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松嫩平原西部土壤盐碱化特征研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
大尺度的盐化和碱化特征及其关系研究,对于充分认识苏打盐碱土特征和农业高效利用具有重要意义.本文以松嫩平原西部典型县市为研究区,在采集126份土壤样品的基础上,测定其盐化与碱化指标,分析了该地区盐碱化特征.松嫩平原西部盐渍土盐分组成总体上以苏打(Na2CO3)和小苏打(NaHCO3)为主.Na+离子占土壤阳离子总量的比例多在70%以上,CO32-和HCO-3离子在阴离子中占优势.电导率(y)和土壤全盐含量(x)建立的回归方程为y=0.098 5 x+0.174 2(R2=0.941),用电导率来表示土壤含盐量具有可行性.采集的样品中,盐渍化土壤所占的比例比较大,pH强碱性土壤比例较高.pH与总碱度呈指数关系(R2=0.967 7),土壤盐化的同时发生着碱化现象.不同土壤类型,盐土的电导率最高,其次是碱土和草甸土,pH均较高.耕地的盐碱化程度好于草地.本研究可以为松嫩平原盐碱土改良与利用以及区域生态环境建设提供理论基础.  相似文献   

松嫩平原盐碱草地主要植物群落土壤酶活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘淑慧  康跃虎  万书勤  张体彬 《土壤》2012,44(4):601-605
采用现场采样及室内测试方法,研究了松嫩平原盐碱草地主要植物群落羊草(Leymus chinensis)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、虎尾草(Chloris virgata)、碱茅(Puccinellia tenuiflora)、碱蓬(Suaeda glauca)以及盐碱荒地上土壤磷酸酶、脲酶和蔗糖酶的酶活性值以及垂直分布规律,并对3种酶活性与各理化因子之间进行了相关分析。结果表明:羊草群落的磷酸酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶活性值均为最高,芦苇、虎尾草群落土壤的酶活性值也较高,碱茅群落的土壤酶活性较低,而碱蓬群落土壤酶活性值最低,接近于盐碱荒地上土壤酶活性值。各植物群落的土壤酶活性垂直分布多表现为随着土壤深度的加深而呈现依次递减的规律,且表层(0~10 cm)土壤酶活性在所有根层总酶活性中所占的比例最大,占根层(0~40 cm)土壤酶活性的50%以上。土壤酶与土壤理化因子相关分析表明,土壤的土壤酶活性大多与EC、pH值显著负相关,对土壤酶活性影响较大;土壤酶活性与土壤养分正相关,脲酶与其相关性较大,蔗糖酶与养分的相关关系不是很明显。  相似文献   

松嫩平原低平易涝区土壤盐分的季节性变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴英 《土壤》1997,29(2):92-95
松嫩平原低平易涝区地势低平,排水不畅,涝、渍灾害时有发生,严重限制了本区的农业发展。针对这一特点,进行了土壤盐分季节性变化的定位观测,初步查明了该区黑土与草甸土剖面盐分组成、耕层土壤盐分季节性变化和冻结期土壤剖面盐分变化的规律,为其综合治理提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

松嫩平原盐渍化水田土壤表观电导率空间变异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用电磁感应仪EM38结合GPS定位,以盐渍化水田为研究对象,通过经典统计学和地统计学相结合的方法研究了盐渍土区新开水田表观电导率的空间变异特征,分析了土壤表观电导率与土壤盐碱指标关系。结果表明,经典统计分析土壤水平方向表观电导率(ECh)与垂直方向表观电导率(ECv)均为中度空间变异强度,且符合正态分布。地统计分析表明,ECh和ECv均具有强空间相关性,其变异特征主要是由结构性因素引起的,半方差拟合最优模型为指数模型。且ECh和ECv空间分布在一定范围内存在相似性,均表现为不同表观电导率的土壤呈斑块和条带状镶嵌分布。Pearson分析显示,土壤表观电导率与盐碱化指标土壤电导率(EC1︰5)和碱化度(ESP)呈正相关关系(P0.05),相关系数大于0.8。回归分析表明,土壤表观电导率与EC1︰5和ESP均为指数函数关系,决定系数大于0.76。ECh与土壤盐碱化指标相关系数和决定系数均大于ECv,因此可以用水平方向土壤表观电导率ECh来反映土壤的盐碱化程度。该研究可以为土壤盐分空间变异理论与盐碱地改良实践相结合的研究思路提供理论基础,为盐碱地实施定位、定区清除或消减土壤盐碱的均质化改良技术提供数据支持。  相似文献   

