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Growth and energy budget of juvenile cobia (initial body weight ∼ 22 g) at various temperatures (23, 27, 31 and 35 °C) were investigated in this study. Maximal ration level (RLmax, %/day) increased as temperature (T, °C) increased from 23 °C to 31 °C but decreased at 35 °C, described as a quadratic equation: RLmax = −0.023T2 + 1.495T − 17.52. Faecal production (f, mg g− 1 day− 1) increased with increased temperature (T, °C), described as a power function: lnf = 0.738lnT − 0.806. As temperature increased, feed absorption efficiency in dry weight (FAEd, %), protein (FAEp, %) and energy (FAEe, %) all increased first and then decreased, but the variation of feed absorption efficiency was small, with ranges of 89.59-91.08%, 92.91-94.71%, 93.92-95.32%, respectively. Specific growth rate in wet weight (SGRw, %/day), dry weight (SGRd, %/day), protein (SGRp, %/day) and energy (SGRe, %/day) showed a domed curve relative to temperature (T, °C), described as quadratic equations: SGRw = − 0.068T2 + 3.878T − 50.53, SGRd = − 0.079T2 + 4.536T −59.64, SGRp = − 0.084T2 + 4.783T − 63.08 and SGRe = − 0.082T2 + 4.654T − 60.99, and SGRw, SGRd, SGRp and SGRe maximized at 28.5 °C, 28.6 °C, 28.4 °C, 28.5 °C, respectively, as calculated from the regression equations. The relationships between feed conversion efficiency in wet weight (FCEw, %), dry weight (FCEd, %), protein (FCEp, %), energy (FCEe, %) and temperature (T, °C) also took on a domed curve described as quadratic equations: FCEw = − 0.726T2 + 39.71T − 473.8, FCEd = − 0.276T2 + 15.31T − 190.6, FCEp = − 0.397T2 + 22.05T − 277.9 and FCEe = − 0.350T2 + 19.39T − 239.9, and FCEw, FCEd, FCEp and FCEe maximized at 27.4 °C, 27.8 °C, 27.7 °C and 27.7 °C, respectively, as calculated from the regression equations. Energy budget of juvenile cobia fed satiation was 100C = 5F + 67(U + R) + 28G at water temperature 27 °C and 100C = 5F + 70(U + R) + 25G at water temperature 31 °C, where C is food energy, F is faeces energy, (U + R) is excretion energy and metabolism energy, and G is growth energy.  相似文献   

An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to quantify the dietary lysine requirement of juvenile cobia with an initial average weight of 1.25 g reared in indoor flow-through and aerated aquaria. Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic practical diets (44% CP and 16% lipid) containing six levels of dietary lysine ranging from 1.15 to 3.25% (dry weight) at about 0.4% increments, using fish meal and wheat gluten as sources of intact protein, supplemented with crystalline amino acids. Equal amino acid nitrogen was maintained by replacing lysine with nonessential amino acid mixture. Each diet was randomly assigned to three aquaria and was fed to apparent satiation by hand four times daily. The results indicated that there were significantly differences in growth performance and feed utilization among the treatments. Maximum weight gain, special growth rate and protein efficiency ratio occurred at 2.38% dietary lysine; but with the increase of dietary lysine from 2.38 to 3.25%, weight gain, special growth rate and protein efficiency ratio did not significantly increase. The hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatic index, condition factor, crude protein content in whole body and main composition in muscle were significantly affected by dietary lysine levels; however moisture, lipid and ash content in whole body were not significantly affected by the dietary lysine. There were significant differences in total serum protein, glucose and triacyglycerol concentrations in fish fed diets with different dietary lysine levels. Haematocrit and leukocyte count were significantly affected by dietary lysine level, but hemoglobin and red blood cell count were not significantly affected. Lysine concentration in serum was significantly increased with the increase of dietary lysine level from 1.15 to 2.38%. Broken-line analysis on the basis of special growth rate showed that the dietary lysine requirement of juvenile cobia was 2.33% of dry diet (5.30% dietary protein).  相似文献   

