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The objective of this study was to understand the microbial flora associated with the hatchery system of giant fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii during an entire rearing cycle. Bacteriological and physico-chemical analysis was done for different samples of water, larvae, and Artemia. The total bacterial load in well water, seawater and inlet water varied from 101 to 105 cfu ml− 1 with higher counts seen in larval rearing tank (LRT) water. The Vibrio count ranged between 101 to 103 cfu ml− 1. Larval samples harboured a bacterial load of 106 to 107 cfu/10 larvae. The bacterial load in Artemia hatching water ranged from 4.90 × 104 to 5.63 × 106 cfu ml− 1 while Artemia had a load ranging from 1.08 × 107 to 2.09 × 109 cfu g− 1. Vibrio count in the LRT water ranged from 101-103 cfu ml− 1 while the count in larvae ranged from 102 to 104 cfu/10 larvae. The bacterial genera were predominantly Gram-negative and comprised of Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., Vibrio spp. and Bacillus spp. and non-spore formers (NSF) were the dominant Gram-positive bacteria. This study documents the bacterial flora associated with Macrobrachium hatchery system during a regular normal run. Knowledge of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of bacterial flora in the hatchery would help to understand disturbances, if any, brought about during disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Giant freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (17.9 ± 2.7 g), exposed to different concentrations of saponin at 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 mg l− 1 for 168 h were examined for osmolality, electrolyte levels, oxyhemocyanin, protein levels, acid-base balance status, total hemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, and respiratory bursts. Hemolymph oxyhemocyanin, protein, and pO2 were inversely related to the saponin concentration. Hemolymph oxyhemocyanin, protein, pO2, pCO2, and pH of prawns exposed to 1.2 mg l− 1 saponin were significantly lower than those of prawns exposed to 0.3 mg l− 1 and control solutions. However, no significant difference was observed in osmolality or electrolyte levels of prawns exposed to different concentrations of saponin for 168 h. The THC of prawns following 168 h of exposure to 0.9 and 1.2 mg l− 1 saponin increased, but the phenoloxidase activity decreased suggesting that the decrease in phenoloxidase activity under saponin stress was not a consequence of the increase in THC. We concluded that saponin at as low as 0.9 mg l− 1 decreases the respiratory protein level and acid-base balance, and modulates the immune system of M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

用血卵涡鞭虫可溶性抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠,经常规融合、间接ELISA方法筛选,将所得阳性克隆再经3次亚克隆后,共获得3株针对血卵涡鞭虫的单克隆抗体(2B2、3G4、4G7),单克隆抗体亚类鉴定表明,三者为IgG类抗体。用筛选的杂交瘤细胞株制备小鼠腹水抗体,其细胞上清及腹水效价分别为5.12×10-4和8.00×10-4。进一步利用单克隆抗体建立间接荧光抗体方法对单抗特异性进行鉴定,阳性虫体被染上黄绿色荧光,而正常梭子蟹血淋巴则未被染色。用单克隆抗体和多克隆兔抗血清以羊抗鼠HRP-IgG为酶标抗体,建立了检测血卵涡鞭虫的双抗体夹心ELISA方法,该方法对血卵涡鞭虫阳性标本检测符合率为100%。结果表明,制备的单克隆抗体效价高、特异性好,可用于血卵涡鞭虫的早期临床诊断。  相似文献   

蜕皮是甲壳动物重要的生理活动,与其蜕皮激素的合成密切相关,细胞色素P450(CYP)302a1是甲壳动物蜕皮激素合成通路中的关键酶之一。本研究克隆了罗氏沼虾CYP302a1基因(Mr-CYP302a1),cDNA全长1 859 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)为1 629 bp,编码543个氨基酸(aa),分子量大小为61.09 ku,等电点为8.42。氨基酸序列分析显示CYP302a1基因的保守结构域含有5个P450基因家族特征保守区域:heme-binding、helix-K、helixC、helix-I及PERF。系统进化分析结果显示Mr-CYP302a1首先与绿虾CYP302a1聚为一支,然后与凡纳滨对虾及三疣梭子蟹等十足目甲壳动物的CYP302a1聚为一支,与甲壳动物的亲缘关系最近。实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测表明Mr-CYP302a1在罗氏沼虾的多个组织中均有表达,其中在Y器官中的表达量最高,性腺中次之。同时研究发现,MrCYP302a1基因在罗氏沼虾的蜕皮后期(A期和B期)表达量很低,蜕皮间期(C期)表达量开始上升,在蜕皮前期D1亚期达到峰值。对Mr-CYP302a...  相似文献   

