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The closed-jar incubation method is widely used to estimate the mineralization of soil organic C. There are two C pools (i.e., organic and inorganic C) in calcareous soil. To evaluate the effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during closed-jar incubation, three incubation experiments were conducted by adding different types (CaCO3 and MgCO3 ) and amounts of carbonate to the soil. The addition of carbonates significantly increased CO2 emission from the soil; the increase ranged from 12.0% in the CaCO3 amended soil to 460% in the MgCO3 amended soil during a 100-d incubation. Cumulative CO2 production at the end of the incubation was three times greater in the MgCO3 amended soil compared to the CaCO3 amended one. The CO2 emission increased with the amount of CaCO3 added to the soil. In contrast, CO2 emission decreased as the amount of MgCO3 added to the soil increased. Our results confirmed that the closed-jar incubation method could lead to an overestimate of organic C mineralization in calcareous soils. Because of its effect on soil pH and the dissolution of carbonates, HgCl2 should not be used to sterilize calcareous soil if the experiment includes the measurement of soil CO2 production.  相似文献   

Most studies on dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in paddy soils were conducted in the laboratory and in situ studies are in need for better understanding of the DNRA process.In this study,in situ incubations of soil DNRA using 15 N tracer were carried out in paddy fields under conventional water (CW) and low water (LW) managements to explore the potential of soil DNRA after liquid cattle waste (LCW) application and to investigate the impacts of soil redox potential (Eh) and labile carbon on DNRA.DNRA rates ranged from 3.06 to 10.40 mg N kg 1 dry soil d 1,which accounted for 8.55%-12.36% and 3.88%-25.44% of consumption of added NO 3-15 N when Eh at 5 cm soil depth ranged from 230 to 414 mV and 225 to 65 mV,respectively.DNRA rates showed no significant difference in paddy soils under two water managements although soil Eh and/or dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were more favorable for DNRA in the paddy soil under CW management 1 d before,or 5 and 7 d after LCW application.Soil DNRA rates were negatively correlated with soil Eh (P < 0.05,n=5) but positively correlated with soil DOC (P < 0.05,n=5) in the paddy soil under LW management,while no significant correlations were shown in the paddy soil under CW management.The potential of DNRA measured in situ was consistent with previous laboratory studies;and the controlling factors of DNRA in paddy soils might be different under different water managements,probably due to the presence of different microfloras of DNRA.  相似文献   

Biochar is a carbon-rich product obtained by biomass pyrolysis and considered a mean of carbon sequestration. In this research, a sandy calcareous soil from the Farm of the College of Food & Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, was amended with either woody waste of Conocarpus erectus L.(CW) or the biochar(BC) produced from CW at rates of 0(control), 10, 30 and 50 g kg-1. The effects of the amendments on soil p H, dissolved organic carbon(DOC), microbial biomass carbon(MBC), CO2 emission and metabolic quotient(q CO2) of the sandy calcareous soil were studied in a 60-d incubation experiment. The results showed that the addition of CW led to a significant decrease in soil p H compared to the control and the addition of BC. The CO2-C emission rate was higher in the first few days of incubation than when the incubation time progressed. The cumulative CO2-C emission from the soil amended with CW, especially at higher rates, was higher(approximately 3- to 6-fold) than that from the control and the soil amended with BC. The BC-amended soil showed significant increases in CO2-C emission rate during the first days of incubation as compared to the non-amended soil, but the increase in cumulative CO2-C emission was not significant after 60 d of incubation. On the other hand, CW applications resulted in considerably higher cumulative CO2-C emission, MBC and DOC than the control and BC applications. With the exception of 0 day(after 1 h of incubation), both CW and BC applications led to lower values of q CO2 as compared to the control. The power function kinetic model satisfactorily described the cumulative CO2-C emission. Generally, the lowest values of CO2 emission were observed in the soil with BC, suggesting that the contribution of BC to CO2 emission was very small as compared to that of CW.  相似文献   

水稻土的氧化还原过程及其与水稻生长的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于天仁  刘志光 《土壤学报》1964,12(4):380-389
水稻土的主要特点是在一年之中有季节性的淹水和落干,而各种水稻土的干湿程度和时间都有不同,因而影响土壤性质发生复杂的变化。在这些性质中,氧化还原状况是变化最剧烈而指示最明显的性质,并且直接或间接影响水稻的生长。为此,作者等从1954年起,开始了这方面的研究工作,下面是关于几个主要简题的筒单概括。  相似文献   

