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Fifty-five mungbean lines were evaluated for days to maturity and grain yield per plant. This material showed considerable range of variability for the target traits. Eight genetically diverse parents were selected and used for a full diallel set of crosses to study the mode of inheritance for earliness related parameters (days to flowering, days to maturity and length of reproductive phase) during summer 2005. The F1 generation of these crosses was sown during the spring of 2006 and the selfed seeds were used to raise the F2 generation during kharif season. The data recorded from two generations were subjected to genetic analysis. The formal ANOVA showed the significance of both additive and dominance effects for all the traits in both generations. Significance of D, H1 and H2 components also confirmed the contribution of both additive and dominance effects in controlling the inheritance of these traits. The estimates of narrow sense heritability were low to moderate except higher estimates for days to maturity in F2 generation, while the broad sense heritability estimates were relatively higher. Seasonal and environmental effects were also found to be significant. In view of the complex nature of gene action for earliness, it is suggested that breeders should look for transgressive recombinants of earliness and other desirable attributes in later segregating generations to gain higher genetic advance. The variety NM92 was found to be the best source of earliness in mungbean breeding.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew disease in mungbean is caused by the fungus, Erysiphe polygoni D.C. We identified two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling resistance to the disease in a RIL population of 190 F7 lines. The population was developed from the cross between a susceptible cultivar, “Kamphaeng Saen 1” and a resistant line, “VC6468-11-1A”. Reaction to the disease was evaluated for resistance in field and greenhouse conditions. Results from analysis of variance revealed that 15 SSR loci on three linkage groups (LG) associated with the resistance. Composite interval mapping consistently identified two QTLs on two LGs, qPMR-1 and qPMR-2, conferring the resistance. qPMR-1 and qPMR-2 accounted for 20.10 and 57.81% of the total variation for plant response to the disease, respectively. Comparison based on common markers used in our and previous studies suggested that qPMR-2 is possibly the same as the major QTL reported earlier using another resistant source. The SSR markers flanking and closely linked to qPMR-1 (CEDG282 and CEDG191) and qPMR-2 (MB-SSR238 and CEDG166) are useful for marker-assisted selection for mungbean resistance to powdery mildew.  相似文献   

A triploid hybrid with an ABC genome constitution, produced from an interspecific cross between Brassica napus (AACC genome) and B. nigra (BB genome), was used as source material for chromosome doubling. Two approaches were undertaken for the production of hexaploids: firstly, by self-pollination and open-pollination of the triploid hybrid; and secondly, by application of colchicine to axillary meristems of triploid plants. Sixteen seeds were harvested from triploid plants and two seedlings were confirmed to be hexaploids with 54 chromosomes. Pollen viability increased from 13% in triploids to a maximum of 49% in hexaploids. Petal length increased from 1.3 cm (triploid) to 1.9 cm and 1.8 cm in the two hexaploids and longest stamen length increased from 0.9 cm (triploid) to 1.1 cm in the hexaploids. Pollen grains were longer in hexaploids (43.7 and 46.3 μm) compared to the triploid (25.4 μm). A few aneuploid offsprings were also observed, with chromosome number ranging from 34 to 48. This study shows that trigenomic hexaploids can be produced in Brassica through interspecific hybridisation of B. napus and B. nigra followed by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

The germplasm with exotic genomic components especially from Sea Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L. Gb) is the dominant genetic resources to enhance fiber quality of upland cotton (G. hirsutum L., Gh). Due to low efficiency of phenotypic evaluation and selection on fiber quality, genetic dissection of favorable alleles using molecular markers is essential. Genetic dissection on putative Gb introgressions related to fiber traits were conducted by SSR markers with mapping populations derived from a cross between Luyuan343 (LY343), a superior fiber quality introgression line (IL) with genomic components from Gb, and an elite Upland cotton cv. Lumianyan#22 (LMY22). Among 82 polymorphic loci screened out from 4050 SSRs, 42 were identified as putative introgression alleles. A total of 29 fiber-related QTLs (23 for fiber quality and six for lint percentage) were detected and most of which clustered on the putative Gb introgression chromosomal segments of Chr.2, Chr.16, Chr.23 and Chr.25. As expected, a majority of favorable alleles of fiber quality QTLs (12/17, not considering the QTLs for fiber fineness) came from the IL parent and most of which (11/12) were conferred by the introgression genomic components while three of the six (3/6) favorable alleles for lint percentage came from the Gh parent. Validation of these QTLs using an F8 breeding population from the same cross made previously indicated that 13 out of 29 QTLs showed considerable stability. The results suggest that fiber quality improvement using the introgression components could be facilitated by marker-assisted selection in cotton breeding program.  相似文献   

