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During the present study, we aimed at providing a first look at the elemental composition of the early stages of cephalopods as an approach to their elemental requirements in culture. Essential and non-essential elemental profiles of the European cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, the European squid Loligo vulgaris and the common octopus Octopus vulgaris laboratory hatchlings and wild juveniles were analysed. In addition, for O. vulgaris we determined elemental profiles of mature ovary, eggs in different stages of development and followed possible effects of four dietary treatments during paralarval rearing, also analyzing elemental content of the live preys Artemia nauplii and Maja brachydactyla hatchling zoeae. Content was determined for essential (As, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Rb, S, Sr, Zn) and non-essential (Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Hg, Pb) elements. The content in non-essential elements found in hatchlings and juveniles of the three species analyzed here seems to be far lower in comparison with subadult and adult stages of coastal cephalopods. In the octopus eggs, the non-essential element concentrations remained globally low compared to hatchlings and juveniles indicating the absorption of these elements along the ontogenetic development. The elemental composition of the octopus ovary and of the eggs, hatchlings and juveniles of the three cephalopod species analyzed here showed a high content in S. As expected, the calcified internal shell of the cuttlefish, rich in Ca and Sr, originates the main difference between species. It is remarkable the richness in Cu of hatchling octopus, that may indicate a particular nutritional requirement for this element during the planktonic life. The reared octopus paralarvae feed on Artemia nauplii, a prey with relatively low Cu content, showed nearly half Cu content that the “natural” profile of octopus hatchlings or wild juveniles. This suggests a dietary effect and/or an indication of the poor physiological stage of the Artemia-fed paralarvae. At the present, the percentage of essential element absorption by food or seawater is unknown for cephalopods and should be determined in the future to understand their feeding requirements in culture.  相似文献   

As has been demonstrated in previous studies, Octopus maya can be fed on artificial diets. In the present study six different diets were assayed. Five diets were designed to test the effect of percentage of inclusion of fish protein concentrate (CPSP: 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%) and were offered to octopuses as a specifically designed artificial diet. The sixth diet consisted of frozen crab (Callinectes spp) and was used as control diet. Blood metabolites and energy budget of octopuses were evaluated to determine how CPSP levels modulate the digestive capacity and allow retaining energy for growth. Wild animals (316.4 ± 9.8 g) were used in the study. Results showed that CPSP produced a positive specific growth rate (SGR, % day− 1) with high value in octopuses fed 15% CPSP level. A maximum growth rate of 0.86% day− 1 was recorded in these animals, a value that is extremely low when compared with the SGR obtained when animals were fed fresh crab (3.7% day− 1). In general, blood metabolites were affected by diet composition, indicating that some metabolites could reflect the nutritional and/or physiological status of octopus. Preliminary reference values for O. maya fed crab were found for glucose (0.09 ±0.02 mg/ml), lactate (0.004 ± 0.002 mg/ml), cholesterol (0.16 ± 0.02 mg/ml), acylglycerol (0.14 ± 0.01 mg/ml), protein (0.37 ± 0.04 mg/ml), hemocyanin (1.85 ± 0.04 mmol/l), and digestive gland glycogen (1.86 ± 0.3 mg/g). Total energy content can be used as an indicator of tissue metabolic reserves. In the present study, higher energy content in the digestive gland and muscle was observed in octopuses fed crab, followed by animals fed 15% CPSP. Results from the digestive gland indicated that the retained energy derived from glycogen, suggesting that lipids and protein were the main sources of variation linked with energy content. In general, digestive gland proteases activity and trypsin were induced in octopuses fed 15% CPSP. The capacity of O. maya juveniles to adjust their digestive enzymes to different types of food was evidenced. Essential amino acid content (EAA) of the diet was not a limiting factor. When dietary EAA profiles were compared with O. maya EAA profiles, all dietary EAA resulted in a higher concentration than whole body octopus composition. In the present study, all experimental groups ingested between 3300 and 4106 kJ wk− 1 kg− 1 without statistical differences among treatments, indicating that experimental diets were as attractive as crab. Differences were recorded in the proportion of absorbed energy (Ab, %) between CPSP-based and crab meat diets, suggesting digestion limitations associated with artificial diets. The present results indicate that the 15% CPSP diet had characteristics that stimulate digestive enzymes and reduce energetic costs associated with its digestion (HiE or SDA), channeling more biomass production than the other experimental diets.  相似文献   