Montane volcanic ash soils contain disproportionate amounts of soil organic carbon and thereby play an often underestimated role in the global carbon cycle.Given the central role of Al and Fe in stabilizing organic matter in volcanic ash soils,we assessed various extraction methods of Al,Fe,and C fractions from montane volcanic ash soils in northern Ecuador,aiming at elucidating the role of Al and Fe in stabilizing soil organic matter(SOM).We found extractions with cold sodium hydroxide,ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid,sodium pyrophosphate,and sodium tetraborate to be particularly useful.Combination of these methods yielded information about the role of the mineral phase in stabilizing organic matter and the differences in type and degree of complexation of organic matter with Al and Fe in the various horizons and soil profiles.Sodium tetraborate extraction proved the only soft extraction method that yielded simultaneous information about the Al,Fe,and C fractions extracted.It also appeared to differentiate between SOM fractions of different stability.The fractions of copper chloride-and potassium chloride-extractable Al were useful in assessing the total reactive and toxic Al fractions,respectively.The classical subdivision of organic matter into humic acids,fulvic acids,and humin added little useful information.The use of fulvic acids as a proxy for mobile organic matter as done in several model-based approaches seems invalid in the soils studied.  相似文献   

厌氧条件下土壤中铁氧化还原过程与土壤氮循环关系密切,且硝酸盐依赖型亚铁氧化(nitrate-dependent ferrous oxidation,NDFO)和光合型亚铁氧化(photosynthetic ferrous oxidation,PFO)是亚铁氧化的两个重要的生物途径,然而目前关于石灰性水稻土中NDFO与PFO之间的关系仍不明晰。以采自黄河中下游地区河南省孟津县的水稻土为样品,设置培养前添加和培养过程中添加10 mmol·L-1的硝酸根离子/铵离子(NO3-/NH4+)的恒温厌氧泥浆培养试验,通过监测泥浆中Fe(Ⅱ)、O2、NO3-和亚硝酸根离子(NO2-)的动态变化与培养后的NH4+含量探究了NO3-在石灰性水稻土Fe(Ⅱ)氧化过程的作用及其与光合型亚铁氧化的关系。结果...  相似文献   

Zinc(Zn) deficiency in paddy soils is often a problem for rice production.Flooding can decrease metal availability in some noncalcareous soils through different mechanisms associated with soil redox status.Laboratory experiments were performed in order to better understand the processes that governed the dynamics of Zn in non-calcareous paddy soils at varying redox potentials(Eh).Airdried non-calcareous soil samples collected from four different paddy field sites in the Philippines were submerged and incubated in a reaction cell with continuous stirring and nitrogen purging for 4 weeks,and then purged with compressed air for another week to reoxidize the system.The Eh of the four soils started at 120 to 300 mV,decreased to —220 to —300 mV after 100 to 250 h of reduction,and was maintained at this low plateau for about 2 weeks before increasing again upon reoxidation.Zinc solubility showed contrasting patterns in the four soils,with two of the soils showing a decrease in soluble Zn as the Eh became low,probably due to zinc sulfide(ZnS) precipitation.In contrast,the other two soils showed that Zn solubility was maintained during the reduced phase which could be due to the competition with iron(Fe) for precipitation with sulfide.Differences in the relative amounts of S,Fe,and manganese(Mn) oxides in the four soils apparently influenced the pattern of Zn solubility after flooding.  相似文献   

昆明西山山原红壤和红色石灰土的pH值与磁化率关系研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
汪彦林  苏怀  董铭  孔瑞  邓东富  李晓美  史正涛 《土壤》2012,44(1):107-110
通过对昆明西山山原红壤和红色石灰土的pH值和磁化率测试研究发现,山原红壤的pH值在4.0~5.8之间,呈酸性,质量磁化率在56×10-8~174×10-8m3/kg之间,pH值与磁化率呈明显的正相关关系;而红色石灰土pH值在6.0~8.4之间,磁化率为752×10-8~5 056×10-8m3/kg,pH值和磁化率呈负相关关系。该研究表明,在我国西南地区,土壤pH值和磁化率既存在明显的负相关关系也存在正相关关系。结合前人在其他地区的研究资料,进一步发现,土壤的酸碱环境可能是决定这些关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