Cobia Rachycentron canadum is a fast-growing, pelagic marine species that has recently attracted aquaculturists in both the research and commercial sectors. The typical method of grow-out for this species is in outdoor systems where production is limited to locations and seasons conducive for adequate growth and survival. Expanding the culture of cobia to indoor recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) would allow for the production of fingerlings throughout the year and extend production to cooler regions. Two rearing trials were conducted to examine the growth and survival of cobia from hatching through 4 (trial 1, T1) or 35 (trial 2, T2) g in RAS. Cobia larvae were reared in circular tanks placed in a raceway to control water temperature and quality. During early juvenile grow-out, fish were transferred without grading to a second raceway on 29 dph (T1) or over a period of grading from 29–43 dph (T2). Larval growth (1–22 dph) measured as standard length was similar for both trials ranging from  3.9 to 14.7 mm. However, larval growth measured as wet weight (0.033 g, T1; 0.026 g, T2) or dry weight (5.7 mg, T1; 3.9 mg, T2) was significantly greater on 22 dph during T1 as was the ratio between myotome height and standard length. These differences may have resulted from an increase in initial densities from 8.7 larvae l− 1 (T1) to 14.7 larvae l− 1 (T2) which apparently caused an increase in food competition and overall aggression. During juvenile grow-out, cobia reached 4.0 g on 43 dph in T1 and 35.4 g on 71 dph in T2 matching weights achieved during grow-out in outdoor ponds. Over the course of both trials, survival was similar to that reported in outdoor ponds. Mean survival (± S.D.) during the early rearing phase (hatching through 29 or 43 dph) averaged 13.2 ± 3.2 % and 10.4 ± 3.2 % corresponding to final densities of 0.9 ± 0.2 and 1.2 ± 0.4 fish/l for T1 and T2, respectively. During the first grow-out phase (29–43 dph), survival of fish moved into the open raceway was 64.5% in T1 and 88.7 % in T2. Survival of cobia during the second grow-out phase (43–71 dph) for T2 was 92.5%. The results of this study indicate that cobia can be successfully cultured in indoor systems from hatching through at least 35 g without negatively affecting growth or survival.  相似文献   

为了探明军曹鱼早期发育阶段的特征和规律,本实验通过连续显微观察,记录分析其胚胎及仔稚鱼发育各时期的形态特征和发育特点。结果显示,军曹鱼受精卵呈圆球形,为浮性卵,卵径(1.245±0.065) mm,油球1个,油球直径(0.325±0.027) mm。在水温(27.0±0.5)℃、盐度29、pH值8.3的条件下,军曹鱼卵从受精至孵化出膜约需26 h 30 min,经历合子、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官形成和孵化出膜7个阶段,共24个时期。初孵仔鱼平均全长(3.254±0.096) mm,仔鱼在孵化后第3天开口摄食,眼囊变黑,卵黄囊被消耗约80%,第5天卵黄囊消失,第7天油球耗尽,转化为外源性营养。孵化后第14天全长(19.933±1.118) mm,各鳍鳍条形成,进入稚鱼期;22日龄稚鱼全长(41.140±3.779) mm,尾柄部开始出现鳞片,46日龄的后期稚鱼全长达(116.667±5.916) mm,体表完全覆盖鳞片,除尾鳍形状外,体形与成鱼相似。  相似文献   