Multiple regression analysis was used to develop mathematical models applicable to the growth and food intake of Octopus vulgaris. The variables considered were: body weight (Bw: 175–3,500 g), temperature (T: 13–28 °C), sex (S: male = 0, female = 1) and diet (D: bogue fish = 0, crabs = 1). Growth and food intake may be succesfully expressed by means of the following equations: Ln (AGR + 14) = –2.0135 + 0.0895 Ln Bw + 0.5087 T – 0.0142 T2 + 0.2997 D (R2 = 71.79; ANOVA p < 0.0001) and Ln (AFR) = – 5.6577 + 0.5137 Ln Bw + 0.5266 T – 0.0132 T2 + 1.1135 D (R2 = 78.71; ANOVA p < 0.0001), where AGR: absolute growth rate, AFR: absolute feeding rate, Bw: body weight, T: temperature and D: diet. In our experimental conditions, sex did not affect growth or food intake. The optimum temperature for growth (17.5 °C) and food intake (20 °C) was independent of body weight. Growth and food intake were higher with the crab diet. Nevertheless, food efficiency was better for animals fed on fish (bogue). Maximum food efficiency was reached at 16.5 °C for both diets. When the temperature was above 23 °C, weight losses and mortality were recorded; the temperature at which this occurred depending on body weight and diet, so that smaller and bogue-fed individuals were more sensitive to increasing temperatures. O. vulgaris growth may provide optimum economic performance from 16 to 21 °C. This range is too narrow, considering the wide natural range (12–29 °C) in some Mediterranean areas. Therefore, O. vulgaris growth will be limited by seasonality of temperature or must be carried out with other systems (e.g. recirculation in closed systems with temperature control) for it to be economically viable.  相似文献   

This study describes the effect of seasonal average temperatures (14 and 18°C) in the Ría of Vigo, on the utilization of external yolk over the last five Naef stages of development (XV–XX) for Octopus vulgaris embryos. Also, the transference of the outer yolk to the inner yolk sac, and its use during embryonic development and early life by O. vulgaris paralarvae. Temperature had a marked effect on embryonic development, except during stages XV–XIX (until the second inversion) where development time was the same (14 days), regardless of temperature. There were no significant differences in outer yolk decrease between consecutive Naef stages at 14°C and 18°C. Contrary, significant differences at all Naef stages from XV to XIX (both, with or without outer yolk) were observed for inner yolk between temperatures. A higher accumulation of inner yolk in embryos at 14°C was observed, due to lower yolk consumption. Paralarvae incubated at both temperatures were maintained independently at starvation during 4 days. At 18°C, a reduced accumulation of inner yolk, especially during Naef stage XIX, was observed. In 24 h old paralarvae, there was already significant higher inner yolk content at 14°C than at 18°C. Unfed paralarvae at 18°C lost weight faster than those at 14°C, due to higher energetic requirements. Finally, from these results, we propose a paralarvae rearing protocol during the first days after hatching and during the last five Naef stage (XV–XX) at lower temperatures, since the energy requirements are lower during the initial maturation stage.  相似文献   