(一)红壤性水稻土中铁、锰的含量以淀积层最高,潜育层最低。铁、锰在土层中的分化程度,随土壤发育的程度而增加;锰的分化趋势,较铁更为明显。(二)能被氢醌还原的锰量,占全锰中的很大百分数,最高者可达70%,而能被氢醌还原的铁量,不超过全铁量的0.5%。能与EDTA形成络合物的锰量,也较铁量为高。(三)土壤经交互干湿处理以后,酸溶性和易于还原的铁、锰数量都大大降低,说明脱水作用可使铁、锰的活动性减低。(四)作者根据试验结果而认为,锰对氧化还原条件的感应较为灵敏,而铁则对酸碱条件较为敏感,这对于水稻土剖面中铁、锰的移动和分化具有一定意义。铁、锰的移动程度,在一定程度上可作为水稻土发育程度的一个指标。  相似文献   

于天仁  刘畹蘭 《土壤学报》1957,5(4):292-304
1.土壤处于强烈的还原条件下时,对水稻生长有不良的影响,如果将土壤中的氧化还原条件改善,则对水稻的生长有益。2.土壤中的氧化还原情况,直接影响水稻体中的氧化还原电位,土壤电位低者,水稻中的电位也低。3.土壤中还原性物质的数量与水稻生长情况表现了明显的一致性,可见水稻在强烈还原条件下的生长不良,与还原性物质的过多有关。在还原性物质中,亚铁离子约占一半左右。4.试验结果指明,土壤中过多的亚铁离子,对水稻有毒害作用。  相似文献   

  【目的】  污泥堆肥农用是污泥资源化的主要途径,明确不同用量堆肥污泥对旱作条件下酸性水稻土有机、无机碳组分及pH的影响,可为堆肥污泥的农用提供科学依据。  【方法】  以酸性水稻土为供试土壤,连续进行了2年小麦–玉米轮作盆栽试验。参照GB4284—2018农用污泥施用标准,设置0 (CK)、3.75、7.50、37.50和75.00 t/hm2共5个污泥施用量处理,每年10月份种植冬小麦前称取相应量污泥,与盆栽土壤均匀混合后装盆,连续种植冬小麦和夏玉米两季作物。分别在小麦、玉米收获后采集耕层土壤,分析水稻土中有机、无机碳组分和pH,以及上述参数之间存在的相关关系。  【结果】  供试污泥堆肥用量处理下,土壤pH随污泥施用量的增加而升高,污泥用量35.70 t/hm2处理的4个生长季土壤pH较CK分别显著升高了0.21、0.51、0.40和0.70个单位 (P < 0.05)。污泥堆肥农用提高了酸性水稻土中有机碳 (SOC)、易氧化有机碳 (ROC)、可溶性有机碳 (DOC) 和腐殖质碳 (HSC) 含量,同时也提高了碳酸钙 (CC) 和活性碳酸钙 (ACC) 含量,且增加幅度随污泥施用量的增加而上升。污泥用量为75.00 t/hm2时,土壤各有机碳组分和无机碳组分均显著高于CK (P < 0.05);污泥施用量 ≥ 7.50 t/hm2时,土壤ROC、DOC含量均显著高于CK (P < 0.05);污泥用量 ≥ 3.75 t/hm2时,土壤碳酸钙含量均显著高于CK (P < 0.05)。碳库管理指数在污泥施用量 ≥ 7.50 t/hm2时显著增加 (P < 0.05)。碳酸钙含量和pH在酸性水稻土上呈显著正相关关系 (P < 0.05);有机碳和无机碳含量之间也呈显著正相关关系 (P < 0.05)。  【结论】  施用37.50~75.00 t/hm2生活堆肥污泥可在短期甚至当季显著增加旱作酸性水稻土中有机和无机碳总量和活性有机碳含量,提高土壤pH,是改善旱作酸性水稻土质量的有效手段。综合之前对堆肥污泥农用重金属积累、微生物多样性及养分淋失风险的研究,长期施用堆肥污泥对土壤环境的影响尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

水稻土中铁氧化还原循环的光照水分效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水稻土中铁的氧化还原循环与CO2和CH4排放关系密切。采用恒温厌氧培养试验分别在黑暗、光照条件下研究了不同水分状况对水稻土中铁氧化还原过程、水溶性碳含量及CO2和CH4排放的影响。结果表明,水分和光照是调控土壤铁氧化还原过程及其耦合的碳转化过程的关键环境因子。避光时增加含水量缩短铁还原最大速率出现的时间,促进CH4排放。光照条件下含水量小于50%时增加含水量可促进亚铁的再氧化,大于50%时则抑制了亚铁的再氧化。避光时增加含水量可增加体系的水溶性无机碳含量(WSIC),WSIC与CH4的排放存在显著正相关关系。光照可显著降低体系的WSIC,降低幅度随含水量的增加而增大。在含水量25%~200%范围内,光照可使CO2和CH4排放量分别降低95.80%和96.08%。  相似文献   