毛非凡  陈刚  马骞  周启苓  施钢  黄建盛  邝杰华 《水产学报》2023,47(8):089105-089105
为探明军曹鱼仔稚鱼早期脊柱及附肢骨骼的发育特征,本研究采用软骨-硬骨双染色技术,分别利用阿利新兰、茜素红对软骨、硬骨以及1~33日龄军曹鱼仔稚鱼全骨骼进行染色,系统观察并描述其脊柱和附肢骨骼的发育特征。结果显示,军曹鱼脊柱开始发育的标志为7日龄仔鱼中脉弓和神经弓的出现;13日龄稚鱼椎骨、神经弓和脉弓开始骨化;背肋、腹肋分别于17、20日龄开始骨化;29日龄稚鱼脊柱骨化完成。附肢骨骼骨化起始顺序依次为胸鳍、尾鳍、腹鳍、背鳍和臀鳍。胸鳍匙骨于4日龄出现,肩胛骨孔于12日龄出现,同时上匙骨开始骨化;乌喙骨与肩胛骨于20日龄开始骨化;第1尾下骨于5日龄出现,15日龄稚鱼尾杆骨、侧尾下骨和尾鳍鳍条开始骨化,18日龄稚鱼尾下骨开始骨化;腹鳍支鳍骨于17日龄延伸至匙骨,同时腹鳍开始骨化;臀鳍和背鳍于17日龄由前向后开始骨化。研究表明,军曹鱼在13日龄进入稚鱼期,早期发育阶段的骨骼发育特征与其功能性适应密切相关。本研究结果对研究军曹鱼早期骨骼发育与功能适应、优化养殖条件有重要作用。  相似文献   

皇康康  张春晓  王玲  宋凯  黄飞 《水产学报》2014,38(6):877-887
为研究饲料中不同蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙生长、体组成和肝脏健康的影响,以红鱼粉、豆粕和酪蛋白为蛋白源,鱼油和豆油为主要脂肪源,α-淀粉为主要糖源,微晶纤维素为填充剂,并补充无机盐和维生素等配制实验饲料。实验设3个蛋白水平(35%、40%和45%),每个蛋白水平下设4个脂肪水平(4%、7%、10%和13%),共12种饲料,饲料可利用能变化范围为12.4~17.8 kJ/g,蛋白能量比变化范围为21.9~32.0 mg/kJ。每种饲料设置3个重复,每个水族缸放养12只牛蛙[初始平均体质量为(91.5±1.1)g],每日饱食投喂2次,实验周期56 d。结果发现,饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙的存活率无显著影响,而13%脂肪组的牛蛙肝脏出现颜色不均一和肝体脆化无韧性的现象。饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平显著影响牛蛙的增重率、特定生长率、摄食率、饲料效率和蛋白质效率。其中,40%蛋白组牛蛙的增重率和特定生长率显著高于35%蛋白组,与45%蛋白组无显著差异。随着蛋白质水平的升高,饲料效率显著升高,而摄食率和蛋白质效率显著降低。随着脂肪水平的升高,增重率、特定生长率和摄食率显著升高,饲料效率、蛋白质效率和氮保留率无显著差异。饲料脂肪水平与牛蛙全体的脂肪含量和总能水平正相关,但不影响牛蛙全体的蛋白质含量。随着饲料脂肪水平的升高,牛蛙肝脏丙二醛含量显著升高,过氧化氢酶和脂蛋白酯酶活力先升高后降低。研究表明,牛蛙饲料适宜的蛋白质和脂肪水平分别为40%和7%,适宜蛋白能量比为27.7 mg/kJ。  相似文献   

孙丽华  陈浩如 《水产学报》2013,37(10):1527-1534
为调查军曹鱼生长和氮收支与温度和体质量的关系,采用鱼类生物能量学的原理和方法,开展了不同温度(21、27和33 ℃)和体质量(10、20、50和100 g)对军曹鱼生长和氮收支的影响研究,并建立了生长——温度/体质量关系及不同温度和体质量条件下的氮收支方程。结果显示:(1)温度和体质量对军曹鱼生长影响显著,且两者之间存在交互作用。军曹鱼在实验的最高水温(33 ℃)及最小体质量(10 g)时生长最快,在实验的最低水温(21 ℃)及最大体质量(100 g)时生长最慢。(2)实验的体质量范围内,军曹鱼特定生长率均随水温升高呈显著增长趋势;在实验的温度范围内,军曹鱼特定生长率随体质量增加呈减速下降趋势,两者间的关系采用幂函数定量描述。多元回归分析表明,模型LnSGR=a+bLnW+cT+dT2+eTLnW能较好地拟合军曹鱼特定生长率、温度及体质量间的关系。(3)军曹鱼摄食氮、排粪氮、排泄氮和生长氮受温度和体质量影响显著,随温度升高而增加,随体质量增加趋于减少。(4)不同温度和体质量组军曹鱼氮收支方程存在差异,且温度对氮收支方程的影响大于体质量。对同一体质量组,水温27和33 ℃时生长氮占食物氮的比例明显高于水温21 ℃时,而水温27和33 ℃时代谢氮占食物氮的比例则明显低于水温21 ℃时;对同一温度组,军曹鱼氮收支方程变幅较小。(5)在所有氮收支方程中,摄食氮用于排泄的比例大于68%。研究表明,在实验的温度和体质量范围内,环境温度偏低不利于军曹鱼生长;排泄是军曹鱼氮支出的最主要途径;水温27~33 ℃时军曹鱼氮收支方程相对恒定。  相似文献   