松嫩平原土壤水盐动态规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对设于松嫩平原嫩江右岸引嫩江水工程区域内的土壤水盐动态观测点多年研究结果表明,基    本无盐渍化的总干段土壤较通水前土壤盐分与pH值以及地下水pH值和盐分有减有增,但减多增少,说    明优质、低盐分嫩江水引入后土壤向改善方向发展,而土壤盐渍化重又无排水工程的莎分干段则相反,盐    渍加重重.北部引嫩江水工程是成功的,关键是必需有排水系统和排水出路.  相似文献   

松嫩平原土壤次生盐渍化过程模型研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
分析了松嫩平原土壤盐渍化过程的特殊性,认为本区土壤盐渍化地球化学模型的建立,必须同时考虑离子交换这一重要的地球化学过程,并提取出土壤盐分迁移的滞留因子R.建立了土壤次生盐渍化地球化学过程模型,探讨了模型的求解方法,模型计算与实测结果表现出较好的拟合度.同时利用该模型对不同环境、不同时间尺度条件下土壤剖面的水分及盐分状况进行了预测.  相似文献   

松嫩平原北部土壤重金属背景值及累积特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以松嫩平原北部作为研究区,以多目标区域地球化学调查成果作为数据基础,采用多元统计与地统计相结合的方法,对土壤重金属背景值及累计特征进行研究。结果表明:(1)松嫩平原北部土壤重金属背景值与1986年测得的背景值相比,As、Cr、Cd、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn均升高;在不同地貌单元条件下,背景值差异显著;(2)分别以全区域和地貌单元条件下的背景值作为参考标准,表层重金属Hg、Cd、Cr均产生了累积;较全区域背景值而言,不同地貌条件下的背景值更能反映重金属累积状况;(3)松嫩平原北部重金属空间分布含量较高的区域主要集中在中东部,而在西南部相对较低。  相似文献   

松嫩平原两种覆被盐渍化特征的时空变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对2003年6~10月羊草草地和大豆地的盐渍化特征(含水量、pH值和含盐量)的动态变化进行分析,并对比2种土地覆被类型之间的变化差异,结果发现:羊草草地和大豆地含水量变化与采样区降雨量的变化有相同趋势,但在采样初期和末期,大豆地含水量要大于羊草草地;对于pH值和含盐量,在土壤剖面0~60cm,两种覆被类型不同层次动态变化一致,大豆地变化的一致性可达到更深层次,但是其峰值要比羊草草地滞后20天左右出现,同时2种土地覆被类型pH值和含盐量的峰值均滞后于含水量的峰值。单因素方差分析表明采样期内2种土地覆被含水量在剖面40~80cm差异显著,而pH值则是在整个剖面都有显著差异,含盐量在20~60cm剖面深度差异显著。2种覆被类型各个剖面深度10月17日的pH值、含水量比6月7日有所上升,含盐量则刚好相反。  相似文献   

松嫩平原西部土地整理对盐渍化土壤的改良效果   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为了研究松嫩平原西部土地整理对盐渍化土壤的改良效果,以吉林省白城市镇赉县土地整理项目区为研究区域,采用野外采样与室内分析相结合的方法,分析了原耕地、盐碱地和新增耕地土壤电导率、阳离子总量、阴离子总量、碱化度、pH值、有机质以及阳离子交换量等指标的差异。结果表明:在0~20和﹥20~40 cm土层上,新增耕地土壤电导率显著低于盐碱地44.9%和37.0%(P0.05),显著高于原耕地35.7%和58.6%(P0.05);新增耕地阳离子总量和阴离子总量均显著低于盐碱地(P0.05);盐碱地土壤碱化度在37.0%~38.2%之间,pH值接近10.0,为重度碱化土壤,新增耕地土壤碱化度在18.0%~21.6%之间,pH值低于9.0,为中度碱化土壤,其土壤碱化程度与原耕地接近;新增耕地土壤有机质显著高于盐碱地33.4%和61.3%(P0.05),在0~20 cm土层上显著低于原耕地21.5%(P0.05);新增耕地阳离子交换量比盐碱地提高16.7%和25.1%(不显著,P0.05),同时显著高于原耕地4.8%和11.0%(P0.05)。典范对应分析表明,土壤盐渍化、肥力指标和土壤离子组成与样地类型分布存在着空间上的有序关系,样地类型由盐碱地向新增耕地的变化,在土壤理化性质层面是盐渍化指标降低、肥力指标升高的过程;在土壤离子组成层面是HCO3-、CO32-和Na+等离子含量降低的过程。总体来看,松嫩平原西部土地整理能有效改良盐渍化土壤,但新增耕地土壤质量仍低于原耕地,建议在土地整理中通过完善灌溉与排水系统、将土地平整工程与深耕深松和增施有机肥相结合及采用生物措施等提升盐渍化土壤的改良效果。  相似文献   