Lipid spray beads (LSB) containing high concentrations of phospholipids were produced in order to improve their dispersion in both fresh and saltwater. The beads were developed to deliver both fat-soluble and water-soluble micronutrients to Artemia and other suspension feeders. LSB were prepared by spraying molted lipid into a chamber that was cooled with liquid nitrogen in order to solidify the lipid beads. Addition of soy lecithin to LSB did not affect retention of glycine when the beads were suspended in distilled water. There was an initial loss of 80% incorporated glycine after LSB were suspended in water for 20min. Artemia readily ingested riboflavin-containing LSB and their full guts were evident within 30min of feeding. The riboflavin content of Artemia could be increased from 55 ±  0.6 mg kg− 1 (dw) to 329 ± 62 mg kg− 1 (dw) after 1h enrichment. LSB prepared with phospholipids are promising vehicles for enrichment of suspension-feeding organisms used as feed for larval marine fish and crustaceans as well as other suspension feeders.  相似文献   

The relationships between environmental factors and fluctuations in Octopus vulgaris landings in the northern Alboran Sea are studied from 1987 to 2007. Landings during this period show both a long term decrease and a strong inter-annual variability. An exploratory phase revealed that local coastal temperatures and those averaged for the whole Alboran Sea during the previous year were the main factors controlling such variability. Warm anomalies have a detrimental effect on the octopus landings on the following year and this suggests that the decreasing trend in octopus landings could be partially linked to the long term warming observed in the Western Mediterranean. It is not yet clear which are the specific mechanisms linking warm anomalies to landing decrease. Nevertheless some hypotheses are proposed and a statistical model is developed for attempting to predict octopus landings one year ahead.  相似文献   

本实验以我国重要的海水养殖鱼类大黄鱼[初始体质量(13.57±0.33)g]为研究对象,在浮式网箱中进行为期8周的摄食生长实验,探讨饲料脂肪水平和投喂频率对大黄鱼生长、体组成及脂肪沉积的影响。采用3×2双因子实验设计,其中饲料脂肪水平分别为9%、12%和15%,投喂频率分别为2次/天和1次/天。结果表明:投喂频率对大黄鱼特定生长率(SGR)和饲料效率(FER)均有显著影响(P<0.05),而饲料脂肪水平仅对FER有显著影响(P<0.05)。2次/天投喂组的大黄鱼末体质量和SGR均显著高于1次/天投喂组,而饲料效率显著低(P<0.05)。在2次/天投喂时,各个饲料脂肪水平对SGR和FER没有显著影响(P>0.05)。而在1次/天投喂时,随着饲料脂肪水平的提高,SGR和FER均显著提高(P<0.05)。2次/天投喂组的大黄鱼全鱼水分含量显著低于1次/天投喂组,而粗脂肪含量显著高(P<0.05)。大黄鱼全鱼粗脂肪含量随着饲料脂肪水平的增加而显著升高(P<0.05)。然而在1次/天投喂时,饲料脂肪水平未对全鱼体粗脂肪含量产生显著影响(P>0.05)。大黄鱼的肝脏和肌肉脂肪含量、肝体比(HSI)以及脏体比(VSI)受到了饲料脂肪水平的显著影响(P<0.05)。在2次/天投喂时,肝脏和肌肉脂肪含量、HSI以及VSI随饲料脂肪水平的升高而显著增加(P<0.05);而在1次/天投喂时,各个饲料脂肪组大黄鱼肝脏和肌肉脂肪含量、HSI以及VSI均无显著差异(P>0.05)。饲料脂肪水平和投喂频率仅对大黄鱼的生长、饲料效率的影响存在显著的交互作用(P<0.05),而对大黄鱼体组成、形态学指标以及肝脏和肌肉脂肪含量无显著的交互作用(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