A trial was conducted in 12 purpose-built, commercial, drainable, earthen ponds to evaluate the effect of fish and plant protein and lipid source on the growth, condition indices, and body composition of marron (Cherax tenuimanus). Juvenile marron (1.3±0.28 S.E. g) at the stocking densities of three per square meter were fed for a period of 1 year with four different formulated isoenergetic practical diets (D1, D2, D3, and D4). Three of the test diets (D1, D2, and D3) were isonitrogenous whereas the fourth test diet (D4) was protein-free. Protein and lipid sources in D1 were from Lupin (Lupinus albus) whereas protein and lipid sources in D2 and D3 were from fish meal. Fish oil (3.5%) was added to D1, D3, and D4 whereas sunflower oil was added to D2 and D4 in order to make them isoenergetic. The four test diets were randomly allocated to three replicate ponds.

The lack of protein in D4 did not significantly influence (P>0.05) the mean final weight and specific growth rate of marron. Survival was low in all ponds (13.82–34.66%) but feeding with D4 resulted in a significantly (P<0.05) higher survival than marron fed with D1 and D2. Feeding a diet containing a combination of fish protein and fish oil (D3) resulted in significantly higher (P<0.05) wet tail muscles-to-body weight ratio than was observed with other diets. Tail muscles protein level of all marron was significantly lower (P<0.05) at the end of the trial than at the beginning. EPA and DHA in hepatopancreas and tail muscles of marron were affected by the four test diets. The inclusion of plant protein in formulated diets had a negative impact on the pond environment due to significantly higher unionised ammonia levels that resulted in lower survival. Juvenile marron fed with a plant protein diet had significantly lower protein levels in their hepatopancreas compared to those fed with diets containing animal protein. Feeding marron with lupin protein source (D1) and plant oil (D2) for 1 year did not alter the lipid content of their hepatopancreas. Four test diets had no influence on the fat content of marron hepatopancreas; however, these test diets significantly reduced the protein content of the tail muscles of marron.

Environmental variables, particularly temperature, nitrogen metabolites, and the natural productivity of the ecosystem, greatly influenced the nutritional requirements of the juvenile marron under culture.  相似文献   

The effects of feed intake level on energy and nitrogen partitioning were studied in juvenile Atlantic cod (250 g) fed two fish meal based diets differing in protein and lipid content (54:31 and 65:16) at 10 °C. Replicate groups of cod were feed deprived for 32 days or fed one of the two diets at 25, 50, 75 or 100% of group satiation for 60 days. Feed intake and oxygen consumption were measured daily and weights and chemical composition of carcass, liver, viscera and whole body were measured at start and end. Diet digestibilities were assessed in a separate experiment.

The whole body and carcass growth rates at a given feed intake did not differ between dietary groups, but the liver grew faster in the fish fed the low protein diet, resulting in higher hepatosomatic indices at the end of the experiment in the groups fed this diet.

The efficiency of utilisation of digestible nitrogen for growth (kDNg) was higher for the low protein diet (0.73 ± 0.02) than for the high protein diet (0.53 ± 0.05), resulting in higher nitrogen retention at a given nitrogen intake. No difference in percentage nitrogen retention was seen in full-fed fish however (31.2 ± 2.5 and 28.4 ± 1.6% for the low protein and high protein diets, respectively). This can be explained by higher nitrogen intake in the fish fed the high protein diet, resulting in a smaller proportion of the intake being used for maintenance.