The recessive mutation of the XANTHA gene (XNT) transforms seedlings and plants into a yellow color, visually distinguishable from normal (green) rice. Thus, it has been introduced into male sterile lines as a distinct marker for rapidly testing and efficiently increasing varietal purity in seed and paddy production of hybrid rice. To identify closely linked markers and eventually isolate the XNT gene, two mapping populations were developed by crossing the xantha mutant line Huangyu B (indica) with two wild type japonica varieties; a total of 1,720 mutant type F2 individuals were analyzed for fine mapping using polymorphic InDel markers and high dense microsatellite markers. The XNT gene was mapped on chromosome 11, within in a fragment of ~100 kb, where 13 genes are annotated. The NP_001067671.1 gene within the delimited region is likely to be a candidate XNT gene, since it encodes ATP-dependent chloroplast protease ATP-binding subunit clp A. However, no sequence differences were observed between the mutant and its parent. Bioinformatics analysis demonstrated that four chlorophyll deficient mutations that were previously mapped on the same chromosome are located outside the XNT region, indicating XNT is a new gene. The results provide useful DNA markers not only for marker assisted selection of the xantha trait but also its eventual cloning.  相似文献   

Time to flowering and maturity is an important adaptive feature in annual crops, including cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). In West and Central Africa, photoperiod is the most important environmental variable affecting time to flowering in cowpea. The inheritance of time from sowing to flowering (f) in cowpeas was studied by crossing a photoperiod-sensitive genotype Kanannnado to a photoperiod-insensitive variety IT97D-941-1. Sufficient seed of F1, F2, F3 and backcross populations were generated. The parental, F1, F2, F3 and the backcross populations were screened for f under long natural days (mean daylength 13.4 h per day) in the field and the parents, F1, F2 and backcross populations under short day (10 h per day) conditions. The result of the screening showed that photoperiod in the field was long enough to delay flowering of photoperiod-sensitive genotypes. Photoperiod-sensitivity was found to be partially dominant to insensitivity. Frequency distribution of the trait in the various populations indicated quantitative inheritance. Additive (d) and additive × dominance (j) interactions were the most important gene actions conditioning time to flowering. A narrow sense heritability of 86% was estimated for this trait. This will result in 26 days gain in time to flowering with 5% selection intensity from the F2 to F3 generation. At least seven major gene pairs, with an average delay of 6 days each, were estimated to control time to flowering in this cross.  相似文献   

Cowpea is an important legume in sub-Saharan Africa where its protein rich grains are consumed. Insect pests constitute a major constraint to cowpea production. Flower bud thrips (FTh) is the first major pest of cowpea at the reproductive stage and if not controlled with insecticides is capable of reducing grain yield significantly. Information on the inheritance of resistance to FTh is required to facilitate breeding of resistant cultivars. The genetics of resistance was studied in crosses of four cowpea lines. Maternal effect was implicated while frequency distributions of the F2 and backcross generations suggest quantitative inheritance. Additive, dominance and epistatic gene effects made large contributions and since improved inbred lines are the desired product, selection should not be too severe in the early generations to allow for desirable gene recombination. This study suggested that some of the genes involved in the control of resistance to FTh are different in TVu1509 and Sanzi. Broad sense heritability ranged from 56% to 73%. Choice of maternal parent in a cross will be critical to the success of resistance breeding.  相似文献   

Submergence is a major stress causing yield losses particularly in the direct-seeded rice cultivation system and necessitates the development of a simple, rapid and reliable bioassay for a large scale screening of rice germplasms with tolerance against submergence stress. We developed two new bioassay methods that were based primarily on the seedling vigor evaluated by the ability of fast shoot elongation under submerged conditions, and compared their effectiveness with two other available methods. All four bioassay methods using cultivars of 7 indica and 6 japonica types revealed significant and consistent cultivar differences in seedling vigor under submergence and/or submergence tolerance. Japonica cultivars were more vigorous than indica cultivars, with Nipponbare being the most vigorous. The simplest test tube method showed the highest correlations to all other methods. Our results suggest that seedling vigor serves as a submergence avoidance mechanism and confers tolerance on rice seedlings to flooding during early crop establishment. A possible relationship is discussed between seedling vigor based on fast shoot elongation and submergence tolerance defined by recovery from submergence stress.  相似文献   