土壤剖面观察及描述是土壤分类的基础工作,而各层次性状分析是土壤健康评估的重要参考指标。以松嫩平原为主要研究区域,选取4 种不同类型土壤:黑钙土(HGT)、厚层黑土(HHT)、薄层黑土(BHT)、风沙土(FST),在垂直和水平两种空间尺度上开展剖面对比调查工作。调查结果指出,4 种土壤中HHT 和BHT 质地最为黏重,而FST 质地最轻。另外,除FST 外,其他3 种土壤随土层深度增加砂粒含量逐渐升高,HGT、HHT、BHT 分别升高了21%、125%、122%,质地逐渐变轻。土壤剖面颜色随土层深度增加而逐渐加深,HHT 剖面整体颜色较其他土壤相比较深。土壤pH 随土层深度加深呈逐渐升高的趋势,HGT、HHT、BHT、FST 分别提高了58%、44%、22%、37%,HHT 土体pH 显著高于其他土壤类型(P<0.05)。土壤有机碳(SOC)随剖面深度增加呈下降的趋势,HGT、HHT、BHT、FST 中SOC 含量分别降低了21%、41%、26%、23%,其中HHT 在0 ~ 60 cm土层中SOC 含量显著高于其他类型土壤。土壤养分含量随剖面深度加深同样呈逐渐降低的趋势,4 种类型土壤中碱解氮、速效钾和有效磷含量随土层加深分别降低了38.1% ~ 68.2%、46.3% ~ 98.3% 和100%。综合分析,在垂直空间尺度上,土壤随深度增加发育程度减弱,有机质及养分含量降低,表层土壤酸化现象显著。在水平空间尺度上,厚层黑土的发育程度高于其他类型土壤。  相似文献   

CropSyst作物模型在松嫩平原典型黑土区的校正和验证   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对CropSyst作物模拟模型进行修订和验证,应用该模型对松嫩平原黑土区主要作物的生产潜力进行了模拟,并对作物生产力模拟的有效方法进行了初步探索。模拟结果表明,对于主要作物的经济产量、全生育期蒸散量、收获时的地上生物量,模拟值与实测值较为接近。模拟值和实测值的均方根误差RMSE为3.59%(小麦地上生物量)~8.02%(小麦产量),模拟性能指数EF最小为0.76(玉米蒸散量),最大为0.90(小麦产量)。  相似文献   

Abstract. The saline–sodic soils of the dryland Songnen Plain in northeast China are only slowly permeable to fresh water because of their large content of montmorillinite clay and sodium bicarbonate. Use of slightly saline groundwater containing adequate dissolved calcium and magnesium for leaching and reclamation can potentially prevent dispersion of the clay soil particles during treatment. Amelioration was evaluated using shallow, mildly saline groundwater to irrigate sorghum–corn rotations in a two-year field experiment. After two growing seasons during which a total of 400 mm of leaching water was applied, in addition to some supplemental irrigation water, the average electrical conductivity (ECe) of the top 1.2 m of the soil profile decreased from 14.5±3.5 to 2.7±0.2 dS m−1, and the sodium absorption ratio (SARe) decreased from 35.3±4.1 to 10.1±2.5 (meq L−1)0.5. The soil physical properties were improved: infiltration rate with mildly saline groundwater increased from 12.1 to 42 mm h−1. Salinity changes in the top 1.2 m of soil layers after 700 mm of leaching produced no further improvement. Crop yields produced on plots undergoing amelioration increased by 64–562% compared with the rainfed control. The improved soil conditions after leaching resulted in 59–548% greater crop yields.  相似文献   

于婧  聂艳  周勇  刘凡 《土壤学报》2009,46(5):938-944
随着精准农业的兴起,土壤学家们对土壤特征的空间结构研究投注了较多的热情和关注,在空间结构的拟合、多要素的协同效应、空间模拟结果的田间应用等方面均取得了一定的成果[1~3],然而对于同一土壤性状,不同的研究者所获取的变异特征往往相差很大[4]。土壤学家们认为,在不同研究中除了区域之间自然环境条件的差异以外,采样的空间尺度大小不一是形成研究结果较大分异的主要因素,人们将土壤特征变化对采样尺度的依赖,即某种空间结构特征只能在一定的采样尺度下表现出来的现象称为“尺度效应”[5],目前多数涉及空间变异的研究均会明确指出其选择的空间尺度[6~8],以解决和说明对应尺度的实际问题和应用难题。有少量报道专门论  相似文献   