Comparison of PCR and dot blot diagnostic techniques for detection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was made on different tissues of infected Penaeus monodon including eye stalk, eye stalk with eye, gills, cuticle, pleopod, periopods, uropods and telson. Dot blots of crude DNA extracted from infected tissue samples showed positive reactions with all the samples; however, the sensitivity of the dot blot was reduced with the purification of DNA samples extracted from pleopod, telson and uropod. PCR was found to be more sensitive when compared to dot blot. Both crude DNA and purified DNA samples extracted from all the tissues except for eye stalk with eye showed single step nested PCR positive reaction. The amplification of all or either of the three bands of 941 bp, 525 bp and 204 bp size varied with the tissues analysed. The severity of infection assessed by PCR amplification was found to be maximum in cuticle and telson followed by gill. Other tissues such as eye stalk, pleopod, periopods and uropod were observed to have mild infection. The maximum intensity of the PCR product was for the smallest amplified product of 204 bp followed by 525 bp and the weakest intensity was observed for the 941 bp size. The limitation of PCR due to inhibiting factors present in tissues could be overcome with the use of dot blot which gave positive reaction from the DNA extracted from eye stalk including the eye but yielded no amplification by PCR.  相似文献   

Morphological changes and biochemical composition of abdominal muscles over the molt cycle were investigated in juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei. Eight molt stages were characterized and clear uropod images are presented. Molt frequency was highly correlated with the age of the shrimp. Juvenile shrimps appeared to molt faster at one month of age (4.6 ± 0.5 days/cycle), slow to 11.8 ± 1.7 days/cycle at three months of age, and reach a long molt cycle at six months (17.2 ± 2.7 days/cycle). Myofiber cross-sectional images revealed specific morphological changes in abdominal muscle associated with each molt stage. Expanded fiber size was observed during intermolt stages. Water content and total soluble proteins were balanced throughout the molt cycle. Total DNA concentration increased in intermolt and premolt, while total RNA concentration remained stable except in late-premolt stages. SDS-PAGE analysis showed high levels of actin and myosin in postmolt, reaching a plateau in intermolt and declining in premolt. These results suggest the occurrence of muscle fiber rearrangement in both the premolt and postmolt stages. Abdominal muscle buildup occurs mostly during the intermolt stage.  相似文献   

The distribution and expression of lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) vaccine, on the basis of DNA vaccine (pEGFP-N2-LCDV0.6 kb) construction, were analyzed in tissues of the Japanese flounder by PCR, RT-PCR and fluorescent microscopy. Results from PCR studies indicated that the vaccine-containing plasmids were distributed in injected muscle, muscle located opposite the injection site, hind intestine, gill, spleen, head kidney, liver and gonad 7 days after vaccination. However, these vaccine-containing plasmids disappeared by 90 days following vaccination. Fluorescent microscopy observations revealed that green fluorescence appeared in muscle, muscle located at the opposite side of the injection site, hind intestine, gill, spleen, head kidney and liver of fish 36 h after vaccination, and that green fluorescence did not appear in control tissue. The green fluorescence became weaker at 60 days post-vaccination, however, it remained detectable in the spleen 90 days post-vaccination. Results from RT-PCR studies indicated that the Mcp gene is expressed in all tissues of vaccinated fish 7-20 days after vaccination. These results demonstrate that the DNA vaccine is distributed and expressed in different tissues of vaccinated fish, and therefore, may have provided an antigen producing specific immune response.  相似文献   

为建立牡蛎疱疹病毒魁蚶株快速、灵敏、准确和操作简便的检测方法,实验根据已测序完成的OsHV-1-SB全基因组序列,选择其保守区域,建立了交叉引物等温扩增检测方法,并对反应温度、dNTPs、Mg2+浓度和反应时间进行了优化.结果显示,最佳温度为63℃,反应时间为60 min,dNTPs浓度为1.4 mmol/L,Mg2+浓度为6 mmol/L.该方法检测灵敏度为30拷贝的质粒DNA,并且特异性较强,与贝类常见病原急性病毒性坏死病毒、鲍鱼疱疹病毒、派琴虫、包纳米虫、马尔泰虫以及对虾白斑综合征病毒和副溶血弧菌均无交叉反应.使用实验建立的CPA检测方法对2012年分别采自韩国庆尚南道、山东长岛、辽宁大连共计22份OsHV-1-SB感染情况未知的魁蚶样品进行了检测.研究表明,实验所建立的OsHV-1-SB的CPA检测方法简单、快速、灵敏且特异性强.由于其检测结果可通过简单离心或者向反应管中加入核酸荧光染料GeneFinderTM进行肉眼观察,所以可以在沿海贝类养殖厂及条件简陋的实验室使用,具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