2011年夏季,我国秦皇岛沿岸海域再次暴发了大面积的微微型浮游植物抑食金球藻褐潮。为了弄清该藻的毒性以及评估其对人们生命健康的影响,本实验以卤虫作为受试生物,在室内条件下测试了该褐潮水体对卤虫的急性毒性及卤虫对该藻的摄食作用,并以室内纯种培养的抑食金球藻对小白兔进行急性皮肤刺激和眼刺激实验,对小白鼠进行急性经口毒性实验。结果表明,抑食金球藻褐潮水体对卤虫无急性毒性,卤虫能以抑食金球藻为食,摄食率随着摄食藻密度的升高而上升。抑食金球藻藻液对实验兔的皮肤和眼睛无明显刺激作用,对小白鼠无急性毒性作用。该藻暴发褐潮时,对人们的生命健康安全影响较小。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the distribution of Listonella anguillarum in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) hatchery. A total of 2704 isolates were obtained from the developing fish, live diets and artificial feeds of Japanese flounder and their rearing water, 439 of which were identified as L. anguillarum by the combining incubation on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salt-sucrose (TCBS) agar at 35 °C overnight with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection for the VAH1 hemolysin gene. L. anguillarum was detected in all seven rotifer samples, with densities of 2.5 × 103 to 4.6 × 106 colony forming units (CFU) g− 1. Both the analyzed samples of Nannochloropsis oculata contained this bacterium at densities of 1.6 × 104 to 1.4 × 105 CFU g− 1. L. anguillarum was detected in only one of four samples of Artemia nauplii with a density of 4.8 × 105 CFU g− 1 (35%) and it was not detected in the two analyzed artificial feed samples. L. anguillarum was detected in 11 of 18 specimens of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder at densities of 5.0 × 101 to 7.4 × 105 CFU g− 1, while it was not detected in the two analyzed egg specimens of Japanese flounder. These results indicate that L. anguillarum associated with the developing Japanese flounder is likely derived from rearing water and live diets such as rotifers. Further, it is strongly suggested that L. anguillarum is a transient bacterium of the intestinal microflora for the Japanese flounder but is a permanently indigenous one for the Japanese flounder hatcheries.  相似文献   

为研究太平洋鳕发育早期特异免疫系统形成的机制,通过RAG1和IgM基因的转录水平衡量特异免疫系统的发育特点.根据GenBank中RAG1和IgM的序列信息,分别设计1对特异引物,从太平洋鳕头肾中扩增得到RAG1和IgM的基因片段.将所获基因片段分别插入到克隆载体pMD18-T中,从而构建太平洋鳕RAG1和IgM基因的质粒标准品.建立并优化太平洋鳕RAG1和IgM基因绝对荧光定量PCR方法.为进一步验证该方法的可靠性,分别利用绝对定量和相对定量检验目的基因在太平洋鳕早期发育过程不同组织内的表达差异.以优化后的绝对荧光定量PCR方法检测不同发育时期太平洋鳕RAG1和IgM的表达情况.结果显示,RAG1的回归方程为y=-3.266x+33.77,回归系数R2=0.996;IgM的回归方程为y=-3.119x +27.61,回归系数R2 =0.998.绝对定量和相对定量结果在基因转录趋势上显现出一致性,即RAG1基因在胸腺和头肾中表达,且在胸腺中的表达量显著高于头肾中的表达量,在肝脏和脾脏中无表达;IgM基因在胸腺、头肾、肝脏和脾脏中均有表达,其中脾脏中表达量最高,其次是头肾.RAG1基因在太平洋鳕发育早期的表达水平很低,到61日龄(days posthatching,dph)至95 dph表达量显著提高;IgM基因在早期表达水平同样很低,到33 dph至61 dph才有明显表达,在95 dph时表达量显著提高.研究表明,本实验方法可靠,特异性较强,可成功对目标基因转录水平进行检测.  相似文献   

真蛸热休克蛋白90基因(HSP90)的克隆及表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙田田  苏永全  洪婧妮  邬阳  张曼  毛勇 《水产学报》2012,36(9):1367-1375
为深入了解真蛸热应激响应机制,实验以真蛸的应激蛋白为研究对象,借助同源扩增和cDNA末端快速扩增(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)技术获得真蛸热休克蛋白90(HSP90)的cDNA全序列(2 709 bp),它包含119 bp的5’非编码区(untranslated regions,UTR)、454 bp的3’UTR和2 136 bp的开放阅读框(opening reading frame,ORF),ORF共编码711个氨基酸,推算其分子量为81.5 ku,理论等电点为5.09。同源分析显示,所推导的氨基酸序列高度保守,并且含有HSP90家族特有的5个保守信号序列区域。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,该基因在所有选取的组织中均有表达,肝组织中表达量最高。  相似文献   