A genetic factor that blocks the cannabinoid biosynthesis in Cannabis sativa has been investigated. Crosses between cannabinoid-free material and high content, pharmaceutical clones were performed. F1s were uniform and had cannabinoid contents much lower than the mean parental value. Inbred F2 progenies segregated into discrete groups: a cannabinoid-free chemotype, a chemotype with relatively low cannabinoid content and one with relatively high content, in a monogenic 1:2:1 ratio. In our model the cannabinoid knockout factor is indicated as a recessive allele o, situated at locus O, which segregates independently from previously presented chemotype loci. The genotype o/o underlies the cannabinoid-free chemotype, O/o is expressed as an intermediate, low content chemotype, and O/O is the genotype of the high content chemotype. The data suggests that locus O governs a reaction in the pathway towards the phenolic cannabinoid precursors. The composition of terpenoids and various other compound classes of cannabinoid-free segregants remains unaffected. Backcrossing produced cannabinoid-free homologues of pharmaceutical production clones with potential applications in pharmacological research. A new variant of the previously presented allele ‘B 0’, that almost completely obstructs the conversion of CBG into CBD, was also selected from the source population of the cannabinoid knockout factor.  相似文献   

The rice leaffolder (RLF), Cnaphalocrocis medinalis is an important pest of rice that causes severe damage in many areas of the world. The plants were transformed with fully modified (plant codon optimized) synthetic Cry1C coding sequences as well as with the hpt and gus genes, coding for hygromycin phosphotransferase and β-glucuronidase, respectively. Cry1C sequences placed under the control of doubled 35S promoter plus the AMV leader sequence, and hpt and gus genes driven by cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, were used in this study. Embryogenic calli after cocultivation with Agrobacterium were selected on the medium containing hygromycin B. A total of 67 hygromycin-resistant plants were regenerated. PCR and Southern blot analyses of primary transformants revealed the stable integration of Cry1C coding sequences into the rice genome with predominant single copy integration. R1 progeny plants disclosed a monogenic pattern (3:1) of transgene segregation as confirmed by molecular analyses. These transgenic lines were highly resistant to rice leaffolder (RLF), Cnaphalocrocis medinalis as revealed by insect bioassay.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is the main pathogen responsible for bacterial blight disease in pea and can cause yield losses of 70%. P. syringae pv. pisi is prevalent in most countries but the importance of P. syringae pv. syringae (Psy) is increasing. Several sources of resistance to Psy have been identified but genetics of the resistance is unknown. In this study the inheritance of resistance to Psy was studied in the pea recombinant inbred line population P665 × ‘Messire’. Results suggest a polygenic control of the resistance and two quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance, Psy1 and Psy2, were identified. The QTL explained individually 22.2 and 8.6% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. In addition 21 SSR markers were included in the P665 × ‘Messire’ map, of which six had not been mapped on the pea genome in previous studies.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root rot (PRR) is among the most important soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) diseases worldwide, and the host displays complex genetic resistance. A genome-wide association study was performed on 337 accessions from the Yangtze-Huai soybean breeding germplasm to identify resistance regions associated with PRR resistance using 60,862 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms markers. Twenty-six significant SNP-trait associations were detected on chromosomes 01 using a mixed linear model with the Q matrix and K matrix as covariates. In addition, twenty-six SNPs belonged to three adjacent haplotype blocks according to a linkage disequilibrium blocks analysis, and no previous studies have reported resistance loci in this 441 kb region. The real-time RT-PCR analysis of the possible candidate genes showed that two genes (Glyma01g32800 and Glyma01g32855) are likely involved in PRR resistance. Markers associated with resistance can contribute to marker-assisted selection in breeding programs. Analyses of candidate genes can lay a foundation for exploring the mechanism of P. sojae resistance.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation was performed using embryonic axes explants of pigeon pea. Both legume pod borer resistant gene (cry1Ac) and plant selectable marker neomycine phosphor transferase (nptII) genes under the constitutive expression of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (CaMV35S) assembled in pPZP211 binary vector were used for the experiments. An optimum average of 44.61% successfully hardened dot blot Southern hybridization positive plants were obtained on co-cultivation media supplemented with 200 μM acetosyringone without L-cysteine. The increased transformation efficiency from a baseline of 11.53% without acetosyringone to 44.61% with acetosyringone was further declined with the addition of different concentrations of L-cysteine to co-cultivation media. Transgenic shoots were selected on 50 and 75 mg L−1 kanamycin. Rooting efficiency was 100% on half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium with 20 g L−1 sucrose and 0.5 mg L−1 indole butyric acid in the absence of kanamycin. Furthermore, 100% seed setting was found among all the transgenic events. The plants obtained were subjected to multi- and nochoice tests to determine the behavioral responses and mortality through Helicoverpa armigera bioassays on the leaf and relate their relationship with the expression of cry1Ac protein which was found to be less in leaf as compared to the floral buds, anther, pod, and seed.  相似文献   