There was no difference in energy utilisation between dietary groups. The digestible energy requirement for maintenance (DEmaint) was 53.8 ± 0.9 kJ kg− 1 d− 1 (42.3 ± 0.7 kJ kg− 0.8 d− 1) and the utilisation efficiency for growth (kDEg) was 0.80 ± 0.02. The energy retention in full-fed fish was 31.3 ± 3.5 and 31.7 ± 1.0% for the low protein and high protein diets, respectively. The deposited energy was distributed in approximately equal proportions in the liver and carcass, whereas viscera accounted for a minor proportion. At a given energy intake, the fish fed the high protein diet deposited more energy in the carcass and less in the liver than did those fed the low protein diet.  相似文献   

为探求红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)幼鱼饲料的最适蛋白质能量比,以鱼粉和豆粕作为主要蛋白源,鱼油和豆油作为主要脂肪源,配制粗蛋白含量分别为36%、42%和48%,粗脂肪含量分别为8%、12%和16%,蛋能比为17.06~24.20 mg/kJ的9组饲料.投喂初始体重为14.95 g的红鳍东方鲀幼鱼56...  相似文献   

Atlantic cod were fed six diets where the ratio of protein from fish meal to vegetable protein were varied from 91%, 67% to 46%, respectively. The experimental groups were performed in triplicate in a 20 week growth trial, increasing fish weight from about 167 g to 690 g. The vegetable protein sources constituted full-fat soybean meal and corn gluten meal at a fixed ratio of 1:2, and replaced either a high quality fish meal (DCMink 92.3%) or a lower quality fish meal (DCMink 85.6%) in the diet. All diets were extruded and balanced to be equal in gross energy, crude protein, lipid, carbohydrate, lysine and phosphorus. No difference in growth (SGR 1%) was observed comparing the two fish meal qualities. However, feed intake was significantly higher (9%) and feed efficiency lower (10%) for lower quality fish meal compared to high quality fish meal. Protein and amino acid digestibility was significantly reduced in the lower quality fish meal, while unaffected by vegetable protein inclusion for both fish meal qualities. Protein utilization as measured by protein efficiency ratio and net protein value was not affected by fish meal inclusion, except in the diet using lower quality fish meal and high vegetable protein inclusion. Lipid and energy digestibility was significantly reduced by vegetable protein inclusion for both fish meals. The lower fish meal quality increased lipid deposition in the liver and affected slaughter quality of cod by increasing HSI and dressing out percentage at low and intermediate substitution levels. Muscle composition showed small dietary changes except for arginine, while liver fatty acid composition clearly reflected fatty acid profile of full-fat soya in the diets. Corn gluten meal and full-fat soybean meal (2:1) can replace approximately 50% of dietary protein without affecting feed intake, growth, protein digestibility or slaughter quality of cod when exchanging high quality fish meal. For the lower quality fish meal diets some lower inclusion of vegetable protein sources seem to be acceptable.  相似文献   