This study was carried out during 3 different periods and in 24 various greenhouses. Average pH values of the irrigation water (7.61, 7.55, 7.29) and average soil pH values before fertigation (7.61, 7.57, 7.55) were measured. Average fertigation pH values were measured to be 6.80, 6.61 and 6.44. Depending on fertigation pH values, average soil pH values decreased at the rate of 0.52, 0.65 and 0.60 compared to those before fertigation. Although average soil pH decreased depending on acid doses used by growers in the greenhouse, this decrease was not sufficient. In conclusion, if growers fertilize with lower fertigation pH doses, availability of plant nutrients can be increased. Additionally, this may lead to less fertilizer use by increasing availability of fertilizers used in fertigation in soils that have calcareous and high pH values. It is clear that further studies should be done with this approach.  相似文献   

以辽宁省各地棕壤型、草甸土型水稻土为研究对象,探讨了不同开垦年限的棕壤型、草甸土型水稻土中还原性物质总量、活性还原性物质、络合态铁、水溶性亚铁、水溶性亚锰含量及其分布状况。结果表明,不同开垦年限供试水稻土随着开垦年限增加表层还原性物质总量、活性还原性物质、络合态铁、水溶性亚铁和水溶性亚锰含量明显增加,且均随土壤深度增加而减少,其积累主要集中在土壤上层。土壤络合态铁与还原性物质总量和活性还原性物质均呈极显著正相关,表层土壤有机质对铁、锰的络合减少了铁、锰元素向剖面下层的迁移数量。开垦10年以上,水稻土耕层中还原性物质就明显积累,直至60年,其积累量仍不断增加,因此生产上必须采取措施抑制水稻土中还原性物质的累积。  相似文献   

起垄和施肥对冷浸田土壤氧化还原状况的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过起垄和施肥试验, 研究不同措施对冷浸田土壤氧化还原状况的影响, 以期为冷浸田改良提供数据参考。结果表明, 冷浸田土壤氧化还原电位介于 48.5~ 198.0 mV之间, 远低于正常稻田(450~700 mV)。起垄使0~5 cm土层氧化还原电位有升高趋势, 但使>5 cm土层土壤氧化还原电位降低。冷浸田还原性物质总量变化范围为5.7~15.6 cmol·kg-1(起垄试验)和7.7~16.0 cmol·kg-1(施肥试验), 起垄在短期内会提高土壤还原性物质总量, 增施钾肥、锌肥和硅肥会降低土壤还原性物质总量, 而磷肥用量对土壤还原性物质基本无影响。0~25 cm和25~50 cm土层土壤Fe2+含量平均为3 388.92 mg·kg-1和3 356.39 mg·kg-1; 起垄60 d后, 土壤Fe2+含量随着起垄高度增加而逐渐降低; 与不施肥(CK)、氮磷钾(NPK)处理相比, 施钾量增加20%(NPK2)、增加硅肥(NPK+Si)和增加锌肥(NPK+Zn)可以大幅度降低土壤Fe2+含量; 0~25 cm土层土壤Fe2+含量高于25~50 cm土层。 起垄和施肥使冷浸田土壤Mn2+含量先降低后升高。  相似文献   


Co-situs is the placement with one application of a sufficient amount of controlled-release fertilizer for an entire growing season at any site, together with seeds or seedlings, without causing fertilizer salt injury. An experiment was conducted to find an efficient method for ameliorating Fe deficiency in two rice cultivars (cv. Tsukinohikari and cv. Sasanishiki) grown in a calcareous soil (pH 9.2, CaCO3 384 g kg?1), which was poor in organic matter (0.1 g kg?1) and available Fe (3.0 μg g?1 soil). The field treatments consisted of co-situs application of the following fertilizers: 1) controlled-release NPK fertilizer (CRF-NPK) containing no micronutrients; 2) controlled-release NPK fertilizer containing micronutrients (CRF-M1); and 3) controlled-release NPK fertilizer containing micronutrients (CRF-M2). The main difference between CRF-M1 and CRF-M2 was that the former had larger granules than the latter. All the fertilizers were placed in contact with the roots of rice seedlings at transplanting time. Plants in the CRF-M1 and CRF-M2 treatments had similar lengths, number of stems, leaf age, and leaf color (SPAR value) during the cultivation period. By contrast, plants from the CRF-NPK treatments grew poorly, showed severe chlorosis symptoms of Fe deficiency, and all died on 30 DAT. Plants of both cultivars accumulated more macroand micronutrients with the CRF-M2 treatment than with the CRF-M1 treatment. The grain yield of cv. Tsukinohikari was 0.0, 1,910, and 2,160 kg ha?1 for the CRF-NPK, CRF-M1, and CRF-M2 treatments, respectively, and 0.0, 2,490, and 2,860 kg ha?1 for the same treatments for cv. Nihonbare. Chlorosis due to iron deficiency was successfully ameliorated and world-average grain yields were obtained with the co-sites application of both controlled-release fertilizers.  相似文献   