The indispensable AA profile of fish carcass has been commonly used as a good indicator of fish amino acids requirements. Amino acid composition of the whole body tissue of Diplodus sargus was determined for the larval ages of 0, 2, 5, 8, 12, 17, 25, 35 and 45 days after hatching (DAH). No significant differences were found during this species ontogeny, except for phenylalanine. A comparative analysis of amino acid profiles from larvae and respective diet was performed. Low correlation was found to rotifers (R2 approximately 0.5), while higher correlations were found for Artemia nauplli, metanauplii (R2 approximately 0.8) as well as for the dry feed. These results suggest that D. sargus are subjected to higher nutritional imbalances during the first 10 days of feeding when larvae are fed on rotifers alone. Arginine, threonine, lysine, cysteine and histidine appeared to be limiting amino acids at 2, 12, 25 and 45 DAH, respectively. Similar results were reported in literature for Sparus aurata and Solea senegalensis, although D. sargus diets seem to have more amino acids in deficiency as well as more severe differences between larval and diet amino acid profiles. To solve these apparent nutritional imbalances, amino acid supplementation should be considered. The use of inert diets in early larvae ages seems to be most adequate as live feed supplementation appears to be more difficult.  相似文献   

To estimate family BLUP breeding values and the heritability of body weight at harvest size (BW) in the Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei, an experiment was conduced using information from two farm units of a Mexican hatchery and two shrimp population densities at each location. Data consisted of 12,658 shrimps that were siblings from 48 sires and 77 dams with a nested dam-sire structure. Shrimps were individually weighed at an average age of 130 days post-hatching. BW phenotypic mean (S.D.) was 18.2 (2.4) g, with values ranging from 8.4 to 30.0 g. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate models that considered BW within location by density pond environment as a different trait and included or not a common full-sib effect (c). The multivariate animal model included fixed effects of days from hatching and sex. For univariate models that included c effects, BW heritability (S.E.) estimates ranged from 0.24 (0.14) to 0.35 (0.18) across environments (heritability was zero in one environment). For multivariate models (excluding the environment with zero heritability) the heritabilities increased and ranged from 0.37 (0.06) to 0.45 (0.09). Standard errors of heritabilities and c effects were both drastically reduced in the multivariate analysis. Pairwise genetic correlations between environments were from 0.80 (0.08) to 0.86 (0.04). These differences may be indicative of genotype-environment interaction for BW at 130 days post-hatching. Statistical problems found to separate c from additive genetic effects both in univariate models were reduced using multivariate models. Correlation between family raw phenotypic means and family BV means from the multivariate analysis was 0.93 indicating a rather low risk of miss selecting superior families if BLUP solutions were neglected using replicated environment data. It is also concluded that use of incorrect statistical models or unreplicated data may lead to biased or inaccurate estimates of genetic parameters in shrimp breeding programs.  相似文献   

为考察饥饿及恢复摄食对胭脂鱼仔鱼氨基酸和脂肪酸的影响.在水温(19±0.5)℃下,对胭脂鱼仔鱼实施延迟首次投喂0、1、3、5、7、9和11d共7个处理,随后进行饱食投喂,分别在延迟处理结束时以及摄食后(19日龄和29日龄)取材对鱼体的含脂量、脂肪酸和氨基酸含量进行检测.结果如下:(1)随延迟首次投喂时间的增加,胭脂鱼仔鱼鱼体的脂肪含量呈显著下降趋势.在实验结束时(29日龄),各处理组仔鱼的脂肪含量均与对照组无显著性差异,表现出完全补偿效应.(2)胭脂鱼仔鱼在饥饿期间,主要以单不饱和脂肪酸作为能量代谢基质,按n-6>n-9>n-3顺序被先后利用,且C22∶6n-3 (DHA)优先于C20∶5n-3(EPA)被保存下来.同时,鱼体中DHA和ARA的百分含量与仔鱼体质量和含水率存在极显著相关关系.(3)随延迟首次投喂时间的增加,胭脂鱼仔鱼的丙氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸和组氨酸显著下降;天冬氨酸和谷氨酸显著上升;而甘氨酸、赖氨酸和精氨酸则呈先上升后下降的趋势.结果表明:胭脂鱼仔鱼对饥饿有较强的适应性,在饥饿初期以消耗脂类物质为主,当脂类物质趋于阈值,氨基酸开始被大量消耗;胭脂鱼仔鱼在饥饿后恢复摄食时,鱼体氨基酸的恢复比脂肪酸更慢.  相似文献   