本研究通过8周的摄食生长实验来探讨高植物蛋白饲料中添加不同类型的水解蛋白对鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)幼鱼(初始平均体重为31.99 g)鱼体及组织脂肪含量的影响.实验设4个等氮等能的饲料处理组,对照组含有30%的鱼粉,通过在对照组饲料基础上分别添加水解猪血蛋白、水解豆粕蛋白和水解酵母蛋白替代10%的鱼粉来获得不同类型的实验组饲料,即水解猪血蛋白组、水解豆粕蛋白组和水解酵母蛋白组.养殖实验在近海浮式网箱中进行,每组饲料投喂3个重复的养殖网箱,每个网箱30尾鱼.实验结果显示,高植物蛋白饲料中水解猪血蛋白、水解豆粕蛋白及水解酵母蛋白并没有对鲈鱼幼鱼的鱼体、肝脏、肌肉和内脏的脂肪含量产生显著影响.但与对照组相比,添加水解酵母蛋白的处理组显著降低了鲈鱼幼鱼的血清甘油三酯、总胆固醇及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量(P<0.05).水解酵母蛋白替代鱼粉显著提高了鲈鱼幼鱼肌肉中C20:1n-9的含量,而水解豆粕蛋白和水解酵母蛋白显著降低了肌肉中C22:5n-3的含量(P<0.05).与对照组相比,水解酵母蛋白显著降低了血清中C20:5n-3的含量(P<0.05).在腹部脂肪组织中,与对照组相比,猪血、豆粕及酵母蛋白水解物替代鱼粉极显著提高了饱和脂肪酸、十八碳及十六碳单不饱和脂肪酸、亚油酸及亚麻酸的含量,而极显著降低了C20:1n-9、C20:4n-6、C22:5n-3和C22:6n-3的含量(P<0.01).本研究表明,高植物蛋白饲料中猪血、豆粕及酵母蛋白水解物替代10%的饲料鱼粉并未有效调节鲈鱼幼鱼鱼体、肝脏、肌肉及内脏的脂肪累积,但水解酵母蛋白在一定程度上改善了血清甘油三酯和胆固醇的代谢.水解蛋白对鲈鱼幼鱼脂肪酸组成的调节因水解蛋白的类型及鱼体组织类型而异.本研究是国内外首次系统研究不同类型水解蛋白对养殖鱼类脂肪累积的调节作用,对该领域相关研究具有重要借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary protein and energy level on spawning performance of Nile tilapia broodstock and hatchability of their eggs were studied. Nine diets containing three protein (30, 35 and 40%) and three energy (14.6, 16.7 and 18.8 MJ GE/kg) levels were prepared. The diets were fed to duplicate groups of broodfish (average weight of 60.5 ± 4.6 g for males and 39.4 ± 3.1 g for females) at 2–3% of their body weight, twice a day, for 150 days. At low protein level (30%), time to first spawning was significantly longer than at 35 and 40% protein levels, and increased with increasing dietary energy (decreasing protein-to-energy (P/E) ratio). At 35 and 40% protein levels, time to first spawning was not affected by dietary energy. Inter-spawning intervals (ISI) showed irregular patterns in relation to dietary protein and energy, however, at 40% protein the females tended to spawn at shorter intervals, regardless of dietary energy. Spawning performances, including total number of spawnings per tank, number of spawnings per female, absolute fecundity and average number of eggs per spawn, were all significantly lower (P < 0.05) at 30% CP than at higher protein levels. At all protein levels, increasing dietary energy from 14.6 to 18.8 MJ GE/kg (and decreasing P:E ratio) resulted in a significant decrease in fish fecundity. Egg size was not significantly affected by dietary protein and energy. At all energy levels, egg hatchability increased with increasing dietary protein levels (P < 0.05). Eggs produced from broodstock fed 30 and 35% CP, exhibited significantly lower hatchability (P < 0.05) and needed less time for hatching and yolk-sac absorption, and resulted in lower larval length than those fed a 40% protein diet. However, increasing energy level at each dietary protein level did not significantly affect these parameters. These results revealed that the best spawning performance of Nile tilapia broodstock reared in a recycling system was achieved at 40% dietary protein and 16.7 MJ GE/kg, with a P/E ratio of 23.6 g/MJ.  相似文献   