Molecular markers have been successfully used in rice breeding however available markers based on Oryza sativa sequences are not efficient to monitor alien introgression from distant genomes of Oryza. We developed O. minuta (2n = 48, BBCC)-specific clones comprising of 105 clones (266–715 bp) from the initial library composed of 1,920 clones against O. sativa by representational difference analysis (RDA), a subtractive cloning method and validated through Southern blot hybridization. Chromosomal location of O. minuta-specific clones was identified by hybridization with the genomic DNA of eight monosomic alien additional lines (MAALs). The 37 clones were located either on chromosomes 6, 7, or 12. Different hybridization patterns between O. minuta-specific clones and wild species such as O. punctata, O. officinalis, O. rhizomatis, O. australiensis, and O. ridleyi were observed indicating conservation of the O. minuta fragments across Oryza spp. A highly repetitive clone, OmSC45 hybridized with O. minuta and O. australiensis (EE), and was found in 6,500 and 9,000 copies, respectively, suggesting an independent and exponential amplification of the fragment in both species during the evolution of Oryza. Hybridization of 105 O. minuta specific clones with BB- and CC-genome wild Oryza species resulted in the identification of 4 BB-genome-specific and 14 CC-genome-specific clones. OmSC45 was identified as a fragment of RIRE1, an LTR-retrotransposon. Furthermore this clone was introgressed from O. minuta into the advanced breeding lines of O. sativa.  相似文献   

An inter-subspecific mapping population was generated by crossing V. mungo var. mungo (cv. TU 94-2, bruchid susceptible) and V. mungo var. silvestris (bruchid resistant). About 37.8% of the bruchid completed their lifecycle on seeds of V. mungo var. silvestris compared with 100% on the susceptible variety TU 94-2. The total developmental period of C. maculatus on Vigna mungo var. silvestris was considerably extended (88 days as compared with 34 days on TU 94-2). A genetic linkage map constructed using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in F9 generation with 428 markers [86 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), 47 simple sequence repeat (SSR), 41 inter-SSR (ISSR), 254 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)] was used for QTL detection. One hundred four individuals were used for detection of QTLs associated with bruchid resistance. The RILs exhibited a high level of variation in percentage adult emergence (0–100%) and developmental period (0–105 days). Two QTLs, Cmrae1.1 and Cmrae1.2, were identified for percentage adult emergence, on linkage group (LG) 3 and 4, respectively. For developmental period, six QTLs were identified, with two QTLs (Cmrdp1.1 and Cmrdp1.2) on LG 1, three QTLs (Cmrdp1.3, Cmrdp1.4, and Cmrdp1.5) on LG 2, and one QTL (Cmrdp1.6) on LG 10.  相似文献   

Gene effects of resistance to two isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae in two crosses of pepper were investigated using separate generation means analysis. Additive-dominance models were inadequate in all cases. Digenic parameter models were adequate in three cases and the probability of goodness of fit of models was negatively correlated with the aggressiveness of the pathogen. None of these models explained variation among generation means in the combined cross Beldi × CM334 with P. nicotianae isolate Pn2. Additive × additive, dominance × dominance and dominance × additive effects were significant in most cases. Additive and dominance effects (of negative sign) contribute more to resistance than to susceptibility. Additive variance was greater than environmental and dominance variance and ranged from 0.038 to 0.224. Narrow-sense heritabilities were dependent upon the cross and inoculate and ranged from 86 to 92%. The results of this study indicate that selection with more aggressive isolates of the pathogen will be useful for enhancing resistance in pepper.  相似文献   

A system for the production of transgenic faba bean by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was developed. This system is based upon direct shoot organogenesis after transformation of meristematic cells derived from embryo axes. Explants were co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105/pGlsfa, which harbored a binary vector containing a gene encoding a sulphur rich sunflower albumin (SFA8) linked to the bar gene. Strain EHA 101/pAN109 carrying the binary plasmid containing the coding sequence of a mutant aspartate kinase gene (lysC) from E. coli in combination with neomycinphosphotransferase II gene (nptII) was used as well. The coding sequences of SFA8 and LysC genes were fused to seed specific promoters, either Vicia faba legumin B4 promoter (LeB4) or phaseolin promoter, respectively. Seven phosphinothricin (PPT) resistant clones from Mythos and Albatross cultivars were recovered. Integration, inheritance and expression of the transgenes were confirmed by Southern blot, PCR, enzyme activity assay and Western blot.  相似文献   

Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most severe disease currently threatening soybean crops in Brazil. The development of resistant cultivars is a top priority. Genetic characterization of resistance genes is important for estimating the improvement when these genes are introduced into soybean plants and for planning breeding strategies against this disease. Here, we infected an F2 population of 140 plants derived from a cross between ‘An-76’, a line carrying two resistance genes (Rpp2 and Rpp4), and ‘Kinoshita’, a cultivar carrying Rpp5, with a Brazilian rust population. We scored six characters of rust resistance (lesion color [LC], frequency of lesions having uredinia [%LU], number of uredinia per lesion [NoU], frequency of open uredinia [%OU], sporulation level [SL], and incubation period [IP]) to identify the genetic contributions of the three genes to these characters. Furthermore, we selected genotypes carrying these three loci in homozygosis by marker-assisted selection and evaluated their genetic effect in comparison with their ancestors, An-76, PI230970, PI459025, Kinoshita and BRS184. All three genes contributed to the phenotypes of these characters in F2 population and when pyramided, they significantly contributed to increase the resistance in comparison to their ancestors. Rpp2, previously reported as being defeated by the same rust population, showed a large contribution to resistance, and its resistance allele seemed to be recessive. Rpp5 had the largest contribution among the three genes, especially to SL and NoU. Only Rpp5 showed a significant contribution to LC. No QTLs for IP were detected in the regions of the three genes. We consider that these genes could contribute differently to resistance to soybean rust, and that genetic background plays an important role in Rpp2 activity. All three loci together worked additively to increase resistance when they were pyramided in a single genotype indicating that the pyramiding strategy is one good breeding strategy to increase soybean rust resistance.  相似文献   

Genetic male sterility (GMS) genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) can be used for commercial hybrid seed production. A new wheat GMS mutant, LZ, was successfully used in the 4E-ms system for producing hybrid wheat, a new approach of producing hybrid seed based on GMS. Our objective was to analyse the genetic mechanism of male sterility and locate the GMS gene in mutant LZ to a chromosome. We firstly crossed male sterile line 257A (2n = 42) derived from mutant LZ to Chinese Spring and several other cultivars for determining the self-fertility of the F1 hybrids and the segregation ratios of male-sterile and fertile plants in the F2 and BC1 generations. Secondly, we conducted nullisomic analysis by crossing male sterile plants of line 257A to 21 self-fertile nullisomic lines as male to test the F1 fertilities and to locate the GMS gene in mutant LZ to a chromosome. Thirdly, we conducted an allelism test with Cornerstone, which has ms1c located on chromosome 4BS. All F1s were male fertile and the segregation ratio of male-sterile: fertile plants in all BC1 and F2 populations fitted 1:1 and 1:3 ratios, respectively. The male sterility was stably inherited, and was not affected by environmental factors in two different locations or by the cytoplasm of wheat cultivars in four reciprocal cross combinations. The results of nullisomic analysis indicated the gene was on chromosome 4B. The allelism test showed that the mutant LZ was allelic to ms1c. We concluded that the mutant LZ has common wheat cytoplasm and carries a stably inherited monogenic recessive gene named ms1g.  相似文献   

Grain yield under post-anthesis drought stress is one of the most complex traits, which is inherited quantitatively. The present study was conducted to identify genes determining post-anthesis drought stress tolerance in bread wheat through Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) analysis. Two cultivated bread wheat accessions were selected as parental lines. Population phenotyping was carried out on 133 F2:3 families. Two field experiments and two experiments in the greenhouse were conducted at IPK-Gatersleben, Germany with control and post-anthesis stress conditions in each experiment. Thousand-grain weight was recorded as the main wheat yield component, which is reduced by post-anthesis drought stress. Chemical desiccation was applied in three experiments as simulator of post-anthesis drought stress whereas water stress was applied in one greenhouse experiment. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the F2:3 families. The molecular genetic linkage map including 293 marker loci associated to 19 wheat chromosomes was applied for QTL analysis. The present study revealed four and six QTLs for thousand-grain weight under control and stress conditions, respectively. Only one QTL on chromosome 4BL was common for both conditions. Five QTLs on chromosomes 1AL, 4AL, 7AS, and 7DS were found to be specific to the stress condition. Both parents contributed alleles for drought tolerance. Taking the known reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 4AL/7BS into account, the importance of the short arms of homoeologous group 7 is confirmed for drought stress.  相似文献   

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