西伯利亚鲟海豚链球菌的分离鉴定及毒力基因检测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
2013年8-9月,四川雅安汉源湖养殖的西伯利亚鲟发生一种以体表溃疡、内脏出血和心外膜囊肿为特征的传染病.为明确其病因,本研究从自然发病鱼的肝、脾和肾进行了病原菌的分离、人工感染、分离菌的表型特征和分子生物学特征的检测.结果从患病鱼体内分离到一株G+链状球菌(Ab130920),人工感染实验证实了其病原性,生理生化特性与海豚链球菌(ATCC29178)基本一致;16S rDNA序列(GenBank登录号:KJ162337)与GenBank中S.iniae 16S rDNA序列同源性最高,在以16S rDNA序列及其GenBank中同源性较高的相关序列构建的系统发育树上,分离菌与海豚链球菌聚为一支;同时,在基于S.iniae lctO基因的特异性PCR检测中,从分离株基因组DNA扩增出预期大小的870 bp条带,进而鉴定分离菌Ab130920为S.iniae.在对cpsD、simA、sagA、pdi和scpI等5种S.iniae毒力基因的多重PCR检测中,分离菌均扩增出相应大小的特异性片段,表明其为一毒力较强的菌株,与人工感染实验的高致病性结果相佐证;药物敏感性检测发现其对阿莫西林、强力霉素、氟苯尼考等抗菌药物敏感,但对新生霉素、利福平、氧氟沙星耐药.  相似文献   

美洲西鲱仔鱼不可逆点及仔、稚鱼摄食特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在水温(20.5±1.0)℃的条件下,采用实验生态学的方法,对美洲西鲱(Alosa sapidissima)仔鱼在饥饿状态下的生长、形态、不可逆点(PNR)及仔、稚鱼期的摄食节律进行了研究,旨在阐明美洲西鲱早期发育过程中的摄食规律和特点。实验结果表明,美洲西鲱初孵仔鱼全长(7.45±0.15)mm,体质量为(2.15±0.03)mg,卵黄囊体积为(5.99±0.13)mm3,第5日龄,仔鱼卵黄囊被完全吸收。对照组仔鱼全长及体质量随着卵黄囊的消耗、外源性营养的建立逐渐增加;饥饿组仔鱼自6日龄开始,全长及体质量开始呈现负增长,至10日龄全部死亡。美洲西鲱初孵仔鱼初次摄食时间在3日龄,摄食率为46.67%,5日龄摄食率达到最大为89.29%,PNR发生在7~8日龄,综上所述,美洲西鲱仔鱼最佳投喂时间应在2~3日龄。美洲西鲱仔、稚鱼摄食节律研究表明,美洲西鲱早期仔鱼(4日龄)昼夜摄食高峰出现在14:00,平均摄食量达到0.14 mg;晚期仔鱼(17日龄)在10:00和14:00出现较高的摄食量,分别为0.92和1.36 mg;28日龄稚鱼在10:00、14:00和18:00 3个时间段维持着较高的摄食量,摄食量分别为1.77、2.45和1.55 mg,属于典型的白天摄食类型,且随着仔稚鱼的生长发育,摄食高峰期逐渐延长。美洲西鲱仔、稚鱼各阶段的日摄食率分别为20.08%(4日龄)、29.48%(17日龄)和12.41%(28日龄),可将其作为美洲西鲱日投喂量的参考标准。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of three seaweeds Gracilaria bursa-pastoris (GP), Ulva rigida (UR) and Gracilaria cornea (GC) as dietary ingredients on the performance, nutrient utilisation and body composition of European sea bass juveniles. Six experimental diets were formulated to replace 5% (GP-5, UR-5, and GC-5 Diets) and 10% (GP-10, UR-10 and GC-10 Diets) fish protein hydrolysate (CPSP) by each of the three seaweeds. A control diet was used, without inclusion of any seaweed. Diets were fed to duplicate groups of 25 European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles (IBW = 4.7 g) for 10 weeks. Growth performance was only significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in fish fed the GC-10 diet, whereas the feed conversion ratio increased significantly in those fish. The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter and lipid were significantly lower in fish fed diet GC-10 relative to those fed the control diet. Carcass composition was similar among treatments, although fish fed GC-10 exhibited significantly higher ash content.The results obtained in this study suggest that the inclusion of G. bursa-pastoris (GP) and U. rigida (UR), up to 10%, can be considered as very interesting ingredients in diets for sea bass juveniles, as no negative consequences on growth performance, nutrient utilization or body composition were observed. On the other hand, the inclusion of G. cornea (GC) should be limited to 5% of the diet.  相似文献   