依据2014年5月和8月2个航次走航和定点连续调查资料,分析了桑沟湾水域叶绿素a的空间分布及海带养殖区叶绿素a(Chl.a)的昼夜变化特征,同时结合所调查的温度、盐度 、pH和营养盐等分布特征,分析了桑沟湾水域Chl.a浓度与理化因子的关系,探讨了海带收获前后Chl.a的变化及其影响因素。(1)走航调查的结果显示,桑沟湾夏季Chl.a浓度显著高于春季。桑沟湾春季表、底层总Chl.a浓度均值分别为(0.67±0.39)和(0.50±0.31)μg/L,表层Chl.a浓度高于底层,春季表层整体表现出自湾内向湾外逐渐降低的趋势;夏季表、底层总Chl.a浓度均值分别为(3.39±1.53)和(3.12±1.43)μg/L,表层Chl.a浓度高于底层。桑沟湾夏季表层Chl.a高值区出现在海带养殖区,低值区出现在贝类养殖区,夏季底层Chl.a高值区出现在贝类和海带养殖区,低值区出现在外海区。(2)定点连续监测结果显示,春季海带养殖区Chl.a浓度变化范围在0.24~0.95 μg/L,均值为(0.70±0.19)μg/L,昼夜波动较小。而夏季海带养殖区Chl.a浓度变化范围在2.01~4.66 μg/L,均值为(3.04±0.82)μg/L,昼夜波动较大。桑沟湾海带养殖区夏季Chl.a浓度显著高于春季。春季海带养殖区营养盐平均浓度及硅磷比、氮磷、硅氮比均显著低于夏季。(3)桑沟湾春季表层Chl.a浓度主要与温度、硅酸盐呈显著正相关,而夏季底层Chl.a浓度与盐度呈显著正相关。桑沟湾海带收获前后Chl.a的变化及分布受温度、硅酸盐、盐度、养殖环境状况和水文环境的共同影响,多元的贝藻养殖模式是影响Chl.a变化及分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

采用群体选育辅助种内群体间杂交选育的方法,以内壳色、体质量作为选育性状,经过连续4代的选育获得了紫色选育系F4。本实验以F4为亲本进行繁殖,利用6对微卫星标记,对15个同批繁育的F4母蚌的1龄后代进行亲子鉴定,鉴别出了来自12个父本、15个母本的42个全同胞家系,使用ASREML软件的约束极大似然法对三角帆蚌内壳色及生长性状进行了遗传参数分析。结果显示,内壳色颜色参数L*、a*、b*、dE*的遗传力分别为0.31±0.22、0.11±0.08、0.36±0.18、0.29±0.19,L*、a*、b*之间的遗传相关和表型相关均较低,范围为0.08~0.47和0.04~0.32,L*与dE*相关性最大,遗传相关为-0.94±0.06,表型相关为-0.96±0.01;生长性状壳长、壳高、壳宽、体质量和壳重的遗传力分别为0.24±0.19、0.37±0.27、0.26±0.16、0.26±0.17、0.31±0.19,各性状间遗传相关和表型相关均为正相关,分别为0.71~0.92、0.66~0.94;颜色参数与生长性状的遗传相关和表型相关均很低,为0.02~0.18。三角帆蚌紫色选育系1龄阶段内壳色和生长性状的遗传力多为中高水平,对其继续进行遗传改良预期能够获得良好遗传进展。内壳色与生长性状的相关度很低,无法实现相互选择,体质量与其他生长性状相关均较紧密,表明将内壳色、体质量作为目标性状进行同步选育的方法合理,可实现同时改良壳色及生长性能的目的。  相似文献   

This study presents results of two generations of selection (G1 and G2) for growth of Nile tilapia. The selection environment consisted of earthen ponds which were fertilized daily with 50 kg dry matter (dm)/ha chicken manure. No supplementary feeds were provided. In total, 6429 fully pedigreed experimental fish were included in the analysis. Survival till harvest was highly variable ranging from 35% to 77% and was affected by initial weight, pond, and age effects. Body weight at harvest (BW) increased from a mean of 67.4 g in the grandparental (unselected) population (G0) to 129.5 g in G2 was affected by initial weight, pond, sex and age effects. Generations were discrete and therefore genetic parameters were estimated separately for each year. Heritability estimates for BW ranged from 0.38 to 0.60, and the heritability for survival ranged from 0.03 to 0.14. The estimated selection response was 23.4 g (34.7%) between G0 and G1 and 13.0 g (14.9%) between G1 and G2. These results demonstrate the feasibility of selection for growth of Nile tilapia in low-input environments.  相似文献   

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