This study examines the palatability and discrete nutritional evaluation of some prototype lupin protein concentrates (PC) when fed to rainbow trout. Products were developed from both Lupinus angustifolius and Lupinus luteus kernel meals with an increase in protein of 415 g/kg DM to 690 g/kg DM for L. angustifolius and 545 g/kg DM to 750 g/kg DM for L. luteus, respectively. This study completes a three-phase approach to evaluating the nutritional value of these products. The digestibility of energy, nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter were determined in earlier studies using the diet substitution approach. The apparent digestibility of the energy from the L. angustifolius PC and the L. luteus PC along with the apparent protein digestibility were used to formulate two series of experimental diets to examine both the palatability and discrete nutritional value of the products. Serial inclusion of either PC at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% into a typical salmonid diet specification allowed an examination of the palatability of each product. Additional negative controls, based on the 0% diets with inclusion of sulfamerazine sodium, were included in the experiment to demonstrate the capacity of the experiment to detect significant palatability issues. No significant effects of inclusion of either PC on any fish performance criteria, such as feed intake or growth, were identified. In contrast, significant reductions in feed intake and consequently growth were observed from fish fed either of the negative controls. This experiment demonstrated that each PC was highly palatable at inclusion levels up to and including 40% of the diet. Using a protein-limited-restrictively-fed experimental approach the discrete nutritional utilisation of each PC was defined. Growth of fish fed the PC treatments was not significantly different to that of the 0% reference diet. Two control diets with substitutions of cellulose to an equivalent inclusion level to that of the PC have provided an indication of the net benefit of the test ingredients. This experiment demonstrated that each PC provided equivalent nutritional value to the fish at either of the two inclusion levels (20% and 40%) evaluated. These PCs differed in their viscosity and gelling properties which may allow feed manufacturers the opportunity to manipulate the physical attributes of their feeds. Together, these studies clearly show that the prototype PCs have substantial potential as a prospective feed ingredient for the aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of varying dietary protein (35–45%) and energy levels (17.34–19.44 kJ g−1) on the growth performance of milkfish (Chanos chanos) maintained under laboratory (experiment 1) and field conditions (Experiment 2) in inland saline groundwater. The results of experiment 1 (initial weight of fish: 0.25 g) revealed that, irrespective of the protein source (fish meal or processed full fat soybean), fish fed a diet containing 40% protein showed significantly (p<0.05) higher growth in terms of live weight gain and specific growth rate, low feed conversion ratio [1.71 (fish meal) and 1.58 (soybean)], high nutrient retention (gross protein retention: 28.59 and 31.05%; gross energy retention: 24.23 and 26.04%), apparent protein digestibility (81.74 and 85.91%) and digestive enzyme activity (specific protease and amylase). An observation on the postprandial excretion of metabolites (N–NH4 and o–PO4) indicated significantly (p<0.05) low levels of these metabolites in aquaria where the fish were fed 40% dietary protein irrespective of the protein source. The results of experiment 2 also indicate (initial weight of fish: 4.43 g) a significantly (p<0.05) higher growth performance (weight gain, biomass, specific growth rate, growth day−1 and fish production) in ponds where the fish were fed 40% dietary protein. Irrespective of the experimental conditions (laboratory/field), feeding the fish higher dietary protein levels (beyond 40%) not only repressed growth performance but also affected proximate composition by lowering protein accumulation and energy assimilation. An investigation on the effects of feeds on water quality parameters revealed that values for total alkalinity, NH4–N, NO3–N, turbidity, total dissolved solids and parameters indicative of productivity (chlorophyll a, net primary productivity and plankton population) increased significantly (p<0.05) from treatments 1–3 (35–40% protein) and declined thereafter, in treatment 4 (42% dietary protein), indicating that water quality characteristics correlated well with fish growth. The results suggest that in order to obtain a high-yield in milkfish culture system the fish should be fed supplementary diets containing appropriate (40%) protein levels, especially when the stocking rates are high.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹对蛋白质和脂肪消化率的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在室内控温条件下,以鱼肉粉,小麦粉等为主要原料配成精制饵料,测定了中华绒螯蟹对蛋白质和脂肪的消化率。结果表明,中华绒螯蟹对饵料的蛋白质表观消化率和实际消化率随饵料中小麦粉含量增加而下降,在24%-54%饵料蛋白范围内,蛋白质表观消化率(APD)与蛋白质含量(P)呈正比关系:APD=78.1303+0.2498P(r=0.8508,df=4,P<0.025);脂肪消化率(ALD)则随饵料含脂量(L)  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic analyses of fish composition have been strongly biased towards lipid deposition, rather than protein deposition. This is partly at odds with desires of the modern aquaculture industry, to improve the efficiency of lean growth. Using a quantitative genetic approach, we examined the selection potential in both protein and lipid components of wet weight growth in rainbow trout over a two-year growth period. Two diet treatments were applied to test the hypothesis that an experimental, high protein, low lipid diet (HP) would enhance selection potential compared to the current modern, normal protein, high lipid diet (NP). We found that lipid traits (lipid body weight, percent muscle and body lipid; h2 = 0.40) were more heritable than corresponding protein traits (protein body weight, percent muscle and body protein; h2 = 0.18), indicating a higher selection potential for lipid traits. The results revealed further that breeding for improved lipid composition over the whole growth period is easier than for protein composition. This was shown by the high favourable genetic correlations between differently aged fish for lipid traits. In contrast, the respective correlations for protein traits were low or even negative. Similarly, the genetic correlations between muscle and body composition were higher for lipid than for protein, enhancing selection efforts to change lipid traits. Heritabilities increased with age, implying that selection practiced on old (> 800 g) rather than young (< 60 g) fish should be more effective in achieving a compositional response. Although the diet had a significant effect on the composition traits, there was no general trend for diet differences in heritabilities of either protein or lipid traits. Thus, the hypothesis of increased selection potential on HP diet was not supported. In conclusion, lipid traits are both more variable and exhibit more favourable genetic architecture for selection compared to protein traits.  相似文献   

