abandonment‐AT) were applied during a 5‐year period (2000–2005). Plant diversity and groups (sedges, grasses and dwarf shrubs) in the treated plots were compared with non‐treated control plots. Results showed that (1) FT promoted an increase in forbs species, but there was no change in the other plant functional groups; (2) with ST, species richness of forbs decreased but grass species increased indicating that sowing local grasses could change plant composition of black soil land in the short‐term, and increase the proportion of grasses and, thus, forage for grazing and (3) AT, after plowing, was similar to CK plots, with forbs being the dominant plant functional group for the 5 years. In conclusion, the goal to alter black soil land cover from poisonous and ruderal plants to more useful plants for livestock grazing by either fencing, artificial seeding or abandonment was not successful in the long term. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在3S技术支持下,采用景观面积比、分维数、多样性指数、斑块密度等景观格局指数及土地利用/覆盖综合动态变化度,分析了三峡库区巫溪县不同坡度带及坡向带的景观格局现状及变化。结果表明,不同景观类型在同一坡度带及坡向带的景观格局状况不同,同一景观类型在不同坡度带及坡向带亦不同。坡度与坡向对巫溪县景观格局状况及变化存在重要影响,且该影响陡坡比缓坡变化强烈,阴坡比阳坡变化强烈。  相似文献   

Aims : The aim of this study was to explore interactive effects between quality (types) and quantity (application rates) of biochar as well as of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis on the growth of potato plants. Methods : A low P sandy loam soil was amended with 0%, 1.5%, or 2.5% (w/w) of either of 4 types of biochar, which were produced from wheat straw pellets (WSP) or miscanthus straw pellets (MSP) pyrolyzed at temperatures of either 550°C or 700°C. Potato plants grown in pots containing the soils or soil biochar mixture were inoculated with or without AM fungus (AMF), Rhizophagus irregularis. The experiment was carried out under fully irrigated semi‐field conditions and plants were harvested 101 days after planting. Results : Application of high temperature biochar decreased growth, biomass and tuber yield of potato plants, while the low temperature biochar had a similar effect on yield as plants grown without biochar amendment. Total biomass of potato plants were decreased with the increasing rate of biochar. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculation stimulated the growth of potato plants in all organs, increased tuber biomass significantly in 1.5% MSP700 amended plants, and to a lesser degree for WSP700, MSP550, and WSP550. In addition, plant biomass gain was linearly related to N, P, and K uptake, the ratio of P to N in the leaf of plants indicated that all treatments were mainly P‐limited. A multiple linear regression using P uptake and biochar rate as independent variables explained 91% of the variation in total biomass. The single effect of AMF inoculation, type and rate of biochar affected plant N, P and K uptake similarly. While AMF inoculation significantly increased P uptake in potato plants grown in soil with WSP700 or MSP700 despite of the rate of biochar. In general, application of biochar significantly increased AMF root colonization of potato plants. Conclusions : The application of MSP550 at 1.5% combined with AMF stimulated growth of potato the most. Furthermore, the results indicated that the interactive effect of AMF inoculation, biochar type and application rate on potato growth to a large extent could be explained by effects on plant nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Although it remains unclear why NH3-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) of the genus Nitrosospira dominate soil environments, and why Nitrosomonas spp. are less common, virtually no studies have compared their behavior in soil. In this study, the NH3 oxidation rates of Nitrosomonas europaea (ATCC 19718) and Nitrosospira sp. AV were compared in three differently textured soils containing a range of extractable contents (2-11 μg soil). Soils were adjusted to pH 7.0-7.4 with CaCO3 and sterilized with γ-radiation. Cell suspensions of each bacterium were inoculated into the soils to bring them to two-third of water-holding capacity and cell densities ∼2.5×106 g−1 soil. In virtually all cases, rates of production for both N. europaea and Nitrosospira sp. AV were linear over 48 h, and represented between 13 and 75%, respectively, of the maximum rates achieved in soil-free bacterial suspensions. Soil solution concentrations that supported these rates ranged between 0.2 and 1.5 mM. Addition of 21-36 μg soil raised soil solution levels to 1.8-2.5 mM and stimulated production to a greater extent in N. europaea (3.3-6.6-fold) than in Nitrosospira sp. AV (1-2.1-fold). Maximum rates of production were obtained by raising soil solution levels to 3-4 mM with a supplement of ∼80-90 μg soil. Ks values in soil for Nitrosospira sp. AV and N. europaea were estimated as 0.14 and 1.9 mM , respectively, and estimates of Vmax were about 3.5-times higher for N. europaea (0.007 pmol h−1 cell−1) than for Nitrosospira sp. AV (0.002 pmol h−1 cell−1). The cell density of N. europaea increased in sterile Steiwer soil independent of supplemental . In the case of treatments receiving supplemental , growth yields of N. europaea calculated from either produced or consumed were similar to those reported in literature (3.5×106-6×106 cells μmol−1). A higher growth yield was measured in the case of zero added (2.7×107 cells μmol−1), indicating that use of organic carbon compounds might have occurred and resulted in some energy sparing. Our results suggest that Nitrosospira spp. with a Ks similar to Nitrosospira sp. AV may have an advantage for survival in soil environments where soil solution levels are less than 1 mM. However, it is apparent that AOB like N. europaea are poised to take advantages of modest increases in extractable that raise soil solution levels to about 2.0-2.5 mM.  相似文献   

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