松嫩平原西部盐碱湿地“稻-苇-鱼”模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松嫩平原西部有盐碱化土地373万hm2,其中盐碱化湿地100万hm2,土地盐碱化成为制约区域农业发展的重要因素。针对区内盐碱化湿地特点,建立了种植业与养殖业有机结合的"稻-苇-鱼"生态模式。盐碱湿地"稻-苇-鱼"系统的种群多样性增加,水分利用效率和肥料利用率提高。该系统中,稻田排水是苇田水源,水中的浮游生物为鱼类提供了饵料,湖泡底泥还田,提高了稻田有机质含量,改善了土壤结构。该模式实施10年后,稻田土壤盐分含量由开垦前的4.54g/kg下降到2.98g/kg,土壤有机质由开垦前的16.43g/kg增加到24.45g/kg。通过对"稻-苇-鱼"系统模型参数调控,可实现对系统目标的控制。  相似文献   

松嫩平原盐渍土钠吸附比推算土壤碱化度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) are commonly used to assess soil sodicity.Correlation between ESP and SAR of saturated pasted extract (SAR e) or of 1:5 (m:m) mixture soil to water (SAR 1:5) has been documented to predict ESP from SAR.However limited studies have been undertaken to model soil ESP based on soil SAR in the Songnen Plain,Northeast China.In this study,117 soil samples were used to predict ESP from SAR e and SAR 1:5 of salt-affected soils in western Songnen Plain.Soil ESP was highly related (r 2 > 0.76,P < 0.001) with SAR e and SAR 1:5.ESP of salt-affected soils in the Songnen Plain could be predicted using a logarithmic regression equations of ESP=10.72 · ln(SAR e) 15.36 and ESP=11.44 · ln(SAR 1:5) + 5.48.  相似文献   



Methanotrophs in wetlands are of great importance because up to 90 % of the methane (CH4) produced in such wetlands could be oxidized by methanotrophs before reaching the atmosphere. The Xianghai wetland of Songnen Plain represents an important ecosystem in northeast China. However, methanotrophic characteristics in this ecosystem have not been studied in detail. The aim of this study is to give an overview of methanotrophic diversity and vertical distribution in the sediments of this important wetland.

Materials and methods

Sediment cores were collected from three freshwater marshes, each dominated by a particular vegetation type: Carex alata, Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis. The diversity of methanotrophs was studied by phylogenetic analysis of both the 16S rRNA gene and the particulate methane monooxygenase (pmoA) gene. Methanotroph abundance was determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR) targeting the pmoA gene; group-specific pmoA gene quantification was also used to estimate the abundance of each methanotrophic group.

Results and discussion

16S rRNA and pmoA gene homological analysis revealed the presence of type Ia, Ib and II methanotrophs. Novel pmoA sequences distantly affiliated to cultured Methylococcus sp. were detected, implying the existence of novel methanotrophs in the wetland. Most obtained representatives of Methylobacter genus (both 16S rRNA and pmoA genes) were closely clustered in relation to sequences acquired from the Zoige wetland, Tibet and Siberia permafrost soils, therefore suggesting methanotrophs belonging to Methylobacter genus shared characteristics with methanotrophs in cold areas. The dominance of type I methanotrophs (especially the Methylobacter genus) was detected by both clone library analysis and group-specific qPCR assay. The relatively high methanotroph diversity and pmoA copy numbers measured in the T. orientalis marsh sediments indicated that vegetation type played an important role during CH4 oxidation in the wetland.


We present the first data set on methanotroph diversity and vertical distribution in the sediments of the Xianghai wetland. DNA sequences information of Methylococcus-like methanotrophs in the wetland will facilitate the isolating of novel methanotrophs from the wetland. In a worldwide context, our study has enriched the database of genotypic diversity of methanotrophs, which will help in the understanding of the geographical distribution of methanotrophic communities.  相似文献   

Zhou  Meng  Liu  Xiaobing  Meng  Qingfeng  Zeng  Xiannan  Zhang  Jizhou  Li  Dawei  Wang  Jie  Du  Weiling  Ma  Xianfa 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(10):3521-3533

Serious soil salinization, including excessive exchangeable sodium and high pH, significantly decreases land productivity. Reducing salinity and preventing alkalization in saline-sodic soils by comprehensive improvement practices are urgently required. The combinations of aluminum sulfate with different types of fertilizer at different rates were applied on rice paddy with saline-sodic soils of the Songnen Plain in Northeast China to improve soil quality and its future utilization.