Despite larval robustness characterized by the absence of metamorphosis and readiness for exogenous feeding based on commercial feed, the spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) displays highly variable survival at first-feeding. In this study, we investigated the use of three dietary concentrations of protein hydrolysates (PH, pre-digested proteins) (0, 10 and 20%) when newly hatched juvenile wolffish were held at three different rearing temperatures namely, 5, 8 and 12 °C to determine whether digestion of protein was a limiting factor for fish growth and survival. Final weights for fish at 5, 8,and 12 °C at day 60 were respectively 0.35, 1.19 and 2.02 g. Mean specific growth rates were 1.97, 4.01 and 4.88%/day and survival rates were 49.8, 53.4 and 33.2% respectively. No significant effects of PH were observed on growth or survival at any time during the experiment. However, as a general trend, fish survival was always higher when the diet contained 20% PH. We suggest that the degree of hydrolysis of the PH used may have been insufficient to induce specific digestive enzyme stimulation for promoting larval growth. Moreover, precocious ontogeny of the digestive system may have precluded any significant effect of using dietary protein hydrolysates. Our results are discussed in comparison with metamorphic species which characteristically display incomplete development of the digestive system.  相似文献   

Culturing small propagules of coral has the potential for high yield with low environmental impact, provided that mortality is low. This study investigated the size-specific mortality and growth of minute fragments (as small as 5 polyps) of two of the most abundant reef-building corals in Hawaii (Porites lobata and P. compressa). Two ex situ nursery systems differing in cost, design complexity, and labor intensity were compared. The first nursery experiment lasted for four months in a large tank with high water motion/surge and extensive manual cleaning to remove competitive algae. The corals were then transferred to a simple low-flow tank containing sea urchins (Tripneustes gratilla) and reduced cleaning, where they were grown for six more months (Nursery II). ‘Nursery I’ resulted in 92% of P. lobata and 73% of P. compressa fragments surviving and nearly doubling in area, in spite of a brief infestation by a nudibranch (Phestilla sibogae) that primarily fed on larger P. compressa fragments. There was a significant positive relationship between fragment size and growth rate, and survivorship was significantly different between donor colonies (genets), but there was no evidence of size-specific mortality. ‘Nursery II’ on the other hand had clear size-specific mortality and higher urchin damage for smaller fragments, resulting in moderate survivorship (78% for P. lobata and 76% for P. compressa), and only a slight increase in the total area covered by coral tissue. Fragments larger than 3 cm2 were undamaged and had the highest survival and growth rates. This study illustrates how size-specific mortality can be reduced by ex situ nursery conditions.  相似文献   

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