To understand how soil color is influenced by soil components at the farm scale, we evaluated spatial variation in soil color and related soil properties in Japanese paddy fields. After harvest of rice, 246 surface soil samples were collected in 10-m grids from five contiguous irrigated paddy fields, each with an area of about 0.5 ha. The samples were analyzed to determine color parameters (L*, a*, and b*), and contents of total C, total N, Fe oxides, sand, and loss-on-ignition. The results obtained were modeled and mapped geostatistically. All color parameters indicated strong spatial dependence with long ranges (>85 m). In contrast, total C and N showed short ranges (about 40 m). The contents of Fe oxides, sand, and loss-on-ignition showed intermediate ranges (50–85 m). The ranges of these properties and their distribution patterns suggested that the contents of total C and N were influenced by long-term application of manure and that sand content was influenced by topography and past land consolidation. Further soil color analysis after removal of organic matter or silt plus clay particles revealed that soil organic matter, texture, and Fe oxides affected soil color parameters in a complex manner. Prediction of total C from soil darkness was hindered by the presence of silt plus clay particles containing Fe oxides. On the other hand, citrate-dithionite extractable Fe was estimated accurately from the b* value (yellowness), which can be useful for predicting the occurrence of akiochi (autumn decline) disease of rice at the farm scale.  相似文献   

土壤水分和植物残体对紫色水稻土有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
采用为期62.d的实验室恒温(281)℃培养方法,研究了土壤水分和植物残体对紫色水稻土有机碳矿化的影响。结果表明,紫色水稻土有机碳矿化速率在培养30.d后基本达到稳定,好气条件下土壤有机碳累积矿化量高于淹水条件,且差异达到极显著水平。用一级动力学方程对植物残体的矿化速率进行拟合表明,好气条件下,植物残体的分解速率常数(k值)大小顺序为蚕豆秸秆玉米秸秆水稻秸秆,而淹水条件则为水稻秸秆蚕豆秸秆玉米秸秆。水分状况和植物残体化学组分的差异影响紫色水稻土中有机碳的动态变化,最终导致碳累积矿化量差异。  相似文献   

Wang  Xugang  Sun  Lirong  Chen  Zhihuai  Guo  Dayong  Fan  Haolong  Xu  Xiaofeng  Shi  Zhaoyong  Chen  Xianni 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(8):3171-3180

The iron redox cycle is closely tied to the fate of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, especially paddy soils. Varies diurnally and seasonally, light—the crucial environmental factor—may be a fundamental factor elucidating temporal and spatial variabilities of carbon-containing gases emission. The role of sunlight in the iron-mediated carbon cycle, however, has not been fully elucidated. We conduct this study to test the role of light in the iron-mediated carbon cycling.

Materials and methods

In this study, we conducted anaerobic incubation experiments of a calcareous paddy soil in serum vials under alternating dark and light conditions. The dynamic evolution of the carbon and iron contents was evaluated by measuring the CO2, CH4, and O2 concentrations in the headspace of the vials, as well as the water-soluble inorganic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and HCl-extractable ferrous iron contents in soil slurries. We also analyzed the soil microbial community structure by high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing.

Results and discussion

The results highlighted the positive correlation between carbon mineralization and ferric iron reduction under dark conditions. Under light conditions, however, ferrous iron was oxidized by the O2 generated via oxygenic photosynthesis of phototrophic bacteria such as Cyanobacteria, along with a decreased production of CO2, CH4, and water-soluble inorganic carbon. The abundance of Cyanobacteria positively correlated to O2 levels and MBC content significantly. Light-induced periodic variations in the redox conditions facilitated carbon fixation in microbial biomass and up to 31.79 μmol g?1 carbon was sequestrated during 30 days light incubation.


These results indicate that light inhibits the emission of carbon-containing greenhouse gases associated with the iron redox cycle in calcareous paddy soil. Assimilation of inorganic carbon by phototrophs may responsible for the inhibition of carbon mineralization. Our study suggests that procedures allowing more light to reach the soil surface, for instance, reducing the planting density, may mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and promote carbon sequestration in paddy soils.


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