Materials and methods

Experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block design. Twelve treatments with aluminum sulfate at the rates of 0, 250, 500, and 750 kg hm?2 with inorganic, bio-organic, and organic-inorganic compound fertilizers were performed. Soil pH, electronic conductivity (EC), cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), total alkalinity, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), soil organic carbon (SOC), available nutrients, soluble ions, rice growth, and yield in the saline-sodic soils were measured across all treatments. The relationships among the measured soil attributes were determined using one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and systematic cluster analysis.

Results and discussion

The pH, EC, ESP, total alkalinity, SAR, Na+, CO32?, and HCO3? in saline-sodic soil were significantly decreased, while CEC, SOC, available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK), K+, and SO42? were significantly increased due to the combined application of aluminum sulfate with fertilizer compared with the fertilizer alone. The most effective treatment in reducing salinity and preventing alkalization was aluminum sulfate at a rate of 500 kg hm?2 with organic-inorganic compound fertilizer. This treatment significantly decreased the soil pH, EC, ESP, total alkalinity, SAR, Na+, and HCO3? by 5.3%, 28.9%, 41.1%, 39.3%, 22.4%, 23.5%, and 35.9%, but increased CEC, SOC, AN, AP, AK, K+, SO42?, rice height, seed setting rate, 1000-grain weight, and yield by 77.5%, 115.5%, 106.3%, 47.1%, 43.3%, 200%, 40%, 6.2%, 43.9%, 20.3%, and 42.2%, respectively, compared with CK treatment in the leaching layer.


The combined application by aluminum sulfate at a rate of 500 kg hm?2 with organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is an effective amendment of saline-sodic soils in Songnen Plain, Northeast China. These results are likely related to the leaching of Na+ from the soil leaching layer to the salt accumulation layer and desalination in the surface soil, and the increase of SOC improved the colloidal properties and increased fertilizer retention in soil. In addition, the environmental impact of aluminum sulfate applied to soil needs to be further studied.


华北地区典型农田土壤有机质和养分的空间异质性   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原是我国重要的粮食生产基地,研究华北平原土壤有机质及养分的丰缺状况对于区域农业生态系统的可持续性发展具有重要意义。本研究选取华北平原典型农田,通过设置北线、中线、南线3条研究线路,在省域尺度上研究土壤有机质和养分的空间异质性及其平衡状况。结果表明,研究区域内土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾平均含量分别为14.0±3.5 g/kg、0.98±0.28 g/kg、76.6±21.6 mg/kg、18.6±9.9 mg/kg,136.1±42.7 mg/kg,除全氮和有效磷外,有机质及其余养分在不同线路间无显著差异。有效磷在靠近黄河、土壤pH值较高的南线上显著偏低。土壤有机质及养分均为中等程度变异,有效磷的变异系数(47.8%)显著高于有机质及其余土壤养分(24.3%~31.6%)。土壤碳氮比介于4.2~14.3间,平均为8.6,低于全国平均水平。土壤有机质和各养分均较1980年有所增加,主要原因可能是华北平原长期以来投入了大量的有机、无机肥。华北平原农田配方施肥应该考虑增施有机肥、减少氮素化肥的投入。  相似文献   

To study the seasonal variability of soil inorganic nitrogen (N) across borders at the woodland-farmland ecotone and potential mechanisms, contents of soil inorganic N were measured during the dry season (May 20 and June 30) and the rainy season (August 10 and September 20) of 2006 in the Songnen Plain of Northeast China. The borders between farmland and woodland were determined by a border-and-ecotone detection analysis (BEDA). The ecotone limits, often referred to as the depth-of-edge influence (DEI), are critical for determining the scale at which edge effect operates. The results showed that the soil inorganic N border between the woodland and farmland was located further toward the woodland interior during the rainy season (DEI = 53.4 ± 8.7 m, August 10) than during the dry season (DEI = 35.0 ± 12.6 m, May 20). The seasonal variability in the soil inorganic N border was found to be associated with seasonal changes of deposition flux of N (the correlation coefficients between them for the dry season and rainy season were 0.61 and 0.67, respectively), which resulted from foliation patterns of trees and crops. Accordingly, the leaf area index at woodland edges was lower than that in the woodland interior, so woodland edges captured large amounts of atmosphere nitrogen deposition. The average DEI was 44.1 m, which was in accordance with the values of other temperate forest boundaries in literatures; therefore, BEDA was an appropriate method to estimate the borders of ecotones.  相似文献   

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