An integrated fish and hydroponic tomato production system was evaluated for use in the US Virgin Islands. The system was constructed from readily available materials, and designed to minimize capital costs, energy and water use, and the technological skill needed for operation. Tilapia (Sarotherodon aurea) and tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) were cultured outdoors for 181 days in a closed system containing 7.34 m3 of water. Water quality suitable for fish production was maintained by aeration, biological filtration, sedimentation, hydroponic vegetable production and the addition of make-up water. Fish metabolites, wasted feed, and small quantities of inorganic fertilizers served as nutrient sources for tomato production. Fish survival (97.5%) and growth (2.54 g per day) were excellent with 63.6 kg of fish averaging 521 g each recovered at harvest. The total yield of ripe tomato fruit was 87.0 kg, of which 87.4% was marketable. The yield and quality of fruit produced hydroponically exceeded that produced under field trial conditions. Capital costs for the complete system were estimated to be US$612 (1979). Electrical energy and water use were 9.12 kWh day?1 and 2.6% of the total volume per day, respectively. Cost and return projections indicate the system could be operated on a profitable basis in the US Virgin Islands.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was carried out to determine the efficiency of different commercial sources, chemical forms and levels, of dietary astaxanthin, to appropriately pigment the red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) skin. According to this, total carotenoid content, profiles and chemical forms present in the skin were determined. In order to establish the potential for antioxidant protecting role of astaxanthin supplemented diets, peroxide levels and lipid composition of skin were also determined.

Red porgy alevins were fed six dietary treatments in triplicate; a basal diet (B) without carotenoids; two diets (N25 and N50) formulated to supply either 25 or 50 mg kg− 1 of an esterified source of astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis, NatuRose™); two diets (CP25 and CP50) with either 25 or 50 mg kg− 1 of unesterified astaxanthin (Carophyll® Pink); and a positive control diet (B + S) proved as a successful pigmenting-diet in previous experiences (B + S, 88% basal diet:12% frozen shrimp) [Cejas, J., Almansa, E., Tejera, N., Jerez, S., Bolaños, A., Lorenzo, A., 2003. Effect of dietary supplementation with shrimp on skin pigmentation and lipid composition of red porgy (P. pagrus) alevins. Aquaculture 218, 457–469].

All fish fed carotenoid supplemented diets displayed a pink-coloured skin after 4 months of feeding in contrast to the greyish appearance displayed by fish fed the basal diet not supplemented with carotenoids (B). Furthermore, astaxanthin diesters were the major carotenoid in the skin of pink fish. A second carotenoid, tentatively identified as tunaxanthin diester, was also detected. The best results in terms of skin natural reddish hue, total carotenoid and astaxanthin contents were found by using the esterified forms of dietary astaxanthin (N25, N50 and B + S). Interestingly, the lowest levels of lipid peroxides were found in the fish fed these three treatments. However, no effect of treatment on lipid composition was found. In conclusion, red porgy alevins are able to efficiently utilise dietary natural or synthetic astaxanthin, and deposit this pigment in its esterified form to acquire an acceptable pink-coloured skin compared to that of the wild fish.  相似文献   

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